Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter woes

2009-05-15 Thread Calum Mackay
MadScientist wrote:
 In their favour, I will say that Ripcaster, when forced into a course
 of action, act very efficiently.  However, I’m singularly unimpressed
 with their after sales service. 

and yet you reward them by allowing the to keep the sale, instead of 
demanding your money back?

I hope I would have been sterner; still, the temptation to just get a 
working unit quickly must have been strong :)

audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter woes

2009-05-15 Thread Calum Mackay
bhaagensen wrote:
 MadScientist;423299 Wrote: 
 Draw you owns conclusions from that!   What a way to treat a customer
 who has spent £1000 on a product.

 Interesting story since they so clearly messed up. Ripcaster seems to
 have a good reputation.

not anymore :)
audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] The Blind Testing Controversy

2009-04-02 Thread Calum Mackay
ralphpnj wrote:
 You're right, if nothing short of a full blown ABX will make you happy
 then don't spend the money. However, just for the record, what does
 your audio system consist of right now? Are you using the analog
 outputs of the SBR or the digital outputs into an external DAC or
 receiver? There are several other ways to improve the sound of your
 existing audio system besides upgrading to a Transporter and many of
 them may cost less than a Transporter.

indeed, and probably it's a bad example in my case.

I'm takign the analogue output of the SBR into Quad pre/power amps, and 
thence to Quad bookshelf speakers, which is the best I can fit in my 
crowded office, which itself doesn't have ideal acoustics. no doubt.

I'm also considering getting a headphone amp and some nice cans, perhaps 

audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] The Blind Testing Controversy

2009-04-02 Thread Calum Mackay
Phil Leigh wrote:
 I'm takign the analogue output of the SBR into Quad pre/power amps, and

 thence to Quad bookshelf speakers, which is the best I can fit in my
 crowded office, which itself doesn't have ideal acoustics. no doubt.

 I'm also considering getting a headphone amp and some nice cans,

 Which Quad pre/power?

34/606, into 21L speakers.
audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] The Blind Testing Controversy

2009-04-02 Thread Calum Mackay
ralphpnj wrote:
 You might want to consider one the combination headphone amp and DAC

interesting, thanks...
audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] The Blind Testing Controversy

2009-04-01 Thread Calum Mackay
thanks CatBus,

 Better than that--I can point you to the samples themselves.  But
 first--you weren't clear which you you want the 320k MP3
 that's indistinguishable from RedBook or the 320k MP3 that's easily
 distinguished from RedBook.  It's a kinda important difference.

Looks like I misunderstood; I got the wrong impression that there were 
claims that some people could routinely tell the difference between 320k 
MP3, and lossless, for a random selection of tracks. That was what I was 
really struggling to believe. That one can find - or create - 
pathological tracks doesn't surprise me at all.

As you say, the important question is how much of your collection is 
impacted by this.

For me, it's probably moot, as I struggle to tell the difference between 
even sub-200k MP3 and lossless.

audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] The Blind Testing Controversy

2009-04-01 Thread Calum Mackay
Teus de Jong wrote:
 Lets make a comparison here. If someone has read Umberto Eco's novel
 'The name of the rose', the impact of this novel will totally depend on
 the background knowledge of this person. The beautiful thing about this
 novel is that you don't need any background knowledge to appreciate the

no, but you certainly need some patience and perseverance; I find it 
hard-going, albeit rewarding.

warning: don't expect the book of the film :)

audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] The Blind Testing Controversy

2009-04-01 Thread Calum Mackay
to me, it comes down to a simple issue of justifying cost.

I hear that the Transporter might be a very good upgrade from my SBR. 
And it looks great. And I can have my beloved old-fashioned analogue 
VU*, and still have text info. Marvelous! :)

But it costs over a thousand quid, which is a huge amount of money, to me.

I don't trust myself at all: if I buy it, I might sit there and think: 
goodness, this is so much better than before.

But I know I am likely to be easily swayed by these extraneous things, 
especially after a few gins, so I'd like to know that I really am 
hearing an improvement.

That *requires* that I do proper ABX testing: if I can tell the 
difference, I can then decide whether it's worth it (to me), to spend 
the money acheiving it. If I can't tell the difference, I won't buy it. 
I don't believe anything other than ABX testing can answer this 
question, for me.

I did a similar test when deciding to move from my prosumer compact 
digital camera to a full-blown digital SLR. It cost much more than the 
Transporter, but I found I could take much better (to me) pictures with 
it, so I'm very happy.

So, why not just buy myself the Transporter, and believe it's better, 
even if I'm fooling myself? If I believe it, what's the problem? It's 
simple: I can't really afford to do that. I would be better off spending 
the money on better speakers (well, that's true anyway). Or gin.


* - I grew up watching these meters on high-class audio, and I wish I 
had them now, despite them being useless (to me).
audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] The Blind Testing Controversy

2009-04-01 Thread Calum Mackay
thanks for the recommendations Ralph, I'll look those that Eco, and some 
audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] The Blind Testing Controversy

2009-03-31 Thread Calum Mackay
CatBus wrote:
 darrenyeats;411499 Wrote:
 Is that true? I thought I'd read about some blind tests where people
 could distinguish between MP3 320 and red book?

 It depends on the sample.  There really are tracks have not yet been
 distinguished with any certainty from RedBook at 320k, and there really
 are tracks that are easily distinguished with high confidence.

I've seen this mentioned a number of times.

To me, it's extremely hard to understand how it can be true; but that's 
probably because of my ears.

Does anyone have a pointer to these experiments, so we can read about 
them first-hand?

audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Wired vs. Wireless

2009-03-25 Thread Calum Mackay
Goodsounds wrote:
 ralphpnj;410074 Wrote: 
 I consider the interference caused by microwave ovens to be one of
 SqueezeBox's dirty little secrets.
 You must be saying that Slim/Logitech is responsible for your microwave
 leaking radiation?  Hmmm, mine doesn't, maybe you need a new one (and
 not just to protect your music)

Mine does, and I wondered about that too. It takes out various laptops, 
audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] A/B SB3 vs Transporter

2009-03-24 Thread Calum Mackay
Quad wrote:
 meter is needed. Would you really consider blind-testing scotch single
 malt vs. bourbon? ;-)

If you're ever in the area, let me know and we can find out :)
audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Linn Klimax DS - Network Music Player

2009-03-23 Thread Calum Mackay
JezA wrote:
 darren, if the only way to make valid judgements about a musical
 experience is with a double-blind test, how can you make a judgement
 about a live concert?

we're not talking about judgements of a single event - I believe - we're 
talking about comparing two events.

you could, of course, compare two concerts, perhaps on separate nights. 
But it is unlikely the results of that comparison would tell you much 
about the technical side of the audio being produced.

It's well documented that expectation bias can fool the ear/brain into 
hearing differences that aren't there (or vice versa). That's where a 
blind test is useful, in producing reproducible, unbiased, results.

that is irrelevant, if you're happy with the sound you're getting, of 
course, no question.

but some people like to find out: is it really worth paying out an extra 
X amount? Will it really make a difference? For those people, the 
results of a double-blind test gives some assurance that other tests 
simply cannot.

As an aside, we read a recent article in the hi-fi press, extolling the 
virtues of a particular component. The lavish results were presented to 
a set of friends: these included all sorts of outlandish claims as to 
soundstage, timing, transparency etc, etc, and the friends were asked to 
guess the components under test.

No-one could, but tt turned out to be analogue phono cables, connecting 
a portable mp3 player to an amp, or powered speakers. Needless to say, 
the test was fully sighted, and the high-priced cable won the test. Of 
course, it might well be the best cable, but the test is totally 
unreliable, so we're none the wiser.

To my mind, designing a piece of electronic kit to achieve the quoted 
results would be a non-trivial task. Designing a piece of wire to do the 
same would be impressive indeed...


audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Linn Klimax DS - Network Music Player

2009-03-23 Thread Calum Mackay
that's a great analogy, Darren :)

 I suppose I could do a blind test versus my usual supermarket Yorkshire
 tea but I haven't got round to it, I'm just enjoying my tea. :)
 Given these caveats, I can't really state anything more than a personal
 preference. The problem would come if I tried to make an absolute
 judgment about it.

that's my problem with some of these discussions: we see quite a lot of 
these absolute statements.

I'm not experienced enough in these matters, and so I'm looking towards 
two things to help me follow:

- scientific explanation

- blind testing

but often it's hard to get either :(

audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Linn Klimax DS - Network Music Player

2009-03-23 Thread Calum Mackay
JezA wrote:
 cups of tea. If I'm interested, I'll try the teas myself, and draw my
 own conclusions. What else can you do?

exactly; but where that final test might result in spending a lot of 
money, I'd like to know that I'm not fooling *myself* into thinking that 
it really does sound better (because it costs more, or is a bit louder, 
or looks more impressive, etc, etc). That's where the blind testing is 

Of course, one might argue that if the end result is the tea tastes 
better, then who cares whether I'm fooling myself? :)

audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Audiophile power supply / conditioning

2009-03-20 Thread Calum Mackay
Wombat wrote:
 He obvioulsy has a decreased noise spectrum at the exit of his DAC with
 better mains supply.

the differences here seems to be down at the -140dBV level. Are we 
seriously expecting to be able to hear changes at this level?

audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Audiophile power supply / conditioning

2009-03-20 Thread Calum Mackay
Wombat wrote:
 Well the consructor himself says:
 Soundwise there is also a more 'black' background. It amazes me how
 there seems to be always room for improvement, a little darker
 background, one more veil removed. Some songs seem to last a little
 longer because you can hear just a little bit more in the beginning and
 at the end.

yup, I read that, thanks.

 Discussing this here leads to nothing.

I was asking whether it's theoretically possible to hear noise at that 
low level. Of course, it depends on the reference level, but even so... 
seems like a reasonable question.

audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Audiophile power supply / conditioning

2009-03-12 Thread Calum Mackay
this is most interesting...

What I'm not seeing is the link between the small levels of DC noise 
apparently present, and audible differences to the music.

And especially differences described in terms other than increased 
audible noise (i.e. reduced SNR).

Is there any evidence around this area? Blind tests, or even ABX? 
Presumably the companies selling conditioners ought to be pointing to 
these results?

thanks much.

audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Audiophile power supply / conditioning

2009-03-09 Thread Calum Mackay
omega wrote:
 I Have tried with a true ONLine UPS from APC APC SMART-UPS RT

 I thought that could be a shepher solution than PS audio Powerplant
 and vs Products.
 But the APC SMART-UPS RT in my system only make things worse.
 Sounded noisy and added harmonics to the mains frequency.

I wonder if that model supplies power normally from the battery, or 
whether the battery is only there for backup?

It seems to me that a simple battery really ought to be the cleanest 
source of power, and the cheapest. Has anyone tried this, for low-power 
sources, at least?

audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Audiophile power supply / conditioning

2009-03-09 Thread Calum Mackay
Kuro wrote:
 cdmackay;404725 Wrote:
 I wonder if that model supplies power normally from the battery, or
 whether the battery is only there for backup?

 It seems to me that a simple battery really ought to be the cleanest
 source of power, and the cheapest. Has anyone tried this, for low-power

 But APC does not make audio equipment.  They only need to generate a
 useable AC for your computer equipment.

 So how clean the AC waveform can APC generate from the battery is
 anybody's guess.

Very easy to measure though, one would imagine. APC do claim to do power 
conditioning on the output, I note.

I'm struggling to see why AC generated from a battery, with no other 
loads, would have much noise associated with it.

As to my battery suggestion, for DC, I do realise that's no good for 
e.g. Transporter, but it would be fine for SBR. Although it's been noted 
elsewhere that power supply changing has little to no effect on an SBR.

audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Audiophile power supply / conditioning

2009-03-09 Thread Calum Mackay
thanks for the link, Kuro.
audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Audiophile power supply / conditioning

2009-03-08 Thread Calum Mackay
how would a UPS - one that provides full-time power via its batteries - 
perform in comparison?

Or even just a battery, come that? e.g. house alarm type.

That might seem a much cheaper way of providing clean 5V (or 9V) DC?

audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] analogue attenuator recommendation

2009-03-07 Thread Calum Mackay
thanks both, I didn't realise modern sources had such high outputs.

I believe my Quad pre-amp has the option to install resistor flags - 
if Quad still sell them - for customisable attenuation, so that's yet 
another option.

thanks again.

audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] analogue attenuator recommendation

2009-03-06 Thread Calum Mackay
Is it me, or is the SBR's analogue output level very high?

According to the specs, it's 4.8Vpp, which I make to be about 1.7Vrms.

My aging pre-amp's spare input's sensitivity is 300mV, and I thought 
that was fairly standard (or even high, the tuner input is 100mV).

So why is the SBR so high? Do some modern devices have input sens in 
that range?

On a related note: does anyone know the source impedance of the SBR? 
It's not in the specs... I've read that the SB3 is 220Ω, but the SBR?

thanks much,

audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] analogue attenuator recommendation

2009-03-05 Thread Calum Mackay
 I'm not sure that most people recommend the Rothwells... but even so,
 the Endler attenuators are significantly better sounding to me.  No
 idea why, as it seems they should be similar (just attenuators after
 all) - just going with the ears on this one!  :)


on a related note: if they're just simple voltage dividers, what's to 
stop me making up my own, and saving a few quid?

presumably as long as I buy reasonable quality matched resistors, and 
good gold-plated plugs, I could build a simple one much cheaper than 
Rothwells GBP 40 a pair?

audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] analogue attenuator recommendation

2009-03-05 Thread Calum Mackay
thanks very much, all...
audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Audiophile power supply / conditioning

2009-03-05 Thread Calum Mackay
 Kuro;403381 Wrote:
 You do not hear noise per se in your music, the noise manifests itself
 as loss in micro dynamics, less sound stage depth, loss of bass
 tautness, loss in harmonics and increased high frequency content in the

I always struggle somewhat with these descriptions, sorry :(

what is micro dynamics? and bass tautness? I used to be a bass 
player, but I'm not sure how taut I was :)

and loss in harmonics and increased high frequency content sounds a 
little bit contradictory?

thanks much.

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] analogue attenuator recommendation

2009-03-04 Thread Calum Mackay
hi all,

would anyone be able to please recommend a good attenuator for the 
analogue output of my SBR?

At the moment it's feeding into a Quad pre/power, and small Quad 
speakers. With the SBR's digital vol locked on max, it's a little loud 
even on the lowest Quad pre volume setting (which are discrete).

I could lower the SBR vol, of course, but I recall reading that it was 
better to do it on the analogue side.

Are there any recommended ones out there, please?

thanks much indeed.

audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Potential sources of error and lossless files

2009-03-04 Thread Calum Mackay
SuperQ wrote:
 No bit errors will be introduced between your PC and your squeezebox.
 There are several layers of checksums that prevent this.  Both TCP/IP
 and wifi/ethernet (they're basically the same thing bit-wise) have
 internal checksums.

but they're very weak; it's not impossible to find bad network hardware 
introducing bit errors in patterns that get past TCP checksums. I've 
seen it myself.

 In addition to this FLAC has built-in checksums.

and I think that's much better protection, fortunately.

audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] analogue attenuator recommendation

2009-03-04 Thread Calum Mackay
thanks much, Dave.
audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Potential sources of error and lossless files

2009-03-04 Thread Calum Mackay
SuperQ wrote:
 Yes, I know all about getting bit errors across the network.  TCP
 checksums and ethernet frame CRCs can be corrupted in subtle ways
 especially when your switch is doing vlan tranlations and the frame
 checksums are being recalculated.  This type of thing doesn't happen on
 home user networks so it's not really as big a deal.  We're also talking
 about very very low bandwidth rates of only a megabit or so.

I've seen it for simple TCP traffic (e.g. NFS) across a single simple IP 
router; but at likely considerably higher bandwidth, agreed.

 The point of all this is the % chance of this happening in a an audio
 stream AND not being completely obvious as garbled/static frames is so
 low it's not worth talking about.  Un-caught corruption in the
 IP/packet level will likely cause completely obvious garbled audio


If anything, the far bigger problem comes from copying your ripped files 
across the network from one store to another, and getting (silent) 
corruption en route.

That can be avoided by using a copy mechanism incorporating its own, 
more secure, checksum/digest, e.g. SSL, SSH, encrypted NFS, etc. And of 
course this applies to all types of files.

but I'm getting a bit OT, apologies.

audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Getting the Best out of New SB3

2009-02-27 Thread Calum Mackay
Phil Leigh wrote:
 Yes - I suggest you keep the money in your wallet :)
 Unless your stock supply is faulty there is no point in changing it for
 a plugplay replacement to achieve better sound quality IMO.

thanks Phil :)
audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] LPS

2009-02-26 Thread Calum Mackay
hi all,

Are there any recommendations for a sensibly priced Linear Power Supply 
for my new SB Receiver, please?

I'm currently running it through Quad 34/606, if that's relevant. Will I 
even notice a difference?

anything else I should be considering...?

thanks very much indeed.

best regards,

audiophiles mailing list