Re: Looking for a free fantasy adventure game that I can play on my PC

2015-01-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for a free fantasy adventure game that I can play on my PC

I'll have a listen to that when I get back to my flat tomorrow and decent speakers. I wouldn't buy through Itunes sinse I never fiured out how to get the files out of Itunes, but I'll certainly check youtube. neo classical I like, a lot of James Horner's stuff tends to be that way, ditto with Murray gold's themes for Doctor who and of course one of my favourite composers Ionaudi, (though several of his more recent things have been a little off).


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Re: Looking for a free fantasy adventure game that I can play on my PC

2015-01-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : cx2 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for a free fantasy adventure game that I can play on my PC

Two steps from hell, that's from instead of to, are composers who make music which was originally designed for recutting to use in  movie trailers but they've since released them to the public, you can buy them on iTunes I don't know about anywhere else and most of their stuff is on youtube. The majority of it is the kind of thing you'd get from a fantasy film's soundtrack, especially more action oriented sequences, though there's a surprising variety including ones that are more gentle. I believe their stuff has even been used in trailers for Doctor Who on the TV in the past, I know I hear them in the background of an advert every so often. Like I said they're orchestral but they're not shy of mixing in other kinds of sound when it suits the theme they're going for, they're what you might call neo classical in that their style is different from traditional classical music while still using many of the same instruments.
 Here's one of their tracks, Strength of a Thousand Men


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Re: Looking for a free fantasy adventure game that I can play on my PC

2015-01-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for a free fantasy adventure game that I can play on my PC

@Cx2, sounds cool, All my favourite composers are romantic period, and I'm a big fan of film and computer game score, and occasionally bits of epic metal such as Luca Terelli. For christmas I got the soundstracks to seasons 1-5 of new who, (sinse whatever the programs Murray gold did a good job, although I'm less convinced more lately).What exactly is 2 steps to hell? And where can I hear their stuff?


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Re: Looking for a free fantasy adventure game that I can play on my PC

2015-01-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : cx2 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for a free fantasy adventure game that I can play on my PC

Well if you haven't tried two steps from hell I highly recommend them regardless of whether you intend to use it for games or not, they're orchestral epic fantasy music. I can see your point about shifting environments but I tend to just go with a generic bunch of fantasy style music so there's at least something in the background, I find it oils my brain a little.


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Re: Looking for a free fantasy adventure game that I can play on my PC

2015-01-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for a free fantasy adventure game that I can play on my PC

@Camlorn, that is true, MushZ isn't a necessity, though I will say it does turn alter into virtually a full scale audiogame. I've got nothing against pure text games, heck yesterday I've been renewing my acquaintance with Kerkerkruip, but background music and sounds for what is going on is nice. @Cx2, interesting thoughts. I have seen the children of dune miniseries, but I don't recall the soundtrack let alone have a copy, actually I wouldn't mind seeing it again sinse at the time I saw it it was with a couple of friends who are huge Dune fanatics and engaged in their own coffee with melange, which made it lots of fun but less easy to remember . Getting back to games however, My usual problem with  trying to play music with fantasy rpgs is that if your playing a game with changing environments, you can't really find something th
 at suits, even if you can find music that you don't automaticaly associate with some other world, (it's pretty hard to hear starwars and not think of starwars for example). Thus, usually when I've tried music, it's been for something set in one environment such as a dungeon crawl, for example I made a playlist of all the dungeon themes from soul calibur 2 on one occasion and used it for the Torchlight gamebook from arborell, which worked wel.


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Re: Looking for a free fantasy adventure game that I can play on my PC

2015-01-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for a free fantasy adventure game that I can play on my PC

Sure. Downloading mush-z might be a problem, but the long and short of it is that you don't have to.  I will admit that it makes the game a lot better, somehow, or at least it did when I actively played.


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Re: Looking for a free fantasy adventure game that I can play on my PC

2015-01-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : cx2 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for a free fantasy adventure game that I can play on my PC

If you're paying by the megabyte maybe you'll want to consider if you can spare a few for mudding, if your allowance is in the gigabyte range mudding will struggle to make a dent though as Dentin mentioned the client and sounds can weigh in at quite a size. Also don't forget that you can set up your own sounds for muds to have as many or as few as you wish, and you can always have a media player in the background playing appropriately themed music on shuffle. Such groups as Midnight Syndicate or Two Steps from Hell work very well for fantasy games, as do some of the movie soundtracks, the soundtrack from the Children of Dune mini series has a big selection and its tone is suitable for a fantasy game as well in spite of Dune technically kinda sorta being sci fi. That's dune as in sand dune, in case you're using eloquence which seems to make it sound like the famous first person shooter Doom or as in Shades of Doom for some reason.


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Re: Looking for a free fantasy adventure game that I can play on my PC

2015-01-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for a free fantasy adventure game that I can play on my PC

That is true Dentin, though "paying for limited bandwidth" can be quite a variable feast. My parents for quite a long time were limited to 10 gb a month. Not much if you wanted to stream hours of tv or play a big time graphical mmorpg, but plenty for downloading audiogames and playing things like Alteraeon.


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Re: Looking for a free fantasy adventure game that I can play on my PC

2015-01-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dentin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for a free fantasy adventure game that I can play on my PC

It's possible just the mush-z download of 400 meg will blow his bandwidth budget though.


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Re: Looking for a free fantasy adventure game that I can play on my PC

2015-01-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for a free fantasy adventure game that I can play on my PC

You can play Alter Aeon or just about any other mud for at least 10 minutes of really, really intense combat for the same amount of data that it takes to load the Google homepage.  You're not using more than a kilobyte a second on average, especially if you're on a mud and a client supporting MCCP.  To throw a rough estimate out, it would be basically impossible to go over 3 megs in an hour, and the chances of you even going over one are really, really small.  Even a gig of data a month would basically let you play 24-7, including botting while you sleep.Not sure how much you have, but your hour or two on a mud every day is about the same as your 5 or 10 minutes reading programming tutorials, unless you've gone and intentionally switched off all downloading of graphics and started running an ad blocker.


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Re: Looking for a free fantasy adventure game that I can play on my PC

2015-01-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for a free fantasy adventure game that I can play on my PC

Well in post four, defender mentioned the game Tactical battle, which is a turn based battle audio game and some of it's maps like kobold dungeon. You can read all about Tactical battle here Entombed, Paladin of the skies, Castaways and Sound rts you should be able to find in the database without trouble, (use the dropdown on the front page, or go and use the "gamelist" or "search archive" links. eAch has a page of information and links on where to get the game. As regards net connection and Alteraeon, well I don't know your situation but sinse what is being sent from the game to your computer is text, the internet requirement isn't much in terms of data. The MushZ soundpack that runs the game is a bit large to download, but once you've got it, all the sounds and music you need for the game will be on your computer, and all the game will send is text. I've p
 layed Alteraeon on some very slow connections and it worked fine for this reason. As to text games, it's your choice, but it's really quite surprising how complex some of the things done in text are. Age of fable is massive and ever expanding, and though Alter has a soundpack which makes it into an audio game there are many other muds that don't. Puppet Nightmares has likely the most complex combat and equipment you'll see (though you need good skills with your screen  reader and browser navigation for that), and kerkerkruip's turn based battles are awsome.Sounds and music are good things, but they don't always automatically make an addictive game, indeed while the  Alteraeon soundpack is absolutely awsome, it's the quality of the writing and the mechanics that will  keep you coming back and make the game as addictive as it is.


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Re: Looking for a free fantasy adventure game that I can play on my PC

2015-01-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : stirlock via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for a free fantasy adventure game that I can play on my PC

I cannot reccommend shadow rine, and the other japanese games, highly enough. I mention shadow rine because it most closely falls under what you seem to be looking for. Murokuma's text games are also great, although they're primarily turn based, but they have pretty excellent music and sound, my favorite being alternative magic, which has many secrets and two extra difficulty modes once you've completed  your first playthrough. As has been mentioned, it takes a bit of messing around to get things working, but once you do, the japanese games give a whole new level of quality that is unrivaled in the audiogames community in my opinion. Also, if you want some serious platforming challenge, bokura no daibouken 3 has some seriously fiendish puzzles especially near the end, and I dare say at least a hundred unlockable weapons and items, as well as a fairly complex crafting system.


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Re: Looking for a free fantasy adventure game that I can play on my PC

2015-01-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : The Imaginatrix via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for a free fantasy adventure game that I can play on my PC

Alteraeon sounds fantastic, but there's one big problem I didn't mention earlier. I have limited internet data. Once it runs out, I have to buy more and given my financial limitations, I can't just do that every week or so just because I'm playing an online game. Gamebooks don't seem to be my thing either—what's a game without sounds and music? If I wanted to read something, there are tons of places I could go. I'll look through the archive again and see if I can find something. I tried searching for some of the games mentioned in Post 4 but couldn't find them. 


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Re: Looking for a free fantasy adventure game that I can play on my PC

2014-12-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for a free fantasy adventure game that I can play on my PC

I personally just found the translation process wy too complicated for the Japanese games, if it was just a case of run a single peace of software fare enough, but to use all those addons, changing your keyboard navigation etc it just all got a bit much, especially for a google translation of japanese text which are not absolutely accurate at the best of times. You can read about the Bockerano debuken and Shadowline games in the database, with a link to a guide on the translation. Alteraeon is an amazing game, especially with the soundpack, just don't be put off other muds if they don't have the same . The only thing I wish Alter had was some random exploration and more task systems, sinse generally i've got to a point where I go on the game, have explored the areas correct for my level and am just killing time, I do remember though seeing some
 thing about a job system introduced which sounds like just the sort of thing I'd appreciate,  don't know why, but simply having to run around a forest I've already fully explored slaying spiders isn't half so interesting to me as having a task to go slaying! .


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Re: Looking for a free fantasy adventure game that I can play on my PC

2014-12-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for a free fantasy adventure game that I can play on my PC

I've been wanting a Kingdom Hearts-style accessible game since... eh, pretty much since I lost the ability to play the inaccessible equivalents.My attempts to create as much have not been going so well. The JF IM Adventure was supposed to fit in that style (though the setting is a bit... well). Most people can't seem to stand it, for understandable reasons.As for slightly more playable fantasy adventure games... there are games like Sara and the Castle of Witchcraft and Wizardry (the demo only gets you the first floor), Paladin of the Sky (again, paid with a demo, but the demo is pretty nice--I'd call it a bit longer than, say, the Jampack demo for Threads of Fate or Gauntlet Legends), and if you're willing to put up with setting up and learning to use translation tools, there are several Japanese games that fit your criteria.I tend to prefer t
 he realtime adventure stuff to the turn-based menu-driven stuff, which in effect means Sara, Shadow Line (you might also find it under Shadow Rine), and Bokurano Daibouken. The Bokurano Daibouken trilogy is rather diverse all around and never stays cleanly in one category; the first game uses top-down maps but switches to 2D Fighter style for combat; the second one is effectively a sidescrolling hack-and-slash with RPG elements; the third is a 2D platforming RPG with a completely different mode for flying an aircraft in certain stages (it's not quite the Gummy Ship, but yay!).Shadowline and Sara focus more on the fantasy aspect, while Bokurano Daibouken is more soft sci fi (think a mix of Megaman and self-aware Shounen Anime parody).If you haven't already, though, I'd recommend playing with Palidin of the Sky. It's more Final Fantasy-like, and the setting is more futuristic fantasy. If you're willing to try the Japanese games, you might start wi
 th Shadow Line (it's more Legend of Zelda-like, and supports graphics. And the DV2, if you're one of the 3 people in the universe who has one.).*Glares at incomplete projects* And I will have more some day. Believe it!


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Re: Looking for a free fantasy adventure game that I can play on my PC

2014-12-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dentin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for a free fantasy adventure game that I can play on my PC

Like the others have mentioned here, Alter Aeon would be a great game to check out.  There are literally hundreds of quests and different areas to explore, with tens of thousands of different kinds of monsters and items.  It's also multiplayer, so you can get help, play with friends, or group up with other players to fight bigger enemies.The main website is at, but you'll probably want to pick up the Mush-Z client from - the Mush-Z client is our most popular blind client, and it's got a huge soundpack with lots of extra features for blind players.Let me know if you have any questions or problems!-dentinAlter Aeon MUD


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Re: Looking for a free fantasy adventure game that I can play on my PC

2014-12-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for a free fantasy adventure game that I can play on my PC

Hi. I wrote a reply to this topic a while ago but it got eaten by a nasty connection time out and I didn't have a copy.If you go to the front of the site and use the "search archive" function you can display the games in the database by genre. Some genres include rpgs, mmorpgs (masively multiplayer online rpgs), muds, and the Japanese games (which have their own category due to the inherent problems of running them and getting translations). Alteraeon I'd highly recommend, indeed though it is a text based real time mud, the soundpack makes it a full scale audio adventure. You might also want to check out Puppet Nightmares, (online browser game similar to pokemon with lots of detail and a dark story), Paladin of the sky and entombed as defender said, sinse though both are commercial games they do have demos you might want to play through (the entombed demo in particular is quite extensive). Paladin of the sky in fact is the first effort for 
 a final fantasy style game in audio, it's not entirely successful but definitely along the right lines. Lastly, i'd recommend checking out some of the categories of gamebooks available. gAmebooks are interactive stories with stats and progression through choices. not up on the complex rpg mechanics side of things but the better examples are really there as far as world and story goes and many are also free such as those on the fighting fantasy project or a good many choiceofgames titles. In general I'm afraid your not going to get something entirely like mainstream rpgs in audio partly just because of the resources involved, sinse audio game and accessible text game devs just don't have that sort of cash to spend on games. however, I will say the situation has significantly improved over the past few years with Entombed, Tactical battle and most recently Paladin of the sky, not to mention all the muds and mmorpgs, so it's not all doom and gloom
 .Sorry this was a quick tour, any other question please ask.


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Re: Looking for a free fantasy adventure game that I can play on my PC

2014-12-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for a free fantasy adventure game that I can play on my PC

Tactical battles has some adventure fantacy type maps, age of warlords which I love, and cobold dungin, as well as the demon wars cycle maps and the kingdom at war map series, while tomb robbers could be considered modern adventure with fantacy environment.The same is true for Sound RTS with Crazy Mod, lots of fantacy steampunk and futuristic, found in the new releases room, they actually just came out with a new version, though not much adventure in that, castaways has some though in a sense, fantacy too, but not the main focus.Those are all turn based or realtime strategy, but with good game play and mostly good sounds, so if you can handle that, you'll probably love at least 1 of them.If we were talking payed, I'd highly suggest Entombed, it's exactly what your looking for, though also turnbased, but in a reactionary sort of way, and a nice environment that includes good sounds and music, with realtime exploring of a map with your 
 arrow keys, shops, lots of different things to fight, bounties, a full job and race system with secondary jobs, skills, and attributes, physical and magical combat, special moves, with all sorts of weapons and armor, scrolls and potions, with different perks, and some very special magically enhanced items that you can find by chance, or purchace, you also have multiple team mates to control, and each adventure you start is highly randomized.The demo does how ever have no time limit, and lets you play through 7 of the 25 levels, and since it's getting close to the holidays, you could possibly ask for the full game as a gift...There's alteraeon which is a mud with a very extensive sound pack that has complete accessibility and lots of blind players, levels, 6 different job types with a unique classing system that includes practices, for a very long list of skills and spells, physical attributes, and xp caps.  The game also has a huge variety of weapon
 s armor and magical items, a massive world with many, many well written areas to explore, lots of active players, endless amounts of really cool and sometimes mentally challenging quests, combat in groups, special combat moves, and events that are mostly around the holidays, along with optional PVP and Arena's.There's BK 1 2 and 3, which unless you know Japanese will take a bit of tweaking to get realtime translations but the articles room can help you with that, BK is sidescroller fantacy action but with story and adventure elements, there's also shadow line which is a Japanese RPG that can be accessed in the same way bk can.Kurkurcroop is text but very adventurous, it can be found in the games combo box on the main page, it has random dice rolls, dungin randomization, and a skill system.Grave of redemption which is a newer title still under development and totally free that models after entombed but with some unique differences
 , which can be found in new releases is also good, along with a few payed ones, eric the clerick futuristic steampunk fantacy, Paladin of the sky futuristic SiFi sycodelic, and probably more I haven't thought of.


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Re: Looking for a free fantasy adventure game that I can play on my PC

2014-12-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for a free fantasy adventure game that I can play on my PC

Tactical battles has some adventure fantacy type maps, age of warlords which I love, and cobold dungin, as well as the demon wars cycle maps and the kingdom at war map series, while tomb robbers could be considered modern adventure with fantacy environment.The same is true for Sound RTS with Crazy Mod, found in the new releases room, they actually just came out with a new version, though not much adventure in that, castaways has some though in a sense, fantacy too, but not the main focus.Those are all turn based or realtime strategy, but with good game play and mostly good sounds, so if you can handle that, you'll probably love at least 1 of them.If we were talking payed, I'd highly suggest Entombed, it's exactly what your looking for, though also turnbased, but in a reactionary sort of way, and a nice environment that includes good sounds and music, with realtime exploring of a map with your arrow keys, shops, lots of different thing
 s to fight, bounties, a full job and race system with secondary jobs, skills, and attributes, physical and magical combat, special moves, with all sorts of weapons and armor, scrolls and potions, with different perks, and some very special magically enhanced items that you can find by chance, or purchace, you also have multiple team mates to control, and each adventure you start is highly randomized.The demo does how ever have no time limit, and lets you play through 7 of the 25 levels, and since it's getting close to the holidays, you could possibly ask for the full game as a gift...There's alteraeon which is a mud with a very extensive sound pack that has complete accessibility and lots of blind players, levels, 6 different job types with a unique classing system that includes practices, for a very long list of skills and spells, physical attributes, and xp caps.  The game also has a huge variety of weapons armor and magical items, a massive world
  with many, many well written areas to explore, lots of active players, endless amounts of really cool and sometimes mentally challenging quests, combat in groups, special combat moves, and events that are mostly around the holidays, along with optional PVP and Arena's.There's BK 1 2 and 3, which unless you know Japanese will take a bit of tweaking to get realtime translations but the articles room can help you with that, BK is sidescroller fantacy action but with story and adventure elements, there's also shadow line which is a Japanese RPG that can be accessed in the same way bk can.Kurkurcroop is text but very adventurous, it can be found in the games combo box on the main page, it has random dice rolls, dungin randomization, and a skill system.Grave of redemption which is a newer title still under development and totally free that models after entombed but with some unique differences, which can be found in new releases is al
 so good, along with a few payed ones, eric the clerick futuristic steampunk fantacy, Paladin of the sky futuristic SiFi sycodelic, and probably more I haven't thought of.


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Re: Looking for a free fantasy adventure game that I can play on my PC

2014-12-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for a free fantasy adventure game that I can play on my PC

Tactical battles has some adventure fantacy type maps, age of warlords which I love, and cobold dungin, as well as the demon wars cycle maps and the kingdom at war map series, while tomb robbers could be considered modern adventure with fantacy environment.The same is true for Sound RTS with Crazy Mod, found in the new releases room, they actually just came out with a new version, though not much adventure in that, castaways has some though in a sense, fantacy too, but not the main focus.Those are all turn based or realtime strategy, but with good game play and mostly good sounds, so if you can handle that, you'll probably love at least 1 of them.If we were talking payed, I'd highly suggest Entombed, it's exactly what your looking for, though also turnbased, but in a reactionary sort of way, and a nice environment that includes good sounds and music, with realtime exploring of a map with your arrow keys, shops, lots of different thing
 s to fight, bounties, a full job and race system with secondary jobs, skills, and attributes, physical and magical combat, special moves, with all sorts of weapons and armor, scrolls and potions, with different perks, and some very special magically enhanced items that you can find by chance, or purchace, you also have multiple team mates to control, and each adventure you start is highly randomized.The demo does how ever have no time limit, and lets you play through 7 of the 25 levels, and since it's getting close to the holidays, you could possibly ask for the full game as a gift...There's alteraeon which is a mud with a very extensive sound pack that has complete accessibility and lots of blind players, levels, 6 different job types with a unique classing system that includes practices, for a very long list of skills and spells, physical attributes, and xp caps.  The game also has a huge variety of weapons armor and magical items, a massive world
  with many, many well written areas to explore, lots of active players, endless amounts of really cool and sometimes mentally challenging quests, combat in groups, special combat moves, and events that are mostly around the holidays, along with optional PVP and Arena's.Grave of redemption which is a newer title still under development and totally free that models after entombed but with some unique differences, which can be found in new releases is also good, along with a few payed ones, eric the clerick, Paladin of the sky...


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Re: Looking for a free fantasy adventure game that I can play on my PC

2014-12-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : The Imaginatrix via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for a free fantasy adventure game that I can play on my PC

Thanks! I've basically played through everything there is in that game over the last five days! Does anyone else have any suggestions? Again, I would like a good fantasy adventure game similar to Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy or Kamio: Elements of Power. If you've heard of that last one, you're awesome.  It needs to be free due to my tight budget, so I don't know how good the results will be, but I'm hopeful. 


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Re: Looking for a free fantasy adventure game that I can play on my PC

2014-12-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : fluffy solger via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for a free fantasy adventure game that I can play on my PC

There is a game called bralemon in the new releases room Its a pockymon for blind for windowsThanksfluffy solger.


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