Re: Calling out to all light beings.

2017-01-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : bashue via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Calling out to all light beings.

Greetings flyby chow.I will take into consideration what you said; I know I still have much to learn about the empaths and I'll get it wrong sometimes. Hopefully though, with your advice, I can minimize the frequency of errors in my interaction with them. As for cleaning them, absolutely; I've been looking for a way to give back to them and if they're in need, I will freely give of my energy.Kind regards, Amin Abdullah.


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Re: Calling out to all light beings.

2017-01-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : flyby chow via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Calling out to all light beings.

hi again bashue,i am happy for you that you  have encountered a empathic being,some appear in your life from time to time, others fades like clouds in a sunny sky,only to appear later again.i wish to give you a friendly peace of advice though. in order to guide you.never attempt to make an  empath out of some one who cannot be.what this means is that, if you encounter a empathic being. no that their gifts are hard coded, it is not any thing they can change,the best you can do is to cherish what you found, be happy you found it,draw from it what you can.and smile.because you've been one of  the lucky ones whom some empathic being  gave freely of their  energy to you to make you feel for them being hurt, of for sure they can, they can get broken for sure, they can suffer from being used up, from having no more energy,when that happens,they'll really suffer, 
 and they can have symptoms, ranging from any thing to including the following, but not limited to.1. moodiness, they often will feel moody,very very moody for unknown reasons,they'll often feel very icks and bad, not knowing why, but what they do not realize is that its others feelings they are feeling, that is stuck in their fur, so to speak,let me use a comparison,pretend just for examples sake, that their ability to sense things, read people, and generally cast about their energy, is like a fine very clean groomed thick imagine, this fur, like a soft fur coat, it is soft to the touch, very fluffy and very clean, it even glows a little, and is quite  colorful. and very nice to look at,now if you had to wear this cote, eventually as you walk around, outside and in the city,  it will start to accumulate dust and grime, and grit, from out side,it will slowly over time begin to feel dusty, dirty, and b
 ecome dull, with  dirt., hec, if it had pockets and you carried stuff around, it would feel heavy  as, pretend for this example that a empath has this sort of orra,they have a warm soft fur about them, that every ones attracted to, they cleanse every one around them, they make every one feel warm and good.they spend patience, time, energy and kindness to wards every one. but, if they themselves are not looked after, not cleansed, not taken care of, their ability will suffer,they'll become hurting, suffering, wishing for that very same cleansing, but in this harsh world, the tables are turned on them, because there's  no one that can do this, so they think,they'll begin to  suffer. they'll not read as effectively, they'll have to expend more energy to work harder to feel accurate, to understand what they feeling.and soon, they'll brake down.the weaker ones, will w
 ith draw, their  energy's burned out.and very bad things can happen.others may try to fix it, and yet the more talented ones. belongs to groups. whom they are fortunate to have people to watch over them, they guard each other, are very close, and can help and cleanse each other. to cleanse them, to guide and keep them healthy.but sadly it is a very private matter, and many empathic beings will never tell u about the state they in, you see, if they even think you do not understand the, or if they not sure, they'll not open up. and if you try to push to hard to get close, they'll draw away.the best you can do, if you want to help such people, is to just be their, and l look at the small things, perhaps they'll eventually pick up on that you honestly wish to help.they sometimes in there own little world, and when it comes to healing themselves, they are not able to do this, they good to heal others, but not them selves.
 they suffer alone. and often its a very sad state of, there is even others who, uses training techneecs, to draw energy from various sources to aid them.they have private meditation options they use.and last their,  is still those that knows nothing of this.they are untrained, they are stuck and it is a very difficult place from them to be in.i wish to also make you aware of the following,do not confuse compassion, with is very much okay for you to feel very strongly about something, perhaps you feel very sympathetic towards some one, or maybe something, or you feel very much sympathetic towards a cause, or something you believe in.that is not to be confused with empathy.empaths cannot be made, they are born.what this means is that, perhaps some of them energy's remains locked up. guys especially are macho about this, :d :d.i mean by that, that, there is a stigma that men 
 are not allowed to show emotion. they not allowed to cry, or show they are touched by guys know what i am talking about here?you get those ridget folks, that has to always be the rock, and never fall.well let me tell you. there's nothing wrong with showing what you feel.many of those rocks, are the ones that may have the empathic gift,

Re: Calling out to all light beings.

2017-01-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Calling out to all light beings.

@zakc93,if morality  is subjective and dependent on human perception, why should we have to teach it?


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Re: Calling out to all light beings.

2017-01-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Calling out to all light beings.

Hello everyone.Amin, aka Bashue is telling the truth. I am an empath. Admitedly i'm not as strong or as tuned in, as it were, as my younger self was. However all that he said about me is true.if you have questions, please ask them and I'll try to respond as soon as I can.


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Re: Calling out to all light beings.

2017-01-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : bashue via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Calling out to all light beings.

greetings flyby chow.Indeed what you described is what I encountered and yes when I met my latest empath around 2 years ago, I again told her who and what she was. While I did not quite unburden my soul to Kathy from Goldman Sax, she along with a humanitarian came along to aid us during our sports day, I was on the point of losing faith in humanity because there was nothing but cruelty that I could see. Whatever good people did, the others always shot them down and I hated having to live through it. So, once I knew what Kathy was, I told her that she restored my faith for as long as those who are good exists, then those who are not as good have a chance to change and improve; they can become empaths to or should I say, have some of their qualities.So what happened next you might ask? Well, she kept rubbing my arm and I fed hungrily on her light and love she freely gave to me. I was careful though and never took what was not freely given and in turn, I gave unto Kathy
  my love, faith and devotion for that was all I could offer. It is unfortunate that I've never been able to see Kathy again but hopefully I can meet another empath in time. As for them being able to sin, I did not know they could as those I met never did anything to me or in front of me that could be considered sinful. However, what goes on behind closed doors cannot be known I guess.Okay, I must for a moment refer to the empaths you speak of as light beings to differentiate between those beings and an empath I know of. Anyway, the empath I speak of, he and I were brought together by his grandmother and my mother at age concern. He is 9 years younger than I and he told me of his empathic abilities; believing that everyone could use them. He did not even know that it was a gift, thinking that everyone can read others emotions without looking at them. I would imagine it was slightly jarring to find out that you were different from your peers in such a fundamental way. Ther
 e isn't much I can tell you here because he may want to tell you himself. Suffice it to say that before his abilities and energy flow was disrupted, reading people's emotions was as simple as breathing. Unlike the other light beings/empaths I met, he truly is just like us. Well I say just but that just is incredible. He is the people's people, one who often makes you feel good about being yourself. Be yourself he often says to me; don't change for anyone else unless you find such a change to be beneficial to you. True he isn't like Kathy but he does things another way. Kathy makes you feel good no matter what; this empath makes you feel good by accepting you for who and what you are. So who is this incredible empath who I've known from 2009? Bradley Brown, another forumite who likes posting here.Kind regards, Amin Abdullah.


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Re: Calling out to all light beings.

2017-01-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : zakc93 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Calling out to all light beings.

While something like gravity can be objectively measured and observed, morality is necessarily subjective. How could we possibly construct an objective morality independent of any human perception? It seems like an oxymoron to me, as morality is about human ideas of right and wrong. This is not to say though that we shouldn't have such a system, just that it will never be free of subjectivity. You could construct it around a central tenant such as minimising suffering and maximising happiness, but it will inevitably be much more complicated with rules and arbitrary exceptions. Even something as simple as "murder is wrong" which is something that I'm sure noone would disagree with is more complex then it sounds, as people will start disagreeing as soon as it comes to the definition of murder. Most people wouldn't consider killing someone in self defence murder, which means they consider their own life as more valuable than that of the other person. What abo
 ut countries with capital punishment? Isn't it basically state sanctioned murder as retribution for the person's actions? On the other hand is locking someone up for their entire life any better? Same goes for religious morals; people will wholeheartedly condemn murder of anyone as wrong while seeing the Israelites' conquest of the "promised land" and slaughtering of it's previous inhabitants or Mohammad's massacring of the Banu Qurayza at Yathrib as perfectly acceptable.As a side note, as artificial intelligence becomes more advanced, encoding some form of a morality system will become crucial. For example, a self driving car in a situation where loss of life is impossible would need to make some kind of judgement as to which situation is preferable, which would reflect the morality of it's designers.


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Re: Calling out to all light beings.

2017-01-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : flyby chow via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Calling out to all light beings.

i would respectfully like to point out, at Bashue, who began the topic, i wish to focus your attention on something important, perhaps your choice of words was not correct, and you may have not meant, light beings, perhaps the person, or being you encountered, is not a light being,but their is a word for such a being you are describing.and it matches what i am thinking you are saying here,i can back it up with some facts.the closest match, of a being you met, is called, a empath,some are more empathic then others.traits of those beings, that you may find, is things like, but not limited to.1. kind, gentle, caring,2. seeming to know what your moods or emotions are, if you close to them, for a long period of time.3. if they know you well, you are able to seemingly trust them easily,4. they are liked by many,5. they may or may not withdraw from time to time, sometimes long times sometimes short times.
 6. they seem to have a sense of, knowing about them, because often they know/sense/understand things way better then  they can explain.7. forgiving of wrong that is done to them. or if not forgiving, understanding.8. soft fuzzy ora glow, of warmth, they often appear to orra readers, as calm pools of water, to some as unreadable, to others, as warm rays of light, all depending on how they chose to cast their energy about them.yet, there are even others who has not those ability's, and who even are dark empaths. that has broken under the emotional strain. and now has become manipulative empathic people.I'll not explain the meanings of those beings here as its beyond the scope of what i am trying to get at, and i wish not to complicate matters.9. very aware of small details.some of them are often a stickler to detail.they happy with small details, and would often remember the most insignificant things, that you may mi
 ss, but that you find appreciating after they made you aware of it.things you may have not even remembered you told them, but that they sensed or deemed as important for you.10. very good listeners.not self centered, often they have the ability to shift the conversation towards you. you may find your self talking about your self sooner to them, as what you you would to others.11. patient and understanding.often they'd radiate patience and kindness making others want to be close to them.12. shy, some of them maybe shy, and private individuals, only befriending, and getting a few individuals close to them, that they deem worthy to trust.13. do not trust easily.They generally have a BS sensor that can tell them if you not who you say you are, sometimes they may be horribly wrong, but 90% of the times, if they do not like a person, they often are correct.there's more trates then this, but i think you get the idea, I'l
 l not list more of them else this will get very here in lays the difference. of witch i need to correct you.they, are absolutely able to sin, to be immoral, but why you may feel they don't sin, is because, they often have a very different moral and value system to what we have,some of them may even come across as odd/weird/goofy/not easy to understand,some of them, even with draw if you come to close.there's allot of odd ones out there. some of them even take things to the ever, the ones that are strong of will, and determined to make the world a better place for others, despite there own pain, and despite of them being hurt by others feelings and emotions.and despite of those who are untrained, and don't even know how to use their gifts, or is using it on autopilot.they are only human, they all sin,but those are the type of beings, you may encounter.not saying, it is what yo
 u found, but what you describe is exactly what some empathic beings can do to others.they can make you feel good, feel like you belong. let you just unpack all your goodies, and when you go away, you is often them, whose left behind, with the wait you left behind,some whose trained knows how to get themselves cleansed from that energies, some, don't know how, and struggles on.and some. of them, may not even know they have the gift.and then there's some, who is stuck between knowing, they have the gift, but not all of it,  not getting trained properly, and is caught up in the web of others feelings, emotions, and they to, struggle on.if you ever lucky enough to meat one of them, or if one of them decides to to pay atention to you.  and they seem to tick most of these boxes, make sure you hold on to them, for they can be a pain, but they can also make your life a very nice place.they often a odd bunch, but 
 they very much needed in this world of ours. there's way to little compassion and caring, and way to much agression and violence,


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Re: Calling out to all light beings.

2017-01-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Calling out to all light beings.

@18 you have a point


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Re: Calling out to all light beings.

2017-01-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Calling out to all light beings.

@nocturnus: agreed.


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Re: Calling out to all light beings.

2017-01-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Calling out to all light beings.

Suppose I tell you that gravity exists and is independent of our perception of it; all you need do is jump to find out that what I'm saying is correct, as it will affect you regardless of your belief in it.  By that token, there are absolutes that are obviously objectively true and cannot, subjectively be countered.  Two buckets of water plus two buckets of water will always equal four buckets of water, even if your perception or relativity compels you to suggest that two buckets of water and two buckets of water equal a potentially big puddle.By that same token, if we are going to refer to morality whatsoever, it must revolve around a central, ontic point of reference, something that exists outside of human perception and subjectivity, independent of external manipulation.  It must be so, else we are left with nothing but human judgment which is flawed and imperfect at best, arrogant and narcissistic at worst.  if this absolute does not exist, who a
 re we to suggest that abolishing slavery is correct?  Why is murder wrong?  Why is terrorism unacceptable?  What constitutes pain and suffering and why should we ignore the perception of those who cause it if all we ourselves are capable of is perceiving something as wrong?Why do we accept that bears hunt deer for their families to survive?  Who should we be rooting for in a situation like that?  If the deer manages to escape and the cubs go hungry, is the deer to fault for following its instincts?  is the bear to fault for savaging and ravaging the deer for its sustenance should it manage to catch up to it?  if neither is true, then what does that say about us?  Is it wrong for hearts not to cry out at the slaughter of those we deem innocent?  Is one life more valuable than another?  If it is, who should determine that value?  if it isn't, who truly has the right to subject others to their version of morality, and wh
 y?One cannot escape the paradoxes one creates by attempting to do away with that which is objectively true by subjectively stating that it is not true in relation to them.  if truth is relative, then nothing is true because I say it isn't, and you can refute that statement by simply suggesting that what I've just said is not true, making everything untrue.  IN order for truth to exist, it cannot be manipulated, and if truth exists, there are things that cannot be changed, regardless of our beliefs, thus my question in post 12.  if we are going to classify or categorise someone as being moral, by who's standard are we doing it?  You can call this extremism; you have the right to that belief, but I fail to see how we can invent a subjective morality any more than we can invent a primary color, anymore than we can suggest that evil exists without good.


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Re: Calling out to all light beings.

2017-01-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : mastodont via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Calling out to all light beings.

the thing that you have to understand is that everything that exists comes from a single point of pure energy that expanded creating the universe. Earth is just material resulted from the explosion of a star, everything that you know is star dust, this has been proven scientifically. I believe that there is a higher inteligence that set those laws because if there wouldn't be it would be impossible that our plannet is so perfectly alligned with the sun and the moon so we have the right temperature to be able to live. If we would be a bit closer to the sun water would boil and life would be impossible, the same applies if the earth would be a little bit further from the sun, water would be frozen and inteligent life would be impossible to develop. Energy can transform into matter and this is precisely what happened. All things must have a birth, a life cycle and a death but death is only a transformation. When we die nothing of us dissappears, it just transforms into other thi
 ngs. the body becomes earth and minerals and the spark of life that inhabitted it goes back to the form of pure energy.


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Re: Calling out to all light beings.

2017-01-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : garrett via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Calling out to all light beings.

Here's my thoughts. The earth is a series of dirt, rock, metal, iron, and other such things. What brought that together? Well, I suppose all of those things  just  merged together. What brought those things to life though, they couldn't have just appeared out of no where. Well, it would have to been some sort of force, which means it must be god. It could bend towards scientific or religious, depending on how you look at it. Personally, I think it would be both. I'd be interested to know what other thing about this concept.


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Re: Calling out to all light beings.

2017-01-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : mastodont via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Calling out to all light beings.

@ironcross32:The key to finding answers about yourself is meditation. It doesn't matter how you do it, it doesn't matter when and where just focus on your inner self. If you really want to know more about yourself and spirituality then go and read as many books as you can on this subject and explore each possible way of attaining the inner peace untill you find what suits you best. This is a journey into ones self and only you can do it. What works for others might not work for you or it might, you never know untill you try it. I was driven to pursue this path after I discovered some techniques for having out of body experiences. I was so surprised when it worked! From that on I've explored different meditation techniques and I found what suits me best. I still have those experiences from time to time but i'm not actively searching for them, I'm content with the peace that I feel all the time. I can't tell you how many changes this j
 ourney has inflicted on me, mainly I'm not affraid of death anymore, I can objectively view my emotions and why I feel them, a very good thing when your mind and body want to enter depression and you just can't find a way out. Try it and you won't regret it. It's a great challenge discovering what you truly are, it can be painfull at sometimes discovering all your flaws and accepting them, but this is the first step in feeling the inner peace.


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Re: Calling out to all light beings.

2017-01-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Calling out to all light beings.

I wonder why we are seemingly hard coded to accept spirituality of some form or another. I also have problems with organized religion because it tends to breed ignorance and extremism. That doesn't mean that I don't want to give up on spirituality, I just need to find a way to attain my inner peace in a way that works for me, and not in a way that is aligned with how others feel I should act. My family are Christian, however I don't feel I am a Christian. I don't believe in a god or gods necessarily, but am I then atheist? That's what I tell others because it simplifies the situation a little, and its a real quick way to get the door to door pamphlet spreaders to leave you alone ASAP. but if I don't believe in a deity, then what do I believe in. Well, again, it gets complicated. And, to be honest, its a matter I've struggled with my entire life. I believe it the tangible, what we can interact with either touch, probe, sniff, listen to, or taste b
 asically. This means I believe in science. But there are things our current scientific knowledge and our technological level cannot explain to us. So, what does this mean to me. Let me first tell you this. We are essentially big sacks of water and other chemicals, but if that's all we are, why do we not just exist in that form alone, at the bottom of the food chain, not able to think for ourselves. We are more than the sum of our parts, I think everyone realizes this, or will come to realize it at some point as they mature. But I see another layer on top of that. I see the personality, the psyche, the conscious mind. By what force have we been granted this quote, spark of life, end quote. Some will argue that every action is predestined, that we have no choice, and I can see that point. I try always to do a role reversal, to see things from the other person's prospective. Doesn't always work, some things I find to be completely abhorrent, unacceptable, or just plain r
 idiculous, but I do try to see things from their point of view if I am arguing a point. Why should I be so close-minded that I will not even attempt to see their point. Anyway, to me this predestination theory is spurious. Because, if I go join a church and sing with the choir, they will claim it was my destiny, what if I take up a knife and slit my throat, same destiny? if you believe in this predestination theory, then it should be, you should stick with the precepts you choose to believe in no matter what happened to someone or another.I also find that organized religion breeds attitude. A certain smug condescension towards those who do not believe, and even to those who are in, or or wanting to join that circle of believers. I have not gone on a religion sampling journey, so I lack the experience to say that this happens in some, most, or all religions, but it does happen in Christianity. My way is to try to be kind to all no matter what their belief system is, of course 
 I don't always succeed, for I am a flawed being as we all are in some way. I lack patience, I don't suffer fools easily, and I am short tempered sometimes with them. But, if every time I work a little harder on it, some day I will be able to master myself.But let's return to this indefinable spark of life again. This which allows us to feel emotions, form our own values and beliefs, make our own choices regardless how sound they may be. This I think is the core to understanding spirituality. If we can understand not only what this spark is, how it was bestowed upon us, and the force or forces which granted it to us, then I feel we can really and truly understand spirituality. But, it is a journey, and we're not there yet. So, in regards to the question of what I believe in, I believe in the clockwork of the universe, the duality of nature, its fierceness and its beauty. I believe in treating others as you would like to be treated, and again, I don't a
 lways get this right. I believe in justice, and science. Ans I am not averse to mental disciplines such as telepathy, telekinesis, empathy or the like.Well, this is the first I've taken to write this all down, and it is a ramble fest, because I wrote it without thinking, without organizing my thoughts. So if you followed along to the end, congratulations, You probably have ADHD or something. Oh, and one more thing, We humans learn more from our mistakes and failure as we do from success. Also, we are bound to make mistakes, we are imperfect beings. However, when you make a mistake, or a venture you were hoping to succeed in fails, analyze yourself, your actions and see what you could have done better. If you do this, and work on it each time, and are not dumb enough to repeat the same mistake over and over again, I believe that is a good path to be on.



Re: Calling out to all light beings.

2017-01-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : mastodont via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Calling out to all light beings.

@bashue: it is possible to attain an inner peace through meditation and questioning who you really are. I've done that with a little help from some very nice guys and books. I didn't manage to merge my phisical body into pure energy yet but maybe I will get there one day if it is possible. The inner peace means that you are able to detach from the body and the mind. If you try hard enough you will discover that above body and mind there is a being that it's really you. The mind is the ultimate obstacle because it always tries to distract you with unnecessary thoughts and emotions. Knowing yourself is a long and tedious process but it's deffinitely worth trying. If you want to get a better insight into what i'm talking about read Eckhart Tolle's books, they are amazing.Peace to all of you.


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Re: Calling out to all light beings.

2017-01-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Calling out to all light beings.

I'm going to pose one and only one simple question, by who's standard?


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Re: Calling out to all light beings.

2017-01-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : bashue via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Calling out to all light beings.

Greetings Chandu.I must agree with you hence the reason why I think it's a definite that these beings I speak of can and do exist. What if, through many lifetimes, one manages to clear all karmic debts without accruing anymore? Is it then not possible to become what you were always meant to be? The law of progression would indicate so.Kind regards, Amin Abdullah.


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Re: Calling out to all light beings.

2017-01-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Chandu via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Calling out to all light beings.

if we're talking religion/spirituality here, people should know that there're ideologies that don't give a heck to the concept of 'sin'. I mean, I don't think I'm a creature born of sinfulness cursed to live a life of damnation. I'm not saying here that I'm perfect, but come to think of it, I don't think anyone is. also, however good a deed one believes they're doing, it's bound to have a bad effect on someone or something. it's all so-called Karma, and one has to do his/her Karma despite if they think it's moral or not. for example, if I have to kill 1 terrorist to save 50 people, does it constitute sin?


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Re: Calling out to all light beings.

2017-01-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : bashue via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Calling out to all light beings.

Greetings all.@Centauri: true, Star Trek may be considered fiction as is the Matrix, Star Wars and other good movies but what if the concepts they present are in themselves true? For example, is it really impossible to believe that there are beings who have, via meditation and other techniques essentially merged the 2 states of being AKA ascended? I mean convert their carbon based bodies into pure energy? Sure when I talk about light beings, I'm referring to those who's temperaments/personalities are primarily good. However, what if, instead of energy bodies, they have ascended in a more spiritual way and have attained an inner eternal peace and tranquility that no matter what happens to them, they will never lose?Kind regards, Amin Abdullah.


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Re: Calling out to all light beings.

2017-01-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Centauri via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Calling out to all light beings.

heh, [[wow]], really? I haven't met an ascended being since StarGate SG-1- Be that as it may, at least i see some names here I recognize from days of old 


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Re: Calling out to all light beings.

2017-01-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : bashue via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Calling out to all light beings.

Greetings all.Ah blindncool; glad you posted here and I must also thank aaron to because what he said is exactly what I was trying to say. As for sin not being negative energy, if it isn't then why does it leave such a long lasting and deep impression on a being's spirit/sole? How is it that it can way you down like a millstone around your neck? Why then does it feel like a step toward damnation? I can think of nothing more abhorrent, no greater punishment than to be cut off, separated from Father God and Lord Yeshuah Christos. Also, isn't Lord Jesus Christ or Yeshuah Christos a light being, a divine being, one who Father God created all things through? I believe the verse goes something like 'in him and through him all things were created'. I know I messed that up because I don't know it off by heart. Also, the light that God created and caused to light the formless and void earth in Genesis, what if that wasn't only referring to photon p
 articles AKA visible light but actual goodness; spiritual light; the light I was referring to when talking about the light beings?Kind regards, Amin Abdullah.


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Re: Calling out to all light beings.

2017-01-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : blindncool via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Calling out to all light beings.

Bashue, I somewhat agree with Oriol; you're being a bit naive if you think people can do no wrong.Also, in my view, the idea of humans not being able to do wrong doesn't make sense; the only human who can do no wrong is Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Also, sin is not negative energy; it is such "moral infractions" (not against you, but against God Almighty), which separates all of us from God. The only way you can draw closer to the one, true God is by becoming born again.Well, I've said my piece. God bless!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Calling out to all light beings.

2017-01-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Calling out to all light beings.

@ogomez92: to understand what bashu is getting at here, well, I don't know if I can explain it. It's not, necessarily, about whether there are people who can do no wrong. It's... a bit more complex than that, and I don't know how to describe it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Calling out to all light beings.

2017-01-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : bashue via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Calling out to all light beings.

Greetings all.Ah let me clarify. Not don't but from the day they become light beings, never again will they commit a moral infraction against anyone. I can see where you're coming from and indeed, I cannot know with absolute certainty whether they are good only to me or good to all. At least I wouldn't be able to be certain without being able to read energy signatures. Why else would I be here on this planet if not to find my calling? What other purpose do I have here other than to improve myself and to aid others in turn?Kind regards, Amin Abdullah.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Calling out to all light beings.

2017-01-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ogomez92 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Calling out to all light beings.

besides, I don't think it's good to tell someone: Hey, you're a light being. You can never know that. You never know whether this person shows such goodness with you only or with everyone. You can't give people false hopes or whatnot.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Calling out to all light beings.

2017-01-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ogomez92 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Calling out to all light beings.

You really think there are people who don't do absolute anything wrong? That's a bit naïve... Not trying to be disrespectful or anything but I find this quite unacceptable.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Calling out to all light beings.

2017-01-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ogomez92 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Calling out to all light beings.

That's such a controversial topic. No one, absolutely no one is 100% light or 100% dark. Saying that there are people who never do anything wrong is absolute bullsh*t. Live one day on earth and you've already done your mother wrong by making your mom bleed when you're born. There's your light being.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Calling out to all light beings.

2017-01-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ogomez92 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Calling out to all light beings.

That's such a controversial topic. No one, absolutely no one is 100% light or 100% dark.


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