Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Is 24bit/44.1kHz high resolution or marketing BS?

2017-02-13 Thread Julf

pablolie wrote: 
> Based on my reading, even the best human platinum ears can not hear
> beyond 20/44.

And I would question the 20. Even 16 bits means hearing stuff that is
way below the background noise level of your listening room while
listening to music at 120 dB...

"To try to judge the real from the false will always be hard. In this
fast-growing art of 'high fidelity' the quackery will bear a solid gilt
edge that will fool many people" - Paul W Klipsch, 1953

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Is 24bit/44.1kHz high resolution or marketing BS?

2017-02-13 Thread pablolie

Yes 16/44 is plenty, and we deserve more recordings that... uh...
deserve it.

Based on my reading, even the best human platinum ears can not hear
beyond 20/44. Again, in some extreme border cases arguably the
quantification error is the issue, and not the sampling frequency
(Nyquist nailed that one). 

But I have not EVER heard of ONE scientifically conducted test that ever
remotely indicates any human on the planet would benefit from anything
beyond 20/44... and most stuff we get in 16/44 doesn't remotely deserve
it, thanks music industry...

Server: Virtual Machine (on VMware Workstation 12) running Ubuntu 16.04
+ LMS 7.9
System: SB Touch --optical->- Benchmark DAC2HGC --AnalysisPlus Oval
Copper XLR->- NAD M22 Power Amp --AnalysisPlus Black Mesh Oval->- Totem
Element Fire
Other Rooms: 2x SB Boom; 1x SB Radio; 1x SB Classic-> NAD D7050 -> Totem
DreamCatcher + Velodyne Minivee Sub
Computer audio: workstation --USB->- audioengine D1 -> Grado
PS500e/Shure 1540

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Fix for spuriously rebooting Transporter

2017-02-13 Thread Fizbin

arkadi58 wrote: 
> So my transporter started to reboot once or twice a day, and since
> yesterday it is dead. It does reset itself when I hold down the POWER
> button for several seconds.
> Measured the voltages, the audio section looks fine, but that extra 5V
> PS seems bad. The test point on the front panel PCB next to the power
> connection drops to 3.1 V when operational, the idle voltage of the PS
> is 5V.
> There is another test point on the main board next to the ribbon
> connector the front panel. Same thing: 3.1V instead of 5V.
> So it looks like another one of these PS. No visual clues as to which
> component is bad, but I think it is worth getting a replacement and
> trying it out.
> thanks for the info.

A few members here had the same problem with their Transporter's. The
new PSU corrected it.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Is 24bit/44.1kHz high resolution or marketing BS?

2017-02-13 Thread arnyk

Wombat wrote: 
> I was there also :)
> But this is how it goes. Higher DR must sound better. Higher bitrate
> must sound better. Strangely people that claim to hear all kind of
> things trust most in these numbers.
> Lately i did read about the 24/44.1 new Metallica is said to sound
> better as the cd while the RMS number is exactly -0.9dB more silent as
> are the peaks.
> Since the 24/44.1 is said to was created for the iTunes version it may
> simply be the cd version dropped in volume to comply with the Mastered
> for iTunes clipping AAC headroom.
> Edit: and there is also that chance your newly purchased 24/44.1
> download went from 16 to 24 bit from the process of adding a steady
> watermark

If I think about it, I can't help but smile at the naive thinking that
higher DR or higher bitrate *- m u s t -* or any other technical
improvement must necessarily sound better.

The first and biggest problem is that for something to truely sound
better, it has to at least sound different. In the modern audio world,
the baseline for technical performance is often so good that we are
actually pretty far into diminishing or even vanishing returns. So,
sounding different is not always a given, or even possible.

The second problem is that there is no uniform, generally agreed up
standard for "better sound". All you have to do is  look at all of the
people who think vinyl or analog tape sound better, look at the actual
technical performance these ancient and inherently audibly flawed media
can possibly provide and once you stop retching, realize that we have
yet another example of a total lack of correlation between improved
technical performance and improved sound quality as perceived by some.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Intona USB thing

2017-02-13 Thread arnyk

foxesden wrote: 
> May I humbly suggest that you review this and other responses that you
> have made on this forum and then consider how they may appear to other
> people?

I know a veiled personal attack when I see one, and so do others. I've
tried to help you and your response is to insult and humiliate me in
public. How does that make you look?

BTW you should know that the findings of science are not determined by
popularity contests. Furthermore you are trying to make it look like you
speak for everybody, when in fact you can only speak for yourself.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Fix for spuriously rebooting Transporter

2017-02-13 Thread arkadi58

So my transporter started to reboot once or twice a day, and since
yesterday it is dead. It does reset itself when I hold down the POWER
button for several seconds.
Measured the voltages, the audio section looks fine, but that extra 5V
PS seems bad. The test point on the front panel PCB next to the power
connection drops to 3.1 V when operational, the idle voltage of the PS
is 5V.
There is another test point on the main board next to the ribbon
connector the front panel. Same thing: 3.1V instead of 5V.

So it looks like another one of these PS. No visual clues as to which
component is bad, but I think it is worth getting a replacement and
trying it out.

thanks for the info.

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