Re: Dolby's Atmos technology will bring new layer of surround sound

2014-09-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Giovani via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dolby's Atmos technology will bring new layer of surround sound

Mates, this is a good idea to create a virtual reality for the blind!


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Re: Dolby's Atmos technology will bring new layer of surround sound

2014-09-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dolby's Atmos technology will bring new layer of surround sound

Moderation! Interesting stuff but not a new game so it's being moved to general game discussion.


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Re: Dolby's Atmos technology will bring new layer of surround sound

2014-09-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Giovani via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dolby's Atmos technology will bring new layer of surround sound

Mates, this is a good idea to create a virtual reality for the blind!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Dolby's Atmos technology will bring new layer of surround sound

2014-09-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Phil via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dolby's Atmos technology will bring new layer of surround sound

Thanks for moving it Dark.One thing I learned from a sound engineer was that sounds above you are sensed from the sound bouncing off the bottom of your ear and also off your shoulders with a slight delay.I am sure if and when the technology of 5.1.2 sounds become widespread then other companies will develop 5.1.2 headphones.A large part of the expense the article states is probably for the home unit is for the high quality television screen.I do like Aprone's idea for the  See Munkey.I was hoping to try it out with a duck hunt game as was suggested by me.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Dolby's Atmos technology will bring new layer of surround sound

2014-09-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : cx2 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dolby's Atmos technology will bring new layer of surround sound

I rather suspect they may have left out the cost of the TV, in any event the TV isn't relevant if you're using a signal processor/decoder like the article suggests. Such a decoder for a brand new technology like this would probably be ridiculously expensive, ones for 5.1 surround already aren't cheap, plus the costs of 5 standard speakers, a subwoofer and a pair of ceiling speakers. Since ceiling speakers are only useful with the Atmos system they would probably have a high price tag as well.It's a nice idea but unless it makes a big difference with headphones like the article suggests I probably won't have the space or funds to get such a set up, not to mention the trouble of calibrating it all properly.


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Re: Dolby's Atmos technology will bring new layer of surround sound

2014-09-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dolby's Atmos technology will bring new layer of surround sound

Firstly, why do we copy/paste articles?  Isn't a link and comments enough?But as for the technology:The algorithm is called VBAP, uses only intermediate trigonometry and a bit of linear algebra for implementation, was figured out years ago, and works with highly arbitrary speaker setups.  So congrats to Dolby on implementing something now that could have been done then.  For headphones, it's called the MIT Kemar HRTF Dataset, convolution, and a few artfully placed delay lines; this configuration can easily be done on a single chip, provided the main CPU isn't powerful enough (hint: sound cards that do more than output audio are obsolete on desktops).  The headphone considerations were worked out in the early 1990s, but it wasn't until the early 2000s that we could start really doing them on your CPU at all, and not until say, 2010 that it was trivial and didn't require a huge degree of hand-optimization.But that's
  not even the real problem.  They speak of decoders, and that's true: a decoder is important.  But only for the TV.  To get your computer "speaking" properly to the audio equipment, you'll need to upgrade your sound card or buy some sort of specialized USB adapter, some cables, etc.  If I had to estimate, retrofitting your current setup, even when the technology itself is cheep, is going to run upwards of $500.  The cable you typically need has run me $50 in the past, and that's assuming that you have the special port to plug it into.  Maybe they got smart.  Maybe the encoders will just plug in with USB.  But I highly, highly doubt it.  I would be willing to bet that it's not going to work on XP, etc.  And it won't become super cheep; we're talking about a set of 10 or so very high quality speakers.This audio technology stuff is really strange, now.  The sound card obsolescence is pr
 etty much widely acknowledged, and if you look for all the old ones with 30 features for 3D audio, they simply don't exist anymore.  And yet, it's still a jumble of custom cables and needing to upgrade stuff to interface with anything that's not headphones.As for seeing emulation, yeah, if the technology is licensed.  The thing is that it's actually much easier to do the headphones than it looks.  If I had a hardware lab and an assistant, I could do it; the hardest part is programming a windows device driver, but it's as easy as any windows device driver programming, and companies have been doing that for over 20 years.  I have toyed with the idea of working on using my knowledge to make software that makes the G930s pointless, simply by working like virtual audio cable and doing exactly the same thing to your regular headphones.To be very honest, given that a blind individual working off minimal resources in LaTeX and without
  all of the prerequisite classes can work this stuff out, I fail to understand how we didn't have this 10 years ago.  We should be on to 20 or 30 speaker setups by now, or perhaps even stranger things.  These companies have scientists that make me look like a 5-year-old who can barely add, and yet I can tell you how the math works to the point where the rest can be done simply through experimenting a little to find parameters that sound good.


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Re: Dolby's Atmos technology will bring new layer of surround sound

2014-09-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : cx2 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dolby's Atmos technology will bring new layer of surround sound

I disagree that discrete sound cards are entirely obsolete, I have one myself. They're certainly becoming very uncommon but remember that motherboard companies don't always give you all the features you want, for 99% of users the on board sound is fine but there's usually going to be some people who want that something extra. It's also possible the Atmos decoder may be built into some discrete sound cards directly removing the need for a decoder for those systems.Never underestimate the lengths audiophiles are willing to go to.


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Re: Dolby's Atmos technology will bring new layer of surround sound

2014-09-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Phil via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dolby's Atmos technology will bring new layer of surround sound

Camlorn,I posted the full article because many peple will not go  to a link to read it, plus the original page had plenty of extra stuff to get in the way of easy reading.I suspect if 5.1.2 becomes popular then USB headphone developers will includ it in their plans.I'd love to hear music in 5.1.2 format.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Dolby's Atmos technology will bring new layer of surround sound

2014-09-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : cx2 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dolby's Atmos technology will bring new layer of surround sound

I doubt music will benefit from Atmos, no more than normal 5.1 in any case. The key to surround technology is content and music is generally only made in stereo, the 5.1 just spreads it around more so it surrounds you. If TV and films begin becoming available in Atmos format that's another matter, and potentially even games.The ability to hear the vertical dimension in games if this technology works as wella s it is claimed would be quite interesting for us, the Z axis is something audio games inevitably struggle with.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Dolby's Atmos technology will bring new layer of surround sound

2014-09-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dolby's Atmos technology will bring new layer of surround sound

Your sound card may talk to more or provide higher sampling rates.  But the days of offloading 3D audio to them is over, mostly because literally no one but Creative even supports it now, and Creative doesn't even implement all of their own standards and has officially killed the documentation for OpenAL.  In the sense that you need one to get high quality out, they are still required; in the sense that they're supposed to take a lot of jobs related to setting up effects for games, they're on the very, very edge of the chasm of completely dead.  I'm not saying that you don't have one with these features.  I'm saying that no one programs for them, for a variety of reasons-foremost increased CPU speeds and a lack of a cross-soundcard standard.As for Z axis? yes, this might help with that in the sense that you can turn your head.  But why write a game for it?  Maybe 10% of the playerbase will have one, so you can'
 t use it for gameplay elements.  If we want to talk about the Z axis, hooking head tracking up to Libaudioverse or another HRTF implementation is the only real hope for anything that's not going to be a tech demo, and there's still the issue of getting everyone to have head tracking (mice are much cheaper, and those were a big struggle for Swamp, or so I've heard).  The Z axis problems aren't audio problems, anyway.  Improving the audio might allow you to aim vertically, which is cool, but it doesn't help communicate staircases that climb around the walls of the room, or anything like that.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Dolby's Atmos technology will bring new layer of surround sound

2014-09-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : cx2 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dolby's Atmos technology will bring new layer of surround sound

Actually I was thinking exactly of signalling about staircases and things more than aiming vertically, it would at least let you know that there was an object present which worked in the Z axis.You're right about the number of people likely to have access to it of course, unless something like this becomes utterly ubiquitous audio games are never going to be able to use it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Dolby's Atmos technology will bring new layer of surround sound

2014-09-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dolby's Atmos technology will bring new layer of surround sound

Not really.  The issue with the Z axis is not signalling.  The issue with the Z axis is that representing paths and other non-point objects is hard to impossible.  There may be a way to do this, but better surround sound isn't the answer, and you still won't be having anything below the listener.  So even if you somehow contrive a system for moving up, everything below you can't sound below you, anyway.Audioquake succeeded in this, but only if you knew the map.  if you didn't, the queues weren't really there.  I played it for a time, and it was more than possible to end up going up and down without even intending to.  It also ends up using almost every key on the keyboard, and has something like 10 navigation aids for various things.  The Z-axis boundary is not something that will be broken any time soon.  Disregarding even the aforementioned stuff, almost no programmers on here can deal with the complexit
 ies of 3D math and transformation matrices, and we're missing the valuable debugging tool of sight; this is one place where sight as a debugging tool is almost essential.  So, really, it's a dream.  The only thing that might do it is Voxels, but I do not have the time or interest in prototyping such things at the moment.  But even there, a better sound system is not a huge boon, just a nice thing; tones and radars work fine, if you can find out what they need to be doing in the first place.


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