Re: Deathmatch new beginning

2015-01-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Deathmatch new beginning

@slj I honestly think rorry knows what hes doing rong, hes doing it because he wants attention, case in point, on dmnb, when I wasnt even watching my ship and working on a microsoft sam production, he proceeded to swair a hole lot, saying things like, warning heres strong language. Why the fuck isnt my ship working. Fuck this fucking helm. Things like that, Thus, we decided after warning him 2 times of bad language that he clearly wasnt mature enough to handle the game and band him. This isnt the only warning hes gotten either. He was consisstantly disrespecting the timeline id carefully crafted for death match, transmitting starwars stuff over general communication. While this may sound strict to some, and while I may be a bit strict as an admin, my simpple rule is this. You dont half to roleplay if you dont want too. It would be nice if you gave an event a try, after all when its done in audio at least for m
 e and a few others it was way more engaging than doing it on a mud, but if you dont want to, thats fine with us. However, thats why we have the chat channel. We post quotes and jokes their all the time. Things like quotes from microsoft sam reads funny windows errors, red dwarf, all the stuff weve all done, the chat channel is purely their so we can all hang out, away from the timeline, vent our rage if we have any, etc. I dont have a problem so long as you dont drop f bombs per other word, as their are people who dont like that sort of thing, and while I have been known to swair a little, I myself personally dont see it as something that I want on my channels. General is a hole nother story, one that all of the players currently on dmnb have no problem with. When you transmit over general, its showing you want to roleplay. No longer is about the jokes, your reel life, then its about whats currently happening in the timeline of d
 m. Rorry consisstantly disrespected this one rule after 3 warnings, saying things like, this is the rebels returning to a base, im going to some coordinates given to me by darth vader, that stuff isnt what we allow over general. While I can be a bit unfair in administrationship if their are too menny cheaters and such, I think rorrys ban was fair in this case. Disrespect us, you dont get to play our game.


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Re: Deathmatch new beginning

2015-01-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Deathmatch new beginning

Its interesting how some people keep get into trouble no matter where they show up.Rory, let me ask you one simpel question:Do you understand all which has been written here in this topic? Do you understand the meaning of all the English Words people have wrote so far?I cant figure out if youre English isnt good enough to understand the situration, or if you just simple dont understand in generel what youre doing wrong.


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Re: Deathmatch new beginning

2015-01-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jesper via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Deathmatch new beginning

Rory.. Im realy, realy, realy tired of this. I think youve gone too far. Using fuck in every chatmessage isnt going to help you. And just a tip, read the manual.


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Re: Deathmatch new beginning

2015-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Deathmatch new beginning

Rorry, first off, let me come up with one of your points, calling ethin a prick. With out ethins initial hosting, you wouldnt even have dmnb. Second of all, you didnt just ask questions. You failed to follow the roleplay guidelines 3 times even after I asked you to please stop putting starwars stuff on general channel, you consistantly asked questions which could have easyly been answered by the manual, and not just once, you asked them 4 times before you were band. While we will answer questions, wed at least like it if you took a little time to poor over the manual. Wed at least like it if you actually did you research before trying to consistantly ask how to play. If you are completely stuck, thats fine, well help you, but if your just too lazy to look in the manual for something which is easyly answered their like changing flight course, then of course, well tell you to read the manual, which we did. Where upon, after 5 minutes, 
 you proceeded to drop consistant f bombs over the chat channel, yelled at unstoppable. I think that justifies more than enough, dont ya think?


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Re: Deathmatch new beginning

2015-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Deathmatch new beginning

@Rory, this is exactly your issue. The way you talk on channels on DMNB and (previously) AA is not allowed, and you obviously knew it, so you abused it. We gave you three warnings. Three warnings! And then we gave you another chance and you disobeyed the policy involving chatting multiple times after that. You didnt stop after we told you multiple times to stop swearing on DMNB but you didnt.Also, calling me a prick is not going to make me unban you. Currently, your banned temporarily, but right now Im thinking about not unbanning you. Youve gone too far, Rory, and you obviously dont understand that. Until you understand your limits on MUSHs, MOOs, MUDs, MMOs, MMORPGs, MUDs, and online, multiplayer audio games, I will not unban you. Until you understand your limits on online games, I wont unban you.You know the problem; you obviously want to pretend not to. I wont fall for that, Rory.One last time: Unbanning you won
 t be possible until you understand your limits.


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Re: Deathmatch new beginning

2015-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Deathmatch new beginning

rori... you seem to be having this issue not only on AA but here as well. I dont know if youve had this issue anywhere else aside from these two places, but it strikes me that even your way of asking why you got banned comes off as a little bit rude.


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Re: Deathmatch new beginning

2015-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Deathmatch new beginning

Oh, and my rules may be strict, but ive had to make them strict specificly because of idiots, and im tired of having to go on the server at 6 in the morning to half to clean up whatever stupid stunt they tried the night before. Also, dmnb isnt a mud. Whats acceptable on a mud and whats acceptable on dmnb are 2 different things, and while youve said you changed, dropping f bombs, the way denton describes on your topics about alter shows me clearly you have not changed. It took me 6 weaks to build up the game to where it was at at launch, another several to build up to now, im not going to let you ruin it all with your swair words towards other players over chat, with your stormy aditude towards my other admins, who I might add are not only testers, but my friends as well. Heres a little bit of advice, stop swairing when your ship isnt working. Stop disrespecting the timeline weve carefully crafted, and respect our rules ov
 er general, that means no starwars stuff, because starwars isnt a part of our timeline. Though we do not require everyone rp, our rule is if your going to hang out on the general channel, roleplay is required their.


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Re: Deathmatch new beginning

2015-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Omar Alvarado via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Deathmatch new beginning

Greetings,Rory. I noticed you have failed to improve, judging by the attitude from your other topics. For the purposes and demonstrations of others, I will list a rough timeline of events.Yesterday around 3:45 eastern, I see he logs in.Almost right away, he seems lost and begins asking obvious questions, that are a quick read away in the manual.I had to leave for dinner, I come back around 8 pm Eastern, rorys still online asking away, Danny is getting annoyed at this point, asking obvious questions that are still a quick read away in the manual.It is about 15 minutes in that I had to step in and help keep things somewhat civil, which only made Rory begin cursing at us admins. Roughly 10 minutes later, Rory storms off, At which point Ethin has already logged in about 5 minutes before Rory storms off.Given the severity of Rorys attitude, we discuss things in as civil an attitude as possible.We eventually decide due to his b
 ehavior to ban him, since we all have seen his topics here. Thus, Rory, this is the reason you have been banned.


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