Re: melodyne studio. is it free?

2020-07-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: melodyne studio. is it free?

@18 OK, minus the triple negative and weird grammar which makes it difficult to know what is meant, I will say only that I did have something to say. If I had nothing to say, why would I post?


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Re: melodyne studio. is it free?

2020-07-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : DJEPIC via Audiogames-reflector


Re: melodyne studio. is it free?

@jack, Good point, I'm realizing how I could have phrased my comment better. I mean, I ask for accessibility stuff all the time, but I've also been on that list of people who just say to Google things. I switch randomly, probably because I realize what being new to technology feels like (because I still am in so many aspects), but I switch I think because I had to learn the roots of what I know today independently. Literally no one in my life knew accessibility enough to help me and answer my questions, let alone at all, so I think I can be a bit harsh sometimes, not because I think I am superior to others who knew about this forum before I did, but because I was pretty much forced to walk that journey alone.


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Re: melodyne studio. is it free?

2020-07-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: melodyne studio. is it free?

I see both sides of the just Google it issue. Melodyne is only world-renowned if you're in the audio production space, and even then that doesn't guarantee someone has used it. It seems like this guy's trying their hand at it, and you know what that is definitely ok. However, it does pay to ask a more constructive less obvious question. I.e. if he knew of Melodyne he could have easily found out that no, it is certainly not free, whereas it's accessibility solutions are far less obvious and certainly not in plain site unless you know where to look. If he was asking about it accessibility then asking him to just Google it would most definitely be unwarranted,. So, food for thought, maybe ask a question that isn't so obvious. Also, learn this now if you're oging into audio work, most of the good stuff is not free. That is not to say there isn't goo audio software out there that's free, but the more seasoned you are as a producer/editor the more stuff you'll run into that isn't free. So I'd either find a way to make even a semi-profession out of your audio work, or find another means of reliable income that you can rely on before getting serious about production work. This does not apply if you are doing fun projects just for the hell of it, but the Melodyne software is not designed with those projects in mind.


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Re: melodyne studio. is it free?

2020-07-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : manamon_player via Audiogames-reflector


Re: melodyne studio. is it free?

at8I can't understand why people can't literally don't comment when they haven't anything to say


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Re: melodyne studio. is it free?

2020-07-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Gaki_shonen via Audiogames-reflector


Re: melodyne studio. is it free?

well, as I thought, i'm a stupid asshole, that's needs to die, because i'm a useless fucking idiot.sorry to waste your time, then.thanks anyways, mutch appreciated


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Re: melodyne studio. is it free?

2020-07-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Gaki_shonen via Audiogames-reflector


Re: melodyne studio. is it free?

well, as I thought, i'm a stupid asshole.sorry to waste your time, then.thanks anyways, mutch appreciated


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Re: melodyne studio. is it free?

2020-07-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: melodyne studio. is it free?

@13 Bah! Come on already, you know that's not what was meant. People here don't want to do any of their own work on things, and when the work involves typing in a query and the result is within the top 5 results, I really can't feel any kind of sympathy for them. When we're talking about something with a learning curve, or if it's something that you may need to know certain things about to use it effectively, then I think most people won't mind helping. I certainly don't.This mentality is not just for here on this forum either. Go ask a question on stack overflow before searching and I promise you that you will not get an answer in your favor and it will probably be marked as a duplicate if it's already something that was asked on there. Some subreddits have rules like search the sub first before posting. A lot of bigger projects on github require that you search the issues before opening one of your own. So this is not just an thing.Especially regarding melodyne and whether or not it's free, that's a rather brain dead question which is easy searchable on google. So there is really no excuse for that except the OP was lazy.


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Re: melodyne studio. is it free?

2020-07-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : raven via Audiogames-reflector


Re: melodyne studio. is it free?

@3hereis Melodyne Studio, andhereis the page on the Addon you need to use with the software. I haven't linked the direct addon because there are some useful notes about the software on the page.@13I typed "is melodyne studio free" into google and found the following trial help pageas the first result, which had the link to download the software. Being unsure about the accessibility, I typed "melodyne accessibility" into google and the first two links lead me to the forum related to the nvda addon as well as the wiki page mentioned above.When people say 'just google it', they are in effect asking you to do at least *some* work. I'd like to extend the benefit of the doubt to everyone, that they have already spent significant time on solving their problem on their own before posting on the forum (the solution to  the problem, in most cases, literally being writing the title of the forum topic into google and then looking at the first page that pops up) but usually, I cannot.Equating simple questions like this to asking for accessibility guidance doesn't seem right. In that case, you're asking for information that only a few people have; in this specific case, the information that was asked for was publicly and *easily* available. In the accessibility case, the response to "just google it" would not be "you're all unhelpful jerks"; it would be "I googled it and I found nothing."Is "just google it" used as a rhetorical device by people who think they're smart to just ignore the question and show their superiority? yes, probably. Have I seen it used liked that here? in most cases, no, not really.


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Re: melodyne studio. is it free?

2020-07-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Gaki_shonen via Audiogames-reflector


Re: melodyne studio. is it free?

@13, +1


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Re: melodyne studio. is it free?

2020-07-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: melodyne studio. is it free?

I see both sides of this one.  For the record, I want to know more about this program, and I'm not above asking.  What I am above doing, however, is coming out here and asking, where I know the trollface answer is going to be a blanket "just google it."  To me, that showcases the difference between the ability to answer like a decent human being and being a knowledge hording elitist.  If you can point me to a post out here when I told someone to "just google it" I'll go ahead and take this back, but what kind of help do you honestly believe you're offering on a forum when you make such a trivial post?  How much of a heart does it take to even type those thre words?  Have you ever considered the mindlessness of it?  How many posts are there on this forum that more or lesss follow those guidelines and why is your post anymore unique than the last?  And why, oh why, is this useless and ever so idiotic mantra supposedly coming from all the smart kids not seen as a massive waste of space?And for the record, it's not like we're asking for an extensive article on the subject though we would appreciate it, partyicularly from an accessibility standpoint if you have the time, which it's obvious when you take the time to write "just google it" that you obviously don't.  Admitedly, when you take the time to write "just google it" I wonder how much time you actually do have given you were well equipped with that answer and practically seem to be begging for a post to come along where you can throw those words out as if you think you seriously assisted the parties involved.  Most articles out there are written from a sighted perspective and don't take accessibility into consideration, so it's not exactly easy to ascertain whether you should infer from "click on this" and  "scroll to that" and "when you see the fuzzy squiggly littte graphic with a hand moving bla bla bla" if in fact that means the software is accessible or not, or to what extent, or anything else other than that sighted peopler are obviously using it.  So we google it, and then, what, we have to install it and try it out?  And then if someone else comes along because we took the time to do it we can just say, "Just google it?"I've ranted on the other side of this discussion to some extent, but the difference here is, I believe, that there are people who are lazy, the one's who ask you for a piece of software that is free, widely known about and available for download; winamp and foobar come to mind, which I've been asked for.  And then, there's pieces of software like this one which I've only heard of in passing and have been curious about.  Will I ever bother to make more pointed inquiries?  I promise you that if I should desire to do so, I won't do it here.


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Re: melodyne studio. is it free?

2020-07-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Gaki_shonen via Audiogames-reflector


Re: melodyne studio. is it free?

Meaning?Also how do you log out on iOS.


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Re: melodyne studio. is it free?

2020-07-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : DJEPIC via Audiogames-reflector


Re: melodyne studio. is it free?

@Gaki_shonen, Oh, I'm sorry for expressing opinions.Someone said on here once:"Just because you don't like what someone does, that doesn't mean you don't like them."Or something to that affect.


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Re: melodyne studio. is it free?

2020-07-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Gaki_shonen via Audiogames-reflector


Re: melodyne studio. is it free?

YOU KNOW WHAT? NEVER MINED! even though I said I couldn't find it. NEVER! MINED!thanks @ 2. you actually did the answer the question.good by for ever.


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Re: melodyne studio. is it free?

2020-07-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : DJEPIC via Audiogames-reflector


Re: melodyne studio. is it free?

@ironcross32, True, true. It's just asking others to do the heavy lifting for you without payment or a reason to (unless they can go on the fact that they're helping someone else), but that doesn't always work and certainly doesn't apply to every person you might ever meet.


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Re: melodyne studio. is it free?

2020-07-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: melodyne studio. is it free?

I can't understand why people can't literally take five seconds to type something into Google. When you ask for a link, that's what the person does. I mean maybe if you're OCD as fuck, you have this huge list of links in a text file just lying around, but that doesn't apply to most people. Do your own work!Now, if you really did try to find it, then post here asking for a link, that's different. Some things are obscure and really difficult to pin down. Other than that, if you want it, go find it; quit being lazy.When I was a kid, we had to actually go into the library and check out books using the card catalog. You had to hope the book had the answers to your questions, or had something relevant to the research paper you were trying to write. I will never understand this mentality of getting other people to use Google for you. You literally have as much information as you can handle right at your fingertips. Yet, instead of using it, you want to get others to do that? Why? Why should other people do your work for you unless you're prepared to pay them. It's just sheer laziness. If you can't take five seconds to google it, well then you must not want it bad enough.


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Re: melodyne studio. is it free?

2020-07-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : manamon_player via Audiogames-reflector


Re: melodyne studio. is it free?

at6 thanksat5I realie hate those that come and say hey google it!so go google why i assked here insted googleing it


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Re: melodyne studio. is it free?

2020-07-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : DJEPIC via Audiogames-reflector


Re: melodyne studio. is it free?

@manamon_player, In a nutshell, these programs are fully-fledged editors to adjust how vocals sound, and tighten them up.


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Re: melodyne studio. is it free?

2020-07-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : omer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: melodyne studio. is it free?

google it btw google it


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Re: melodyne studio. is it free?

2020-07-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : manamon_player via Audiogames-reflector


Re: melodyne studio. is it free?

hi, whats this program about?


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Re: melodyne studio. is it free?

2020-07-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Gaki_shonen via Audiogames-reflector


Re: melodyne studio. is it free?

ok, thanks. another question, can you give me the link for the triles and the nvda addon? I tryed looking for it but I couldn't find anything.


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Re: melodyne studio. is it free?

2020-07-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : gamecreator via Audiogames-reflector


Re: melodyne studio. is it free?

No, it isn't. However i do believe you have trial versions


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melodyne studio. is it free?

2020-07-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Gaki_shonen via Audiogames-reflector


melodyne studio. is it free?

hi all! it's me, the stupid blinktard.I just wanna know if this program is free or not.thanks I guess


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