Re: a little hellp

2014-06-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : kamochek via Audiogames-reflector

Re: a little hellp

hi kyle should this help me?kamochek.URL:

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Re: a little hellp

2014-06-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : burak via Audiogames-reflector

Re: a little hellp

Camocheck, I have never been in a relation ship before, but I am thinking the way that makes sence, which is, not! to tuch her in a romantic way when she has a boy friend! or if they boyfriend finds out about you, sorry Im harsh, but the exact thing is hes gonna try to beat your ass. And if the girl says some emotionel harsh things to you, that might be the opposite end of your relationship.URL:

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Re: a little hellp

2014-06-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector

Re: a little hellp

Kamochek and others: Please excuse me for this post, and I dont hope Ill get in trouble for saying this in a public forum. If Ill get into trouble for saying this, Ill delete this post as soon as possible, and shut up...Wanting to listen to a unknown womans stomach so badly, makes me combine all this with sexual needs. Not just sexual needs, but special sexual needs. Personally, I dont see anything wrong with that, so here is my advice:Find a dating site where special needs is allowed, creat a profile there, and explain what youre searching. Asking for such requests at other places might give the wrong impression on you, but asking for such things on special dating sites might end up in getting contacts with people with the same interests as you.take this as a friendly advice, and I cant be more spisific in my comments, because I dont know something at all about those sites. URL:

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Re: a little hellp

2014-06-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : nin via Audiogames-reflector

Re: a little hellp

hi. kamochek my advice is if you really want her as your girlfriend try to be her friend, her confident. try to be better than the other guy and eventually she will be interested in you. some years ago I was in a similar situation, there was a girl that I liked very much but she had a boyfriend. eventually she broke up with him and I was with her for two years. you can show her that you like her but not in a rude manner. try to make her feel confortable with you and dont go too far. listen to her problems and try to offer her usefull advices. this will work too.URL:

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Re: a little hellp

2014-06-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : kamochek via Audiogames-reflector

Re: a little hellp

hi.but i asked, how should the sound library must help me?kyle12 asked: did you checked sound library?and gave me a link to:http://www.freesound.orgso the question is how this sound library can help me?kamochek.URL:

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Re: a little hellp

2014-06-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : nin via Audiogames-reflector

Re: a little hellp

i think he meant that you can find stomach sounds there..URL:

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Re: a little hellp

2014-06-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : kyle12 via Audiogames-reflector

Re: a little hellp

Hi,@kamochek: This is exactly what were getting at. Have you ever tried sound libraries? It might sound kind of weird, but Sound Jay might have some of what youre looking for. Alternatively, you could try Freesound.Hope Ive been some help.Tward: I never thought of between the eyes. URL:

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Re: a little hellp

2014-06-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector

Re: a little hellp

Hi.Id not do that, kamochek, youd get in trouble with her boyfriend.As for listening to a womans stomach, yeah, why not? Lol it sounds funny and is relaxing.  Does that make me strange, yeah probably but who cares? Its me and Im not going to change soon, well as far as I know anyway. Also the heartbeat of a woman is a very nice sound. But thats off topic, no kamochek you cannot listen to her stomach because if she has a boyfriend, I cant remember if she does or not, then he might not like that and she might feel uncomfortable with it. But, saying that, if she agrees, and hes OK with it. I dont see why not, un
 less you take it to far with kissing and touching and hugging and listening. Remember, she has a boyfriend, dont go to far, if she says its okay. and kamochek, if she says no then that means no, dont push it otherwise, you will loos her as a friend.Hope this helps. URL:

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Re: a little hellp

2014-06-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : kamochek via Audiogames-reflector

Re: a little hellp

hi.and can i invite her to me?kamochek.URL:

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Re: a little hellp

2014-06-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector

Re: a little hellp

Hi.No. She has a boyfriend. Think about it, how would you like it if you had a girlfriend and this guy kept wanting to invite her over to his house, at least Im guessing thats what you mean. URL:

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Re: a little hellp

2014-06-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : kamochek via Audiogames-reflector

Re: a little hellp

\hi.and i dont think that ill get in trubble with her boyfriend, because he is from other city.and i and zohar are living in jerusalem.kamochek.URL:

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Re: a little hellp

2014-06-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector

Re: a little hellp

Hi.No, thats not the way to think at all. You cannot go out with her because her boyfriend is in another city, if he found out then he will get mad.And also think about this, does she want to go out with you at the moment? I dont think so, because she has a boyfriend.URL:

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Re: a little hellp

2014-06-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : tward via Audiogames-reflector

Re: a little hellp

Kamochek, I am far from an expert on the ways of teenage girls, but I can say from experience at this point in your life try and focus more on the friendship aspect of your relationship rather than any romantic involvement. Let her have a chance to get to know you as a person, and see what comes of that. As you have indicated she already has a boyfriend you are not likely to get her interest if she is already interested in someone else that way. Believe me when I say I have fallen on my own sword many times trying to get a girl interested in me when I know full well she is interested in someone else.Now, you are probably wondering why I am advising going after her as a friend rather than after her as a girlfriend. The main reason is that you are young and inexperienced. As a result if your only thought is to go out with her because of some emotional and romantic notion you have she will be able to sense that and youll end up making a number of mistakes that most
  young guys make. For example, you may tell her how much you like her, love her, want her early on in the relationship and that usually turns girls off because it makes you sound desperate. Your body language such as blushing, the look in your eyes, etc can also give away your feelings and may also push her away if she doesnt want that kind of relationship with you. If she just wants to hang with you as a buddy, pal, friend and you start trying to get to personal with her and she doesnt want it youll likely find yourself in the position of wondering why she dumped you faster than a truck load of bricks. If you are able to put things in perspective, shoot for friendship rather than a boyfriend/girlfriend type relationship, you will find things will progress more smoothly and you will find out what sorts of things she finds attractive rather than a hit or miss approach by going straight for the romantic relationship right off.The best advice I can give here is
  be yourself. Dont be one of those foolish guys who try to talk a certain way, dress a certain way, act a certain way, hoping to impress her. That never works and is often times a turn off to girls because they seem to be mind readers and know when you are play acting for her benefit. Moreover know you cant make a girl like you. Attraction is not a choice and is something that just happens when two people come together and find they have similar chemistry. If the relationship doesnt have it there isnt anything you can do to make it work. Trying to behave a certain way or talk her into liking you just is a failed method which all guys have to learn sooner or later.URL:

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Re: a little hellp

2014-06-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : kyle12 via Audiogames-reflector

Re: a little hellp

hi,@tward: I was going to give that advice, but being his self seems to indicate he wants to listen to intimate parts of this girls body If you think like that, kamochek, no offense here, buddy, but this boyfriend will eventually end up punching you in the mouth, or... Lets not go there. Trust me. Ive had intimate experiences with fists. Well, one. but thats for another topic.URL:

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Re: a little hellp

2014-06-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : tward via Audiogames-reflector

Re: a little hellp

Kyle, I am in full agreement. I didnt want to get into that topic, but you are absolutely correct. Asking a girl if he can listen to intimate parts of her body is really pushing the privacy issues somewhat, and even if she says yes her boyfriend or perhaps her father might not like it and come looking for Kamochek. He needs to realize there are personal boundaries here, and he shouldnt cross them unless he wants someone to take offense and possibly punch him between the eyes. Its one of those downsides to relationships, and the sooner he learns what to do and not do the sooner hell get along with other people.URL:

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Re: a little hellp

2014-06-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector

Re: a little hellp

Hi.yes, I agree. Having not been in a relationship myself, I can still tell what is, and what is not aloud. As Kyle said, you dont want to go around doing that kind of stuff to girls who have boyfriends. It could get violent. Although I believe that violence is never the answer, but thats just me. A lot of people will attack you if they feel threatened or they may see shes uncomfortable and also may not like what youre doing.So my advice, is just keep her as a friend.There is one thing you could do, if you really like her that much, if you have a recording of her and like her voice, well, why not masturbate to it. If thats your kind of thing.For those that are going, oh my god thats wrong or, how can you say that kind of thing? Or No, just, no. Well my answer is this, why not? He wouldnt be harming anyone now would he?URL: http://forum.aud

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Re: a little hellp

2014-06-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector

Re: a little hellp

Hi.yes, I agree. Having not been in a relationship myself, I can still tell what is, and what is not aloud. As Kyle said, you dont want to go around doing that kind of stuff to girls who have boyfriends. It could get violent. Although I believe that violence is never the answer, but thats just me. A lot of people will attack you if they feel threatened or they may see shes uncomfortable and also may not like what youre doing.So my advice, is just keep her as a friend.There is one thing you could do, if you really like her that much, if you have a recording of her and like her voice, well, why not masturbate to it. If thats your kind of thing.For those that are going, oh my god thats wrong or, how can you say that kind of thing? Or No, just, no. Well my answer is this, why not? He wouldnt be harming anyone now would he?/edit/ well Id get board of the recording quite quick, but thats just me /edit/URL:

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Re: a little hellp

2014-06-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : kamochek via Audiogames-reflector

Re: a little hellp

hi i dont talking about her, but in general:i dont know if you thinking the same way, but i thinking:when i listening to a womans stomach, i want to spent a night on her bed next to her with my ear on her stomach or heart.kamochek.URL:

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Re: a little hellp

2014-06-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector

Re: a little hellp

Hi.Sure. thats exactly what Im thinking. I enjoy those sounds as you know, but sadly, thinking it and doing it are two different things. Meaning, I might want to listen to a womans tummy or heart, all day and night, does it mean I can? No. But, heres the thing. If you go out and talk to people and dont be shy, you never know, you might make a girlfriend whos heart and tummy shell let you listen to for as long as you like.  Wouldnt that be nice. And just think, thats only two things, theres lodes more to explore!I hope you understand what Im saying.URL:

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Re: a little hellp

2014-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jesper via Audiogames-reflector

Re: a little hellp

I think this is not a good place to talk about that.URL:

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Re: a little hellp

2014-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : kyle12 via Audiogames-reflector

Re: a little hellp

Hi,Unless you want said boyfriend to kick your butt, I really wouldnt advise the following:1. Listening to any intimate part of her body. for example, her stomach.2. Touching her in any way that seems inappropriate for just friends. if it seems inappropriate, it probably is.3. Kissing her. I dont care where, even on the cheek. Do not do it. It can go terribly terribly wrong.4. Asking her on a date. If you want to take her out to do something, keep it strictly friend like.As for hugging her, complimenting her, thats OK on a semi-regular basis. Dont over step the mark.And the key point: Women are always right. Hope that helps.URL:

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Re: a little hellp

2014-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : burak via Audiogames-reflector

Re: a little hellp

Wth, listening to her stomach? Come on man.URL:

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Re: a little hellp

2014-06-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector

Re: a little hellp

Hi kamochek.First will not be able to be her boyfriend, because she already has one.Second. just wait and be friends.As for what to mention in the email, just talk, ask her how shes doing. Did she enjoy the concert, what kind of music does she like.I know its hard when you have someone who you like, but you need to realize that she likes someone else at the moment.I hope this helps.URL:

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Re: a little hellp

2014-06-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : kamochek via Audiogames-reflector

Re: a little hellp

hi.and if ill met her, can i listen to her stomach sounds if she will allow me?haha.this is also one of the things i want to do to her.kamochek.URL:

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