[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Benchmark DAC1, the next step ?

2006-05-17 Thread Robin Bowes
holmsn wrote:
 tomsi42 Wrote: 
 50GPB a day! Do you get a refund if you buy it ?
 Well actually I suggested a 3 day rent for 100GBP +VAT less 50 if I
 bought ( a separate brand-new item from them)

Most good Hifi shops will let you return stuff if you're not happy, i.e.
buy it and return it if you don't like it.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Benchmark DAC1, the next step ?

2006-05-17 Thread samplesj

ModelCitizen Wrote: 
 The difference between the Dac1 and the SB2 analogue outputs is easy to
 discern on my system, the Dac1 is crystal clear, needle sharp, punchy
 and the detail and precision is exceptional (I can see how people may
 think it is thin though). The SB2 DAC is slightly mushy and pedestrian
 (dull?) in comparison.
 However, I am not at all happy with the set up when I compare it to
 using my Naim CDX CD player. Although the difference in sound quality
 is not immediately identifiable with tests (although the Dac1 has a
 certain thinness), it becomes pretty obvious after a while that most
 music (and I have catholic tastes) played via the CDX is more involving
 than that played via the Dac1. The Dac1 seems cold and and clinical,
 whereas the CDX just sort of keeps your attention and draws you in
 and encourages me to listen longer (I am talking about intense, dark
 room, lie back listening). The sound it produces has an unquantifiable
 warmth and atractiveness (I hate the Pace, Rythym and Timing bit too
 but you find with Naim that the term is unavoidable). This may be
 something to do with the Dac1 being an oversampling dac... I don't know
 as, as you have found, it is difficult to try out dacs.

When I first got my DAC1 I felt it might be losing some of the emotion
also.  Like you said straight out of the box it had wonderful level
detail and sparkly cleanliness, but almost felt sterile.  To be fair I
also run digital amps and transformer volume control both of which have
been accused of being almost sterile by themselves.  However today I
hardly even think about it.  I don't know if I got used to it, it broke
in, or it was one of the many changes I've made since then, but its
pretty much all back now.  There are many songs that make me want to
dance and I still feel the extreme joy in Beethoven's 9th.

Originally the room wasn't treated much and its heavily treated now. 
I've also moved all of my source gear to individual balanced
transformers and built a linear supply for the SB (Sonicaps helped a
lot).  One of the things that helped most in the PRaT department was
the addition of a Running Springs Audio power conditioner.  It
definately helped out with the toe tapping factor a lot.  In other
words it may not have been the DAC1 that was sterile, but rather my
system and the better DAC was able to expose it so now that I've fixed
the other parts of my system its not sterile anymore.

In the end its like any other piece of gear and you have to try it
yourself in your system to see how it meshes with everything else and
your tastes.  While I might like to hear the Lavry Black, the Benchmark
would still be on my very short list if I were shopping today.


'2 Channel system'
(http://www.audiocircle.com/circles/member_systems.php?sysid=619) / 'HT
(http://www.audiocircle.com/circles/member_systems.php?sysid=620) /
'Den' (http://www.audiocircle.com/circles/member_systems.php?sysid=636)

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: OK, I think I should ask my questions here

2006-05-17 Thread opaqueice

lovemov Wrote: 
 Since I consider myself an audiophile, I will be use external D/A only,
 so bit perfcetion is the must for me. Thanks.

The SB is bit perfect, at least if you use up-to-date firmware and have
the digital volume control off.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: OK, I think I should ask my questions here

2006-05-17 Thread ezkcdude

What exactly is meant by bit perfection? If you mean that all 0's are
transmitted as 0's and 1's as 1's, then yes. Why wouldn't this be the
case? I'm puzzled to what prompted this thread.


SB3-Derek Shek TDA1543/CS8412 NOS DAC-MIT Terminator 2
interconnects-Endler Audio 24-step Attenuators (RCA-direct)-Parasound
Halo A23 125W/ch amplifier-Speltz anti-cables-DIY 2-ways + Dayton
Titanic 10 subwoofer

He's not hi-fi, he's my stereo.

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Monarchy DIP

2006-05-17 Thread davidcotton


Curious more than anything.  Anyone using the above in a sb3/dac
system?  If so did it make any difference?

Almost tempted to try one out, however just had an m-audio dac heavily
modded so really wanted to give that a fair go first before making any


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: OK, I think I should ask my questions here

2006-05-17 Thread azinck3

Sometimes bits change due to transcoding, resampling, or other DSP being
run on the sound by software or hardware.  For instance:  roku devices
resample everything to 48khz.  While the resultant PCM audio would
sonically make sense, A DTS signal (due to the way it's encoded)
wouldn't survive this resampling.  Some devices will adjust the volume
level of the signal before sending it through the digital outs...this,
too, changes the original pattern of the bits--the data is changed and
results in something that makes sense sonically, but would break DTS. 
Still other devices might run some sort of sound-enhancing DSP, or
even more egregiously, transcode to mp3 or another lossy format
somehwere in the signal chain.

Anyhow...the OP was just verifying that the original data would arrive
100% intact at the SB's digital outputs.  In fact, the old SB1 can not
accomplish this feat--it inverts the data.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Monarchy DIP

2006-05-17 Thread Phil Leigh

I used to use the Monarchy DIP between transport and DAC (a long time
ago). It does something good...

A more modern - and effective - equivalent is the altmann UPCI+JISCO
gear (that I use today between TACT and DAC)

Phil Leigh

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] pc server v sb3 ?

2006-05-17 Thread Lyonesse


Im thinking about buying an SB3 but wondered about the levels of jitter
that may be introduced by the length of ethernet cable, 20 feet in my

I intend to use my Belcanto dac2 into a Valve amp. Ive had fantastic
results using my pc and foobar2000 with coaxial digital out from
soundcard to dac. How far do you feel the sound will be compromised by
using the lan?




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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: pc server v sb3 ?

2006-05-17 Thread azinck3

Lyonesse Wrote: 
 Im thinking about buying an SB3 but wondered about the levels of jitter
 that may be introduced by the length of ethernet cable, 20 feet in my
 I intend to use my Belcanto dac2 into a Valve amp. Ive had fantastic
 results using my pc and foobar2000 with coaxial digital out from
 soundcard to dac. How far do you feel the sound will be compromised by
 using the lan?

The ethernet run has absolutely no potential of inducing jitter into
the SPDIF signal.  The data is sent via TCP/IP to the squeezebox. 
TCP/IP data is conveyed perfectly due to the fact that corrupt data is
detected and resent (and the buffer in the Squeezebox allows for plenty
of time for any minor hiccups to be worked out).  It's only the lack of
error-correction and the time-dependent nature of SPDIF that makes it
susceptible to jitter issues.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Benchmark DAC1, the next step ?

2006-05-17 Thread Mike Anderson

I'm taking the optical out of an SB2, into a DAC1, then balanced cables
in a Pathos Logos (all balanced tube preamp, SS power section) into
Magnepan 1.6QRs.

It sounds excellent to me.  I've never tried blind A/Bing it with the
SB2 analog outs, but I bet I could tell the difference.

I also like being able to put a 24/96 signal into the DAC1 (e.g. from a
DVD player, not the SB2).  That's a real treat.

Mike Anderson

RADIO!' (http://nvo.com/cd)  Hours of free radical MP3s.

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Pathos Systems

2006-05-17 Thread Mike Anderson

I have the Pathos Logos.  I take the optical out of the SB2, into a
Benchmark DAC1, and balanced cables into the Logos.  Speakers are
Magnepan 1.6QR.

It's a fine amp.  BUT, unless you have the need for the power -- e.g.
you're using inefficient speakers like my Magnepans -- my advice is to
go with the Classic One (second version).

I tried the Classic One, and I would have kept it except it just didn't
deliver enough power for my speakers - hence my moving up to the Logos. 
Apart from the power, and a little less low end, the sound  quality of
the Classic One was about as good as the Logos.  Very sweet, musical,
smooth delicious sound.  I like it.

I got my Logos used, as well as the Classic One.  I did have one issue
with the Logos: The remote control sensor went out soon after I got it.
The amp still worked fine, you just couldn't use the remote.

The company was nice enough to send me a brand new one though (even
though I'd bought the amp used), and it was easy to install myself, so
no biggie.  There's still a strange thing it does though: every once in
a while I'll turn it on, and the volume reads 88 -- but I just turn it
back off and on again, and it's fine.

Overall I'm very pleased with the amp.  Don't know that I would have
paid full price for a new one, but if you can one used for  $2900 or
so, it's a good deal.

Mike Anderson

RADIO!' (http://nvo.com/cd)  Hours of free radical MP3s.

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Pathos Systems

2006-05-17 Thread Mike Anderson

rocky2889 Wrote: 
 Or should I get the their ClassicOne Amp and InControl Preamp. 

You don't need the InControl Preamp with the Classic One;  it's an
integrated amp -- preamp and power amp in the same unit.

Mike Anderson

RADIO!' (http://nvo.com/cd)  Hours of free radical MP3s.

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SqueezePower final design Power supply

2006-05-17 Thread Mikem53

Thanks for the replies... I was really hoping jabberwockie would tell us
what he is using as I like that one the best... but I guess he is scared
people will make their own and not buy his...  
Oh well...


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SqueezePower final design Power supply

2006-05-17 Thread jabberwockie

sorry if I have not replied..I have not been maiking any replies to
this thread as I was told to refrain by the CEO.  The item you ask
about is called a strain relief.

Thank you,

Mikem53 Wrote: 
 Thanks for the replies... I was really hoping jabberwockie would tell us
 what he is using as I like that one the best... but I guess he is scared
 people will make their own and not buy his...  
 Oh well...


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SqueezePower final design Power supply

2006-05-17 Thread mark-e-mark

Thanks, Jabberwockie.  


Jabberwockie and I traded PMs a while back and he is using a box from
Fry's Electronics.  I think you can find one just like it on
lmbheeger.com (links on posts above).  I hope he doesn't mind me
sharing this.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SqueezePower final design Power supply

2006-05-17 Thread Skunk

jabberwockie Wrote: 
   The item you ask about is called a strain relief.

I think Mikem53 was asking about the box. 

Is it a Context Engineering enclosure from Fry's? I'm curious about
which model # as well :-)


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SqueezePower final design Power supply

2006-05-17 Thread mark-e-mark

That's the only info Jabberwockie gave me.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB mod on not mod, what to expect vs CD player?

2006-05-17 Thread Loftprojection

Phil Leigh Wrote: 
 On the contrary, I feel that the SB can exceed the capabilities of many
 exalted CDP's - or at least their transports. There are numerous good
 engineering reasons why this might theoretically be the case, but at
 the end of the day your ears (brain) have to decide.
 I know many will scoff at the SB beats Naim/dCS/Esoteric/(insert your
 fave transport here) hypothesis, but I've owned and been lucky enough
 to borrow many of the top drawer transports and I'm personally never
 going back...

Well when I'm talking about comparing the SB to CDP it's not as a
transport only.  I mean more like a stock of fully analog modified SB
versus a CDP (transport/DAC).  Like you I'm quite convinced that the SB
as a transport with or without mods is probably a great tool that can
match a lot of CDP as transport only if you have an external DAC. 
It's when you use the SB as a whole that I'm not sure it can compete
with good CDP.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB mod on not mod, what to expect vs CD player?

2006-05-17 Thread dlite

As a full solution I would rate the Squeezebox as a good quality mid
priced player such as the Cambridge Audio Azur 640.  It wins for me in
it's flexibility and user friendly features.


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