Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

jimmy69 wrote:It was a pile of dog shit. The thing was a mess, and you stated the same yourself. So don’t come in here on a high horse acting like you’re offended or anything, because you know as well as any of us that it was a mess when you released it...You were saying?


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Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Sovs via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

I am very sorry Jayde. I fucked up. I red those posts yesterday and somehow either missed or forgot Jimmys post. My apologies.


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Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : TheTrueSwampGamer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

Yeah, he did say that, and I did too so don't blame only him for it because that point, thats kind of dumb. I  know jayde didn't but still, before yous tate something like XYZ didn't say 123, go read post ABC456. Honestly, i could of worded it  abit better, my issues with bloodbath that is. Haily, if you didn't sell the rights to Ivan then I would kind of feel bad for what I said by the sarcastic and sad undertone of your post, but seeing as you couldn't at this point, not as much. Don't take that as I don't care about your feelings, because even though i don't know you personally we've talked a select number of times in multiple different ways, but thats besides the point. I do respect you, no matter who  you are or what you want to be, thats something that i stand up for greatly myself. But anywa, let me word my bloodbath post a little bit better.Bloodbath, by definition, wasn an fps. It was good to have something back that was a playable fps that wouldn't be considered a cloan at first sight, and shot down. However, with all of the server switching, data loss, main server lag, and some of the hoops per player that had to jump through like only using the shotgun or knife and not smg's (there were 2 of those by the way, the regular machinegun and the microSMG), turning off beacons wich isn't a huge problem because, well, tracking, etc. The game had good ideas, but i feel just wasn't brought out propperly. If you had a good servver to start, or maybe asked Ivan for hosting sense he was helping on the project and seemed to have a very good if not highly decent server for it whenever he fully had the rites to do with as he pleased, it might of been better, lasted longer, and had a higher player base to get ideas from, get balancing issues from, etc.


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Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

TheTrueSwampGamer started it, but Jimmy69 was the one who doubled down and continued it. This is not a matter of personal views; it's a matter of recorded fact. Just go back and reread his last few posts to see what I'm talking about.


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Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Sovs via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

You accused Jimmy of calling bloodbath a pile of dogshit. That is simply not true. Period.


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Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Sovs via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

Jayde. Seriously? It was not even Jimmy who said that. What the hell dude. Honestly I think it is you who have something against Jimmy at this point.


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Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Simter via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

@200i don't see flames, neither attacks. The only thing that is beeing done is telling the cold facts. Would make me hmm a bit more if this topic now gets closed. Like the one where i criticed you and directly get deformed and topic closed, get your personal views outa here please.


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Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

Moderation:I'm half an ugly post away from locking this thread. So I'm going to say some stuff and then stand back to see what you folks do.First, no one is currently being issued any form of punishment, but I reserve the right to change that if this continues being antagonistic. Chill out, folks.Next, I think Connor nailed the FPS definition. When you hear sounds move around you, and you're able to turn and have those sounds turn with you, you are in essence enjoying a first-person view. Shades of Doom is a first-person shooter; I have never played one for the sighted, but I'm well-acquainted with sighted games and how they function. Swamp is also a first-person shooter. If Redspot plays in a very similar way to either of these titles, it is a first-person shooter. That's the end of that particular story.Next, I'm gonna hit on the Bloodbath stuff. This is sort of incidental...but for the love of god can we please not see drama sprout from nowhere? Haily, your response in here was not necessary. Jimmy69, neither was yours. You're treading close to the line by calling something Haily tried to make a pile of dogshit; it's not quite a personal attack but it's getting close, and I have a good memory...I haven't forgotten the way you used to antagonize her. Hell, you were doing it a bit in here. If anyone is close to a warning, it's you. Please be careful. Haily, by the same token, please do not incite him further. I think it's fair to say that Bloodbath did have plenty of issues, and some of those are definitely on you (or were at the time, anyway). However, the issue regarding your gender was not your fault and never was. I'm still ashamed at the community's reaction about that; it was needless and hostile, so I suspect that's part of what's got your back up. My advice is to back away from it to some extent; if me telling you that makes you bristle, all I can say is that it's done and over with, and there's really not a whole lot anybody can do about the past.I also want to chip in real quick and say that all this crying and polling and wheedling about "im bored pls release redspot sourcecode kthxbai" is extremely disrespectful to Sam. Sam made very clear that he doesn't want to do this. As was stated by another user, a poll is a more organized tool to try and get something to happen. There are times when polls and other pressures are great; if you want your government to overturn an abortion law, or want them to more fairly tax the rich, poll or protest or demonstrate to your heart's content. But when a community member experiences mental health problems and decides to discontinue a project he can't handle in its current state, please respect his wishes and let him just be done with that iteration of his product. To do otherwise is actually a stunning example of selfishness.Now, with that said, I want you folks to ease up the hostility a bit. If it gets calmer again, the thread can stay open, but if I see more shots fired, I'm locking it.


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Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : giorgi elbaqidze via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

if ya want truth this topic grew into drama.


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Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : connor142 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

@197 is right. Sam has left this forum, but he's still somewhat active in some community circles. I won't say where, though most people who play similar games to the ones I play will know what places I'm talking about.


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Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Simter via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

@195but he still goes arrount on tt sometimes and i am sure he has friends that will tell him about this. He never responds to any thing but that already was the case before he left.


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Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jimmy69 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

Um, I didn’t say any of that in my post. Unless you hit six instead of seven? LOL


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Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Vazbol via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

At 186, the very nature of this topic and the poll is an attempt to force Sam to do something.  Petitions are tools used to pressure someone to act due to popular opinion. Though one has the option to say no to whatever it replies, there are risks to doing that and angerring said number of voters/signers and the people observing. You are not directly forcing someone to do something with an opinion poll or a petition, but are forcing them through peer pressure to act. From what I'm reading, Sam doesn't even know such a poll exists, and will most likely be unpleasantly surprised if there's a bunch of people who say they want it back after he said what he had to say.  The fact this topic even exists suggests people do not respect Sam's opinion and ownership rights to take down the game and keep it under wraps. They also didn't respect Sam to ask if they could put a poll like this up to see if he might agree to do something if there's positive reception to bringing a form of the game back. More so to dump this onto him once votes are in and see if an opinion leverage might force his hand.    I would be pissed if someone pulled this stunt off on me after I already gave an answer for a product I own and created. I made the decision to take it off the market. If someone approaches me and gives this suggestion to have a vote upon it, I may or may not entertain the reply and things can stop or go from there. If someone decided to show me a poll that so and so many people want my product back and should consider making them happy (wink, wink), I might come back to go on an unholy rant on the forums and leave again.


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Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jaidon Of the Caribbean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

This is becoming so tiresome.I'm rooting for you guys to at least get a small replacement though...


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Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : an idiot via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

@simter, Why would he be reading this forum? Just, why? You obviously don’t remember much about the reason why he left. Just go back and reread all the posts he wrote in his last topic. Because they make it pretty clear why there is no reason he would still be reading this forum, much less deal with a request to open source a game that caused problem after problem in it's last state.


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Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : an idiot via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

@simter, Why would he be reading this forum? Just, why? You obviously don’t remember much about the reason why he left. Just go back and reread all the posts he wrote in his last topic. Then come back and tell us after all of that, he would still be reading the forum. Because I some how think he has not since then.


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Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : nidza07 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

haily_merry wrote:Oh sure, bloodbath caused drama, but not because of the code, because of how we handled it. Thanks for the kind words there TrueSwampGamer, really motivates me to bother getting the thing into a playable state.Perhaps you should think about that before, you know, selling the game? Because right now the only one who can bother with it is Ivan.


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Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jimmy69 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

At 1:87, I was referring to Haley. And at Haley, just because I haven’t made A game, means absolutely nothing. This is something I don’t think you’ve ever understood. You don’t have to be a master in the field to be able to criticize something. It’s honestly one of your biggest faults. Just because I’m not a five star chef, doesn’t mean I still can’t see that the food at a restaurant is terrible. I really hope one day you understand this


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Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Simter via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

@189 exactly, that was what i wondered about too. Also, he only left hisi account and changed his pw to random scrambled. Noone can tell if he is reading.


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Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : connor142 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

@184 funny you should say that, because I distinctly remember Ivan saying you had left the rights to the bloodbath code and all of its other assets to him. So even if 181 hadn't said what they said, you wouldn't be in a position to update the game.@187 sorry to be a party pooper here, but I doubt Sam will ever read this. He left the forum entirely, not even responding to stw questions or similar things. AS for Carter, the only reason he'd want to read this topic would be for moderation purposes, but I'm sure he's delligated that responsibility to Jayde.


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Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : haily_merry via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

Would love to see you make something better, Jimmy.


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Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Simter via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

@185 and again the almighty repeat button. We are not forcing him to do any thing, but who knows maybe he is reading this right now?@186 i think ya mean bloodbath, don't ya?


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Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jimmy69 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

It was a pile of dog shit. The thing was a mess, and you stated the same yourself. So don’t come in here on a high horse acting like you’re offended or anything, because you know as well as any of us that it was a mess when you released it


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Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Vazbol via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

*confused beholder Sounds*    Thing is, isn't this all pointless if Samtuppy refuses to release anything? I really doubt a petition from a group of people he's trying to avoid will accomplish much, other than to maybe hide his online presence a bit more. From what I can tell, you're demanding Sam to re-release Red Spot against his wishes to keep the thing down, and maybe still having the rewrite somewhere. the only thing release the thing will just:    1. A bad representation of the game he wants to release if the rewrite hasn't been dropped. Redspot was in a really odd spot after stacking so many features, only very few people had fun with the thing, while the rest were driven away/stuck to the melee arena.  2. Despite not wanting to work on this version anymore, the complaints about overpowered teams gathering resources, and places being locked down by a team will flood Sam's e-mail. Well if he gave this back, he can still fix it! He's only saying he doesn't want to work on this anymore, he doesn't mean it!  3. He has to spend time to setting up server components for people to have their own servers. A feature that just means every darn team will probably have their own server where they're king, and an admin that'll zap anyone threatening them. More complaints to Sam who doesn't want to deal with this.  Anyway, I thought Sam's good bye thread should give enough clues on why he probably doesn't want to open the can of worms known as Red Spot. STW did not generate as much drama as Red Spot (even if it has its own issues, but far more tame).   Let the developer maintain ownership of his product and respect the decision to keep it closed. If you really want it back, try actually reaching out to him for the possibility of purchasing ownership, or trying to get an update on the rewrite. If no response is gotten from that, I doubt a pole will get a response if he's not reaching out to you for the first e-mail.


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Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : haily_merry via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

Oh sure, bloodbath caused drama, but not because of the code, because of how we handled it. Thanks for the kind words there TrueSwampGamer, really motivates me to bother getting the thing into a playable state.


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Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : thetechguy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

@181. Fair enough.@182. You said in post 178 that if you coded an FPS game it will cause drama. That's what I dont get.


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Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Simter via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

@180 what is not a klone?


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Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : TheTrueSwampGamer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

@180 there was no drama for bloodbath to cause, it started as   a laggy pile of unplayable dog shit, then it was down for month or so, then when it came back no one but like 5 totaly people ever played it, so...


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Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : thetechguy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

@178. At least it is not a clone. Did blood bath cause drama? Not really.


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Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : connor142 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

That's exactly what I mean @175 and @176. You claim to have played oh so many shooters back when you were still sighted, you claim to know exactly why they are fps games and why rs isn't, you say that you're tired of talking about it because we just won't get it. Of course we won't fucking get it if you don't explain yourself. Instead of going on and on about your mainstream gaming experience, and still! comparing swamp to rs when I've already outlined that swamp's and rs's movement systems work the very same way minus the z coordinate, how about you tell me why! rs isn't what we say it is?Here, I'll make it super easy for you. This is the definition for the genre that's shown on the wikipedia article about first person shooters. This was taken from an article rated as "good" so it is far more trustworthy than many other wikipedia articles.First-person shooters are a type of shooter game, featuring a first-person point of view with which the player sees the action through the eyes of the player character. They are unlike third-person shooters, in which the player can see (usually from behind) the character they are controlling. The primary design element is combat, mainly involving firearms.Now, let's compare this to rs shall we!shooter? Check. The player sees the action through the eyes (Ears in rs's case) of the player? Check. No 3rd person perspective? Check. Combat and ranged weaponry as the primary design element? Check.Where, in this aentire definition, does it say that things like coordinate grids to keep track of where the player is make a game not an fps anymore? And where the fucking fuck god damn it is this different from swamp! I could run the entire same checks I did with rs through Swamp and I'd get the same result in all categories. Now either give me a plausible reason why I've been wrong and you've been right all this time, or stop acting like little kids that can't admit when an argument has run its course and get out of here.


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Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Simter via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

@174the thing is, where are we now when we have to hesitate about every thing because it could start drama? Every thing can start drama so technically we would just be able to sit here, breathe, eat, o no that could cause drama because people think we have more then them.


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Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : stasp via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

@175 Well people who dont know what open source precisely means wil do exactly what you sayd, no doupth. However, people who want RS open sourced do know that forks on open source projects aren't clones. There are kids who wil rant about everything, so the best thing to do is just ignore them and go on. What i mean by this is if RS would indeed be open, kids would scream "Oh fuck clone die get out of here we dont want you fuck of die die die you mother fuckas!" and that's to ignore.I fully understand some people dont want redspot back, and i am not a kind of a person that wants it back asap and nownownownwow, however messing around with the new code legally would be interesting.And once again, FORKS ARE NOT CLONES!!


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Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : smoothgunner via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

for one sam already stated he will not open source rs, again the game is being upgraded. and for the record rs is not(all caps) a fpslastly while you all are itching for rs to return, play swamp in the mean time, its actually a better game in my opinion, and guess what folks, its a first person shooter


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Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ZK via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

3well, considering i used to have sight and know exactly what an FPS is as i played enough back in the day including the origional FPS Doom, i think i know what i'm talking about, but there's no point in arguing as you just don't get it, i never said anything about the aiming either, i said about the movement,and yes i did play redspot on quite a few occaisions.ya know what just keep on going on an on how much u want RS back, or even better get the dev to open source it, then in a few weeks we can see you all complaining when 10 'new' shooter games come out and you all sit there going oh here we go again another clone!


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Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : connor142 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

+1 to @170. I will not let someone come in here and spout lies about rs because back in its day, it was definitely my favorite game. Especially not someone who obviously hasn't taken the time to play it and educate themselves. But I know full well that the bgt rs isn't coming back, and we're better off for it. This is what people like Simter have to still learn unfortunately. Face facts. If Sam or someone else puts up a version, even an open source version with custom server support, there's going to be lots of drama which will either come to Sam who doesn't want to deal with it, or it'll spill over to here which will make the forum look even worse. I remember times when there were no less than three rs drama topics right up in ggd within the first 10 or so topics on page 1. We don't need that again. I don't know how much hope to place in a python rewrite by Sam and Carter. I have the sneaking suspicion that this was said to pacify the louder members of the rs community that wanted their game back. Even if they rewrite it, how are they going to post it here? Sam left, and I don't know how willing Carter is to be a punching bad for the inevitable drama queens, greefers and trolls that will result out of a competitive fps on here. However, anyone who has the desire to come up with an fps of their own (not in bgt mind you)and gets that project off the ground, will have my full support. Make it happen.


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Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : thetechguy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

@172. read my post again. The time you spend arguing about a dead game is time better spent coding a better FPS that can learn from Red spot's mistakes. Why cant you guys accept that the game is gone?


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Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : stasp via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

For anyone that just says stop arguing redspot is not coming back diediediediediediediediediedie!Its just a thread with our opinions on wether it should be back or not, so can you just stop pressing as simter sayd repeat button and move on with your lives?You are literally spamming the topic with posts we havce seen before, so why bother to post more of the same shit over and over?As i sayd, we share our different point of wiew here, so there's no need for posts such as "Let it die!" "Close the topic or i wil smashshshshshshshshshshssh!"


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Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : stasp via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

For anyone that just says stop arguing redspot is not coming back diediediediediediediediediedie!Its just a thread with our opinions on wether it should be back or not, so can you just pressing as simter sayd repeat button and move on with your lives?You are literally spamming the topic with posts we havce seen before, so why bother to post more of the same shit over and over?As i sayd, we share our different point of wiew here, so there's no need for posts such as "Let it die!" "Close the topic or i wil smashshshshshshshshshshssh!"


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Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : rings2006 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

170 yes just yes


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Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : thetechguy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

For the people who want RS back, why dont you create a better FPS then? Seriously, the time spent arguing your points is better spent coding a better FPS if you want it so badly.


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Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : nidza07 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

Now, after you vote on a random poll created by a user called guest, everything will change, and the game you wanted will come back right away.


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Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : TheTrueSwampGamer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

i mean i think that neither of those statements matter. Peopel don't have to post every week, hell if i watned to i could go just read teh psots on this topic or entire forum and not post for a month, and that wouldn't mean i'm dead. I'm sure you wouldn't give two shits if I left, died, never responded again anyway, well at least for some of you at least, but meh. carter has never to my knowledge made any statement in these kinds of topics unless its giving out a warning and doing his job as a mod.


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Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Simter via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

@166true but his view at this point would be interesting. Also i was refering more too that he has posted nothing at all in a week.


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Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : an idiot via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

I’ve never seen him post on any of these topics. Make of that what you will.


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Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Simter via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

@164 when we talk about it that reminds me to put my bgt mirror back up. Dirty provoke i know but i just had to. Also if youu now try to say that rs should not be open sourced because we are in the bgt zone then, yeah. Ya know what? Knowing bgt helped me with learning python. Because bgt is similar to js  and some basics also are not changing in py. And now since we turned this topic into a wrong direction, back to the topic. What happened to carter by the way? Not only he has said nothing to this but he has like posted nothing for a whole week now.


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Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : an idiot via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

@simter, I should have said continue. Continuous cycle that’s been going on for years. You are correct in the regard that it was never over. But I think bgt can die if we just let it. We don't need bgt any more. People learned how to code before it came along and they can learn how to code after.


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Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : an idiot via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

@simter, you are correct there, I got years mixed up, although I was there the day it went down. As for the it's in bgt card, it had potential, and I wish it still did. But if you read the take down message, it states that they wanted to recode it in a different language. Weather that was just a small part of why it whent down, I don't know, but the message was clear. Bgt is a dieing language, and we are refusing to see that the future is coming weather we like it or not. To open source redspot will just repeat a cycle that this community has been going through for years. And quite honestly I'm getting really fucking tired of it. If someone is going to make a new redspot, with a name change hopefully, why the hell should they make it in bgt?


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Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Simter via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

@162 and a cycle that will probably only end then if either someone manages to rewrite bgt or if bgt doesn't work anymore. This cycle has never ended so open sourcing rs wouldn't resume it because it was never over.


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Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : an idiot via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

@simter, you are correct there, I got years mixed up, although I was there the day it went down. As for the it's in bgt card, it had potential, and I wish it still did. But if you read the take down message, it states that they wanted to recode it in a different language. Weather that was just a small part of why it whent down, I don't know, but the message was clear. Bgt is a dieing language, and we are refusing to see that the future is coming weather we like it or not. To open source redspot will just repeat a cycle that this community has been going through for years.


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Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : an idiot via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

Simter, like it or not, what many of us are saying is true. You may not care that redspot is coded in bgt. But it is, and in some form, that will come back to fuck it over some time down the rode. What you want won't change facts. What I want won't change facts. If redspot came back, I would play it, because I didn't even bother with bases and what not. But it's not coming back, and no amount of asking will make it. Two years and just under 10 months is some time. Oh and by the way, q turned left, e turned right. In 360 degrees. Fps, dumbasses. Do your fucking homework once in a wile.


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Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Simter via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

@160 and now pull the it'sinBGT cart again. Still it was good for what it was and still has potential. Also keep your own facts together please, it was shut down in august2018. 2years du.


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Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : an idiot via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

Simter, like it or not, what many of us are saying is true. You may not care that redspot is coded in bgt. But it is, and in some form, that will come back to burn it or limit it some time down the rode. What you want won't change facts. What I want won't change back. If redspot came back, I would play it, because I didn't even bother with bases and what not. But it's not coming back, and no amount of asking will make it. Two years and just under 10 months is some time.Oh and by the way, q turned left, e turned right. In 360 degrees. Fps, dumbasses. Do your fucking homework once in a wile.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : an idiot via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

Simter, like it or not, what many of us are saying is true. You may not care that redspot is coded in bgt. But it is, and in some form, that will come back to burn it or limit it some time down the rode at some point. Oh and by the way, q turned left, e turned right. In 360 degrees. Fps, dumbasses. Do your fucking homework once in a wile.


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Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Simter via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

@158 funfact, it generally seams like a lot of these guys that complain about rs never played it them selves, funny actually. And about the repeating of not an fps, also a thing that happens so often on this topic, the all mighty repeat button. Me or another user busts an argument and another comes and sais the exact same thing again.


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Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : connor142 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

Posts like #149 and #153 just prove that those who say rs wasn't an fps have absolutely no clue what they're talking about. Firstly, @153. Your post tells me you haven't even played rs. If you did, you would know that rs had allowed freeform movement anywhere within the 360 degree angle, with you being able to turn towards players and shoot at them at your leisure. What you described was a top down shooter where you had to use strafing to line up with enemies, similar to early versions of Ultrapower or undead assault. Yes this was also possible in rs, but it was definitely not practical, and the only way to survive was to use the distinctly fps style movement I outlined above. Now to you ZK. I would take #149 a bit more seriously if you actually knew what games you were comparing rs to. What didn't rs do that swamp does? 360 degree turning? Check. Focus always remains at player? Check. Proper turning system with ability to turn in full circles and start walking in any direction? Check. Ability to move up and down simultaneously to moving on the 2d plain in some cases? Oh wait, I forgot. Only rs does that, so it's not just first person, it's 3d first person. On top of that, Swamp has exactly the same system of keeping track of the player's location. That's right, the horrible thing you call "a grid." Go open up swamp and press shift+v, and be humbled by being exposed to the horrors of... grid based movement! nooo!Concerning GTA. GTA V is not by default a first person game. The option to turn first person mode is there ,but usually that is off. Please take the time to properly inform yourself of what you're talking about before you come in here and spue your lies.Finally, @157. Do please enlighten us. I really want to know what personally defines an fps for you, because you're currently doing a spectacular job of shouting "not an fps! not an fps!" over and over again without telling anyone why. I pretty much destroyed the one argument above you keep touting, which is the grid based movement thing. Other than that, you've taken no time at all to explain yourself.


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Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ZK via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

seriously you just don't get what an FPS truely means, so what's the point in even trying to get you to understand the meaning of FPS?


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Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Simter via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

@155 if rs was still arround i would say what about trying to press q or e.


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Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ZK via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

I know  what an FPS is, and RS is not an FPS,  FPS stands for first person shooter, where as ppl have said swamp and shades of doom are FPS, due to the way you move and the way the view would be if it was a sighted game, however the movement in  RS shows that it's not an FPS, as your movement is limited to a grid style of movement


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Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Simter via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

@153 as far as i remember you could turn in rs, never did it though.


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Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : NightCraller302 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

151, because of reasons that have already been said in this forum topic. In a true fps your able to turn freely where as in redspot your only abel to aim by moving to a certain place that alines with a target. A true fps means that you can stand anywhere, and turn any direction to aim as well as being able to stand in one spot and turn a full 360 degrees with either the arro keys, or the mouse


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Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Simter via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

sorry for double posting but it seams likkke this one came up while i was writing my last post.@150creative but still bad example. Reviving dead persons is not possible, reviving programs is. Also it's your opinion in mine and the opinions of other people here it shouldn't stay dead, cause in the last 2 yearas we had nothing in the least comparable to it. Especially the lot of weapons, the arena play, the combos, the fact that you needed no account and i could go on for so long.


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Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : omer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

leave this game alone dam ithow do you feel if i dig up your grandfather's grantmother's grave to try and revive her, you probably be pissed, mhm maybe not the greatest example out there butceriously leave this game alone, its dead and should stay day, and creating a poll is worthless bythe way


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Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Simter via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

@148and again this repeat button. The only thing you say it is ok because it is old. That is your opinion, but not the opinion of other people, besides, just saying every thing ends one day is not so good as well. Imargine if this forum went down and there was the slightest chance to bring it back. I don't think you would say every thing must end one day.@149 and why isn't rs an fps then?


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Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : omer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

leave this game alone dam it


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Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : NightCraller302 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

To those who are saying that redspot is an fps, you guys need to relearn what fps means. Swamp is an fps, redspot is not, GTAV is an fps, redspot is not, doom2 is an fps, redspot is not, and I also agree that redspot at this point should remain dead, but whether Sam decides to bring it back or not is his decision. For those who want a redspot game this badly, my suggestion for you would be to learn how to code properly and make one. The reason that nothing new has come out in a while is because every time someone tries to, everyone jumps all over them. Yes some of the games were clones, but there are some I've seen on this forum that had potential, and still got majorly hammered because it was to much like another game.


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Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : an idiot via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

Redspot is holding us back. We are here, arguing about how an outdated game in an outdated coding language should be open sourced. I loved redspot. I was once adicted to redspot, yes I know. But every thing has an end. Because of its current issues, I somehow doubt that it would be able to succeed on a larger scale. Just face it. It's done. And no amount of arguing about how it should be open source is going to bring it back. Quite frankly, I wish someone would go and make something better, something to last, something more powerfull in the respect that it could handle a large player base and not become a pile of lag. But so few people have the time or motivation to undertake such a thing, and thus, here we are, arguing about a dead game, once more.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : an idiot via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

Redspot is holding us back. We are here, arguing about how an outdated game in an outdated coding language should be open sourced. I loved redspot. I was once adicted to redspot, yes I know. But every thing has an end. Because of its current issues, I somehow doubt that it would be able to succeed on a larger scale. Just face it. It's done. And no amount of arguing about how it should be open source is going to bring it back. Quite frankly, I wish someone would go and make something better, something to last, something more powerfull in the respect that it could handle a large player base and not become a pile of lag. But so few people have the time or motivation to undertake such a thing, and thus, here we are, arguing about a dead game.


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Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Simter via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

@146 first who misses forks? Second we can still try to convince this individual.


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Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : pool via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

ah well, keep making up valid points, keep proving why/how/when? rs should be open sourced, ya know what? the project is entirely of an indivisual, nun of you have contributed to it. so it's entirely up to him weather to open source it or not, and most likely it'll not happen. so good luck I guess?we all mis red spot, we all mis skype 7, fire fight, and what not, can we bring them back? no, but we can surely nock them out by finding a better sollution, I love discord more than skype 7. still waiting for a better fps to rol out and learning a new language, hopefully I'll be able to use it to pulll up my dream project. so yeah, if we really want an fps, we can use our knowledge and colaberate, however, that is sword a too much to expect, but, if you find the right people with required knowledge and  positive intentions, ( good luck with that as well), you can pull it off.


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Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Simter via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

@144 and what is it for a type of shoter then? A, hemm, first person shooter? Please understand what fps means stands for and then come again.


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Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ZK via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

I'ts not an FPS, end of story, there is no freedom of movement like was stated, so just give it up already, it's a shooiter, not an FPS


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Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Simter via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

@140 i couldn't have said it better.@141 sorry but how many times you want to press the repeat button?@142 i aggree regarding klones. How ever if something is open sourced you can not so much call it klone any more because that is then completely legitimate. If it's nice is the other question, but that is allowed. Even when i made my zombie arena fork i was pointing out that i was building on a game that was not mine, but how ever there are unfortunately people that are to dumm, atention seaking what ever to do that. How ever i don'tt aggree about the point with rs. Jaide himself said he has not played rs, he is basically just saying his impressions. That's his good right how ever if some players that never playd rs come in and say it was bad ballanced just because some childs, like me unfortunately, couldn't stand loosing against other players?


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Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : superb via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

I agree with most of the dissenters on here. I think if any FPS is to rise from this, the developer of said FPS should analyze carefully in which Red Spot, succeeded, but more importantly, the ways in which it failed. I also think polling the community (and the feedback of major gamers like Jayde and others is invaluble), could make an even better FPS than Red Spot ever was at the height of its greatness.Also, I am not a believer in the creation of clones. I think that any developer who makes a clone without paying respect to the original developer of the project is displaying laziness, disrespect for the community as a whole, and disrespect for anyone who dedicates a significant amount of time to developing a project.I know my criticisms of those who develop clones was harsh indeed, but until I hear some good, hard reasons why clones are acceptable in any community, that is my view on this topic.


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Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : giorgi elbaqidze via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

ok, this grew in to drama but i will say only one thing:Just why you not forgeting this game and why you are not starting new, brand new game, better than redspot, firefight?If developer does not want to bring this game back why you creating bilions of topics like this?just start from 0% and create brandnew balanced fps stile game.I am sure if sam releases redspot source, this game will spred into thousands of clones and new almighty drama will create.


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Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : stasp via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

Ok, time for the all mighty stasp to step in.Since some of you know, i am a big fan of open source.Do i agree on the fact that redspot should be open sourced?Yes.Do i thing that if redspot would be opensourced would people make clones?No.Do i want ultrapower open sourced?Yes lmfao sory had to do it.He could for example rename the game to openrspod or something and give it out on github or something for people to fork.And now ya all wil be like shit how dare you say we wont have redspot clones how dare you kick ban goffer waffle!Indeed, we wont have clones, we wil have legitimately made forks that exist and may or may not sink down.I made these two projects here. isn't my project but as my github description says i am trying to revive it.Did i clone manjaro and got bashed in the manjaro forum for cloaoaoaninoning theyr OS? Nope, because i just made a custom iso. I even got some thumpups from the team members, maybe even manjaro team them selves.If something like openrspod would come out, people would make legit forks people may like or may just forget.Personaly i was an audio game cloner my self. I stil have a few sources that i host some times for friends and such, but i'm never going to say release that here or try to make another pointless up clone.But if my fictional projects that is openrspod and openup would come out, we would be able to distribute them even here and just have some fun with our friends without feeling guilty we are just having a source code that's stole from our favourite dev.


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Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

The only bit of technical argument that RS is not a first-person shooter is that if you just walk around on a grid, and don't have to turn manually or whatnot, then it's not truly first-person. However, if it's free-form movement like AHC, Shades of Doom or whatnot, it's an FPS.Either way, it's a shooter. The distinction is silly. You go in, you shoot people, they shoot you back. You build bases, and you hope you can blow up other bases before yours gets destroyed. It's basically like many other co-op war-style games without the polish, balance and solid PVP mechanics. Everything it did, it did badly at first, and only slowly improved upon. As I said, I just think a new game needs to do the whole thing better.


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Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : connor142 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

@133 stop saying rs isn't an fps when you've been clearly proven wrong in the past. I and others have consistently thrown all of your arguments out the window. None of those reinforce your claim of rs not being an fps game.


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Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Aarush via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

jayde has made his views quite clear with vallid arguements with what i can see...I dont know how you're calling him out for being vague and just expressing his wishes and nothign else, as he stated a perfectly exceptable(and personally agreeable) reason behind each one of them. Plus, its not just me who can see that.


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Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Aarush via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

jade has made his views quite clear with vallid arguements with what i can see...Afterall its not just me who can see that. I dont know how you're calling him out for being vague and just expressing his wishes and nothign else, as he stated a perfectly exceptable(and personally agreeable) reason behind each one of them. Plus, its not just me who can see that.


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Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Simter via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

@135 i never said that, of course you have to blow up again. The only thing i said is you bring no arguments anymore while i and also most other people do this continuusly. How ever you just say "it will maybe cause drama and will maybe throw us back for a short time and maybe maybe.".


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Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

Personally, yes. That is exactly what I want. I want Redspot never to come back. We don't need the drama, and we need a better shooter to take its place. That is what I, as a person, want.But that doesn't impact my actions as an admin in the slightest. You can't demonize me for disliking Redspot and wanting it to stay dead. I'm not persecuting anyone who wants to talk about it; this thread is still open, is it not?


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Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Simter via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

So jaide all you are now literarely saying is i don't want it to be open sourced  because i don't like it and want to see it die for ever hahahahahahahaha soi soi soi.


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Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ZK via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

ok i'm going to say this one last time, redspot is not an FPS!and i never said admins should ban someone once per day, however all of the admin abus, and never said it was all of them, was a joke, plus there was stuff added that wasn't even in the readme, from what i remember anyway, but do agree this should just stay dead.


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Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : thetechguy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

@130. We have TLU2.


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Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : connor142 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

I find myself agreeing with Jayde on here. As much as I and others loved rs back in its heyday, it's time has come and passed. But you know whose time has also come, and dnot passed? That's right, someone else to make a brand new fps!This fps shouldn't be a rushed release like bloodbath. It would be even better if it lasted for more than 3 weeks before being taken down. Someone get on that, please?


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Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : TheTrueSwampGamer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

thats a major part of the reason i want any game to come back. We're fresh out of anything and unless  a manamon3 or 2.5, or  AHC2 comes out this year, our biggest release, is a mod. A mod for a mainstream game, yes, but its an adition to a already $25 game. It  was well worked on th but that is not what i'm trying to point out, not that Liam doesn't deserve any of the respect tha the is getting for it, beause fromt he recording and posts in that topic the mod is really awesome and works well. But if this game came back after 2 years of being dead, it would be like undead assault coming back. Even if nothing was changed, its bettter then me sitting here with my source that i've wokred on for a few months now, just sitting here not abel to share any of my fun and hard work because, well, cloans? I don't get why cloans even matter for  a game that doesn't exist anymore Redspot? dead. tk/ dead? cm? dead. I can get banning people for starting drama over it, but straigh tup banning them for posting a link to something that they've at least done something to. getting your parents to agree on getting a server is hard, you know. especially when they have no freekin idead of what redspot is? what are you hosting/ those kinds of things. Its important to think mroe of the work and what is done to a game or cloan then the bad history behind the game is stemmed from, especially if that game has been dead for awhile like rs. So, yeah.


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Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jimmy69 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

Honestly Jade, you’ve mostly convinced me. I think you’re right that I just want my game back because I’m so bored. I’ve run out of stuff to do and I’m trying to find an outlet for all my boredom. I think that’s why I want it back so bad. I do still believe fire fight could come back, and I think that came really shouldn’t have gone down in the first place. It be cool if that one was up because that one was balanced much better and was more fun. That being said, I am glad you changed my mind


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Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

No, Simter. Please, please read what I write thoroughly instead of cherry-picking one aspect and running away with the impression you want to demonize.On its own, open-sourcing is not a problem if everyone's on board with it and the terms are clear. I should think that's obvious by now.What makes it a problem in this case is that a whole lot of people, in this thread and at other times, just seem to want their busted, mostly-working, badly-balanced game back. To me, this runs antithetical to progress. Frankly, it also means that more servers = more bullshit and drama, which will probably spread over here like it always does. I think Redspot ran its course, and releasing its source code will just encourage people to live in the past and continue to create problems. It also won't really advance the building of future FPS titles, since it doesn't even sound like the code was all that clean. Seriously...why use a product with a sordid history when you can start and do your own thing from the ground up?In short, I'm saying that open-sourcing Redspot would be bad not because of the nature of open sourcing, but purely because it's Redspot, and that game has too much baggage. Let it die already.


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Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Simter via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

@126and should we now stop open sourcing any thing because um it can get kloned? You are literarely saying that. Yes i probably shouldn't open source the python example game that is made to help people to get used to python that i am creating right now because it can be kloned. And also how the heck did we have example games, i mean they um can get kloned? Also even if a lot of people host servers, i mean let them. As long as they don't botter you/spam their stuff every where that is perfectly ok. When the source gets open sourced and people put up servers and are playing normaly and now how to aply basic security, if it makes them happier to host a game of their home network for 24 h befor their isp changes their ip and they get thrown out of existance? They will eventually learn and grow up, yes that can happen in fact. And in between we will have some serious people actually working at the code and hosting srvs that are permanent. Not for ever maybe, but still long enough.


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Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

You know what will happen if its source code is released? Everyone and their brother will make clones of it, or put up servers. No one will really bother improving on anything because it's clear in this topic that many who want the game back just want to go running around the sandbox. There is absolutely no incentive for Sam to release the source code IMO, and tons of reasons not to. If it were me, I'd set fire to it and either start from zero or just conclude that chapter and move on with my life.


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Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Simter via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

@124 thumps up. There are indead people that can code and deal with such code peaces. And no not even meaning me. I think i could do it but who knows maybe someone could do it better.


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Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jimmy69 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

One thing I will say, is I feel the source code should be released if there are no future plans. That game is very complex, and I really believe that seeing the source code could teach a lot of people a lot of things. Even if BGT is an obsolete language, I feel that the code structure could be beneficial to exam. As to clones, Servers will go up, Who cares? People will be able to play with their friends, and maybe a couple main servers with  trustworthy people will emerge. Just saying


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Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : rings2006 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

is that real can we have it?


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Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Simter via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

@119 why should a perfectly fine topic that is really surprisingly peaceful should be closed?


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Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mikes0916 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

wait you found a private server smoothgamer?


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Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : smoothgunner via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

i'm shocked you all haven't found the private server and updates to the system yet.when it comes back, most likely they are going to call it red spot zone of distruction, but of course that name may change


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Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : NightCraller302 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

@117, I completely agree with you on the fact that Redspot should remain dead, I also think that this topic should be closed, as I believe it's not going to achieve anything. I've already said my views of Redspot back in post 109, and I'm not going to repeat myself.


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Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : NightCraller302 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

@117, I completely agree with you on the fact that Redspot should remain dead, I also think that this topic should be closed, as I believe it's not going to achieve anything. I've already said my views of rRedspot back in post 109, and I'm not going to repeat myself.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : TheTrueSwampGamer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

i have to agree with simter, i'm thumbing up post 114. It said a lot of things right. i agree redspot might of had its  balancing problems but this hole admin abuse shit was  abit, much. It wasn't that hard to find a base, just find a huge thing of baracade bombs, and if you had one just shoot a rocket launcher and you could hit the base. I feel like the more health a base had the more dammage you do to it over time so maybe 2 or 3 times the damage if it has over 3 million hp or osmething, but hey. They were destroyable none the less. There were weapons taht were good at it, and there were  good weapons to fight in bases and ruin there things if you mannaged to get inside of them. And if you wanted to get in without breaking it and make there base yours, you could do that. It was harder after 0.71 when he changed servers, but it was still doable. Then he added the hack flashdrive, and then you could make the base yours and add it to your team and hurt theres, or hell, even useit to start yours. change the code, set up your own traps and have people who just died on your team set of the other ones, then buy some wood, bombs, sandbags of your own and protect it lke they did, keep others away from it. And if you if you don't, just get some friend to go find some wood, best place to start is on killing ground. Get the health and shield items then double down on finding base things. Finding bit coins was easy there, plus you get them for getting kills on killing ground as well. Then, just find the packs of wood, then on baddlefield with less people on it, just go somewhere and find a few more wood, gascans and stray bitcoins, and then build your base. Make it strong, buy those powerful weapons fromt he store, get a lot of shields and poison_drink packs and stuff, and then you can just go up to th eksy islands and get more bitcoins, get mor ehealth items to store incase one of you dies, get more bitcoins, get cannon_balls for a cannon, etc. You could od a lot, and it  was rather easy to get powerful if youknew how. I remember on my crappy internet with around 200+ms ping (it was my internet problem not the server) me and a few friends of mine that happened to be logged in at the same time, we just messed around, get a base together, made a team, and then we all teamed up and even if we didn't all be on the same team, we allied up. If they were on a different team but we didn't want to attack them, i'd pm them and see if we could make an alliance with them and not attack our team, especially if we had a common goal. So, it was rather simple to go form nothing, to over powered, just like the admin abuse claiming people said that the admins were doing with a give command that sam even mentioned that is he makes sure is turned off whenever an update comes out, and only he can enable it sense he has the code. And he keeps that give garbage, to the beta server. Now, as for people that complain about people who get told, read the read me. Like connor said in post 114. Did you actually read the read me before oging on and asking questions? If you did, did you state that already in your chat message? If both of those questions are no, or if you answered no to the 2nd one, then yeah your going to get told to go and read the readme, because they didn't know you already did, and if you didn't, thats your problem. The read me is a good place to start for a game unless you already know how to play it, at least the basics. That read me went way more detailed then the readme's before it for redspot, so you should of read it anyway. You can still find it today i think, its called the redspothandbook of death and destruction, and its by connor142, the creator of post 114. It was very well written, good job on that as well. So, if you didn't read the read me, thats your problem, and you can't complain about that. You chose not to read it and jump straight into a c ompetative, fast actioned first person shooter where kills and logged, and corpses exist. And, if you did read the read me and think that admins are cheating? I have a question. Did you ever get a base, did you ever get bitcoins, did you ever get 2 health and almost 500 shielded shots. Did you ever get powerful, have the adrenilin of ruling over an area with bombs, a base, and powerful weaponry. Then, did you get called a cheater. Did you even get that power, and then call overs who aren't even admins, cheaters? If you got called a c ehater and you know your not, then it feels bad, to think that someone  thinks that all of your hard work, was just through a cheat. Or, if you called them a cheater, did you see there amount of baracade bombs, or one of there team members come out of a base, or track them to go into ti and watch where there base was to try and attack it? no? then screw off. You have no proof of a cheating, admin or not. People wanted to play t

Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

2020-06-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who agrees that redspot should be back

I just want to point out a couple of things.I'm not discounting that some of the claims made about Redspot were overblown. But when enough people cite the same problems (admin abuse, getting constantly ganked for no good reason, balance concerns, potentially toxic player base), that eventually is going to reflect poorly on the game. When three or four people make the claims, but the rest of the player base seems generally okay with things, then okay, it's probably a minority. When it becomes this loud and widespread, it means one of two things. Either lies have truly taken over, or the truth is louder than the propaganda.Simter, you're trying to argue that the cited issues aren't Redspot's fault. Actually, most of them -are Redspot's fault. If there was better balance to help protect newbies, if admins weren't able to know the ins and outs of the game and then use it to maximize their competitive advantage, if no admin abuse were present, then fine. But all those, plus more I'm not even mentioning, are things the game should have handled better. It isn't the raw code's fault, but it is the game's fault, which is probably one of the main reasons it went down. I've read dozens of threads, I've watched a few videos, I even thought about trying the game once. Way, way too many issues. Rather than trying to defend it, I think it's better to let it remain dead. It did some stuff right. It did some stuff wrong. That's pretty much the end of it.I hope that if a new FPS comes along, it learns from Redspot's mistakes. I also hope it's not called Redspot 2, or Bloodstain, or Scarlet Drip or something. Just...seriously. That name.


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