Re: resolve new windows10 on bootcamp need help with keys

2016-12-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : afrim via Audiogames-reflector


Re: resolve new windows10 on bootcamp need help with keys

I meant keyboard settings on Windows 10. They're not so deep. However you can use the search function which could turn up the wanted results


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Re: resolve new windows10 on bootcamp need help with keys

2016-12-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : grryfindore via Audiogames-reflector


Re: resolve new windows10 on bootcamp need help with keys

Come again?I don't quite get you.If you mean I had to add the English US apple keyboard from there? yes, and if you meant those settings are deep under, yes to that,too.grryf


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Re: resolve new windows10 on bootcamp need help with keys

2016-12-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : afrim via Audiogames-reflector


Re: resolve new windows10 on bootcamp need help with keys

Sorry, you mean keyboard settings on Windows 10?


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Re: resolve new windows10 on bootcamp need help with keys

2016-12-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : grryfindore via Audiogames-reflector


Re: resolve new windows10 on bootcamp need help with keys

Ahoy allSorry for the double post but...I am so happy I managed to fix it after all!Apparently Sharpkeys only works well or you might have issues with keyboards other than a us keyboard.I think I had a US QWERTY keyboard installedd since I write nothing but english read nothing but english,but since my location was india, it installed some wierd combination of us UK english plus indian english.So the Emglish keyboard was there,but it wasn't the US or if it was it wasn't the US apple english keyboard.I got an inkling of what might be the fuck up when I read apples article about setting keyboard layout where it says the right alt as some ctrl gr which I have no clue about. so that got me thinking maybe there was some keyboard stuff going on, and whether I actually had a proper keyboard I whent looking in windows switched to apple US keyboard,loaded the keys in sharpkeys restarted and here we are,with proper alt and win 
 keys.1 question to ms though,why the hell hide the keyboard settings so deep under?Oh well, just in case anyone else has this issue in the future.grryf


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Re: new windows10 on bootcamp need help with keys

2016-12-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : grryfindore via Audiogames-reflector


Re: new windows10 on bootcamp need help with keys

Ahoy thereThank you both SLJ and arqmeisterI know I have been a while replying to this topic but I was hoping that Someone might've encountered this issue before me,and might be able to provide assistance/suggestions, but looks like not.I guess I'll just! have to get used to the wierd layout of the windows and the alt key,but its a bloody havoc and plays some brainfuck with my mussel memory, (pardon my french)I'd go for the virtual option but I don't honestly have the cash to spend on fusion. on top of which I use windows so much that it seems rather redundant to have a virtual windos running all the time on mac using up additional resources and putting unnecessary strain/ running the machine through its paces for no reason and have the mac os sitting there all jealous of its sibling. But I personally think bootcamp as it is 
 now, despite being tipicle apple in the options it provides you with is far more eazy to setup than all the mucking about you have to do just to get a vm up and running, and arqmeister, I have installed windows 8.1 and 10 on this mbp and besides this keyboard malaki it has worked just fine.The strange thing is, Sharpkeys was able to work just fine on 8.1,and it worked fine when I upgraded to win10 although I had to reapply the keys,but its only after a clean install that its making me cry. And yes, SLJ I have deleted and applied the keys quite a few times.Sad as it is, I suppose I'll have to carry on.grryf


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: new windows10 on bootcamp need help with keys

2016-12-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : grryfindore via Audiogames-reflector


Re: new windows10 on bootcamp need help with keys

Ahoy thereThank you both SLJ and arqmeisterI know I have been a while replying to this topic but I was hoping that Someone might've encountered this issue before me,and might be able to provide assistance/suggestions, but looks like not.I guess I'll just! have to get used to the wierd layout of the windows and the alt key,but its a bloody havoc and plays some brainfuck with my mussel memory, (pardon my french)I'd go for the virtual option but I don't honestly have the cash to spend on fusion. on top of which I use windows so much that it seems rather redundant to have a virtual windos running all the time on mac using up additional resources and putting unnecessary strain/ running the machine through its paces for no reason and have the mac os sitting there all jealous of its sibling. But I personally think bootcamp as it is 
 now, despite being tipicle apple in the optiojns it provides you with is far more eazy to setup than all the mucking about you have to do just to get a vm up and running, and arqmeister, I have installed windows 8.1 and 10 on this mbp and besides this keyboard malaki it has worked just fine.The strange thing is, Sharpkeys was able to work just fine on 8.1,and it worked fine when I upgraded to win10 although I had to reapply the keys,but its only after a clean install that its making me cry. And yes, SLJ I have deleted and applied the keys quite a few times.Sad as it is, I suppose I'll have to carry on.grryf


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: new windows10 on bootcamp need help with keys

2016-12-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : arqmeister via Audiogames-reflector


Re: new windows10 on bootcamp need help with keys

Your luck you got that far in my experience. Last time i tryed to throw windows 10 on my 2015 macbook air, the drivers wouldn't even work properly. No sound, and various other problems, the internet didn't help either lol. Probably just use a virtual machine.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: new windows10 on bootcamp need help with keys

2016-12-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: new windows10 on bootcamp need help with keys

Hi.Sounds weird. Have you tried the following: Removed all the keys in sharp keys and then map the keys again? Have you somehow selected the right alt key instead of the left alt key? If it continues to give you trouble, I'll just recommend you to deal with it, and get used to the way the left alt and left windows keys are swapped. Personally I use a virtual machine because I find it easier to install and works great in my opinion when you have set it up.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

new windows10 on bootcamp need help with keys

2016-12-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : grryfindore via Audiogames-reflector


new windows10 on bootcamp need help with keys

Ahoy allYesterday to today has been nothing but a number of fuck ups 1 after the other that has me majorly anoyedRemember how I was talking about win10 being a tad bit slow on another topic? so I decided I might do a clean install later and updated my mac to sierra as creating the install media though I fucked up and selected bootcamp instead. so my win10 was whiped and I had to do a clean install sooner than I was planning to. This clean install seems to be even slower and much less smoother than the upgrade was, which is surprising.I have been having a number of issues but the major one is.Using sharp keys I was able to set my alt and win/cmd key to behave as they would on a normal pc before ,since bootcamp for some fucking reason has this wierd setup of win after space then alt and then ctrl.So I did the same on this clean install, or at least I tried to.Everything goes well,but when ever I press the left alt key it seems to fucking think that I am pressing the alt plus ctrl together so alt tab becomes ctrl alt tab and so key remaps just fine though, that is pressing win that's the alt in reality starts up start menuI have also tried autohotkey but my god it was bloody was maybe something I did wrong,but if you hold down alt tab or something, it couldn't seem to decide on which was the alt and which was win. it also had alt stuck when I wasn't holding it so up arrow would produce alt up arrow.Is there anything I can do to fix this?Either in sharp keys,autohot key, or anything else?Here is what I doin sharpkeys to set win as alt and alt as win. this articlespecificly Click the Add button. Scroll down in the left column and select “Special: Left Alt.” Next, click the “Type Key” button under “To key” onthe right. Press the Command key at the right side of your keyboard and then click OK.Next, click the Add button again. Click “Type Key” under the “From key” column on the left. Press the left Command key. Scroll down in the “To key” columnon the right and select “Special: Right Alt.” Click OK and click “Write to Registry.”instead of pressing the keys I just go down the list and choose the equivalent special key.Any ideas /suggestions would really be welcome at this point. since I'm just feeling like breaking stuff.grryf


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