[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: WAV vs. FLAC?

2006-02-12 Thread martintyler

fairyliquidizer Wrote: 
 Except it's buffered output so you wont get any jitter.  The output is

Squeezebox has zero jitter? wow!


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: WAV vs. FLAC?

2006-02-12 Thread CavesOfTQLT

There was once a post on here stating that the author preferred WAV over
flac. Knowing that flac is lossless I found that hard to believe, so I
decided to do a quick test.

I grabbed hold of one of my brand new CDs, selected a track, and ripped
said track using EAC Secure into a WAV file, and a flac file.

I then used foobar to play both files, choosing the same section of
music to play over and over from both. After extensive listening I
detected no difference whatsoever between the two.

I then wondered whether there might be an issue with the way the SB
decodes the formats...

This was easily checked by uploading the two files onto my server, and
then using the SB3 to play them. Again, after extensive listening, I
found no difference between the two.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Lite Audio DAC-60 thinking about getting one..

2006-02-12 Thread Machine

How much of a difference is there and how would you describe it.

I know the K variety goes for 60%+ more then the standard one and the
specs don't seem to be that different.

Not sure I understand the difference.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: WAV vs. FLAC?

2006-02-12 Thread danco

SoundBoy Wrote: 
 Is there an easy way on the mac to convert AAC to FLAC?

About the only good FLAC converter on the Mac (unless one uses the
command line, and I don't know about that) is xACT.

I don't think it converts from AAC, so you would have to go from AAC to
aiff first.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Lite Audio DAC-60 thinking about getting one..

2006-02-12 Thread crooner

the K version is just the highest grade. I guess the ones that spec
better during production. This has been going on with DACs since the
early days. Remember the Philips TDA-1541A Crown, their highest
grade. It was used in my old McIntosh MCD7007 CD player and scores of
other high-end digital gear.

I asked the K chip question to Danny of GR Research. He said that all
of these DACs are marked the same from the factory. The only difference
being a couple of white dots painted on the chip surface, to indicate
the higher grade.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: WAV vs. FLAC?

2006-02-12 Thread P Floding

MusicMonkey Wrote: 
 Has anybody noticed a sound quality difference between playing WAV vs.
 FLAC files on the SqueezeBox3?  
 I'm wondering if it's possible that there's a slightly fuller, more
 clean and open sound from playing WAVs directly through the Squeezebox.
 Of course, theoretically there should be no difference at all, hence my
 question to this forum.
 My setup:  I tried decoding my FLACs into WAV and playing both through
 the SqueezeBox to compare.  There's absolutely no replay-gain, no
 equalization, normalization etc. on the FLACs - everything was
 originally ripped from CD to WAV using EAC, and then compressed to FLAC
 using Flac v1.2.  The FLACs, when uncompressed, yield bit-for-bit the
 identical WAVs that were originally ripped from CD.  
 What are people experiencing?  Is it all psychological or is there in
 fact something slightly different in the sound quality?

FLAC would have to be decompressed on the SB, but that isn't a very big
job. Nevertheless I guess the extra processing might subtly influence
sound quality. (By causing more electrical noise.)

Is there any way to transcode FLAC to WAV on the server side, and see
what result you get? (I haven't looked much into transcoding. A friend
has lossless WMA on the server, and Slimserver transcodes to WAV. He is
very happy with the sound quality.)

P Floding

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Best Amp for Vandersteen?

2006-02-12 Thread dukelaw

I need an amp to connect my Squeezebox3 to my Vandersteen 2ce speakers.
I've been using a 25 year old Onkyo 45W/channel receiver, but I think I
can do better. Specs:

1. Not TOO expensive (student budget). 
2. Buying something used is fine.
3. Nice to have feature (not a must): auto-on.
4. Hope to avoid a pre-amp (since I'm just connecting the SB).

I tried the vaunted Sonic Super T-Amp, but it was manifestly not up to
the task of driving the Vandersteens. What was I thinking?

And if anyone wants a barely used Sonic Super T-Amp, lemme know!

Thanks much for your advice.


dukelaw's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2756
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Best Amp for Vandersteen?

2006-02-12 Thread Mark Lanctot
I'm sure I'm going to get shot down by the audiophiles
for saying this, but $/W, you may want to look into
pro  amps from Crown, QSC or Behringer.

This is if you buy the amp is a straight wire with
gain argument.

The biggest drawback is that most of them are
fan-cooled.  There are fan mods though.

Take a look at this massive thread:


Again, some here may not consider a pro amp
audiophile sound, but it seems to work just fine for
a whole lot of people there provided you can do
something about the fan noise.

If that doesn't suit your tastes, Outlaw Audio also
make budget amps.  2 X 200W monoblocks would be

--- dukelaw

 I need an amp to connect my Squeezebox3 to my
 Vandersteen 2ce speakers.
 I've been using a 25 year old Onkyo 45W/channel
 receiver, but I think I
 can do better. Specs:
 1. Not TOO expensive (student budget). 
 2. Buying something used is fine.
 3. Nice to have feature (not a must): auto-on.
 4. Hope to avoid a pre-amp (since I'm just
 connecting the SB).
 I tried the vaunted Sonic Super T-Amp, but it was
 manifestly not up to
 the task of driving the Vandersteens. What was I
 And if anyone wants a barely used Sonic Super T-Amp,
 lemme know!
 Thanks much for your advice.

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 View this thread:
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: FLAC files breaking up

2006-02-12 Thread freqdafunk

First, some stats:
Squeezebox3 running Wireless
Linksys WRT54G v1.1 
Debian Ubuntu running a source install of SlimServer v6.2.2
Player Firmware Version: 29
Media Library: 200GB of FLAC files
Average Stats:
Control Connection : OK
Streaming Connection   : OK
Player Signal Strength : Good, but Intermittent Drops
Buffer Fullness: Low
Server Response Time   : OK

I was having problems with the 6.2.1 version: Squeezebox and server
process locking up after about 10 minutes of play.  So, I upgraded to
6.2.2 and then the latest firmware for the box and let a complete music
library scan to occur.  Now, there are no more complete lockups, but
after about 5 minutes of play, there are audible dropouts while
listening to both FLAC from SlimServer and MP3 streams on

I rolled back to firmware v 28 and everything seems to be working fine
(at least for the last 45 minutes).  No dropouts.
Now the Buffer fullness looks a lot better:
 10 :0 :  0% 
 20 :0 :  0% 
 30 :0 :  0% 
 40 :0 :  0% 
 50 :0 :  0% 
 60 :0 :  0% 
 70 :0 :  0% 
 80 :0 :  0% 
 90 :0 :  0% 
 100 :   33 :100%
=100 :0 :  0% 
max  : 99.994628
min  : 99.817562
avg  : 99.931093

ive added this to the bugzilla bug.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best Amp for Vandersteen?

2006-02-12 Thread crooner

Vandersteens need a lot of juice. I am using a 270 wpc Pioneer SX-1980
to drive my 2Ce Signatures. I have heard that McCormack DNA-1  amps
make a good match also. The McCormacks go for around $800 used on
Audiogon. I don't think there's anything below that price that would do
the Vandies justice.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best Amp for Vandersteen?

2006-02-12 Thread ezkcdude

I have an AudioSource Amp Two, which is not in production anymore, but
can sometimes be found on eBay for as little as $100. It's 80W/ch, and
has auto on, level controls for each channel, and line out, which is
useful for hooking up a subwoofer. I run the SB3 directly into it using
passive attenuators made by Scott Endler (Endler Audio). It's a great

When I upgrade, which I eventually will, it will be probably be
something from Parasound, like the Halo A23, but that's $850. There are
also some Class D amplifier kits (e.g. Hypex), which are a good deal,
but you need to do some DIY. Happy hunting! And, by the way, the best
resources you can find are probably AudioReview and Audiogon, to look
for bargains.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: WAV vs. FLAC?

2006-02-12 Thread nelamvr6

It's obvious to me what the problem is, you need the 'Clever Little
Clock' (http://www.positive-feedback.com/Issue23/clock_nespa.htm).

I have just installed one in my system and I must admit that difference
was astounding. It was like a veil was lifted, all of my music just
opened up.

It was like night and day.

OK, I admit, I'm being sarcastic. Your wav files sound exactly like
your flac files. Now quit worrying and just enjoy your music.

And don't even think about buying a $200 power cord either. It will not
be able to help problems that don't exist any more that the 'Clever
Little Clock'
(http://www.positive-feedback.com/Issue23/clock_nespa.htm) will.


nelamvr6's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3113
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: WAV vs. FLAC?

2006-02-12 Thread MusicMonkey

Thanks to everyone for replying.

Bottom line:  it's definitely psychological.  I listened again and
again, and you really can't tell the difference (because there isn't
any). By default the Server compresses the WAVs to FLAC for
transmission and then decompresses at the Player end - so in both cases
FLACs hit the Player just the same. 

A difference I did experience, however, was by putting in a $13 Hosfelt
Power Supply (incl. shipping).  I simply cut off the plug from the stock
PS and attached it to the Hosfelt (make sure you've got the polarity
right if you try this).  Small, but worthwhile, improvement.

I'm running SlimServer 6.2.1 with Firmware 29.  It all sounds quite
nice.  Impressive device, no doubt.


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