Re: What was the first game you ever made?

2016-07-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Dino via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What was the first game you ever made?

When I was a kid, I really liked using a simplified programming tool called Scratch. I honestly don't remember what the first one I made was, but my first projects were almost like animated storybooks. Those weren't real games, though, but later on I did do a few projects that were.If only I could remember what the first one was!


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Re: What was the first game you ever made?

2016-07-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : kianoosh shakeri via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What was the first game you ever made?

hi all. Well. My first main game, that I really worked and working on it is lucky kop. A cide scroler and platformer game rightten by bgtI even have a download link for it. It can be downloaded from: … e.rar?dl=0But, my first first first game I made Was something, that only playes walking sound. I did that for someone with help of him I think. I can't remember as well. Then, I learned to use int x; int y;, And I made something that allowes you to move in a map. Wall sound was only playing. Actually there was not any walls.I tryed these kind of games a few times, Untill I pirfer's to make a real game And work on it untill it ends, And that's called lucky kop. I'm Working on it about a few months A go. I had some friends that they helped me in this game a lot.That is my glory to having these friends, thank them all from here!Bye all


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: What was the first game you ever made?

2016-07-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : kianoosh shakeri via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What was the first game you ever made?

hi all. Well. My first main game, that I really worked and working on it is lucky kop. A cide scroler and platformer game rightten by bgtI even have a download link for it. It can be downloaded from: … e.rar?dl=0But, my first first first game I made Was something, that only playes walking sound. I did that for someone. That was myne.Then, I learned to use int x; int y;, And I made something that allowes you to move in a map. Wall sound was only playing. Actually there was not any walls.I tryed these kind of games a few times, Untill I pirfer's to make a real game And work on it untill it ends, And that's called lucky kop. I'm Working on it about a few months A go. I had some friends that they helped me in this game a lot.That is my glory to having these friends, thank them all from here!Bye all


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Re: What was the first game you ever made?

2016-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : jaybird via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What was the first game you ever made?

Okay, my first game wasn't really a game. Back in around 1992 (not sure about this because the relevant operating system has absolutely no facility whatsoever for storing timestamps on files) I wrote a silly program in Applesoft Basic. It wasn't so much a game as it was a demonstration of random numbers. The scenario was that there were these objects in space called sateymoohts, don't ask, it's a long, complicated, and meaningless story. Anyway, all of them were launched by Sateymooht Systems, inc. This was apparently this mega company. They were sort of like satellites. The main character of this game was trying to use specialized equipment to destroy all the sateymoohts before the people at Sateymooht Systems caught up with him and arrested him. Each time he would send his special signal, several things could happen, only a few of which were desirable. Everything was controlled by the rnd function of Applesoft Basic, and once you started the program, you just
  sat back and watched the fireworks. In this respect, it wasn't a game at all, but of course in the mind of the fictional main character, it sort of was. This program had extra bits and pieces added to it over time, with absolutely no thought given to strategy, the fairness of the new additions, etc. Work probably stopped in late 1993.Although I hate to admit it, the game does still exist in multiple places. Only one copy of the completed game was extant until mid 2000, when I got new Apple equipment and imaged that disk. No earlier versions survive.Now if you want to know about my first BGT game, here goes. Again, a stupid idea, but at least there is some interactivity. Your character is at the left end of a fifty-square playing field. Each step he takes right or left is counted, and so is each time he bumps into the left or right wall. Naturally, all these things play their own weird sounds. The objective is to take 100 steps successfully before hitting either w
 all I think it's five times. The game does still exist, and has even been posted a few places and given to a few friends as a coding example.


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Re: What was the first game you ever made?

2016-07-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What was the first game you ever made?

PHOENIX DOWN!Aprone wrote:Well Figment, I will agree that you were lucky.  Half-jokingly I tell family and friends that my time making audio games is an investment.  I work on a lot of relatively dangerous projects (dangerous because I never wear safety gear or glasses when I should), so when I finally do something stupid and blind myself, I'll have a good idea of how to go forward.  I'm also ensuring that I'll have several games I can play, that are the types of games I personally enjoy.  Had you ever given any thought to accessible games before the glaucoma caught up with you?  I'd wager the vast majority of developers don't even think about accessibility existing unless some outside source brings it to their attention.  Myself included!I didn't really think about accessibility even after my vision became effectively 0 for quite a while! I noticed when games were more or less playable, but any ideas I got that made things more accessible came from mainstream games more than anything. That is, the few that had talking (or sometimes-talking) menus/prompts, different approaches to target-locking and so forth. I didn't really bother making my Powerpoint games all that Jaws-friendly, and just memorized where the things I needed to click on were in tab order. (Then I got stuck with Powerpoint 97 and had to add static text to clickable things so I could test it. That one did not get very far.) When my _javascript_ games stopped being so text-based, there was still a period where I used text as the graphics. For one game, I stacked several 50char buttons (because the obvious alternatives were more complicated or anathema, according to me from 10 years ago), updated their values to an ascii representation of 
 the map, and changed the background colors whenever it seemed appropriate.It was when I started trying to do actual graphics instead of ascii art when things got frustrating. I started throwing assortments of information into the status bar and pretended it wasn't weird if these included coordinates instead of just stats, in one case.Around fall 2006, I did make a game whose premise was navigating a randomly generated area using ambience and a cane. I didn't think of it as an accessibility thing so much as a gimmick, so didn't really learn anything from it, other than I tend to screw up positioning calculations for dynamic ambience, and that it's possible to get infinite momentum and go splat if one tries to use timestamps to make a turn-based game seem like a realtime game.I tried throwing in SAPI around 2007 or so, but it felt kinda pointless and annoying (IE6 and Java are kinda terrible with SAPI). This kinda sounds like thinking about access
 ibility, but it doesn't feel like it from the inside, hahaha. I didn't really start paying attention to accessibility until 2008, which is right around the time I gave up on trying to do all the cool stuff I'd been building toward and made the DBGU engine and all that other half-baked stuff that is all I've released here. ... I dunno, IE6 felt like a much easier gaming platform to develop for . The things that made this true are also the things that make most of my pre-2008 games unplayable in modern browsers. (And also make modern browsers annoying by comparison, in terms of audio. Does everyone and their grandma play with their own servers in fourth grade except me?  was easy, blast it.  )


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Re: What was the first game you ever made?

2016-05-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What was the first game you ever made?

The first actual game I made was Term Paper. It's not an audio game, and it's not very long either. Actually, I have to remake the game and fix a lot of bugs like sounds and menu options like, 1341 or something, back to the previous level, and back to school. I made the mistake of deleting my source code for the game. The second Term Paper, the Revenge of School I think is a lot better. The real reason I made these games was because I actually got my first real term paper at school and I hated it a lot. Of course I did the paper and didn't defeat my English teacher. I actually got a descent grade on the paper as well. I think I'm going to either learn BGT and make some audio games, or learn Text Game Maker 0.9781 and make games that are almost as long as Morokuma's text games. I had been playing a lot of his games and just thought to myself one day, I want to try to make text games like him. So I took the example source for Dungeon Quest and after studying
  Japanese for a long time, I started the source for Term Paper. Now the hardest part of text game creation isn't the source code, it's either the sounds or music. Music is hardest, then sounds, then source code, then thinking of what the game will be about. That's actually why we haven't sceen any Term Paper or Term Paper 2 updates, because I've been working on a game. And trust me, this game will be much longer than the Term Paper games. It won't be something like after going through this place you beat the final boss and it ends, there will be more. It will probably be out maybe next year or sooner.


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Re: What was the first game you ever made?

2016-05-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : SkyLord via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What was the first game you ever made?

Well, my first game, is a cube.Just press space and score as meny points as you like.Stupid, agree?


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Re: What was the first game you ever made?

2016-05-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Aprone via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What was the first game you ever made?

I have been quite entertained reading the posts of this topic.  I wouldn't worry about straying off-subject at times, haha.


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Re: What was the first game you ever made?

2016-05-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Figment via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What was the first game you ever made?

LOL! I remember doing almost the very same thing at my local Radio Shack. The difference was that I already had several years of programming behind me, so I was trying to figure out just what the model 1 could do.A year later I got an Apple 2.


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Re: What was the first game you ever made?

2016-05-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Figment via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What was the first game you ever made?

LOL! I remember doing almost the very same thing at my local Radio Shack. The difference was that I already had several years of programming behind me, so I was trying to figure just what the model 1 could do.A year later I got an Apple 2.


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Re: What was the first game you ever made?

2016-05-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Centauri via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What was the first game you ever made?

I remember sitting down in the back of the local Radio Shack, (back when they were a parts house, not a consumer place, like now) back in 1978, playing with a radio shack Model 1, I entered almost every program in the book on the table, and the last program was the important one. It was text based version of Star trek, with dots for sectors, asterisk for stars, and an E for the Enterprise. Basically, you against the forward to 1985, and I re-wrote this concept (as I had it in my memory at the time, to a fully multi-user system, where each player logging on could control an enterprise, or Klingon Ship, or my own enhancements, a romulan that could cloak!)It wasnt the most efficient, as I was still a pretty new programmer (2 years experience or so), but it did work, and was fun to play.In 2012, I again re-wrote this game, now with many, many years behind me in programming, and it was FAR better, and only some 2,000 lines, not the huge mess it was befor
 e. it was system efficient, and would not cause the locking or near crashing problem of the 85 version. We all get better over time!Always glad to see new programmers, but be patient, you wont learn these skills overnight, or in even a year.


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Re: What was the first game you ever made?

2016-05-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Figment via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What was the first game you ever made?

I wouldn't know about it either, if a doctor hadn't commented about it, it's not even in the one book about glaucoma I did read. As far as how I feel about it, I listen to a podcast called "Going Blind Sucks" to remind me of how not to be. It's a pretty good podcast once you get past the complaining he does.And you're right, If you want to talk more about this, we should creat a new thread instead of highjacking this one.


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Re: What was the first game you ever made?

2016-05-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : sneak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What was the first game you ever made?

Oh, that's interesting. I never did much research on my diagnoses. Probably due to being too young to really understand what it would mean. No need crying over spilled milk was always something I told myself. Not to say it didn't affect me. I just tried not to allow it to fester.Anyway, probably detracting from the original intent of this thread! LOL.It's just not every day I interact with someone who I know has had similar experiences.


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Re: What was the first game you ever made?

2016-05-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Figment via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What was the first game you ever made?

@SneakI was told that it is very common for people who have cateracts to later develop glaucoma.


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Re: What was the first game you ever made?

2016-05-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : sneak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What was the first game you ever made?

Oh [[wow]]. I was also diagnosed with cateracts at a young age. I was about 7 or 8 when I had them removed. I was also diagnosed with glaucoma at 5 and went completely blind at 11-12. I had the thick glasses for a while. I'm surprised I don't have imprints on my nose from them haha.


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Re: What was the first game you ever made?

2016-05-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Figment via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What was the first game you ever made?

I've had vision problems my whole life. I was born blind with congenital cateracts which was removed when I was one year old, requiring that I wear very strong (coke bottle bottoms) bifocals. Then when I was five years old, I had to have my eyes realigned. I had a retina detachment in my left eye when I was seventeen years old, leaving me with sight in only one  eye. Then things were stable until I was diagnosed with glaucoma when I was forty years old. Then the glaucoma turned aggressive when I was fifty five years old, then three years later, I was declared legally blind.With all of that, you'd think I'd be aware of making things accessible, but I had no clue and didn't give it any thought at all. I figured I'd go to my grave with the 20/60 vision I had most of my life. The glaucoma took me completely by surprise.


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Re: What was the first game you ever made?

2016-05-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Aprone via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What was the first game you ever made?

Well Figment, I will agree that you were lucky.  Half-jokingly I tell family and friends that my time making audio games is an investment.  I work on a lot of relatively dangerous projects (dangerous because I never wear safety gear or glasses when I should), so when I finally do something stupid and blind myself, I'll have a good idea of how to go forward.  I'm also ensuring that I'll have several games I can play, that are the types of games I personally enjoy.  Had you ever given any thought to accessible games before the glaucoma caught up with you?  I'd wager the vast majority of developers don't even think about accessibility existing unless some outside source brings it to their attention.  Myself included!


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Re: What was the first game you ever made?

2016-05-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Figment via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What was the first game you ever made?

@AproneYeah, at 58, I'm probably one of the older members here, and I was lucky, I was fully sighted until glaucoma blinded me when I was 55.


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Re: What was the first game you ever made?

2016-05-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : brian . kurosawa via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What was the first game you ever made?

My first game was a turn based fighting only game, on the dragon ball univerce. But i lost the code.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: What was the first game you ever made?

2016-05-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Aprone via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What was the first game you ever made?

Congrads Figment, you're officially older than me.    Your first game was made 2 years before I was born!


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Re: What was the first game you ever made?

2016-05-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Figment via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What was the first game you ever made?

The first game I wrote was back in 1980 in 6502 assembly language on an Apple 2. At the time I was still fully sighted so the game wasn't accessible to the visually impaired.It was a rewrite of the popular Asteroids game. The difference between the original and my version was the point of view. In the original you saw everything from overhead. In my version you saw everything from the point of view of the spaceship's pilot.The game turned out to be pretty good and I was rather proud of it. Unfortunately, because it was a rewrite of Asteroids, I couldn't market it.I never did write another game I could market, because I was too busy making money, writing custom programs to solve my customer's problems.


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Re: What was the first game you ever made?

2016-05-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Aprone via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What was the first game you ever made?

Vlad, I made the Obsessive compulsive game in BGT, but that's the only one.I think it's very cool that most of you guys still have copies of your first games floating around.  Mine was lost many years ago in one, of many, complete hard drive crashes.  I think it would have been very cool to go back and play it again, just to take a trip down memory lane.


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Re: What was the first game you ever made?

2016-05-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : nuno69 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What was the first game you ever made?

@vlad His games aren't made in BGT. These are made in VB6 I thing


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Re: What was the first game you ever made?

2016-05-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : vlad25 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What was the first game you ever made?

well, but i don't get this how do you make something in bgt aprone? because it doesn't have any graffics system.


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Re: What was the first game you ever made?

2016-05-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Aprone via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What was the first game you ever made?

Guilevi, I do usually leave in the graphics, with some modifications.  During the process of turning the game into an accessible one, I tend to overhaul the graphics code to make it more suitable for low vision players.  So while the graphics do stay in, they are rarely quite the ones they started with.It's always good to find the programming methods that works best for you.  For me, I may have went in the opposite direction.  As a new programmer I commented everything and used fairly descriptive variable names.  As time passed I commented less and less, and my variable names evolved into the shortest and simplest things possible.  In many program I write, most of my variables will be only a single character in length, with a few that are 2 characters long, and one or two that are longer.  Even my function names tend to be rather cryptic, being between 3 and 6 characters in length.  For some reason, the more cryptic approach work
 s for me.


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Re: What was the first game you ever made?

2016-05-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : guilevi via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What was the first game you ever made?

@Aprone that's interesting. I never really thought your games started out as graphic-only. Do you keep the graphics around on all of your titles though, like the last one you released?My first actual game was a MOO which never got released to the public because of... The typical problems that moo brings with it when people are dumb and decide to get into all kinds of crap, which is what I pretty much did  few years ago. Later I looked into BGT, and I remember my first game was a space invaders ish sort of thing, with only one enemy, which had an interesting health system and some kind of bonus thingy, I think, I honestly can't remember very well. The first audiogame I ever released is probably Town of Peril, although as you all know, that was originally just a clone of Danger City. The code ended up being so bloated and made so little sense even to me that I ended up just dropping it. I learned two things from that project, which may not work for others but d
 efinitely worked for me: 1, use functions, classes and different files when possible, but without exageration, and 2, acronyms and other cryptic variable names are a bad idea if you plan to work on a game long-term. When you go to add a new feature, and you see a line full of declarations with lots of acronyms and no comments, and you have to go looking through the whole code to see where each variable is... yeah. Don't.


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Re: What was the first game you ever made?

2016-05-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Aprone via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What was the first game you ever made?

I do have a testing team, but usually they aren't brought in until I have a functioning game.  When I work on a new game, I start out by building it with simple graphics and no accessibility.  Once things are working how I want, I go back and add in menus, screen reader support, and other accessible features.  That's when I hand it over to my testing team, who start searching for bugs and suggesting changes on things that may be confusing or just flat out not fun.  So my process takes some extra steps, but for me it works the best.  In some ways I probably have an advantage as a fully sighted game developer, but in a few odd ways it is sort of a disadvantage.  Depends on how you look at it.


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Re: What was the first game you ever made?

2016-05-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : vlad25 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What was the first game you ever made?

well,  you're the first fully sight person that i saw in the comunity. also, how can you develop your audiogame as a fully sighted person if you can't use them vithout graffics? do you have a testing team?


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Re: What was the first game you ever made?

2016-05-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Aprone via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What was the first game you ever made?

CAE you brought up a good point, I answered my own topic as though it was about computer games only, when in fact I didn't really specify the type of game in the thread title.  As a kid I also remember making my own board and card game, usually just sitting around cutting up paper to serve as the pieces.  Kids these days might not have those same experiences, since technology is so easy to use and available.  At the page I was cutting up paper, some kids will probably be coding!Sneak, that's pretty cool man!  Vlad, I'm actually pretty terrible at most audio games.  Being fully sighted, I always play my own games with the graphics enabled, or else I can't seem to do anything.  Sound RTS may be the only audio game that I figured out how to play without the graphics enabled, but even then I was slow and clunky.


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Re: What was the first game you ever made?

2016-05-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : vlad25 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What was the first game you ever made?

well, my first kind of audio game was my first code which i don't have it anymore. but sam tupy still has it if he didn't lose  it and if he wants i would like him to post a link to the sourcecode so you guys can look  at it. it's called super man. well, it's not about the heroe. was just something which was like a shooter. but i gave it that name because when i made it(3 years ago) my english language was so bad, so i didn't have any suggestions about the name.but i have a little question about all of you who aren't blind. if you aren't blind what's so interesting  to make an audiogame? or let's ask how coud you test it alone? because for example i tested my brother's skills on playing an audio game and he didn't see any sence. i was just curious about this.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: What was the first game you ever made?

2016-05-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : vlad25 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What was the first game you ever made?

well, my first kind of audio game was my first code which i don't have it anymore. but sam tupy still has it if he didn't lose  it. it's called super man. well, it's not about the heroe. was just something which was like a shooter. but i gave it that name because when i made it(when i was 13) my english language was so bad, so i didn't have any suggestions about the name.but i have a little question about all of you who aren't blind. if you aren't blind what's so interesting  to make an audiogame? or let's ask how coud you test it alone? because for example i tested my brother's skills on playing an audio game and he didn't see any sence. i was just curious about this.


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Re: What was the first game you ever made?

2016-05-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : sneak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What was the first game you ever made?

I think my first fully functional audio game is the brain warp re-creation mind warp, which can be found at the link Below. … ndWarp.zipI think it displays all text to the title bar, and the message strings aren't too long so you should be able to read it without trouble for those who don't need screen readers.I think I posted the source code on another topic, but you might have to dig for it. It was a pretty good experience. I learned the importance of for loops, arrays, and functions. I've got at least a dozen other projects that were never completed, but served to teach me something new each time.Actually as I was just about to press submit, I remembered the first game I made was a campaign script for swamp. I'm not sure it's still functional with the current version, but I'll post that link as well as the other scripts. Oh yeah, I think I even made a pac-man game with the swamp campaign scripts.Pac-man scripts. … mpagne.zipMy first campaign script. … mpagne.zipMy tutorial entry for swamp.zip … mpagne.zipThis was the last campaign I was working on, I'm almost certain this is buggy as all get up. … 0march.zipSo I guess the swamp scripting language was my first entrance into coding. That's pretty cool IMO. Hadn't even realized that until now haha, so thanks Aprone!


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Re: What was the first game you ever made?

2016-05-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Aminiel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What was the first game you ever made?

Hello,It depends what do you mean exactly by the first game.My first real audio game was fast2type, 2007. Unless we count the web version that was in french, 2002.You can find it there's also quite a classical concept, for both games your goal is to find which sound is attached to which key, and press the corresponding key as soon as you hear the associated sound.The web version works only in... INternet Explorer 5.5, 6, 7 and 8.IF you are interested in fast2type which was in C, I could try to find it on my old hard disks and put them back in download.Now, if we don't talk about audio games only but just games, I can talk about two main early steps I traversed:Between 1999 and 2001, I started programming games under MS-DOS in C++: a space invader in ASCII, and a few games in graphical mode 320x200: a platformer like old 
 Mario Land where Mario was just a red circle and ground green squares, another game like Ataris' asteroid where you had a ship at the bottom of the screen, which had to fight against falling rocks (the fun was that a touched rock didn't immediately explode but were first splitted in smaller rocks several times first)...IN 2001, I learned how to make Java applets and for the first time, my games arrive on windows in a web page. There I especially made a brick breaker game that was quite involved, and a more stupid game where you had to avoid being enclosed by walls that the computer randomly dropped on the map.You can look at those later here: they are in french, and, since essentially visual, of course no longer accessible. I even don't know if they still work. I lose my sight in 2003.Before all that, as CAE_Jones, I also had fun making a power point game. It 
 was an adventure solo RPG-like and the game logic where in the transitions between slides, i.e. if you went twice to the same place but in two different states such as before and after having talked to a NPC, there were two identical slides to reprensent it.Once again it's totally visual and anyway I don't have it anymore. It was still quite long, about 300 slides.


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Re: What was the first game you ever made?

2016-05-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What was the first game you ever made?

Depends how loosely you classify something as a game. And if it has to be quasi-finished.I tried making Powerpoint Presentations and websites into games via things like the hidden slide feature and links, before I managed to program anything. The first one that had sufficient interactivity to feel like a game was a simple maze-thing using Pinky and the Brain icons for the player.When I started programming, I focused mainly on _javascript_, so there are still some edge cases. Does a web page with a multi-choice quiz count as a game?I think this prompt-and-alert-based fighting game might be the first thing I'd call a game that I programmed. (Warning, it tries to start as soon as you open the page. I think you have to type quit to get out of it without playing.)(But I had been making "board games" and "card games" via paper and cardboard for a while before any of the above.)


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Re: What was the first game you ever made?

2016-05-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Lucas1853 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What was the first game you ever made?

My first game... Rock Paper Scissors I think. It was about a year and 5 months ago and I created it in the span of an hour. Basically you'd just choose rok paper or scissors from a menu and the computer would randomly choose. Then it would just say you won, you lost or you tied and then you'd go back to the main menu.


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What was the first game you ever made?

2016-05-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Aprone via Audiogames-reflector


What was the first game you ever made?

For some unknown reason, while I was stuck at work last night I suddenly started remembering the first computer game I ever wrote.  I'm not counting guess the number, tic tac toe, or any of the "standard" games people throw together while they're first learning to code, but the first time you actually decided to make something from your own imagination.It was way back in 1997 or 1998, which makes me feel pretty old!  I imagine some of the developers who will read this thread weren't even alive at that time, haha!  It was either programmed in GW Basic or Q Basic, but I can't remember which for certain (I'm leaning toward it being Q basic because the game had color and I don't remember GW basic being able to draw in color).The game was a small adventure type game, with no sound, and crude vector based art.  You jumped around to different locations, by typing a number assigned to each.  At each location yo
 u could hunt for monsters, and would randomly be pitted against one.  Combat was just a back and forth match where damages were randomly rolled.  There was very little player the player could actually do to improve their odds during battle.  You just waited until you or the enemy was dead, lol.The main theme of the game was that each monster type had a list of items it could drop.  A few of the items boosted your attack and armor stats, but the majority were just in the game for the sake of collecting them.  The only item I specifically remember was goblin-skin boots, which was a rare drop from killing goblins.I worked on the game during one of my computer classes, and other kids ended up spreading it to other machines in the computer lab.  It was a time when the only games anyone had snuck onto the lab computers was oregon trail, some fishing game of similar oldness, and nibbles.  Because of the low competition, even my crappy little
  game became popular.  I remember someone stopping me in the hall to let me know they had found the goblin-skin boots, which might be why it is the only item from the game I can remember.Man those were the days.  It feels like a million years ago, but does bring back fond memories of when programming still had a very magical feel to me.


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