Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB3 Making Pop Sound through Speakers

2008-10-22 Thread Thanaset

Phil Leigh;351550 Wrote: 
 That pretty much nails it for me - sounds like there may be a tiny fault
 (probably a bad electrolytic capacitor) on the right channel of the
 Numerik output stage. If the popping  was on both channels that would
 have probably indicated a different problem.
 Good luck - the Numerik is a good DAC - and capable of great things if
 you fit a clock input to the SB!!!

Hi Phil

I hope you get this message.  After a long conversation on the phone,
my dealer agreed to send a courier to pick the Numerik up tomorrow.  I
had to try really hard to convince him that there is something wrong
with the Numerik.  He said he will ask an engineer to have a look at it
and I will have to include a note explaining the symptom.  If it turns
out there is nothing wrong with it, I'll have to pay for everything!

Well, the only thing I can do now is to make sure that the engineer
finds the fauty parts.  I think it's a good idea to narrow the list
down so he doesn't miss the spot.  If you don't mind, could you let me
know what I should ask the engineer to look at?  You help has been much



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB3 Making Pop Sound through Speakers

2008-10-22 Thread Thanaset

Phil Leigh;352102 Wrote: 
 However, while it is away/before they collect it you could try
 connecting the SB to the Cyrus via its analogue outputs (removethe
 Numerik completely) and see if the popping is still there... that would
 indicate a problem in the amp (unlikely).

Thanks for a very quick response, Phil.

I immediately disconnected the Numerik once you mentioned that it was
the source of the problem for fears of causing harms to the system. 
Since then I never heard any pop.  I am now fairly certain that the
Numerik is the suspect.

I've got my Musical Fidelity A3 player and a Samsung DVD player
connected to the Cyrus -- not one of them causes any noise.

I just really want to make sure that they discover the culprit(s).  The
dealer was very polite on the phone.  It's just that he insisted the
engineer tested the unit before it was shipped to me and he found no

No more E(vil)Bay for me!



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Benchmark vs. Numerik

2008-10-21 Thread Thanaset


Having been suggested (by Phil Leigh - Thanks again!) that my
recently-acquired second-hand Numerik is slightly faulty at the output
stage, I am thinking of forking out a couple of hundreds quids to get
the Benchmark DAC1.  I have been thinking about this obsessively last
night and cannot really make up my mind in terms of cost and benefit.

The only reason I bought the Linn was because of a couple of reviews
indicating that it had a characteristic of the LP12.  I listen mainly
to jazz and I like the system to have revealing and clear mid-range,
sweet and soft treble and tight and fast and not woolly bass. Equally
important, the soundstage has to be large and focused with a clear
separation among instruments.  The sound has to be painted on a
pitch-black background. (Is that too much to ask for?)

The Numerik is capable of most of the items on the above-mentioned
list, only the bass is a little woolly and the separation is sometimes
blurred if the music is very complex.  The only reason that I will be
sad to part with the Numerik is the mid-range -- the sound of piano
produced by the Numerik brings joy to my life, literally!

Now if I want to pay a couple of extra hundreds pounds, I need to be
sure that the improvement justifies the cost.  Sadly, it is not
possible for me to audition the DAC1 as I live in a small village and
don't have a car.  I know that the DAC1 has got excellent reviews and
everybody seems to be praising it.  However, what I would really like
to hear are opinions from some of you who actually own it.  I would
appreciate if you could kindly let me know your experiences with the
DAC1 (or DAC1 compared to the Numerik).

My system comprises:

SB3  -- S/PDIF ---
Musical Fidelity A3 -- S/PDIF --- (Numerik) -- QED Silver Spiral --
 Cyrus aCA7.5 + PSX-R -- QED Silver Spiral -- 2 x Cyrus SmartPowers
(Mono) -- VDH TEATRACK Hybrid -- Monitor Audio GR10.

Any inputs are welcomed and appreciated. Thanks!



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Benchmark vs. Numerik

2008-10-21 Thread Thanaset

DaveWr;351741 Wrote: 
 The Benchmark to my ears seemed to have a very clear but slightly
 emphasised treble.


Thank you for your input.  I read from a review somewhere that the DAC1
lacks warmth which is something that I am looking for.  Also, my system
is already on the bright side as the MA GR10s are extremely revealing.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Benchmark vs. Numerik

2008-10-21 Thread Thanaset

Phil Leigh;351894 Wrote: 
 The later versions of the Numerik have the desirable Brilliant SMPS PSU
 - you can find out what is in yours (and what other upgrades are
 available for it) by getting your Linn dealer to use the serial number
 to access the Linn database).
 The Numerik has an advantage over many dacs - that clock output... when
 connected to a transport with a clock in - you can get rid of that
 blurred sound you mentioned - and the bass will improve too.
 It really might be worth you keeping the Numerik and getting it
 serviced - and then  finding someone who can add a clock input to your
 This will give the best digital sound of all IMHO.
 This is what I am going to do. You already have a dac with clock out -
 which is a major benefit!

Thank you all for your inputs.  I really appreciate it.


My Numerik is fitted with the new switching power supply and
processors.  I checked the serial number with the database on a website
I stumbled upon before I decided to buy.  (I also peeked inside the unit
to see the model number on the processors when I first got it.) :-)

About adding a clock input to the SB3, if you don't mind, could you
please point me in the right direction?  I really like to keep the
Numerik and would love to get the most out of it.




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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB3 Making Pop Sound through Speakers

2008-10-20 Thread Thanaset


Has anyone here experienced this?

I've got my SB3 coupled with Linn Numerik, which I just got a couple of
days ago, using coaxial digital interconnect.  The pair then feed
through Cyrus pre and powers.

I notice that whenever I change the source at the pre I hear a little
audible pop sound coming out of my speakers.  This is especially true
when I switch in and out of the SB3.

I've just had the SB3 for over a year and don't think it's developed
any faults or anything.  But before I hooked it up with the Linn, I
never heard this sort of noise before.

Could anyone kindly let me know if this is common?  Thank you.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB3 Making Pop Sound through Speakers

2008-10-20 Thread Thanaset

Phil Leigh;351527 Wrote: 
 Based on what you have written it would appear that the Numerik may have
 a small DC offset on its analogue output. The issue is not with the SB.
 This isn't usual with Linn gear, but it is possible that the Numerik
 may have a faulty output cap that should be blocking DC but isn't. The
 Numerik will be quite old by should probably think about
 getting it serviced.


Thank you for your response.  I forgot to mention in my previous post
that I did a little experiment by disconnecting the SB3 from the main
and tried switching between various inputs.  No pop sound.

I actually thought that there was something wrong with the Numerik and
so I rang Linn up this morning.  It was the engineer who actually
suggested that I should try this experiment.

I wish I could try connecting the SB3 to the Numerik using an optical
link, but unfortunately the Numerik doesn't have an optical input.

Any thought?



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB3 Making Pop Sound through Speakers

2008-10-20 Thread Thanaset

seanadams;351529 Wrote: 
 SB3 has DC blocking caps of course, but it does not have resistors to
 keep the output at 0V if there's no load. The vast majority of preamps
 have some input resistance which does this. This subject has come up
 before, and I forget the details but somehow we ended up with the
 conclusion that not having those resistors on the output device was
 standard practice and considered OK.  But in this case, what's probably
 happening is that there is no load at all on SB3's outputs and this is
 causing them to drift up to its op-amp's bias of ~4V.


I wish I could understand what you're trying to explain. :-(  Can I
take it that it's normal?  Thank you for your response anyway.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB3 Making Pop Sound through Speakers

2008-10-20 Thread Thanaset

Phil Leigh;351536 Wrote: 
 how exactly is your system wired? is it:
 SB3 - coax spdif - Numerik - analogue out - Cyrus?
 You don't have the SB also connected to the Cyrus via its analogue
 outputs as well do you?


That's right -- just like what you said (SB3 - coax spdif - Numerik -
analogue out - Cyrus).  No analogue connection from SB3 to Cyrus.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB3 Making Pop Sound through Speakers

2008-10-20 Thread Thanaset

Phil Leigh;351546 Wrote: 
 OK - then if I'm understanding correctly, with the SB turned off the
 Numerik will be muting its output as a good DAC should, in the absence
 of any spdif input. So you won't get any popping if there is a fault in
 the Numerik output stage while the SB is off. I really feel you should
 get the unit serviced by Linn. 
 You could prove this by attempting to measure DC across the output of
 the Numerik while the dac is on but not playing any music. There
 shouldn't be any.
 One final question - is the popping in both channels or just one?


Thank you for your response.  The popping comes out from only the right

I am not very technical so don't really know how to measure DC across
the output.  I will speak to my dealer tomorrow if you really think
that there is something wrong with the Linn.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB3 Making Pop Sound through Speakers

2008-10-20 Thread Thanaset

Phil Leigh;351550 Wrote: 
 That pretty much nails it for me - sounds like there may be a tiny fault
 (probably a bad electrolytic capacitor) on the right channel of the
 Numerik output stage. If the popping  was on both channels that would
 have probably indicated a different problem.
 Good luck - the Numerik is a good DAC - and capable of great things if
 you fit a clock input to the SB!!!


Thanks for all you help.  Last question: can the SB3 be fitted with a
clock input?  If so, then it is possible to sync it with the Numerik



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