Re: starting guide dog training.

2015-07-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: starting guide dog training.

@Gene, I dont know how training is in the us, but here guide dogs are trained to go on command rather than messing all over the place. The guide ogs association will build you a small run, (about 4 foot by 3 foot), which your dog will go in. With a bit of experience you know when your dog will do something that needs picking up, I do this myself with sets of disposable plastic gloves and small bags. AFter this you are fine. If your out and the dog needs to go, you can usually find some grass most places, and usually if your dog has done anything, - , solid previously, you can guarantee there wont be anything, plus of course your dog is on a leed anyway so you can always check if you need to, though as I said reever is trained to go in the morning, in her run and once thats done, no problem.Some people do run into problems with this, and of course you need to get used to your dog, but its not a big deal provided you ju
 st sort the thing out. Ill say this is also where the guide dogs association can be helpful, indeed guide dogs are probably one of the few blindness related organizations in the Uk that I have significant amounts of respect for, and that because they dont believe all blind people inherently encompetent.


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Re: starting guide dog training.

2015-07-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: starting guide dog training.

I hope things work out Dan. Ill admit things werent easy with Reever for the first while, basically because she just plane did not want! to be with me, and spent a long time just wanting her trainer, she literally lay by the door for the first three weeks if I went to stroke her shed turn around and walk off. Ironically the thing that started to fix that was doing something the guide dog trainers definitely wouldnt! approve of getting reever to lie on the settee with me while I played core exiles sinse just being close let her know I wsnt so bad. Its one of these things that the association arent fans of, though now Reevers got a code of shes allowed on furniture when asked. Reevers standing off completely changed over time and now its the other way around, she literally wont be without me, but it wasnt an easy process at first. The guiding end didnt worry me as much as get
 ting on with a dog, sinse its all just muscles. What made the major difference for me was the factor of effort involved. Its not that I didnt! go places previously, indeed I was a long cane user from the age of eleven to 28, I just found that with a dog, the amount of shear concentration I needed to expend dropped exponentially. For example, if I get off a train and need to find the stairs up, with a cane Id end up wandering around looking for them, with Reever I can just say Find the steps Similarly with obstacles, crowds? posts? no problem, I no longer need to be awre of things are and can concentrate on routes etc. My main tip is be aware that it wont start working flawlessly for a good six months, so you need patience, when something goes wrong, calmly turn around and try it again dont get pissed off, but dont ignore it either, I use watch! in a fairly stern tone if reever makes a mistake 
 such as letting my shoulder hit a door or trying to get around a post where there isnt space, I say watch! back then do it again, although that happens very rarely. Also dont be afraid to try teaching the dog other things, reevers learnt to find doors, seats, steps, post boxes, bus stops, lifts, even people! A very experienced trainer once told my mum there are only two reasons a dog will do soemthing as unnatural as guiding, either because its petrified (which isnt good), or because it wants to.@Gene, I didnt worry myself about taking care of a dog having had a bull terrier pup when I was 13, but I was concerned a dog would have enough exercise etc with me. The interesting thing however is because the guide dogs association are so careful about matching dogs to people they managed to find something that worked. Reever is this weerd combination of being very! very! lazy, but also so relaxed she doesnt mind crow
 ded and very busy places. Thus, even though when Im inside working on my research shell get a 40 minute walk each day, (plus a run around the field at the back of my flat block or a none guiding walk up a small lane near me), there are occasions when I am literally running up and down the country, going to vocal studdies courses or performing or whatever, indeed I just yesterday did a charity singing thing for guide dogs association (and you can imagine how many dogs there were around there), reever just takes everything in her stride and is highly relaxed. With a more active dog with more energy it probably wouldnt work, sinse my commitments are too intermitant, so it depends upon dog vs life style.The only slight issue is that I always have to get up at 7-30, no matter what Ive been doing the previous night or where Ive been, because reever needs to go out and needs food, which can be a bit of a pest sometimes, but its somethi
 ng Im used to.In fairness a guide dog isnt for everybody, but there is just nothing mobility wise that works half as well so Id recommend everyone at least consider it even though its not the perfect thing for everyone, plus of course, dogs are just good company, Ive got a plaque on my wall that says the more people I meet, the more I like my dog .


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: starting guide dog training.

2015-07-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : GeneWarner via Audiogames-reflector


Re: starting guide dog training.

Dark,LOL! I want one of those plaques!I dont know how things are in the UK, but here in the US when you walk your dog in a developed area, you are expected to scoop up and properly dispose of any droppings the dog might leave. I have yet to figure out how a blind person is supposed to do that, other than to try to train the dog to do it business in places that are out of the way enough that cleaning up after it wont be necessary.Dan,Ive been seing a mental health counselor to help me cope with my vision loss, which I am struggling with, even after almost two years, who just retired her old guide dog and got a new one. She told me that it will be a learning process for both her and her new dog for the next six months to a year, but at the end of it, theyll be a team that works very closely together.A guide dog would also be a companion besides being a service animal, and when you live alone, as, I do, that alone can make a 
 big difference.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: starting guide dog training.

2015-07-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : GeneWarner via Audiogames-reflector


Re: starting guide dog training.

Thats cool man! From what Ive heard, a guide dog will make a big difference for the better in your life.Im thinking about getting a guide dog myself, but I suspect Ill need to retake and improve my mobility training first. I dont think the place I went to for my original training did a very good job, as Ive been told that if Id been properly trained, Id have no trouble crossing streets and intersections I refuse to attempt to cross now. Im pretty sure its the same world wide, but here in the US, they do require you be mobility proficient before you can get a guide dog. I can get around, but am very afraid of streets busier than a quiet residential street. And dont like going near them, much less attempting to cross them.Plus, being single and having no children, nor ever having any pets, Ive never had to care for someone or an animal before, so Id first want to make sure I can provide a goo
 d home for the dog before I take on that responsibility.


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