Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2020-04-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : nina0116 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

Hi everyone.  Sorry to say I no longer have the program.


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Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2020-04-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : fredd via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

i need that program please


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Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2020-03-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Garr via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

Heh, I don't mind the revival, nice to bump into old things that are still around.


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Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2020-03-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : fredd via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

last i checked, it was not against the rules to bring up a dead topic


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Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2020-03-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

Damn I wish people would create a new topic instead of reviving those old topics...


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Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2020-03-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Mellowwind via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

Is it really accessible? I couldn't equip an item and quit the game as I remember


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Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2018-03-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Warcat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

yeah i also want this program. never used it before but it could be useful.


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Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2018-03-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : stirlock via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

Very sorry to revive a dead topic, but can you reupload the hacking program? Thanks.


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Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2015-04-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : nina0116 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

for anyone who having a hard time with the hacking system, this program might help. you need to select the words that are your possible passwords from the provided list. Then when you have selected them all, press escape. Then in your roboid game, try a password. If it is incorrect, arrow to the word you tried in this program. Press enter, and enter the number of correct letters you were told, then press enter. The program will remove the word you tried from the word list, as well any words that couldnt possibly be the correct password. This program has helped me succeed in hacking all but one time sence writing. Now unfortunitly I can not make any changes to this program, because I lost the source code for it, so I am sorry if it is a little pain to use. I do hope this hel


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Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2015-04-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : silverkey via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

Hi!There is a step by step hacking FAQ in the forum: training is still locked and you have already done a few classifieds, you now need to buy a robot. Its under the Exchange : Bots menu.Mission goals are listed below the story text in a checklist format.


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Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2015-04-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : chrisfaelnar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

Or, how do i complete story missions? by reading?


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Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2015-04-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

Hi. Fun to know, I did stick my noggin around the door yesterday to say hello to my bots, however I still cannot work out the hacking which is a pest sinse that is what I need next for the story.


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Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2015-04-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : chrisfaelnar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

Hi silver key. I have question. How do i unlock training or some other stuffs there? Ive already read the stories, the blogs, but i still cant unlock it. Why


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Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2015-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : silverkey via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

Touching base with everyone, thanks for checking out Roboid!Would also like to announce our latest major feature which was added today: teams! Functioning like guilds found in other games, teams add fun competitive AND cooperative elements to the game!


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Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2015-02-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : silverkey via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

I modelled that after a hacking mechanic on the game Fallout 3. 


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Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2015-01-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : silverkey via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

Enter one of the words, like elephant, into the login form below it. It will tell you how many letters that word has correct compared to the real password. The in-game forum has a whole thread of tips  strategies.


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Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2015-01-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

Hi.Ive just got into the hacking part of the game.Guessing passwords is hard 


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Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2015-01-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

If you want Candy Crush, then build a Candy Crush clone. If you want complexity, then keep going in the direction youre going; Candy Crush is by no means complicated, that much I know.


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Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2015-01-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : silverkey via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

Hacking is meant to be a bit of a game of chicken. The # of accounts determines the upper bounds of what youll win. On the hacking leaderboard youll see many people with hacks over $10,000. With an average virus cost below $1000, its a lucrative minigame. If I increase payouts, the inflation rate of the game will also rise.Yes, many game mechanics are luck based, however scavenging is modeled after minesweeper, a popular puzzle game.The less luck based things are, the more detailed A.I. and layered strategy is required: a mountain of work for one solo, part-time programmer (me) who is doing all the writing, programming, graphics, sounds  support alone. The game is still in Beta, and I consider it to be a proof of concept the scavenging is the most involved  non-luck-based element, and also the most recent. Im tackling larger and more detailed features as the game matures.


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Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2015-01-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : silverkey via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

Yeah, I hear you. A lot of the more strategic layers will be worked in later. For example, my husband really wants elemental weapons, and combat stances that you have to earn over time so it matters which you pick. I may also re-write the combat to be more turn-by-turn.I have to keep new features under control, since we are also raising two babies! Besides, millions of people playing Candy Crush luck isnt all bad. LOL!


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Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2015-01-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

I respect that youre one part-time programmer trying to build a complex game. Im not trying to slam you. Im just frustrated by all the luck; when you get a fairly bad string of luck, and when luck is the larger part of your game, it gets a little disheartening. Maybe Im in a minority here and most of your players arent discouraged by loss after loss at whatever pursuit they choose.When I say that scavenging is luck, I mean that you have no real way of knowing whats where until you click someplace and get clues. There is a little strategy in that you dont necessarily want to stick to corners and all that, but not a ton.


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Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2015-01-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

Hi./Spoilers/Im still a bit confused.I dont understand how Im meant to guess a password from this.{[=football!*@remember%sunshine#$!=$;snowball|$:=velocity*+/~/|anywhere#//|saturday=*?housefly:][ a-t ]]obituary;~:%+sprinkle?!}={shoulder~+}}/jousting~/+windmill~~:isolated:!*mountain$]!manicure:+!|~maverick};]#/dinosaur!%[ a-t ]$upstairs%/#elephant#:lipstick};{=keyboard~?%#{sentence}|]:!}]}What am I meant to do with these words?


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Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2015-01-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

Speaking of hacking though, I had a bit of a bad experience last night.I got to 32 accounts downloaded, and decided to try one more time. I got caught.This in itself is fine, but 28 accounts only got me something like $3600, and now I have to get an epic hack of more than $5000. Given that I can only do this every 12 hours, and also given how much it costs...well, it feels a bit like a crapshoot. No, scratch that. It feels like a -huge crapshoot. Name of the game, I suppose, but it sort of drives the point of the game home. Training is a crapshoot; calibration is a crapshoot; scavenging is a crapshoot; hacking is a crapshoot. The majority of your game is built on luck, it seems to me. Im really hoping it doesnt stay that way, or else youve essentially created a sophisticated guess the number setup with multiple interfaces and the suggestion of a story. Theres very little actual skill involved.


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Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2015-01-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

Its tricky, yes. I can usually get past that part of it well enough if Im lucky.Some tips for those of you struggling with this part:All words are eight letters.When choosing words at first, look at words that share commonalities. For instance, if you have the word football and the word housefly, they have one word in common. If you also have the word faithful, faithful has two letters in common with football but none with housefly...but if you choose football and it says 0 letters matched, then you know housefly and faithful are also wrong, so you can eliminate them.You still might have a memory dump thats just too big and not related enough, but generally if you follow these rules and look for words that have the most links to other words (regarding where in a word each letter is placed) then you should be in good shape.


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Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2015-01-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

Hi Ive noticed some radio buttons have there labels next to them. So for example. when you calibrate your robots attack defense and speed. The radio buttons can easily be read through when pressing R, but with other radio buttons, you have to press your down arrow to read the information. Could it be so that all info is read when pressing R?Im not completely sure on how to do this but here goes;formfieldsetlegend attack/legendp label input type=radio name=attack Attack 1/label/P/formI tried something like that out on a text html page and it read when I press R instead of me having to go down and read the label.IF thats wrong sorry. I know you know lodes more than I do when it comes to this stuff, I just thought Id show off what I learned today 


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Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2015-01-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : silverkey via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

brad wrote:Hi.Yep, thats right. IF I find anymore radio buttons labeled, oddly Ill mention them here.I will investigate.


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Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2015-01-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : silverkey via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

The gibberish is just file  directory names, their names dont matter. Try to aim for at least 20 account numbers, and hit logout once youve been at high threat for a bit. Files deeper down the directory tree are worth more but more dangerous. It becomes a game of chicken... 


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Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2015-01-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

I do actually have one question.Once you get into the database when hacking, there are a bunch of weird gibberish-looking links with letters and numbers. I presume some of these are accounts and some of them arent, but are they supposed to be gibberish or what?I clicked two of them, then got nervous I was going to fail and stopped hacking. Im kind of wondering what the deal is there, especially now that my next goal is to do a larger hack.


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Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2015-01-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : silverkey via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

Sure, I can look at it... is it the repair page where they are in a strange position?


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Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2015-01-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

Hi.Yep, thats right. IF I find anymore radio buttons labeled, oddly Ill mention them here.


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Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2015-01-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : stirlock via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

Basically you want to click on links ending in .dat, those are the files with the acounts. The links with no extension are folders.


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Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2015-01-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

@Silverkey, I am quite familiar with the concept of the sort of casual, game at work style games,  indeed if you look on our database of accessible games youll find several entries such as Lords and Knights, Bloodwars, Solara or The Reborn. While I freely will admit there is a great desire in the accessible games community for complex, multilayered and mind intensive games,  particularly in the rpg and stratogy genre sinse blind people manifestly cannot go out and play skyrim, Dark Souls etc, there is nothing intrinsically invalid in having a casual game either. My problem as far as Roboid is concerned is that the efficiency of the timed actions are not conducive to playing the game at the same time as doing something else, well not if the player wants to be efficient. By the time your calculating a competition match every 10 minutes, a training match every 8 minutes, reparing your robot afterwards over the course of a minute or so, tw
 o minute classifieds not to mention 1 or 10 minute tagging, (not to mention hacking and scavenging minigames every few hours), the intervals of time when you have nothing to do and aare waiting for something to happen are not really long enough to go and do something else, usually they are periods of between 1 and three minutes which only occur every 3 or 4 minutes or so. Contrast this with Lords and knights,which has resource and task timers who average out at 30 minutes or so, or Bloodwars, where the player gets a limited number of actions each hour or so and must waith after taking them.If the intention is to make Roboid a more casual game, I would suggest giving more weight to the efficiency of players choices that come up every 10 or 15 minutes, thus leaving adequate time to do something else in between. As it stands Roboid seems to unfortunately fall between two stools. Other than the very atmospheric and unique missions and other background info (which are great
  atmosphere to read, and something which no other casual game accept Solara has anything close to), Roboid isnt quite brain activity and judgement intensive enough to play as a constant game, but its equally not exactly slow enough to play casually while doing something else. Other than fiddling with timers, one possible solution to this might be kew actions, (perhaps as a donater level), so that the player could! set 10 minutes worth of game activity going at a stretch. Alternatively, give the player some actual choices and judgement based activities so that the game can be played continuously,  I love the sound of that maze and random encounters option, just the sort of thing I enjoy in a game, and indeed Ive thought resource buildings and production would be a nice area to explore.As far as roboid stats and grinding go, as I said i personally dont mind a grind if the grind is interesting and has a point, though perhaps tweaking the
  progress times at the moment might be an idea. On the round vs continuous play option, one idea might be to retire your super heavyweight bot when it got to a certain level, complete with an ending sequence in the story, and then let you cycle the game story over again but with some sort of perminant reward, eg, a %10 extra on stats, or a special equipment item for your robot or whatever. This way players could both continue and gain progress, but also not just drag off into the realms of exponentially bigger and bigger numbers with nothing else real! in the game left to do or achieve or explore. I didnt realize hacking one letter correct meant both right position and right place, I just thought it meant one over all letter correct which likely is where I got confused, Ill give it another go and see how I do, ditto with the text capture.Im sorry if this post came across overly crytical. I do very much appreciate what your doing wit
 h Roboid, especially as regards your fantastic fixes with access, and there is a lot in the game I really like (especially in terms of its atmosphere, writing and story). However, equally bare in mind I have been playing, and often reviewing browser based games now for nearly 12 years, indeed it was learning to play games like Legend of the Green dragon and Ashes of Angels that first taught me how to navigate the internet with a screen reader, so I do hope my suggestions are in some sense constructive.


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Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2015-01-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : silverkey via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

Absolutely, I completely appreciate the feedback, good and bad!I wonder for example if I need an intensive training option which takes longer but with a higher chance of success. And similar for the other short items. I was thinking about zero repair timer for contributors..


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Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2015-01-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : silverkey via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature



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Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2015-01-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

Hi.This might not be that successful but anyway.My referral link is;


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Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2015-01-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

Tweaking the timers might be a good idea if you do want a casual game, to let people have more time in between but still bennifit, this also goes for classifieds sinse currently while all the classifieds differ in times, none are more efficient than the two minute option, where as Id suggest if your going for a casual game you should be thinking in terms of 10 minute clicks for maxed efficiency.As to repare time, zero repare time for contributers might be nice, but equally I do like the idea of simulating actions you actually perform on your roboid rather than just a general purpose heal button, sinse the more involved players are with their roboids atmospherically, the less it feels like your just manipulating a set of stats.Perhaps having a chance of stat boosts during repare might be good, or maybe a buff from repares applied to next competition match, or maybe you could choose different repare options which apply different potential 
 bonuses, for example, polish, overhaul, debug the roboids ai etc.


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Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2015-01-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : silverkey via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

My husband suggested a similar buffing action idea. His was a type of fight preparation. I will add it to my ideas list! 


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Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2015-01-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : silverkey via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

Training is designed to have a bot relatively equal to yours. A 50% odds. So your numbers look ok. (The training bot is randomly generated.)


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Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2015-01-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

As the main method of advancing stats, and HP in particular, I wish the overall odds of winning were kind of skewed in the players favour a bit.I think maybe this would be a very good time to wander away and come back in half a year, see whats changed. I like the games idea, Im not averse to tick-based setups, but I have many of the same issues as Dark with a shorter tolerance for systems Im not fond of. Keep up the good work though.


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Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2015-01-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

The smaller the sample size, the less trustworthy it is. You arent guaranteed success on your second try if your first failed and your odds are 50%, not by a long shot. By the time youve done 20 or more attempts, however, you should have at least a rough idea, and the higher that number, the more true it is.For instance, my training record is something like 33-28, and Im kind of wondering why. It sure as heck isnt a matter of winning two-thirds of my matches, as it seemed to be earlier...and yes, I do have gear.Im hesitant, as I said, to spend money on armour or weapons beyond a little here and there, on the off chance that the game will want me to blow a bunch of cash on something Ive already surpassed myself without prompting. Im hoping that wont happen.


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Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2015-01-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : silverkey via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

Brand new players get a weakened bot for their first 20 matches so you were indeed winning more.


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Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2015-01-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

, I have played the game for a while now and I have a strange susspicion.Is this just me, or does the calibration thing fails in almost 90 percent for you guys too?Am I doing something wrong?


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Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2015-01-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : silverkey via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

People are often confuse about how % chances work. It means you could have a streak for a while of fails, or a streak of success or a more even spread.


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Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2015-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : silverkey via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

Hi Everyone!Thanks for playing!Ive been making some changes to try and improve the accessibility. @Dark .. please let me know some of the accessible captcha questions and what you answered exactly for answers. It should work regardless of capitalization. I ran many test cases and am using a pre-existing captcha plugin. If you have examples I can test them out myself. Spaces will cause it to fail.I also fixed the text on the Tagging radio buttons to make it clearer which radio button goes with what.A bit of back ground for folks with concerns about the grinding / timers/ etc. Roboid is based on a particular genre of game. Many others like it operate on either a timer system or an Energy bar which needs to refil over time. I modelled Roboid after these types of games. Some people who like the casual aspect of it, its a perfect fit. Other people who like to sit down for a couple hours and play one game full out exclusively, th
 is doesnt really fit. Many people play it while doing other work on their computer or phone. Some people browse the forums a bit while waiting for timers. One of the largest and most popular text based game of this type uses Energy and Nerve bars which take half a day to refil.Ive tried to space the timers out and stagger them so that there is frequently something activating. But once you get a system down you can usually set up everything in a few minutes then leave it for a while. This style of casual, non-time-consuming gameplay appeals to some and not to others. As you unlock more things to do, you have less waiting and more activities. While Hacking and Scavenging are my only two mini-games so far, I plan on adding many more. Hacking is intentionally hard. Very hard. There is also intentionally not a lot of guidance for it. Much like real life you have to bang away at it. Once you get it though, its a major money mak
 er. Often $5-$15K each time. Thus why it has the longest timer.The classifieds renew every 24 hour period to a new random set. I agree that it is frustrating that the earning mission limits you to earning money from the classifieds alone. I wrote that mission when there was not much else in the game. I plan on revisiting it before I start season 2 of the missions.The missions are intended to take a while. My hope is that all 9 season 1 missions will take a month or so of casual game play. Part of this is because of how the game is built, and part if it is because, as a stay at home parent, I can only work on Roboid in my spare time, so cant churn out new missions (with the writing and programming involved) on too fast of a schedule.Regarding upgrading bot classes. It takes about a month to max out your Amateur bot. My hope/plan is for it to take about a year to burn through all the existing combat classes. I must then decide what happens to players who max
  out in superweight. Im considering an open ended underground class with no limits. Many players have expressed dislike for the idea of round-based play (where everyone starts fresh at each new round).Training matches you against a bot with approximately equal stats. In the long run youll win 50% of the time.Adding a weapon and armor will do wonders to your win-loss performance. A bare-bones amateur bot with only bit of training/calibrating under its belt will not surprisingly be losing often. I cant make everyone a butt kicker off the get go. Most players end up with a much higher # of wins than losses against the NPCs within a week or two.I dont ever want Contributor Status to give players much of an edge over other players. The game money given is minimal compared to what you can earn hacking and scavenging in few days time. At the $25 contribution for $150K game money, its a nice amount but not a game changer. There 
 will be more money making mini games coming soon.Hacking tip- choose your first word with the most overlap with other words as possible. Spot common ending letters for example and pick a first word which will help eliminate as many as possible. The letters in common refers to the position of the letter too.


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Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2015-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : stirlock via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

I, too am on hacking. Ive managed to guess the correct word twice, btw, it is randomly chosen, so the same word will never be right twice. I really dont care for this method, because you can only atempt this every 12 hours. Whats next, events that you can only do once a week? This is a tad ridiculous.


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Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2015-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

@Sterlock, I get that the hack is supposed to be a different password, but for some reason Ive not got it to work. Do different answers you try when hacking giving other responses than you have one letter correct? thus far every word Ive tried says one letter correct which isnt particularly helpful when trying to narrow down the possibilities and I have wondered if something is off.


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Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2015-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : silverkey via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

I plan that when I add actions with long timers, Ill balance them out with short ones too. Its not going to get ever longer and longer! *laughs*


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Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2015-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : silverkey via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

As a bit of an idea for players hoping for more to do... here are some planned features:- A text based maze-style mini-game where you explore the outskirts of the city. Random encounters with enemies and random treasure finds.- A hydroponics system to grow resources over a long period. A money maker and important story element.- Crafting system - the items found while scavenging will be added to your inventory. You use these materials to craft weapons, armor and equipment.- A player market to sell the items you craft.- Multi-player actions where players online at the same time team up to complete an objective such as one faction attacking another.Regarding upgrading to the next class. I was considering having a min number of wins required to be invited to the next class. Then if you have the money you can buy the next bot regardless of stats. I think this makes more sense in how in real life sports you must earn your way
  from amateur to pro, etc. However I was not sure what a good number of wins would be, so the current system is allowing me to observe a bit first.


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Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2015-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : nin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

hi. has anyone managed to figure out the word puzzle when hacking? Im trying for 2 days but still no luck. any tips would be appreciated.


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Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2015-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

@Nin, nope, Im having the same problem with Hacking myself, for some reason every word I try says you have one letter correct which seems weerd, so I cant work out the answer.@Jayde, I agree on the grinding factor currently being a bit extreme as far as basic levelling goes (particularly with how the practice bots are suddenly much tougher). The theory on the game seems to be that progressing just by running in once a day and hitting a couple of jobs is not as fast as sitting around and playing constantly, ie, repares are most efficient when done at %25, and the 2 minutes for $10 is the most efficient job. Sadly the same doesnt seem true of the stat grinding for robots, though I am still hoepful of more being added to the game to reduce grindage factors somewhat, --- scavenging is already a fun divertion even if you can only do it once every four hours. i dont myself mind long grinds so long as there is something interesting to do 
 in the mean time to prevent me from feeling as if Im just sitting around hitting buttons with no point.However, one thing I notice is that the story is more important than the competitions at this point, so personally I have been concentrating on that, and I assume the battle stats will be worked out as time goes on, or at least I hope so, sinse yes, currently the game and battle system are not really what I would want long term, but Im willing to wait for additions in terms of more activities and expantion of the world,  at least for a while. In particular if the idea is to reward players who spend their time online using the most efficient activities, Id like to see this online time made more engaging. Right now half an hour at a time is about all I can do, especially sinse I seem to have got stuck in the story due to not being able to get this dam hacking to work.I agree on the samurai robot, I wish Id bought it now too, though unf
 ortunately Ive invested too much time into my B bot for it to be worth my while changing.@crashmaster, as Jayde said, Im not sure what your talking about with donations, sinse all donating gets you thus far is a bit of cash. the reason I stopped Sryth was that I felt the gm got greedy with donations and was no longer putting time into making a halfway decent job with the writing, but Im willing to try out other games for at least a while, especially those that do devote time to creating such an interesting world as roboid (Itd be great to explore more of it).


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Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2015-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : truecraig via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

silverkey wrote:I agree that a turn by turn combat would be awesome. However for a browser game which is not using Java or Flash or some other plugin, this is very hard to do. You would need to ensure that each player is online (and not idle) at the same time, that they dont wander away from their browser, and then have each players browser constantly poll the server to find out what the other player did and if its your turn or youre still waiting.I havent read the whole of this thread, but you could consider SignalR to do this merely in _javascript_ with your back end code. It is indeed possible. Or There are ways in _javascript_ now to do this without you having to do all the heavy lifting. It would be work, I agree. But a lot less these days than it used to be and certainly not only the territory of browser plugin languages anymore.


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Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2015-01-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

Oops, I goofed. You train every 6 minutes, so thats 10 chances per hour, of which youre apt to win 5 or so. Thus, the number of average stats per hour youre apt to earn is probably 2 or less, even playing religiously, unless you get insanely lucky.If we only had 20 stats to earn, and then 20HP, that wouldnt be so bad. Im happy to grind some. But this much? Well, combine it with the arbitrary bits and bobs Ive mentioned before, and Im seeing a lot of issues here.The previous poster (besides me, I mean) is right. I am really worried about buying or doing anything out of order, because what if I do and the game then wants me to do it again? I wouldnt be surprised if the game asked you to buy a piece of equipment even after I had bought and equipped one, or if the game wants me to buy an exploration kit even though Ive already been scavenging. If that happens, it might be the proverbial straw.


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Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2015-01-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

So, I just did some really rough math.If you have a regular Beebot v. 2.0, you need to get your HP and one other stat to 200. You need, in short, to earn 200 stat points, which means at the very very least 200 wins in training or a whole pile of luck in calibration.You can train every 5 minutes, which means 12 trains per hour if you hit it bang on the nose every 5 minutes. You can calibrate every half hour to forty minutes, so lets say twice an hour. Thats fourteen chances to upgrade stats per hour.Now, lets bear in mind that calibration is a 50% chance at best, that there is only a 1 or 2 in 4 chance you gain the stat you want in training, and seemingly about a 50% chance you even -win at training (my record is currently 24-12). So lets use some more rough numbers and say that during every hour, you will gain 2-3 chosen stats. Thats basically four days of playing nonstop just till you can arbitrarily switch to a new robot, where th
 e process begins in earnest all over again.Am I missing something? Is it really supposed to take you that long and that many attempts to level up an amateur robot? Could the developer maybe look into making the amateurs max stats either start much closer to their max, or be lower at max so that the sheer number of stats you have to earn isnt so vicious? For me, this is equivalent to having to kill three hundred goblins to reach level 2, and most games that require you to grind arent nearly that vicious.


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Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2015-01-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Orin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

Well, Im on the 2000 dollars mission. Very convenient how suddenly the security guard job, which gave 500 dollars each time is suddenly gone. Now Im stuck with puny $80 jobs.I wonder if I should just go ahead and buy at least a shield because Im not sure what the next goal is after I get 2K. I hope it wont ask me to buy the equipment that I feel like grabbing now since I have the available funds.


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Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2015-01-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

Well I see people have got to this before me.The story is good, but after trying to earn classifides, and having ones drop off, instead of waiting 6 hours for 500 bucks then it was 1 hour for 125 bucks now its 30 mins for 80.So I suppose it will be dropping to 30 then 20 then 10 then what.I dont mind grinding but I am not that religious.And to be honest if it was not so hot of late and if things didnt lag with reality software online new beginning Id prefur to grind for an hour or 2 on it rather than this crappy game.The story is good, but the amount of grinding is insane.I will continue at it but come winter, if I dont get enjoyment as such Im gone.I have not as yet thought about buying in game currency mainly because I detest subscriptions especially because Id have to commit to playing.So if I have to constantly pay to get the cash I need to play per month and if it costs more than I can ever sc
 rape and including grinding then I am out.Now if I had a job and it payed ok, then ok, chucking 2-3 grand every 3 or so months at it or maybe 500 bucks a month wouldnt be a problem.But do I realy want to do that.About 4 years back I was fat and lazy, and spent a lot of time on my computer I still do spend a lot of time but I try to ballence it.I dont want to have the computer as my life because I feel I have to be on it to play a game that needs me to go nuts.The story was easy enough and I guess I got mmore than I needed but it seemed ok.I like the story but still.I am pleased others are having issue.It means I dont have to rant and curse because about 3 others are in the same boat.I realise this is a beta but Would I honestly grind in an audio game like this?probably not.In new beginning in fact once you have the first ships you need to grind till you get at least 1 million then grind for ano
 ther 5 million.Once you have ground that much you should be able to get a ship that you should in theory be able to handle just about anything.But thats not that bad.Id like classifieds and competitions trainings, etc to be more deathmatch you have an audio chat and a lot of the time I roleplay with friends and the like and or chat all over the show sometimes I just stand round.In this game you cant really do that live.Sure there is the forum, and I have enjoyed and downloaded from the music forum and read the posts on offer but to be honest thats still not enough.


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Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2015-01-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

Okay, a quick update:I am now 27-19 in training, because for some reason I now win far less often while trying to train. Since Im down to a less than 60 percent win rate, and I only get ten fights per hour if I stay religiously focused...well, thats some painful stat progression. I did succeed at calibrating attack a couple of times though, so thats cool.Crashmaster, I really dont think one will have to donate in order to stay competitive. After all, you dont have to spend money, ever, and classifieds are free money, so if push came to shove you could just pop in every so often and earn a bit of money while you were bored. That said, I dont believe this game is going to end up like Sryth where if you dont pay RL cash, youre screwed. I do appreciate that.Im starting to wonder if I shouldnt have saved up my money and bought a samurai robot. It at least had a speed advantage early on.One thing thou
 gh. I was looking at some of ght higher tiers of robots, and I was curious as to whether or not there are hidden stats or bonuses. Unless my memory is completely off, Im fairly sure I saw two robots with the same defense stat, but one was marketed as being more defensive. It looks like in every weight tier there are robots with an overall base stat spread thats higher than the other one - in other words, a clearly better choice - and in most cases its not the Samuress model. I just wonder why.


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Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2015-01-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

Well, like with everything else I suspect how fast you advance stats will depend upon how much you play, though i agree on activities being problematic sinse basically a lot of the time it seems Im waiting for the next competition or training while reparing my robot and doing the minimum classified, which can get rather grindy being that there are no unexpected results to watch out for from any of those activities other than winning or losing training or comp matches. Scavenging is diverting but the timer negates how often you can do it, plus you need a fully repared bot anyway so it cant decrease wait times.Failing some other system in the game, Id suggest some random events to look out for. For example, instead of each classified just giving money mechanistically, having an actual report of how you did with some chances of gaining items or extra cash. During repares, have a small chance of effectively calibrating your robot (which given the 
 frequency of needed repares would also help with progress). I certainly dont mind working at a game, but the way the timers work in Roboid currently things are feeling,  well a tad mechanistic, and while the missions certainly help with that, Im not sure how well it would work for the long term.


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Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2015-01-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

Im also wondering how long its going to take me to get a stat to 200. I think my highest stat is 10 points higher than when it started, and my training record is something like 21-10, and thats with a half-decent shield and a weapon I bought from the store once it unlocked.Ive begun winning - my competition rating is 6-4 - and I can regularly beat both of the bots Im up against now...but again, I have a lot of money and strongly suspect Im going to have to do competitions for later goals, so Im kind of loath to really grind them.This game has a ton of potential, and Im not giving up on it out of hand, though that classified thing really does get in my craw.Slightly sped-up timers for donators would be really really handy, but the only real thing regarding timers Im not fond of is repairing. Im...frankly not sure why you need to wait for a repair cooldown. Basically just slows you down even further. If 
 you cant calibrate, cant do classifieds because youre in the process of doing one (or have finished one), and you die while training (or die while in a competition), you can only repair the once. Repairing costs money; I think that should be enough of a control mechanism, since the only things that hurt your robot are already controlled stringently enough that its not abusable as far as I can see.


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Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2015-01-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

Well, like with everything else I suspect how fast you advance stats will depend upon how much you play, though i agree on activities being problematic sinse basically a lot of the time it seems Im waiting for the next competition or training while reparing my robot and doing the minimum classified, which can get rather grindy being that there are no unexpected results to watch out for from any of those activities other than winning or losing training or comp matches. Scavenging is diverting but the timer negates how often you can do it, plus you need a fully repared bot anyway so it cant decrease wait times.Failing some other system in the game, Id suggest some random events to look out for. For example, instead of each classified just giving money mechanistically, having an actual report of how you did with some chances of gaining items or extra cash. During repares, have a small chance of effectively calibrating your robot (which given the 
 frequency of needed repares would also help with progress). I certainly dont mind working at a game, but the way the timers work in Roboid currently things are feeling,  well a tad mechanistic, and while the missions certainly help with that, Im not sure how well it would work for the long term.Edit: okay did for Super bash bros twice now in competition matches, which I suspect is due to some better armor and stats more than any actual skill with choosing stances or similar.


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Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2015-01-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : dan_c via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

Well I was just able to register on the mobile version of the site using the text capture. Thank you very much for adding that. I look forward to give this a go and see where it goes in the future


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Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2015-01-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

@Dan glad you registered, as I said Im darkempathy in the game if you want to give me a yell. I have no idea why I couldnt work the thing, did you capitalize your answer? or put in spaces? Ive now got through acquiring the 2k usd, and have moved through the tagging chapter. Tagging is rather cool, and accessible, though it might be helpful if the tear down radial buttons also said which faction they applied to sinse I tore down a Fvr poster by mistake. Oh and yes, surprisingly I am not supporting the big corporate money grabbing scumbags . I did mention this on the Roboid forum, but Ill mention it again here just in case Silverkey checks this topic before she/he happens to check there.Ive now moved on to hacking, which I confess has defeated my first attempt but Ill give it another go, although given I had to pay $200 fo
 r a virus, it looks rather expensive to say the least. One thing I will say however is that more activities mean more things to cope with in the game, which I do approve of, far less staring at timers when you add tagging and indeed scavenging into the mix, let alone hacking.Ill be interested to see what activities come up next.


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Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2015-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : nin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

hi. Ive begun playing the game and I really like it. my name in the game is mastodont.


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Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2015-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

Sidequests sound awsome! I definitely like the idea of that. As I said my issue with several previous auto combat games like Alien adoption agency is that the auto combat was really the main thing in the game, and once youd explored all of the various other activities there wasnt a lot left too discover.


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Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2015-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

@Silverkey, awsome! let me know when it is up and Ill go and have a look.@Nin, you git! so you were the one who defeated my poor little roboid, that is not fare!Of course if Id won it wouldve been perfectly fare, but I lost so it wasnt, g! :d. Seriously, its nice to see more players especially in the competition.


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Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2015-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : silverkey via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

Im going to add a text-based captcha to the registration form soon. I think I found one that will work well. 


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Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2015-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : silverkey via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

Awesome, thanks for playing!(Your username cracked me up lol.)


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Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2015-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Orin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

Unfortunately, a lot of the competition stuff seems luck based. Ive trained quite a lot and since the stances counter each other like RPS, you have to rely on luck partially to win.Even if you dont select a stance, theres still a fair chance youll lose. In short, theres no skill-based approach to winning.


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Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2015-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : the best in the world via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

Hi, Ive been playing this game as well, its so so awesome, keep up the hard work, my username is, AmroMeero, 


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Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2015-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : silverkey via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

BAM!Added a textual captcha to the registration form for VI players!Cheers! Thanks for playing!Please let me know if theres any trouble with it.


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Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2015-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

Righto, so Ive given this game a spin, but Im having a bit of an issue hre.First off, I feel like the need for having a maxed-out stat on a robot in order to access the next tier is arbitrary. Surely if I have the money I should be able to buy a better machine and operate it? Maybe Im missing logistics somewhere...The other issue I really have, though, is in progress. I dont mind waiting around for stuff to finish, and I totally respect that a developer wouldnt want us blowing through all the missions in an hour. Thats fine. But no matter what I do, I cant seem to beat Bash Bros, the first robot I get pitted against in the competition. I lose no matter which stance I use, and Ive been training at pretty much every opportunity. Because theres really no way to upgrade my gear - or doesnt appear to be - its just guess and hope.


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Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2015-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

@Silverkey, cool Ill have a look at the text capture. @Jayde and Orin, actually from what Ive gathered stats do make a difference. I have beaten several practice droids with the wrong stance if one of my stats was higher. At the moment it seems that the robot with the best stats wins, however the stance situation can give the worse statted robot a chance. Unfortunately, the problem i run into with competitions is that with not many human players there are two main npcs who show up a lot, crash dummy who has un upgraded starter stats, and Bash bross who has much higher stats. Ive got Bash bross a lot, and so my loss record in the competition is rather high than it could be sinse it seems heavily based on luck. I will confess this is another problem with auto combat systems. Either in games like Pelantas they get so over complex with minimaxing a hole bunch of different stats that the game loses focus accept for dedicated players, or (as in alie
 n adoption agency), the stats are minimal and a lot of the combats come down to luck. Warriors 2 did get the balance right however, particularly with the companions system, but then again warriors 2 the combat was just one part of the game, exploring and puzzles made up a lot more. I also confess I might be being overly harsh here sinse I am not personally a huge fan of equipment balancing before the fact, Id much rather have the adaptive challenge of being thrown a set of individual circumstances to work with. As to the progression with a new bot, I suspect now that donator bonuses where people can buy huge wodges of cash for real money have been introduced, a better reason than price will need to be inserted into the game for why you cant instantly buy a medium or heavy weight robot without levelling your robots stats up, particularly if (as I suspect will be the case in the future), players will be able to have more than one robot and do different
  things with them other than fight.Btw, as regards donations, Im very happy the game is accepting them, (indeed Ive donated myself), but I do wonder if giving money is the best incentive. perhaps a contributer mode or a super fast datapad with reduced timers for some events or the ability to kew several jobs might be a potentially less economically problematic bonus to donators than buying in game cash.


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Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2015-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

Im even more ticked now.SlightspoilersIn the missions, youll eventually come to a point where you first have to save $500 via classifieds. Thats bad enough. But then, because you apparently need even more money, you need to save a whopping $2000!This, quite apart from the fact that I have way more than that amount of money in my bank account. But no. In order to slow me down, I must only gain it from Classifieds, which I find silly. It would be like someone in the real world saying You have to save two thousand dollars, but it only counts if you get it by begging; if you earn it some other way or get it as a gift, you cant spend it on this two-thousand-dollar goal youve been setting yourself. Honestly, its bad enough to make me seriously consider quitting; if I hadnt decided to be nice and sink twenty-five bucks into helping the developer out before getting wise, I might be gone already.As stated
  before, I recognize that theres something to be said for making sure we dont just eat up all the content, but when the logic doesnt add up, and when said lack of logic seriously gets in the way of the highly-touted story aspect of the game...well, I see serious problems ahead. and Im hoping like hell that this is the very, very last classifieds goal I ever see on this game.


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Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2015-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

@Silverkey, its great you have inserted an accessible text capture, but for some reason I couldnt get it to work. I tried to register with my private e-mail address (the one I do not usually use for online games), with the name testingulus (yes, original), but whatever answer I typed I was told the code is incorrect I tried about five times with a number of different questions and got the same. I wondered if the answers needed to be capitalized, but that didnt seem to make a difference.Its a shame sinse being asked things like What is the second letter in baskit ball or what is the opposite of fast is a much nicer method of security than the usual, often incomprehensible sound captures, (at one time Googles were quite inaudible).@Jayde and Orin, actually from what Ive gathered stats do make a difference. I have beaten several practice droids with the wrong stance if one of my stats was
  higher. At the moment it seems that the robot with the best stats wins, however the stance situation can give the worse statted robot a chance. Unfortunately, the problem i run into with competitions is that with not many human players there are two main npcs who show up a lot, crash dummy who has un upgraded starter stats, and Bash bross who has much higher stats. Ive got Bash bross a lot, and so my loss record in the competition is rather high than it could be sinse it seems heavily based on luck. I will confess this is another problem with auto combat systems. Either in games like Pelantas they get so over complex with minimaxing a hole bunch of different stats that the game loses focus accept for dedicated players, or (as in alien adoption agency), the stats are minimal and a lot of the combats come down to luck. Warriors 2 did get the balance right however, particularly with the companions system, but then again warriors 2 the combat was just one part
  of the game, exploring and puzzles made up a lot more. I also confess I might be being overly harsh here sinse I am not personally a huge fan of equipment balancing before the fact, Id much rather have the adaptive challenge of being thrown a set of individual circumstances to work with. As to the progression with a new bot, I suspect now that donator bonuses where people can buy huge wodges of cash for real money have been introduced, a better reason than price will need to be inserted into the game for why you cant instantly buy a medium or heavy weight robot without levelling your robots stats up, particularly if (as I suspect will be the case in the future), players will be able to have more than one robot and do different things with them other than fight.Btw, as regards donations, Im very happy the game is accepting them, (indeed Ive donated myself), but I do wonder if giving money is the best incentive. perhaps a contributer
  mode or a super fast datapad with reduced timers for some events or the ability to kew several jobs might be a potentially less economically problematic bonus to donators than buying in game cash.


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Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2015-01-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : silverkey via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

Hm. Good point. Im constantly evolving my view of where the combat mechanic will go.The hit or miss results are dependant upon your bots stats and a random virtual roll of the dice. In lower weight classes, your stats (which are low) have a minor effect on the weight of the result versus your stats. So new players in lower classes will find some fluctuation in who wins although running multiple fights the person with better stats wins definitely more often.As you rise in the ranks, the random roll plays a less and less significant part in the outcome of the match. So, it becomes harder and harder to beat opponents who beat you in stats.When you enter the fight lobby, you are matched against a random player (or NPC if not enough players are online) who is within a range of your stats. As you level up your stats youll get to the next NPC. There will petty much always be about 2 NPCs with whom your stats overlap. Typically one who wi
 ll be much weaker than you and one much stronger.You hit the nail on the head, that as the player base grows, youll get matched against more real players. I put the NPCs in there to bridge the gap for players when there arent enough real fighters online. In an ideal world Id have a bunch of time to just sit one day and add several more NPCs to give more variety. Its quite time consumer to register an account then edit the stats, weapons etc in the database for an NPC account. I certainly plan to do so. I also need to set up the Heavyweight NPCs because I have a player or two ready to go to that level, and only one NPC in there currently. Ack.


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Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2015-01-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

Youch, I can understand the problem with creating npc accounts, especially when your making miner changes on a dayly bsis (I definitely like the new hour long classified).At the moment unfortunately I seem to lose to the npc (or maybe its a pplayer), with better stats (or at least better hp), than me unless I am lucky enough to hit their weakness. This wouldnt be so bad accept Ive ended up running into them rather too often meaning my competition losses are rather extensive when they really shouldnt be. As far as combat goes Im actually looking forward to seeing what other activities and locations are added to the game, sinse I do enjoy exploring different worlds and Roboid has a great setting Id love to explore in more detail.


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Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2015-01-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : JCion via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

This is my first time ever playing this type of game, and Im looking forward to the experience. thanks for the attention to accessibility.


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Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2015-01-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

@Sneaky Im at that bit too, but actually making money is relatively easy (Ive got over 5 K), provided that you use your time, ie, if you know your going to be off the game for a bit, use one of the longer options, and while your playing, making repares etc, you can maximize your cash by doing the sell scrap classified job over and over. At 2 minutes and ten dollars a pop, you could potentially make your two thousand dollars in a few hours, though as I said using down time is a good idea (Im going to bed in a moment but will stick on the security guard job before I go so i get 500 when I play tomorrow).


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2015-01-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

@Sneaky Im at that bit too, but actually making money is relatively easy (Ive got over 5 K), provided that you use your time, ie, if you know your going to be off the game for a bit, use one of the longer options, and while your playing, making repares etc, you can maximize your cash by doing the sell scrap classified job over and over. At 2 minutes and ten dollars a pop, you could potentially make your two thousand dollars in two hours, though as I said using down time is a good idea (Im going to bed in a moment but will stick on the security guard job before I go so i get 500 when I play tomorrow).


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2015-01-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : sneak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

Im on the game as sneaky, Im liking it so far, but progression is rather slow IMO. Im at a point where I have to make 2000 dollars using only the classifieds, but Ive already made over 3000 total from all the activities in the time Ive been waiting, so Im just wondering if it could be changed to be total money made, or some way to use credits or something to reduce the wait time.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2015-01-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : JCion via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

This is my first time ever playing this type of game, and Im looking forward to the experience. thanks for the attention to accessability.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2015-01-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

@Sneaky Im at that bit too, but actually making money is relatively easy (Ive got over 5 K), provided that you use your time, ie, if you know your going to be off the game for a bit, use one of the longer options, and while your playing, making repares etc, you can maximize your cash by doing the sell scrap classified job over and over. At 2 minutes and ten dollars a pop, you could potentially make your two thousand dollars in an hour and fourty minutes, though as I said using down time is a good idea (Im going to bed in a moment but will stick on the security guard job before I go so i get 500 when I play tomorrow).


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2015-01-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : silverkey via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

sneak wrote:Im on the game as sneaky, Im liking it so far, but progression is rather slow IMO. Im at a point where I have to make 2000 dollars using only the classifieds, but Ive already made over 3000 total from all the activities in the time Ive been waiting, so Im just wondering if it could be changed to be total money made, or some way to use credits or something to reduce the wait time.There are currently 9 missions total in Season 1. My ideal is for each season to require about 1-2 months to play through at a reasonable pace. The missions are long, yes, but thats intentional. Its a game for the long haul. I also need time to implement the features and story that will go into Season 2.With the effort I spend on the written component, the missions are supposed to be long and satisfying when finally completed. Eventually Ill have Side Quests which will be like mini-missions that players can do which are shorter and will bridge the time between longer missions and between seasons. But thats a ways down my to do list!


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Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2015-01-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

Thanks for the fixes, it does seem to make a difference to both the calibrations and the help screen, Im also glad more colourful descriptions are on the cards. I will confess I was a little disappointed when the combat turned out to be automatic rather than actually turn based, but if it is! to be automatic, making it feel like actually witnessing two robots knock the bolts out of each other rather than read the output of a couple of random dice rolls would make things considerably more fun. I confess this is an issue Ive had with several combat based games in the past such as Alien adoption agency, which is very much why I was so interested in the story aspects.


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Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2015-01-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : silverkey via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

I agree that a turn by turn combat would be awesome. However for a browser game which is not using Java or Flash or some other plugin, this is very hard to do. You would need to ensure that each player is online (and not idle) at the same time, that they dont wander away from their browser, and then have each players browser constantly poll the server to find out what the other player did and if its your turn or youre still waiting. Its possible, just very heavy server load and a monster programming task. As a solo developer at this time, its more time and effort than Id want to spend. Especially since my vision of the game is to have so much more than just combat. I want the combat itself to only be about 5% of what there is available to do in the game.If Im ever so fortunate to earn any income from the game, I might be able to hire a second programmer who could help with jazzy feature improvements like that! 


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Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2015-01-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : balliol via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

Hi,@silverkeyDepending on what languages your back-end is written in, I may be able to lend a hand. Let me know Balliol


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Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2015-01-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

Actually, having combat as part of a larger game sounds a nice plan, sinse too often in games with auto combat your left finding that auto combat is all there is, plus as I said Im a big fan of exploring.Flash and occasionally java have sometimes been dodgy from an access perspective as regards real time updates, but I have seen it done in the game puppet nightmares, (which actually has an awsome combat system though I did wish it had more by way of descriptive text). If you fight an online battle against someone else you can choose a time limit for each turn as short as one minute or as long as seven, (I usually prefer a long limit myself to give me time to read my opponents actions and assign actions for the three creatures in my party sinse puppet nightmares involves fights between teams of three puppets each). The two players each submit a turn, and after both have submitted the page refreshes you get the results for the round with the actions 
 of everyones creatures. Theres nothing that special in terms of flashy controls, just a timer, and if a player times out before submiting their actions, the other player wins the fight. I dont know how complex the backend of this is, indeed given how complex the combat in puppet nightmares is there is possibly something heavy duty happening, but in terms of basic system and interface it works fine and isnt all that different from fighting a battle against computer opponents other than perhaps waiting for the other player to complete their turn.Im not saying roboid should have this sort of system, just that its not always necessary to go all realtime and flashy for controls when timers and calculating submitted info would work. Getting back to the game as is however, I do have one slightly more practical question. Combat seems pretty random, whether I win or lose fights seems heavily dependent upon what stance I ch
 oose and what my opponent uses, but sinse there is no way of knowing before hand (well not in the matches for competitions or the practice droid fights), Im not sure how to make a tactical choice, indeed I tend to win or lose roughly half of the time despite having calibrated my robot, done several practices and bought a weapon. I also unfortunately keep playing matches against the same robot in the competition, but I suspect this is more due to the lack of lower rank players at the moment, (perhaps until the player base fills up there could be some computer generated opponents just to keep the variety?).


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Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2015-01-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : silverkey via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

Greetings! Im the developer of the game, Roboid. User, Orin, messaged me in-game and mentioned this forum and brought to my attention that Roboid is a good fit for screen readers - being a text-based game.I would love to improve upon this. So to start, Ive added a note to the registration page that players using screen-readers can work around the visual captcha by sending us their registration info via the contact form. Ill enter the registration manually (youll get an activation email and can change your password later). Ill investigate true audio-captchas when I get a chance.I also opened a forum topic in the game under Suggestions to keep track of any other issues that pop-up for screen-readers... and Ill be keeping this in mind going forward as I develop new features.Oh and the PVP aspect is always by choice, you wont log in hours later to find that your player character got attacked while you were gone. Thanks for the suggestions Orin, and I look forward to improving Roboids accessibility! And thanks everyone for giving us a shot. Please let me know either by the forum or by in-game message if you find other show-stopping screen-reader issues. I am player Elsereth in the game. Cheers!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2015-01-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : silverkey via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

Greetings! Im the developer of the game, Roboid. User, Orin, messaged me in-game and mentioned this forum and brought to my attention that Roboid is a good fit for screen readers - being a text-based game.I would love to improve upon this. So to start, Ive added a note to the registration page that players using screen-readers can work around the visual captcha by sending us their registration info via the contact forum. Ill enter the registration manually (youll get an activation email and can change your password later). Ill investigate true audio-captchas when I get a chance.I also opened a forum topic in the game under Suggestions to keep track of any other issues that pop-up for screen-readers... and Ill be keeping this in mind going forward as I develop new features.Oh and the PVP aspect is always by choice, you wont log in hours later to find that your player character go attacked while you were gone. Thanks for the suggestions Orin, and I look forwarding to improving Roboids accessibility! And thanks everyone for giving us a shot. Please let me know either by the forum or by in-game message if you find other show-stopping screen-reader issues. I am player Elsereth in the game. Cheers!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2015-01-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : silverkey via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

Greetings! Im the developer of the game, Roboid. User, Orin, messaged me in-game and mentioned this forum and brought to my attention that Roboid is a good fit for screen readers - being a text-based game.I would love to improve upon this. So to start, Ive added a note to the registration page that players using screen-readers can work around the visual captcha by sending us their registration info via the contact form. Ill enter the registration manually (youll get an activation email and can change your password later). Ill investigate true audio-captchas when I get a chance.I also opened a forum topic in the game under Suggestions to keep track of any other issues that pop-up for screen-readers... and Ill be keeping this in mind going forward as I develop new features.Oh and the PVP aspect is always by choice, you wont log in hours later to find that your player character go attacked while you were gone. Thanks for the suggestions Orin, and I look forwarding to improving Roboids accessibility! And thanks everyone for giving us a shot. Please let me know either by the forum or by in-game message if you find other show-stopping screen-reader issues. I am player Elsereth in the game. Cheers!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2015-01-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

@Silverkey hello and welcome to the forum. Im a huge browser game fan, and indeed learnt a lot of net navigation with a screen reader playing


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2015-01-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

@Silverkey hello and welcome to the forum. Im a huge browser game fan, and indeed learnt a lot of net navigation with a screen reader playing browser games, Ive always wanted to see a robot game with a good story. My only reservation when reading Orins post was the capture, and I was already planning my Please could you consider creating accounts for Vi players question,  and then I find youve taken the initiative already which is fantastic! (I wish all developers were as good about accessibility).I really look forward to trying the game out.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2015-01-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : silverkey via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

Greetings! Im the developer of the game, Roboid. User, Orin, messaged me in-game and mentioned this forum and brought to my attention that Roboid is a good fit for screen readers - being a text-based game.I would love to improve upon this. So to start, Ive added a note to the registration page that players using screen-readers can work around the visual captcha by sending us their registration info via the contact form. Ill enter the registration manually (youll get an activation email and can change your password later). Ill investigate true audio-captchas when I get a chance.I also opened a forum topic in the game under Suggestions to keep track of any other issues that pop-up for screen-readers... and Ill be keeping this in mind going forward as I develop new features.Oh and the PVP aspect is always by choice, you wont log in hours later to find that your player character got attacked while you were gone. Thanks for the suggestions Orin, and I look forward to improving Roboids accessibility! And thanks everyone for giving us a shot. Please let me know either by the games forum or by in-game message if you find other show-stopping screen-reader issues. I am player Elsereth in the game. Cheers!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2015-01-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : cruiser destroyer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

hi all i am saying! awesome! just awesome! keep! up! the! good! work! thumps up to you silverkey!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2015-01-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

@Silverkey hello and welcome to the forum. Im a huge browser game fan, and indeed learnt a lot of net navigation with a screen reader playing browser games, Ive always wanted to see a robot game with a good story. My only reservation when reading Orins post was the capture, and I was already planning my Please could you consider creating accounts for Vi players question,  and then I find youve taken the initiative already which is fantastic! (I wish all developers were as good about accessibility).I have completed your contact form and really look forward to trying the game out.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2015-01-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : silverkey via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

Dark wrote:I have completed your contact form and really look forward to trying the game out.Created your account! Thanks for trying the game! I welcome any feedback.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2015-01-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : silverkey via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

Thanks for the feedback!Ive been spending the afternoon checking and adding alt text to some of the important game elements. Including that wrench in the calibrations page which you mentioned.If I add alt text to the help link will your reader pick that up? Since you mention that the lone question mark isnt easy to notice..I agree that the fight play-by-play needs more flavour. Thats one of the things on my future enhancements list.I appreciate the feedback. Ill be paying closer attention to the games accessibility, and hopefully the extra alt text added today will also help.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2015-01-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : silverkey via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

Note, I wont always catch messages in this forum so please add any future issues into the in-game forum (I created a thread for screen reader issues here:!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2015-01-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

Hi. Well I have made a start on the game, (look me up as darkempathy).. I am very much liking the story, atmosphere and world, particularly the extra information and the story goals.In access terms Ive not run into any major issues thus far sinse even where graphics are employed the game has standard controls that any screen reader should navigate fine, and I do rather like the notifications in text of classifieds in progress page layout is also nice and logical and easily navicable with reference to standard web control features like headings, the + and * in the menus are also a good help to let you know what menus you have open once I realized what they ment. I would suggest perhaps writing in the instructions and the new player information that the link with the question mark, ie ? is the one that leads to the in game help, sinse many screen reader users do not have their voices set to read punctuation specifically when using them in a sta
 ndard way, but its more than easy enough to read a question mark when needed. I do need to check the layout and status of the calibration menu, sinse though the controls gave access to the info I need to check I got the meaning of what stats were being mentioned, I also wonder about the stats in red mentioned for items you couldnt currently use in the help, but Ive not got that far along yet. I particularly look forward to starting on scavenging sinse Im generaly an exploring sort of chap. My only real miner niggle isnt actually related to access, but to the games descriptions of combat. as I said I love the atmosphere with the media, news etc as well as the stories, its therefore rather sad to get a combat that reads just like a set of stats, ie, so and so attacks so and so for x damage. Itd be great if the text here was a bit more atmospheric,  though if this was just the practice droids an
 d tournaments get their own distinct description style (say a sports news caster), fare enough and Ill be glad to see later on. Definitely nice to see a robot game with personality (put not intended).


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2015-01-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

Hi. Well I have made a start on the game, (look me up as darkempathy).. I am very much liking the story, atmosphere and world, particularly the extra information and the story goals.In access terms Ive not run into any major issues thus far sinse even where graphics are employed the game has standard controls that any screen reader should navigate fine, and I do rather like the notifications in text of events in progress page layout is also nice and logical and easily navicable with reference to standard web control features like headings, the + and * in the menus are also a good help to let you know what menus you have open once I realized what they ment. I would suggest perhaps writing in the instructions and the new player information that the link with the question mark, ie ? is the one that leads to the in game help, sinse many screen reader users do not have their voices set to read punctuation specifically when using them in a standard way, 
 but its more than easy enough to read a question mark when needed. I do need to check the layout and status of the calibration menu, sinse though the controls gave access to the info I need to check I got the meaning of what stats were being mentioned, I also wonder about the stats in red mentioned for items you couldnt currently use in the help, but Ive not got that far along yet. I particularly look forward to starting on scavenging sinse Im generaly an exploring sort of chap. My only real miner niggle isnt actually related to access, but to the games descriptions of combat. as I said I love the atmosphere with the media, news etc as well as the stories, its therefore rather sad to get a combat that reads just like a set of stats, ie, so and so attacks so and so for x damage. Itd be great if the text here was a bit more atmospheric,  though if this was just the practice droids and tournamen
 ts get their own distinct description style (say a sports news caster), fare enough and Ill be glad to see later on. Definitely nice to see a robot game with personality (no pun not intended).


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

2015-01-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roboid Inc.: New accessible browser game with large story feature

Hi. Well I have made a start on the game, (look me up as darkempathy).. I am very much liking the story, atmosphere and world, particularly the extra information and the story goals.In access terms Ive not run into any major issues thus far sinse even where graphics are employed the game has standard controls that any screen reader should navigate fine, and I do rather like the notifications in text of events in progress page layout is also nice and logical and easily navicable with reference to standard web control features like headings, the + and * in the menus are also a good help to let you know what menus you have open once I realized what they ment. I would suggest perhaps writing in the instructions and the new player information that the link with the question mark, ie ? is the one that leads to the in game help, sinse many screen reader users do not have their voices set to read punctuation specifically when using them in a standard way, 
 but its more than easy enough to read a question mark when needed. I do need to check the layout and status of the calibration menu, sinse though the controls gave access to the info I need to check I got the meaning of what stats were being mentioned, I also wonder about the stats in red mentioned for items you couldnt currently use in the help, but Ive not got that far along yet. I particularly look forward to starting on scavenging sinse Im generaly an exploring sort of chap. My only real miner niggle isnt actually related to access, but to the games descriptions of combat. as I said I love the atmosphere with the media, news etc as well as the stories, its therefore rather sad to get a combat that reads just like a set of stats, ie, so and so attacks so and so for x damage. Itd be great if the text here was a bit more atmospheric,  though if this was just the practice droids and tournamen
 ts get their own distinct description style (say a sports news caster), fare enough and Ill be glad to see later on. Definitely nice to see a robot game with personality (put not intended).


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