[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Toslink cable test

2006-11-05 Thread P Floding

rajacat;152597 Wrote: 
 I studied Classical guitar for 10 years and definitely agree that there
 is a clear difference between a rosewood sound box, such as my Ramirez
 had, and the spruce used in most flamenco guitars. I doubt that any
 luthiers use measurements and numbers to predetermine what SQ would
 emanate from the end product. They use their ears for the final
 judgment. Various woods are also used in speaker construction and will
 very subtly influence SQ. Ultimately most speaker builders also use
 their ears because numbers don't tell all. Stradivarius violins are
 still the best despite being built before there were any accurate
 measuring instruments. Harbeth speakers use tuned cabinets and I
 imagine the builders use trial and error to determine the final
 product. It would be hard to come up with measurements subtle enough to
 predict exactly how the end product will sound. ABX testing puts an
 unnatural stress on the participants thereby influencing their mood and
 I think that you have to live with almost any upgrade before you can
 accurately judge it.

Another fallacy with A/B or ABX is that if more than a very short time
passes (less than a second?) we are about as likely to be unable to
compare A to B as if we did long live with tests. However the live
with test enables us to discover things that no quick A/B can reveal,
such as stress induced by distortion (which might even sound nice and
flattering to the recording in a quick A/B).

I believe that only portions of our auditory processing is available
for consious analysis, which is why we often fail to judge quality when
we switch our critical analytical mind into gear. Music and its quality
affects us much more emotionally and subconsiously.

P Floding

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Just back from the London What HiFi Show

2006-11-05 Thread ajmitchell

There is an inevitable convergance of video and audio. However, One way
to think of the value of video out is not just to play DVD rips and
other video material but simply to output the already GOOD display to
an LCD or plasma (that many people also have in their listening rooms)
= a GREAT display of useful information. This has been done with
SlimRoku but requires wired in my experience and then not 100%
successfully. For those pure audiophiles who hate video, as you know,
many high end AV products go to great lengths to seperate or isolate to
video processing to avoid audio degredation.

Please look at
before deciding video output is useless. If you really believe all
visual material is redundant are you petitioning SD to remove the
displays from SB3 and transporters? No. My point is some visual
material is good, the OPTION of more is likely to be even better for
SOME users.


Last FM: http://www.last.fm/user/ajmitchell/

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Yet another amplifier question.

2006-11-05 Thread sam500

Hi guys,
This is my first post to the forum so go easy.
I'm looking for an amp to complete my setup.
I'm using a SD Transporter (playing FLAC) as the source with a pair of
Paradigm Reference 100 V.3 speakers.  
I was going to go with a Lavry DA10, but apparently the onboard DAC of
the Trasnporter is decent.
Any suggestions for an amp would be much appreciated.  My budget is
around $2500 for the amp.  
The room is about 800 sq. ft.
When is or isn't a preamp necessary?
Thanks guys,
Berkeley, CA


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Digital loop-through on Transporter?

2006-11-05 Thread ajmitchell

Yes, I had presumed digital switching and passthrough would have been
included. I wanted to convert an optical input to coaxial digital out
as part of a whole house digital distrubtion. As it happens I can do
this already with an ancient audiolab DAC, but I needed another unit.
Oh well, hope this gets added soon if at all possible.


Check out my other hobby http://ajmitchell.shutterpoint.com

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Yet another amplifier question.

2006-11-05 Thread PhilNYC

There are literally hundreds (thousands?) of amps out there, and what is
best for you is very depenent on your personal tastes.  So I would
recommend that you hit a few local audio stores and listen to a few
different setups (or better yet, if you have friends who are into this
stuff, listen to their systems)...then ask this question again after
giving some thoughts as to what you liked and what you didn't like.

Some basic questions:
- Are you interested in tubes (and all the accompanying costs and
maintenance)?  Or just solid state/class D?
- What kind of music do you like?
- What kind of volume to you usually listen?

Preamps are necessary if you have more than one non-digital source
(eg. a tuner or a turntable) where you can't use the Transporter to
select sources, or if you get an amp that has a low input sensitivity
(and need the preamp gain to really drive the amp the way it was
designed to be driven).


Sonic Spirits Inc.

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Yet another amplifier question.

2006-11-05 Thread sam500

I will be hitting the local shops, but there I'll be restricted to the
amps they have available to listen to.  Any amps generally considered
to be outstanding in my price range will give me a good place to start
listening looking. Any suggestions?

In answer to your points:
Tubes don't particularly interest me.  From what I've read it seems to
get a really good quality tube amp, in general, costs bigger bucks than
the solid state.

I listen to loud hard rock/heavy metal music (80's hair metal mostly)
and not-so-loud clssical.  I guess that's two extremes. :)


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Yet another amplifier question.

2006-11-05 Thread michel

I would go for the flying moles (yes, that's their name!). I recently
heard a setup with SB3 fed into a Benchmark DAC1 driving the amps
directly. Incredible accurate and natural sounding. If my Goldmund
Mimesis 6 was not in so good a condition I would be tempted to go for
those moles.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Yet another amplifier question.

2006-11-05 Thread PhilNYC

PaulB;152643 Wrote: 
 My take on preamps is different from that of Phil (see above).  I used
 to think the same about preamps:  just a switching device and a volume
 control, even though more than once I heard about the need for matching
 impedance between amps and sources.  

For the record, this is not what I think of preamps.  My comment above
was regarding when a preamp is necessary...for me personally, I am
solidly in the camp that strongly prefers a good preamp in a system
because of how it affects the sound.  In my personal experience, I have
found that with only minor exception, adding a good preamp to a system
adds a great deal to the spacial-cues in a system's sonic presentation,
and more often than not, adds a level of refinement to the sound that I
strongly prefer.  This has been true in my own system, where my Blue
Circle amp's low input sensitivity really likes the higher output of a
preamp, as well as in my experiences with systems using amps with
higher sensitivity, such as Bryston, Pass Labs, Odessey, and my own Bel
Canto-based system.

Having said that, I know more than one person who has heard my system
using the Transporter directly to my amps that prefers it without a
preamp...so it's very much a personal taste thing...


Sonic Spirits Inc.

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Will Transporter support video?

2006-11-05 Thread ackcheng

Mark Wrote: 
 Personally I have no idea why the whole world is fascinated with video.

Well. Wasn't it nice to have music stream from a different room and get
the best quality from the CD ripping? 

Now, isn't it also good to have video streaming from a different and
get the best quality picture from the same box?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Codec Question: Which is Better Apple or LAME = 320kbs

2006-11-05 Thread ezkcdude

Why don't you just listen for yourself? Do you really need other people
to tell you which sounds better, when you have the ability to do this
test for yourself? FWIW, just go with lossless, whether it's Apple,
FLAC, WAV, doesn't matter. You'll sleep better knowing that your  files
are bit perfect (as people love to say around here).


DIY projects page:

SB3-EZDAC-MIT Terminator 2 interconnects-Endler Audio 24-step
Attenuators (RCA-direct)-Parasound Halo A23 125W/ch amplifier-Speltz
anti-cables-DIY 2-ways + Dayton Titanic 10 subwoofer

He's not hi-fi, he's my stereo.

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB2 vs Rotel rcd 1072

2006-11-05 Thread jmourik

Compared my totally unmodified SB2 to a Rotel rcd 1072:
http://www.rotel.com/products/specs/rcd1072.htm. The Rotel sounds real
nice, mid/high is much more open, transparent. The SB2 sounds kind of
muddy compared to the Rotel.
So the question is... What should I do with the SB2 to bring it up to
or past the level of the Rotel?
I've been looking at the Bolder mods, which ones would make sense? I'm
thinking about the analog only mods, or should I do the digital mods
too, just in case? There's a range of mods, going up in price from $200
to $465, which ones make sense?
Or should I just go for a Transporter?

hints, tips, suggestions, flames are welcomed ;-)



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Can CD quality be achieved with Internet Radio and SB3?

2006-11-05 Thread marco1

Can anyone help with what I am sure is quite a basic question?

I recently bought an SB3 purely to take advantage of the vast array of
content available on Internet radio, particularly for Jazz which has
very little to offer on DAB or FM. 

I was impressed by the quality of sound that could be achieved via
Internet radio when I tried it through my computer recording audio
interface and studio monitors, and bought SD3 to use with my hi fi

I have to say I am disappointed with SB3 through my HiFi system and
wonder what else could be done to improve it.

I realise that the DAC in SB3 is not going to be as good as my CD
player but how do the internet radio streams that are sent to a DAC
compare with what a CD transport would send, that is, if the Internet
radio is streamed at 128KBps, what will the CD transport 'stream' it



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Toslink cable test

2006-11-05 Thread opaqueice

tomjtx;152691 Wrote: 
 I think there is a fallacy in that reasoning. A study of the
 effectiveness of a drug doesn't rely on the psychological state of the
 subject(excluding drugs for depression etc.) 

That's not true - the placebo effect is important in all trials, not
just those for psychoactive drugs, which is the reason they must always
be controlled with placebo as well as double-blinded.   

 Nor is it a test where the subject himself has to choose the drug which
 works best according to how the subject perceives the effects of said
 To question ABX applied to audio does not mean questioning ABX in
 medical testing.
 Let's compare apples to apples.

The subjects of those trials know they are being subjected to a blind
test.  If blinditis existed it would mean we couldn't trust the results
of those trials, since people might react differently when taking the
drug under non-trial conditions.  It's your logic, not mine.

Anyway, you didn't respond to any of my other points...  the fact is,
it's a pretty silly hypothesis that there could be some psychological
effect which only exists during blind trials, and if it is the case, it
means we should expect many other such effects which would make any
comparison or test useless.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB2 vs Rotel rcd 1072

2006-11-05 Thread tomjtx

I will be auditioning a fully modded SB with WAyne's 750.00 PSU.
I should get it around Nov. 17th and wil have it at least a week to
compare it to my TP(1 month old by then) 
I've already compared my SB3/modded elpac to the TP and found the TP to
be better by a pretty significant margin.

I'll post my impressions of the full Bolder mods/UltimatePSU around the
end of Nov


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB2 vs Rotel rcd 1072

2006-11-05 Thread jan van mourik
Cool, I'm looking forward to that! I would never consider the $750 PSU though...jan
audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Toslink cable test

2006-11-05 Thread tomjtx

opaqueice;152697 Wrote: 
 That's not true - the placebo effect is important in all trials, not
 just those for psychoactive drugs, which is the reason they must always
 be controlled with placebo as well as double-blinded.   
 The subjects of those trials know they are being subjected to a blind
 test.  If blinditis existed it would mean we couldn't trust the results
 of those trials, since people might react differently when taking the
 drug under non-trial conditions.  It's your logic, not mine.
 No, that wasn't my logic, see below
 Anyway, you didn't respond to any of my other points...  the fact is,
 it's a pretty silly hypothesis that there could be some psychological
 effect which only exists during blind trials, and if it is the case, it
 means we should expect many other such effects which would make any
 comparison or test useless.

OK, i was refering to a test of antibiotics or cholesterol drugs , for
The results can be determined by blood tests, the cholesterol is lower
or not, the infection is gone or not.

It is irrelevant if the subject says he feels better(the placebo
effect) in these tests. So blinditis would not invalidate those tests.

I never said that there would only be a psychological effect in blind

Any number of factors could affect the hearing performance of the
The pressure of the test itself can affect listener performance, and
that does not repudiate medical testing which doesn't rely on the
subjects subjective assessment.

I will ask some colleagues if there are any studies on ear training
tests. ie. whether a graded test gives different scores than an
ungraded test.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Will Transporter support video?

2006-11-05 Thread Mark Lanctot

ackcheng;152681 Wrote: 
 Now, isn't it also good to have video streaming from a different and get
 the best quality picture from the same box?

Not really.  I don't play video on my PC.  Well, low-quality snippets
of stuff, but that's it.

I suppose the need might be there if I downloaded or ripped movies, but
I don't.

Note I said personally.  A lot of others like yourself seem to want
it/like it, and I guess I can see the interest in doing for video what
the Squeezebox/Transporter does for audio.  But for what I use my PC
for, it doesn't fit.

Mark Lanctot

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Can CD quality be achieved with Internet Radio and SB3?

2006-11-05 Thread Mark Lanctot

marco1;152687 Wrote: 
 I realise that the DAC in SB3 is not going to be as good as my CD player

Actually that's probably not the case unless your CD player costs over
$500.  What's more likely happened is that the Squeezebox and your
stereo system are more revealing than your computer audio setup and you
suddenly are aware of the shortcomings of 128 kbps compressed, streamed

 but how do the internet radio streams that are sent to a DAC compare
 with what a CD transport would send, that is, if the Internet radio is
 streamed at 128KBps, what will the CD transport 'stream' it at??

CD quality is a fuzzy term marketers use because it can mean
anything.  A standard CD contains data encoded at 1440 kilobits per
second.  So when you hear a 128 kbps stream, it cannot possibly be
comparable to CD quality at 1440 kbps as over 90% of the bits have
been discarded.

True CD quality is either achieved with WAV playback, which is both
lossless and uncompressed at 1440 kbps, or lossless compressed like
FLAC at around 1000 kbps.  With a lossy format like MP3, you've lost
data which you may be able to perceive.  It's harder to notice at
higher bitrates like 320 kbps or 256 kbps than at lower bitrates like
128 kbps.

So, try ripping a CD or two into WAV or FLAC, see here:


WAV or FLAC should be comparable to sound coming out of your CD player.
Most people find that the Squeezebox is better.  But if it still sounds
bad to you, come back here because something is wrong.

Mark Lanctot

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Toslink cable test

2006-11-05 Thread tomjtx

opaqueice;152710 Wrote: 
 Maybe I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure there is *always* a placebo
 control, even in those tests.  Don't underestimate the power of
 psychology - taking a sugar pill and believing it is a cholsterol
 lowering drug may actually lower your cholesterol... and even if it
 doesn't, it's better to remove the possibility by controlling for it.
 I'm sure if you feel under pressure it will affect your performance,
 although I'm not sure whether it will decrease it or actually enhance
 it.  It would be interesting to find out.
 Suppose we ran a blind trial on digital cables and got a null result
 (no significant differences).  I think I can summarize things like
 Hypothesis 1:  there is a condition, blinditis, which affects people
 only while they undergo blind tests, which causes them to think they
 can hear the same difference they heard while not being tested, when in
 fact they can't, and therefore they fail (meaning their choices are
 consistent with random) the test.
 Hypothesis 2:  the differences between cables are too small to be
 Occam's razor applies in this situation, I think...

I can't really disagree. I think I have to claim agnosticism in this
situation(the ultimate cop-out? :-)

I really only wanted to point to the possbilty that 
blind tests might possibly have some flaws with regard to audio
testing: that they might not provide us with a definitive answer as to
what gear we are going to enjoy the most or think is better.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Can CD quality be achieved with Internet Radio and SB3?

2006-11-05 Thread bpa

Internet radio will not approach CD quality but many stations give you
choice of encoding.  The quality of a stream depends not just on speed
but also how it is encoded.

Supposedly a 48kbps/sec AACplus stream is as good as FM and 128kbit/sec
MP3 - so speed isn't everything but it helps. Usually higher speed
streams have an associated subscription.

Picks a station with multiple streams and do a comparison test of the
different formats say with a www.Sky.FM or a www.Somafm.com station.

You can get AACplus to work by having Slimserver transcode
(http://wiki.slimdevices.com/index.cgi?AACplus) and there are a few
higher speed AACplus which say their 96kbit/s or 128Kbits stream is CD
quality.  The web site www.tuner2.com has


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Codec Question: Which is Better Apple or LAME = 320kbs

2006-11-05 Thread ajmitchell

Well thanks for the opinion that I should rip lossless, I did not feel I
had to launch into a long explanation of why I keep TWO servers one with
lossless for home audio and a second synched with ipod which also serves
as a multiperson server and this has many time more tracks and hence
need to be lossy.

Yes I know lossless sounds better, I have posted this myself many
times, but that was not my question if you re-read it carefully.

The opinion that I should decide for myself is fine except there is
clearly a vary narrow difference, but if the overall opinion is that
one is superior for this or other reasons I would tend to favour
that.especially as this difference may becomne more pronounced with


Check out my other hobby http://ajmitchell.shutterpoint.com

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Codec Question: Which is Better Apple or LAME = 320kbs

2006-11-05 Thread ezkcdude

The point is that if you care enough to worry about .01% differences,
then you should be using lossless anyway. As time goes  on, memory only
gets cheaper, and bandwidth faster, so the arguments for lossy diminish
even further. If you want a lossy format, I'd go with LAME. It's the
best, period.


DIY projects page:

SB3-EZDAC-MIT Terminator 2 interconnects-Endler Audio 24-step
Attenuators (RCA-direct)-Parasound Halo A23 125W/ch amplifier-Speltz
anti-cables-DIY 2-ways + Dayton Titanic 10 subwoofer

He's not hi-fi, he's my stereo.

ezkcdude's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2545
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter Digital Inputs

2006-11-05 Thread ajmitchell

Its in the main menu in the transporter but not on the remote


Check out my other hobby http://ajmitchell.shutterpoint.com

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audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter Digital Inputs

2006-11-05 Thread ajmitchell

Its in the main menu in the transporter but not on the remote (main menu
 digital input  1 of 4)


Check out my other hobby http://ajmitchell.shutterpoint.com

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Toslink cable test

2006-11-05 Thread SoftwireEngineer

Differences between digital cables of varying quality/type are very
easily discernible. I dont know with what 'coax/toslink' opaqueice did
not find differences. The forum also needs to know his/her setup. If
you cannot hear differences in jitter in a digital playback setup. One
will be unnecessarily chasing after other things in the chain to
improve bass/treble etc.
In my experience, jitter is what separates digital playback from
analog. Note, I only have an 'ordinary' analog setup and it is not my
primary means of playback. But I can easily tell that analog playback
is superior to 'run-of-the-mill' digital playback systems. After
hearing the low jitter SB3 compared to my previous CD player. I can now
believe when people with high-end digital playback systems claim that
digital is equal or even better than analog. 
I ran a MSB Link Dac for 2 years with a cheap toslink, because as a
CS/EE I thought digital is digital and cannot make a difference. My
chance, I tried a different digital cable and heard a difference.
Later, I read about jitter and found the explanation. First, recognize
a phenomenon and then look for an explanation. Ofcourse, you can try
ABX and all that, but this jitter differences between cables should be
too obvious.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Toslink cable test

2006-11-05 Thread rajacat

In my opinion cables can make a difference especially in a system
capable of hight resolution. Last night I substituted some pure silver
speaker jumpers in my Omega Super 3 Bipoles for the stock copper wire
jumpers in my continual quest for even better sound quality. Much to my
surprise I preferred the stock copper wire jumpers to the silver ones.
The difference in SQ was not subtle. The silver jumpers were detailed
in the extreme and the high frequencies were very harsh and unnatural
to my ears. I did not conduct a blind test but I'm sure that anyone
would perceive the difference because it was like listening to two
different speakers.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Toslink cable test

2006-11-05 Thread rajacat

The contacts were very clean. Contacts do make a difference but
following the same logic, if contacts can make a difference so should
cables especially if they are of different metals. It's easy to turn
that logic around. BTW have you tried any of the contact enhancers such



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB2 vs Rotel rcd 1072

2006-11-05 Thread adamslim

jmourik;152690 Wrote: 
 The Rotel sounds real nice, mid/high is much more open, transparent. The
 SB2 sounds kind of muddy compared to the Rotel.

I'm having the same issues.  I've had my SB3 for a month now, and it is
leagues behind my Shanling - not really suitable for critical listening.
Great for the kitchen system.  (That's not an insult - it's a nice
kitchen system!)

I'll be getting it installed into my mains conditioning system - a
surprisingly complex task for reasons too long to go into here :)  It
may be part of the problem that it is being fed by a different mains
source; not sure but I'll eliminate it soon.

I am toying with getting a Derek Shek DAC (the d2), to see if this
helps.  Any other ideas people come up with would be welcome!



SB3 and Shanling CDT-100, Rotel RT-990BX, Esoteric Audio Research 859,
Living Voice Auditorium IIs, Nordost cables

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Can CD quality be achieved with Internet Radio and SB3?

2006-11-05 Thread empty99

marco1;152687 Wrote: 
 Can anyone help with what I am sure is quite a basic question?
 I recently bought an SB3 purely to take advantage of the vast array of
 content available on Internet radio, particularly for Jazz which has
 very little to offer on DAB or FM. 
 I was impressed by the quality of sound that could be achieved via
 Internet radio when I tried it through my computer recording audio
 interface and studio monitors, and bought SD3 to use with my hi fi
 I have to say I am disappointed with SB3 through my HiFi system and
 wonder what else could be done to improve it.
 I realise that the DAC in SB3 is not going to be as good as my CD
 player but how do the internet radio streams that are sent to a DAC
 compare with what a CD transport would send, that is, if the Internet
 radio is streamed at 128KBps, what will the CD transport 'stream' it

Do a search on SB3 volume ctrl either digital or analog mode and how
you hookup to your hifi, this will greatly affect sound quality. In my
setup SB3ext DAC  Internet radio @ 128k sounds great


empty99's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3488
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=29416

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB is killing the SACD format! ;)

2006-11-05 Thread rajacat

Have you listened to a fully modded SB?


rajacat's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4156
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audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Just back from the London What HiFi Show

2006-11-05 Thread cliveb

NigelC;152766 Wrote: 
 Did you get the free SB3 with the Transporter?
The free SB3 offer was still in force. Paul said that it would stay
until the end of the week.


Performers - dozens of mixers and effects - clipped/hypercompressed
mastering - you think a few extra ps of jitter matters?

cliveb's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=348
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audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB is killing the SACD format! ;)

2006-11-05 Thread Manelus

rplert;152787 Wrote: 
  The Transporter, however, is another matter.  I have to listen very
 carefully to discern any difference between it and my physical players
 and even then I can't be sure if it is me or the players.  And while I
 certainly haven't heard them all I have not heard a $2000 CD player
 that competes with the Transporter.

I agree, *Tranporter* is the way to go if it comes to sound quality.
It beats my Opera Droplet CD player, no doubt.


Manelus's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=8289
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audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB is killing the SACD format! ;)

2006-11-05 Thread crooner

I recently put together a very nice system around ARC tube electronics
and the SB3+custom linear PS with a DAC-60 tube DAC sounds very good
indeed. So good, I decided not to invest in a transporter and get a VPI
Scout with a Benz Glider instead.

I got rid of my SACD player and will soon put all my high-rez discs up
for sale.

|Filename: new system for sb forums.jpg |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=1948|


crooner's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3379
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: A photo of your Squeezebox setup (please)

2006-11-05 Thread crooner

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=19817

Question: Should there be a new forum for photos?

- yes
- no
- maybe

Here is my latest bedroom system :-)

SB3 with custom linear power supply.
Lite Audio DAC-60 tube output 24 bit DAC.

VPI Scout with Benz Glider M2 cartridge
Audio Research PH3 phono preamp
Audio Research SP16L tube preamp
Audio Research VS110 tube power amp
Vandersteen 2Ce signatures
Vandersteen 2W powered sub

|Filename: new system sb3 forums 2.jpg  |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=1949|


crooner's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3379
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=19817

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Any fellows SB3er using Icepower class D w/ BW speakers ?

2006-11-05 Thread empty99

And which amps before the switch? Much appreciated.


empty99's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3488
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=29446

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