Re: Thinking of Trying Alter Aeon Again but Have one Question

2019-12-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Thinking of Trying Alter Aeon Again but Have one Question

Necro is my favourite class, hands down. I prefer necro-cleric, since you may not be as bulky as a necro-warrior but you're not glass-cannon squishy either, and you get plenty of decent protection.By the time I leave Kordan, I usually am running a necro clev set that is entirely or mostly complete. Seriously, ghouls tear up early Archais, it's not even funny.Almost any combo can work if you're willing to put in the time and learn it.


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Re: Thinking of Trying Alter Aeon Again but Have one Question

2019-12-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Thinking of Trying Alter Aeon Again but Have one Question

@cj89 I confess I didn't stick with necro warrior long enough but I should have, as it was actually the combo I first wanted to try out.  Funnily enough?  In that setup I never got myself killed, and the newbie islands actually used to be much, much harder back then.My problem with it back then was quite simply that I wasn't aware of much in the way of equipment for balancing it out.  Today, I'm a little older and wiser and know that in all reality you don't honestly need full necrocast setups until you've left Cordon at the very least, and manaregen pieces are exceptionally easy to find.  The bone shield, bone armor and bone blade give you a ton of extra HP early on and most people don't take advantage of that for some strange reason I still can't fathom.  Of course the downside is that you can quickly become dependent  on it and assume that just because you have high AC and all that extra HP you can take on most anything.  As pointed out in post 5 though, it's all a matter of what appeals to you as a player.  I've seen successfull on many fields I myself have never tried.  Mage necro sounds appealing just because of all the mana reserves, but much of the equipment for mages that is currently available is older equipment that is best suited to mage cleriks.  Thief warrior almost always makes sense over say, thief mage, save for that little bit where mages can actually augment their strength and dexterity without having to spend pracs on it early on.  Mages also have access to the darkness spell which is useful to thieves.So once again, I say, adaptability!  Feel it out and don't give up on something just because it isn't quite making sense at a particular point in time.  A lot of people think I waste gold blood bottling.  Maybe I do, but I know that when times get tough all that bottled blood ends up becoming bloodmisted mana I didn't have to spend in a battle.  Many people sell soulstones to make gold... I can't get into that practice because soulstones are a channel to many great perks ranging from more powerful bone shields, armor and blades, to huge mana reserves I otherwise wouldn't have access to.Never let anyone tell you that you're a fool just because they're level 38.  Never let someone else act like they know better than you.  If you could see how many of them group up with others and get a pass along on the fan bandwagon behind the skirts of greater men and women who saved their bacon on many occasions you'd find their advice is probably not as great as they want to make out it is.  By that same token, do not fail to disregard a piece of advice just because it came from someone who sounded like they were being snotty and scornful.  Text is hard to interpret with screen readers.  Without calling anyone out I've heard some of the most elitist sounding jerkwads who actually had sound advice, but you need to take the time to cool off from the sting and test it out on your own grounds when you're finally ready.  Don't get too wrapped up in the words of others and be prepared to screw up; it's only by making mistakes that you can get better at anything.


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Re: Thinking of Trying Alter Aeon Again but Have one Question

2019-12-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : cj89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Thinking of Trying Alter Aeon Again but Have one Question

Okay wow, I was totally going to chime in and give my advice but @Nocturnus, you explained it far better than I could. I think the main appeal for necro warriors is the amount of HP you have to bloodmist with. Of course the downside to necro is that you get pretty wrecked by area attacks, though the extra HP from warrior probably helps with that, at least long enough for you to deal with the problem. That can be a pretty tough setup though if you don't know what you're doing. Again very fixable, but there's a lot of skills you'll only be putting 1 or 2 pracs into. You can kinda balance that out once your 5th and 6th classes come into play.


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Re: Thinking of Trying Alter Aeon Again but Have one Question

2019-12-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : cj89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Thinking of Trying Alter Aeon Again but Have one Question

Okay wow, I was totally going to chime in and give my advice but @Nocturnus, you explained it far better than I could. I think the main appeal for necro warriors is the amount of HP you have to bloodmist with. Of course the downside to necro is that you get pretty wrecked by area attacks, though the extra HP from warrior probably helps with that, at least long enough for you to deal with the problem. That can be a pretty touch setup though if you don't know what you're doing. Again very fixable, but there's a lot of skills you'll only be putting 1 or 2 pracs into. You can kinda balance that out once your 5th and 6th classes come into play.


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Re: Thinking of Trying Alter Aeon Again but Have one Question

2019-12-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : smoothgunner via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Thinking of Trying Alter Aeon Again but Have one Question

AA is a damn good game, can't even put my finger on why I stopped playing it, I think it just kind of got over whelming, since its just so much to do in that game. I think I may have to start over, seeing how I haven't touched the game in years, and don't remember any log on informationand good overall response from Nocturnus on post3, had to give it a thumbs up


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Re: Thinking of Trying Alter Aeon Again but Have one Question

2019-12-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Thinking of Trying Alter Aeon Again but Have one Question

The fact is that AA is probably one of the most forgiving muds that exists.  You can dig yourself into a very, very deep hole on just about any level, but you can dig yourself out with enough dedication.  The trick is to understand what trouble you're actually facing.  Are you dying to mobs who backstab?  The answer may be sanc, or the answer may be staying away from that particular area.  Running out of mana?  Decrease the use of spells you really just, don't need.  Sanc is a great spell but can cost you half of your mana reserves if all you have is 150 mana to mess around with; it does not need to consistently be up at low levels.To address your question specifically though?  Use the check command.  Spells and skills come along that sound absolutely thrilling, but it does you no good to learn condemnation unless you have the favor to back it up and know how to keep obtaining it.  Understand the help files you're reading; read about your classes.  If  mage's primary stat is int and its second is wis, that really does mean train int and wis for best results.  Constitution will further your agenda by giving you hitpoints, while charisma will keep you from getting hit so often.  I've seen both trains of thought and have messed with both.  Having your charisma at 31 really does keep you from getting hit so often but won't help you when you finally do get hit.  ON the other hand, because magical characters don't generally gain good HP anyway, maxing con is not exactly the answer, since getting hit means you're probably going to die anyway.All that said, everyone has their own way of balancing the issue.  Some people play necro warriors so they can deal with the HP situation early on.  Others play necro cleriks to take advantage of healing spells early on.  Still othres play necromages and just cut deals with demons by using soulstones.  I see no benefit to necro thief or necro druid, but I'm sure someone's out there trying it.Lots of useful info here,  but if you need anything else please feel free to ask further questions.  Also?  Nocturnus is very real.  He has both listened to and tried the tested methods of others greater than himself.  Sometimes it seems like you're getting nothing but conflicting advice,  and the more you read the less makes sense, but if there's any unifying theme those two articles have between them it would be the word adaptability.  Remain willing and open to being a diverse player.  Whether you're attempting to solo or deal damge in groups, there is always balances to strike.  Both of those artilces never mention zombies; I find them useful at higher levels because they're pretty good punching bags with tons of HP.  They're ugly enough that they get hit first more often than I do, and as a necro?  I'd rather they get hit.  Players like 'shryth' also have my respect for commanding a great presence with necro warrior though, which is a different playerstyle from my necromage, so it wouldn't surprise me to discover that he has a different way of doing things.  So, if there's any word you should take away from all of this?  Adapt.  Adapt.  Always learn to adapt.


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Re: Thinking of Trying Alter Aeon Again but Have one Question

2019-12-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Thinking of Trying Alter Aeon Again but Have one Question

Generally you want to practice all skills that are marked critical, and the stuff that's marked helpful you can ignore at first. Check out what stats you need for given spells if you're a magic user, and go off that as well. Don't forget constitution.The good news about Alter Aeon is that it's eventually possible to buy practices with experience.


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Thinking of Trying Alter Aeon Again but Have one Question

2019-12-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : LivingForGod1991 via Audiogames-reflector


Thinking of Trying Alter Aeon Again but Have one Question

Hi. I've tried Alter Aeon before but there's one area that always made me get frustrated and give up. I know practices are used for both training and practicing skills and spells. This always confuses me and makes it hard for me to figure out how much to train or practice. I tend to prefer MUDs like Aardwolf where practices are used for skills and spells, and trains are used for stats. How do you figure out how many practices to use for things? I might come back if I can learn to do this without getting so frustrated.


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