Re: Shadow Rine After Story Puzzle Help

2021-03-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Shadow Rine After Story Puzzle Help

Heads up: I'm about to be really, really blunt.You're either lying through your teeth, or you're lazy.I typed "zodiac puzzle" into the search bar. Fourth post down gave me the solution.So either you didn't look at all (thus lying through your teeth), or you read one or two entries and decided you'd done your due diligence.Either way, try again. I really can't even believe I'm having to say this.


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Re: Shadow Rine After Story Puzzle Help

2021-03-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : stirlock via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Shadow Rine After Story Puzzle Help

Not necesarily. The search function can be kinda wonky at times I've found.


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Re: Shadow Rine After Story Puzzle Help

2021-03-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Shadow Rine After Story Puzzle Help

Honest question then. If that's true, why do I never, ever have problems with it unless I try to search something insanely generic?Every time someone has said "I tried using the search feature", they don't say that it acted up or glitched, they just say they couldn't find the info. Yet I can always find it in under two minutes, usually less. I'm sorry, but while I accept what you're saying - search isn't perfect - I just don't see a reason to accept that as an explanation here.


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Re: Shadow Rine After Story Puzzle Help

2021-03-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : star fire via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Shadow Rine After Story Puzzle Help

Sorry for what I am doing now... But.Here you go.I got answer in 17th post by using search, how were you able to find that in the 4th post down?I will agree with you. Though one factor, the person might not be a native speaker. But I will not consider this as a major problem.People, it's beneficial to use search feature, as it will help in framing sentences or proper vocabulary rather. There's some more to it, but I am ending it here. Also, don't forget to use those 2 links below my signature when needed.


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Re: Shadow Rine After Story Puzzle Help

2021-03-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : star fire via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Shadow Rine After Story Puzzle Help

Sorry for what I am doing now... But.Here you go.I got answer in 17th post by using search, how were you able to find that in the 4th post down?I will agree with you. Though one factor, the person might not be a native speaker. But I will not consider this as a major problem.People, it's beneficial to use search feature, as it will help in framing sentences or proper vocabulary rather. There's some more to it, but I am ending it here. Also, don't forget to use those 2 links below my signature when needed.Edit: My bad: I was able to find it in the 5th post.


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Re: Shadow Rine After Story Puzzle Help

2021-03-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : stewie via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Shadow Rine After Story Puzzle Help

Have you all considered that people may just try different keywords and get different results? I've been using this site for years and have had varying levels of success with the search feature. I wouldn't make so many assumptions and if I'm honest I wouldn't insinuate people are lazy or lying, it sounds pretty unprofessional to just throw that out there.


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Re: Shadow Rine After Story Puzzle Help

2021-03-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : stewie via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Shadow Rine After Story Puzzle Help

Have you all considered that people may just try different keywords and get different results? I've been using this site for years and have had varying levels of success with the search feature. I wouldn't make so many assumptions and if I'm honest I wouldn't insinuate people are lazy or lying, those are pretty harsh claims to throw out there.


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Re: Shadow Rine After Story Puzzle Help

2021-03-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Shadow Rine After Story Puzzle Help

I think the keyword "zodiac" is self-explanatory. You used it yourself.I also think the word "puzzle" is pretty self-explanatory, and I don't think claiming otherwise actually holds any water here.If all you use is the word "zodiac", then yeah, you're going to get less helpful results. But if you do that, then narrow your search by adding another keyword - since this is a riddle or brain-teaser that could otherwise be called a puzzle - the results are straightforward.Seriously, this is not rocket science. If you have played Shadow Line far enough that you even beat the game, then clearly you have the requisite mental skills to 1. set up the game in the first place, 2. deal with choppy translation and 3. get around trickier areas like the temple basement. This presupposes a relatively strong ability to process data, thus lowering sharply the likelihood that some sort of brain injury or intellectual disability is at play here. Now, if it turns out that you played most of this game in the past, and have since acquired some sort of brain injury of some kind, I will happily apologize, because that definitely changes the data.Otherwise though? You're a reasonably intelligent person who couldn't be bothered to use a simple set of two keywords - zodiac puzzle - before asking for help.Thus, in the absence of other information, that's pure laziness. You don't get plausible deniability for claiming that the correct keywords are obscure or otherwise hard to find, because they aren't. There are certain cases where this would be true; this isn't one of them.Please, folks, use the search feature. And if you don't, and I call you out on it, please don't try and defend your lack of use of the search feature, because I know how to follow through on that in a way that's going to make you look even worse. If the thing you're after is ridiculously specific, then the search feature won't be well-equipped to handle it. But for the solution to the zodiac puzzle in Shadow Line, it's a freaking lock.


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Re: Shadow Rine After Story Puzzle Help

2021-03-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : stewie via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Shadow Rine After Story Puzzle Help

I normally wouldn't do this but I really feel like I have to point this out. Why are you wasting time here? No-one who didn't use the search feature has to justify their use of the search feature. People are just looking for help. You're giving pedantic responses for some reason I'm not entirely sure of.People don't have to use the search feature the way you want them to. People aren't refusing to use the search feature maliciously. The only thing you're doing by insulting people who didn't use the search feature correctly is wasting everyone's time and possibly making yourself irritated at something that in the long run really doesn't matter. I've seen this in multiple threads.Also there is a huge difference between "oh hey these are the keywords you could use" and "you're lazy and lying". I'm not going to respond to this topic any further but please just keep this in mind.


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Re: Shadow Rine After Story Puzzle Help

2021-03-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Shadow Rine After Story Puzzle Help

@jaydeyeah, this is too far.  Just let it be.  People fail at searching sometimes.  No need to go on the warpath for it.


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Re: Shadow Rine After Story Puzzle Help

2021-03-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Shadow Rine After Story Puzzle Help

I was harsh, but in my first post in this thread, I wrote:"I typed "zodiac puzzle" into the search bar. Fourth post down gave me the solution."It bears mentioning that the very act of quoting my own hint, and the mention of that particular phrase, has probably bumped it down the queue to seventh or eighth by now. But it's still there. I just checked.So I gave you a hint to go straight to the solution. If you were unclear on keywords somehow, I just clarified it for you. Instead of just responding with something like, "Oh hey, didn't realize it would be that simple", or even acknowledging in any way that my solution would help you, you just took issue with my harshness.As far as I see it, there is fault on both sides here.Yes, I'll apologize for the extent of my harshness. I do think you only put in a token effort, but insinuating that you might have been lying went too far. That's not fair, and I won't do that again.What I won't apologize for is asking you to use the search feature, and then calling you out for basically not doing so.To answer why I often ask people to do it? Because it's here for a reason, and while we're here to help one another, sometimes the best way to help someone is to show them how to help themselves. Even in post 2, where I was admittedly too sharp, I gave you the help you wanted, indirectly. If you go through my exhortations for people to use the search feature, you'll usually see that I give some sort of pointer or advice along with my admonishment. Take it or leave it, but I'm not just yelling for the sake of yelling, and I won't take blame for asking you to use a tool at your disposal.So sure, I was too sharp. You were too defensive though IMO. Next time it would be nice if you acknowledged the help and maybe took a little more initiative. I will be less critical in future, but I am not going to stop advocating for people to search things out for themselves.And I tell you what. If I ever ask a question with a really simple answer that I failed to search, by all means turn this around on me. You know what you'll get from me? "Oh hell, I'm an idiot. Okay, searching now." Game over.


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Re: Shadow Rine After Story Puzzle Help

2021-03-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : stirlock via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Shadow Rine After Story Puzzle Help

Jade. Stuff like this is why people tend to have problems with you. Stop being a dick.


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Re: Shadow Rine After Story Puzzle Help

2021-03-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : star fire via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Shadow Rine After Story Puzzle Help

Hi. You know what? I will spam my post with quotes if I am like hey I didn't find answer can anyone plz help me I will quote all that what I found related to that topic.Above line does not has proper punctuation marks, keep reading it...So, both sides are at fault, Jayde was pushing it hard, and the original poster did tried to search it, but probably didn't got it right.Though I agree, you could search it by just typing zodiac puzzle.@stirlock, I wouldn't be so sure.Jayde is a good administrator. Though sometimes he needs a lot of time to convince people, and another user Nocturnus is able to do it easily. I got the difference, sometimes, your frustration and some anger is visible in your text, and Nocturnus is very calm. No frustration, no anger. But I am sure you are working on it and is going in the right direction.Also, there's no fun if you don't get constructive criticism. When people will start criticizing me, I will think that I am going the right way.@Jayde, in future we may disagree on a lot of things. I will try to keep them very calm. Just saying.


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Re: Shadow Rine After Story Puzzle Help

2021-03-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Shadow Rine After Story Puzzle Help

My only excuse - and it's more of an explanation, not an excuse - is that this happens a lot. And it's a little close to my heart because I'm big on sharing info and making it accessible to people. What I'm not so big on is re-sharing that info over and over because people don't bother looking for themselves, or make a token effort and then give up. All that does is normalize dependency, and I'm not big on that. I didn't spend dozens of hours of my life writing guides, playing games, writing down findings and, yes, answering questions just so people could keep asking the same things repeatedly. So it bothers me when I feel like folks don't respect that, and just want stuff fed to them after doing nothing more than ask for help. It's a sore spot for me.If info is available in search, I'm going to direct you there. If the info is -easily available in search and you didn't find it, I'm probably going to point that out. My advice: just don't mention that you tried using search if you didn't bother or didn't try very hard.That said, yes, I went too far here, and I apologized. I will endeavour not to do this in future.StarFire, I agree. Nocturnus is usually very calm, while I'm not always calm. I don't feel the need to remain calm at all times, particularly if I feel some sort of emotional response is warranted. The flip side, though, is that even when some emotional response makes sense, sometimes the strength of it doesn't match whatever caused it. This is the thing I'm working on. If you expect me to just remain even and level at all times, it will never happen. However, expecting me to be fair is completely reasonable, and calling me out when I'm not is likewise fine with me. I have thick skin.


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Re: Shadow Rine After Story Puzzle Help

2021-03-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : star fire via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Shadow Rine After Story Puzzle Help

As I said, I am sure you are working on it, but I am really crazy if I expect you to always be calm.But hey. You you should've written these 195 out of 322 words in the 7th post already. I was agreeing with your idea from the start, that is why I didn't involved myself much in this topic, same reason. I can understand, somebody wrote a guide having 65000 words, and people still ask already answered questions in the guide on the forum, this is not good&, I am against it too. 65000 words are a lot, and we do have a find feature in Notepad and Microsoft Word. This will only increase dependency, and that time when the forum will be flooded with the same questions being asked again and again will be near. There is a reason why the search feature was introduced.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Shadow Rine After Story Puzzle Help

2021-03-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : star fire via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Shadow Rine After Story Puzzle Help

As I said, I am sure you are working on it, but I am really crazy if I expect you to always be calm.But hey. You you should've written these 195 out of 322 words in the 7th post already. I was agreeing with your idea from the start, that is why I didn't involved myself much in this topic, same reason. I can understand, somebody wrote a guide having 65000 words, and people still ask already answered questions in the guide on the forum, this is not good&, I am against it too. 65000 words are a lot, and we do have a find feature in Notepad and Microsoft Word. This will only increase dependency, and that time when the forum will be flooded with the same questions being asked again and again will be near. There is a reason why the search feature was introduced.Edit: I will be searching how to get 157285432895789324 User Karma.


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