Re: [Aus-soaring] Glow sailplane & AUS legislation

2015-04-24 Thread jonoh
Al might.  Others may not.  Could you enlighten us Mike?

From: Mike Borgelt 
Sent: Friday, April 24, 2015 5:48 PM
To: Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia. 
Subject: Re: [Aus-soaring] Glow sailplane & AUS legislation


You know there is no safety case. 

I'm sure you know what is really going on.


At 04:47 PM 24/04/2015, you wrote:

  > GloW actually fits in 95.10 under RAAus. However  very soon when
  > RAAus puts out their new ops manual it will be prohibited to turn off
  > the engine in flight deliberately. I'm sure all my RAAus customers
  > for varios, flying their motorgliders under RAAus will immediately
  > cease this practice. :-)

  What's the safety case for this?

  One of my long-term goals was to own an RAA registered motorglider.
  Self-launchers don't need the mandatory club system that the GFA is
  built around.

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Re: [Aus-soaring] Shell 98 and fibreglass

2015-02-05 Thread jonoh
“I am doing another trial with shell/liberty 98 and BP 98 with smell.  In every 
case the shell smells like turps  is added where as BP smells normal like you 
expect fuel to smell like.   People are smelling the difference 100%.   Some 
are describing the smell as paint thinners.”

Sniffing petrol a much cheaper way of getting high than aviating?

“Shell is a golden bright yellow colour where BP is more normal fuel colour.”

The yellow colour is the dye added for identification.  All petrol blending 
streams are colourless.


From: Ian Mc Phee 
Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2015 2:29 PM
To: Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia. 
Subject: Re: [Aus-soaring] Shell 98 and fibreglass

I must admit I used epoxy resin Ciba/G  3600 and not vinyl ester.   I am going 
to try again using vinyl ester. 

I am doing another trial with shell/liberty 98 and BP 98 with smell.  In every 
case the shell smells like turps  is added where as BP smells normal like you 
expect fuel to smell like.   People are smelling the difference 100%.   Some 
are describing the smell as paint thinners.  Shell is a golden bright yellow 
colour where BP is more normal fuel colour. 

In germany they have zero issues of fuel turning clear fuel lines a real dark 
brown so dark you can not see brought be in 2 months.  Sure happens here with 
liberty /shell

So 98s are not the same. 

Ian mcphee

On 04/02/2015 1:31 pm, "DMcD"  wrote:

  >>I'll stick to Avgas in the BD-4 even though the 7:1 compression ratio 
engine (same as Super Cub) can handle unleaded from an octane rating basis.

  Unless things have changed, with some two strokes used in SLGs like
  the Solo engines, the manufacturer recommends using 95, not Avgas. The
  claim is that Avgas makes the engine run rougher and vibrate more than

  It's difficult to get a real picture but a lot of the US experience,
  where they tend to overcompensate and use Avgas instead of 95, seems
  to suggest they have more problems overall, not less. Then again, they
  can't get the recommended Castrol 2 stroke oil either.

  I tend to agree with Mike here regarding resins too. It's really
  difficult to point your finger at the fuel without knowing more about
  the resins used in the layup.

  And the problems and expense of wing fuel bags seem to be not worth
  the effort. The recommendations in the manual that I have read say
  that they cannot be left with fuel in overnight, that they cannot be
  entirely drained either but need to have a small amount of oil in
  them. They have a very short life span (8-10 years?) and are sodding
  expensive to replace.

  Probably cheaper to replace than a fuselage mounted glass tank though!

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Re: [Aus-soaring] Shell 98 and fibreglass

2015-02-02 Thread jonoh
Most (all?) oil companies will tell you that mogas is not approved for aviation 
use.  There are a number of reasons for this but one is the much greater 
compositional variability of mogas compared with avgas.  This has little to do 
with additives, which are used  at very low treat rates, but rather the 
composition of the fuel itself.

As for testing fuel in Sydney, you could, but by the time you get any results 
they will be meaningless because a number of batches of fuel from various 
offshore refineries will have passed through the distribution system in the 
mean time.  All it would tell you is the effect on resin of the fuel which 
happened to be in the service station tanks 3 months ago.


From: Future Aviation Pty. Ltd. 
Sent: Tuesday, February 03, 2015 3:16 PM
To: Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia. 
Subject: Re: [Aus-soaring] Shell 98 and fibreglass

Hi Ian 

Many thanks for sharing that with us.

It confirms what Gerhard Waibel told me about 15 years ago. He said that fuel 
bladders are 
preferable to wing tanks "because you never know what additives get added to 
the fuel in 
future and what they do to the resins used in those wing tanks”.

Fuel bladders are easy to replace, but wing tanks …..

Kind regards to all!


  On 3 Feb 2015, at 2:14 pm, Ian Mc Phee  wrote:

  This is sample of I think 3 layers of 125 glass which was left in shell 98 
for about 2 months.   The glass is now soft and can be easily twisted like say 
clear packaging.   It is a bit sticky on surface. It seems it will never harden 
up again.

  Thus under no circumstances would I use Shell or Liberty 98 from say out of 
Brisbane in any aircraft with fibreglass tanks.

  Jabiru web site say do not use shell 98 in any Jabiru but 95,and Avgas is OK.

  Royal Dutch Shell  sold out to another Dutch company for retail of fuel in 
Australia and they have the right to use the name Shell.

  My next test is sample of Shell 98 and BP 98 as well as Avgas. The Shell is a 
golden yellow while BP is more neutral colour.  Smell is different also.

  If any body would like a mini movie of the sample then ask.  I would urge 
others down south (Sydney, Vic & SA) to try their fuels.

  Ian mcphee

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Re: [Aus-soaring] Cessna 182 tow hook information/drawings

2014-09-19 Thread jonoh

Especially when the helicopters transitions into a hover.

-Original Message- 
From: Mark Newton

Sent: Friday, September 19, 2014 12:53 AM
To: Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia.
Subject: Re: [Aus-soaring] Cessna 182 tow hook information/drawings

On Sep 18, 2014, at 10:36 PM, Andrew Horton  

EFY is a skydiving C182 and has been for some time.  RLC appears now to be 

helicopter, according to the aircraft register.

Does it have a tow hook on it? ‘cos that could be a lot of fun.

 - mark :-)

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Re: [Aus-soaring] Unsubscribe

2014-09-16 Thread jonoh
I think Simon they were making a point rather than a request. 

- Original Message -
 From:"Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia." 
To:"Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia." 
Sent:Wed, 17 Sep 2014 11:35:56 +0930
Subject:Re: [Aus-soaring] Unsubscribe

Hello Jim (and anyone else with the same request) - please read the
bottom four lines of this message. 
 Cheers,   Simon 
 On 13 Sep 2014, at 9:31 am, jim crowhurst  wrote:

Unsubscribe me please 

Jim Crowhurst___
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Re: [Aus-soaring] For sale ASH-31

2013-09-09 Thread jonoh
If the buyer goes 20 knots over VNE would you be happy to replace the glider?

From: Grietje Wansink 
Sent: Monday, September 09, 2013 5:08 PM
To: Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia. 
Subject: Re: [Aus-soaring] For sale ASH-31

If someone needs 20kts over VNE with the glider I am happy to replace the 


On 9/09/13 12:19 AM, Ian Mc Phee wrote:

  And notice Winter ASI VNE (red radial) seems to be 150kts or 152kts. Strictly 
speaking GFA require for issue if Australian C of A an ASI with markings on 
ASIs 20 kts over the VNE. 

  To all considering new gliders ask the factory for an ASI with a mark at 
170kts as have been provided by Achim Winter for more than 10 years and costs 
noting extra (just ask)

  Ian McPhee
  PS several other makers are missing this ASI mark issue also but JS1 seem to 
be getting it right.

  On 9 September 2013 06:28, Mike Borgelt  

That instrument panel picture tells you why it is a bad idea to integrate 
the flight recorder into your soaring instruments.


Borgelt Instruments - design & manufacture of quality soaring 
instrumentation since 1978
tel:   07 4635 5784 overseas: int+61-7-4635 5784
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Re: [Aus-soaring] Microair 760

2013-08-26 Thread jonoh
Here’s one for sale.  Looks pricy?

From: Roger Druce 
Sent: Monday, August 26, 2013 7:12 PM
Subject: Re: [Aus-soaring] Microair 760

John Ashford seeks a service manual, ie beyond installation issues.

My best advice is to send the radio to Microair.  I reckon they know of this 
issue and will fix it.  I have had good service from them recently.

Roger Druce

On 26/08/2013 6:59 PM, wrote:

  This one?

  From: John Ashford 
  Sent: Monday, August 26, 2013 6:34 PM
  To: 'Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia.' 
  Subject: [Aus-soaring] Microair 760

  I’m looking for a service manual for Microair 760.  Can anyone help me with a 
copy or advise what might cause the display to fade intermittently?




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Re: [Aus-soaring] Microair 760

2013-08-26 Thread jonoh
This one?

From: John Ashford 
Sent: Monday, August 26, 2013 6:34 PM
To: 'Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia.' 
Subject: [Aus-soaring] Microair 760

I’m looking for a service manual for Microair 760.  Can anyone help me with a 
copy or advise what might cause the display to fade intermittently?




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Re: [Aus-soaring] Pretty clever....

2013-07-21 Thread jonoh
Sounds great.  Except that without a connection to ADS-B it lacks wind data, 
and estimates IAS only from GPS ground speed and GPS altitude.   Wouldn’t want 
to relay on it as a backup ASI.   Also its gliding range indications and path 
guidance is based on a zero wind assumption also.


From: Michael Scutter 
Sent: Monday, July 22, 2013 2:56 PM
To: Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia. 
Cc: Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia. 
Subject: Re: [Aus-soaring] Pretty clever

Yes the lookout is appalling! Connect the iPad to the controls and you don't 
need the pilot at all. 

As he said nothing could be simpler or more complete. 


On 22/07/2013, at 1:59 PM, Paul Bart  wrote:

  Nice app, but did you post it to show us all how much power pilots look out? 





  On 22 July 2013 12:04, Michael Shirley  wrote:

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Re: [Aus-soaring] Family Tow Car

2007-09-10 Thread jonoh
Yes, but I doubt the NZ government had glider towing in mind when they 
established diesel tax rates.  Using the fuel prices given below, at 6L/100km 
(a figure more typical of a small to medium diesel car on a trip) the costs 
work out the same.  $95.40 per 1000km for both petrol and diesel.

Nonetheless, on average your point has validity, and shows that in NZ diesel 
vehicle owners are under-taxed relative to petrol.  One of the political 
parties there has suggested significantly raising diesel taxes to correct the 

- Original Message - 
From: Dennis Hipperson 
To: Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia. 
Sent: Monday, September 10, 2007 8:40 AM
Subject: Re: [Aus-soaring] Family Tow Car

Re: Fuel price in NZ.

Current price of ULP in Auckland $1.59
Current price of diesel in Auckland $1.09

Consider a 1000Km trip with trailer. Fuel  useage based on Cathrine Conways 
Petrol car 13lt 100Km = 130 lt = $206.7
Diesel vehicle 13lt 100Km = 130lt = $141.7 + $30 = $171.7

So Aus diesel is FULLY taxed and then some at source?


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Re: [Aus-soaring] Family Tow Car

2007-09-09 Thread Jonoh
Re "In New Zealand diesel fuel is considerably cheaper than petrol.  The reason 
why is something of a mystery."

On this side of the Tasman diesel fuel is fully taxed at source.  In NZ this is 
not the case and operators of diesel fuelled vehicles (including cars, 4WDs 
etc) pay a separate road user charge.  This is distance based and purchased in 
multiples of 1000km.  For cars this is about $30 per 1000km I think.   

  - Original Message - 
  From: Terry Neumann 
  To: Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia. 
  Sent: Sunday, September 09, 2007 11:25 AM
  Subject: Re: [Aus-soaring] Family Tow Car

  G'day Richard,

  Whatever you get - and there has been plenty of  advice so far - look for a 
vehicle with sufficient weight (and this probably means size) to able to remain 
the dominant influence in the towing combination.  I know of several road 
dramas with gliding trailers where the towing car had the horsepower - but not 
the weight - to allow the driver to be in totally charge of what was happening 
all of the time, and things went badly wrong when the trailer took over.
There were probably other factors in the instances I recall, but the common 
question in those mentioned was a towing vehicle which on reflection, was 
probably on the smaller (lighter) side of what perhaps should have been used.

  The downward force on the hitch is a function of how the trailer is loaded.  
Most vehicles have a section in the manual about towing limitations and 
suggested weights for both the trailer itself, and the load at the coupling.   
All of these things are important in managing the stability and therefore the 
safety of the combination.  An incorrectly loaded trailer appears to have been 
the major factor in one mishap with an otherwise reasonable combination of 
vehicle and glider trailer some years ago. 

  Diesel engines are worth considering, especially in recent years.  They 
provide plenty of lugging power for towing, and a turbocharger assists 
considerably in providing better performance and fuel economy.  There is 
another worthwhile benefit in having a diesel vehicle.   Unlike their modern 
petrol engine counterparts,  diesel vehicles usually do not have a catalytic 
converter in the exhaust system.This means that as a general rule they are 
much less likely to start a fire when driven into standing stubble or long 
grass, a potentially useful feature when retrieving in the fire danger season.  
  The obvious downside is that the fuel is more expensive and does not seem to 
be subject to discounting wars to the same degree as ULP.   In New Zealand 
diesel fuel is considerably cheaper than petrol.  The reason why is something 
of a mystery.   

  As in most situations, the final choice of vehicle may well be something of a 




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Re: [Aus-soaring] Family Tow Car

2007-09-09 Thread Jonoh
I don't know either but if the air:fuel ratio is correct on the LPG 
conversion then there should be significantly lower carbon monoxide and 
unburned hydrocarbon engine-out emissions.  That would suggest that the 
oxidation catalyst should run cooler.

- Original Message - 
From: "John Giddy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia." 

Sent: Sunday, September 09, 2007 4:49 PM
Subject: Re: [Aus-soaring] Family Tow Car

> Catalytic converters get hot from the exothermal reaction. Don't know
> what happens with LPG conversion though.
> John G.
> Richard Gynes wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Thanks to all who replied on and off list.
>> The budget for the family car is flexible - what does not go on the car 
>> goes
>> towards the glider +/or caravan. Or more expensive car means enforced
>> cheaper glider/syndicate. So it is probably a used vehicle in question.
>> Do catalytic converters get hot when a car is converted to LPG and 
>> running
>> on LPG? ie is the catalytic reaction exothermic? Or are they hot because 
>> of
>> the exhaust gasses?
>> Regards
>> Richard
>> On 9/9/07 11:25, "Terry Neumann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> G'day Richard,
>>> Whatever you get - and there has been plenty of  advice so far - look 
>>> for a
>>> vehicle with sufficient weight (and this probably means size) to able to
>>> remain the dominant influence in the towing combination.  I know of 
>>> several
>>> road dramas with gliding trailers where the towing car had the 
>>> horsepower -
>>> but not the weight - to allow the driver to be in totally charge of what 
>>> was
>>> happening all of the time, and things went badly wrong when the trailer 
>>> took
>>> over.There were probably other factors in the instances I recall, 
>>> but the
>>> common question in those mentioned was a towing vehicle which on 
>>> reflection,
>>> was probably on the smaller (lighter) side of what perhaps should have 
>>> been
>>> used.
>>> The downward force on the hitch is a function of how the trailer is 
>>> loaded.
>>> Most vehicles have a section in the manual about towing limitations and
>>> suggested weights for both the trailer itself, and the load at the 
>>> coupling.
>>> All of these things are important in managing the stability and 
>>> therefore the
>>> safety of the combination.  An incorrectly loaded trailer appears to 
>>> have been
>>> the major factor in one mishap with an otherwise reasonable combination 
>>> of
>>> vehicle and glider trailer some years ago.
>>> Diesel engines are worth considering, especially in recent years.  They
>>> provide plenty of lugging power for towing, and a turbocharger assists
>>> considerably in providing better performance and fuel economy.  There is
>>> another worthwhile benefit in having a diesel vehicle.   Unlike their 
>>> modern
>>> petrol engine counterparts,  diesel vehicles usually do not have a 
>>> catalytic
>>> converter in the exhaust system.This means that as a general rule 
>>> they are
>>> much less likely to start a fire when driven into standing stubble or 
>>> long
>>> grass, a potentially useful feature when retrieving in the fire danger 
>>> season.
>>> The obvious downside is that the fuel is more expensive and does not 
>>> seem to
>>> be subject to discounting wars to the same degree as ULP.   In New 
>>> Zealand
>>> diesel fuel is considerably cheaper than petrol.  The reason why is 
>>> something
>>> of a mystery.
>>> As in most situations, the final choice of vehicle may well be something 
>>> of a
>>> compromise.
>>> Regards,
>>> Terry
>>> ___
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Re: [Aus-soaring] OLC

2007-07-04 Thread jonoh
Dining down under!!  Makes you wonder what's on the menu!

> Derek Ruddock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What? Dining down under??
> > -Original Message-
> > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:aus-soaring-
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Wayne Carter
> > Sent: Wednesday, 4 July 2007 7:13 AM
> > To:
> > Subject: Re: [Aus-soaring] OLC
> > 
> > NOTE to self, check yourself before you rant!
> > 
> > Instructions for downloading logged flights are comprehensively
> written
> > on the GFA website here-
> > 
> >
> > 
> > and thanks to the sharp eyed fellow who pointed that out to me!
> > 
> > Lets ensure each pilot has a copy at club level!
> > 
> > 
> > Regards to all
> > 
> > Wayne (now sober) Carter
> > ___
> > Aus-soaring mailing list
> >
> > To check or change subscription details, visit:
> >
> ___
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Re: [Aus-soaring] Slow dial-up or broadband- your choice

2007-07-01 Thread jonoh
This is getting off topic so I'll keep it brief, but based on my own experience 
over the last three months with the Telstra NextG wireless broadband system I 
can't recommend the hourly based plans.  On a total of four occasions the 
system has failed to detect that I have disconnected, and when that happens the 
clock keeps running until 2 hours of idle time have been clocked up!  3 of 
these incidents occurred in a single month, resulting in 6 or my 10 hours being 
confiscated that month.  Several requests to Telstra to restore the lost time 
were ignored.

Unfortunately Telstra changed their plans around the beginning of the year to 
eliminate the entry level data-based plan.

Another point to be aware of is that the service is designed only for those 
with Administrator accounts on Windows.  The Telstra connection manager program 
will not function unless you are logged on under an administrator account, 
which knocks out all those who work for large companies whose IT department 
don't give mere mortals admin rights on their company laptops.  There is a work 
around for this, although Telstra won't tell you about it, and I can't rule out 
the possibility that this is related to the above disconnection problem. 

- Original Message - 
From: Ken Dawber 
To: Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia. 
Sent: Monday, July 02, 2007 3:49 AM
Subject: Re: [Aus-soaring] Slow dial-up or broadband- your choice

Peter Brookman wrote:

I have just got off the phone to Activ8 support and they have confirmed that 
the subsidy scheme is still available for eligible subscribers, in broad terms 
anyone who can not access ADSL or ISDN.

The Government's new Australian Broadband Guarantee subsidy is only available 
where commercial Terrestrial services are not available and Terrestrial 
services is defined to also include wireless services.  With wireless networks 
such as the Bigpond Next G network already covering 98 per cent of the 
Australian Population, the part of Australia that is eligible for the current 
subsidy is getting smaller and smaller.

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Re: [Aus-soaring] Parachute repacking

2007-05-29 Thread Jonoh
> At a 1987 GFA seminar we had a very interesting talk by a parachute
> rigger. He showed us that a chute will open quicker for the
> first  month or so after a repack and after that it stayed about the
> same for a year

Did he have any data on what happens after 12 months?

- Original Message - 
From: "Mike Borgelt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia." 

Sent: Friday, May 25, 2007 6:20 PM
Subject: Re: [Aus-soaring] Parachute repacking

> At 06:12 PM 25/05/2007, you wrote:
>>What do they do when they repack other than inspect for deterioration of
>>the materials?
>>Why is 6 months chosen as the interval?
>>Anyone know?
> Because the canopy, rigging lines and pilot chute can move around
> inside the pack with donning, removal and generall wearing of the chute.
> At a 1987 GFA seminar we had a very interesting talk by a parachute
> rigger. He showed us that a chute will open quicker for the
> first  month or so after a repack and after that it stayed about the
> same for a year.
> I'd say the people who came up with the 6 months know this and just
> applied a conservative safety factor.
> Mike
> Borgelt Instruments - manufacturers of quality soaring instruments
> phone Int'l + 61 746 355784
> fax   Int'l + 61 746 358796
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Re: [Aus-soaring] Pirat

2007-02-09 Thread Jonoh
I flew several hundred hours in a club owned Pirat, from 1975 to 83.  There 
were two others based in the vicinity and I have a photo somewhere of the 3 of 
them lined up on the Upper Valley club Strip near Wellington NZ. 


I can likewise confirm that the Pirat will spin.  A long time ago now but I 
think it had fairly benign characteristics, and standard recovery techniques 
resulted in a quick exit from the spin.  Like its stable mates, the SZD Foka 
and Cobra, it was good for a reasonable range of aerobatic maneuvers.  The 
Cobra was the pick of the 3 for aerobatics, but the Pirat wasn't too bad.  Its 
repertoire included a maneuver called, I think, the snap half roll, but I only 
knew one club member brave enough to attempt it.   


It was strongly built (and fairly heavy, especially the center section!), and 
if I recall correctly it was rated for +6/-3.5g.  Unfortunately one club 
member, around 1984, discovered the limits of its strength and didn't live to 
tell the tale.  Shortly after release on a strong wave day it seems he got into 
cloud and lost control.  The tow pilot descended down through the cloud gap 
until below cloud base at around 5000' and then headed back the field.  He saw 
the fuselage of the Pirat minus wing emerge from the cloud heading vertically 
for the ground.  Fragments of the wing fluttered to the ground for some time 


The cause of the accident wasn't definitely determined, although the pilot had 
made no attempt to bail out and there was a suspicion of heart attack.  He had 
suffered an early cardiac event which he failed to mention during his medical.  
The barograph trace showed the rapid descent had commenced at 7000' and a 
meaningful autopsy could not be performed.


I remember my hours in the Pirat with much affection but I don't think I could 
describe it as delightful to fly.  Its controls were not well harmonized and it 
had quite heavy ailerons.  After a 5 ½ hour flight in wave one day my right arm 
was still feeling the effects 24 hours later!  The Foka was nicer, but it was a 
big contrast after flying the Pirat to climb into a K6.  In comparison that was 
delightful to fly.



- Original Message - 
  From: Jarek Mosiejewski 
  To: Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia. 
  Sent: Friday, February 09, 2007 7:22 PM
  Subject: Re: [Aus-soaring] Pirat


  It does spin. Among other duties, it's been used in Poland for basic 
aerobatic training - spin, loop, wingover...

  There is one in Bacchus Marsh (VH - XLS), owned by a syndicate of Geelong 
Gliding Club members.

- Original Message - 
Sent: Friday, February 09, 2007 9:40 AM
Subject: Re: [Aus-soaring] Pirat

SZD 30 = Polish?? I rigged one and definitely a three person job. Didn't 
spin, not my club. GH
-Original Message-
Sent: Thu, 8 Feb 2007 3:58 PM
Subject: RE: [Aus-soaring] Pirat

A very upright seating position from memory, but was pretty comfortable. 
The Germans were a bit worried about spinning (for other reasons). I didn't 
spin it but did some mushy stall things. Not much different to any 60s wooden 
aircraft. They seemed to be inordinately popular in the old East Germany. The 
rigging was awkward (3 piece wing, you can see the kink in the wing in the 
photo where the join is), but overall an honest aeroplane. 

Sadly the photo is not so clear, the glider carries a shark face.


  Sent: Thursday, 8 February 2007 10:02 AM
  Subject: [Aus-soaring] Pirat

  I had an opportunity to fly a Pirat (SZD 30) around '94, at Wellington 
Club NZ. What a delightful glider it was.
  Just for the record the type first flew it '66. More details  

  BTW I think there may be one for sale at Central Queensland Club, last I 
heard it was a very good price.

  Grant Harper ___
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Re: [Aus-soaring] Looking for a glider - VH-GOK

2006-07-03 Thread Jonoh

Mispelling perhaps?  Steve Where?

- Original Message - 
From: "Anthony Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia.'" 

Sent: Monday, July 03, 2006 8:16 PM
Subject: RE: [Aus-soaring] Looking for a glider - VH-GOK

Hi all

I was at Boonah Sunday week ago (and immediately got collared about
contact details for Steve Were).

As far as I know, VH-GOK is a PIK-20B that was owned by a syndicate
consisting of Martyn Roberts and Steve Were (both are ex-members of
Adelaide Uni GC).  Martyn has been in the UK for somewhat over a decade
(or so) and there is no sign of him ever returning (he married a South
African lass over there and has since had kids).

Steve married Karen and they both moved to Brisbane for work reasons
around Feb 2002.

A quick search of gives as the only hit that

Were S & K
19 Gretna St Mansfield 4122  (07) 3219 2750

Other people have chased VH-GOK and I have given them the same answer
(presumably to no avail or incorrect contact details?)

Bergfalke IV   VH-GZQ (no - you can't have it!)

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mark
Sent: Wednesday, 28 June 2006 8:52 AM
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Discussion of issues relating to
Soaring in Australia.
Subject: Re: [Aus-soaring] Looking for a glider...

RF Developments Pty Ltd wrote:

There is a Pik20B I think rotting away at Boonah in a trailer , out of


and I believe the owners are around somewhere but dumped it at the

airfield ,

originally from S.A I think. Rob Izatt might know how to contact them

, it

would need a lot of work I guess to get it re registered but who knows

, you

can just ask.

Sounds like it might be Steve Were's Pik, GOK.  He went to Queensland
five years ago and seemed to simultaneously give up gliding.

I don't have contact details for him, but some of the other AUGC folks

  - mark

I tried an internal modem,[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 but it hurt when I walked.  Mark Newton
- Voice: +61-4-1620-2223 - Fax: +61-8-82231777 -
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