Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] power strips/conditioners

2015-07-02 Thread Dura

Any moment now someone will demand een ABX double blind whatever, don't
comply and get buried in sarcasm.

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Exciting new speaker technology goes mainstream

2013-09-07 Thread Dura

I've followed technology like 'this'
for over 15 years, when Mission experimented with NXT-drivers, seeing a
bright future. It haven't seen it yet but who knows..then Naim made
these well-received Ovator speakers with BMR (balanced mode radiator)
broadband speakers,working from 200 hz up to the highest treble. In
theory superior to f.i. Tannoy dual concentrics (I heart and usually
respect many incarnations of those), only extra woofers needed, no more
crossovers where the ear is most sensitive, and other advantages, see
link. And now it gets affordable thanks to Cambridge. Their Minx series,
very small satellites with only BMR drivers and a sub also got
apprecation for its moderate price.
Me buying the NAD c390dd have convinced me revolutionary improvements
thorugh technological advancements -do- happen in audio, and I'm looking
forward to reviews and measurements of the Aero 6, and if the lights are
still green I'll go listen en perhaps say goodby to my humble but loved
dynaudio audience 122.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Digital amps like the C390Dd, the end of seperate amps and dacs?

2013-09-07 Thread Dura

That was fast, 'this'
might be one of those very affordable amps I thought in the first post
are inevitable offering sq for a very decent price. It wouldn't surprise
me if within a few years these 500 buck dac/aps would run circles around
my big 4-5x more expensive c390dd. V

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Digital amps like the C390Dd, the end of seperate amps and dacs?

2013-08-26 Thread Dura

I don't think I will ever buy a dac again.Or an amp.
2 months ago I replaced my Primare a30.1 integrated amp and Rega DAC
(together with the van den Hul the first ultimate cables close to
#8364;3500,- , the amp was 10 years old though) with the Dac/amp NAD
C390DD (#8364;2500.- over here) and the favorable change really
restored my faith that revolutionary price/quality improvements in audio
are possible after all.
The original set was a well-balanced carefully put together set at its
price point to my ears (i tried a few amps and a handful of dacs) but
the NAD seems to improve every aspect; treble is much more extended and
purer, no more fine grain on the top and the slightly rolled off treble
the Rega added, tight deep bass, my dynaudio audience 122 speakers seems
to have grown, a wider and deeper soundstage with a very natural big big
background and lots a detail, it sounds clearer, without sounding shrill
or analytical or mechanical in the slightest. Some reviews describe it
as warm and organical and I can hear what they mean, but neutral is seen
most often. If I have to name a weak point I would say dynamics, seems
slightly less then the Primare.
But on the whole the improvement was deeply impressive (after 3 days of
warming up, out of the box it sounded horribly spikey) and looking at
pictures of its inside, I'm sure dac/amps like thise can and will become
chesper, much cheaper in the feature (NAD already has cheaper products
with this kind of amplication coming out, like something called
These digital amps, not to be confused with class D, will probably
replace class AB amps I think, en passant killing the need for a
seperate amps.
I suppose a nieche markt for class A amps especially with tubes will
survive, after all it did so the last 5 decennia.

But I wouldn't be surprised if all mainstream amps 10 years from now
will be digital.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] If external DAC used, does SB3 or Touch make much difference?

2012-10-26 Thread Dura

Before I had the Touch I had the SB3, I used both into different DACs,
all connected with coax.
Compared to the Touch in all cases the SB3 sounded duller, less clear,
less detailed. 
The difference was clearly audible to my ears, I was amazed at the
difference two related digital sources could make. 
This points to more jitter in the digital output of the SB3.

Note; we are still talking about the difference between digital sources,
a change of loudspeakers is usually far more radical.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Optical (toslink) connection

2011-12-31 Thread Dura

This thread had me experimenting again.
It still baffles me that the audible differences between digital cables
can be so large; between my Touch and Rega DAC I used to use an Oyaide
510. Beautiful well made cable, pure silver, multiple shields, and it
sounded great with former dacs. However, with the Rega it sounded dull
(something I associate with jitter) and was clearly beaten on all
fronts by my current Canare Digiflex at 1/8 of the price.
I used to think jitter and noise was all there was problemwise in
digital cables, and could not understand why two well-made cables
should sound so different, and why with one dac one cable sounded
better, and with another dac another cable sounds better.
Untill I read John Swensons post in this thread about impedance
matching. Then I finally got an explanation of this synergy stuff.

Then I decided to buy a vdHul optocoupler. 
Differences between the toslink and the Canare coax were small, the
coax sounding warmer and more euphonic with slightly more middbass
weight and a cleaner treble.
Interestingly, if I left the Canare in place while using the toslink,
The toslink gained some of that coax midbass warmth, hinting that this
was an artefact created by noise over the electrical connection between
source and dac.
I prefer the Canare, but have to admit perhaps the toslink connection
is purer.

Otoh, I also found this:
Hinting that coax has less jitter then toslink, which, if audible,
could also explain the smoother treble of the coax.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Audio-gd experience?

2011-12-10 Thread Dura

I had a Ref5 DSP for 6 months, XLR connected to my also balanced amp, it
sounded rather good, but I prefer my current, cheaper, Rega DAC, which
sounds more lively and musical, in comparison the AG sounded slightly
mechanical and did not have depth.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Upgrade to Touch or DAC for Duet

2011-10-24 Thread Dura

I'm very happy with my Touch+Rega DAC.
I've had the SB Classic before, and when I bought the touch I was
suprised how much better it sounded, using its digital (coax)out  into
a DAC.
I did not have the Rega then, and I did not have the duet, but still I
suspect if you would get the Rega first, then get the Touch, you would
still hear significat improvement. 
I'm not sure that is the right order though, because the dac of the
Touch itself btw is not half bad; whereas the Classic sounded dull and
undynamic, the touch gave a enthousiastic dynamic sound with a big
soundstage, its greatest shortcoming being a lack of refinement;
forgivable considering its price. 
So I would start with the Touch, get used to it, then, if you still
want, buy a dac. And if you would buy a dac, the rega is great; I
stronly prefer it over dacs I tried before in my system: the Meier
Stagedac, the MHDT Havana, and the Sudio-GD ref5 DSP.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] S-Booster

2011-10-17 Thread Dura

More noise can result in sharper treble, if it offsets feedback loops in
amp stages.
in that case a reduction of noise then can well be perceived as 'more
analogue and natural'.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Shielded Mains Cables

2011-04-27 Thread Dura

I'm not a believer in exotic powercords, but adding a shielded Belden
Powercable (solidly assembled with good plugs, 2m for a reasonable
€30,-) to my Rega DAC made a nice difference, especially purer treble
and a cleaner background.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Rega DAC - Has anyone auditioned one yet?

2011-04-19 Thread Dura

I've got the rega DAC for 6 weeks now.
a few observations:
- exchanging the stock powercord for a Belden powercord (€30) with
adapter was remarkably beneficial. usually i do not find big
differences when changing the powercords, but the DAC and the Apollo I
had before are exceptions. Perhaps the stockcord is unshielded?
- in my system after a month it really seems to open up some more.
Again remarkable, I usually find components reach their best within a
- I used to prefer filter 5, then 2. But after changing the powercord
and the opening up I find filter 1 the most expressive.

I love this DAC; since I went squeezebox 2.5 years ago I sold my Apollo
and have missed it ever since. Since then I had in my system the Meier
Stagedac, the MHDT Havana, the Audio GD Ref 5 DSP and the Touch's
analogue outs ; all had their strenghts and weaknesses, but the rega
DAC beats them all with its seemingly effordless natural sounding
Like a friend of mine who isn't into audio said: the others all sounded
square and flat, this one sounds round and deep.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Rega DAC - Has anyone auditioned one yet?

2011-02-02 Thread Dura

Ah, excuse me, I thought that last one about audiophile gear was a
general remark, but you ment SBT+DAC~Apollo?
This is interesting; I read a few remarks stating the sound of the DAC
is superior to the Apollo, but you rate them about the same.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Rega DAC - Has anyone auditioned one yet?

2011-02-01 Thread Dura

volpone;606852 Wrote: 
 I just bought the Rega DAC. My goal was to improve my Touch and also to
 harmonize my system (i already own Rega Apollo CD gear).
 My very first raw impressions are positive (only a few listenings
 until now): 
 * SBT + Rega DAC (link coax S/PDIF) VS SBT analog output: Significant
 improvement in bass, sound space and presence (FLAC 16/44.1)!
 * SBT + Rega DAC VS Rega Apollo + Rega DAC : Audio quality seems quite
 the same ! 
 SBT as a transport associated with Rega DAC seems quite equivalent as a
 good audiophile CD player !
Thanks. And how would you describe the difference between the SBT+Rega
DAC vs Apollo?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Rega DAC - Has anyone auditioned one yet?

2011-01-25 Thread Dura

I'm going to buy the Rega DAC as soon as it gets out.
I've been listening to digital media ever since CD-players became
available in the 80s. Had 8 different players, and I only loved the
last one, a Rega Apollo (much better then the Planet 2000 that I also
Then I decided to switch to streaming, so the player had to go; I tried
a few DACs (Meier StageDAC,MHDT Havana, Audio-GD Reference 5 DSP) and
though they all had their strenghts, none of them was so enjoyable that
it could make me forget the Apollo.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] S-Booster

2010-10-13 Thread Dura

When I changed my SB Classic for a Touch, I first kep my (far too
expensive) Russ Andrews Sqeeuzepak PS. That thing made an audible
difference for the better on the Classic, basically giving clearer
sound. Recently I compared the Squeezepak to the standaard Touch PS and
could not detect any audible difference!
My conclusion matches what has been stated often here on the forum: the
Touch output ( btw, I use the digital out into an Audio-GD Ref 5 DAC) is
so clean, upgrading the PS will give no or at best very very small
improvements. Therefore I'm not interested in the S-booster thing on
the Touch, but it might very well be benificial with the Classic.


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