Re: Considering making BK3 V2 X free

2018-03-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SBGgamer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Considering making BK3 V2 X free

Hey whats up guys. I thought I would post in here as a fan of bk3, who lost ihs save file, roflmao.Nyanchan:Just [[wow]]!Your games have been enjoyable from the verry beginning. I wish you best of luck in your new version of bk3, and I can't pay, but I'm not completely sure about that. it would be nice if you got like a starter weapon or something if you payed? and just the normal game when ya don't?


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Re: Considering making BK3 V2 X free

2018-03-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : The Imaginatrix via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Considering making BK3 V2 X free

Donationware sounds good to me too. It would mean that I could get the game when it came out but that I could later give you money when finances allowed. Your hard work is most definitely worth it. BK3 is a lot of fun already! 


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Re: Considering making BK3 V2 X free

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : vaibhavbhandari via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Considering making BK3 V2 X free

I also think that donationware is a good idea and if this game launches I'll be waiting for it!  I have loved the BK series. 


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Re: Considering making BK3 V2 X free

2018-02-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : electro via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Considering making BK3 V2 X free

Donationware I like it.


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Re: Considering making BK3 V2 X free

2018-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : burak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Considering making BK3 V2 X free

Donationware is a good idea.


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Re: Considering making BK3 V2 X free

2018-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : pulseman45 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Considering making BK3 V2 X free

@11: I like the idea, I think I'd pay 30 bucks no problem for the package you described.


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Re: Considering making BK3 V2 X free

2018-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : nyanchan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Considering making BK3 V2 X free

Thank you everyone for your opinions and encouragements! It isn't something immediately determined, but you're certainly helping me.


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Re: Considering making BK3 V2 X free

2018-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Considering making BK3 V2 X free

Well what about charge for the game, but have people buy into the development of it not just the game itself.So Usually you would play the full game, but well you buy into the alpha or beta or prerelease of the game, future updates to the game you got brought will be free, once the game transitions to live you get it free.You then could include bonuses you could get along the way depend where you set your prices, say 10 bucks just gets you the game final version 15 the testing builds to or get new stuff as it unlocks, 20, the soundtrack.30, all sound traks for bk 1 2 and 3, and so on and so on.You could have a teer where you got all things as well as the games sound libs, resources on the game language, the ability to develop other things and other user things.I remember this with futureboy which sadly I have but the company is no more.You had firstly a download version for cheap, I think 10 bucks, then a simple cd version of the game in your choice of os for I think 15 bucks.Then the full game, all oses, full case, artwork, manual, the programming language which was used hugo, and 3 programming guides and I got the top teer, I never used the guides, maybe I should I still have them.


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Re: Considering making BK3 V2 X free

2018-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : pulseman45 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Considering making BK3 V2 X free

I believe everything has been said. And yes, I also think it could be a donationware. I guess one may still give away the game for people who can't buy/donate for it, just like A Hero's Call. I'd be willing to do it if it has to happen.


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Re: Considering making BK3 V2 X free

2018-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : pulseman45 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Considering making BK3 V2 X free

I believe everything has been said. And yes, I also think it could be a donationware Guess one may still organize give-aways for people who can't buy/donate for the game, just like A Hero's Call. I'd be willing to do it if it has to happen.


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Re: Considering making BK3 V2 X free

2018-02-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Considering making BK3 V2 X free

Donationware as said above is a good idea. I think you would need an english section of your site though so people can make donations. Maybe a section at the top that asks which language you speak like Oriol Gomez. If you hear nothing or letter letter letter, just go down one until you hear english or something like that, then you get the english section of the site. That way you could sort of run parallel english and Japanese donations to the same paypal.


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Re: Considering making BK3 V2 X free

2018-02-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : gamedude via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Considering making BK3 V2 X free

I just wanted to chime in and say that I completely agree that any payment towards BK3 (or anything in the BK series really) is well deserved. The replayability and amount of content that BK3 contains alone is beyond impressive, and recent developers have asked for a lot more for less. It's an incredible game, and regardless of how large the expansion will be, I feel that for all of the work that's gone into this series, any form of payment asked from the community is well earned. The series has set a bar for AudioGames that, in my opinion, has only been met by two other incredible paid titles. There aren't many games/products that I would be willing to barrel through interesting translations from Google for.  (I'm talking back before the translation project) It's one of the few games that I can play for hours and have a great time. Thanks for such a great title, and I'll definitely continue to lend my support. It's worth it.


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Re: Considering making BK3 V2 X free

2018-02-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : kianoosh via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Considering making BK3 V2 X free

Hello. I'm not trying to mean any harsh, I'm not trying to say that you don't deserve any payments.I know how hard you tryed on that project, how hard it could be when you were fixing those bugs, coding stages, getting those guys together to release the translation, I know they were and are so hard that if someone say that it doesn't deserve any money it's cruel but to be honest I'm a bk3 player for a long long time. I like it and even after playing so so long still have not unlocked some weapons like clone generator. But after all, what i want to say is that people like me are really not able to purchase things with pay pal, dollars and stuff like these. No matter if you get 5 sent or 5 dollar. Pay pal is blocked in here, credit cards are even harder to be found, (I never have seen someone here having a credit card as far as i can remember) thus we can't pay for it. I think if you really don't need the money(that much), make it free so everyone may enjoy it. It's your choice though. I was just trying o interduse how things work in countries like myne


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Re: Considering making BK3 V2 X free

2018-02-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : flackers via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Considering making BK3 V2 X free

I second the donationware idea.


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Re: Considering making BK3 V2 X free

2018-02-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : nuno69 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Considering making BK3 V2 X free

OK, so here I am.BK3 is a great game, tuth, it would be good to buy some DLCs, but on the other hands, as you have stated some people really cannot purchase the game due to for example financial reasons, so why just not make the game donation ware? People would pay if they want, and how much they want.


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Re: Considering making BK3 V2 X free

2018-02-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Considering making BK3 V2 X free

Personally, I was very happy to buy the translation project and would be equally happy to pay to support future game development given the exceptional quality of the game. it's not a matter of how much time or effort the developer thinks they deserve to be paid for, after all we have all seen  cases of developers who charge a lot of money for  something with little playability or replay value, or of developers who do amazing freeware projects that really could be commercial. i'd say myself it's a matter of the end product and whether that end product seems like one which players would pay for, plus whether the developer in question is one whom players would be willing to support. This is true whether it's a game extention, a dlc addon,  or an entirely new game. obviously this is a subjective matter indeed and some people will or will not be willing to pay for different things, but based on the work I've seen from Nyanchan games I'd definitely say that yes, people (including me), would! be willing to pay for more Bk3 content, especially! if it helps support further development down the line.


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Re: Considering making BK3 V2 X free

2018-02-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : razvitasca via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Considering making BK3 V2 X free

Hi Nyanchanfirst of all congratulations for making bk series one of the greatest I ever played. the hard work and joy you put in them really deserves some form of payment, I thinkI bought the translation for bk III and I felt really great cause I could share my congratulations to you as well by giving you money for your hard this is why I think you need to make bk II v2 payd, cause all of these games contain lots of content, secrets and replayability and they really changed the sidescroller genre, in my opinion.I don't know what other users will say about making it payd or free, but this is my opinion. besides, I also know some people wont buy it cause of regional or money problems.congratulations one more timesorry if my post above wasn't quite clear, i'm still improving at English 


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Re: Considering making BK3 V2 X free

2018-02-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Considering making BK3 V2 X free

Hi.You have seriously deserved to get payed for all you are doing. The question is: When is something worth paying for? You could make purchaseable DLCs, so people could play without paying. But if they want the extra features, they have to pay. It would be a shame to release the translation as freeware, when having put that much work into the project... Just my thoughts on this...


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Considering making BK3 V2 X free

2018-02-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : nyanchan via Audiogames-reflector


Considering making BK3 V2 X free

Hi.It has been a while since I last spoke about my development related news. You may already know that I'm not spending as much time as before for audiogame development due to my job and university, but I just randomly thought and decided to update something which may interest you but may also draw some controversy here.For those who don't want to read through my ranting, I'll write the main topic first. I'm seriously considering making Bokurano Daibouken V2 X less expanded than planned and completely free. Of course I'd happy to know what you think. Now, a long post below.I had stated that I would release BK3 V2 X after completing the translation project. Now it's completed as promised, but V2 X has not come yet. First I want to clarify why it is happening.When I started working on the translation, I expected I would be university when it was completed and I would be spending lots of time developing games, so I planned the V2 X expansion. However, now I have multiple jobs and non-audiogame-related projects, plus I have to do them in parallel with university. Thus, I'm unable to focus on one project which is required to develop something worth for everyone to pay. I cannot work with my full capacity to develop games, but I do not want to leave this world. I had to come up with something would satisfy me and players. Then I got the idea of making the game free instead of less expansion.The basic idea is like this. Actually I have already implemented some core systems planned in V2 X E.G. the alternate stage 19, leveling up cats, gamepad support and custom enemy behaviors. First I will unlock them. Then, do whatever I want, same as before. I still do not know the translation pack should be a donation-and-reward style for V2 or not.I think making the game free has following pros:- Of course you do not have to pay to play- I can do freely without feeling any pressure that it must be worth to pay- People who cannot pay for regional or finantial reasons can play, even if the written translation might not be available- I do not have to wait until all planned features are implemented because all are free updates- Honestly, more feasibleI'm open for revealing any information about the game if available, and also open for any feedbacks or discussion topics. I just wanted to make sure that my previous statement wouldn't be a empty promise.


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