Re: SB first release is here. SB!

2015-05-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : visualstudio via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SB first release is here. SB!

thanks danny, well do itwell implement a thing to skip the introthanks for your suggestionsif you have any, please tell them


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Re: SB first release is here. SB!

2015-05-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SB first release is here. SB!

[[wow]]. Sometimes I wish people would get a life, and keep their private crap off the forums!Ill check out the game soon, if I can get the needed Things installed on my virtual machine.


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Re: SB first release is here. SB!

2015-05-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : visualstudio via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SB first release is here. SB!

at first, i havent hack anybody and will not do thatbecause i dont want to destroy anyone and i dont want to be distructive at alllike @samtupy1 and @dhruvin my idea:first of all, criticisms must be constructive and be said politelysecondly, if you hate a person, you must not say in public that i dont like him or her!thirdly, if you have a good suggestion about a person, skype and PM are here, but you must be politefourthly, do not continue a fight, if you continue, it will become worse and no one would like to involve at that topicat last, but not least, finish fighting at each otheragain, if you have any suggestions and constructive criticisms, you can tell it


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Re: SB first release is here. SB!

2015-05-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SB first release is here. SB!

Speaking from a normal users point of view, all this immaturish trolling and flaiming seriously makes me consider wanting to leave the forum. I know the rest of the community isnt like this, and I happen to know steve, hes actually quite a grate guy. A we bit annoying at times, but ay, we all have our character falts, dont we? Now, please, can something please be done about this foolishness? I checked out the stress breaker game mentioned in this topic, and it is a nice little program for relieving stress, if you like guns etc. I have a suggestion though, would it be possible for you to implement something to skip the intro?


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Re: SB first release is here. SB!

2015-05-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SB first release is here. SB!

First of all, Moderation!Im keeping an eye on this topic. If this does not stop Ill have to start issuing out warnings or worse.


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Re: SB first release is here. SB!

2015-05-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : dhruv via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SB first release is here. SB!

Ok.Angry rant ahead.Must people forget the concepts of decency, politeness, and everything in between? Honestly if I was a sighted user and I looked at this forum and this was the first topic I saw, I would leave and never look back.I understand the people involved in this fight or whatever this is are between 13 to 20, but seriously? guys? Im like 14 and I dont do stuff like this. The only way I could justify this is if you had a battle to the death and you were hurling insults at one another.If it was only this topic, I could understand. Its ok, problems do happen. But everywhere I see ethin posting something, and in stead of creating a constructive argument or the age old lost mystical technique of just ignoring the post, we start flaming.There was a time when someone posted a topic, everyone expressed their appreciation, maybe gave constructive criticism. But I guess that time has passed now.If you get satisfaction from fla
 ming others, I wont stop you. I will just note though that if you keep doing stuff like this no one new will want to join the community. There are hundreds of helpful, kind, polite, constructive members in this community. But in stead, what we show to the world is a community infighting. If you have personal problems, ok. But maybe, just maybe, try to keep your thoughts to yourself for another day when you dont have those problems and can be more constructive.


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Re: SB first release is here. SB!

2015-05-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : dhruv via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SB first release is here. SB!

Ok.Angry rant ahead.Must people forget the concepts of decency, politeness, and everything in between? Honestly if I was a sighted user and I looked at this forum and this was the first topic I saw, I would leave and never look back.I understand the people involved in this fight or whatever this is are between 13 to 20, but seriously? guys? Im like 14 and I dont do stuff like this. The only way I could justify this is if you had a battle to the death and you were hurling insults at one another, or something. If it was only this topic, I could understand. Its ok, problems do happen. But everywhere I see ethin posting something, and in stead of creating a constructive argument or the age old lost mystical technique of just ignoring the post, we start flaming. There was a time when someone posted a topic, everyone expressed their appreciation, maybe gave constructive criticism. But I guess that time has passed now. If you get satisfaction from flam
 ing others, I wont stop you. I will just note though that if you keep doing stuff like this no one new will want to join the cmmunity. There are hundreds of helpful, kind, polite, constructive members in this cmmunity. But in stead, what we show to the world is a community infighting. If you have personal probems, ok. But maybe, just maybe, try to keep your thoughts to yourself for another day when you dont have those problems.


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Re: SB first release is here. SB!

2015-05-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : samtupy1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SB first release is here. SB!

I do agree this topic should go die. but anyway, I have tried giving constructive critisism to the termonater many times, but im not gonna try starting things up here, that isnt my point, guys, ive been threw more drama situations then you know. Hell, ill admit it, there was a time, when I first got skype, and a said person added me, and that was when it all started with me. It got me into depression damn fast because I thought most people were against me and that nothing I could do is right. Dispite my last post, steve is a great guy, termonater can have great potentual, I laugh and joke with steve and the termonater helped me make a spanish lang file in stw, but sometimes, these topics, I agree do get out of hand. And I hate to say it but at times it can be the person. Like how I said that immer guy chatted me that message on skype because I made my own desission, but I agree, guys, did you ever hear about this new thing? This oh, so amazing link th
 at... that no one ever scemes to click on? Its a link, called pm. Yes, Pm. Also, did you hear about this thing, another amazing thing, called skype groups? Those are both ways the people who really wanna fight can hash it out with out the hole public seeing it. I love the forum. I like it a lot. But sometimes people really need to think about what they type before they type it. I mean, what do you think would come up now, if I typed the termonater/sb soft on google. I understand how sertain people are different and have there own ways of thinking, and maybe I shouldnt have posted that last post and I admit that was my fault, but anyway, A lot of people on here tend to let there anger drive them over there actual thoughts. I mean if you dont like it, for ghsh sakes dont post about the creation. I personnaly never tried it, but im not going to let these posts here influence my dessision of weather I should try it or not. I mean gosh, the te
 rmonater only posted this to share his creation, sure he can have a temper, ive scene it many times, but his personallity doesnt have to be mensioned, and for that perpose I wont anymore. But topics like something I found, hacking the wifis, etc, we post then regret it later. Theres also a nice link, called oh yeh, delete. You can delete posts, you know. Thats another option, and not a bad one at that. Heres my suggestion. if you like the product, post here. If you dont like the product but are intrested in helping said developer improve it, post here. If you hate the developer, dont post it here. Note this might not go well with my other post but I wish now I hadnt posted it, cause I made the mistake of posting with out really thinking. Thats what most of these people really need to do, is think it all the way threw, what the effects of the post could be. I man, heck I dont know, maybe my post is all over twitter for some reason
  right now. And here is some constructive criticism that does need saying, termonater, no matter who it is, if you want to be a successfull dev, I really recommend not insalting people by saying f**k off and swearing at other people just cause your mad. Just saying. Anyway, enough from me.


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Re: SB first release is here. SB!

2015-05-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SB first release is here. SB!

Posts can always be deleted. In any case, there is enough criticism in this topic to go on with, and Id ask moderators to watch this topic and make sure that any further comments stay off forum, subtle insults and sarcastic comments included if theyre directed at someone personally. Just my thoughts, as a non moderator and someone who just wants to keep a bit of the peace.


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Re: SB first release is here. SB!

2015-05-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : samtupy1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SB first release is here. SB!

I agree. If you dont mind, heres exactly what happens, so people who dont mean to start anything can look and see for them selves. So I created this thing, my little rotation package, and all was going well, people liked that thing, I actually have an update in store for it, and ethin liked it and posted, id like to atempt to calaberate with you, pm me if your intrested. And I had 3 options at that point. I could 1. Say my thoughts on the forum, weather they be bad or good, and if bad, leeds usually to the downfall of the piece in the topic. or, 2. Send him a pm to atempt to calaberate, dispight what others might say. or 3. Just not pm him at all if I wasnt intrested. Then, the next thing I know, we got steve here, posting and saying oh, well thats not a good idea, hes not a good person and thats steves opinion. And then, as soon as one bad thing comes up, that can be all it takes for a topic to explode out of hand. I just ignored what ste
 ve said in that post, I wasnt gonna start anything, but its not my choice if other people like ethin, decide to fight. Honestly, if thats what you want and you want public, go get a free domain, install a pub-bb forum of your own and call it rantings tward hated, if thats all you guys want. If I was a moderater id just go boom, and the topic would be gone. Or id delete most posts anyway. I mean seriously guys, all that happened was the termonater trying to announce a release. Sure some people might not like it oh wait, is it the program... or the developer.


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Re: SB first release is here. SB!

2015-05-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Genroa via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SB first release is here. SB!

Please stop this, Ethin and others. Thats nonsense, we wont come to anything with this.


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Re: SB first release is here. SB!

2015-05-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SB first release is here. SB!

Ethin, I am not on the side of terminator, Im the side of... no one. What I am saying is that you have no! right to put some one down just because you think you can. Proof is as follows, although Im sure when you read it youll misunderstand and just end up repeating yourself anyway.I do not mean to criticize, but come on. And OS? Specifically for the blind? I still am doubting that that is even going to succeed. (Post five)These guys have some seriously dangerous tools at their disposal. I know. How do I know? I will not disclose that. (Post nine). And if it were true, Im sure you wouldnt mind giving the info.OK, then! Visualstudio, The terminator has some... rather interesting tools in your source code folder that hes hiding from you. It looks like it, at least. (Post fourteen)Not only are you trying to accuse Terminator of hiding things, but your last sentence in the quote above shows a digree of uncertainty.
 sp; Now I have better things to do than research for you. But just write another lieing, contredictery post, and there will be more Im sure.


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Re: SB first release is here. SB!

2015-05-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SB first release is here. SB!

This is starting to sound like the last deathmatch new beginning topic. If you two want to get personal, I would ask you both to take it off forum... no moderator talking here, just a suggestion from a member that likes to see everyone remain civil.


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Re: SB first release is here. SB!

2015-05-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SB first release is here. SB!

Good point Assault_freak. But since I didnt actually do what I was accused of in post 31, I dont have anything to say to it. so hopefully this is finished.


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Re: SB first release is here. SB!

2015-05-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : the terminator via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SB first release is here. SB!

me too.ethin, I think I told you to stop posting in my topiks. Didnt i?


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Re: SB first release is here. SB!

2015-05-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SB first release is here. SB!

Agreed Druv. This topic should be closed and everyone should move on. Instead of challenging, people need to give constructive criticism... and that is just not happening.


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Re: SB first release is here. SB!

2015-05-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : the terminator via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SB first release is here. SB!

you know what, ethin?go! eat! dust! me, amir and hassan can develop an os if we want havent any right to tell us what to do. Yes, we have dangerous tools, but we use them personally. For personal use.when I destroy a computer with my suppose dangerous stuff, all world might believe it.Now deny me.werent you an ultrapower admin?didnt you banned attack?didnt you banned morck?didnt you banned devin?didnt you banned masonian?didnt you wrote terminator is cheater, terminator is cheater, terminator is cheater with a special program that allowed to streight hack into the up server and loop a tts thing?didnt you tell me, if you hack, I could send you the FBI?didnt you tell me: I could slowly reformat your system.huh?you, have more dangerous tools than me. From dissasemblers, to your place, ethin, I better shut up. A tip.if you want to
  follow us, OK follow us. I dont mind actually. I dont care if you follow us or not. You are just a single spammer.if not, then, stop even seeing my posts or topiks.or, just, stop commenting them as your comments just anger visualstudio.dude, if you keep being that closed, visualstudio will take actions. Hes not like me. Hes, not, like, me! I can tolerate a lot. But he cant unless one of his friends gets kicked off. If he does notice that, hed, take, actions. Dude. Please stop. A tip.


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Re: SB first release is here. SB!

2015-05-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SB first release is here. SB!

Aha! Here we are! Mason has responded! Heres the chat log:[05:31:41 PM] Ethin: Mason? Did I ever hack into the ultra power server? Did I ever use a TTS program that looped in the UP server that sent chats saying terminator is a cheater?[05:37:23 PM] Masonian: no[05:37:49 PM] Ethin: So I never hacked into the server, never banned Devin or Mork[05:38:04 PM] Masonian: I dono if you banned them, but you didnt hack into the server[05:38:15 PM] Ethin: Thank you[05:38:27 PM] Masonian: for what[05:38:45 PM] Ethin: For clarifying that.[05:38:53 PM] Masonian: oh. NPSo theres your proof! I never hacked into UP!Oh, one final thing. Terminator, Severestormsteve1: By spreading lies about me over the internet, your ruining your reputations. The more lies you spread about me, and the more I contradict, the more your reputation falls. Severestormsteve1, Remember your podcast! Do you want everyone who listens 
 on it on this forum to stop listening to it because of what happened today? Terminator, do you want everyone to dislike you? Because you are quickly falling into that trap. Really, really fast.


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Re: SB first release is here. SB!

2015-05-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SB first release is here. SB!

Exactly. So telling everything and agreeing with terminator that I did everything he said is lying, because you have no proof that I did any of those things.


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Re: SB first release is here. SB!

2015-05-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SB first release is here. SB!

Exactly. So telling everyone and agreeing with terminator that I did everything he said I did is lying, because you have no proof that I did any of those things.


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Re: SB first release is here. SB!

2015-05-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SB first release is here. SB!

Good point Assault_freak. But since I didnt actually do what I was accused of in post 31, I dont have anything to say to it. so hopefully this is finished. And if I did do what was accused in that post, Im sure mister Ethin would be more than happy to provide proof. and if he isnt, well I guess my work here iss done.


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Re: SB first release is here. SB!

2015-05-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SB first release is here. SB!

Fine, Ethin, Im sorry, let me clear things up and tell the honest truth, the one that every one knows.All you know how to do is string words into sentences that make good sense gramatically. Beyond that, your sentences are jibberish. I already, speciffically, said, I know, there are many O Ss. What I, said, though, is that he can do what he wants. Again. Im trying to do to you what should be done--stop you from spouting off about other people who dont deserve it because you think, you know what youre talking about. Tell you what. When terminator destroys some ones computer or other technological device with his dangerous stuff then Ill believe it. Its quite clear that youre not very credible as it stands Ethin, and what I say here wont change much. Good luck in telling people they will fail, because the truth is youre just jellous or cant conceive such knowledge as terminator coul
 d have, because... well you have no hope of it or would have to work extremely hard to get it.


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Re: SB first release is here. SB!

2015-05-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SB first release is here. SB!

Aha! Here we are! Mason has responded! Heres the chat log:[05:31:41 PM] Ethin: Mason? Did I ever hack into the ultra power server? Did I ever use a TTS program that looped in the UP server that sent chats saying terminator is a cheater?[05:37:23 PM] Masonian: no[05:37:49 PM] Ethin: So I never hacked into the server, never banned Devin or Mork[05:38:04 PM] Masonian: I dono if you banned them, but you didnt hack into the server[05:38:15 PM] Ethin: Thank you[05:38:27 PM] Masonian: for what[05:38:45 PM] Ethin: For clarifying that.[05:38:53 PM] Masonian: oh. NPSo theres your proof! I never hacked into UP!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: SB first release is here. SB!

2015-05-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SB first release is here. SB!

Aha! Here we are! Mason has responded! Heres the chat log:[05:31:41 PM] Ethin: Mason? Did I ever hack into the ultra power server? Did I ever use a TTS program that looped in the UP server that sent chats saying terminator is a cheater?[05:37:23 PM] Masonian: no[05:37:49 PM] Ethin: So I never hacked into the server, never banned Devin or Mork[05:38:04 PM] Masonian: I dono if you banned them, but you didnt hack into the server[05:38:15 PM] Ethin: Thank you[05:38:27 PM] Masonian: for what[05:38:45 PM] Ethin: For clarifying that.[05:38:53 PM] Masonian: oh. NPSo theres your proof! I never hacked into UP!Oh, one final thing. Terminator, Severestormsteve1: By spreading lies about me over the internet, your ruining your reputations. The more lies you spread about me, and the more I contradict, the more your reputation falls. Severestormsteve1, Remember your podcast! Do you want everyone who listens 
 on it on this forum to stop listening to it because of what happened today?


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Re: SB first release is here. SB!

2015-05-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SB first release is here. SB!

I am under no obligation to provide you with the information you requested, as I never claimed that you did those things as... well... I wasnt on Ultra Power during most of the time yoou were admin. So if you really believe such information is necessary for your cause, take it up with terminator.


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Re: SB first release is here. SB!

2015-05-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : samtupy1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SB first release is here. SB!

ok, so first, note, im not gonna take sides here, im gonna post things here that I know about many people, just to clairify left open things here. amer or how ever you spell it, came on skype after I blkocked termonator and told me to go suck my d**k for doing that, and I bet I have the chats somewhare, I mean, it was on my skype account. Termonater has talked to me many times about hacking and now amer could hack if he wanted to... etc. And just to let you know, if this goes on, termonater might posibly spred it to places on the net whare it doesnt need to be. By the way, he is 13 to 15 years old. As for steve and ethin, well, ive been in calls with steve before about this stuff. whare I watched him do this trolling, then spam ethin with eloq crashwords to get ethin to block steve. Ethin as we all know tried to steel a company from its rightfull owner, using the chain of power as an excuse. I have had angry moments, everyone has. Sometimes for 
 people it is conatant, but my point here, is that everybody has there ups, and downs. We all have a point to make, and just like the dmnb topic, fighting about who is right, wont leed to anything. So, thats the end of my rant, and I hope moderation takes care of this topic soon.


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Re: SB first release is here. SB!

2015-05-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SB first release is here. SB!

he did all these things, terminator, and thats the point. Hes a troll, and he harasses people. I wouldnt be posting here if he didnt have such a distructive history.


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Re: SB first release is here. SB!

2015-05-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SB first release is here. SB!

I did not do all of those things. Let me clarify something:didnt you banned attack?Yes. Accidentally.didnt you banned morck?No. I have no idea who that is.didnt you banned devin?No. Mason did that.didnt you banned masonian?Yes. It was a joke. I unbanned him immediately afterward.didnt you wrote terminator is cheater, terminator is cheater, terminator is cheater with a special program that allowed to streight hack into the up server and loop a tts thing?No. This is a false statement. I never did that, and whoever told you that is a complete idiot, as they have no idea of what happened during my time as an administrator.didnt you tell me, if you hack, I could send you the FBI?Yes, because I can. Anyone can.didnt you tell me: I could slowly reformat your system.No. I did not tell you this.Steve, if your going to go along with Terminator here, then you ar
 e as bad as him. Youare just as bad as him. You are going along with him so you can knock me down a peg; is that right? Well, it wont work. Most of the information on this topic about me is false. I never hacked into the UP server. In fact, lets ask Mason now so he can clarify that. O, and before I post the chat log of what me and him are chatting about on the AG.NET forum so that all of you see it, I would like to ask both terminator and severestormsteve1 a question: Terminator and severestormsteve1, prove that I did what you said I did. If you cant prove it, then I never did it; and if I never did it, it never happened, so your just lying about me. Prove to everyone that I did all those things. Ill post the chat log when mason responds.


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Re: SB first release is here. SB!

2015-05-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SB first release is here. SB!

@Terminator, you cannot control where I post, so stop thinking you can. I can post wherever I want here if the forum software allows it. The only way that I cannot post in your topics is if every single topic that you made was closed.


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Re: SB first release is here. SB!

2015-05-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SB first release is here. SB!

I will not deny that information you gave me. But prove that I hacked into ultra power. Prove that I banned devin, mork, etc. Prove that I did all those things.


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Re: SB first release is here. SB!

2015-05-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : visualstudio via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SB first release is here. SB!

hi again,i dont know why you said we are dangerous?you are not lieing, but terminator and severestormsteve are lieing?can you proove that we have danger tools to hack anyone?i know about server and client security, but i never like to anoy anyonei dont know about what youve did, hacked the server or not, or terminator is lieing or not, but for finishing this fight, i just say do not speak about this anoying topic!


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Re: SB first release is here. SB!

2015-05-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SB first release is here. SB!

@Severestormsteve1, The blind community should not need another OS! We have plenty of them! Ill answer your question: Yes, yes. I know youve made a game and web site and such. The OS isnt better than me. Want to know why? exactly what I said above. We dont need another OS. We have, at my current count, over 531 Operating systems in existence. Why do we need one for the blind specifically? Talking Arch-linux and other OSes can do exactly what SBSoft is trying to do, so theyre just reinventing the wheel, which will take more effort than is necessary developing other products. The AAGE project is seriously screaming fail. Also, Severestormsteve1, why do you always get mad at me with everything I post? One last time, These guys have some seriously dangerous tools at their disposal. I know. How do I know? I will not disclose that. All Im going to say is, these guys have lots of dangerous tools that can seriously endanger peoples computers
 .Edit: Now that I see post 8, the AAGe project wont fail as much. Written in C++. Much better.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: SB first release is here. SB!

2015-05-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SB first release is here. SB!

@Severestormsteve1, The blind community should not need another OS! We have plenty of them! Ill answer your question: Yes, yes. I know youve made a game and web site and such. The OS isnt better than me. Want to know why? exactly what I said above. We dont need another OS. We have, at my current count, over 531 Operating systems in existence. Why do we need one for the blind specifically? Talking Arch-linux and other OSes can do exactly what SBSoft is trying to do, so theyre just reinventing the wheel, which will take more effort than is necessary developing other products. The AAGE project is seriously screaming fail. Also, Severestormsteve1, why do you always get mad at me with everything I post? One last time, These guys have some seriously dangerous tools at their disposal. I know. How do I know? I will not disclose that. All Im going to say is, these guys have lots of dangerous tools that can seriously endanger peoples computers


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Re: SB first release is here. SB!

2015-05-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : visualstudio via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SB first release is here. SB!

i think, virus maker is a game written in BGT, but it has not been completed yetand cheat engine is not a tool to hack, you google it and see, it is an application to see the variables of a given application


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Re: SB first release is here. SB!

2015-05-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Muhammad Hajjar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SB first release is here. SB!

Hi,Nice done man, downloaded, and Ill try it, sb soft, keep up your awesome works.


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Re: SB first release is here. SB!

2015-05-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SB first release is here. SB!

@Ethin, I get mad at almost everything you post because, face it. its stupid. Quit spreading roolmers about things you shouldnt be. do you have something better to do? Something dangerous they have? Yeah, sure, Ill believe that. but remember, some one could just as easily say you had the same thing. and Ethin, one more thing, quit claiming others will fail... just because you do it all the time doesnt mean the same for others.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: SB first release is here. SB!

2015-05-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SB first release is here. SB!

@Ethin, I get mad at almost everything you post because, face it. its stupid. Quit spreading roolmers about things you shouldnt be. do you have something better to do? Something dangerous they have? Yeah, sure, Ill believe that. but remember, some one could just as easily say you had the same thing. and Ethin, one more thing, quit claiming others will fail... just because you do it all the time doesnt mean the same for others. And if him telling sb they will fail is just giving point of view, then dont moderate my post because you might as well consider what Im doing as the same thing. As for creating another O S, who really cares? Why do you need to create the obron multi media network? We have Klango, Sam Net, Faace book... twitter... ETC.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: SB first release is here. SB!

2015-05-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SB first release is here. SB!

@Ethin, I get mad at almost everything you post because, face it. its stupid. Quit spreading roolmers about things you shouldnt be. do you have something better to do? Something dangerous they have? Yeah, sure, Ill believe that. but remember, some one could just as easily say you had the same thing. and Ethin, one more thing, quit claiming others will fail... just because you do it all the time doesnt mean the same for others. And if him telling sb they will fail is just giving point of view, then dont moderate my post because you might as well consider what Im doing as the same thing. As for creating another O S, who really cares? Why do you need to create the obron multi media network? We have Klango, Sam Net, Faace book... twitter... ETC.Rant over. At the rest of you, I think Ethins just trying to destroy others because he envies your work. Otherwise why would he need to? Maybe hes not jellous, maybe 
 he has nothing better to do... I wont assume here because I dont know. But we might as well ignore him from now on because trolls like to instigate things, and I let him do it to me. He needs to be put in his place... but again hes just a troll who doesnt know better.


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Re: SB first release is here. SB!

2015-05-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : musical professor via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SB first release is here. SB!

I saw a post in hear ware if this were me saying what this person said, the mods would not have not thought twice about removing me but anyway, someone asked why should we have an OS for the blind specificly? when there are plenty of OS operating systems out there already. well thats quite simple. because those OS systems, while we can use, are not geared specificly for us either.  but anyway, nevermind that all that. to developer working with this SB title, ill say grate job, and keep up awesome works and dont fall to the discouragement.  u will maintain I feel and believe.


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Re: SB first release is here. SB!

2015-05-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SB first release is here. SB!

OK, then! Visualstudio, The terminator has some... rather interesting tools in your source code folder that hes hiding from you. It looks like it, at least. And if the OS is for research purposes, why didnt the terminator say that a long time ago? If he had, I would have supported him, but since he didnt, I criticized him for doing it since we have enough. All of the OSes can be geared towards the blind community; take Vinux for instance. They have a hard working community which creates a Linux OS for the blind, and many use that. Take the new PS4 firmware upgrade, for instance! It will ave a screen reader that can read some of the PS4s interface to you. And look at Windows. There are so many screen readers out there for windows that you could find one immediately by just looking for screen reader for windows on Google. Look at Mac OS X and Linux. Both have screen readers for the blind. For Linux, we have Orca and Speakup. for Mac OS X and iOS..
 . voice over. Do I have to provide any more examples?@The terminator (post 11), this is exactly why I discourage people from joining you! That temper of yours is going to get you into some serious trouble if you dont control it. Calling me a bastard and such is not going to resolve the issue. Telling me to fuck off wont help the situation either.@Visualstudio (once again), I will list all of the virus tools that the terminator and others have created. I do not know if these are true tools to hack into things, but I believe that these need some serious investigation. Here they are:Theres a CheatEngine64.exe file in the dirty hacking things and tools to create viruses and all related to piracy and destruction incl folder. Im not willing to run it, though.There are sources under the mikes sources folder which are not runnable because the includes are not included. They are Library, SBVirtual
  Pet, tonney toy, and virus maker. The first three I dont believe are harmful, but I suggest looking into the Virus Maker folder and code to ensure it is not harmful to the computer. Terminator said it wasnt, but I cannot trust him.Those are all the dangerous tools that I know of. The comments file looks extremely suspicious, too. If you want me to send you the comments file that I have locally, I certainly will in a PM.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: SB first release is here. SB!

2015-05-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Genroa via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SB first release is here. SB!

Moderation, do something please! Ethin is just saying its point of view, no need to yell at him! There are a lot of unclear things, like they we are making a blind adaptet OS - but its just for learning purposes. What I will say is really just my point of view : AutoIt isnt made to make complex games and isnt made to make game engines, but we all know it. Even BGT lacks of a lot of things to do a complete game engine, and it was made to do audiogames. What I dont understand is : C++ and Lua? No problem for both languages, but...are you using them in the same time? A game is made with one engine, or theres something that I misunderstood about what you said. Oh, and I wanted to give a try to the game Stress Breaker (which was initaly the subject of this thread). Two really anoying things, not on the game itself (couldnt even play it
 ):1. The setup program quits as soon as it finishes, its really surprising. I waited for some minutes before asking myself if it was really finished or not.2. When launching the exe : coulent initialize audio system or something like that. A redist is missing in order to play this game guys, hope youll find out what 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: SB first release is here. SB!

2015-05-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Genroa via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SB first release is here. SB!

Moderation, do something please! Ethin is just saying its point of view, no need to yell at him! There are a lot of unclear things, like we are making a blind adapted OS - but its just for learning purposes. You didnt precised that and then yelled at people because they didnt see the useness of making another OS again.What I will say is really just my point of view : AutoIt isnt made to make complex games and isnt made to make game engines, but we all know it. Even BGT lacks of a lot of things to do a complete game engine, and it was made to do audiogames. What I dont understand is : C++ and Lua? No problem for both languages, but...are you using them in the same time? A game is made with one engine, or theres something that I misunderstood about what you said. Oh, and I wanted to give a try to the game Stress Breaker 
 (which was initaly the subject of this thread). Two really anoying things, not on the game itself (couldnt even play it):1. The setup program quits as soon as it finishes, its really surprising. I waited for some minutes before asking myself if it was really finished or not.2. When launching the exe : coulent initialize audio system or something like that. A redist is missing in order to play this game guys, hope youll find out what 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: SB first release is here. SB!

2015-05-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : the terminator via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SB first release is here. SB!

at ethin.I shouldnt join you to SB soft! you bastard!sorry guys if this sounds too harsh, but these are my sincere thoughts to Ethin.and for steven, yes, I agree with you. You ethin, fuck off! if you dont want our work, we are working hard to do that. So, if you dont like our work, just, fuck, off! got it? good.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: SB first release is here. SB!

2015-05-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SB first release is here. SB!

@Genroa, thank you for that. Yes, I am not only saying my point of view on this matter, but am also trying to point out one major thing. I hope you all know what that is now.


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Re: SB first release is here. SB!

2015-05-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : visualstudio via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SB first release is here. SB!

haha ethin!were not developing another OS!, specially meit is just for my learning purpessesthen, about danger tools, can you tell which danger tool i have?i havent any danger tool that damage, because i dont like these and anything similar, but i dont know about terminatorbut, i dont like, and will not like tools to damage anyonebut, more than 1000 operating systems are there, you can just go to and search operating system and you will see many many of them there


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: SB first release is here. SB!

2015-05-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : visualstudio via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SB first release is here. SB!

like terminator, why you think we have viruses?why you think we are dangerous?like you, we are persons from blind comunity, ok?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: SB first release is here. SB!

2015-05-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : visualstudio via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SB first release is here. SB!

like terminator.@ethin: why you think we have viruses?why you think we are dangerous?like you, we are persons from blind comunity, ok?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: SB first release is here. SB!

2015-05-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : the terminator via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SB first release is here. SB!

mhm ethin.if you, again. Dont want, or dont apreciate your work, please. F off, and dont post in my threads! child!and I am agreeing with severe, because he has.1. the reason2. come on dude, all guys know you hack, also youve hacked the server of ultra power.and 3. Come, on! you banned devin, you banned me, and you banned mason! from his own game!thanks to all the feedback you all gave me, I know what is missing. Some libs I forgot to include. Apology. The next release will have them, or you could google com audio, and download that.I am planning to release it as soon as some other programmer that has joined us will end the project.watasiwa sinanai! enter that after pressing delete. Enter in capitals.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: SB first release is here. SB!

2015-05-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SB first release is here. SB!

@Severestormsteve1, Ha! How many times do I have to explain it to you. There. Are. Plenty. Of. OSes. Out. There. Do I have to explain it in any clearer terms? With the network thing, thats something that can easily be created. With the OS thing, though, that is destined to fail at the current time. I dont know ow old Terminator and Visualstudio are, but developing an OS... Id wait until I knew everything I had to know about computers to do that, as an OS depends on that knowledge.@Terminator, Now whos the troll, huh? You. Spreading lies about me. Not cool. Saying that I hacked a game? Where in this world did you here that bull shit? Ill tell you right now, so you dont get any ideas: I did not, ever, hack a game. I did not, ever, hack ultra power.Now, for the rest of you: It sounds like severestormsteve1 just wants to discredit me or something. @Severestormsteve1, I am not spreading roomers. I know what Im alking about. If you w
 ould let me show you, I certainly would. But you wont, so you act like a complete jerk towards me. Nice way to kill your reputation.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: SB first release is here. SB!

2015-05-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : the terminator via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SB first release is here. SB!

agree guys.and sorry Giovany, sorry if im miss spelling your name. But no, aage (advanced audio game engine) is not released, Amirreza and Hassan are hardworking to build this one, as we have another project in mind. An o you all know, O Ss are costing a lot of work. Especially one for blind and sighted persons like apples IOS.we are implementing tts voices, but they are pretty bad qualityed. If someone could help us with that, thanks, verry, much! sincerelly!and, sorry. The ver I livered, was made in aage, amireza was madd at me for posting auto it ish things. M anyways, apology for posting in a wrong forum.hope it does get released soon!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: SB first release is here. SB!

2015-05-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SB first release is here. SB!

Hi,A game engine in Auto It? Nice try, Terminator. You wont get very far with that. AutoIt is not meant for that at all. I do not mean to criticize, but come on. And OS? Specifically for the blind? I still am doubting that that is even going to succeed. Just... good luck on that AAGE engine. I still am doubting that youll get very far with auto it, since auto it is not a game engine language. Id recommend C, C++, or PB for that.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: SB first release is here. SB!

2015-05-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SB first release is here. SB!

Ethin, really? Why is it that you cant just say! what! needs! saying? Why, do you feel the need to criticize in such a way that blatantly puts down the person you criticize? The game engine in auto it, well I can see how that might not work. Thats all that needed saying... wasnt it? But no, lets bring the OS into this. What is wrong with creating an O S for the blind? Its better than you, mister Oh let me create another cms-powered website. So until you program something or actually try to program something to benefit the blind community, instead of coming here for the soul purpose to troll and use up a bunch of net space, dont put people down like that. Because god forbid anyone criticize you about trupinum3.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: SB first release is here. SB!

2015-05-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SB first release is here. SB!

Sigh. Theirs nothing rong with using autoit to create games, so long as said game works for the user, so why are we even having this discussion... again? Personally I think its a good attempt for sb soft, after all, they are not! required to make games, yet they have come out with this for us. I havent checked it out, but I intend too once I get more time. It sounds like a nice project though. And the O S, cant wait to see what thats like, and hope progress goes well on it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

SB first release is here. SB!

2015-05-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : the terminator via Audiogames-reflector


SB first release is here. SB!

hey all...Amir, Hassan and me, we are prowd to release Stress breaker!its not much, its like the kitchen sink guns thing. We convined our game engine: aage, advanced audio game engine, with auto it 3.we are looking forward to keep building aage, and the release will be free. Our plan is not to get money, witch someday we might get, but we dont have a paypal account. Its just to help blind people, and to give them some more entertain.note, aage will work coded in l u A.oh and um about the game, we livered a concept demo. I want to implement on slash off toggle of inpacts, but I am ussing 2 engines to build this.take it from: some trobles appear, feel free to notify me out here.SB Soft, best oss game engines, and more!


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Re: SB first release is here. SB!

2015-05-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Giovani via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SB first release is here. SB!

And, AAge isnt released Iet?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: SB first release is here. SB!

2015-05-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Trenton Goldshark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SB first release is here. SB!

This one should probably be sent off to the dev forum instead.Since it is a developer platform.


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