Re: game wish or looking for a type of game or something.

2016-02-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : cw via Audiogames-reflector


Re: game wish or looking for a type of game or something.

If I am remembering right from the business classes I took before I finished up at the university I went to, Size really does matter. To small you risk over working everyone on the team. you may also miss out on some really good ideas. If you have a team to big, you can easily find your self with some not pooling their weight or not enough jobs to go around. In either case, you could find your self with those who just go along to get along. those kind of people may not offer any good ideas what's so ever and may even fell to point out things that the others on the team might being missing out on. So, naturally, you need to figure out what the correct size is for the job. It seems like to me, the bigger the team, the more likely you will run into communication problems. It does look like this topic drifting a bit, but interesting none the least. I can't see where this topic goes within the next two weeks at the vary lest. As a side note, I want be back at my windows deskt
 op for the next week or two and my windows seven laptop is sluggish. So, I am typing this up on my mac. Anyway, when I am back in front of may desktop, I will go and install some of the games talked about here. Yes I some wish for more, but I will try to explore some more before complaining.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: game wish or looking for a type of game or something.

2016-02-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: game wish or looking for a type of game or something.

Yeah. Fair enough; I feel somewhat the same regarding music, which is probably the real reason I quit Orchestra back in highschool.  having to deal with 60 plus other members of the string section just, wasn't my kind of party.  Sixty members I could have known ahead of time that would have worked seamlessly together would have been a different story entirely.


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Re: game wish or looking for a type of game or something.

2016-02-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : magurp244 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: game wish or looking for a type of game or something.

There have been a few industry articles on the subject, like this one. Large team sizes, while able to accomplish some large scale projects, tend to be inherently inefficient for a number of reasons. This usually results in low developer investment, poor communication, etc. Smaller, more agile teams of 6 or so with people sharing roles tend to be more flexible and productive.As for team building, some companies have taken to running their own internal Game Jam's, and there are certainly plenty that sprint up regularly on other developer sites like, tigsource, etc. They tend to be a fun way to explore idea's and collaborate freely with others.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: game wish or looking for a type of game or something.

2016-02-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: game wish or looking for a type of game or something.

A team of 6 would be huge by audio game standards, IIUC. I think I've run into a couple 3-person teams, and two-person teams aren't so rare as I'm wanting to think they are. There are some cases where it's hard to tell, between what counts as part of the team and how much of the information is kept under wraps (Do voice actors count? Does it matter how they're recruited (compare Swamp to VGStorm)?)


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: game wish or looking for a type of game or something.

2016-02-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : magurp244 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: game wish or looking for a type of game or something.

2 to 3 isn't unususal for indie teams and jams, its usually the more ambitious or middleware companies that usually range around 6 to 14 or higher, depending. Usually you have artists, programmers, audio engineers, level designers, concept artists, etc. Not sure where Voice Actors peg in there though, in the past existing members of the dev team would pitch in for voice acting like the mission briefings for Command & Conquer at WestWood Studios. Some Indie teams may still follow that practice due to budget constraints, but in larger studios or those with funding which aim for a certain level of polish it may be more post production where they just hire out a voice actor to play out all the pre-writen dialog with no real involvement in the actual development process.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: game wish or looking for a type of game or something.

2016-02-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: game wish or looking for a type of game or something.

Yeah, but the sorts of stuff this thread started out about are toward the more ambitious end, no?Ideally, were I in a position where building a team for one of my more ambitious projects was practical, I'd probably want to bring on at least 4 more people, and that's considering that I do like to do the writing/coding/sound design/etc myself whenever possible. (I'd need to hire someone to be the boss, because I'm terrible at bossing people around. ... Also I'd probably need someone to force me to do my job . A dedicated sound person is pretty much a must; I'd totally want people on the team for the writing and coding, as editors if nothing else, but in practice I have way too hard a time working with pre-existing physics engines even when they're better than what I can do myself, and is it really ambitious if it doesn't at lea
 st try for that much? ... Oh, and probably add someone else to improve on my mediocre BGM. ... Huh, I guess I just described my entire hypothetical team as quality control, which was not the intent--I'd still try to divide up content and development appropriately.)


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Re: game wish or looking for a type of game or something.

2016-02-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: game wish or looking for a type of game or something.

I don't remember the guy's name, else I'd have a link, but a mainstream developer who worked on a variety of games from DOS to today did an AMA on Reddit. I remember two major things from that discussion, and both are about the Lion King game. One was his description of how hard it was communicating their needs to the animators, and the other was his apology for the complete and utter frustration that is the second level (I didn't realize how good my dad was at games until I heard that his relative ease at beating it is rare even in the mainstream).I tried to take what I got out of that AMA and apply it to LC, then I realized that's completely insane for a one-person project that a whole 4 sighted people would ever care about anyway.The point is: communication between radically different departments is hard. This is true in medicine, law enforcement, etc. Why should game deve
 lopment be exempt? (Although for audio games, the closest example I can come up with for animation Vs programming is something using the ELIAS engine, but I'm a nostalgia freak and therefore like the old-school "crossfades at the most" stuff. Ooh, and that multitracking thing that X-men2 for the Genesis did, but if I was going to do that without midi, I'd've done it for DLE. Incidentally, anyone wanna help remake DLE to not suck?)We should start posting team-building exercises. ... Except whenever companies do that, the only solidarity they build in the team is hatred for whoever forced them to do team-building exercises. Hmm.


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Re: game wish or looking for a type of game or something.

2016-02-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: game wish or looking for a type of game or something.

Ideas are my strongpoint, not coding, and since I don't have money to hire coders, and I don't have time to invest in learning how to, er, properly code, well...I took one swipe at that Lampa thing to see if I could make heads or tails of it, and it kicked me in the proverbial, and if you ever get kicked that way, well, you just, give it up as a bad job.  Don't misunderstand me; I've seen a ton of great ideas where spacemoos are concerned, but there's always more drawbacks and flaws with systems than I care for in the end.  I am fully aware that there is no such thing as perfection, nor would I strive for it.  But I think the greatest problem I have seen time and time again, and this, not just the case with spacemoos, is developers who get way ahead of themselves, start coding like crazy because things sound like good ideas, without taking the time to truly evaluate them for marginal errors that could eventually turn into real problems
 .I like to build up to something; I do it when I'm writing, when I'm playing music, when I'm in a conversation.  I never just, pluck at randomness unless I'm trying to be satirical or present something as shock humor.  So, if anyone ever decides to work for me, for free or an inexpensive, generous, negotiable price, maybe we can do something.  lol


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: game wish or looking for a type of game or something.

2016-02-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: game wish or looking for a type of game or something.

Collaboration unfortunitly isn't my strongpoint either. I could probably do it if their wern't too menny people on the team, provided their is communication going on between the team and programmer about what is and what isn't possible. I've collaborated on mud projects in the past, my last one was the newer vast space which shutdown once I left so I know if not a lot, enough of moo coding to keep a mud going. I generally try to keep away from muds however.


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Re: game wish or looking for a type of game or something.

2016-02-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : cw via Audiogames-reflector


Re: game wish or looking for a type of game or something.

You know, that is another one I don't recall trying. As for my machine, the one I was talking about is a custem build one. Although, I do have a macbook pro with a SSD and 16 gb of ram that I do not, as of yet, have bootcamp set up on yet. LOL. I did think about going in and setting that up. The only problem is, I got to go find my windows seven disk and maybe some poor soal that is willing to read the screens to me, just in case. LOL. As for the UTF, I do wonder why it seems that noone seems to still anything from them. LOL. Overall, what can I say when there is people connected to any kind of project. Maybe human amidst be where?


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Re: game wish or looking for a type of game or something.

2016-02-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: game wish or looking for a type of game or something.

If I remember right its listed in the policies on prometheus that you can't steal u t f ships, but that could have changed, given that I haven't touched it since last year or muds in general. Most people know my current stance on space muds and prome itself, so i'll not bring that up, but I do agree with the opinions prezented about the u t f here.


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Re: game wish or looking for a type of game or something.

2016-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : cw via Audiogames-reflector


Re: game wish or looking for a type of game or something.

And that is what sort of makes me jealous of my sighted peers. Whoever can come out with a first person mine craft for the blind will most assuredly have my hart felt thanks for life, or something like that. LOL. As for the pocket version, I will not believe that it is accessible until I see it with my own eyes. Weight a min, I mint hear it with my own ears. LOL. As for Skyrim, I would love to see an accessible version happen, but I am just dreaming there. So far, seeing anything that is well truly epic hasn’t really happen and I really wish it would. Is there anything close that I could play? Just wondering. I guess I could grumble off into swamp and shoot up a few zombies or something... Then again, maybe I can go find me a truly epic book to go get lost in...


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: game wish or looking for a type of game or something.

2016-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : cw via Audiogames-reflector


Re: game wish or looking for a type of game or something.

defender. By SCW, I am asuming that you mean Sarah and the Castle of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I thought that windows seven and that version of the GMA game engine didn't work right with sound, but my windows seven machine does have 16 gb of ram and a SSD. I will have to go check out paladin of thesky. Right now, my biggest problem with AA is all the grinding that I have to do to get to the main land. I guess I will have to go log into swamp again to see who all is there. Have you heard the saying, "never judge a book by its cover"? At first look, the titles of some of the games may had not been a major draw in if you get my drift. Nocturnus. Would you accept $100 in Prometheus credits? LOL. You did get me to chuckle a bit. defender. I thought that Entombed wasn't being worked on any more. I also thought that later on in the game, there was a few bugs that could drive one batty from loosing your spot in the game in the like. I played the first two or t
 hree floors of that game and it did seem pretty nice. Will it run on seven. It sounds like a stupid question I know. I will have to see about reading those books too. So far, thanks for answering my questions, as crazy as they are.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: game wish or looking for a type of game or something.

2016-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: game wish or looking for a type of game or something.

@cw,You know, I just might, save for the fact that I don't play prom anymore and haven't since, um, I don't remember when anymore.  There again I got tired of the similarities in space moos and such.  I'd like something different, something revolutionary, something that, if one is actually going to look at developing a futuristic world, the world should feel, um, futuristic, not primative.  I mean, what's up with still typing out long commands to pull off complex actions in 2100 or after, when here in 2016 we're looking into autonomy for different purposes?  Why, for the life of me, are certain defenses in ships not automated?I'm not asking for my ships to do all the fighting for me, but why the blazes aren't defensive systems put up as soon as a ship gets hit?  Why am I still having to operate almost useless conventional weapons like lasers which only have a short distance range and a lack of power comp
 ared to things like torpedos and heat seeking weaponry?  why don't laser turrets swivel and fire on their own when presented with a chalenge?  Who, with any ounce of logic in the real world is going to fly around in a ship that is practically defenseless, trying to do even the simplest of things, when there are fleets of alien raiders and intergalactic threats as well as pirates out to get you?  Fine!  I'll accept that you can't have it all in the beginning, that you have to work your way up to the top, that you need to put in some patient and diligent work to accomplish something, anything in lfe, but good grief, the future!  Forget your friggin startrek starwars visions and shoot for the horizons, space junkies!  Stop living in the past!  lol


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: game wish or looking for a type of game or something.

2016-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: game wish or looking for a type of game or something.

Try SCW, it's got lots of exploration and virtual 3D audio, it may be old and a bit buggy, but if you have decent hardware, like an SSD and at least 4GB of RAM, it's actually not bad at all.I've heard good things about the Eric the cleric games, and if you don't like the sounds I'm pretty sure you can mod them.  Also consider paladin of the sky, since while people complain about the spell casting system, it does seem like something you mostly pick up after a while of practicing, and I've heard that the exploration is pretty good.It honestly sounds to me like you just haven't explored all there is to see in the games you do have access to, and I don't mean that in an assholish way either, because I totally understand the want to play mainstream games that have a massive amount of content and backstory, but what we have is still pretty okay, even if our amount of titles are kind of limited.Especially Alteraeon, I 
 mean, that place is really, really big, and the soundpack basically turns it into an audio game.I also recently got back into Swamp a bit, at least offline, and honestly, even custom maps are pretty fun if you set it up right, and good campaigns may be few and far between, but it's so easy to make a simple one that's still really fun and has a bit of backstory with weapons and places built around it, that you may as well just make a few suited  specifically to your tastes.  And this is coming from someone who literally could not code to save his own families life! :'(Entombed may be incredibly linear in nature, but the job and race combinations, especially the unique ones like adventurer thief, fortune teller wanderer, trickster mage, half elf ranger assassin, half elf druid necromancer, and half orc barbarian fighter or fighter barbarian, really open up new possibilities within the game, and the level of randomization for weapons, enemies, and s
 ecrets doesn't hurt either, as long as you don't wear your self out trying to play through 10 floors in a day.I would try not to focus on what you can't have as much, and look at the unexplored possibilities with what you do, is what I'm saying, basically, since otherwise your just going to be miserable for a not very good reason, all things considered... O and, if you want a good book, try the Forest Kingdom Saga or the Goblin Trilogy, in graphic audio if you can at all help it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: game wish or looking for a type of game or something.

2016-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: game wish or looking for a type of game or something.

Try SCW, it's got lots of exploration and virtual 3D audio, it may be old and a bit buggy, but if you have decent hardware, like an SSD and at least 4GB of RAM, it's actually not bad at all.I've heard good things about the Eric the cleric games, and if you don't like the sounds I'm pretty sure you can mod them.  Also consider paladin of the sky, since while people complain about the spell casting system, it does seem like something you mostly pick up after a while of practicing, and I've heard that the exploration is pretty good.It honestly sounds to me like you just haven't explored all there is to see in the games you do have access to, and I don't mean that in an assholish way either, because I totally understand the want to play mainstream games that have a massive amount of content and backstory, but what we have is still pretty okay, even if our amount of titles are kind of limited.Especially Alteraeon, I 
 mean, that place is really, really big, and the soundpack basically turns it into an audio game.I also recently got back into Swamp a bit, at least offline, and honestly, even custom maps are pretty fun if you set it up right, and good campaigns may be few and far between, but it's so easy to make a simple one that's still really fun and has a bit of backstory with weapons and places built around it, that you may as well just make a few suited  specifically to your tastes.  And this is coming from someone who literally could not code to save his own families life! :'(Entombed may be incredibly linear in nature, but the job and race combinations, especially the unique ones like adventurer thief, fortune teller wanderer, trickster mage, half elf ranger assassin, half elf druid necromancer, and half orc barbarian fighter or fighter barbarian, really open up new possibilities within the game, and the level of randomization for weapons, enemies, and s
 ecrets doesn't hurt either.I would try not to focus on what you can't have as much, and look at the unexplored possibilities with what you do, is what I'm saying, basically, since otherwise your just going to be miserable for a not very good reason, all things considered... O and, if you want a good book, try the Forest Kingdom Saga or the Goblin Trilogy, in graphic audio if you can at all help it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: game wish or looking for a type of game or something.

2016-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : cw via Audiogames-reflector


Re: game wish or looking for a type of game or something.

LOL. I have heard that they are working on a new one, but still. your overall point is correct. At least the missals go where I want them to go. I get having to choose your target to go after, but why not have some kind of basic automated defense system in place where your ship raises the shields and returns fire. I get be able to teleport from one place to another and the ship to ship teleportation. Right, only the basics are there. Right now, I really don't see any reason to have a carrier with all the weapons and repair systems in the CR. The more I think about it, I don't even need a carrier. I could most likely get away with a custom built fighter and be just fine. Maybe the similarities is the problem with this one. I have heard that a lot of changes are being made. So, who knows how close it will  be. My problem with most space moos that I played is that fact that they are all mostly a like.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: game wish or looking for a type of game or something.

2016-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: game wish or looking for a type of game or something.

Try SCW, it's got lots of exploration and virtual 3D audio, it may be old and a bit buggy, but if you have decent hardware, like an SSD and at least 4GB of RAM, it's actually not bad at all.I've heard good things about the Eric the cleric games, and if you don't like the sounds I'm pretty sure you can mod them.  Also consider paladin of the sky, since while people complain about the spell casting system, it does seem like something you mostly pick up after a while of practicing, and I've heard that the exploration is pretty good.It honestly sounds to me like you just haven't explored all there is to see in the games you do have access to, and I don't mean that in an assholish way either, because I totally understand the want to play mainstream games that have a massive amount of content and backstory, but what we have is still pretty okay, even if our amount of titles are kind of limited.Especially Alteraeon, I 
 mean, that place is really, really big, and the soundpack basically turns it into an audio game.I also recently got back into Swamp a bit, at least offline, and honestly, even custom maps are pretty fun if you set it up right, and good campaigns may be few and far between, but it's so easy to make a simple one that's still really fun and has a bit of backstory with weapons and places built around it, that you may as well just make a few suited  specifically to your tastes.  And this is coming from someone who literally could not code to save his own families life! :'(Entombed may be incredibly linear in nature, but the job and race combinations, especially the unique ones like adventurer thief, fortune teller wanderer, trickster mage, half elf ranger assassin, half elf druid necromancer, and half orc barbarian fighter or fighter barbarian, really open up new possibilities within the game, and the level of randomization for weapons, enemies, and s
 ecrets doesn't hurt either.I would try not to focus on what you can't have as much, and look at the unexplored possibilities with what you do, is what I'm saying, basically, since otherwise your just going to be miserable for a not very good reason, all things considered... 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: game wish or looking for a type of game or something.

2016-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: game wish or looking for a type of game or something.

if @CAE_Jones manages to get a million dollars I'll score the soundtrack for free... Assuming firstly that he'll let me, and then that I can get my sticky little hands on more musical equipment and things owing to my, er, really bad situation right now.  Um, yeah, now I think of it, hardly anyone knows what I'm capable of... Hmmm, maybe I'll just, stick to writing for the time being.  I'll write like I'm capable of everything!  I have a million dollars for you, Cae!  I really do!  Never mind that I'm without a home and I don't even have my own bed to sleep in, or that I'm living with my in-laws right now, I really do!  Come and get it!You know what else I can do?  I can make games faster than the best of you!  I'm so capable, that I've pumped out one million titles over the past 1 million seconds and you don't know about them because they're so cool!  I'm also s
 ighted, I can fly, and I own a pet dragon I call Sparky.  It's a really bad joke, honestly, you see, he um, shot sparks at me this one time and... Oh, forget it.  I can't do anything!  Why me!  Just, whaaay!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: game wish or looking for a type of game or something.

2016-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Socheat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: game wish or looking for a type of game or something.

@cw, have you tried Legacy the audio adventure from BBC? I didn't see you're mentioned it in your topic, so, I'm asking you here.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: game wish or looking for a type of game or something.

2016-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: game wish or looking for a type of game or something.

TLDR: Hopefully Out of Sight Games is almost there. It sounds like they're pretty close, and I know for a fact that they have an immersive first person engine and sounds at the very least.==Get me a million dollars, and I'll get you an epic first person open world game that might be vaguely sorta something like comparable to Skyrim.The blind people who can do it don't have time or motivation. The sighted people who can do it and who would bother are already here inching their way in that direction.Basically, the mainstream projects of doom? Those are people's fulltime jobs. They don't need to put aside time motivation and funding separate from their bills-paying work. They establish a team and a concept, usually for a publisher with enough financial security to back them, with the expectation that the game will make enough money to cover the co
 st of development and still turn a profit.Am I saying you have to be part of a big, well-funded and well-managed team to make something truly epic? Absolutely not!Am I saying that the lack of those things brings the probability of success down from well above 50% to well below 25%? Oh, my, yes.It is certainly possible to have sufficient free time, skills, and motivation to overcome that enormous handycap. Then again, are there any small-team, low-to-no-budget, built-in-spare-time indie games that can hold a candle to--let's not use Skyrim or [[wow]], since they are huge outliers--The Legend of Zelda? I imagine I would have heard of at least one, if they were more than "super rare and obscure".It's hard. It takes lots of work and resources. Most people who can manage those aren't going to be aware of us.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

game wish or looking for a type of game or something.

2016-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : cw via Audiogames-reflector


game wish or looking for a type of game or something.

I don’t know what to put in the subject line of this topic. So, mods feel free to change it if needed. Anyway, I find myself wishing I could play games like: world of war craft, mine craft, mists, elder scrolls, monkey island, and ETC. I like the lord of the rings books, and I find the game of throne books partially interesting. It seems to me that the audio games out there don’t really fully meet all of my desires per say. I like TDV, but I only have it on my desktop and it looks like that game is no longer being sold. Swamp is OK, but has some bugs in it. Shades of doom is ok, but all that game seems to be a shoot them up kind of game. There is entombed, but that is a little buggy. Add to that, I kind of like exploring worlds via the first person perspective. Whenever I go into a game, I am not always looking to shoot up the place per say. The more I think about it, part of the fun is the journey. To me, the background music is a big part of the game. So, what about the muds you ask? I am not too sure of what would best me my requirements. SC is ok, and Miriani is clearly not among my favorites. I still have some mixed feelings about Prometheus. It does look interesting though. I played clok some and it seems so. Maybe I haven’t got far enough for it to be worth it. I also played Alter Aeon and found that I could stay with it to some degree. If I remember right, I even tried Discworld. I haven’t even got all that far in that mud. I even tried my hand at Fluxworld. I couldn’t seem to fully grasp that one. I guess that part of what I am looking for is something along the main stream as it were. Yes, there is a lot more games now that we can play than we used too. I am looking for something a little different, I guess. I am not too sure how to word this. Another thing that is worth noting, how many audio games have 5.1 surround sound? Not just that, how many really has good sound that is worth noting about? Speaking of sound, I would like to see games with adobe atmos. That would be interesting indeed. Anyway, hope this topic get people talking. LOL.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: game wish or looking for a type of game or something.

2016-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Trenton Goldshark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: game wish or looking for a type of game or something.

The day that Mine Craft becomes accessible, will be something truly historic. Though, who knows when that will be.Particularly Mincraft PE, the "Pocket Edition" for mobile devices.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: game wish or looking for a type of game or something.

2016-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: game wish or looking for a type of game or something.

TLDR: Hopefully Out of Sight Games is almost there. It sounds like they're pretty close, and I know for a fact that they have an immersive first person engine and sounds at the very least.[hr][/hr]Get me a million dollars, and I'll get you an epic first person open world game that might be vaguely sorta something like comparable to Skyrim.The blind people who can do it don't have time or motivation. The sighted people who can do it and who would bother are already here inching their way in that direction.Basically, the mainstream projects of doom? Those are people's fulltime jobs. They don't need to put aside time motivation and funding separate from their bills-paying work. They establish a team and a concept, usually for a publisher with enough financial security to back them, with the expectation that the game will make enough money to cover the cost of development and still turn a profit.Am I saying y
 ou have to be part of a big, well-funded and well-managed team to make something truly epic? Absolutely not!Am I saying that the lack of those things brings the probability of success down from well above 50% to well below 25%? Oh, my, yes.It is certainly possible to have sufficient free time, skills, and motivation to overcome that enormous handycap. Then again, are there any small-team, low-to-no-budget, built-in-spare-time indie games that can hold a candle to--let's not use Skyrim or [[wow]], since they are huge outliers--The Legend of Zelda? I imagine I would have heard of at least one, if they were more than "super rare and obscure".It's hard. It takes lots of work and resources. Most people who can manage those aren't going to be aware of us.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: game wish or looking for a type of game or something.

2016-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: game wish or looking for a type of game or something.

Precisely, and what's more, in the end, you practically can't get away from the fact that each and every single one of them ends up favoring a select preferential few who end up at the top and stay there, never to be knocked from their pedestals, never to be dethroned by anyone, which means newbies only get so far before they just, up and quit.  UTF?  I'm sorry, but what a friggin senseless imitation of a bureaucratic, nondemocratic  joke of an atempt to provide systematic safety policy for the universe it's supposed to defend, only marginally better than the so-called highguard whatever that thing ison Miri-acne, does it even exist?  it's an elitist organization that houses technology and weaponry people can only dream of getting their hands on if their applications are accepted, as if the real world doesn't have the possibility of military secrets being stolen.  What a wonderful little utopia full of unrealism.You kno
 w why terrorism exists in the real world?  Because people.  Do you know why crime exists in the real world?  Because people.  Mass murder, brutal homicide, genocide, theft, bribery, corruption, embezzlement, hacking and corporate high tech spying, espionage and sabotage, all because people.  You expect me to believe it never happens in your oh so righteous, holyer than thou secretive political organizations when it happens in the highest levels of the FBI?  The CIA?  The NSA?  The ATF?  The department of homeland security?  The UN?  the only way you can get it to stop is to get people out of the equation, at which point you may as well just make a game called robot wars.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: game wish or looking for a type of game or something.

2016-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: game wish or looking for a type of game or something.

I have those same exact specs, and every game I mentioned works just fine, the only ones I can't run that I want to are TJ and STFC.  Are you running a Macbook Pro with bootcamp? that's what I'm running...Yeah I did mean Sarah and the Castle of Witchcraft and Wizardry by the way, don't forget super Eric the Cleric, or Eric the Cleric 2, or what ever it is, either...  As to Entombed bugs, most of those are fixed in the latest version, there's only 1 that's really bad, which does have a fix but I can't remember what thread to find it in, and it barely ever comes up anyway. the rest are only minor inconveniences, and in a few cases there actually quite amusing, or even helpful!Nice call on Legacy, I forgot to mention that, even though it's short, it's still pretty fun, if not very fantasy based...I have a link for it here, courtesy of the Ultrocity-services abandonware archive, I was the one that uploaded this particular file, after getting it from someone else on the forum that very thoughtfully compiled it, and I included a nice little list with all the passcodes in there, just encase you forget any. … /legacy.7z


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: game wish or looking for a type of game or something.

2016-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: game wish or looking for a type of game or something.

(PSA: I still have no idea why Swamp maps made with the map editor started glitching after Swamp 3.1. I'll fix it if I figure out how. Also, Since lots of details about leveling, armor, etc changed wildly in every version since 2.8, this gives the more complex campaigns a moving target--I had one that started out dropping Hockey masks, then I changed it to include ball caps and winter coats and tattered vests, and now I'm just keeping multiple versions of everything, which will doubtless make things fun if I ever manage to get a hold of a good site for organizing campaigns. If not for the Ranger I'd consider making the custom bosses in Fyquest bulletproof.)I should probably add that, when I say this stuff is harder than it sounds, this is because I've been trying to do it for ~15 years at this point. The only example that sounds vaguely promising that isn't from the past two years died long ago for being based in IE6, so I can't really provide 
 recordings (Unless I made some that I forgot about... don't think I did.).And, well, none of those I can provide in-progress recordings of are going so well, either. Here's one that wound up using voxel stacks when I wanted way more precision; here's one that I deliberately coded horribly to try and push it farther. I'm not expecting to finish either of them any time soon. (When I first tried making something like the first example, it was 2004 and I was expecting I could have something closer to what I was imagining by 2010! By 2010, what I had was DBGU and the beginnings of Mario. I was kinda stupid and arrogant before 2008. Not that I am neither of those things now, but gah were they especially horrible then.)Sometimes, a loan hero can rise above the challenges and take the world by storm. Most of the time, it takes the Avengers and the Justice 
 League, rather than Spider-man and Superman.We need a hero, I'd rather not stand here an wait, but that's the American Way.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: game wish or looking for a type of game or something.

2016-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: game wish or looking for a type of game or something.

I have those same exact specs, and every game I mentioned works just fine, the only ones I can't run that I want to are TJ and STFC.  Are you running a Macbook Pro with bootcamp? that's what I'm running...Yeah I did mean Sarah and the Castle of Witchcraft and Wizardry by the way, don't forget super Eric the Cleric, or Eric the Cleric 2, or what ever it is, either...  As to Entombed bugs, most of those are fixed in the latest version, there's only 1 that's really bad, which does have a fix but I can't remember what thread to find it in, and it barely ever comes up anyway. the rest are only minor inconveniences, and in a few cases there actually quite amusing, or even helpful!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: game wish or looking for a type of game or something.

2016-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: game wish or looking for a type of game or something.

(PSA: I still have no idea why Swamp maps made with the map editor started glitching after Swamp 3.1. I'll fix it if I figure out how. Also, Since lots of details about leveling, armor, etc changed wildly in every version since 2.8, this gives the more complex campaigns a moving target--I had one that started out dropping Hockey masks, then I changed it to include ball caps and winter coats and tattered vests, and now I'm just keeping multiple versions of everything, which will doubtless make things fun if I ever manage to get a hold of a good site for organizing campaigns. If not for the Ranger I'd consider making the custom bosses in Fyquest bulletproof.)I should probably add that, when I say this stuff is harder than it sounds, this is because I've been trying to do it for ~15 years at this point. The only example that sounds vaguely promising that isn't from the past two years died long ago for being based in IE6, so I can't really provide 
 recordings (Unless I made some that I forgot about... don't think I did.).And, well, none of those I can provide in-progress recordings of are going so well, either. Here's one that wound up using voxel stacks when I wanted way more precision; here's one that I deliberately coded horribly to try and push it farther. I'm not expecting to finish either of them any time soon. (When I first tried making something like the first example, it was 2004 and I was expecting I could have something closer to what I was imagining by 2010! By 2010, what I had was DBGU and the beginnings of Mario. I was kinda stupid and arrogant before 2008. Not that I am neither of those things now, but gah were they especially horrible then.)Sometimes, a loan hero can rise above the challenges and take the world by storm. Most of the time, it takes the Avengers and the Justice 
 League, rather than Spider-man and Superman.We need a hero, I'd rather not stand here an wait, but that's the American Wy.


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