Re: External storage devices not showing up in filemanagers

2012-03-07 Thread Satoshi Hayazaki
On 7 March 2012 13:20, Paweł Rumian  wrote:

> Hello Satoshi,
> Diep Pham Van is probably right, I suppose this may be somewhat
> connected with gvfs.
> The link below is about Gentoo, but you should be able to adapt it to Arch
> I do not have personal everyday experience with such configured system
> (I use uam which is a simple automounter), but I have set up my
> mother's computer using these instructions, and it works in a way you
> expect it. Under LXDE and pcmanfm, every drive that is plugged in just
> shows in the manager and you have an option to mount/umount it.
> HTH,
> Paweł

Wow, that's it! All I needed to do was "exec ck-launch-session dbus-launch
--sh-syntax --exit-with-session awesome".
Somehow I was under the impression that ck-launch-session was enough to
launch dbus. Apparently not.

Thanks a lot guys, it's working perfectly and exactly how I want it now.

Re: External storage devices not showing up in filemanagers

2012-03-06 Thread Satoshi Hayazaki
2012/3/6 Tomás Solar Castro 

> On 06/03/12 23:16, Satoshi Hayazaki wrote:
>> 2012/3/6 Tomás Solar Castro >>>
>>On 06/03/12 22:34, Satoshi Hayazaki wrote:
>>Hey, guys, I'm having issues with external storage devices that
>>do not
>>show up in filemanagers. I read the wiki page on automounting
>>but it seems to be a different thing than what I need.
>>Previously, in
>>Xfce, I REALLY disliked automounting, so I would generally just
>>the pendrive or whatever and it would show up, unmounted, in the
>>filemanager's list of storage devices.
>>When I wanted to access it I would click on it in the file
>>managers and
>>only then would the device be actually mounted.
>>I find that in awesome the filemanager is oblivious to any
>>changes to
>>connected storage.
>>I do not want automounting per se, I just want connected devices
>>to show
>>up, available to be mounted when I so wish, in filemanagers.
>>I'm using Archlinux, awesome 3.4.11, and launching it via
>>startx. The
>>exact line in my .xinitrc is: "exec ck-launch-session awesome".
>>The filemanagers I'm using are thunar and nautilus, both working as
>>expected in xfce. My previous gentoo-powered awesome installation
>>also had that behavior, so I'm sure it's not something
>>Any help or tips appreciated.
>>I use udisks-glue. That's enough for automounting external disks.
>>just execute "udisks-glue &" in a terminal...
>>Maybe there are some missing udev or group permissions...
>> I would like to avoid automounting since some of my frequent tasks
>> involve partitioning and formatting external storage devices,
>> so automounting would add another step (unmounting) to that process. I
>> will try my hand at udisks-glue, however, since as it stands
>> I have absolutely no access to external storage at all via the
>> filemanager.
> udisks-glue gives me access to external storage from mc, thunar, pcmanfm,
> nautilus... hope it works for you :)
I tried udiskie and some udev rules as was recommend elsewhere. Besides the
fact that I don't actually want automounting, they also had issues such as
not allowing me to unmount via the filemanager, not automatically showing
up in the filemanager (I have to close and open it again for it to show up
as mounted), and not disappearing in the filemanager when unmounted.
I have a feeling udisks-glue will work similarly to those two. They are
mounting those devices but they are not really making the filemanager SEE
that there are new devices inserted or removed. Probably just running
"mount" automatically in the background, which is fine for the moment for
me to at least have access to those devices, but not really an elegant
solution for my use case.

Re: External storage devices not showing up in filemanagers

2012-03-06 Thread Satoshi Hayazaki
2012/3/6 Tomás Solar Castro 

> On 06/03/12 22:34, Satoshi Hayazaki wrote:
>> Hey, guys, I'm having issues with external storage devices that do not
>> show up in filemanagers. I read the wiki page on automounting
>> but it seems to be a different thing than what I need. Previously, in
>> Xfce, I REALLY disliked automounting, so I would generally just insert
>> the pendrive or whatever and it would show up, unmounted, in the
>> filemanager's list of storage devices.
>> When I wanted to access it I would click on it in the file managers and
>> only then would the device be actually mounted.
>> I find that in awesome the filemanager is oblivious to any changes to
>> connected storage.
>> I do not want automounting per se, I just want connected devices to show
>> up, available to be mounted when I so wish, in filemanagers.
>> I'm using Archlinux, awesome 3.4.11, and launching it via startx. The
>> exact line in my .xinitrc is: "exec ck-launch-session awesome".
>> The filemanagers I'm using are thunar and nautilus, both working as
>> expected in xfce. My previous gentoo-powered awesome installation
>> also had that behavior, so I'm sure it's not something xfce-specific.
>> Any help or tips appreciated.
> I use udisks-glue. That's enough for automounting external disks.
> just execute "udisks-glue &" in a terminal...
> Maybe there are some missing udev or group permissions...

I would like to avoid automounting since some of my frequent tasks involve
partitioning and formatting external storage devices,
so automounting would add another step (unmounting) to that process. I will
try my hand at udisks-glue, however, since as it stands
I have absolutely no access to external storage at all via the filemanager.

Re: External storage devices not showing up in filemanagers

2012-03-06 Thread Satoshi Hayazaki
On 6 March 2012 14:53, Diep Pham Van  wrote:

> On Tue, 6 Mar 2012 22:34:10 -0300
> Satoshi Hayazaki  wrote:
> > Hey, guys, I'm having issues with external storage devices that do
> > not show up in filemanagers. I read the wiki page on automounting
> > but it seems to be a different thing than what I need. Previously, in
> > Xfce, I REALLY disliked automounting, so I would generally just insert
> > the pendrive or whatever and it would show up, unmounted, in the
> > filemanager's list of storage devices.
> >
> > When I wanted to access it I would click on it in the file managers
> > and only then would the device be actually mounted.
> >
> > I find that in awesome the filemanager is oblivious to any changes to
> > connected storage.
> >
> > I do not want automounting per se, I just want connected devices to
> > show up, available to be mounted when I so wish, in filemanagers.
> >
> > I'm using Archlinux, awesome 3.4.11, and launching it via startx. The
> > exact line in my .xinitrc is: "exec ck-launch-session awesome".
> > The filemanagers I'm using are thunar and nautilus, both working as
> > expected in xfce. My previous gentoo-powered awesome installation
> > also had that behavior, so I'm sure it's not something xfce-specific.
> >
> >
> > Any help or tips appreciated.
> You miss gvfs?

I did not have it installed. I installed it and was not sure I needed to do
anything? I just rebooted and still got the same behavior.

External storage devices not showing up in filemanagers

2012-03-06 Thread Satoshi Hayazaki
Hey, guys, I'm having issues with external storage devices that do not show
up in filemanagers. I read the wiki page on automounting
but it seems to be a different thing than what I need. Previously, in Xfce,
I REALLY disliked automounting, so I would generally just insert
the pendrive or whatever and it would show up, unmounted, in the
filemanager's list of storage devices.

When I wanted to access it I would click on it in the file managers and
only then would the device be actually mounted.

I find that in awesome the filemanager is oblivious to any changes to
connected storage.

I do not want automounting per se, I just want connected devices to show
up, available to be mounted when I so wish, in filemanagers.

I'm using Archlinux, awesome 3.4.11, and launching it via startx. The exact
line in my .xinitrc is: "exec ck-launch-session awesome".
The filemanagers I'm using are thunar and nautilus, both working as
expected in xfce. My previous gentoo-powered awesome installation
also had that behavior, so I'm sure it's not something xfce-specific.

Any help or tips appreciated.

Re: Middle click in taskbar closes window

2012-03-03 Thread Satoshi Hayazaki
On 4 March 2012 00:57, Vitor Eiji Justus Sakaguti wrote:

> On Sun, Mar 4, 2012 at 12:23 AM, Satoshi Hayazaki
>  wrote:
> > Hey, guys, I've been wondering if I could set awesome so that when I
> middle
> > click the taskbar the corresponding app would be closed.
> >
> > Unfortunately I have zero knowledge about Lua to try and whip something
> up
> > on my own :(
> Hi Satoshi, this is a nice idea!
> In your rc.lua you should have a mytasklist.buttons variable, where
> you define what the tasklist will do when you click on it with any
> given button. The middle button's number is 2, so you should add
> something like this:
> --
> awful.button({ }, 2, function (c)
>  c:kill()
>  end),
> --
> Here's how mine looks like (with this implemented):
> --
> mytasklist.buttons = awful.util.table.join(
> awful.button({ }, 1, function (c)
>  if not c:isvisible() then
> awful.tag.viewonly(c:tags()[1])
>  end
>  client.focus = c
>  c:raise()
>  end),
> awful.button({ }, 2, function (c)
>  c:kill()
>  end),
> awful.button({ }, 3, function ()
>  if instance then
>  instance:hide()
>  instance = nil
>  else
>  instance =
>{ width=250 })
>  end
>  end),
> awful.button({ }, 4, function ()
>  awful.client.focus.byidx(1)
>  if client.focus then
> client.focus:raise() end
>  end),
> awful.button({ }, 5, function ()
>  awful.client.focus.byidx(-1)
>  if client.focus then
> client.focus:raise() end
>  end))
> --
> HTH,
> Vitor

Wow, thanks a lot, it works perfectly.

Re: Welcome to

2011-05-29 Thread Satoshi Hayazaki
Maybe the problem is your menu, not the clicking. Try opening an aplication
(Super + R and typing the command) and see if the clicks work there.

On 29 May 2011 18:56, Ardian Haxha  wrote:

> Hi I just installed awesomewm on Fedora 15, I am having a problem I can't
> open anything just switch through desktops right click works fine I guess
> left clicks works also but for example I click "open terminal" but nothing
> comes out.
> Ps. I am a very beginner.

Re: tint2, awesome and app launcher prompt

2011-02-10 Thread Satoshi Hayazaki
Unfortunately, no, it doesn't :(

On 10 February 2011 16:56, Anurag Priyam  wrote:

> > Clicking a task in the taskbar will focus the app, but won't raise it. In
> > pure openbox it does work, so I'm guessing there's something about the
> > interaction with awesome.
> Does adding c:raise() to the focus hook (towards the end of default
> rc.lua) works?
> client.add_signal("focus", function(c)
>c.border_color = beautiful.border_focus
>c:raise()  #line to add
> end)
> --
> Anurag Priyam

tint2, awesome and app launcher prompt

2011-02-10 Thread Satoshi Hayazaki
Hey, guys, lately I've been meaning to replace my wibox with tint2, but
there's two issues I've encountered:

Clicking a task in the taskbar will focus the app, but won't raise it. In
pure openbox it does work, so I'm guessing there's something about the
interaction with awesome.

Also, what could I use to replace the Mod4+r prompt? I'm looking for
something light and sleak, preferably somewhat like tint2/wibox launcher
themselves in appearance (that is, lxlauncher and the like aren't quite what
I want).

Re: Transparent (sort of) wibox

2010-10-03 Thread Satoshi Hayazaki
> Would you mind posting a link to a screenshot and your config files
> when you are done?

This is how it looks so far:

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Re: Transparent (sort of) wibox

2010-10-03 Thread Satoshi Hayazaki
On 3 October 2010 03:01, Anurag Priyam  wrote:
> Create a text widget with the text as a space and add it between two icons.
> A snippet from my rc.lua :
> spacer    = widget({ type = "textbox"  })
> spacer.text     = " "
> .
> .
> .
>    wibox_bottom[s].widgets = {
>        spacer,
>        uptimewidget,
>        spacer_comma,
>        tzswidget,
>        spacer, spacer,
>        cpugraph.widget,
>        spacer,

It didn't work. I need the spacer to be INSIDE the tasklist, between
each program. I would guess that this is where I should edit it:

/usr/share/awesome/lib/awful/widget/tasklist.lua (123-125):

text = text .. ""
return text, bg, status_image, c.icon

Substituting "text" for "nil" works, but then there's no space between
the icons. Not to mention that the wibox is still small.

> Would you mind posting a link to a screenshot and your config files
> when you are done?

Of course!

The transparency looks good, but it depends a lot on the wallpaper
used. Some make everything in it completely invisible. I have to
adjust the transparency depending on my wallpaper (I use random ones
on startup). I can't think of anything to remedy that other than using
only a limited set of wallpapers, barred using imagemagick to somehow
blur/darken that strip of the image in a way that light colors image
will not make make the text invisible.

Also, it doesn't seem to be able to apply the transparency to the
systray widget..

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Re: Transparent (sort of) wibox

2010-10-02 Thread Satoshi Hayazaki
Alright, got it. Now, how do I modify the wibox size? If I set the
tasklist to only show icons, how do I put a space between two icons?

On 3 October 2010 01:23, Satoshi Hayazaki
> Where exactly do I set it?
> On 3 October 2010 01:10, Gabriel Fornaeus  wrote:
>> You can specify color with alpha values like; #afc0bdcc for a
>> semitransparent wibox.
>> On 3 October 2010 03:01, Satoshi Hayazaki
>>  wrote:
>>> Just out of curiosity, is there a way to emulate Windows Seven's panel
>>> with a wibox?
>>> Namely it being almost completely transparent but greatly blurring the
>>> wallpaper.
>>> Doesn't have to be the same as the Windows panel, just transparency or
>>> some other neat effect is cool.
>>> --
>>> To unsubscribe, send mail to
>> --
>> Med Vänlig Hälsning:
>> Gabriel Fornaeus

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Re: Transparent (sort of) wibox

2010-10-02 Thread Satoshi Hayazaki
Where exactly do I set it?

On 3 October 2010 01:10, Gabriel Fornaeus  wrote:
> You can specify color with alpha values like; #afc0bdcc for a
> semitransparent wibox.
> On 3 October 2010 03:01, Satoshi Hayazaki
>  wrote:
>> Just out of curiosity, is there a way to emulate Windows Seven's panel
>> with a wibox?
>> Namely it being almost completely transparent but greatly blurring the
>> wallpaper.
>> Doesn't have to be the same as the Windows panel, just transparency or
>> some other neat effect is cool.
>> --
>> To unsubscribe, send mail to
> --
> Med Vänlig Hälsning:
> Gabriel Fornaeus

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Transparent (sort of) wibox

2010-10-02 Thread Satoshi Hayazaki
Just out of curiosity, is there a way to emulate Windows Seven's panel
with a wibox?

Namely it being almost completely transparent but greatly blurring the

Doesn't have to be the same as the Windows panel, just transparency or
some other neat effect is cool.

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Re: LEAKS (still)

2010-09-15 Thread Satoshi Hayazaki
On 15 September 2010 20:32, Martín Cigorraga  wrote:
> @avatar
> Java is the most bloated and close 'language' in the world, people use it
> because that's what's being teached everywhere, I strongly discourage using
> it for as a framework basecode
I'm pretty sure that's exactly his point.

By the way, this is off the topic, but could anyone please point me to
a mailing list etiquette guide?
Like, how to quote, if I should keep the original messages, HTML/raw
text emails, et cetera.

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Autofocus on popup windows

2010-09-07 Thread Satoshi Hayazaki
When a dialog from a program or something opens up, it is supposed to
be brought to focus. However it seems that doesn't happen in most layouts.

Is there some way to change that behavior and make popup dialog stay
above other, already opened, windows?

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Re: awesome and TTYs

2010-08-17 Thread Satoshi Hayazaki
On Tue, Aug 17, 2010 at 3:54 AM, Cyprien Nicolas  wrote:
> On 08/16/2010 04:38 PM, Bill Sun wrote:
> > On Mon, Aug 16, 2010 at 11:03:43AM -0300, Vitor Eiji Justus Sakaguti wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> >> Could you investigate what is the value of $DISPLAY after you quit awesome?
> >> Also, your .xinitrc might be useful.
> >>
> >> Vitor
> >
> > I tried to "echo $DISPLAY" while X is running:
> >     the value of $DISPLAY is ":0.0"
> > After I killed X:
> >     the varible does not exist anymore
> >
> > My .xinitrc:
> >     exec thunar --daemon 1>/dev/null 2>&1 &
> >     exec dropboxd &
> >     exec xcompmgr -n -Cc 1>/dev/null 2>&1 &
> >     exec ck-launch-session awesome
> >
> > Thanks! :)
> >
> Hi bill
> Hem, Awesome could not be responsible for your problem, this is purely
> an Xorg one, but your .xinitrc could be responsible.
> First of all, you shall not use exec in a shell script but for managing
> the shell's file descriptor, and the last command (see man exec).
> I don't know anything about ck-launch-session, maybe you can try with
> just 'exec awsome', and see what happens ?
> I always use the kill X server keystroke to terminates the X server
> (because I ran awesome in an infinite loop in my .xinitrc), but X is
> spawned by GDM, and always restarts on vt7, byt maybe because of GDM.
> You may also try Ctrl-Alt-Backspace and see if X accepts to restart on VT7
> --
> ,Cyprien
> --

I do not use GDM or any other login managers and X always starts on
VT7, whatever the WM/DE.

My .xinitrc (SCIM controls Japanese input):

     LANG=en_US.UTF-8 scim -d
     export xmodifie...@im=scim
     export xmodifi...@im=scim
     export GTK_IM_MODULE=scim
     export QT_IM_MODULE=scim
     scim -d &
     setxkbmap -option terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp
     setxkbmap -model abnt2 -layout br
     xmodmap .Xmodmap
     export BROWSER="chromium"
     xset -r 180 -r 172 -r 173 -r 171 -r 121
     xcompmgr -c -t-5 -l-5 -r4.2 -o.55 2> /dev/null &
     xrdb ~/.Xdefaults
     #exec startxfce4
     exec awesome
     #exec startlxde

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Remember window position and size

2010-07-11 Thread Satoshi Hayazaki
I'm pretty sure I saw something like this somewhere, but I can't find it for
the life of me, so here it is:

How do I make windows in some layouts always stay on the same place and at
the same size? For example, I want xterm to always be placed to the left in
a tiled layout screen, xmms to the right and xchat on the bottom, but
significantly larger than all other windows, no matter the order I open them

(This is not a real case scenario, just an example.)

This could work either by manually setting it all in a config file or,
preferably, if I just resize/move to my liking and then have it keep that as

Mouse cursor changes when running scripts

2010-07-02 Thread Satoshi Hayazaki

I have the following key binding in my rc.lua:

awful.key({ }, "Print", function () awful.util.spawn("scrot
'%Y-%m-%d-%H.%M.png' -e 'mv $f /mnt/Dados2/Imagens/Screenshots/ 2>
/dev/null'") end),

However, when I press Printscreen, the mouse cursor turns into that little
clock (not sure what's the correct terminology here) and stays like that
a long time. Sometimes it goes back to normal quickly, but there are times
it stays like that for minutes. It seems it's something I do that reverts
it, but
I am unsure what.

Is that behavior normal? Is there a way to have it not happen?