Re: What can I do in Swamp multiplayer mode?

2020-08-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Rastislav Kish via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What can I do in Swamp multiplayer mode?

Hello,@14: nope, your level stays untouched after you die. And so does your reputation, which is useful to buy weapons, ammo etc.You'll only lose your current inventory, what is something you usually don't want to happen, as the most good weapons can't be bought in safezone, but you must find them on a map where that particular item is spawning.As for whether you can quit the game or not, this depends on the current situation. If you close it while fighting, Swamp will consider it to be a resign and will mark you as dead.However, if you're not in battle, you can quit without any risks. I used to camp a lot on the roof on multi2 or in the tent on the island in Ranger river, and I never died because of that.Best regardsRastislav


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Re: What can I do in Swamp multiplayer mode?

2020-08-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mmaslo1124 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What can I do in Swamp multiplayer mode?

If you get to level 10 while playing online, do you lose that level when you die or do you just lose your equipment? Can you quit the game before dying? I only have play a couple of times I have an account but I stop playing because I fully did not understand. Any help would be appreciated


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Re: What can I do in Swamp multiplayer mode?

2020-08-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Rastislav Kish via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What can I do in Swamp multiplayer mode?

Hello,@9: killing zombies is a rather broad term I'd say. The fun is not in the fact, that you're killing zombies, but rather in the way you have to do it.It's not a big deal in singleplayer, as you can always simply pull out vulcan minigun with almost unlimited ammo and kill everything nearby, I have once defeated about 200 zombies in this way.But multiplayer is not like this. Even if you manage to get vulcan from the first floor of hospital and manage to return alive, you still won't be able to use it as your primary weapon, because ammos for it are very expensive and the machinegun uses really a lot of them.So, you'll usually stick to cheaper weapons, my favourite are Benely and AA12 (if i have one), but various people have various tastes, some like crossbows with arrows and some prefer mp5 or something of that style.And crossing multi3 with benely is a completely different thing from shooting the way through with vulcan.One must know the environment and use some tactics to survive, and this is the very entertaining part of Swamp. There are many places which one can discover, for example, after few years of playing Swamp and fighting on all maps upto multi3, I've found out, that Klaimart has a fortress. Swamp combines fps fighting with space exploration in a fantastic way, so one can fight zombies and discover various hidden places at the same time.Plus, there are events on the server. Or at least, I know they used to be, I don't know the current situation as lately I didn't have much time for playing games of any kind.For example, the last Halloween event I remember was really funny.Everyone had just basic equipment for the action and was starting with no reputation. A crate was spawned in the church on multi1, it was a pumpkin lucern if I remember right. When someone took it, everyone got super weapons such as vulcans, mg4, ak47 etc. and some ammo. After some time, may be 20 seconds, a really, really huge wave of zombies spawned on the map, chasing the person with the pumpkin. If he / she managed to get it to safezone, he / she has won and got a reward. i don't know what it was, I don't even remember whether someone actually brought it back.The zombie wave was really huge and probably unbeatable on free space, it was a bit better in buildings.But it was definitely funny.Best regardsRastislav


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Re: What can I do in Swamp multiplayer mode?

2020-08-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SirBadger via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What can I do in Swamp multiplayer mode?

to find out when missions are being run i think the command is "/alerts on" but i may be wrong about that. it's something similar anyway. when that's enabled it will tell you any time somebody puts up a mission, giving you a chance to join it.


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Re: What can I do in Swamp multiplayer mode?

2020-08-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Talpaiute via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What can I do in Swamp multiplayer mode?

Yes. I'm not complaining and I don't want the money back. I was just curious about what could be done. In the meantime, I've discovered that unfinished quests can be done again under certain conditions.


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Re: What can I do in Swamp multiplayer mode?

2020-08-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : DJEPIC via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What can I do in Swamp multiplayer mode?

@Talpaiute, Well. hate to break it to you, but that's... kind of what the game is about? I mean, did you even know what you were signing up for when you purchased the subscription?


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Re: What can I do in Swamp multiplayer mode?

2020-08-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Talpaiute via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What can I do in Swamp multiplayer mode?

Aren't you bored of killing zombies?


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Re: What can I do in Swamp multiplayer mode?

2020-08-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : DJEPIC via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What can I do in Swamp multiplayer mode?

@Talpaiute, It's the knowing that you started from nothing in multi-player mode that feels rewarding. Because when you die, you lose all the work you put into that character. No death-free cards, no saving grace, just death. And there's no option to just started out fully equipped, that's the whole point.


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Re: What can I do in Swamp multiplayer mode?

2020-08-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Talpaiute via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What can I do in Swamp multiplayer mode?

# 5 My name is Talpaiute.# 6 But also in single player I can choose to play with all weapons and on any map. Anyway, I don't see much difference yet, when you die in multiplayer, you lose all the items anyway. So what would be the difference?


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Re: What can I do in Swamp multiplayer mode?

2020-08-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Rastislav Kish via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What can I do in Swamp multiplayer mode?

Hello,@1: multiplayer in Swamp is based on developing your character and exploration.As a newbie in the online version, you can only move around in the first map, collect weapons, ammo etc.When you reach level 8, you are allowed to enter the second map, and get cooler weapons and more interesting experience. This is one of the many things I like on Swamp, fighting with a benely on the train station is much, much different from climbing to the roof and sniping zombies from distance, or raiding bowling with a hammer.After some time, you'll be allowed to visit the first floor of the hospital. You can find very interesting things there, such as Vulcan minigun or shield, but you'll have to intensively fight for each of them.And so it continues, every map has its specific terrain, strategy, tactics you can or can't use, dangerous and calm places, just freely walking around them, fighting and getting rewarded is something you can't do in the singleplayer mode.For some reason, I personally find playing offline quite boring compared to playing online, even if I'm alone on the server.Multiplayer simply feels more realistic, with the always present threat of losing everything, if you get killed.I usually don't play quests, I simply go freely where I want to, something, that is so complicated in the real world for us...Best regardsRastislav


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Re: What can I do in Swamp multiplayer mode?

2020-08-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Ciri via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What can I do in Swamp multiplayer mode?

I am not very active in swamp, but if you tell me your swamp name I can take you to some missions when I'm online. And I don't think you can do a quest when yu closed the app, I think it disapears then.


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Re: What can I do in Swamp multiplayer mode?

2020-08-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Talpaiute via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What can I do in Swamp multiplayer mode?

Unfortunately they are very rare. One in about 5 days and I need to know when to start.


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Re: What can I do in Swamp multiplayer mode?

2020-08-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : haily_merry via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What can I do in Swamp multiplayer mode?

Missions are also a great way to earn points, the warehouse ones anyway. Plenty of people are willing to take truck sitting newbies, though I'd recommend checking with them first.


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Re: What can I do in Swamp multiplayer mode?

2020-08-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jimmy69 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What can I do in Swamp multiplayer mode?

You should probably wait to do quests until your much higher level. For now, I recommend running around the map, picking up loot, and killing zombies.


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