Re: Monthly Chat - August, 2020

2020-08-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : manamon_player via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat - August, 2020

good by, august


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Re: Monthly Chat - August, 2020

2020-08-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : austingrace via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat - August, 2020

Just geeking out on a new gaming headset and starting the process or re-learning my mixer and audio editors.


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Re: Monthly Chat - August, 2020

2020-08-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : kjsisco via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat - August, 2020

One day I'll get watching that show.


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Re: Monthly Chat - August, 2020

2020-08-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat - August, 2020

Beware possible game of thrones season 5 spoilers.@Wing of eternity, while we are not sure of Melisandre's over all motives, I don't think Melisandre would necessarily want to harm Stanis without a good reason, so I suspect the death of Shirreen was exactly what her motive claimed it to be, a chance to magically aid Stanis at what she deemed (and evidently what Stanis also demed), an acceptable cost. My issue as far as Melisandre is concerned, is that given that Stanis did not! win the battle after taking such an extreme action, it puts all of her possible magic into question. it also cheapens the idea of Stanis as king. Up until he burned Shirreen I would have said that stanis, while probably not an exceptional king or one for the legends, would provide a stability which Westeros needs. When Davos tells the iron bank of Bravos that backing Stanis is their best option for getting their money repaid, well he's speaking exactly the truth. However, when willing to burn his own daughter alive to achieve a goal, Tv stanis has showed himself to have no moral or personal limits at all, which makes him a far more questionable prospect as King. Remember Sirius black's advice to Harry potter in order of the Phoenix, don't judge someone by how they treat their enemies, or their friends, but their inferiors and those dependent upon them. As to Bran stark being a Targarian, unless something new comes to light about Bran's parentage in the series which hasn't up until now (and if it does, I'd rather not know since I'd rather watch the series and find out for myself), then that is utterly impossible!A major point is made, both in the books, and the early seasons of the tv series, that Katelin Stark loves all of her children, but has a massive blind spot when it comes to John Snow, the one Stark child who is not her son.She  even tells John "I wish it had been you" after Bran's crippling accident. From all of this, it is pretty dam clear that Bran is very much Kat and Ned's sonn, and failing any random plots about baby swapping or the like (though even this would be difficult given Kat's dedication as a mother), it's pretty clear Bran is no Targarian. Now John snow on the other hand? Indeed, it's become so much an accepted fan theory, that I'd almost be surprised if r+l=J were not true, at least in the books (can't speak for the series).


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Re: Monthly Chat - August, 2020

2020-08-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : wing of eternity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat - August, 2020

well, I can say that stannis is quite calculating and more rational then most for me he would have been let's say a harsh but good king, but no one would have liked him for his harshness and strict sence of justice, there was a smith at the night's watch that described all of the baratheon brothers, differntly the softest was renli, the strongest in will and mind  was Stannis, and robert, was pure strength. but In stannises case, I think he would have distanced himself from the red woman, aka, melisandre, and I asume that he didn't like how she handled renli's death, may be this will turn out differently in the books, and he will join john against winter fell, but even if he would have won I don't think he would have liked the company of melisander any more. and you know what's the thing?  Melisander even in the books was all ready beginning to suspect, that john was more then Stannis would ever be, may be that's why she orchestrated the death of sharieen, because she wanted to see where would that leed stannis. This is just a theory of mine. In  a way Stannis dies bravly, but with despair in his hart, for he knew he had nothing the battle all ready lost before it began, melisander's betrayal, and the death of his wife and doughter. with all those things he still died without a tear, with a composed face, in this regard he was like ned stark in a way. I am not sure how will those things eend up in the books! But I know that in the storm of swords, stannis mentioned that he loved his doughter.I want to know also more about bran's training to become the raven, it must have been more intens then the mere flash backs from the show. I think that this series is more about bran then we know. He may be after all a targarien, , and a raven, wouldn't that be intresting to see such combinations are rare even in the ancient got world


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Re: Monthly Chat - August, 2020

2020-08-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : wing of eternity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat - August, 2020

well, I can say that stannis is quite calculating and more rational then most for me he would have been let's say a hursh but good king, but no one would have liked him for his harshness, there was a smith at the night's watch that described all the baratheon brathers, differntly the softest was renli, the strongest in will I think was Stannis, and robert, was pure strength. but In stannises case, I think he would have distanced himself from the red woman, aka, melisandre, and I think that he didn't like how she handled renli's death, may be this will turn out differently in the books, and he will join john gainst winter fell, but even if he would have won I don't think he would have liked the company of melisander any more. and you know what's the thing?  Melisander even in the book was allready begin to suspect, that john was more then Stannis would ever be, may be that's why she orchestrated the death of sharieen, because she wanted to say where would that leed stannis. This is just a theory of mine. In  a way Stannis dies bravly, but with despair in his hart, for he knew he had nothing the battle all ready lost before it began, melisander's betrayal, and the death of his wife and doughter. with all those things he still died without a tear, with a composed face, in this regard he was like ned stark in a way. I am not sure how will those things eend up in the books! But I know that in the storm of swords, stannis mentioned that he loved his doughter.I want to know also more about bran's training to become the raven, it must have been more intens then the mere flash backs from the movies. I think that this series is more about bran then we know. H e may be after all a targarien, , and a raven, wouldn't that be intresting to see such combinations are rare even in the ancient got world


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Re: Monthly Chat - August, 2020

2020-08-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat - August, 2020

@Wing of iternity, that about Jaime is precisely my point. It seems that the end of season 5 simplified a lot of factions down to more basic characters. Rather than the sons of the harpy being a small scale terrorist group and one which Denaerys actually negotiates with quite successfully (since they stop their terrorist activities in return for her marriage to Zo lorac), now they're just a generic vil! army. In the books, Dawn has as much complication as the other factions, with Arianne's failed plots, Doran MArtelle's long game with Quentin, and the sandsnakes not seeing the big picture, in the series however, things are now just rushing towards war. The one that really! irritated me here was stanis, beware! here come the spoiling spoilers of extreme spoilage I cannot pretend to like Stanis in the books, being allied with a religious nutter who has a thing about burning people is not exactly a good thing.However, Stanis has a lot of good points. He's harsh and unplacable and has no ability to see the world in anything but black and white, but fundamentally, unlike someone like Tywin, he has principles, and unlike someone like Circie he actually is competent, neither will he randomly be ruled by his emotions the way Denaerys often is. Take the way that John sends Mans Raider's baby with gilly to keep it safe, because John knows that while Stanis would probably be capable of burning babies alive if the ends justified what to him seemed quite extreme measures, he would only do so if it would actually accomplish a goal. No, this does not make him a good person by any stretch of the imagination, but it does mean he at least is someone who can be reasoned with, because he has rational reasons for action.he's the one person who takes the threat of the others seriously, not to mention being a pretty awesome general. Whilst I have a nasty feeling that between Tyrian's tacticks at the black water, and the general toll of fighting in the north his attack on Bolton is doomed, at the same time, I know who I'll be cheering for when we see that battle when the winds of winter eventually does! come out. However, in the series, he burns his daughter Shirrreen. Yes, Book Stanis would probably do this (see my above comments about expediency), however, there is a huge difference between suspecting that a character  might take some sort of action, and actually seeing them do it. There are some lines which tip any character from grey, into out and out villainy, and burning a child alive, especially a child we've grown to like throughout the series is one of them. once Shirreen burned, there is no possibility of seeing Stanis as anything but a villain from a dramatic perspective, indeed I was not at all surprised that he dies so soon after, since at that point, he pretty much is irredeemable to the audience. What's worse, is that all of the dramatic potential which could have been gleaned from that possibility is removed. Davos, who already defied Stanis in the case of Gendry (edric storm in the books), would not have sat by and watched the princess he regarded as a surrigate daughter die, and the conflict between the ex smuggler and man of honour's loyalty to his king, and his paternal love for the princess would have been fantastic to see. Similarly, had Stanis been recommended the course of action by Melesandra, but refused, then there would be a lot of drama to be gained. Supposed Stanis refused to harm his daughter, then lost the battle, well would this make him more of a zealot in future? Suppose he refused his daughter but won, how would that affect his   belief in Melisandra and her powers. Again, there was far more interesting potential from a character perspective which could have resulted from not! taking this decision than from taking it, since once Shirreen died, any sympathy or respect the audience had for Stanis went out thee window, and we just want to see the child murdering bastard get what for.This isn't to say I'm against majorly shocking and awful things in books or tv series, however, if your going to force your readers/audience to go through a horrific scene, and really burning a ten year old alive is about as horrific as it gets, then there has to be a pretty good  dramatic reason why, plots kicked off, motivations changed etc.Contrast Shirreen's death with  Bran Stark's fall, a fall which is the catalyst for so many events, , indeed it's to martin's credit that Jaime Lanister, someone who does something so profoundly nasty, is actually getting something of a redemption story.Then, there is what Shirreen's death does to the idea of Melisandra's powers. up to now, one of the really troubling things in the series, is that when Melisandra talks about gaining power from spilling king's blood, there is a distinct possibility that in Westeros, she might actually

Re: Monthly Chat - August, 2020

2020-08-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : wing of eternity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat - August, 2020

season 6 game of thrones? I think you  are really trying to saivoure it like  a kake, dark. I do the same with books sometimes, though I have passed through the last got seasons quite fast to be honest, I had always know that they won't have the same as the books. It's only natural that a tv show won't achieve the same depthness as a book with over 1000 pages. tseven hells! there are a fiew characters like Aryanne Martel or the other doughters of ilaria sand that didn't apere, and there is another character that in the books partecularly intrigged me personaluy. from the dorne ark, that being the Dark star. I was thinking about the morning star, ser Arthur Daine, but he wwas dead! so who is this new comer, and what business has he with the princes. I liked very much the dorne storyes, more then let's say what happened with dany, though the things with the sons of the harpy were geting hited too. If you read a dance with dragons, you know that baristan didn't die, I am not sure why they introduced it in the tv show. I guess just for the fun of it. Of course, I usually tell myself that the tv show is not kannon, bur rather, it's a sort of paralel universe if you wish.and to your remark about jaime lannister. In the books there is a passage in which he gets a leter from cersei, to come and save her from prison and he reacts pritty surprisingly.  he knew that tyrion was right in the black selll, she fucked osweld cattleblack, and may be the moon boy for what he knew, She  had cyted on him, and, and then he threw the letter in to the fire". as you can see jaimes redemption was on it's way in a fist for crows but in the tv show we don't see that. I am more curious to read winds of winter though.I expect it eagerly.


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Re: Monthly Chat - August, 2020

2020-08-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : wing of eternity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat - August, 2020

season 6 game of thrones? I think you  are really trying to saivoure it like  a kake, dark. I do the same with books sometimes, though I have passed through the last got seasons quite fast to be honest, I had always know that they won't have the same as the books. It's only natural that a tv show won't achieve the same depthness as a book with over 1000 pages. tseven hells! there are a fiew characters like Aryanne Martel or the other doughters of ilaria sand that didn't apere, and there is another character that in the books partecularly intrigged me personaluy. from the dorne ark, that being the Dark star. I was thinking about the morning star, ser Arthur Daine, but he wwas dead! so who is this new comer, and what business has he with the princes. I liked very much the dorne storyes, more then let's say what happened with dany, though the things with the sons of the harpy were geting hited too. If you read a dance with dragons, you know that baristan didn't die, I am not sure why they introduced it in the tv show. I guess just for the fun of it. Of course, I usually tell myself that the tv show is not kannon, bur rather, it's a sort of paralel universe if you wish.


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Re: Monthly Chat - August, 2020

2020-08-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat - August, 2020

@Dark eagle, that is semi true (partly also affected by post world war 2 paper shortage), however a lot of other books have gone this way since, Tad williams and robin Hobb are famous for it, so it's not something I mind. I must admit I am a little irritated by the end of game of thrones season 5, it seems that things are getting far too simplified into shock value and creating of more extreme evil rather than the nuanced factions we're used to in the books, indeed I am worried about a major dip in quality in season 6 at this point.Other than that, I confes sthings haven't been easy at the moment, indeed even my enthusiasm for gaming is suffering a little right now unfortunately.


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Re: Monthly Chat - August, 2020

2020-08-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark Eagle via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat - August, 2020

@Dark:I get what you're saying, but in his case the publisher forced him to split the books, since it was getting large, and according to him the publishers do not like to print large books. They might do it in very rare cases, but largely, the publishers don't like it.


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Re: Monthly Chat - August, 2020

2020-08-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat - August, 2020

@Dark eagle, Yeah, Dresden's power level went a bit nuts, particularly wen he started picking up random powers from fallen angels, none fallen angels, vampires, the fey and goodness knows what else. Then again, getting power level vs threat right is something long running fantasies really have problems with going right back to authors like David eddings and David Gemmell from the eighties. I do want to read the latest Dresden book though, especially with the audio books being read by James Masters, AKA spike the vampire from Buffy, and indeed captain John Heart from Torchwood. I've not read the Charlse Straus you mention, but actually, a trilogy being one book in three parts rather than three books that follow each other is actually a far older style of story telling, look at Lord of the rings, in some ways it actually has advantages, since it means authors need to plan stuff more in advance, and don't need to crowbar in climaxes in the second book. It's become a bit of a standard in writing and in films, usually following the starwars format, introduce characters and give a single victory in the first book, throw the characters into a black hole in the second book, and have them get out of the black hole in the third book (this is actually how George Lucus once described the original starwars trilogy). However, in some ways, having one story in three bits is actually better, it's one thing Tad Williams and Robin Hobb both do which I really like.Not a lot to report since we're still in lockdown land with the new outbreak, other than more game of thrones. Series 5 does go to some dark places, though I will say it's fantastic to actually see Tyrian and Denaerys meet each other, since we've been expecting that in the books for a while now. other than that, just more work on my story and trying a few muds out, though I have taken both the new Komandoh and the old version out for a bit of a spin recently .


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Re: Monthly Chat - August, 2020

2020-08-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark Eagle via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat - August, 2020

@Dark:It was just an observation, nothing more. as long as the story is interesting, and the character through which I am seeing that world doesn't cause me to get angry, I'll read the books whatever gender the protagonist may have.Also, you of course are correct about Dresden's attitude, if he was powerful let's say, during the end of series, teaching some young mage, imparting his experience, it would make sense. But his current power does not.I often think that around somewhere in the middle, the planning got away from Butcher.Meanwhile, The Hidden Family, the second book of the Merchant Princes series, picks up right when the first book leaves. Charles once said on his blog that the publisher forced him to split the novel which he initially submitted as a one book into three parts, and it kind of shows here.This is all the more evident comparing to the Laundry series, even though those books do take place after each other, they often have gaps of few months to two or three years between them. Yet, here, the events proceed directly from the first book, with only few days of gap between them.


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Re: Monthly Chat - August, 2020

2020-08-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat - August, 2020

@Dark eagle, my issues with Dresden were more the fact of Dresden's own long rants about "men protecting women" and "how terrible it is that women are being hurt", than just the fact the book had damsels in distress, since I will say for Butcher at least the damsels  tended to be interesting characters and did do a bit more than just sit around, look pretty and get captured. I also didn't like the way Dresden just got more and more power as the series went on, and what started with a wizard who was comparatively underpowered compared to things he was fighting, turned him into a regular monster who could just blaze through enemy minians with ease at the drop of a hat. Again, I enjoyed the series, but they were very much fluff, and not something serious. It's interesting you mention not having read many books with female protagonists,  I've never really distinguished myself, and most of my favourite writers, Tad Wiliams, William Horwood etc, tended to spread perspectives fairly equally, indeed when I think about books I've reviewed I'd say it's around 50 50, especially since most have multiple protagonists, though whether that just reflects the fact that I don't really tend to think about the gender of protagonists when choosing what to read I don't know. Oddly enough, I'm currently reading women of wonder, the classic years, Ie the last 50 years of the 20th century, a collection of classic sf by female authors, though in this case more because it's got some classics by authors I appreciate than specifically because the authors are female. I've got back into the habit of reading short story collections between reading books I need to review, and since at the moment as I'm having to watch each episode of game of thrones visually, then listen to the audio described track since they are separate entities, I prefer to have something like a short story collection I can dip in and out of. speaking of game of thrones, I'm not sure on season 5. It's got some interesting plot moments, EG tomen's actual wedding and his standing up to Circie, and Deanerys going a bit wrong, however there are some occasions where it's fairly clear that the producers are running out of book material. A particular example is Jaime Lanister, whose redemption seems to have stopped completely, which is disappointing. I'm also more than a little confused by Petyr Bailish trying to marry Sansa off to Ramsy Bolton. Politically it makes sense, the Boltons are desperate for an alliance, Bailish is in control of the vale, and this way he gets both the vale and the north, however in the book he was going to achieve this by marrying Sansa himself, something which makes far more sense given his long unrequited love (for Katelin Stark, if Bailish can actually be said to love anyone).So, the idea that he delivers this girl he at least seems to care for to the hands of a raging psychopath seems really odd. Sansa herself also continues to be a really frustrating person, since she's constantly given outs from the bad situation she finds herself in, and literally never takes them at all, indeed Bailish even comments on this. Even given the status of women in Westeros, given what we've seen people like  margerie, and yes even the vvile Circie do, (not to mention Danaerys), and given that (for some reason), so many people keep trying to help Sansa and she keeps refusing, things are just down right annoying! Indeed I didnt' think I could find Sansa more irritating than I did in the books, but if possible, it's happened.


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Re: Monthly Chat - August, 2020

2020-08-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark Eagle via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat - August, 2020

@Dark:you won't find the old fashion attitude of Dresden in Codex Alera. Though it does go all over the place with the concept of lady in distress.first of all you have Isana, who often ends up as a hostage, but considering she is not a fighter, that does make sense.Then there are ladies like Amara, trained as spies, despite able to hold their own in a fight, they can't exactly go tow to tow with the powerhouses of the world.And Then there is this noble lady named Placitus, who is among the powerhouses.As for the powerscale, I can't say much about that since the characters do get powerful as the series progresses, but their enemies always outclasses them at every other news, I picked up the merchant princes's first book, another series by Charles Stross, after reading the Satturn's children.Both books have a female as a protagonist, and considering the Laundry Files which also have two books which have females as their main focus, I never thought that I would be reading books like that to be honest when I began to read.I of course, don't mind it at all, but it is surprising all the same.I'm thinking to start with the discworld as well, that should keep me entertained for a while.


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Re: Monthly Chat - August, 2020

2020-08-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat - August, 2020

@Afrim hope your feeling better. @Dark eagle, I haven't' tried codex alera yet, Dresden was fun popcorn, and I've not read peacetalks yet, but between Dresden's sexism, annnoying self obsessions and constantly getting more power I don't think I'd regard it as a pure favourite, though it had nice moments.To people going to uni or college, hope you have as good a time as I did and get what you need. The only major mistake I made in terms of university was thinking that the really good time I had there and the wonderfully accepting environment I was in would last the rest of my life, which it hasn't.I confess it's not exactly easy right now, given that it's actually my birthday. What are we doing to mark this auspicious occasion? Bugger all! my mum, in probably the best example of "It's the thought that counts," is putting some cash into my bank to go for a meal out with my lady, - whenever that becomes possible! but given there was a recent corona virus outbreak in the town where I live, and given we've been in ultra lockdown anyway, given that the stupid government are continuing to stupidly try and encourage everyone to go out and spend money whilst making a few genuflections in the direction of taking what the immunologists and  other experts say seriously, when the heck that will be possible is anyone's guess.My brother has bought something cool, some of the newly created recux of the original heman figures, heman and skeletor, which  will arrive in Setempber, that will be a blast from the past. However, unfortunately despite my mum urging me to "do something special", so that today isn't "just another day", "just another day" is pretty much what we're getting. Heck, we can't even order takeaway given that we had pizza last week, our local chinese only accepts cash, and an indian that we tried only accepts their own stupidly inaccessible ordering ap.Then again, I freely admit, material wise there isn't much I want at this point in time anyway. I'm also a little sad since this is once again, a summer with no opportunities to do any on stage performing after Aims international music school closed down due to the founder's greed in not letting anyone else take it over when he got tired of it. On the plus side, I've started game of thrones season 5. It's obviously out the other end of the books, and some events are a bit weird at this point, EG Jaime still being under Circie's thumb, Little finger marrying Sansa off to Ramsy bolton, and Baristan Selmy's untimely death which doesn't occur in the books, but it's interesting to get some new plot none the less.I have heard that season 8 and the final ending is a major case of shark jumping, but it doesn't seem to have happened yet.So hope everyone else is having a slightly better August than I am.


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Re: Monthly Chat - August, 2020

2020-08-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Juliantheaudiogamer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat - August, 2020

Hi,I already know this since the end of July, but better late than ever: This fall, I will be starting to go to University!It is a study program About journalism and PR, and Journalist is also my Dream Job.I am super happy About that!


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Re: Monthly Chat - August, 2020

2020-08-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Patrick via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat - August, 2020

Hi all.I am doing well.Just laying here in my bed with my keyboard. I love having a desktop and long enough cords to reach all the way over here.


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Re: Monthly Chat - August, 2020

2020-08-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Rich_Beardsley via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat - August, 2020

Hi guys.I think this is my first time writing in a monthly chat topic.Anyways, I'm doing good. Just trying to get ready for college which starts Monday August 17.Also, I'm hoping my blind services agency will be able to get me the things I need this week. I don't want to fall behind


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Re: Monthly Chat - August, 2020

2020-08-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark Eagle via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat - August, 2020

So, I completed the Codex Alera series, and so many characters have the awesome moments in the last book.Also, the final book had the longest prologue I have read so far in a book, as well as the longest epilogue.Fans often theorize that Jim Butcher would manage to include this setting in Dresden Files in the future, though Butcher himself has given no such indication. It'll be interesting to see how exactly would that happen, if it happens.Aside from making a complete fool out of myself in the developer's room, the August seems to be a nice month... for given value of nice that is.


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Re: Monthly Chat - August, 2020

2020-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : thetechguy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat - August, 2020

@8. hope you recover soon. As for me, im still really really bored. However, school starts this month so that won't be fun.


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Re: Monthly Chat - August, 2020

2020-08-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : zakc93 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat - August, 2020

Afrim, good luck with the quarantine. It sounds like you're asymptomatic so I can imagine the isolation is probably the worst part of it.


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Re: Monthly Chat - August, 2020

2020-08-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Aron Leppik via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat - August, 2020

@afrim hope you'll get well soon.


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Re: Monthly Chat - August, 2020

2020-08-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : amir tajik via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat - August, 2020

hi, so what's up, if u wana get in tuch my 2 emails are:, and, u can allso p m me here, u can find me in the playroom by the name captainamerica


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Re: Monthly Chat - August, 2020

2020-08-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : afrim via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat - August, 2020

It's been the fifth day since I got the virus and still I don't have the mildest symptom. I mean other people are taking it more seriously than I do. I'm respecting every rule recommended by reputable health institutions and everything should be fine. I'm doing ok with Quarantine so far. It's better than being in jail after all, although I never tried the feeling of being in jail.


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Re: Monthly Chat - August, 2020

2020-08-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat - August, 2020

@afrim, hope you do okay, it's worrying to hear someone's got it. @Aaron, I'm a little jealous of those theatre workshops, given there's bugger all in terms of performing arts for blind people on mainland britain, something that really irritates my lady. Finding an agent is not exactly easy, especially trying to find one these days who doesn't specify women only or "minorities", which apparently does not count blind people, but it's I think the only way of actually getting my work published, since online publishing takes wy more online promotional skills than I have, I'm just a guy who writes things . Still working on my novella though and I have a number of other things finished, so perhaps the eventual plan is a short story collection, or getting my stories published in anthologies, but I'll need to find a professional agent first. At the moment though as I said, things aren't easy due to Mrs. Dark not being well, us worrying it might or might not be cancer, and the knock on effect of continuing lockdown, actually to say that this is the point in the year when we usually would be preparing for international music summer school which hasn't happened now for several years, summer is not an easy time anyway. On the plus side, season 4 of game of thrones is really good! I don't remember it being this good, but then again there was a bit of a gap between me watching seasons 1-3 and season 4 the first time when I watched it in thirteen. Unfortunately, finishing season 4 also means I'll be on to the season when they finally run out of books, which i think happens somewhere in season 5, which I'm not looking forward to, since I've heard a lot of none specific doom and gloom about the conclusion of the series, though I've asiduously been avoiding any concrete information for fear of spoilers.Gaming wise though, things have picked up a bit, and shadowrine is proving fun, I definitely want to finish the game this time, even if sometimes the translated dialogue can get a bit floofy on occasion.Oh, and books wise we're continuing with dooma key, which I'll likely be reviewing soon. Actually I've dashed off a few reviews recently as well as This article, which is a fomral explanation of my issues with the concept of superheroes and which people might find interesting.Hope everyone else is having a slightly better time than we are right now.


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Re: Monthly Chat - August, 2020

2020-08-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark Eagle via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat - August, 2020

@15:I think you are confused a little? I was refering to the post 8, not myself.Though around in early July, there were many, many people who were infected in the building where I live in, and I was even tested. But my family and me all were negative.


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Re: Monthly Chat - August, 2020

2020-08-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat - August, 2020

@11, very sorry to hear about this, and I wish you a swift recovery.


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Re: Monthly Chat - August, 2020

2020-08-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat - August, 2020

@11, nah, I know of at least one blind person who had it.Generally, things are going ok for me. My job, while not particularly mentally engaging, keeps me away from doing a lot of leisure things because I'm often tired when I return home. It's not even the work itself which is tiring, but the commute, which is nearly an hour each way, sometimes longer if I take Paratransit. So while things are actually good and relatively stable in my life, I haven't been able to do much gaming, reading, or watching TV shows or whatever. I hope this is something that will smooth out over time, i.e. I'll adjust a bit more and not feel like I just want to veg out and do nothing when I get home, because I've always said that I never wanted to be one of those people whose life is basically work, eat, sleep, repeat. I see myself going down that path, and it saddens me, but also, it's money, and also also, it feels good to actually be contributing to society in a meaningful way.


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Re: Monthly Chat - August, 2020

2020-08-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Aron Leppik via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat - August, 2020

I don't use tt that much, why would I? on another note: Should I buy a) a ps vita, b) a ps2 (my old one died) or C) a new 2 ds XL.


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Re: Monthly Chat - August, 2020

2020-08-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : amir tajik via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat - August, 2020

hi guys would any of you be wanting a acount in my tt server?


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Re: Monthly Chat - August, 2020

2020-08-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark Eagle via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat - August, 2020

I'm currently at the last book of the codex alera series, considering it is the first series of which I am reading the final book of, I am hoping lots of awesome moments.@8:I don't know whether there are other blind people who got infected with this or not, but you're the first one. I wish you a safe recovery.Also, I am beginning to move up in the world, for last two days or so I have only one thing in mind: How do I create a portfolio?I'll definitely write about these experiences, I'm sure there would be someone who would be entertain by them.


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Re: Monthly Chat - August, 2020

2020-08-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Aron Leppik via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat - August, 2020

@Aaron:Well there are all of the cross platform ones like madden 20, mk11 blaa blaa. There's also Samurai shodown neo geo collection. That's on Xbl as well however you get an extra game if you buy it on psn. There are also games like divekick, I am the hero, some cool ps2 classics and a lot more. They'll appear on the top of your games list. You should use ps4 remote play combined with either windows 10 ocr or that other  ocr NVDA add on if you're on win 7 or something to learn your ps4's home screen. I am the hero and divekick are both like 4 dollars/don't know how much is that in pounds, because I'm using a USA account in an unsupported psn region. Tekken 7 ultimate edition is 19 dollars on the us store as well. If you have any other questions about something related to ps4's ui/games then ask.


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Re: Monthly Chat - August, 2020

2020-08-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Wilson via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat - August, 2020

Nothing really major going on, someone told me that scool won't start until next year here So I guess I have a longer home prison time overall.


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Re: Monthly Chat - August, 2020

2020-08-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : afrim via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat - August, 2020

Hi, it's been a pretty long time since I have posted here.I'm currently in Germany, studying and working, and yesterday I tested positive for Corona. I don't have any symptoms and I feel quite chill. However, the fact that I will have to stay 14 days inside my room and no contact whatsoever, makes me really anxious. It came in the worst time possible. Now that I found a part time job, it became almost impossible to stay inside and I loved to take a short walk everyday. The important thing I have to do now is to stay positive, chill and relaxed because my immune system can also fight the virus better.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Monthly Chat - August, 2020

2020-08-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat - August, 2020

@1: what ps4 games do you have? I've finished The Last of US 2 and am wondering what to do next, apart from the obvious new game plus run in that game. Also, i don't know what will happen if I buy a game from the store, I don't know where it will appear on my console. Since my PS4 is in the UK, it does not have the ts option.@4: a fiction agent? Wow, that sounds interesting.As for me, I've subscribed to Disney Plus, I'm still doing theatre workshops, and I'm getting used to Discord, as it's now publicly known, we as staff have now started using it. Dark, I hope we can get you on board soon. I'm sure Pitermach and myself will be able to help you. Once you get used to it, it's really nifty actually.


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Re: Monthly Chat - August, 2020

2020-08-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : amir tajik via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat - August, 2020

hi nothing get's you out of bordem accepet  a great movie


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Re: Monthly Chat - August, 2020

2020-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat - August, 2020

How could someone start this topic before I did! That is just plane not fair! In retaliation I refuse to post in this topic! No I shal not reply, nor discuss matters nor be very sarcastic! not in this topic that should by rights have been mine and isn't . I'm afraid I don't have much to report either, working out (well with the help of zombies run), watching game of thrones, reading Stephen King with my lady and trying to get my own fiction written. We have actually ordered some masks so we will be able to at least walk out soon enough, though shopping is probably still out. Actually things have been a bit difficult, with my lady worry about whether the scan results actually mean she's clear of cancer, and my efforts to find a fiction agent not really succeeding, the fact that this supposedly quiet town all of a sudden seems full of rowdy drunks doesn't help too much either. Still, hopefully something will come up soon. Gaming wise though things have picked up a bit. Before my lady started radio therapy back in January, I started playing shadowrine. I got as far as firma lake dungeon, but then had to stop for a very extended period, so I've started again from the beginning, and the game is proving pretty awesome, it's also got me back into gaming which is nice. Hope everyone's having a slightly better August thus far.


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Re: Monthly Chat - August, 2020

2020-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : manamon_player via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat - August, 2020

same as at3


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Re: Monthly Chat - August, 2020

2020-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : manamon_player via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat - August, 2020

same as 3


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Re: Monthly Chat - August, 2020

2020-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : moaddye via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat - August, 2020

trying to find good games to play. Being bored generaly.


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Re: Monthly Chat - August, 2020

2020-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : amir tajik via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat - August, 2020

hi i'n watching the MCU films and Mission impossible.mp3 o man what a great film you go ethen hunt


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Monthly Chat - August, 2020

2020-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Aron Leppik via Audiogames-reflector


Monthly Chat - August, 2020

Welcome to another monthly chat topic.School's a month away (for me at least) and that's great because now I'll get to step out of my house and do something other than watching netflix, working out and playing ps4 games.I'm currently watching "Better Call Saul" on Netflix after having watched "Breaking bad" and "El Camino".What are you people up to?


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