[Axapta-Knowledge-Village] Dynamic Group by Statement

2009-05-12 Thread shaakera_b
Hi All,

I would like to group and sum by fields dynamically in an AX while statement. 
Basically I want to sum and group by any field on the table using a setup 
table. Example: 

while select sum(qty) from projinvoiceempl
group by CategoryID
 //Some code which does some stuff with the qty sum

i would like to :

while select sum(fieldID of sum) from projinvoiceempl
group by (fieldID of category code)
 //Some code which does some stuff with the qty sum

Is this possible?

Many thanks,

[Axapta-Knowledge-Village] Trade discounts in Dynamics AX 4 - Projects

2009-03-29 Thread shaakera_b
Hi All,

Does anyone know if there is a way to apply a trade discount on a Project 

If so, please can you point me in the direction of where to look or maybe some 
documentation :)

Many thanks for your assistance.


[Axapta-Knowledge-Village] Shared tables across environmnets

2008-12-01 Thread shaakera_b
Hi All,

We are planning to do a multi-site deployment for a group of companies 
belonging to the same holding company. The chart of accounts and a few 
other setup tables are required to be shared across all the companies. 

When the companies are in the same database, one would use a virtual 
company, however when different databases are being used, how would one 
keep the tables in synch? 

I know there are options to do this in AX and SQL, but is there a best 
practice / preferred method to do this?

Many thanks for your assistance. 


[Axapta-Knowledge-Village] Domain issue - cross company checking

2008-03-13 Thread shaakera_b
Hi All,

We have the following business requirement: 

A validation on South African ID numbers for employees needs to be 
run across all Live companies. We have 5 different companies in the 
Live environment and the ID number validation needs to be run across 
all 5 companies. 

This is not an issue and have sucessfully managed to write code to do 

However we have strict user permissions, requiring that a user logged 
in only has access to his / her own company. To implement this, we 
have deployed the use of domains. 

When the cross company validation on the ID numbers occur, an error 
is issued stating the user does not have permission to access the 
other companies? 

Is there a way to overcome this? 

Any assistance will be highly appreciated. 


[Axapta-Knowledge-Village] Record Level Security - Strange

2008-01-16 Thread shaakera_b
Hi All,

I have been setting up RLS in our test environment and have across 
something really strange. 
I have set up the RLS for the Project Category table. There are a 
number of category codes that have been set up, however in my test 
user group I have set the restriction to only use the category AA01.

When i browse the table on the form, i can only see the AA01 
category. However when i go to the hours journal, the strange thing 
occurs. The lookup only displays the AA01 (as was expected). However 
if I type in AA02 (another category that has been correctly setup, 
but no access to due to my RLS setup), the system accepts it and 
allows me to save the line and subsequently post it. 

When i do the same setup in the development environment, when i enter 
in the non-allowed category it immediately disallows me from entering 
the category. Is there something that I am missing here? 

Thanks in advance for the assistance. 

[Axapta-Knowledge-Village] Virtual company - ProjCategory

2007-12-08 Thread shaakera_b
HI All,

Has anyone had any experiences with the ProjCategory being part of a 
company? We are wanting to add this table to the collection, however I 
feel a 
bit nervous about this move as there is so much transactional data 
on this? 

Any recommendations ?

[Axapta-Knowledge-Village] The Values on the form displayed are not current - F5 refresh

2007-11-16 Thread shaakera_b
Hi All,

We have very complex form, with many data sources. When some of the 
fields one of the data sources are changed, the other data sources need 
to be refreshed as usually they have been updated on the data sources 
table validate method. 

I have been using the datasourcename_ds.research() on the write 
methods on the forms datasources. However sometimes i get an error 
stating that the values on the form are not current and I have to hit 
F5, and loose all my changes. How do I get around this issue, and 
ensuring that all my data is refreshed for the user?

Many thanks :)

[Axapta-Knowledge-Village] Development certiifcation exams - MorphX

2007-10-31 Thread shaakera_b
Hi All,

Has anyone written the second development exam? The MorphX one? Any 
tips, pointers or sample questions will be greatly appreciated. 

Many thanks :)