Re: Ad Liberum engine

2017-05-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Orin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Ad Liberum engine

Hmm. I wonder if this is complex as the Adrift engine, like the ability to add events and such.I've always liked how BBen designs his games in Adrift, with cut scenes that play out like video games in text.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Ad Liberum engine

2017-05-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : liamt via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Ad Liberum engine

You can also download the trapped code in a pdf to build it yourself at


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Ad Liberum engine

2017-05-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : liamt via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Ad Liberum engine

Thank you Here's the link to the new video with commentary


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Ad Liberum engine

2017-05-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Ad Liberum engine

This is a great video for sure.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Ad Liberum engine

2017-05-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Ad Liberum engine

Yeah, I listened to it on sound cloud, not bad.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Ad Liberum engine

2017-05-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : liamt via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Ad Liberum engine

Ok I've created a new version of the video with a commentary overlay, just in the process of uploading the new video, however you can also listen to it at … commentary


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Ad Liberum engine

2017-05-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : liamt via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Ad Liberum engine

I forgot to enable speech synth, doh. I'd literally take forever getting my voice to fit the video I'll work on a voice-over and re-upload early next week 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Ad Liberum engine

2017-05-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : liamt via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Ad Liberum engine

I forgot to enable speech synth, doh. I'd literally take forever getting my voice to fit the video 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Ad Liberum engine

2017-05-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Ad Liberum engine

Ah, Looking at the video now, right, for us there is nothing we can use, its all visual, the audio is the typing sounds and the music. In the future, if yo uwant to create videos, do a voice over where yu talk about what is going on on the screen, and comment on what you're doing. Actually, you could try live commentary, and only do voiceovers where needed. I'll try the new stuff.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Ad Liberum engine

2017-05-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : liamt via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Ad Liberum engine

New version uploaded: download adlengine v11508Lots of bug fixes including a better demo file and controls command now works for exits.i.e. hatch controls ueverything done with the hatch i.e. unlock / lock / close / open is now mirrored onto the direction specified.Currently working on a Demo video / Promo Video, any advice would be welcomed for making the video more accessible.I will post the video once I've finished it. 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Ad Liberum engine

2017-05-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Ad Liberum engine

Yeah, would be cool to build something together. Nice one fixing that bug.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Ad Liberum engine

2017-05-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : liamt via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Ad Liberum engine

Ahh I think what you've experienced is a bug I've just noticed with creative mode. It was disabling itself so then some commands aren't registering. Fingers crossed that should be fixed now.Here's an example of a basic if that drops an object.if take dirt then drop dirton take dirt say the dirt slips through your fingersbuild beaker.obj (.obj on end makes it takeable)if drop beaker then delete beaker and build glasson drop beaker say whoopson delete beaker say the beaker smashes on the ground leaving glass everywhereNew version is now available: download version 11504Some cool ideas you have there, next time I'm on we'll try building a few. I've still to add some form of CHECK functions to allow a command to happen. For example you wouldnt want a custom command for open door be allowed to be used if the door was locked e.g. that'
 ;s coming next. Bit trickier though so will take a while to get my head round.Your feedback has been great too, really appreciate it. Helps refine the engine.ironcross32 wrote:I've never seen it fail to get to something on a page before, it may not always identify what's there, for instance, it may not always read the label associated with a text box, but you usually can get to it. Yes, I did make sure it was in focus mode. Also, I was trying it today and could not get some commands to work. I was trying to set up a scenario where I could create a table, then break / fix it with custom commands, that part worked. What didn't work is the custom message when examining the table, it refused to change. I also tried to create a glass beaker, then create a situation where if you dropped the beaker, it would smash, and then delete itself, but you get the message like it smashed. I couldn't get that to w
 ork either. Also, couldn't get on event stuff to work as far as changing the it worked message when I made the table breakable. But as far as building exits and describing rooms, building objects and stuff, that's all fine, I'm sure its me doing something wrong As far as a text box, I really do think we need one that is fully reviewable, because if I write a description out for something, then make an error near the end, and not sure what I did, how far back to go, etc. then I have to write it over again. If I make a game on here and provide the file for others to try, I want it to be free of spelling and grammar errors. So, if I'm doing more than a liner description, I'll often times write it in Jart, and spall check it ,and review it before using it. I have done MUD building, and still do, and this one MUD I play lets you build your own stuff like spa
 ce stations and stuff, and I like to provide a good rooleplay experience, so my descriptions of things tend to be more than one liners. It's hard to force myself to type slow, I'm a fairly fast typist, but not always an accurate one Anyway, thanks for sticking it out and working to make the engine accessible to us. I have some ideas for when we have the ability to check if you're carrying something, and stuff like that. Maybe even a puzzle where you put together something. Say you have a door, but to open the door, there isn't a lever, knob or switch as usual. Say you have a source of water, you have a small jug that you can fill with water, there is also a contraption there that has a large weight on one end, and a bucket on the other. What you have to do is use the small jug as transfer medium to get water from the water source, and pour it into the bucket
 , when you do this enough, you balance out the weight on the other end, and start to tip it the other way. When the weight is such that the mechanism can reach the bottom of its travel, the door opens.Also, maybe a scenario where you find yourself trapped in a room, not unlike the demo scenario, but this time you are kidnapped, the only thing in there is a cot, a sink with paper towel roll over it and stuff. Well, I like open ended puzzles that have more than one solution. So, maybe the first solution is you harvest the cot for its springs. You could use the search command and have it build a spring.obj or something. Or make a custom command, I don't know if you can make prebuilt commands do stuff like that, but either way, it is something that is likely doable. Anyway, when you get a spring, you need to flatten it out, so put some weight on it to uncoil it. Then you need something else to make it a little more rigid, so you rip the paper towel rack down from above the s
 ink, and take the wooden dowel and use the corner of something, or the one end of the spring itself to cut a little furrow in it where you can attach the spring, then you make a little hole with the uncoiled end, sort of drilling it in like an auger, so that you can then take the other end, which still has a few coils, ram it in there, and let the coils fall into the little furrows you carved. Now you have a rudimentary lockpick. You could even maybe have a little lock picking

Re: Ad Liberum engine

2017-05-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : liamt via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Ad Liberum engine

Ahh I think what you've experienced is a bug I've just noticed with creative mode. It was disabling itself so then some commands aren't registering. Fingers crossed that should be fixed now.Here's an example of a basic if that drops an object.if take dirt then drop dirton take dirt say the dirt slips through your fingersbuild beaker.obj (.obj on end makes it takeable)if take beaker then drop beaker and delete beakeron take beaker say whoopsif delete beaker build broken glasson delete beaker say the beaker smashes on the ground leaving glass everywhereNew version is now available: download version 11504Some cool ideas you have there, next time I'm on we'll try building a few. I've still to add some form of CHECK functions to allow a command to happen. For example you wouldnt want a custom command for open door be allowed to be u
 sed if the door was locked e.g. that's coming next. Bit trickier though so will take a while to get my head round.Your feedback has been great too, really appreciate it. Helps refine the engine.ironcross32 wrote:I've never seen it fail to get to something on a page before, it may not always identify what's there, for instance, it may not always read the label associated with a text box, but you usually can get to it. Yes, I did make sure it was in focus mode. Also, I was trying it today and could not get some commands to work. I was trying to set up a scenario where I could create a table, then break / fix it with custom commands, that part worked. What didn't work is the custom message when examining the table, it refused to change. I also tried to create a glass beaker, then create a situation where if you dropped the beaker, it would smash, and then delete itself, but you get the message like 
 it smashed. I couldn't get that to work either. Also, couldn't get on event stuff to work as far as changing the it worked message when I made the table breakable. But as far as building exits and describing rooms, building objects and stuff, that's all fine, I'm sure its me doing something wrong As far as a text box, I really do think we need one that is fully reviewable, because if I write a description out for something, then make an error near the end, and not sure what I did, how far back to go, etc. then I have to write it over again. If I make a game on here and provide the file for others to try, I want it to be free of spelling and grammar errors. So, if I'm doing more than a liner description, I'll often times write it in Jart, and spall check it ,and review it before using it. I have done MUD building, and still do, and this one MUD I pl
 ay lets you build your own stuff like space stations and stuff, and I like to provide a good rooleplay experience, so my descriptions of things tend to be more than one liners. It's hard to force myself to type slow, I'm a fairly fast typist, but not always an accurate one Anyway, thanks for sticking it out and working to make the engine accessible to us. I have some ideas for when we have the ability to check if you're carrying something, and stuff like that. Maybe even a puzzle where you put together something. Say you have a door, but to open the door, there isn't a lever, knob or switch as usual. Say you have a source of water, you have a small jug that you can fill with water, there is also a contraption there that has a large weight on one end, and a bucket on the other. What you have to do is use the small jug as transfer medium to get water from the 
 water source, and pour it into the bucket, when you do this enough, you balance out the weight on the other end, and start to tip it the other way. When the weight is such that the mechanism can reach the bottom of its travel, the door opens.Also, maybe a scenario where you find yourself trapped in a room, not unlike the demo scenario, but this time you are kidnapped, the only thing in there is a cot, a sink with paper towel roll over it and stuff. Well, I like open ended puzzles that have more than one solution. So, maybe the first solution is you harvest the cot for its springs. You could use the search command and have it build a spring.obj or something. Or make a custom command, I don't know if you can make prebuilt commands do stuff like that, but either way, it is something that is likely doable. Anyway, when you get a spring, you need to flatten it out, so put some weight on it to uncoil it. Then you need something else to make it a little more rigid, so you rip t
 he paper towel rack down from above the sink, and take the wooden dowel and use the corner of something, or the one end of the spring itself to cut a little furrow in it where you can attach the spring, then you make a little hole with the uncoiled end, sort of drilling it in like an auger, so that you can then take the other end, which still has a few coils, ram it in there, and let the coils fall into the little furrows you carved. Now you have a rudimentary lockpick. You could even maybe

Re: Ad Liberum engine

2017-05-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Ad Liberum engine

I've never seen it fail to get to something on a page before, it may not always identify what's there, for instance, it may not always read the label associated with a text box, but you usually can get to it. Yes, I did make sure it was in focus mode. Also, I was trying it today and could not get some commands to work. I was trying to set up a scenario where I could create a table, then break / fix it with custom commands, that part worked. What didn't work is the custom message when examining the table, it refused to change. I also tried to create a glass beaker, then create a situation where if you dropped the beaker, it would smash, and then delete itself, but you get the message like it smashed. I couldn't get that to work either. Also, couldn't get on event stuff to work as far as changing the it worked message when I made the table breakable. But as far as building exits and describing rooms, building objects and stuff, that's all fine, I
 'm sure its me doing something wrong As far as a text box, I really do think we need one that is fully reviewable, because if I write a description out for something, then make an error near the end, and not sure what I did, how far back to go, etc. then I have to write it over again. If I make a game on here and provide the file for others to try, I want it to be free of spelling and grammar errors. So, if I'm doing more than a liner description, I'll often times write it in Jart, and spall check it ,and review it before using it. I have done MUD building, and still do, and this one MUD I play lets you build your own stuff like space stations and stuff, and I like to provide a good rooleplay experience, so my descriptions of things tend to be more than one liners. It's hard to force myself to type slow, I'm a fairly fast typist, but not always an accur
 ate one Anyway, thanks for sticking it out and working to make the engine accessible to us. I have some ideas for when we have the ability to check if you're carrying something, and stuff like that. Maybe even a puzzle where you put together something. Say you have a door, but to open the door, there isn't a lever, knob or switch as usual. Say you have a source of water, you have a small jug that you can fill with water, there is also a contraption there that has a large weight on one end, and a bucket on the other. What you have to do is use the small jug as transfer medium to get water from the water source, and pour it into the bucket, when you do this enough, you balance out the weight on the other end, and start to tip it the other way. When the weight is such that the mechanism can reach the bottom of its travel, the door opens.Also, maybe a scenario wher
 e you find yourself trapped in a room, not unlike the demo scenario, but this time you are kidnapped, the only thing in there is a cot, a sink with paper towel roll over it and stuff. Well, I like open ended puzzles that have more than one solution. So, maybe the first solution is you harvest the cot for its springs. You could use the search command and have it build a spring.obj or something. Or make a custom command, I don't know if you can make prebuilt commands do stuff like that, but either way, it is something that is likely doable. Anyway, when you get a spring, you need to flatten it out, so put some weight on it to uncoil it. Then you need something else to make it a little more rigid, so you rip the paper towel rack down from above the sink, and take the wooden dowel and use the corner of something, or the one end of the spring itself to cut a little furrow in it where you can attach the spring, then you make a little hole with the uncoiled end, sort of drilling it in
  like an auger, so that you can then take the other end, which still has a few coils, ram it in there, and let the coils fall into the little furrows you carved. Now you have a rudimentary lockpick. You could even maybe have a little lock picking minigame where you guess a number from 1 to 10, you get 3 guesses and you get a hint to whether the number you guessed is higher or lower than the computer generated number. If after 3 attempts, you don't get it, you go back to what you were doing, and there is a chance that you broke the lockpick.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Ad Liberum engine

2017-05-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : liamt via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Ad Liberum engine

I'm thinking I will try creating a version that uses a text entry box to see if that helps with screen readers.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Ad Liberum engine

2017-05-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : liamt via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Ad Liberum engine

I had to place NVDA in focus mode to get it to lock to adlengine's keyboard. Did you try this? I will see what I can find out about doing it without a dialog and will look at adding a text entry field. Not sure whether NVDA will be able to get access to it though.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Ad Liberum engine

2017-05-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Ad Liberum engine

OK, now I tried again and it is working, cool. So one thing that keeps happening is that in firefox, it wants to heavily lock down the keyboard, so its hard to get out of, even putting NVDA in browse mode doesn't always work. can we have an edit box on the screen that we can tab to, and review, because also, as you type, you can't review it to see if you made any errors. Also, somehow I keep going back one page, I think sometimes if I hit backspace this will occur if for some reason it wasn't in  focus, I am alt tabbing back and forth bewtween the game engine in firefox, and the PDF manual which I've got loaded in Chroem. But yeah, the nvda is a lot better than the sapi, and I'm glad that's working, it will be even better if we can have it just send text to nvda without those dialog boxes, but i understand this is all new, aand I think accessibility stuff can be tricky.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Ad Liberum engine

2017-05-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Ad Liberum engine

yeah that's what I typed, reader on, I realize that the voice commands control the browser voice but they're not working. I tried that stuff after turning speech on after reader wasn't working.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Ad Liberum engine

2017-05-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : liamt via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Ad Liberum engine

reader on...apologies I should have been more clear the voice commands affect the browser text to speech only, not NVDA (the screen reader voice is entirely controlled by NVDA)


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Ad Liberum engine

2017-05-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Ad Liberum engine

I cannot get screen reader mode to work at all in either chrome or firefox using NVDA. I also cannot get the voice commands to work, except list voices which only shows one, and that's the one its already using.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Ad Liberum engine

2017-05-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : liamt via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Ad Liberum engine

Valid points  wondering if I can make a config file thats exportable to make it easier for those with NVDA. I'll defo keep exploring more options though.[edit] looks like making an AppModule would be a better move  that adds app-specific accessibility configuration to a particular application.ironcross32 wrote:Hi, this is cool indeed, but a slight issue. Replacing some of those words would cause problems in other applications. For instance, now I wouldn't be able to find an OK button in a diolog, or even know I'm in one. I think this is where ARIA steps in gracefully, taking center stage. I am not a developer, especially a web de, but I know many things these days use ARIA to deliver accessible content on the web,
  my bank's site uses it, my credit agency's site, and amazon to name a few off the top.But this is cool nonetheless, you're experimenting, and that's gonna lead to cooler stuff in the future, I appreciate your efforts to break us out of the sapi tyrany, . Screen readers can use sapi voices, its true, but NVDA especially has many voices you can download / buy that interface with it directly with out the speech API. This does two things, makes it interrupt well, and reduces latency to the realm of imperceptibility. Oh, and when i say interruptability, I'm referring to how well the voice stops one bit of text and starts with another, the default microsoft sapi voices in windows, well, everything, but especially in windows 10 are bad at this, they will sometimes do it, and sometimes not.I am not sure whether dictionary entries in NVDA are able to be 
 set to configuration profiles or not, I could make one for firefox, and use that for liberum engine, mainly because I use chrome as my daily driver, but still, some sites work better in firefox, and if say, perhaps I forgot about those dictionary entries, I'd be fumbling around for 15 minutes trying to figure out why one day this one particular site was working, and now its not, 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Ad Liberum engine

2017-05-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : liamt via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Ad Liberum engine

Valid points  wondering if I can make a config file thats exportable to make it easier for those with NVDA. I'll defo keep exploring more options though.ironcross32 wrote:Hi, this is cool indeed, but a slight issue. Replacing some of those words would cause problems in other applications. For instance, now I wouldn't be able to find an OK button in a diolog, or even know I'm in one. I think this is where ARIA steps in gracefully, taking center stage. I am not a developer, especially a web de, but I know many things these days use ARIA to deliver accessible content on the web, my bank's site uses it, my credit agency's site, and amazon to name a few off the top.But this is cool nonetheless, you're experimenting, and that's gonna lead to cooler stuff in the future, I appreciate your efforts t
 o break us out of the sapi tyrany, . Screen readers can use sapi voices, its true, but NVDA especially has many voices you can download / buy that interface with it directly with out the speech API. This does two things, makes it interrupt well, and reduces latency to the realm of imperceptibility. Oh, and when i say interruptability, I'm referring to how well the voice stops one bit of text and starts with another, the default microsoft sapi voices in windows, well, everything, but especially in windows 10 are bad at this, they will sometimes do it, and sometimes not.I am not sure whether dictionary entries in NVDA are able to be set to configuration profiles or not, I could make one for firefox, and use that for liberum engine, mainly because I use chrome as my daily driver, but still, some sites work better in firefox, and if say, perhaps I forgot about those dictionary
  entries, I'd be fumbling around for 15 minutes trying to figure out why one day this one particular site was working, and now its not, 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Ad Liberum engine

2017-05-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Ad Liberum engine

Hi, this is cool indeed, but a slight issue. Replacing some of those words would cause problems in other applications. For instance, now I wouldn't be able to find an OK button in a diolog, or even know I'm in one. I think this is where ARIA steps in gracefully, taking center stage. I am not a developer, especially a web de, but I know many things these days use ARIA to deliver accessible content on the web, my bank's site uses it, my credit agency's site, and amazon to name a few off the top.But this is cool nonetheless, you're experimenting, and that's gonna lead to cooler stuff in the future, I appreciate your efforts to break us out of the sapi tyrany, . Screen readers can use sapi voices, its true, but NVDA especially has many voices you can download / buy that interface with it directly with out the speech API. This does two things, makes i
 t interrupt well, and reduces latency to the realm of imperceptibility. Oh, and when i say interruptability, I'm referring to how well the voice stops one bit of text and starts with another, the default microsoft sapi voices in windows, well, everything, but especially in windows 10 are bad at this, they will sometimes do it, and sometimes not.I am not sure whether dictionary entries in NVDA are able to be set to configuration profiles or not, I could make one for firefox, and use that for liberum engine, mainly because I use chrome as my daily driver, but still, some sites work better in firefox, and if say, perhaps I forgot about those dictionary entries, I'd be fumbling around for 15 minutes trying to figure out why one day this one particular site was working, and now its not, 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Ad Liberum engine

2017-05-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Zersiax via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Ad Liberum engine

Hi LiamT,There may be a slightly easier way of doing this, but I would need to see the files and I'm a little swamped right now. Some questions:- Is the text that the screen reader is to speak present in the DOM?- If so, consider using a  and the aria-live parameter. If not, you , instead of using a dialog, might want to inject the text into a an invisible  with aria-live using _javascript_, that way you don't have to worry about alert, dialog etc. being replaced Zersiax


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Ad Liberum engine

2017-05-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : liamt via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Ad Liberum engine

So last night I managed to get adlengine working with the NVDA screen reader Try it at andtype reader on and press enter.OR download a packaged version of adlengineHere's How I Got Adlengine To Work with NVDA:When reader mode is active I get Adlengine to call a window alert dialog with the text of what the screen reader is to read.NVDA: must be in focus mode to allow keyboard entry and to disable single letter navigation.I also created some dictionary entries to replace the following with an empty string; to avoid the screen reader repeating them.replace https://www.adliberum.comreplace ok buttonreplace alert (otherwise every text is
  preceeded with the word alert)replace dialogreplace documentreplace unknownNot sure if this method will work for other screen readers but I am confident it should as its a windows feature to call a browser alert dialog box. Which I am sure screen readers are setup to read (being important and all).Try it out for yourself:New commands:speech on = enables browser text to speech mode.reader on = enables screen reader mode.voice is normal (resets everything, voice type, speed, volume and pitch)voice is fastervoice is fastvoice is slowvoice is slowervoice is loudervoice is loudvoice is quietvoice is quieterlist voices (gives you a list of each voice available)voice is 1-21 = changes voice to a different voice (from those available - use list voices)voice is wait (puts voice into wait mode, use the right arrow to move forward in the text queue)voice 
 is auto (puts voice into auto mode, speech will move through the queue automatically BUT you will need to press space / enter after each speech, for the current queue, to close the dialog box)p = toggle voice paused / playpause = pause voiceplay = play voiceYou can also use Tab to toggle voice pause / play (but only when there is no speech queued / in auto).You can also use Space to skip text (in screen reader mode only).Try it at would be most interested in hearing whether it works with other screen readers and specifically what options you have set if you set any e.g. dictionary or commands / modes.Thank you.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Ad Liberum engine

2017-05-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : liamt via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Ad Liberum engine

So last night I managed to get adlengine working with the NVDA screen reader Try it at andtype reader on and press enter.Here's How:I get Adlengine to call a window alert dialog with the text of what the screen reader is to read.NVDA: must be in focus mode to allow keyboard entry and to disable single letter navigation.I also created some dictionary entries to replace the following with an empty string; to avoid the screen reader repeating them.replace https://www.adliberum.comreplace ok buttonreplace alert (otherwise every text is preceeded with the word alert)replace dialogreplace documentreplace unknownNot sure if this method will work for other screen readers but I am
  confident it should as its a windows feature to call a browser alert dialog box. Which I am sure screen readers are setup to read (being important and all).Try it out for yourself:New commands:speech on = enables browser text to speech mode.reader on = enables screen reader mode.voice is normal (resets everything, voice type, speed, volume and pitch)voice is fastervoice is fastvoice is slowvoice is slowervoice is loudervoice is loudvoice is quietvoice is quieterlist voices (gives you a list of each voice available)voice is 1-21 = changes voice to a different voice (from those available - use list voices)voice is wait (puts voice into wait mode, use the right arrow to move forward in the text queue)voice is auto (puts voice into auto mode, speech will move through the queue automatically BUT you will need to press space / enter after each speech, for the current queue, 
 to close the dialog box)p = toggle voice paused / playpause = pause voiceplay = play voiceYou can also use Tab to toggle voice pause / play (but only when there is no speech queued / in auto).You can also use Space to skip text (in screen reader mode only).Try it at would be most interested in hearing whether it works with other screen readers and specifically what options you have set if you set any e.g. dictionary or commands / modes.Thank you.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Ad Liberum engine

2017-05-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : liamt via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Ad Liberum engine

if the file is called game.adlengine it will be automatically loaded at startup. Otherwise they can be loaded in the engine using the load command. This can be called via custom commands, for things like level transition etc.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Ad Liberum engine

2017-05-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : liamt via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Ad Liberum engine

excellent, glad to hear. to save your editing type dl to download the .adlengine file and then upload it to your server  I will write it so it can be saved to the server by typing save as well.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Ad Liberum engine

2017-05-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Ad Liberum engine

Ok, I got it up and working, it took a minute for it to load up, it still says browser doesn't support HTML 5 at the top, but it is working now.


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Re: Ad Liberum engine

2017-05-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : liamt via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Ad Liberum engine

or in tar.gz format at


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Re: Ad Liberum engine

2017-05-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : liamt via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Ad Liberum engine

the webfiles can be downloaded at …


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Re: Ad Liberum engine

2017-05-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : liamt via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Ad Liberum engine

have you tried the webfiles download (for web deployment... not sure if it will work on a linux server though, that may need me to create a different zip file etc..) the rest are download versions...


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Ad Liberum engine

2017-05-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Ad Liberum engine

Ah, ok, is there anything I can do in the meantime, I just figured it would have a makefile because it was linux64 which is the package I downloaded, If these files need to be unpacked or moved somewhere else, I don't know what to do with them. Yeah, I'm terrible at this sysadmin stuff, but ya don't learn by not doing, heh.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Ad Liberum engine

2017-05-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : liamt via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Ad Liberum engine

ironcross32 wrote:Hi, So, I'm trying to get this going, I have ubuntu 16.04 on a VPS with the LAMP stack installed, I uploaded the files with SFTP, then SSH into the server and unzip and move to /var/www/engine which, I see nothing in this that looks like either something you can build like a make file or whatever, so I go to the domain and it gives me like an FTP dropdown thing where all the directories are listed, so I think I'm missing a step. What should I be doing, I'm still learning this Linux server stuff.Also, second problem when I try to use the one on your site with both firefox and chrome it says they don't support HTML5, well of course they do, I'm running the latest on both, and yeah, I have twitch on HTML 5 player, and that wouldn't work if the browsers don't support HTML5, so I don't know what that's about either.Any help would be appreciated.Hi I will look into making a make file, completely overlooked people with Linux servers lol. Good point. Will keep you informed. Best Liam


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Ad Liberum engine

2017-05-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Ad Liberum engine

Hi, So, I'm trying to get this going, I have ubuntu 16.04 on a VPS with the LAMP stack installed, I uploaded the files with SFTP, then SSH into the server and unzip and move to /var/www/engine which, I see nothing in this that looks like either something you can build like a make file or whatever, so I go to the domain and it gives me like an FTP dropdown thing where all the directories are listed, so I think I'm missing a step. What should I be doing, I'm still learning this Linux server stuff.Also, second problem when I try to use the one on your site with both firefox and chrome it says they don't support HTML5, well of course they do, I'm running the latest on both, and yeah, I have twitch on HTML 5 player, and that wouldn't work if the browsers don't support HTML5, so I don't know what that's about either.Any help would be appreciated.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Ad Liberum engine

2017-05-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Ad Liberum engine

Thanks a lot for your answer.Since the engine requires html5, I wander why the text is not directly on the screen like a webpage. Websites made in html5 are usually accessible with screenreaders.I look so much forward to follow this awesome project. Keep up the fantastic job.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Ad Liberum engine

2017-05-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Angel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Ad Liberum engine

Hi.Thanks for this engine.And can you add a 32 bit version for the server?I have now a bad windows on my computer.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Ad Liberum engine

2017-05-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Ad Liberum engine

Hi.I have briefly looked at the engine, and [[wow]] this is awesome... I have read the pdf manual as well.Is it possible to make some battles, weapons, armor, NPC's etc.? I'm not sure if I have missed something in the manual.I could see myself making a cool puzzle game where people could join in multiplayer to solve the puzzles. It would be great to make puzzles, which actually requires multiple people to solve them.Here is some feedback on using the engine with speech:Controlling the speech:I'm not sure on where the break key is on my Macbook. However, it works fine in Firefox.If possible in the future, it would be awesome to have direct screenreader output to read the text, and especially to read what you type. I tried to enter a room description, but for some reason, it both mistyped what I was actually typing, and it didn't took the whole description I wrote. I tried like 5 times and finally gave up and chose a shor
 t description instead.This is really an awesome engine and a great start. I love how easy it is to build things in this engine. Just [[wow]]... I look very much forward to see the future development of this project.


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Re: Ad Liberum engine

2017-05-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : liamt via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Ad Liberum engine

mojsior wrote:Hi.I want to run this demo script but I dont know how to do that.I dont have any web server, so it is any way to run this offlineI'll create an exe version for you 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Ad Liberum engine

2017-05-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mojsior via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Ad Liberum engine

Hi.I want to run this demo script but I dont know how to do that.I dont have any web server, so it is any way to run this offline


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Ad Liberum engine

2017-05-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : liamt via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Ad Liberum engine

Hi, thank you! Really appreciate it! language is an area that I am currently exploring. I am actively looking to convert commands into different languages as every day I'm finding interest from more countries.One of the hardest parts of language support is keyboard support.Sound is also another area I've not implemented yet, but will be doing. It will allow you to attach a sound to specific objects and command interaction, e.g. door-UNLOCK-SND or book-READ-SND plus will come with a library of sounds already built in / encoded.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Ad Liberum engine

2017-05-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Ad Liberum engine

Hi.[[wow]] this seems awesome. I'm currently very busy, but I'll take a look at this in the nearest future for sure. It's really cool that this is a multiplayer engine.Does it support other languages than english? Will I, for example, be able to write a game in danish and use danish commands to play the game? If not, will it be possible to translate those commands in the future? Is it possible to include sounds in a game as well?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Ad Liberum engine

2017-05-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : liamt via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Ad Liberum engine

Soul Keeper wrote:Sorry for the double post, but there seem to be some really weird things going on with key priorities -- the program's own input seems to be stopping things like alt d and alt f from passing through as commands to go to the address bar or open the browser menu. I'm not sure if this is even a screen reader problem, but if it isn't, then that's...pretty problematic. Also can you please please make a speech interrupt command? Definitely going to be messing around with this thing some more and watching out for new stuff on this thread, though.are you able to try again. what happens is when I create a key press event for a particular combination, it takes over from the browser control.I have specified that keypresses for typing commands must not include the ALT key and have tested ALT + D, which now allows access to the browser menu bar once more. PLUS you can now control the speech playback using pause / play. It will pause after the current speech in queue has finished.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Ad Liberum engine

2017-05-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : liamt via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Ad Liberum engine

Soul Keeper wrote:Sorry for the double post, but there seem to be some really weird things going on with key priorities -- the program's own input seems to be stopping things like alt d and alt f from passing through as commands to go to the address bar or open the browser menu. I'm not sure if this is even a screen reader problem, but if it isn't, then that's...pretty problematic. Also can you please please make a speech interrupt command? Definitely going to be messing around with this thing some more and watching out for new stuff on this thread, though.are you able to try again. what happens is when I create a key press event for a particular combination, it takes over from the browser control.I have specified that keypresses for typing commands must not include the ALT key and have tested ALT + D, which now allows access to the browser menu bar once more. 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Ad Liberum engine

2017-05-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mojsior via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Ad Liberum engine

It is very hard for us to use mouse so first way is the most accessible for us.I have a question, do you have any example game writen in this engine I want to try how that game will works with speech


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Ad Liberum engine

2017-05-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : liamt via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Ad Liberum engine

 glad to hear you got it working, let me know if you need any help with commands for editing..creative enables world editing.dl downloads your current map to a .adlengine file which you can then share.To host your own game you need to download the engine web files on at engine will look for a game.adlengine file, if it finds it, it will load it automatically on launch otherwise it will load the demo.Other way to import is to move the mouse to the bottom left and use the file chooser.To change room image move the mouse to the bottom right and use the file chooser (web hosted only).


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Ad Liberum engine

2017-05-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mojsior via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Ad Liberum engine

Hi.It works now I have to wait untill this engine will be loaded, amazing.Now it is time to write mi first simpe game


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Ad Liberum engine

2017-05-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mojsior via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Ad Liberum engine

I am using windows 10 x64 firefox 53.02. screen reader is active.I have tried to run speech with stadalone application.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Ad Liberum engine

2017-05-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : liamt via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Ad Liberum engine

just tried it in firefox 53.0.2 (32-bit) speech synthesis works fine. I have added pause / play commands to control speech playback.Make sure to force refresh (a few times) if trying it again to ensure it loads the latest version.. will steel focus for the keyboard, so you will need to select the ulr address bar to press F5, ctrl + F5 works best for refreshing.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Ad Liberum engine

2017-05-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : liamt via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Ad Liberum engine

You can download / read the guide at  -> download adlengine manual <- . Will have to do more research into screen readers. They both fight for input access. Are you able to disable screen reader keys?Will double check if speech synthesis runs in node web kit.I will also look into how I can send messages / calls to screen readers, but this will be a lot trickier! Thanks for trying it so far.Fingers crossed I'll be able to get it working for you all. A few ideas to check for example bringing a text input box into focus.Will keep you all updated.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Ad Liberum engine

2017-05-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : liamt via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Ad Liberum engine

Ok. uploaded the latest build of adlengine for download at the links below.  hopefully this will work.. > Linux 32 > Linux 64 > MacosX > Windows 32 > Windows 64Will see what I can find out about firefox..


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Ad Liberum engine

2017-05-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Angel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Ad Liberum engine

Yes, but I really want to test it with firefox because it is beter.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Ad Liberum engine

2017-05-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mojsior via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Ad Liberum engine

I am waiting, it can be amazing


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Ad Liberum engine

2017-05-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : liamt via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Ad Liberum engine

Odd. Never had any issues with firefox.I will create an exportable app version for you to test instead later this evening. It comes packed with its own version of Chrome so should work depending on what operating system / computer type you have.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Ad Liberum engine

2017-05-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mojsior via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Ad Liberum engine

but I have a latest version of firefox so it should be compatible I think so.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Ad Liberum engine

2017-05-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : liamt via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Ad Liberum engine

Hi. Thank you. It requires a compatible browser. Chrome or Firefox both support synth. I will add a message to say if its not compatible. Thanks for highlighting that There is a manual to help use the engine: download it here - it has alot of the commands you can use.For example..creativebuild boxbox can be openedbox is closedbox is lockablebox is lockedbox is immovablebox requires keybuild key.objThe .obj on the end creates an object that can be taken as the class .obj is predefined as takeableYou can also edit rooms by:room name is Dungeonroom description is A dingy, reeking is darkHope this helps. 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Ad Liberum engine

2017-05-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : liamt via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Ad Liberum engine

Hi. Thank you. It requires a compatible browser. Chrome or Firefox both support synth. I will add a message to say if its not compatible. Thanks for highlighting that There is a manual to help use the engine: download it here - it has alot of the commands you can use.For example..creativebuild boxbox can be openedbox is closedbox is lockablebox is lockedbox is immovablebox requires keybuild key.objThe .obj on the end creates an object that can be taken as the class .obj is predefined as takeableYou can also edit rooms by:room name is Dungeonroom description is A dingy, reeking is darkHope this helps. <


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Ad Liberum engine

2017-05-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : liamt via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Ad Liberum engine

Thanks Ian, it was great to chat earlier regards making it more accessible earlier and thanks again for posting, speech synthesis is now integrated with the latest build if anyone would like to try it out for themselves. The command to turn speech synthesis is speech on and speech off to turn it off.The font size can also be increased or decreased by scrolling the mouse wheel. Holding the Right mouse button controls the yellow wrapper bar (currently wraps to character, but will soon wrap by word also).I will be adding voice recognition next.


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