ralphpnj wrote:
> You're right, if nothing short of a full blown ABX will make you happy
> then don't spend the money. However, just for the record, what does
> your audio system consist of right now? Are you using the analog
> outputs of the SBR or the digital outputs into an external DAC or
> receiver? There are several other ways to improve the sound of your
> existing audio system besides upgrading to a Transporter and many of
> them may cost less than a Transporter.

indeed, and probably it's a bad example in my case.

I'm takign the analogue output of the SBR into Quad pre/power amps, and 
thence to Quad bookshelf speakers, which is the best I can fit in my 
crowded office, which itself doesn't have ideal acoustics. no doubt.

I'm also considering getting a headphone amp and some nice cans, perhaps 

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