Re: sonnar news update october 2016

2016-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sonnar news update october 2016

True.There have only been 2 other hybrid games released that were any good.1.  the blind eye that while quite patronising was a good demo of a 3d engine in its early days.2.  teraformas.This game was a good game once, but it had issues crashing in some instances with projector.Sadly it doesn't work well with the new digital soundcards or at least with my realtech hd it doesn't, I did manage to finnish it once on xp with an old soundmax back in the day and its still round.3.  legacy, the only audio drama someone was able to pull down somehow from the web for pc and it was quite good.In all cases all these were windows only.This one well the entire gameset of sonnar is supposed to be multiplatform multi ability so the sighted will be able to play it to.Ofcause our games challenge the sighted to use their ears though visual aids are available if they so wish it.So we are trying to go mainstream.<br /
 >As yet though nothing new has come up.The only thing is that I checked on applevis and the updates this year seem to have been 4 months apart so maybe we are doing 2 times a year and I just havn't noticed.


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Re: sonnar news update october 2016

2016-11-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sonnar news update october 2016

I hope we can get some funding. Trouble is I'm a bit worried it's kind of niche.


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Re: sonnar news update october 2016

2016-10-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sonnar news update october 2016

Hi aron.I am affraid I can't give away company secrets. well ok, think of kipling, if you know what that is then there is an rpg of that, but thats not for anyone to know, I can't say the name.Next, think of last crusade, there was a rewrite about 10 years old called, well I can't say that either.The campaigne hits november 9 assuming trump does not shut down the net  for unknown reasons When I get notifications well we will see.Everything seems to be set on the kickstart, and expected to achieve the 5000 minimal threshhold we need 5 really to become viable but 5000 was a safe attempt at this stage.Next year, seems to be when things go on.This assumes ofcause that funding happens.If it doesn't then I have no idea if anything is planned for that eventuality.Without more cash we won't be moving foreward any time soon or fast.


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Re: sonnar news update october 2016

2016-10-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sonnar news update october 2016

Any idea when the kickstarter campaign will begin, and what sort of projects could be inthe works?


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Re: sonnar news update october 2016

2016-10-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sonnar news update october 2016

Hi all.Ok re a few things just got notes back from sonnar about all this.Right now audiogamehub is not part of sonnar which is why its not there.At some point probably after kickstarter is successfull audiogamehub will transition into sonnar intergration.Till it does its still reguarded as university experimental software, I am assuming its the funding again.Next it appears that I am a mod of the audiogames forum on audiogamehub, so that does mean I can go round clearing the spam and junk now.


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Re: sonnar news update october 2016

2016-10-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sonnar news update october 2016

Hi slj.Thanks.I am yet to see the draft of the kickstarter.But my offer still stands, once things do get going I could do with an assistant, obviously I will continue to post the load of news but you are right, the kickstarter is the next milestone.There is a little left to do with the hub as it is but after that, being that it is our first project, my hope is that 1812 is finnished off, but who knows when that happens.There are a lot of things in the pipe, 4 programs I know of.In addition I have just got confirmed that a podcaster who I have some access to a site to do things on, is going to review the ios port and that is good.This is little left to do bar wait


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Re: sonnar news update october 2016

2016-10-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sonnar news update october 2016

Hi.Thanks for your reply. Well, things sounds to be a bit different than I thought. Sounds like you're waiting for the Kickstarter. I'll back the Kickstarter as soon as it's up, and share it as much as possible.


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Re: sonnar news update october 2016

2016-10-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sonnar news update october 2016

Hi slj.Well if you go to and contact jarek there or and run the contact audiogame hub email address then we will see.The biggest issue for me is content generation, we are slowly generating content, but we are also struggling with funding right now.Its hoped with our funding compaigns coming next month, well litterally in a couple weeks that we can turn that round.I wasn't exactly advertising that in the news as such but we do need someone or someones on public relations.Right now thats moderating the forum at, but yeah, we could do with more regular updates.So you and your friend and as many as you wish want to looky at things write something to jarek and ask, I don't control that side, but yeah I have no issue.We need someone on pr, and that means forums, social networks, and things.I also know about wordpress a little having been a tester but I havn't set a blog myself to 
 be honest.On a serious note if anyone here think they can contribute to this then propose to jarek he is the boss and see.Its hoped that content generation picks up next year, when more things come on stream.It all depends on the kickstarter though which will come soon.Up till now, we have been funded by auckland university mainly, and we have some banks and other sponsors on board, however we really need a lot of cash to fully start and that means user and other funding.Everything from donations to big corperate backers to get going.I do believe that is what sonnar has been concentrating on for the last little while.While its not reflected on the main site, due to some reason or other we lost one of our programmers, and this has been replaced by another one so there we go.The company is a student based one that is that students run it right now of university, not sure if that has changed much more than that but we are still going.I also am concerned about our progress, we have precious to show for the nearly 2 or more years in opperation.Most of this lazyness is due to funds which we actually need to stay active.In fact at the beginning of this year we were fighting with our primary funders to keep what we had going.I am really hoping that we jump from experimental to full time company soon but right now its a waiting game.There is a lot more happening behind the scenes than meets the eye.At any rate I wouldn't expect much more out of us this year, it is after all getting close to christmas now.To be honest slj I don't think its healthy for a small setup like us to be releasing as we do and have said so.Content generation is painfully slow and we are aware of that.Right now we have a programmer, who also does the web, and a couple more programmers a designer for graphics and sound, a composer for the music and some acters though some of the team do 
 multiple roles, 6 of us in total including the leader who is the master programmer as well but does also voice as well for some things.I'd idealy like to have someone fully dedicated to the web, another dedicated to social networks and pr maybe 2 people.A few on the forum and handling spam and the like.And having enough people so we didn't have to overlap to much.For devs and designers its ok to do this but as you are seeing, things as they are just can't continue.I have mentioned the update situation, I hope that things improve to the point things will get more regular.Right now the same people are duing a lot of things at once and that can't stay in the long run.If you want to you and your friend could write your proposals, and click the email link and email them to me, and I can send them on if you would rather do direct thats fine to.Right now I test, and do pr, the reason it works is because we don't have 
 much of either to do that takes to much time but yeah its quite unofficial right now.I don't even get payed, I do get the games for free so maybe when I get things off the ground whenever that is we will I hope see a difference.Ofcause it could flop in which case we will probably stay as we are I am unsure.I am also busy with other contracts and such.I have 2 major ones in the next few weeks alone needing to get finnished by christmas.Sadly they overide all contracts and projects even those at sonnar as they give me cash.They will be done within a few days tnough and so we will see what we see.


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Re: sonnar news update october 2016

2016-10-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sonnar news update october 2016

Hi Crashmaster.So, I got very confused then I read your first post in the topic. I really didn't knew what  project or company you were talking about. It was first then the Audiogame hub was mentioned a bell started to ring... For me, it seems like you could be better at organizing things. I mean, like putting everything together on one website as previously mentioned, write updates more often to remind people that you're still around and working on things etc. This is things which I'm pretty good at, including pushing people in the right direction to make things happening. I'm not saying that you guys are lazy, but it seems that you might be able to work faster if things were more organized.If you could use any kind of help like this, then I would be glad to join the project and help. A friend of mine is a Wordpress geek, and know a lot abou
 t setting up blogs, find the right plugins etc. I'm sure he also wanna join if this is needed.I'm very busy myself working on a lot of projects. But just let me know if you want me to join.


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Re: sonnar news update october 2016

2016-10-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sonnar news update october 2016

You are exactly right aron.Our stuff is good quality, and it won't be release after release.We are just getting started.My main concern is that unless we start generating a semi continuous traffic chunk like a lot of the games on here, bar those that don't and are left that we may dissapear alltogether.On the other hand this is probably startup jitters.We are slow and steady and I guess that is the main thing.Maybe I am grumbling over nothing and we will improve.I know management wants us to have a semi regular stream.Ie, that management and dev teams need to appear online in full audio with their voices, we havn't had interviews, etc.Fact is its going to be hard to get the traction we need if we have nothing to show for it.And While I agree with you in principal, a new game taking a year to do is fine, but to wait a year and say we have worked a lot behind the sceens but all we have to show for it is a sor
 um or a small bug fix patch to 1 project while in the beginning stages is ok may not be so later.I am dealing with one such dev who I will not name, who appears to have stopped, with small progressions to the story he is working on but going not that far to the point where it is no longer relivant to produce and to far behind.On the other hand this is the first stable startup I have ever done which has been stable.Rarely do we have someone that is able to start that high powered.The testing wrig I use is quite up there, an ipad mini, some really powerfull expensive over 500 dollar headsets, a mostly constant team, and such the fact we started that good compaired to others is a big advantage.My hope is that we progress from a large chunk a year to medium chunks every 6 months or a regular update schedual with news every 2-3 months or so at best case.Maybe to fast but maybe twice a year could be a bit better, we are developing for the blind and sigh
 ted here on multiplatform environments, right now that is ios, pc, android and mac I assume mac and I assume linux to.Thats a lot going on, and yes there is a lot going on under the hood the user does not see.One thing I really do like about sonnar is that they still like the physical meeting for anything important.The fact I can tell the boss this is well bad, crap or sucky and how I could make it better rather than the sometimes mangled misscomunication over the net, also it does mean security wise since its straight without the net that it does mean effective communication.The fact we are local to new zealand but some of the team including the boss don't mind traveling round which does mean, that suggestions from fans if important could mean the dev could meet with them is a bit out of the old book of business.With digital we have lost that thing.So much is lost in text, everything from who we think the person is to personality is lost in 
 text its only with audio or physical contact that we can appreciate how things are.Put for example this post.I am engaged with talking to you.But am I talking to you, you are a username, a number, a thing and I am listening to the traffic outside and not fully engaged at all.Text may be nice but you don't need your mind to fully engage so yes I agree things could be much worse.I do know that its hoped that our forum will garner a lot of chatter, things are in place so when we do start running with the bulls we will be ready to run.Lets hope we do.


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Re: sonnar news update october 2016

2016-10-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sonnar news update october 2016

Well, I say take your time. I prefer companies who take their time with their work, than compnaies that ump out release after release with lack of quality.All your stuff, the audiogame hub, the 1812 project back in the day, is well worth playing and I can't wait to see where it goes in the future.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: sonnar news update october 2016

2016-10-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sonnar news update october 2016

Hmmm.Actually that wasn't a name.I made it up on a blog because I had to call it something it didn't have a name, that is a fair point and one I will bring up with management, yes you are right our name needs to be on everything including the website and the program, documentation, etc its not mentioned anywhere, I never even thought about it and obviously no one actually did either.This feadback is good buddy, thanks for that, but you are right sonnar is not a well known name, it started with 1 polish guy some years back with a vission, we have had funding issues, added to that the slow release dates, and progress, the fact that while we are doing a lot behind the seens we are not going public with ourselves, I am definately going to push for a pr position to be created, I wish I could advertise but I am not permitted to do that it would be cheaky, but you are correct, bar when I post news no one is actually talking, bar me no one has published t
 heir selves on any list for an extended amount of time, what I do is a drop in the ocean and I have few resources.I did look for audiogamehub and on the first page was the apple vis, apple and android app stores, this forum, and a few other reviews but little else, there maybe a smattering of article but its pritty abbismal.If this is all we are then we may as well go home now and forget the entire thing.We don't even have a schedual, I know that my feadback is what it is but having almost 0 content means I throw out a bunch of crap and expect what! us to suddenly get rich or something?  It can't continue like this and I have said as much, I am the face of sonnar, the tester of sonnar, and everything, that was glammerous, but to be honest its not like I am payed with cash, I get the software and I help out but to be honest, its just me here doing a blitz every time we get a release, and thats not as fun as it once was.I am not saying thats it f
 or me it will never come to that but yeah, on the other hand its probably how startups work I should complain at least we are moving, there are at least 2 other companies I have sunk time and funds into that just arn't actually moving or progressing, it is quite hard to get places and I know that everyone at sonnar are doing their best, we will succeed I can assure you but you have certainly hit the nail on the head with your comment.If you or anyone else has a suggestion on how we can make things that much better foreward that on.The only good thing so far that has happened as that a message from dark confirms that we need more moderators for manual spam removal from the forum if anything else but thats it, lets hope that when we release and get funds traffic comes up, a once a year meet with a load of news isn't much of a move it is probably why no one is commenting at all. still, good catch.


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Re: sonnar news update october 2016

2016-10-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sonnar news update october 2016

I'm wondering if it's because Sonnar isn't a well known name. Even in the game audiogame hub, it doesn't say Sonnar when starting the game, and I always knew the dev as Heart of Winter Games and didn't know the name had changed.


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Re: sonnar news update october 2016

2016-10-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sonnar news update october 2016

Hi aron.Yeah so am I.One of the things I have been pushing is for someone to handle public relations.Right now its just me posting a wedge of news every time we have a meeting.We only have a meeting if there is something to meet about or if I add it on to that meeting.That meeting is either every 6 months  to a year but it can be quieter.sonnar is not my primary project.In fact I have loads, na soft which I need to get back to.Government and university research which is my only payed work, blind accessability which again is payed, and several other smaller projects I may even  try for eurofly translations.None of these projects have priority over eachother.As a result though depending on how important it is things are always long in coming.Much as people may think the computer is my life I have one outside, and over the years since I left reality software its got really bussy in its content.With memb
 ers of family retired and a lot of other goings on, funds are less and activities I do outside has gotten a bit more well more.Its also worth mentioning that from a 30-2 hour meeting it takes me 5 hours to push out the news.After that there could be a 1-2 year break before the next lot.Yes its really [[wow]], but is it really.From seeing the forums post dropping lower and lower on the first page, knowing that once it dropps to the second its way down in people's lives does make me wander if we are targeting the right places.So far I have posted at mine and another blog, cbt, blind perspective, tidbits, 1 tech and 1 gaming list and asked the guy that handles tech casts I read and listen to review the project.I have also made a group for descussion.The applevis thread hasn't updated in a while and I assume that because there is nothing new content wise that thats not happening for that reason.I may have to search for more sourc
 es to post things.I am not even sure that anyone was even reading my postings.I realise that there is precious to go on.Once the kickstart comes up, then maybe you can expect more info.I have just signed to sonnar news on its main page, they said they had issues, I had to enter emaill address, then on the next error screen actually subscribe so yeah I guess there are still some issues all over the place.The next version of audiogamehub will have some more little bugs fixed but thats all they say.What I would really like to have happen is that things start filtering as they should.In theory there is supposed to be a forum but precious is posted there, and its got 10 spam topics a day and bar manual killing I have no idea what do do about that.I may have to look myself and see exactly what to do about that.Its good to see that there are still people interested.One thing though is to keep feed back coming and fan mail to sonna
 r itself.I didn't put all of that discussed but some of the team does travel, so if you want to get a visit when we are in range send us a good mail and you may get that.Ofcause I didn't plaster that all over the news boilerplate submit but still.


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Re: sonnar news update october 2016

2016-10-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sonnar news update october 2016

[[wow]]. I am definitely looking forward to all this stuff.


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