Re: Monthly Chat October 2020

2020-10-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : wing of eternity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat October 2020

III. BABET, GUEULEMER, CLAQUESOUS, AND MONTPARNASSEA QUARTET OF crooks, Claquesous, Gueulemer, Babet, and Montparnasse, ruled the dregs of Paris from 1830 to 1835.Gueulemer was a lowlife Hercules. His hideout was the Arche-Marion sewer. He was six feet tall, had pectorals of marble, biceps of bronze, cavernous lungs, the torso of a colossus, and the skull of a bird. You would think you were looking at the Farnese Hercules1 decked out in drill trousers and a velveteen jacket. Built along such sculptural lines, Gueulemer could have broken monsters; he had found it easier to become one. With a low forehead, broad temples, a mass of crow’s-feet though not yet forty years old, wiry short hair, bushy cheeks, the beard of a wild boar—you can see the man from here. His muscles cried out for work, his stupidity wouldn’t hear of it. He was a huge lazy force. He was a killer out of nonchalance. He was thought to be a Creole.2 He had probably had a bit of a brush with Maréchal Brune3 at one time, having done a stint as a porter in Avignon in 1815. After that lesson, he moved up in the world and graduated as a crook.Babet’s diaphanousness was in stark contrast to Gueulemer’s meatiness. Babet was skinny and smart. He was transparent, yet impenetrable. You could see daylight through his bones, but nothing in his eyes. He claimed to be a chemist. He had been a buffoon at Bobèche’s and a clown at Bobino’s.4 He had played vaudeville at Saint-Mihiel. He was a man full of hot air, a good talker who put his smiles in italics and his gestures in inverted commas. His business was selling plaster busts and portraits of “the head of state” out on the street. On top of this, he pulled teeth. He had shown freaks at fairs and owned a booth with a trumpet and this advertisement: “Babet, dental artist, member of the academies, conducts physical experiments on metals and metalloids, extracts teeth, tackles stumps abandoned by his colleagues. Price: one tooth, one franc fifty centimes; two teeth, two francs; three teeth, two francs fifty centimes. Take advantage of this opportunity.” (That “Take advantage of this opportunity” meant: Get as many pulled out as possible.) He had been married and he had had children. He did not know what had become of his wife or his children. He had lost them the way you lose your hankie. A noteworthy exception in the obscure world he lived in, Babet read the newspapers. Once, in the days when he had his family travelling with him in his booth-on-wheels, he had read in the Messager that a woman had given birth to a child with the muzzle of a calf who was likely to survive, and he had cried: “That’s worth a fortune! Why can’t my wife have the wit to give me a child like that!”Since then he had left everything to “tackle” Paris. His words.What was Claquesous? He was night. He would wait till the sky had painted itself black before showing himself, crawling out from some hole after dark and crawling back into it again before daybreak. Where was this hole? Nobody knew. When it was pitch black, he would speak, though only to his accomplices and only with his back turned. Was his name really Claquesous? No. He would say: “My name is Not-at-all.” If a candle appeared, he slapped on a mask. He was a ventriloquist. Babet would say: “Claquesous is a night bird with two calls.” Claquesous was blurry, restless, terrible. You couldn’t be sure he had a name, Claquesous being only a nickname meaning blow-your-dough; you couldn’t be sure he had a voice, his stomach having more to say than his mouth; you couldn’t be sure he had a face, nobody having seen anything but his mask. He would vanish like an apparition and then reappear as though popping up out of the ground.A lugubrious creature, that was Montparnasse. Montparnasse was a mere boy, less than twenty years old, with a pretty face, lips like cherries, lustrous black hair, the brightness of spring in his eyes; he had all the vices and aspired to all the crimes. Digesting what was bad gave him a craving for what was worse. He was the street kid turned lout and the lout turned killer. He was cute, effeminate, graceful, wiry, lethargic, cruel. He wore his hat turned up on the left to make room for a tuft of hair in the vogue of 1829. He lived off armed robbery. His redingote was of the best cut, but worn. Montparnasse was a fashion plate who had fallen on hard times, living in misery and committing murder and mayhem. The cause of all of this adolescent’s assaults was the desire to look slick and expensive. The first hussy who had said to him, “You’re easy on the eye,” had flung the stain of darkness into his heart and turned this Abel into a Cain.5 Finding himself pretty, he had wanted to be elegant, and, well, the first form elegance takes is idleness; and the idleness of a pauper means crime. Few prowlers were as feared as Montparnasse. At eighteen, he already had several corpses to his name. More than one passerby, with their arms

Re: Monthly Chat October 2020

2020-10-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat October 2020

I finally got people to work on my house. Unfortunately, they've only done the outside walls. Up side, the windows don't leak anymore. Downside, there's a big hole in the roof right by the front door which I could take a shower under when it rains, and all our makeshift patches keep failing. I think I might need rig up a barrel to slide into position whenever the door is closed, so nothing by the door gets flood-damaged via mid-day torrent.So I pondered what would happen if a genie showed up and offerred me the choice of either a computer/server with all my projects in perfect form, or a supremely compatible spouse. I'm disturbed that the correct answer seems to unambiguously be the latter. Would like an excuse to go with the former, but blah it's more selfish, less healthy, probably has less opportunity for positively effecting anyone else ...  still wanting an excuse to pick a big pile of games over the magical dating service not that this actually happened and I've been fishing the whole internet for advice, or anything. That'd just be silly.   :$


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Re: Monthly Chat October 2020

2020-10-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : wing of eternity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat October 2020

well, I had a math testh quite horible experience, as someone really said, Glad it wasn't me. On the bright side , I picked up the dragon reborn! OO  yeah!That's something to look forward to m, and something to read. O, I have many more to go. don't warrie the WOT topic won't die I hope.  I don't have much else to say I didn't even play a game, or continnue with alter eaon, shame on me.


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Re: Monthly Chat October 2020

2020-10-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat October 2020

@Post 17, good luck with the audio anchor position.@Julian, theoretically yes, all parcels should be signed for, however amazon has been a bit naughty about this, in Britain at least, dumping packages wherever and then dropping cards through the door, or worse, going to any random house on the street and getting the people there to sign for the parcel then dropping a note through the door saying "your package is at number 52" or something like that, irrispective of whether you actually know! the people at number 52 or whether the people at number 52 will actually bother delivering. This is one reason I have a note on my own amazon account reading "do not leave card, customer is blind!" And also, if an amazon driver turns up and tries to leave a package for someone else with me, straight off refusing to take it, especially with the corona virus. @Jayjay: Like dark eagle, I've heard of a peeping tom, but not a peeping Prokash before, though I imagine whatever any tom dick or Prikash is called, you wouldn't want them peeping .In Britain, the toilet itself is either in it's own room inside the house, or, (in smaller houses and flats), is part of the bathroom fittings, and is often upstairs. There might still be places out in the country where you'd find the older tradition of having an "out house", but likely only in places not connected to the central sewer system, which probably %99 of houses in Britain are.Amusingly enough, delivery shenanigans continue! I suddenly get an automated phone call from the bank this evening telling me that a fraud might be detected on the credit card, so I phone my bank to find out what is happening. My lady then bursts into a scream of "oh no! your christmas present!" especially when said bank helpfully inform me that the credit card payment was to bidali jewellery, the place that does all the fantasy jewellery items, everything from Black Danarius Dresden files coins, to Lotr rings, to Bridge 4 pendents from Stormlight, or alamantic vials from mistborn, (they did wheel of time stuff until recently, however the silly tv adaptation has ruined their access to the license, which is a shame). So yes, thanks to the bank. I found out that my lady had bought me a Christmas present using my credit card, which is now no longer a surprise, though I'll have it to look forward to . Hopefully once my lady's visa is fully fixed, we can actually get her address on some documents so she can have her own bank account, or at least, access to mine, so things like this won't happen, though amusingly enough that isn't possible currently without proof of address, and all of the things the bank accept for proof of address, such as utility account! .bills, need a bloody bank account! .  They won't even accept my lady's passport. They would accept a driving license, but you know, blind people . So all that is fun! Unfortunately, other things are a bit crappy at the moment, my lady has another scan on Thursday to see she's still cancer free, so she's extremely tense at the moment, especially since, as we're going into third stage lockdown (albeit my lady and I really ahaven't stopped lockdown), getting to the hospital will be fun. On the plus side, I've been doing a lot of the doctor who audios, and it's nice to get back to things, indeed some of them have really been surprisingly awesome.I've also been playing a lot of cosmic rage, though I probably ought to try a western drama at some point, just for interest's sake.


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Re: Monthly Chat October 2020

2020-10-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat October 2020

@Post 17, good luck with the audio anchor position.@Julian, theoretically yes, all parcels should be signed for, however amazon has been a bit naughty about this, in Britain at least, dumping packages wherever and then dropping cards through the door, or worse, going to any random house on the street and getting the people there to sign for the parcel then dropping a note through the door saying "your package is at number 52" or something like that, irrispective of whether you actually know! the people at number 52 or whether the people at number 52 will actually bother delivering. This is one reason I have a note on my own amazon account reading "do not leave card, customer is blind!" And also, if an amazon driver turns up and tries to leave a package for someone else with me, straight off refusing to take it, especially with the corona virus. @Jayjay: Like dark eagle, I've heard of a peeping tom, but not a peeping Prokash before, though I imagine whatever any tom dick or Prikash is called, you wouldn't want them peeping .In Britain, the toilet itself is either in it's own room inside the house, or, (in smaller houses and flats), is part of the bathroom fittings, and is often upstairs. There might still be places out in the country where you'd find the older tradition of having an "out house", but likely only in places not connected to the central sewer system, which probably %99 of houses in Britain are.Amusingly enough, delivery shenanigans continue! I suddenly get an automated phone call from the bank this evening telling me that a fraud might be detected on the credit card, so I phone my bank to find out what is happening. My lady then bursts into a scream of "oh no! your christmas present!" especially when said bank helpfully inform me that the credit card payment was to bidali jewellery, the place that does all the fantasy jewellery items, everything from Black Danarius Dresden files coins, to Lotr rings, to Bridge 4 pendents from Stormlight, or alamantic vials from mistborn, (they did wheel of time stuff until recently, however the silly tv adaptation has ruined their access to the license, which is a shame). So yes, thanks to the bank. I found out that my lady had bought me a Christmas present using my credit card, which is now no longer a surprise, though I'll have it to look forward to . Hopefully once my lady's visa is fully fixed, we can actually get her address on some documents so she can have her own bank account, or at least, access to mine, so things like this won't happen, though amusingly enough that isn't possible currently without proof of address, and all of the things the bank accept for proof of address, such as utility account! .bills, need a bloody bank account! .  They won't even accept my lady's passport. They would accept a driving license, but you know, blind people . So all that is fun! Unfortunately, other things are a bit crappy at the moment, my lady has another scan on Thursday to see she's still cancer free, so she's extremely tense at the moment, especially since, as we're going into third stage lockdown (albeit my lady and I really ahaven't stopped lockdown), getting to the hospital will be fun. On the plus side, I've been doing a lot of the doctor who audios, and it's nice to get back to things, indeed some of them have really been surprisingly awesome.


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Re: Monthly Chat October 2020

2020-10-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark Eagle via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat October 2020

@19:Peeping Prakash? Usually it is peeping Tom. That is a new one for me.


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Re: Monthly Chat October 2020

2020-10-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : JayJay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat October 2020

Huh? Toilet? I'm curious to know how he managed to get all the way over to the toilet unless its different from here, where we have a gate, then you go in the yard, and usually the toilet is at the back of the house, but maybe he lived in an apartment or something. LMAO. Wonder if he was probably playing peeping Prakash?


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Re: Monthly Chat October 2020

2020-10-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Juliantheaudiogamer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat October 2020

@Dark: What happened to my parents was that the driver just drove towards our house, dropped the parcel in front of our door and then just wanted to drive away. I am not sure if it is the same in Britain, but in Austria someone has to sign a delivery notice when a parcel is delivered.So that was a fun story as well. And I think you can find plenty flying around on the Internet.We are currently doing semi-online lectured at university. This means that one half of the students is at the university itself, while the other half is at home.I a recent lecture, the professor played a video (he played it through the room's speakers, half of the students are at the university, remember) and we, following the lecture via Microsoft Teams, could only hear the video over the university computer's microphone. So it was nearly impossible to understand and follow. But wait for it: The best thing is that the people who were following the lecture from home couldn't even rewatch the documentary because it apparently was for use at the university only and the professor wasn't allowed to pass it on.Luckily, we discussed it again today, so I didn't miss anything.I hope I am not annoying you guys too much with my small university stories.


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Re: Monthly Chat October 2020

2020-10-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : 拓海 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat October 2020

This month, I quit my Tuina job for many years.I am going to try to be an audiobook anchor, but the road ahead is very difficult, the competition is fierce, and I need a better equipment.I have already spent a lot of money; I installed a solid-state drive in the computer, replaced the CPU and installed a memory stick, bought a microphone, monitor headphones, and bought a new iphone-se.Fortunately, I bought an icon sound card 6 years ago, but recently I think it is not very useful. I want to change to an RME babyface pro rs, or IXI mega m8plus, but I was very depressed. , I have no money!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Monthly Chat October 2020

2020-10-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : 拓海 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat October 2020

This month, I quit my Tuina job for many years.I am going to try to be an audiobook anchor, but the road ahead is very difficult, the competition is fierce, and I need a better equipment.I have already spent a lot of money; I installed a solid-state drive in the computer, replaced the CPU and installed a memory stick, bought a microphone, monitor headphones, and bought a new iphone-se.Fortunately, I bought an Aiken sound card 6 years ago, but recently I think it is not very useful. I want to change to an RME babyface pro rs, or IXI mega m8plus, but I was very depressed. , I have no money!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Monthly Chat October 2020

2020-10-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : 拓海 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat October 2020

This month, I quit my Tuina job for many years.I am going to try to be an audio novel anchor, but the road ahead is very difficult, the competition is fierce, and I need a better equipment.I have already spent a lot of money; I installed a solid-state drive in the computer, replaced the CPU and installed a memory stick, bought a microphone, monitor headphones, and bought a new iphone-se.Fortunately, I bought an Aiken sound card 6 years ago, but recently I think it is not very useful. I want to change to an RME babyface pro rs, or IXI mega m8plus, but I was very depressed. , I have no money!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Monthly Chat October 2020

2020-10-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : 拓海 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat October 2020

This month I quit my Tuina job after many years.I am going to try to be an audio novel anchor, but the road ahead is very difficult, the competition is fierce, and I need a better equipment.I have already spent a lot of money; I installed a solid-state drive in the computer, replaced the CPU and installed a memory stick, bought a microphone, monitor headphones, and bought a new iphone-se.Fortunately, I bought an Aiken sound card 6 years ago, but recently I think it is not very useful. I want to change to an RME babyface pro rs, or IXI mega m8plus, but I was very depressed. , I have no money!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Monthly Chat October 2020

2020-10-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat October 2020

@Julian, yeah, I don't think that driver is a candidate for the brain of Britain ssomehow . It's not the first time I've heard of something like that happening though. My brother once had an amazon parcel literally shoved through his open bathroom window, and he found it sitting ontop of the toilet . Luckily of course, the lid was closed, and I do rather hope the driver might not have stuck the parsel in the same place if it was open, but honestly who knows . @Wing of Eternity thanks for the Birthday wishes. My lady had place Goujons, while I had calamari to start, then she had a spinach and ricotta cheese cannelloni while I had some of their amazing chicken and spinach Lasagnea, and then we both had chocolate cake with gelato. Sitting outside was a little chilly, but not too bad to say it's currently October, though we're not sure if we're going to be able to do this again, which is a miner shame given they're a really nice local place who now know us quite well, indeed some of the very few people we actually know by name in this town.


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Re: Monthly Chat October 2020

2020-10-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Juliantheaudiogamer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat October 2020

Hi,@Dark: Wow, I've heard a lot of crazy stories about parcel delivery, but this just made my day!


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Re: Monthly Chat October 2020

2020-10-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Juliantheaudiogamer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat October 2020

Hi,@Dark: Wow, I've heard a lot of crazy stories about parcel delivery, but this just made my day.:<):


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Monthly Chat October 2020

2020-10-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : wing of eternity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat October 2020

@dark happy birth day  to your lady! happy birthday!Nice, ghifts , it's clear that she is a fantasy nerd like you , so you go along with one another just fine.In the recicle bin? wow, that was a nice computer reference, but the fact that it was true makes it quite ironic in a way. did you think of a computer when you made the reference? I mean, the recicle bin.Leaving joaks with the recicle bin aside, I love italian food, and if you don't mind what did you and your lady  eat during that the celebration?Personnaly I like as a dezert chocolate soufflé, my mom just made some last week, and it was great. I also like meringue with chery soss.did you have pizza, or pasta, or may be fish? well I for one I hate fish with a passion, but many people like it my mom included.the  best pasta for me it's the simple one, the italion cooks made it simple like for example Pasta Aglio, Olio e Peperoncino.Only oial a bit of baikon, and that's all.and it's very good that way, of course I like sometimes pasta with white soss and alot of cheese, but I don't always pick that.I believe that food should be made with some spicy chilli   otherwise , you can't feel it properly. That's a nice thing to have , I hope I can eat some pizza today or something from an italion restaurant.


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Re: Monthly Chat October 2020

2020-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat October 2020

Well as I mentioned elsewhere, yesterday was my lady's birthday. I was absolutely set on her birthday being less depressing than mine was back in August, so I bought her several presents, including a Wheel of time green Aja T Shirt in loo of a Green Aja shawl, and some jewelary from the warbreaker fantasy series, which hopefully won't be lost somewhere over the atlantic . We in general had a nice birthday yesterday, and today went to our favourite Italian place to selibrate. We were debating what to do about this, because with corona on the rise and the county of Nottinghamshire likely to be declared in the highest corona alert category, we wondered what should be the best way to handle things. the Nice Italian place have said they will prepare a casserole dish of stuff which could be picked up and then stuck in the oven, however, fortunately we're going through this weird mild spell in October at the moment, so we were able to go. The meal was fantastic, they even bought my lady some strawberry chocolate cake for free since it was her birthday, however we did have a rather amusing/exasperating surprise when we returned. My keyboard decided to die on me the other day, so we bought another from Amazon (plus a spare), this was fine, accept that of course, they had to turn up while we were out, with alexa giving us a notification of a delivery.Actually, we got a card through the door which I had to check with seeing AI, and only then found out was a UPS Card, but couldn't get seeing Ai to read more of (despite the fact there is a huge note on my Amazon profile asking them not to put cards through the dam door!).After calls to Amazon and UPS Uk (which both proved fruitless), luckily a friend turned up to give reever a none working walk. She then informed us that the card said our parcel had indeed been delivered,  and put in the rubbish bin! Yes, they put a large box containing two keyboards, in a rubbish bin! Fortunately, it was the recycle bin , so not full of any gloppy kitchen waste or the like, but really! if it'd been the weekend, odds are we wouldn't have noticed, and the parcel would have been taken and crushed or burned, which probably wouldn't be good for the planet either .Luckily the keyboards turned up and work fine, but yee gods! these people are morons! It's a shame, most Amazon delivery drivers we've had have been pretty good, but obviously this one was a twonk, then again, it was a third party company, hence why they were using UPS.


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Re: Monthly Chat October 2020

2020-10-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : a12850bc via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat October 2020

Hello Wilson. I am doing fine. I'm just working on my huge project called The Blind Advocate Project.


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Re: Monthly Chat October 2020

2020-10-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat October 2020

Okay not a lot has happened other than worse corona prognostications (our county is in the high category), so keeping to lockdownn rules here), and of course the onrunning circus of the US general ellection. On that score, it looks like we have fixed a postal vote which is good, actually it's sort of amusing how much people like my brother  and his Fiance want to help my lady with voting against Trump . I'm afraid though, today I'm in rather pissed off mood, and I'm going to treat everyone to something of  a rant, because yesterday I watched the final four episodes of game of thrones season 8. I'd got to episode 3 which was of course a huge great battle, after which I just wanted to go on, and so, though it involved me being up until 2-Am last night I decided to finish altogether just to be done. I have not done the audio described audios yet, these were just the episodes on DVD with my remaining vision, plus occasional dips into the game of thrones wiki synopses to get ideas of what is going on. Also, obviously my opinion here. Also also spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers!Okay, oddly enough I really liked the first half of the series, everyone getting together for the big battle against the night king and the white walkers, the calm before the storm, seeing characters meet up and enemies combine together, indeed I really wish this had been the end of the series. what I thought  was particularly fantastic was that even characters like Jaime and the hound got involved, indeed some of the hounds plotlines this series (even in the dire second half), were some of the best, with Jaime's redemption arc, something hinted at in eartly season, and actually slowly happening in the books, looked like it was coming to fruition. Admittedly, bits of character development seemed a little quick, but I honestly couldn't complain at Arya and Gendry wanting one fling together before the battle, or about Theon trying to make up for his past by protecting Bran and whatever Bran had now become. So then we got the battle itself, and yee gods! best fantasy battle since helms deep. it was grim, it was atmospheric, all hope seemed lost. There were zombie dragons, and zombie giants, and Leana moroment proving that Arya isn't the only awesome young girl in the series, while Jora got to give up his life for his queen. Even Melisandre got moments of awesome (actually the opening sequence with the duthraki hoard fighting the white walker army with their flaming swords is very much the reason why! I watch these things visually).And in the end, Theon gives his life, and Arya engages in the most awesome critical hit ever! Furthermore a stabbing prefaced in the series from Bran's vision of the creation of the Night King.Actually, I'll admit the series used fantasy tropes to freak me out, since I really facepalmed at the moment when Berric dundarian died defending Arya and Melisandre told her that the lord of light had bought him back just to save her, - way over board in main character awesomeness. And yet, what do we then see? Arya actually is! the thing that changes the battle. Okay, the idea that slaying the one load bearing boss destroys the entire hoard is really not a good one, and smacks way too much of convenience for my liking, but I'll give them a pass just on the basis of the shear cathartic grimness of the hole battle, the fact we'd lost several beloved characters (albeit it did seem characters like Tyrian and Sansa had some rather convenient plot armour), as well as a lot of soldiers and civilians, and just how bloody   aweful the hole thing was.So episodes 1-3 get a thumbs up for me and felt like a good finale to the series. Then however we get to the second half of the series and gr! so Tyrian, the supposedly Cleverest man in Westeros backs the wrong horse, Aka Dragon, gets varys barbequed by queen paranoia! Jaime finally gets with Brienne in a rather sweet scene only to abandon her completely and go back to what Mrs. Dark refers to as his "lovey dovey sissy yum yum!" Regal the dragon dies because the Iron fleet's habbit of rolling critical damage against anything they encounter! (really, these guys have just instakilled so many things in the series). Misandi's  death was really horrible and a gut punch moment, but it was at least the sort of gut punch that GoT does well, (poor grey worm). Actually, I was expecting Circie or Euron Greyjoy to do pretty horrible things to her, so was glad her death was comparatively quick.Then we get to the end! Tyrian literally pleads with everyone to avoid a slaughter, looks as if he succeeds, and then my god Daenerys! Bloody hell Daenerys! Okay, Dark danny had been hinted at right back in the start of the series, right from burning alive the woman who killed her husband, to the guy who betrayed her in Qarth, various lsavers, Tyrian

Re: Monthly Chat October 2020

2020-10-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : amir tajik via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat October 2020

say whatever you want about me, about the thing that i'm going to say here it comes:check this out: … rvive-him/yes, promoting my own topick, az i sed, and i quote:say whatever you want about me, about the thing that i'm going to say , lol


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Re: Monthly Chat October 2020

2020-10-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat October 2020

Okay well not a lot else to report, though both locally, and nationally, it seems we're heading back into lockdown ville, even over Jelly fish Jonson's idiotic protests and attempts to put up wishy washy regulations, like telling people more than one household can't meet up, then having pubs stay open and serve outside alcohol, because you know nothing should get in the way of the country boosing! . Still, I suspect lockdown is coming! sorry too much game of thrones. Of course, as I said before, that's not exactly new for us at the moment . The only really major thing to report at the second is I've now finished game of thrones season 7, which I'll now be discussing in a bit more detail, so if you've not seen it, stop before this post turns into a spoil of spoilers! .Season 6 was over all disappointing, though with that awesome scene around the sept, it did seem to be getting momentum back a little, and at this point I just want to push on to the end. Season 7  was better than 6 over all, but just feels a bit too fanficky, in the sense that a lot of stuff seems to be happening just to put characters together, like having John, and Jora, and  Beric dundarian, and Sandor Clegane, and Gendry all go white hunting north of the wall, actually wye Gendry's back in the series at all I'm not sure at this point. Also yee gods there are callbacks upon callbacks to previous plot, rather than establishing new plot or even having old plots progress. This is of course a good thing in some cases (I really liked seeing some of Aria's friends again, and what happened to little finger), but less good in others, like random John and Dany shipping, or having an arria vs Brienne fight, cool to see though it was. Circie has gone all sorts of nuts, and is just completely evil now, which is fair enough, but really less interesting, also oddly the series is feeling smaller, between character deaths, and the sort of weird way someone just says "I'll go to so and so" and then turns up there in the next scene! Yes, I know it's suppose to be a time skip, but honestly, it feels like Westeros now has it's own startrek style transporter! I'm also finding a lot of stuff seems to be happening without much thought of character, so one second, Danaerys will stop at nothing to win and is engaging in a political flame war, slaughtering thousands of innnocent soldiers who just happen to be working for the wrong side in the process, the next, everyone's following her and declaring how good a queen she is! One minute Randal Tarl Tarley, sam's dad is set up as general, the next Danaerys is just flaming him randomly, with no consequences, though I really hope there is at least some fallout from this in season 7, particularly since it makes him the Tarley heir, (I believe Sam's sister is younger than him, so even if she could inherit, Sam's still the oldest). That being said, the way so many factions seem to have vanished really feels odd, and though some characters got amazing exits, Olenna Tyrell, Eleria sand, there doesn't seem to be much replacing them.Whose' ruling dawn now? What are the rest of the lords doing? And didn't the common people notice when a major land mark of Kings landing and the surrounding area went boom! It's odd, there have been some great reunions, and some interesting character growths (I like  the fact Sansa is finally growing up), and yet a lot just feels like stuff which is happening for rule of cool factor, rather than due to any sort of over all plan. Of course, this isn't as bad as in a lot of recent media, indeed from Rise of Skywalker to Fantastic Beasts, style over substance has been a bit of a disease in popular films lately, but it's sad to see something of this happen to game of thrones. and yet, we still have a great villain in Circie, and potential for massive battles with characters I still care about, even if I find the over all narative disconnected and the hole thing at this point is feeling more like someone's fanfic than a real continuation of the plot followed in seasons 1-5. I'll be going straight on to season 8 at least when I've caught up in the audio descriptions, and then I'll likely be as pissed off as everyone else .


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Re: Monthly Chat October 2020

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : stasp via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat October 2020

I made a separate thread about this already, but i've just finished reading neverwhere and really really liked it. Since i'm from Poland and reading a book in english for me is like watching a movie with around 10/15% of the screen covered i'm going to read the book in Polish again in some time or maybe even today, allthough i dont thing so. I'll also watch the mini series too.


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Re: Monthly Chat October 2020

2020-10-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat October 2020

@wilson, I know not of these regular sleep schedules of which yee speak . Actually, since I'm still doing half an hour or so running with the zombies each day, I do at least sleep for a reasonable amount of time, albeit it sort of seems to have settled into a 8 or 9 Pm bed time and waking up somewhere between 3 and 6, still, that is at least better than when I was waking up at one or midnight and crashing in the afternoons.@Socheat, really glad Cambodia is avoiding the virus, indeed the online schooling might have something to do with that, urcsome though it is. The funny thing at the moment, is that since we were doing my lady's radio therapy just before lockdown, and since our town had a local outbreak just after the national lockdown stopped in August, it pretty much feels like my lady and I have been stuck inside since January! We were starting to at least walk out to have meals out last month, but between the virus rate rising again and the weather going all sorts of crappy, that probably won't be happening again for quite some time.Amusingly enough, Jelly fish Jonson is up to his usual invertebrate woffling again, on the one hand telling everyone to go t the cinema because cini world is looking like they're having to close, on the other telling everyone that the rule about no more than six people inside will have to be strictly enforced, god the man has no spine!The only good thing of course is that at least he's not Donald Trump, since I confess my lady and I are quite worried about what might happen in the Us next month.Not too much to report, since not too much is happening, though I did finish game of thrones season 6, so once again, here come the spoiling spoilers of spoilage!Okay, I have to say the plot with Circie blowing up the sept was absolutely fantastic! it was set up, delivered, and those 23 minutes of season 6 episode 10 have to be some of the best in the program's history, the tension, the atmosphere, the kick arse music, and my god the payoff! I've never liked that bit in plots when villains start losing their power and go all desperate and pathetic, I'd always rather the villains were defeated right at their strongest, rather than seeing them go all sorts of weedy. Circie I honestly thought this was where things were going, she had no support, had been publically humiliated in a truly horrific way, even her son was no longer in her control. And then suddenly, booom! It was nasty, and unexpected, and yee gods poor tommon and Margerie! And just Wow!While we're speaking of wow plots,  oh my god hodor! It takes a lot to make me cry from fiction. I'm not one of these people who thinks crying is unmanly or any such nonsense, but neither do I indulge in it too much, but "hold the door" actually made me do it! which is a seminal achievement for any work of fiction! Hodor!Sadly I can't say the same for a lot of the other plots. Okay, seeing bolton get defeated in a giant battle was pretty fun, and Sansa having him eaten by his own hounds was cathartic, but why is John snow suddenly King in the north? And again, while Denaerys is all sorts of cool, she has sort of effortlessly just defeated everyone who opposed her, got hold of the entire duthraki nation and even got a force of iron born into the bargain. Not that I mind John or Denaerys succeeding (though I wonder what will hapepn when they meat, especially now that R+L=J has been confirmed in the series at least), however both of them just seemed to pretty much get all their success. indeed, after all Denaerys had to go through just to get Drogo's Calisar on hand, to get the hole nation basically by using her heat resistance as a super power just felt off to me. Aria is going interesting places, and again, seeing nasty old Fray get a good stabbing was nice though how the hell did she suddenly get from Bravos to the twins in the space of one episode? and where did she get the disguise human face mask from if she'd already left the faceless men? Lastly, Davos discovers melisandra is responsable for burning Shareen alive, has a huge and very justified go at her, demands she be executed for the crime and she, - m, just walks away?This in general is the problem with the series, lots of shock moments and stuff happening because it's cool, plus characters given random success or plot armour seemingly because the series just wants them to be somewhere!Also, I confess I really don't like the hole "night king" thing. Not that I mind a good old dark lord, but game of thrones really didn't need one, there are plenty of all too human nastyy people kicking around.Fortunately though, where season 5 seemed to be going off the rails slightly, six still did have the plot moments that felt genuinely real, and while it wasn't quite as good as season 4 say, it has held my interest and got me jazzed to see

Re: Monthly Chat October 2020

2020-10-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Juliantheaudiogamer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat October 2020

Hi,@DArk: Only at the Moment? Looking at the News has been depressing for the whole year?For me, University is keeping me very busy Right now, otherwise Nothing new.


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Re: Monthly Chat October 2020

2020-10-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : manamon_player via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat October 2020

just passing


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Re: Monthly Chat October 2020

2020-10-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Wilson via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat October 2020

September is bad for me. My father broke my keyboard and he doesn't give a damn about it. I had That keyboard for over 8 years, and I was so pist when he broke it.Also, My sleeping regiment is scrued up. I even have to stay up for over 30 hours in an attempt to fix it and even that is a total fail.Combine with the stressing scool activity and the fact that I was stil pist about the keyboard, Pretty much makes that 1 particular day one of the most painful day that I have to go through, In both fisical and mentality. I'm quite sure I'm stil on the state of recovering from that day even right now. Yes, they are hyper activ on sending me those book materials to read and learned aroun mid september, and suddenly just stops around the end for some unknown reason. I just hope october can be a little bit better.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Monthly Chat October 2020

2020-10-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Wilson via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat October 2020

September is bad for me. My father broke my keyboard and he doesn't give a damn about it. I had That keyboard for over 8 years, and I was so pist when he broke it.Also, My sleeping regiment is scrued up. I even have to stay up for over 30 hours in an attempt to fix it and even that is a total fail.Combine with the stressing scool activity and the fact that I was stil pist about the keyboard, Pretty much makes that 1 particular day one of the most painful day that I have to go through, In both fisical and mental. I'm quite sure I'm stil on the state of recovering from that day even right now.Yes they are hyper activ on sending me those book materials to read and learned aroun mid september and just suddenly stops around the end for some unknown reason. I just hope october can be a little bit better...


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Re: Monthly Chat October 2020

2020-10-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Socheat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat October 2020

Well, nothing much to report from my side. Online school semester two just started days ago, and I'm getting tired of it honestly. Not much of a fan of online schooling. But hey, what can you do in this crappy time? Nothing new here really. Oh yeah, the good thing? In Cambodia here only one active cases with the Pandemic for now. I wish it stays that way. And this case is the last one.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Monthly Chat October 2020

2020-10-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Socheat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat October 2020

Well, nothing much to report from my side. Online school semester two just started days ago, and I'm getting tired of it honestly. Not much of a fan of online schooling. But hey, what can you do in this crappy time? Nothing new here really. Oh yeah, the good thing? In Cambodia here only one active cases with the Pandemic for now. I wish it stays that way.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Monthly Chat October 2020

2020-10-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat October 2020

Things are sort of crappy right now, since my attempts to get published continue to fail myserably for no discernible reason, and finding an agent who doesn't specify that they want "edgy female voices", or "minorities viewpoints" (you know because I'm apparently not one), is proving next to impossible. Plus of course the US ellection is a cavalcade of fun right now and we're sort of waiting in dread for what will happen next month, plus my lady getting rather exasperated at her family whose attitude basically is still "trump=republican=good", and nothing else makes any difference, needless to say this makes even looking at the news a bit depressing at the moment. btw, I know there's a massive long thread discussing the ellection, but at the moment I just meant in terms of it contributing to things being all sorts of crappy, which I'm guessing would probably be true for those on either side of the line right now. About the only good thing I can say, is that my hand finally seems to be getting better. I actually suspect I probably broke bones in it when I fell, which is why it's taken so long to heal. Hopefully soon I can get back to weight lifting with zombies run. I've continued with the running, but lifting weights with a broken hand would obviously be all sorts of stupid, so I've been missing the lock down workouts.Speaking of lock down,  well never mind, again, suffice it to say the rate's going up in the midlands again, so we're still in full lock down mode here of course, which is really helpful when my lady could probably do with seeing a doctor, but hay, that's just how it is.I'm also starting game of thrones season 6, which is proving a major disappointment at the moment (beware, here come the spoiling spoilers of spoilery spoiling).what with John Snow just sort of coming back from the dead for no reason, sansa stark's character turning into warrior princess  at the drop of a hat, and above all, poor Asha and shaggy dog dying for absolutely no reason at all other than shock value, indeed since when did Great John Umber's son turn out to be such an arse hole?It also seems so many character motivation is getting just sidestepped, EG Davos seems really not bothered about his King being dead, and since when did Davos get on board the "john snow is awesome" train.Obviously, all the point of this is just to have Ramsy snow vs John snow, but really, it seems at the moment motivations are simply getting written to be simplified, like Jaime lanister suddenly just retconning all his character development with Brienne and going back to being Circie's nice little laptdog. Suffice it to say, I can see why people got annoyed with the series when they ran out of Martin's books, and unfortunately I suspect this descent is just going to continue.So yeah, October is pretty crappy all around really.


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