Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Apple Lossless a compromise?

2008-07-07 Thread ilbravo

GuyDebord;316806 Wrote: 
 I just changed the settings in squeeze center to ALAC-WAV and I couldnt
 believe the difference, .

thank you very much for this posting. I made the same exciting sound
experience you describe with my recently purchased transporter, when I
played for the first time  AIFF files ripped from a CD (Saint-Saens,
Symphony #3 -Organ) with iTunes. Surprisingly,  the  ALAC and FLAC
rips (using Max because performed on an iMac)) from the same CD
sounded poorer. This was very confusing and misleading  because it is
stated as a matter of fact, that lossless formats should not loose
sound quality.  

According to your experience, I would guess now that the transporter
perform some on the fly conversion with FLAC files in the default
settings. Unfortunately I could not figure out, where to change the
settings you described. In the advanced settings for file conversion in
the 7.0.1. version of squeezecenter, there is no way to set any format
to WAV. There is only a choice between Native and deactivated for
most of the formats (I hopeI have used  the right vocabulary because I
am using a german localization of the server). Any additional hint
would be very much appriciated..


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FLAC or ALAC that is the question!?

2008-07-07 Thread iPhone

david_a_woodward;316973 Wrote: 
 Hi there, I hope someone can help, I’ve read a fair few posts, but as is
 often the way can’t find the info I am looking for. 
 I am new to ripping, I have a collection of about 500 CDs and I am on
 the brink of lashing out some hard earned cash on SB3/Duet/Transporter
 (3 rooms) and TranquilPC T2-WHS-A3i (unless anyone recommends a better
 alternative), so should not have space constraints? 
 I have always been a keen audiophile with a Michell GyroDec,
 CD2/82/250/SBL Naim system, this is where I plan to add the
 Transporter, (can I share the Duet remote with the Transporter, SB3 and
 Duet systems?) 
 I am looking for the best quality I can achieve, but I do not want to
 spend too long discovering (and learning) the best suite of ‘amazing’
 software programs that appear to be available to use, nor labouring
 over very slow rip/tagging.
 I do want to view cover art on the duet controller and would like to
 easily move some/all(?) of the ripped CDs to a, yet to purchased, ipod.
 So what is my dilemma? I gather, but may have got the wrong end of the
 stick, the two obvious choices are to use iTunes, seems to be viewed as
 the easiest and simplest workflow in ripping, tagging, cover art etc in
 ALAC loseless format, or go down the, what appears to be, much more
 daunting sounding, EAC/FLAC/various other tools for cover art
 extraction etc route. 
 I am not too concerned about being locked into Apple’s proprietary
 approach provided it works well with SB technology, and makes my life
 easier to transfer my CD library. 
 I am keen to know the pro’s and cons of each approach, so I can make a
 better informed decision. Thank you all in advance for you valued

The simple thing to do is use dBpowerAmp to Rip and tag your files in
FLAC format. FLAC converts to almost anything else you might ever need
and allows you to stay far away from iTunes.


'Last.FM' (
Media Room:
Transporter, VTL TL-6.5 Signature Pre-Amp, Ayre MX-R Mono Blocks,
Vandersteen Quatro, VeraStarr 6.4SE 6-channel Amp, VCC-5 Reference
Center, four VSM-1 Signatures, Runco RS 900 CineWide AutoScope 2.35:1  

Living Room:
Duet, ADCOM GTP-870HD, Cinepro 3K6SE III Gold, Vandersteen Model 3A
Signature, Two 2Wq subs, VCC-2, Two VSM-1  

Bedroom: SB3, NAD C370, Thiel 2.3
Home Office: SB3, Parasound Vamp v.3, VSM-1 Sigs
Mobile: SB3, Audioengine A5

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] The Absolute Sound reviews AppleTV and Squeezebox Duet

2008-07-07 Thread JoeLR

^^  Clearly fair  balanced reviewing!!  I'm an Apple TV user, and I
have to agree that review makes no sense.  I haven't run into the
issues he did, FWIW


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] The Absolute Sound reviews AppleTV and Squeezebox Duet

2008-07-07 Thread mr_bill

Bring it on Pale Blue Ego - I'm ready!
I hope it's a good one.
(especially since I just purchased a Duet to use into my Dac)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Power Supply

2008-07-07 Thread BigTony

I have pondered using batteries for both my SB3 and DAC, and to hook it
up to a trickle recharger unit (solar powered).
Then i look outside and see rain  



We're Only In It For The Music!

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Time to go minimalist?

2008-07-07 Thread david_f1976

Hope nobody minds an essay.

I bought a Squeezebox 3/Classic back in December and have to say that
after coveting one for a while it didn't let me down in my
expectations. It's the best purchase I've made in a long time.

My setup at the time of the purchase was a 10-year old Marantz/Tannoy
entry-level setup consisting of: Marantx PM-66SE amplifier, Marantz
CD-67, Marantz ST-150 tuner and Tannoy Profile 631 SE. I recently added
an ex-demo Musical Fidelity X-3 DAC with a home-made power supply. I
have a squeezebox controller on the way.

The CD player is very rarely used now (and seems to be dying a death or
in need of repair, anyway), and internet radio on the squeezebox means
the tuner is redundant for me (I generally only listen to sports on the
radio). So, these will be departing the house as soon as I find the
motivation. I aim to replace the CD player with a DVD player: 1) to
watch DVDs when I can finally afford a TV of my own (I'm in shared
accommodation with only a smallish room to myself) and; 2) as backup
for the Squeezebox.

This means that my AV rack will only house one full-sized AV component
until a DVD player is added. So, I'm contemplating boxing away the amp
and speakers and picking up a pair of Audioengine A5s as this will help
de-clutter my room and make for a nice portable setup for future house
moves, but I'm very attached to the current sound from the Squeezebox
- DAC - Amplifier - Speakers route. It doesn't have the greatest
bass in the world but I love the detail.

Any thoughts from people who have/haven't gone down this route,
particularly Audioengine owners.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] The Absolute Sound reviews AppleTV and Squeezebox Duet

2008-07-07 Thread Pale Blue Ego

Steven Stone tells us there is ANOTHER sub-$400, iTunes-friendly music
server, the Logitech Squeezebox Duet!  For some reason it really
bothers me that these high-end audiophile guys are so indelibly married
to iTunes.  It's like, if they can't use iTunes, the deal's off - they
just won't ever have a music server.  Whatever, guys.  It's not the
be-all, end-all of software, ok?

He describes the Duet and ponders, Does it leave the Apple TV in the
dust?  The short answer is, 'different horses for different courses'. 
For many music lovers, it makes perfect sense to own both.

What's that?  Own BOTH?  I guess when you're a high-end reviewer with
boxes of uber-expensive equipment stacked everywhere waiting to be
played with, having TWO networked music systems is no big deal.  To me,
it makes no sense at all.

Anyway, on to the Duet.  Mr. Stone says, you are led through the
installation process by a very well-designed instruction set.  He is
impressed that SqueezeCenter offers access to a number of internet
music sources, and that firmware updates can be sent directly to the
Duet.  He sets the Duet up via wifi and if he ran into any networking
glitches, he failed to mention them.

He does say that to access your own iTunes library, you must have a
computer powered up 24/7 and this could be a significant drawback for
some people.

Mr. Stone was very enthusiastic about the Controller, though - easily
ranks among the best I've ever grasped.  And he likes the fact that
the Controller becomes a stylish digital clock when residing in the
charging cradle.

He had no problem with the menu system of the controller and again he
notes that the response time is remarkably fastas fast as the
hard-drive-based AppleTV.

Also impressive was the range of the Controller.  Indoors, it was
usuable even 65 feet from the access point, and he went over 100 feet
down his driveway before the Controller lost connection.

There was a glitch with the Duet not picking up all of the iTunes
artwork.  Logitech told him that Apple recently changed their artwork
library specs, and they expected to have a firmware fix shortly.

Mr. Stone seemed to be most impressed with the internet radio
capabilities of the Duet, which seems strange because I thought iTunes
had that feature, too.  Maybe it was the inclusion of the Live365 and
Radio Time plugins in the Duet system, because he seemed to really
enjoy listening to commercial FM stations from around the country.  Or
maybe he just likes disc jockey banter and intrusive ads.

As for sound quality, he equates the Duet with the AppleTV - mid-fi
sound from the analog outputs, but from the digital output, it was the
equivalent of his other transports.

In the big finale - which one would he choose, the Duet or the Apple? 
He cops out again and says BOTH.  Maybe he wants to run a computer 24/7
AND fire up his hi-def projector to hear some music.  He says the Duet
is the radio king, while the AppleTV is great for watching YouTube
videos.  For an audiophile, he certainly seems very happy with
low-bandwidth music and video playback.

Anyway, both reviews were very positive, and should serve to put the
Duet on the radar of many audiophiles.

Pale Blue Ego

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] The Absolute Sound reviews AppleTV and Squeezebox Duet

2008-07-07 Thread JJZolx

Pale Blue Ego;317937 Wrote: 
 For some reason it really bothers me that these high-end audiophile guys
 are so indelibly married to iTunes.  It's like, if they can't use
 iTunes, the deal's off - they just won't ever have a music server. 
 Whatever, guys.  It's not the be-all, end-all of software, ok?

I've seen this and it's partly the promotion of at least one high end
USB DAC manufacturer.  Imagine you sell $3000 DACs to 50 and
60-something audiophiles with gobs of cash burning holes in their
pockets.  Some of these guys have never sent an email.  You want to
promote the simplest software solution that will part those guys from
their money.  An Apple Mac with iTunes is the path of least

Software is a _huge_ denominator in the upper end of this market.



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Yamaha RX-V1800 vs. Squeezebox v3 DAC

2008-07-07 Thread dekaliber

I'm about to buy a new system for home theater and hi-fi and I'm looking
to get a Yamaha RX-V1800 receiver as the main pre-pro unit.  Not quite
audiophile perhaps, but from the sound of everything I've read it
should be good enough for my needs (probably 80% music, 20% movies).

For stereo music I'm planning to connect my Squeezebox v3 to the
receiver, with pre-out to a NAD C272 power amp to drive my fronts.

I'm curious if anyone knows whether the Burr-Brown DAC in the
Squeezebox v3 is better, or the DAC in the Yamaha is better?  Just
wondering if it would be better to hook up the digital signal into the
receiver, or send analog via RCA.

Thanks for any suggestions.


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