Re: What kind of server would you recommend?

2016-12-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What kind of server would you recommend?

@jack: Thanks for your understanding for my needs.Yay! My first and biggest goal is now done. I currently have a Teamtalk server, which works... I know that might sounds nothing to you, but I'm quite proud of myself for having gone from not knowing much about the Linux console to setting it all up and getting something to work that fast. Two questions:1: Would some of you mind if I get a better contact to you like Skype or Facebook so we can chat privately? I don't wanna talk, just chat privately about a lot of basic Linux things, because there are a lot of things which I currently don't understand how works. It would be faster to chat privately about this than using the forum. It is of course okay if you don't wanna chat privately about this, but only wanna answer questions on the forum.2: Do you think it would be a good idea to wri
 te a totally newbie guide on how to get started on using Linux? I think many people are in the same boat like me. they have wanted to try Linux for very long time, but they get confusing each time they try to look up some documentation. I have spend most of the day searching the internet for a lot of basic things which I had to learn, and I have read a lot on forums and in documentations. I have messed things up, had to start from scratch, and it have taken a lot of time to get where I am now, and I have not even learned all the basics yet. So, what do you think about writing a basic documentation so people quickly can learn all the basics?


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Re: Grand Theft Auto V

2016-12-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Grand Theft Auto V

Hi.Ok, I dont get this, I installed the autodrive mod as it was stated in the readme, but it still doesnt work, does someone have an idea?Greetings Moritz.


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Re: What kind of server would you recommend?

2016-12-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What kind of server would you recommend?

Ok, here's the scoop on Vultr. To create the server, you're gonna want to use a lot of virtual focus and clicking, nvda object navigation works best for this. Go to Vultr and click on deploy instance. What you'll be presented with is first a list of country, I was presented with 5, and then a list of cities for close proximity. Where you click depends on what you want. For example, since Chicago Illinois was a location below the list of 5 countries, I clicked on that. Keep in mind that while the cities are one per line, the list of 5 or so countries will appear as a block of text. So for this, what you wanna do here is move by character to the first character of the country you want, then hit insert+shift+m to move the mouse cursor to that element. Then hit insert+left bracket to do a left click on that item. You'll want to remember these two commands as you'll be using them throughout this whole process. As for the cities, you'll do the same insert+s
 hift+m to focus, left click to activate however it will be easier as all the cities are separated by a line. Still, it's safe to hit the home key on a line just to make sure it's focused, insert+shift+m to focus, left click to activate. The next heading is the server type, move your cursor to the 6 on 64bit operating system, focus, then click on that. Next, os selection. There will be a line that says, debian select version. Focus and click on that. Then there will be some new clickable elements, you want to focus and click on 7x64 for debian 7x64. Next there will be the hd space, memory and cpu selection. A decent one for your purposes is the 20gb ssd so focus on the 20gb ssd line, focus and click on that. After extra features, there are two more settings you wanna configure, and that's host name, you could type sljVultr for example, this is what you'll be connecting to via ssh. The label edit box allows you to label it you can type the same thing, click deploy 
 and you're good to go! It'll show that it's now installing debian7 onto your server. The installing status isn't in realtime, so I'd say wait 5 or so minutes for the operating system to install, then refresh your browser. Now you should click on, for once, an actual clickable link! that should be labeled as whatever you named your vultr server. It will give you the overview, in which there are 3 things you should look for. Your ip address, the username *should be root* and your password. The password i hidden by default, click the show password link, or the copy password link to automatically copy it. Now, you can use terminal on the mac, or whatever you use to access ssh, and do ssh replacing those characters with your actual ip of course, then hit enter. You'll get a warning about adding the ssh key into /users/username/.ssh/known_hosts, but since this is your own server this shouldn't be a problem, just type yes and hit enter. 
 Now type or paste in your password. You'll know it's successful when you start to hear the standard debian disclaimer, and get placed in the root of your server. The rest is accessible from here on out.


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Re: Anyone knows the VST called VOPM?

2016-12-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : pulseman45 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone knows the VST called VOPM?

OK so I have downloaded Reaper, OSARA, VOPM and Dexed. But I have a few questions:I have the 64 bit version of reaper, and since VOPM is 32 bit, does bridging cause accessibility issues? And so, should I switch to the x86 version? I am running a trial version for now, so I can still do it if it is necessary.Also, I am waiting to get a midi synth to connect to my PC but, is there a way to compose music otherwise? For now, I just want to test if I am able to use VOPM and Dexed, especially as I have no clue about Dexed's accessibility.In fact, if anyone knows a good tutorial for using Reaper along with Osara, I would be glad to read it/listen to it as well.Thanks in advance for your help.


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Re: Purchasing an xbox one S, quick question

2016-12-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Purchasing an xbox one S, quick question

post 8: The xbox refuses to boot from a completely shut down state if it can't find a HDMI device to complete a handshake with. If it can't negotiate a display resolution to render the dashboard at, it won't boot. It will from standby, however


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Re: Grand Theft Auto V

2016-12-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : speeder via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Grand Theft Auto V

@seb2314 my skype is devingut000. @symba chat me on skype and I'll try to help


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Steam and Star Wars KOTR

2016-12-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : baruch via Audiogames-reflector


Steam and Star Wars KOTR

Hello, I've never played on steam or even have it downloaded. I've heard Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic is accessible though, and I'd love to play this. Can anyone tell me how to set up steam, and what I'll need to play this game in particular?


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Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2016-12-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : david_solomon1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

So apparently I was wrong and these muds do allow logging in as guests. Sorry about that.Yeah, the Jedi guild is pretty nice. It's not the most atmospheric in terms of descriptions, but it does have pretty good descriptions of a lot of abilities and really the only place it falls down a little is the lightsaber combat descs. The teepo blaster descriptions are good. I haven't seen the sith combat technique descriptions but they might be good as well.


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Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

2016-12-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

Never had that problem using NVDA, partially because f12 is mapped to another function so I can't use it.But this is a prime example of SAPI apparently having or generating a bug, where an NVDA user playing the game won't have it.Pheh, that really does put the nail in the coffin regarding whether or not to use a screenreader for manamon. So much for the dire warnings when you try to switch to screenreader mode. Hahaha. Been using NVDA for five months playing manamon now, and have never once had a snag.Just caught all the mythicals (well, the dragon mythicals anyway), and in so doing, I discovered something really neat and sort of crazy.TinytinyspoilersSo, I killed Irroadium at level 65 in his godbeast form, mostly using my Deciced (who I've named Chillfish, BTW). I had a Sacroloon and a Paladina at level 39 or 40 or something, and because Irroadium managed to kill off everyone else in my team, the three active manamon when 
 Irroadium died were Deciced, Paladine and Sacroloon. Well, Deciced, who was around level 76 or something, got something lik 14k experience. The other two got nearly 300k apiece, and it shot them both to level 67. It was epic. Since I hadn't been training those two on their own yet (virtually no train points on either of them), I gave each of them a life tonic, and caught them up to speed right away.Sacroloon's defense isn't as bad as I remembered. It's still not awesome, but it's not atrocious either. This really is one of the best-built non-mythical manamon out there. Really can't say enough for it.And Sullorb. Poor Sullorb. It actually has pretty average-going-on-good stats across the board, but it hardly gets any actual attacking moves (Rock Throw and Eternal Vortex, I think, are the best it can do, alongside Spirit Force, which I admit is pretty neat coverage). But no Meteor Rush? Not even Aura Master? That hurts a lot.Also also
 , Eksponge just plain beats Turoison. The only, and I do mean only, thing Turoison does better is Toxic Storm, and that's useful against, what, like Hydrake, Guerrerrol and the odd shadow type not named Tylovile? Eksponge has comparable defenses, better special attack, much better speed, gets Drench and weirdly enough gets Limb Thrust. It also gets Rehydrate like Turoison, Thicken instead of Guard Up, plus Restrain and Daring Comeback. We have a new good water type. Plus two abilities; one makes him immune to water attacks, the other boosts his water damage when he's weak. When I say Eksponge beats Turoison, consider that Turoison is built to be a tank, and Eksponge damn near out-tanks it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: What kind of server would you recommend?

2016-12-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What kind of server would you recommend?

A quick question which I can't find much information about on the internet:I accidentally started the Teamtalk server as none daemon. This means I  can't enter commands in the terminal. Is there any way to switch between the open application and the terminal or go back to the terminal without rebooting the server from the dashboard?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Survive the Wild!

2016-12-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Sajad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Survive the Wild!

Yes, we actually do have a Facebook group now. It's unofficial and unrelated to Sam, but it's a player's creation afterall.It's baby and grows up still, and that's because of Skype, probably people don't really go there on Skype that much so I took a decision of to create a Facebook group related to STW.Feel free to join, and I'll be confirming your request whenever I get onto Facebook.And if you want to join our Skype group, message me or simply Amine here, Jimmy or Hamada. Anyone that you know. Normal users have the ability to add too.Also do not forget to read the regulations in description. I'll probably pin up a post!Easy from mobile page: just from main


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Re: Purchasing an xbox one S, quick question

2016-12-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : arqmeister via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Purchasing an xbox one S, quick question

And there it is, knew there was something i had read, thanks.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Adventure games, are there any? Suggestions for good ones?

2016-12-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Adventure games, are there any? Suggestions for good ones?

Well, Chillingham was one... but if action rpgs also fit into the category, shadow line from galaxy laboratory is by and far one of the best rpgs in the audiogame market at the moment, but it's in Japanese and requires additional support. check the guide in the articles room. Other than that one, I can't think of anything in the style you are thinking about, specifically turn-based rpgs that aren't text-based.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Purchasing an xbox one S, quick question

2016-12-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Purchasing an xbox one S, quick question

Ah ok. gotcha... that's such an odd way to do it. the ps4, whatever its faults, doesn't have that problem, which is why I have it connected to my 5.1 surround system in my room, with no HDMI connected.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The train now standing at platform N A Soft is Tube Sim, and its ready

2016-12-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The train now standing at platform N A Soft is Tube Sim, and its ready

yeah some of those where it changes from 70 to 20 in 50 meters, like right, just right, like anyone gonna be able to do that.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The train now standing at platform N A Soft is Tube Sim, and its ready

2016-12-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : visualstudio via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The train now standing at platform N A Soft is Tube Sim, and its ready

hello, grate gamei have something to sayfirst, it would be cool to add yellow signals as well which make you drive slow and after it finished, let you drive in your speedsecond, if it has interclocking signals, it would be coolthird, if you add keys like automatic key-by and manual key-by, it make it more and more realforth, it would be cool to be able to check your train up, like it's breaks, and other thingsfith, it is also a good idea to have emergency signals like pasanger under train, electrical problem in railway, and it should allow you to generate urgent signal based on things that happen on the gameagain, this is a fantastic game and i really loved it


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flight controller recommendations?

2016-12-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jack via Audiogames-reflector


flight controller recommendations?

So for Christmas I got a Genius Metal Strike FF flight controller. Controller itself works great in tdv, was able to make it through the training run fine, but one problem. Force feedback is not bus-powered and requires an adapter, and Amazon didn't send the US adapter along with it. For that reason and for other reasons including the fact that it's just an old controller, it's going back. That said, any recommendations for force feedback flight controllers to use in tdv? Unfortunately the Thrustmaster flight controllers don't have force feedback.


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