Wombat wrote: 
> I was there also :)
> But this is how it goes. Higher DR must sound better. Higher bitrate
> must sound better. Strangely people that claim to hear all kind of
> things trust most in these numbers.
> Lately i did read about the 24/44.1 new Metallica is said to sound
> better as the cd while the RMS number is exactly -0.9dB more silent as
> are the peaks.
> Since the 24/44.1 is said to was created for the iTunes version it may
> simply be the cd version dropped in volume to comply with the Mastered
> for iTunes clipping AAC headroom.
> Edit: and there is also that chance your newly purchased 24/44.1
> download went from 16 to 24 bit from the process of adding a steady
> watermark

If I think about it, I can't help but smile at the naive thinking that
higher DR or higher bitrate *- m u s t -* or any other technical
improvement must necessarily sound better.

The first and biggest problem is that for something to truely sound
better, it has to at least sound different. In the modern audio world,
the baseline for technical performance is often so good that we are
actually pretty far into diminishing or even vanishing returns. So,
sounding different is not always a given, or even possible.

The second problem is that there is no uniform, generally agreed up
standard for "better sound". All you have to do is  look at all of the
people who think vinyl or analog tape sound better, look at the actual
technical performance these ancient and inherently audibly flawed media
can possibly provide and once you stop retching, realize that we have
yet another example of a total lack of correlation between improved
technical performance and improved sound quality as perceived by some.

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