Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Flac or Apple Lossless?

2007-05-20 Thread scoughlan

Thanks Mark that answers my question.  Rips are pretty quick with
dBpoweramp Reference in one pass when AccurateRip verifies the data. 
The discs that I have put in which are not recognised are, as you say,
probably a different pressing.  In this situation the software falls
back on the Ultra Secure rip and multiple passes, still reporting the
AccurateRip error at the end.  So, I should in conclusion, gain
reliable rips...



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Flac or Apple Lossless?

2007-05-18 Thread scoughlan

I found a tool in Nero that reports there is no support for C2 error
reporting on my HP drive.  Oh well, I suppose I have time, and I can
always listen to my MP3's until I get around to re-ripping everything
to FLAC.

With dBpoweramp Reference, I currently have AccurateRip and Secure Rip
on, with Ultra Secure checked.  I notice that if AccurateRip verifies
the rip on the first pass, the software forgoes the second and third
pass.  Am I safe to rely on this feature?  Or, would I be better off
disabling AccurateRip and forcing multiple passes with Secure Rip?

I'm sorry to ask this here, but I'v seen conflicting opinions on the
dBpoweramp forums; and if I'm going to spend hours re-ripping
everything I'd like to get it right this time.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Flac or Apple Lossless?

2007-05-18 Thread Mark Lanctot

scoughlan;203061 Wrote: 
 I notice that if AccurateRip verifies the rip on the first pass, the
 software forgoes the second and third pass.  Am I safe to rely on this
 feature?  Or, would I be better off disabling AccurateRip and forcing
 multiple passes with Secure Rip?

AccurateRip compares the checksum of your rip with other people.  If it
says it's accurate, it's saying each and every bit of your rip is
identical to a group of other people.  The odds of everyone having
errors in the exact same bits in the exact same spots are astronomical
- there are 10 584 000 bytes per minute of CD, the odds of a random
error being at the same exact bytes for two people are just
non-existent.  So *if* you have AccurateRip data, it's safe to rely on

Note the big *if*.  From what I understand, it's a majority-rule
database.  If you have a disc pressing (i.e. Australian pressing in
your case) that differs from the pressing most of the world has
(American pressing) then AccurateRip will report an inaccurate rip, but
you will be able to tell when every single track is inaccurate - the
odds of that are very low even on severely damaged discs.  You will
also find a lot of discs that aren't in the database or that have an
extra track or two at the end which indicate Track not present in

BTW I'm basing my comments on the EAC version of AccurateRip.  I
understand dBpowerAMP's verbiage is slightly different but it's pulling
from the same database.

Mark Lanctot

'Sean Adams' Response-O-Matic checklist, patent pending!'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Flac or Apple Lossless?

2007-05-17 Thread egd

willyhoops;202597 Wrote: 
 well take one of the cds you got a rip on already and scratch it and try
 again! or buy one and scratch! 
 it's vital you test dbpoweramp for this feature or you are waisting
 lots of time! for 200 cds it's worth it!

assuming you value your original CDs you could always make a copy onto
CD-R and then scratch the CD-R.

Even easier, install EAC and it will tell you during the configuration
routine whether or not your drive supports C2


Transporter  SCA2  SCM100SLAT via balanced XLR
Linux and loving IT!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Flac or Apple Lossless?

2007-05-16 Thread scoughlan

FLAC it is!  Many thanks for making that clear.  :)

Now, I'd better get going if I'm to re-rip 200 CD's...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Flac or Apple Lossless?

2007-05-15 Thread scoughlan

I'm new to these forums too, and have just purchased my first
Squeezebox.  I also use iTunes, though mainly to rip and organise my
collection.  I've followed this thread interestedly.  My question is
this: Why not use iTunes to import with an uncompressed format which it
does support?  Such as AIFF or WAV.  After all, storage is cheap these
days.  Is there a problem streaming the larger file size wirelessly?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Flac or Apple Lossless?

2007-05-15 Thread smc2911

Do a search for WAV and FLAC on the forums and you'll see the
shortcomings of wav expounded at length (biggest drawback: no tags).


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Flac or Apple Lossless?

2007-05-15 Thread willyhoops

Think it's important to add that for Squeezebox users using flac instead
of apple lossless will minimize cpu usage on your server. Because the
squeezebox does not speak apple lossless the server has to decompress
on the fly before wireless transmission. The same point applies to wma
lossless. So for squeezebox users use flac whenever possible.

Try to maintain your collection in flac and batch convert from flac to
other formats when required by other devices. Eg for acc or apple
lossless on an iPod use dbPowerAmp or foobar. For an iPod, aac at
256kbps will give much better battery life than lossless for no
noticable reduction in quality on that (less than audiophile) device.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Flac or Apple Lossless?

2007-05-13 Thread Audiotic

adamslim;199169 Wrote: 
 Really?  Even if they are, are they going to continue to support their
 products when the next big thing comes along?  ...

So far they did, and you will always be able to convert from ALAC to
FLAC and other formats. Even if ALAC isn't supported by Apple, decoding
will be possible. Your own Slimserver does it..



Mac G5-DP w. 250+ GB GB of ALAC music - Black Transporter (analog) -
Harman Kardon AVR 8500  HK PA2200 Signature - 6 x Mission 780SE  78C
 REL Strata III

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Flac or Apple Lossless?

2007-05-13 Thread jonheal

The ONLY reson I can see to choose ALAC over FLAC is if you're going to
abandon the Squeezebox altogether and go with an Apple TV device (which
does have a very slick interface, BTW). But, you'll need a TV next to
it, and some of us still keep our Hi-Fis and home theaters in seperate

On a related subject, I hear tell that QuickTime on Leopard will
support FLAC natively.


Jon Heal says:
Have a nice day!
SB3 (wired - 6.3.1) | Home-brew PC running XP Pro | DENON DRA-395 | PSB
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Flac or Apple Lossless?

2007-05-13 Thread davep

jonheal;201549 Wrote: 
 On a related subject, I hear tell that QuickTime on Leopard will
 support FLAC natively.

I saw that rumour also.  The suggestion is that, if this were to
happen, then it would be logical that iTunes would also be upgraded to
support flac which would give a big boost to those wanting to stream
flac to the SB but use the convenience of iTunes to manage their music.
Getting really left field now one could imagine the iTunes Store
offering downloadable flac versions of parts of their catalogue -
albeit at some kind of a premium.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Flac or Apple Lossless?

2007-05-13 Thread funkstar

davep;201554 Wrote: 
 Getting really left field now one could imagine the iTunes Store
 offering downloadable flac versions of parts of their catalogue -
 albeit at some kind of a premium.
iPods would also have to be updated for this to happen.

I can't see them selling FLAC files, but i wouldn't be surprised at
seeing ALAC being sold at a premium. I would have laughed at the idea a
few months ago, but since the Apple/EMI announcement of non-DRM tracks,
it is now possible i think.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Flac or Apple Lossless?

2007-05-13 Thread Heuer

All my music is in FLAC format for use on the SB3 and converted to MP3
for use on the iPod. This way I can manage my MP3 music in iTunes. You
do not need to have anything to do with ALAC or AAC unless you really
want to. It does surprise me how many people think buying an iPod
limits you to Apple format music.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Flac or Apple Lossless?

2007-05-13 Thread Balthazar_B

I agree with Heuer, except in my case I use REACT2 to rip CDs
simultaneously to FLAC and M4A (AAC) formats.  After a lot of testing,
I concluded that at similar bitrates, most M4A tracks sounded slightly
better than Lame-encoded MP3 tracks (either CBR or VBR) on my iPod.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Flac or Apple Lossless?

2007-05-13 Thread opaqueice

I don't understand the arguments against ALAC on the basis that it's
closed and therefore Apple may cease to support it.  Is it really
reasonable to suppose that all of a sudden all software capable of
playing ALAC will disappear, leaving ALAC users up a creek?  

The free open-source program foobar2000 will batch-convert ALAC to
FLAC, making it the work of a few moments to tell your computer to
convert your entire music collection (which could take a few hours with
current CPU speeds, but so what - let it run over night).  

Personally I use FLAC, but I hate to see all this FUD being spread
about the dangers of ALAC.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Flac or Apple Lossless?

2007-05-13 Thread tyler_durden

opaqueice;201616 Wrote: 
 I don't understand the arguments against ALAC on the basis that it's
 closed and therefore Apple may cease to support it.  Is it really
 reasonable to suppose that all of a sudden all software capable of
 playing ALAC will disappear, leaving ALAC users up a creek?  

Is there any possibility that Apple would pull a M$ and render old
files incompatible with newer versions of the encoder/decoder?  M$ does
it ALL the time with their so-called upgrades to their OS and Office
Suites.  The only reason to do it is to force the masses to spend the
money on the upgrade to a 1000 more features that they don't need



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Flac or Apple Lossless?

2007-05-13 Thread opaqueice

tyler_durden;201617 Wrote: 
 Is there any possibility that Apple would pull a M$ and render old files
 incompatible with newer versions of the encoder/decoder?  M$ does it ALL
 the time with their so-called upgrades to their OS and Office Suites. 
 The only reason to do it is to force the masses to spend the money on
 the upgrade to a 1000 more features that they don't need anyway.

I guess that's possible - but if it happened, couldn't you just
download the appropriate version of foobar2000 and convert your old
files over to FLAC or whatever?

It just seems to me that if ALAC is more convenient for some people,
that gain is probably worth what seems like a pretty minimal risk.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Flac or Apple Lossless?

2007-05-11 Thread tyler_durden

I hate to spread FUD (fear, uncertainty, doubt) but I'll do it anyway...

ALAC is closed.  That means you don't know what they put in there.  Is
there a switch that allows apple to turn off files so they won't play
any more or can't be copied more than x times?  Is there something that
sends a message to apple every time you play one of those files on your

I recall that a couple years ago itunes switched off or reduced copy
capability in people's paid-for libraries without permission (other
than that afforded by the purchase contract that said they could modify
the terms at their will any time) or prior notice.  Were those file ALAC

Proprietary formats suck.



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Flac or Apple Lossless?

2007-05-02 Thread Ray70

Hello, first post so be gentle. I am giving serious thought to buying a
Transporter (this will be my first Slim Devices purchase - jumping in
at the deep end). Partnering equipment will be Jeff Rowland Concentra
II amp, Focal Lab 1027be speakers. My (soon to be redundant?) CDP is a
Marantz SA11-S1 and I also have a much loved Linn LP12 TT. 

My PC is on it's last legs and I may buy a IMac to replace it. My
question is this: Is there a considerable difference in sound quality
between FLAC and Apple Lossless? I downloaded EAC / FLAC / Mediamonkey
during the weekend and experimented ripping and tagging files. Not
difficult to do, but ITunes seems so much easier, but is it at the
expense of quality?

Nice forum by the way. I'm heartened and encouraged to see fellow
audiophiles using a Transporter!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Flac or Apple Lossless?

2007-05-02 Thread tomjtx

Ray70;199074 Wrote: 
 Hello, first post so be gentle. I am giving serious thought to buying a
 Transporter (this will be my first Slim Devices purchase - jumping in
 at the deep end). Partnering equipment will be Jeff Rowland Concentra
 II amp, Focal Lab 1027be speakers. My (soon to be redundant?) CDP is a
 Marantz SA11-S1 and I also have a much loved Linn LP12 TT. 
 My PC is on it's last legs and I may buy a IMac to replace it. My
 question is this: Is there a considerable difference in sound quality
 between FLAC and Apple Lossless? I downloaded EAC / FLAC / Mediamonkey
 during the weekend and experimented ripping and tagging files. Not
 difficult to do, but ITunes seems so much easier, but is it at the
 expense of quality?
 Nice forum by the way. I'm heartened and encouraged to see fellow
 audiophiles using a Transporter!

I run my TP through a J Rowlad amp as well.

Make sure you use XLR out from TP as it sounds much better than RCA 
IMO,  YMMV :-)

Alac sounds great . No difference at all from flac.
But do go into server settings in the slim software and uncheck the box
that allows slim to convert alac to mp3. That might degrade the SQ.

I allow slim to convert alac to either flac or wav before it sends to


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Flac or Apple Lossless?

2007-05-02 Thread Heuer

No difference in quality between ALAC and FLAC but you will find most
people favour FLAC because it is non-proprietary code unlike Apple's.

Lots of user support and development going on with FLAC as well, hence
the following. Choose carefully as once you have ripped in one format
it is a pain to change. I started out ripping my CD's to ALAC as I
thought the iTunes interface was better but eventually succumbed from
the weight of opinion and re-did everything in FLAC, and have not
regretted it. All my FLAC music files can be converted to MP3 to use on
my iPod using foobar2000 or batch processed using the FLAC2MP3 script.
As the SB3 does on the fly FLAC decoding it will also use less

EAC is supposed to produce more accurate CD rips, or at least tell you
if there are deficiencies whilst iTunes will go blindly on.

If you are thinking of trading music FLAC is the defacto lossless

So a case of an easy Apple life or follow the 'in-crowd' for a bit of


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Flac or Apple Lossless?

2007-05-02 Thread Timothy Stockman

The point of FLAC and Apple lossless is that they are LOSSLESS, so there
is no difference in the bits presented to the DAC regardless of whether
it is stored as FLAC, ALAC, or uncompressed WAV.  As has been pointed
out iTunes may not be the best way to rip your CD collection.  I have
been very happy with EAC and a Plextor PX-230A drive.  There have been
a couple discs that didn't work in the Plextor, not because there was
any visible damage, but I also have a Teac DV-516GA DVD drive, which
read the discs the Plextor would not with no problem.  So it appears
that the best situation is to try a second, different type of drive for
stubborn discs.

Timothy Stockman

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Flac or Apple Lossless?

2007-05-02 Thread sc53

I have been using Apple Lossless since it came out and I find iTunes
very easy to use and manage my music. I am not worried about its being
proprietary, Apple is very likely to be here longer than I will be. I
find all the extra steps for FLAC time consuming whereas with iTunes I
just select my preferences and settings and do nothing more but put a
disk in my CDR drive. I like iTunes for playlists and compilations. The
music through my SB3 and Electrocompaniet DAC sounds identical to that
through my Linn Unidisk 2.1 and Marantz SA-1.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Flac or Apple Lossless?

2007-05-02 Thread michel

Recently iTunes deleted 10% of my .m4a library without any reason to do
Thumbs up for FLAC!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Flac or Apple Lossless?

2007-05-02 Thread adamslim

sc53;199144 Wrote: 
 Apple is very likely to be here longer than I will be.

Really?  Even if they are, are they going to continue to support their
products when the next big thing comes along?  Will you end up having
to buy an, and get an apple.wife to get it all to

I prefer the notion of small enterprise and free software, so use FLAC.
It's also much better to use (MP3Tag and) multiple tag fields, which
Apple does not do.  As soon as your library really grows, you may find
iTunes lacking - I did.  Combine that with the knowledge that you are
-really- in control, and the decision is easy.  Oh and Rockbox on the
iPod :)



Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have
' group: people who don't listen to any of's top

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Flac or Apple Lossless?

2007-05-02 Thread mftech

The choice is simple, FLAC is simply more flexible than ALAC.
From Flac you could go back to WAV, AIFF, and to CD
From Flac you could go to MP3 
Flac support 24 Bits, Multichannel, etc...
Flac is supported on Windows, Linux, MacOS...
Flac is easy to broadcast (ex:Squeezebox)

For me Flac is simply the best invention for audio after 
the Compact Cassette and the Compact Disc, and best of all it's robust
and free.

Long life to Flac.


Tête à FLAC

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