Re: My current dilemma, choosing the right programming language

2016-12-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : MeisamAmini21 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My current dilemma, choosing the right programming language

@nuno69Hi.I do the same, with NVDA, I move on the line I want to move using arrow keys, then press NVDA key + / on the num pad to bring mouse pointer on the line. Then I keep the left mouse button on the mouse down. Then I use the arrows to move to the line I want to replace with the last one, press NVDA key + / on num pad again and release the left mouse button on the mouse. It sometimes work perfectly and sometimes not. I just repeat it until the line goes where I want it to. I think you can do the same with Jaws, but I don't remember with combination keys brings the mouse pointer to where pc cursor is.Hope it works. Good luck.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: My current dilemma, choosing the right programming language

2016-12-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : nuno69 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My current dilemma, choosing the right programming language

Hello,I am in the part where I have to rearrange the ccode. How to do it? I tried with locking the mouse but it didn't help


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: My current dilemma, choosing the right programming language

2016-12-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : MeisamAmini21 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My current dilemma, choosing the right programming language

@nuno69Well, to begin with, I used the very short but interesting enough course from a website called It only covers some aspects of the language, enough to get familiar with it, and it is designed for being used on smart phones. But I used it on my computer, because I couldn't solve a kind of question that you need to rearrange the lines of code by drag and drop on my Android device. But on the computer I could do it with some difficulty. (If you decided to take the course, mention it and I'll tell you the trick I used to move the lines up and down in that kind of questions.)Then, more or less familiar with the basics of the language, I started reading the c# tutorial from Microsoft itself has a c# guide, just search for something like "msdn c# guide".Good luck.


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Re: My current dilemma, choosing the right programming language

2016-12-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : magurp244 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My current dilemma, choosing the right programming language

An interpreted language like Python executes code directly without having to compile it in to machine code, where as a language like C would need to compile it into machine code first before it can run. Int float combinations aren't possible as data can only be one type at a time. By definition ints aren't decimal numbers, but floats are which makes them mutually exclusive. In python you can convert numbers between the two types however using the int() and float() functions respectively, but doing so may result in some inaccuracy because of the need to round numbers when converting floats into integers.


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Re: My current dilemma, choosing the right programming language

2016-12-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Thakur ishan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My current dilemma, choosing the right programming language

Hi omer alverado! same confusion here. I am learning c and what I like that you can understand various programming concepts I am using python also and I have started to grasp beginner lessons. I have a question for the python programmers what is the difference between a compiler and an interpreter. or can we use int float as a data type?bottom line omer I will suggest that first master a single programming language and its logics and then dive into another one. Thanks Ishan(Thakur)


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Re: My current dilemma, choosing the right programming language

2016-12-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : nuno69 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My current dilemma, choosing the right programming language

@MeisamAmini21Where can I fin c# tutorial? On the net I couldn'd find anything usable


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Re: My current dilemma, choosing the right programming language

2016-12-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : magurp244 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My current dilemma, choosing the right programming language

I may be able to offer some help in compiling things with pyinstaller, although its difficult to say without knowing the error output what problems you ran into. Linking to resources properly tends to be the biggest irritation for myself most of the time.


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Re: My current dilemma, choosing the right programming language

2016-12-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : blindncool via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My current dilemma, choosing the right programming language

I'm currently having the same problem, although I like the syntax of Python, PureBasic and Quorum.As many of you may know, I've been searching for the right language and I've researched many of them. I think Java is too complicated and C/C++ is too advanced for me, and obviously BGT isn't cross-platform.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: My current dilemma, choosing the right programming language

2016-12-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : raven via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My current dilemma, choosing the right programming language

Python is pretty good for this kind of thing.I'd suggest looking at the shooter fps from Q. Pretty sure I can't give links right now, but just go to don't need to understand all of it. (I don't.) Just look at the over all structure.The recommended way is to go pyglet with libaudioverse for sound and accessible_output2 for speech. Pygame was updated in 2012 or 2013, don't remember.For compiling, pasting logs would be helpful. Py2exe is easier, but I think pyinstaller is being updated more. I'm not familiar with it though so you need to read the manual.Additionally, you don't really need to use python 2.7, unless there's something you miss desperately.Anyway feel free to post any questions here.


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Re: My current dilemma, choosing the right programming language

2016-12-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : MeisamAmini21 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My current dilemma, choosing the right programming language

Hello,Like you, after BGT, I tried to learn another language, and jumped from one language to another, waisting a lot of time and not spending enough time on a specific language to really become sufficient in it. You will hear a lot of different answers to this question. Mine is c#. Visual Studio is an absolutely amazing tool. IntelliSense gives you suggestions when you type the first few letter of a keyword or declared method or variable. Pressing space or enter will type it automatically. It makes your work much, much faster. The outlining gives you the ability to hide parts of the code that you are done with and make the code much more compact and easy to work with. Plus, VS makes creating windows and other visual controls like textboxes, comoboxes, buttons etc. a childplay. And finally C# itself is a very powerful and (in comparason to languages like C and C++) easy language. Plus, C# is from the C family, and for you that come from BGT, its syntax will be very fam
 iliar.About incryption, I'm not sure if .net has anything out-of-box. For sound, (as far as I know), .net has the capability of a simple player that only plays wave files. For more advance sound playing, I use a dll called IrrKlang that is very powerful, and you can use it with different languages, including c#. Although if you want to sell your product you have to buy a license for it. I haven't learn it very well yet, but I saw a IrrKlang example that lets you play encoded sound files. .Net has more than 4000 classes, so I think somewhere among them is something to encrypt your files, and if not, there are always dlls around for things like that. For screen reader and SAPI5, there is UniversalSpeech.dll that works very well. And finally I have to mention that C# is first and foremost a programming language for Windows, although you can use Mono to program for Mac and Linux, and other OSs as well. It got really long, sorry.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: My current dilemma, choosing the right programming language

2016-12-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : brian . kurosawa via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My current dilemma, choosing the right programming language

Have you tried Java?


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My current dilemma, choosing the right programming language

2016-12-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Omar Alvarado via Audiogames-reflector


My current dilemma, choosing the right programming language

So my attempts at pulling away from bgt haven't been going as well as I would have hoped.I tried pure basic, and although it went ok, it's just missing a few things that I have not been able to find more information on anywhere.Encryption of files and strings, the inability to remove items from arrays (minor) and well, some other minor things that don't matter too much to me.Before pure basic I tried playing around with python, and although I liked it, there is one thing I really disliked.Compiling is a complete and total bitch. So I've most likely got low experience to blame, or compiling really is quite difficult even for experienced python programmers. I tried py2exe, and py installer to help in this process.I would really like to go with python, though I've heard it's somewhat easy to get decently readable versions of python source code.C plus plus. Oh god, please don't get me started. So this one is most l
 ikely my short tempered self being unable to be observant enough to learn, or it really is quite, involved to get anything at all going.So I guess, what's next? I could try defaulting back to bgt again, though as I've said in the passed, it's performance and it aging very fast have made me try and pull away.I could play around with pure basic some more and get something decent made, though I'm missing some things bgt and python have, mostly sound and file encryption.And yes, I am aware of data sections that can help hide sounds, but that's really all it does, hide them. Unless there's some magical encryption thing I'm missing with data sections.Python is what I'd really like to try and play around with, and is what everyone else seems to be using these days (aside the bgt and MUD scripters).Though again, the compilation troubles and the fear of exposed source code really doesn't excite me much.Don'
 t get me wrong, I don't mind sharing source code, if it's a project I would like to have it's source available, for inspection by beginners or experienced devs  alike.Your thoughts? This has been a long rant, though I just figured I'd dump it all here and see what I should do next, as I have some neat ideas still floating around my head I'd like to see in audio games.I realize how open ended this question is, so I will list some things I would like to have, if at all possible.1. Sound and file encryption. Python already has something that helps you somewhat protect sounds as I am aware.2. Ideally, I'd like to be able to compile things for windows at least, without too much trouble. I can understand if I have to hunt resources down, I have no issues doing that, I already do that with windows drivers. He.Misc infoI was using python 2.7, Audio game kit released by mason, for which I downloaded all the resources ment
 ioned.Everything in the examples ran fine, though when I tried to compile it just to see if I could manage it, is where things went bad.I first tried py2exe, using a setup file and configured as much as I could, though no matter what I did, it would never compile.I next tried pyinstaller, same result.I'm not really sure what else to provide here, if there are any questions I'll do my best to answer them.Thanks everyone.


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