Re: Looking for Alpha testers for Crime Lord

2017-10-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for Alpha testers for Crime Lord

@LL:You can't just rely on a voice though or an age...everyone is different though, you get 15-16 year olds who can handle mature stuff, you get 45 year olds who can't, it goes both ways so IMO you should be willing to at least  take the best people regardless of ageAlso for the blacklisting, that's actually pretty commmon in gaming as a whole and it didn't, to me, come off as  too harsh, it comes off as fairly standard procedure really, you share stuff that's not out there for public viewing, you face what's coming. That being said I doubt you'll go to the lengths of suing anyone in court for breach of contract (sorta alluding to what Crash said up there) but leaking stuff is nothing to take lightly...if anything if it was me I'd be even stronger on the blacklisting and if I had the funds actually get at least legal advice on if I could pursue anyone who was proven to have leaked stuffThen again, I spent six long years in the AAA gaming industry so I'm coming at it from the mindset of alright, developing a game, things NEED to be kept secret, let the PR guys and girls do thier work,don't leak anything@Dark:Blacklisting is like I said a common threat though, it's even as simple as if somebody at a PR firm doesnt't like you, bang, blacklisted for doing absolutely nothing. Score  a game one review point too low? Blacklisted! (And noI am not making those  examples upthey have happened to reviewers. Jeff Gurstman anyone, fired for giving Kane and Lynch a deserved slating and then Gamespot fired and blacklisted himand he went off to found Giant Bomb and...eventually sold that to Gamespot)I didn't find anything wrong with the original wording bar my points about the age, which is a big red flag in my book that it's 18 or older when as I said to LL, you can find some immature 18 year olds who can't handle the world, and you find some 13-15 year olds that can handle it just fine. It all depends on the person, really..@LL (again)I'd honestly suggest interviewing each applicant and putting aside their age and focus on if they are mature and if they can handle the subject matter of the game, and don't be afraid to remove people who aren't or aren't doing the testing.To go back to my SMS days, in that the teters had towelltest, you'd be amazed how many people just got the latest build on a weekend, tested for five minutes, didn't gie any feedback (which was an actual requirement) then disappeared till the next dev update, and so on, and so forthit was a lot of testers who did that. THat's a problem with being able to test games. You need somebody motivated and willing to stick it out in the long run honestly, who won't just show up when a new update is out and then disappear five minutes later


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Re: Looking for Alpha testers for Crime Lord

2017-10-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : RTT entertainment via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for Alpha testers for Crime Lord

Hi, I am very much looking forward to this game. I would like to ask a few questions and suggest a few ideas. Firstly, how does the character generation system work? Secondly, will this game be purely resource management or will there be some action elements to? And, will you please tell us how certain features work while the game is being updated? Keep in mind you don’t have to answer or do anything about these questions.


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Re: Looking for Alpha testers for Crime Lord

2017-10-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : LordLundin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for Alpha testers for Crime Lord

heya:@DracoSelene89Well I can't necessarily prove that they're 18, however if I am unsure  about it I'll request a skype conversation in which case you can usually tell that they're old / not old enough. The part about good english, well I had this guy sign up for it (we currently have three testers), I think he might be slavic, his english isn't the best but it's good enough to the point I can understand his feedback. Besides, I know the guy from other settings and am fairly sure he's older than 18. The zero-tolerance policy is in the obvious cases, where I had a 14 year old ask me if he could be let into the project. Now I do like this guy and he's quite mature for his age, but in this case I know his age and no amount of arguing (thankfully there was none) could convince me to let him into the team.As per your second point, well ... I can't entirely blacklist someone, but I can make sure that people know what they're dealing with.@Dark thanks for the feedback, I will certainly consider what you've said. I'll rewrite the original post. It was basically something I threw together under 5 minutes while waiting for a cab to pick me up Given that it's barely a dummy and I'm essencially looking for testers to encourage me rather thanhanging myself so I can continue with the project, testers aren't really the biggest thing right now. More like idea spergs.@Crashmaster I have added you to the group, welcome to the team. I should probably rephrase the part about scripting, rather saying you need to be reasonable in your feedback which usually requires a decent understanding of game design.Well, nothing new about the project, it's literally been dead for days. I would've dedicated the day to working on it except I woke up at 1 in the afternoon which kinda took my motivation for a cup of coffee and some nice music in the background off 


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Re: Looking for Alpha testers for Crime Lord

2017-10-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for Alpha testers for Crime Lord

Well.I have added you lord london to my skype contacts.As far as the questions and requirements, you rely on trust from your users and testers to tell you an age they could fudge it up unless they actually wanted to tell the truth like I just did on the contact request but not everyone is up front.I am unsure about the scripting, that may actually drive people away, I am not a programmer but I have fiddled about with batch files, I have also done some introductions to _javascript_ and web programming but I was never good as such but I can read a script and know what it is.I know enough to wreck your day and maybe mine but not much but am happy to learn.However for a new user, especially one for testing a new project that doesn't know what a script is its almost certainly a put off.Next I agree with the rest, like me your reputation is not that high, if like me you have a temper and try to be carefull fine but if you have had a melt down before as I have done you can get into all sorts of hurt and well you like me may have done that once to often and got kicked /banned from places as I have done in the past.However to the rest, I have worked with companies where putting out and sharing your information or the software doesn't get you banned, a lot more bad stuff happens to you.Putting out the secrets of things isn't the best.I actually narowly avoided any badness with sonnar, when both me and sonnar miscommunicated to eachother.But thankfully both of us fixed this and will watch eachother more closely.However bigger companies especially don't take a simple error in coms as any excuse.Basically you screw up, you may as well jump off a cliff after they are done with you.Business is hard at the best of times.Often with my job especially the government and other research, I get a short 2 liner about the job, its really brief.If I accept it in most cases they send me a briefing document of a couple paragraphs if they have one which is usually the media release as well as a sample of their paperwork to do on site if I am lucky.I also get a report that is released to general public at the end if I am lucky.When I get to the office, I get the general guff about the job and a form to sign which basically says you signed up for the job and you will get 1000 kinds of hell if you put that job outside the office at least while its in progress.Once its done and out  restrictions are relaxed a bit but still.Even when working, while I do ask questions, the only bit of the job I am given info on is the needed part which is enough to input data maybe the tools used and the way stuff is handled, but the rest of it, well even if I could understand it I am never told that.When I do government non research work its slightly relaxed, mainly because they give me admin rights to a temperary system for testing whatever, and thats that but still.The point is that these requirements are generous I usually don't even get requirements and I have been doing government web testing and psycology concept research for at least the last 6 years.I know enough that I can brag about what I do to my friends most of it from what I have asked but being a test pilot has an advantage.Different pay rates, etc, etc, etc.However I still do not know 99.9% of what the job is or in fact what is being done.And thats all it is.All I can tell you is that the input is the easy job.The system testing is a little harder but still easy, processing it all and the rest of it thats the hard part.


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Re: Looking for Alpha testers for Crime Lord

2017-10-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for Alpha testers for Crime Lord

@lord Lundin good luck with this. Crime is not a preferred setting of mine so I will not be applying as an alpha tester, but when it goes into a public beta I'll be happy to try it out anyway. As someone who has however been on various private alpha and beta testing teams from blind adrenaline cardroom to smugglers and Entombed, you might consider a couple of points. Firstly while  your requirements for testers are not in and of themselves unusual, you might think about rephrasing your request so as to be a little less antagonistic to potential testers. After all, while it is true that it is your project and the requirements are yours, at the same time, you want a good communicating relationship with your testers so that they will give you useful feedback. So threatening to black list people or telling people they are not fit to test or play an offensive game is probably not the way to get people on side.This isn't to say your requirements themselves are unreasonable, after all if this is intended as an overtly adult game people should know what they're getting, and likewise requesting that testers undertake a none disclosure agreement about the project is reasonable enough, but again both of these  could be phrased as requests not demands, so as to start matters on the right foot. Even with the age requirement, there is a difference in saying "this is an adult game with 18 rated content so testers should be over eighteen" and "zero tolerance no exceptions" this is I  suspect why there has been a little hostility towards the project thus far, despite the fact that what your doing sounds like a good thing in principle. Hope this makes sense and good luck finding your testers. When you have something publically playable I'll be glad to give it a go as I said.


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Re: Looking for Alpha testers for Crime Lord

2017-10-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Rory via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for Alpha testers for Crime Lord

While i'm not entirely thrilled with his requirements, being that i'm not 18 or older, at the end of the day its his project, therefore he can decide what he thinks is best for a team of testers. If you don't agree, just say you don't wanna test it or can't or what ever and move on. Why argue with somebody creating a game if you have no interest in being involved with the project anyway?


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Re: Looking for Alpha testers for Crime Lord

2017-10-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for Alpha testers for Crime Lord

I'll play devil's advocate and point out the glaring issues here1. How can you atually prove somebody's age, or grasp of English as a non-native English speaker?2. How can you blacklist somebody? There's always gonna be people and devs who can and will take people on. Fact of life.


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Re: Looking for Alpha testers for Crime Lord

2017-10-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : LordLundin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for Alpha testers for Crime Lord

@defender yeah true, but if shit gets leaked then it's a simple matter of telling future devs who wish to keep a secret not to involve that particular person.@Connor142 I mean my reqs are pretty much no brainers.1: 18+. It's an offensive game with lot's of morbid dark shit in it, unsuitable for kids. I don't really care for the kids to be honest, it's their responsibility. If they click passed and play a game with lot's of warnings about adult material they shouldn't be surprised. But it is there to stave me out of legal trouble.2: I only speak english and swedish, and in order to take critisism and feedback I have to understand what the other person is saying. Furthermore it's an english game, so communicating about it in the original language is the simplest.3: I remember when I was a little kid I used to annoy the hell out of developers by suggesting stupid fucking shit that would not be that simple to make, that were either way out of proportion of the coders ability or simply not worth the time. Either that or they were not in theme with the game / would've caused lots of stability issues. So in order to give good feedback and ask for more things you kinda have to be around the development scene quite a bit. I'd imagine mudders in particular would excel at this skill seeing as some of the most popular muds or mmorpg's out there get constant updates and players notice a difference and react to it.So, as a little update, I'm wrapping up character generation, for now it's pretty sloppy writing, but only to get the point across. I made some other scripts to help me with what I need to do as well. My next plan is to setup the start of the thing, no spoilers but basically how it takes off from the ground.


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Re: Looking for Alpha testers for Crime Lord

2017-10-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for Alpha testers for Crime Lord

How exactly are you going to blacklist people from other projects, your rep isn't even that good, lol.Aside from that though, good requirements, if you get any bites you may have a better team than most.


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Re: Looking for Alpha testers for Crime Lord

2017-10-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : connor142 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for Alpha testers for Crime Lord

Hmm, tpersonally I think those seam to be strict requirements to test something that, as you said yourself, is a pet project rather than a full investment of time and possibly resources. Good luck with it, none the less.


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Looking for Alpha testers for Crime Lord

2017-10-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : LordLundin via Audiogames-reflector


Looking for Alpha testers for Crime Lord

Hello guys!I have a backburner project going on, taking form in a role playing resource management game in which you take the role as a crime lord over some yet to be named area in some unknown place, probably something like New Mexico or Arizona or some shit.I'm looking for Alpha testers to help me build this into a good game, to give feedback and suggestions. Here's a quick list of requirements:1: you must be 18 years of age or older. No buts, zero tolerance policy. 18 years or more.2: you must have a good grasp of the english language in order to communicate in a rich and constructive way.3: you must have some sense of basic scripting, in order to be realistic about your feedback. As long as you know how it works, you're good.Understand that this is a pet project and not a full investment and as it's looking right now development will be slow.Also understand that this game was designed to offend people. If you can't handle that, you're not fit to neither test nor play it.You are not allowed to share the program or any information about it to anyone not a member of the Alpha team. If you do, I'll make sure you get blacklisted from ever being a tester again.If you wish to be an Alpha tester, add me to skype at:andreas.andersson1996and tell me why you're qualified to be one. If I already know you, send me a message and I'll get you hooked up if I feel it appropriate.Of course if you have any questions feel free to ask on here and I'll get back to them in a short amount of time.


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