security and request/response format in RESTFUL web services

2009-08-31 Thread Vivian Wang
Hi, All,

I am trying to use axis2/c to develop a web service client that will consume 
RESTFUL web services. I have the following questions:

(1) What security mechanisms are supported for consuming restful web services? 
BASIC authentication (both plainText and Digest)? HTTPS/SSL? and anything else? 
I assume WS-security does not apply here, right?

(2) I also wonder what the format of the request and resposne has to be for 
consuming RESTFUL web services? Do they have to be in XML format (including 
html)? or can be just anything like plaintext string or even empty? It seems to 
be that at least in HTTP GET, all you need is a URL that points to the 
resource, you really don't need anything in the payload. 

(3) I am wondering if AXIS2/c can deal with a request with no payload, and in 
the case of plainText string in the request and respone, how the payload is 
going to look like. The examples I read from the axis2/c distribution all 
suggests that an XML format (there are XML tags) is assume for the payload, is 
this assumption correct?



RE: HTTPS/SSL through proxy server does not work!

2009-08-14 Thread Vivian Wang
Hi guys,

I am wondering if anyone can give me some help on this.

I debugged the axis2/c libray and it seems that all went well but when it tried 
to get the status_code from the response I am getting 403. The following two 
lines are from http_sender.c:

 status_code = axis2_http_client_send (sender-client, env, request, ssl_pp, 

 status_code = axis2_http_client_recieve_header (sender-client, env, 
From the first line, the status_code is 1, but from the second line, it is 
403. The http status code 403 usually means that the connection/communication 
is establised, but the server refused to respond for some reason. So I am 
suspecting if the server cert I created has some problem. But the confusing 
thing is, using this same server cert but without the proxy server involved, I 
am fine communicating with the same server throught https. It's only that when 
https works together with proxy, then I have the problem.

By the way, I obtained the server cert by using the following command as in the 
axis2/c manuals:

openssl s_client -connect serverHost:serverPort

This command only works if NO proxy is involved, otherwise it will fail.

Any suggestions? Thanks much in advance.


Hi All,

I am using axis2/c in my web service client application. I have tested 
https/ssl \
through a proxy server and found that it does not work. I have tested the 
following \
senario in my application:

in case of no proxy :
  job calling http web service : ok
  job calling https web service : ok
in case of proxy :
  job calling http web service : ok if parameter name=PROXY \
  proxy_host=xyzsrv proxy_port=8080 proxy_username= 
  proxy_password= \ locked=true / is added to the http sender in 
   the  axis2.xml 
  job calling https web service : not ok.
 I tried adding the proxy parameter in http sender, or https sender, or 
 both. no luck.

 I browsed through the jira bug repository and noticed that jira issue 1312 
( has the similar concern 
(not sure \
if this is exactly same issue because my proxy does not need me to pass a 



Re: have to remove patented algorithms (IDEA, MDC2 and RC5) in OpenSSL, will this affect SSL and ws-security?

2009-07-16 Thread Vivian Wang
Yes, I did some debugging, but this seems to be a bug in axis2/c library. Or 
maybe I need to do something like call some APIs so that the status will be set 
and so users can get the status?

My question is this, does a user need to specifically do something in order for 
get_http_status_code to work? if yes, what needs to be done? 

There doesn't seem to any info in the documentation.


From: Rajika Kumarasiri
To: Apache AXIS C Developers List
Sent: Wednesday, July 15, 2009 7:37:50 PM
Subject: Re: how to get the http status code
May be some debugging will help?


On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 5:45 AM, Vivian Wang wrote:

 Hi There,

 I am using axis2/c to make web service client call, like this:

   axiom_node_t * node =
 axis2_svc_client_send_receive(_wsf_service_client, _env, payload);

 After this, I am trying to use the following API to get the http status

 axis2_svc_client_get_http_status_code(axis2_svc_client_t * svc_client, const
 axutil_env_t * env);

 I am expecting 408 for time out, 200 for success. However, I am always
 getting 0. How do I get the proper status code?



how to get the http status code

2009-07-15 Thread Vivian Wang

Hi There,

I am using axis2/c to make web service client call, like this:

  axiom_node_t * node = axis2_svc_client_send_receive(_wsf_service_client, 
_env, payload);

After this, I am trying to use the following API to get the http status code,

axis2_svc_client_get_http_status_code(axis2_svc_client_t * svc_client, const 
axutil_env_t * env);

I am expecting 408 for time out, 200 for success. However, I am always getting 
0. How do I get the proper status code?


Help -- Need to figure out what has changed in source code

2009-06-18 Thread Vivian Wang

Hi All, 

I am using axis2/c 1.5+ (checked out from trunk roughly one and half month 
before 1.6 release) for ws client. I have built my application first using 1.3. 
I notice that one piece of my code for freeing resources goes working fine in 
1.3, crashes in 1.5+ and now working again in 1.6. I need to figure out what 
caused the crash in 1.5+ and what change make it work again in 1.6, as I am not 
ready yet to upgrade fully to 1.6. Please help me if you can. Thanks in advance!

Here is the code:

//freeing resources
//axiom_output_t* om_output
 if (om_output)
axiom_output_free(om_output, env);
    om_output = NULL;
// axis2_svc_client_t* wsf_service_client
 if (wsf_service_client)
  axis2_svc_client_free(wsf_service_client, env);
  wsf_service_client = NULL;
//axiom_stax_builder_t* om_builder
   axiom_stax_builder_free(om_builder, env);
   om_builder = NULL;

//axutil_env_t* env
 if (env)
  axutil_env_free((axutil_env_t *) env);
  env = NULL;

I am using axiom_output_t* to serialize ws reply node  (together with 
xml_write), and using axiom_stax_builder_t*  to create the request payload. 

Thanks again!


WS-Policy support

2009-04-06 Thread Vivian Wang
Hi All, 

I am working on using axis2/c to built a web service client. I have a few 
questions regarding WS-policy support in axis2/c. From the manual in axis2/c 
web site, it seems that the WS-policy support is built in to the axis2/c. I 
would like to know the following:

(1) Are there any documents regarding how to use WS-policy in axis2/c? 

(2) Are there any examples regarding how to use WS-policy in axis2/c? 

(3) I have a customer presenting me with a WSDL that contains some policy 
definitions and then referenced in operation/binding definitions, suppose I can 
parse the WSDL and extract all the policy information, at runtime, how do I use 
axis2/c to set the related policy in a operation/binding when I create a web 
service client (using axis2/c)? Any APIs? 

The afore mentioned WSDL (shortened to contain only related info) is pasted at 
the end of the message :

Thanks much in advance!
  wsp:UsingPolicy wsdl:required=true/ 

- wsp:Policywsu:Id=OP_IF_OP_BatchByIDQueryResponse_In
    wsp:PolicyReference URI=#IF_IF_BatchByIDQueryResponse_In/ 
   wsp:PolicyReference URI=#OP_IF_OP_BatchByIDQueryResponse_In/ 
 wsdl:input message=tns:BatchByIDQuery_sync/ 
 wsdl:output message=tns:BatchByIDResponse_sync/ 
    wsp:PolicyReference URI=#BN_BN_BatchByIDQueryResponse_Binding/ 
 soap:operation soapAction=style=document/ 
 soap:body use=literal/ 
 soap:body use=literal/ 
  soap:fault name=StandardMessageFaultuse=literal/ 


rampart/c usage get-started questions

2009-03-05 Thread Vivian Wang

Hi There,

I am starting to use rampart/c for ws-security purpose together with axis2/c in 
a web service client application. I have the following get-me-started questions:

(1) As a web service client, all the security configurations can be done in a 
policy file, there is no need to programmatically set the security parameters 
in my source code, all I need to do is to set the policy file location when I 
create the web service client. Is this right? 

    I am asking this because when I browsed the rampart/c sample source code, I 
noticed that in some samples like saml_echo,  you created a saml assertion and 
set it into client config, like this:

    assertion = create_saml_assertion(env);
    saml = rampart_saml_token_create(env, assertion, 
    rampart_saml_token_set_token_type(saml, env, 
    rampart_config_add_saml_token(client_config, env, saml);

Can this be done in the policy configuration file so I don't have to do this in 
my source code?

(2) And vice versa, can all the ws-securiy parameters done configured 
programmatically without using a policy file? I think for some applications, 
this will be more flexible.

(3) When I (the web service client) subscribe to several services from 
different service providers, can I have multiple policy files with one for each 
service? and similarly I one service contains several operations, can I have 
more than one policy files with one for each operation?

(4) With regard to ws-security username and password token, there is a 
parameter called password type, which can be Text or Digest. My question is 
this: If I choose to specify passwordType as Digest, can the actual password I 
set be in plainText? I mean in this case will rampart/c convert it into Digest 
format for me before sending? If I need to provide the Digest format, what 
algorithm should I use or what tool is available to me?

Thanks in advance for answering my newbie questions.

Re: encountering problem when upgrading Axis2/c from 1.3 to 1.5 - this seems to be a critical bug

2009-02-04 Thread Vivian Wang
This seems to be a critical bug, can we get it fixed as soon as possible? I am 
sure I will need this very shortly.

From: Gelle, Sreenivasulu
To: Apache AXIS C Developers List;
Sent: Wednesday, February 4, 2009 3:30:09 PM
Subject: RE: [LIKELY JUNK]RE: [LIKELY JUNK]encountering problem when upgrading 
Axis2/c from 1.3 to 1.5


From:Gelle, Sreenivasulu [] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 04, 2009 2:33 PM
To: Apache AXIS C Developers List
Subject: [LIKELY JUNK]RE: [LIKELY JUNK]encountering problem when upgrading 
Axis2/c from 1.3 to 1.5 
Hi All,
Now I narrowed down the problem. The fact that the response I got has left out 
the root node is because the axis2/c does not send over the query String 
properly (in a different way?) in http request, the web server (built using 
AXIS-J 1.4, a bit old I know) actually gets a different request and send back a 
different response accordingly. 
Here is my situation, the client send the request to the following end point:
When I use axis2/c 1.3, it seems that all the information is sent over so that 
the server side can get the query string ver=2.0 using the following call:
       String queryString = request.getQueryString();
In which request is an HttpServletRequest. But in Axis2/c 1.5, I got a null 
value for the queryString.
Is this a known issue or the query parameter is sent over differently and I 
should use a different method to get it?

From:Gelle, Sreenivasulu [] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 03, 2009 5:11 PM
To: Apache AXIS C Developers List
Cc: Yuin, Maria
Subject: [LIKELY JUNK]encountering problem when upgrading Axis2/c from 1.3 to 
Hi All,
I am encountering a serious problem upgrading axis2/c from 1.3 to 1.5. 
Basically, I noticed that in 1.5 the response always leaves out the root node 
in the soap message. I have the following simplified code snippet:
axiom_node_t * responseNode = 
axis2_svc_client_send_receive(_wsf_service_client, _env, payload);
xml_writer = axiom_xml_writer_create_for_memory(_env, NULL, AXIS2_TRUE, 0, 
om_output = axiom_output_create(_env, xml_writer);
//add xsi namespace definition, this seems to be a bug in axiom.
axiom_namespace_t* ns_xsi =  axiom_namespace_create(_env,;, xsi);
axiom_element_t* node_ele  = (axiom_element_t*) 
axiom_node_get_data_element(responseNode, _env);
axiom_element_declare_namespace_assume_param_ownership(node_ele, _env, ns_xsi);
axiom_node_serialize_sub_tree(node, _env, om_output);
xmlreply = (axis2_char_t*)axiom_xml_writer_get_xml(xml_writer, _env);
In Axis2/c 1.3, I used to have a response (xmlreply) like this:
localtypes:pingVersion xmlns:localtypes=;
xmlns:xsi=;versionProduct version
But in 1.5, I ONLY got the following:
 versionProduct version
That is, the root node localtypes:pingVersion is somehow missing. 
Is there anything I am missing, or the interface changed and I need to call a 
different method to serialize?
Thanks much!


does rampart/c depend on algorithms IDEA, MDC2 and RC5 in openSSL

2008-12-30 Thread Vivian Wang
Hi All, 

I am using axis2/c to build a web service client application, for which I plan 
to use rampart/c to provide ws-security support. I understand that rampart/c 
uses openSSL to do cryptograph related stuff. My question is, to support 
WS-security, does rampart/c requires algorithms IDEA, MDC2 and RC5? My employer 
requires me drop these algorithms from openSSL (so I need to build openSSL 

Your response is very much appreciated!


apache module compilation error

2008-12-12 Thread Vivian Wang
Hi, All,

I am trying to compile the apache axis2/c module, but I am getting the 
following error (Cannot open include file: 'httpd.h'):

..\..\src\core\transport\http\server\apache2\mod_axis2.c(19) : fatal
error C1083
: Cannot open include file: 'httpd.h': No such file or directory


I installed Apache Server 2.2, and set the path correctly in the configure 
file, but the httpd.h is nowhere to be found. I searched all the files in 
Apache server fold as well as axis2/c. I downloaded apache server from the 
following site:, using the following 
version (installer):

  Win32 Binary including OpenSSL 0.9.8i (MSI Installer): 

My question is: where should I expected to see the header file httpd.h?



Re: What are the configurable ws-security parameters for incoming

2008-11-06 Thread Vivian Wang
The reference really helps me a lot to understand 
the configurations. I've got another question though, give one configuration 
file, how can I configure several connections to different web servers for a 
single client? Can I have multiple configuration files and one for each 
connection? I imagine the configuration can be very different between 
connections to different servers.

Thanks again!

On Wed, 2008-11-05 at 10:30 -0800, Vivian Wang wrote:
 But my question is really this: In WS-Policy, what parameters need to be or 
 can be \
 configured for incoming message (the response message from a client point of 
 view)? \
 I don't see much document in rampart/c site. From a user point of view, I 
 would \
 like to see something like soapUI in which the configurable parameters for \
 WS-security are very clear. Is there anything like that in rampart/c in a \
 configuration file?


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Re: What are the configurable ws-security parameters for incoming message

2008-11-05 Thread Vivian Wang

But my question is really this: In WS-Policy, what parameters need to be or can 
be configured for incoming message (the response message from a client point of 
view)? I don't see much document in rampart/c site. From a user point of view, 
I would like to see something like soapUI in which the configurable parameters 
for WS-security are very clear. Is there anything like that in rampart/c in a 
configuration file?

Thanks again!

--- On Tue, 11/4/08, Samisa Abeysinghe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 From: Samisa Abeysinghe [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: What are the configurable ws-security parameters for incoming 
 To: Apache AXIS C Developers List
 Date: Tuesday, November 4, 2008, 10:59 PM
 Rampart/C makes use of WS-Policy for configuring how it
 Vivian Wang wrote:
  I am trying to use rampart/c along with axis2/c to
 support WS-security. Just wonder, what are the configurable
 ws-security parameters for incoming message, especially from
 a web service client point of view, which means, as a web
 service client, what can be configured to decrypt/interpret
 the response message from the web server.  I've read
 through the manuals and also gone through the examples, but
 still I am afraid I don't have a complete picture about
 what can be configured. Is there any detailed document for
  I was also looking at soapUI, a free tool for web
 service testing, which also supports WS-security. In their
 manual, they have the following statements:
 Incoming WSS configurations are used to process
 incoming messages   (responses, MockRequest and monitor
 requests/response) and decrypt/validate their
 encrypted/signed content. Since the WS-Security headers of
 an incoming message contain most of the information required
 to decrypt or validate a message, the only configuration
 needed by soapUI is which keystores that contain referenced
 keys and certificates for decryption and signature
  Is this statement also true to rampart/c? I mean, the
 only configuration one need to do is which keystores that
 contain referenced keys and certificates for decryption and
 signature validation?
  Thanks much in advance!

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 Samisa Abeysinghe 
 Director, Engineering; WSO2 Inc. - The Open Source SOA
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What are the configurable ws-security parameters for incoming message

2008-11-04 Thread Vivian Wang

I am trying to use rampart/c along with axis2/c to support WS-security. Just 
wonder, what are the configurable ws-security parameters for incoming message, 
especially from a web service client point of view, which means, as a web 
service client, what can be configured to decrypt/interpret the response 
message from the web server.  I've read through the manuals and also gone 
through the examples, but still I am afraid I don't have a complete picture 
about what can be configured. Is there any detailed document for this?

I was also looking at soapUI, a free tool for web service testing, which also 
supports WS-security. In their manual, they have the following statements:

   Incoming WSS configurations are used to process incoming messages   
(responses, MockRequest and monitor requests/response) and decrypt/validate 
their encrypted/signed content. Since the WS-Security headers of an incoming 
message contain most of the information required to decrypt or validate a 
message, the only configuration needed by soapUI is which keystores that 
contain referenced keys and certificates for decryption and signature 

Is this statement also true to rampart/c? I mean, the only configuration one 
need to do is which keystores that contain referenced keys and certificates for 
decryption and signature validation?

Thanks much in advance!



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Re: a HTTPS/SSL question

2008-10-29 Thread Vivian Wang
Hi Shankar,

So is there an option in axis2/c that I can turn off the certificate 
validation? I think this is important because from a client point of view, lots 
of times when I want to access a web service under SSL using https://.. I know 
that is the site I want to go. And just like you said, browsers will ask you if 
you want to trust the site and I can say yes or no.It would also be very 
inconvenient for a client to have to get the certificate from a service provide 
(they may not give you). 


--- On Wed, 10/29/08, Uthaiyashankar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 From: Uthaiyashankar [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: a HTTPS/SSL question
 To: Apache AXIS C Developers List
 Date: Wednesday, October 29, 2008, 2:32 AM
 When you access an https endpoint, the certificate of that
 endpoint should be validated whether it can be trusted. This
 validation is based on, whether we trust any of the CA's
 of the certificate. This is same as what happened in a
 browser. If you access any https and if the browser
 can't validate the trust path, it will not allow (or
 give you a warning) to access the end point. AFAIK, in
 Axis2/C, we give the certificate chain file to verify this.
 I think, soapUI allows you access the endpoint without
 validating the certificate.
 Vivian Wang wrote:
  Hi, there,
  I have a web service client using axis2/c to access a web site that is protected with SSL (the url
 starts with https://). I didn't give a certificate chain
 file path in the configuration file axis2.xml, so the web
 service client failed. However, if I use soapUI (a free
 downloaded web service testing tool) to access the same
 serivce without giving any SSL related setting (just like
 accessing a service starting with http://), it all goes
 fine. What is the difference here? Is there any setting I
 can do in axis2/c to make it work as soapUI?
  I noticed another similar thing. When a wsdl parser
 (from axis-j 1.4) tring to retrieve a SSL-protected wsdl (I
 set it up in TOMCAT) using a URL that starts with https:, I
 have a provide a client keystore (using jsse
 system.setProperty()) otherwise I will get an error
 saying something like trustedstore not found, but soapUI was
 just fine loading the same wsdl. What's really going on?
  Any help is much appreciated!

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 -- S.Uthaiyashankar
 Software Architect
 WSO2 Inc. - The Open Source SOA
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Re: a HTTPS/SSL question

2008-10-29 Thread Vivian Wang
Hi Dumindu,

So is it hard to provide such an option (turn on/off validation)?
I think this limitation really restrict axis2/c's usage under SSL.
In my case, I would like to access salesforce web service using a WSDL
refered to by the URL:

All I know is this URL, and I don't know the CA certificate and server cert, 
and I am not sure if they have one. I also have no way to know they server host 
and port, so I won't be able to get their cert using the openSSL commands 
listed in the axis2/c manual.

Any workarounds?



Hi Vivian,
Please find my comment inline:

On Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 11:44 PM, Vivian Wang [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

So is there an option in axis2/c that I can turn off the certificate

No we don't support that at the moment.

 I think this is important because from a client point of view, lots of
 times when I want to access a web service under SSL using https://.. I
 know that is the site I want to go.

Yes web browsers do support that, but in reality you don't know if
that truly is the site that you want to access, if you don't have the
server's certificate beforehand. (someone can spoof dns and appear
themselves as Yes I have neglected about well known
Certificate Authorities for simplicity. If you trust the CA that issued the
server cert, all you need is the CA's certificate.

 And just like you said, browsers will ask you if you want to trust the site
 and I can say yes or no.It would also be very inconvenient for a client to
 have to get the certificate from a service provide (they may not give you).

Anyway, if it is only for testing, what you can do is to follow the Axis2/C
manual and retrieve the server cert from the server. [1] (refer to
sec. 13.1.2 Configuration). Well you can do this even if it was not for
testing, but it is not recommended to do so.




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a HTTPS/SSL question

2008-10-28 Thread Vivian Wang
Hi, there,

I have a web service client using axis2/c to access a web site 
that is protected with SSL (the url starts with https://). I didn't give a 
certificate chain file path in the configuration file axis2.xml, so the web 
service client failed. However, if I use soapUI (a free downloaded web service 
testing tool) to access the same serivce without giving any SSL related setting 
(just like accessing a service starting with http://), it all goes fine. What 
is the difference here? Is there any setting I can do in axis2/c to make it 
work as soapUI?

I noticed another similar thing. When a wsdl parser (from axis-j 1.4) tring to 
retrieve a SSL-protected wsdl (I set it up in TOMCAT) using a URL that starts 
with https:, I have a provide a client keystore (using jsse 
system.setProperty()) otherwise I will get an error saying something like 
trustedstore not found, but soapUI was just fine loading the same wsdl. What's 
really going on?

Any help is much appreciated!




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