Re: Multi-threading

2009-01-05 Thread Patrick van Beem

Patrick van Beem
Sr. Software engineer
T +31 (0) 73 691 07 39
F +31 (0) 73 691 07 54
M +31 (0) 06 15 01 65 83

I was not dealing with asynchronous operation in my application, 
 so I don't know if you might need a separate thread-pool for 
 each created environment.  

 The current implementation of a thread pool in axis is no thread pool but a 
 collection of thread creation and deletion methods... So no...
 But when creating environment you can pass your own thread pool. Would 
 that not help?

No. The current implementation of axis relies on an infinite number of 
available threads. It assumes that when it requests a thread, it's getting one 
and it then starts the thread with a thread method / data. But in reality, a 
thread pool would have a finite number of (re-used) threads. In the case of 
axis, this would mean that the thread requesting the new thread would block 
until a new thread is available. This is not what you want. For axis to work 
with  a finite number of threads, the way it uses threads should change. It 
should not request a thread, but it should submit a job (probably the thread 
method and data) to the thread pool. The submitting thread can then continue an 
the thread pool can decide when the job is performed by which thread.


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Re: Multi-threading

2009-01-05 Thread Damitha Kumarage

Hi Patrick
Patrick van Beem wrote:

No. The current implementation of axis relies on an infinite number of 
available threads. It assumes that when it requests a thread, it's getting one 
and it then starts the thread with a thread method / data. But in reality, a 
thread pool would have a finite number of (re-used) threads. In the case of 
axis, this would mean that the thread requesting the new thread would block 
until a new thread is available. This is not what you want. For axis to work 
with  a finite number of threads, the way it uses threads should change. It 
should not request a thread, but it should submit a job (probably the thread 
method and data) to the thread pool. The submitting thread can then continue an 
the thread pool can decide when the job is performed by which thread.

Thanks for the explanation. I agree with it.


Damitha Kumarage

Re: RE : RE : Multi-threading

2009-01-03 Thread Damitha Kumarage

Patrick van Beem wrote:

Hello Carl,

It sounds like you would like to free resources on a per-call basis.  Is
that right?  I'm quite new to the Axis2/C architecture so perhaps a more
experienced person could suggest a mechanism that would fit into the
existing methodology and provide this extra feature.  My impression is
that the design philosophy so far is to free resources after all calls
are completed.

I'm only in it myself for about a month too. But you're right on the design 
philosophy. Only: that's not the usage pattern of our application. We've got a 
(very) large client - server application where the user can write his own code 
(using a custom declarative / constraint programming language). Some interfaces 
available in this server programming environment perform calls to the outside 
world using soap. It's up to the user when and how to use it. So our framework 
must be flexible. We do not know in advance what the end-user is going to write.
I was hoping to be able to re-use axis structures for each (parallel) call. Or 
cloning them. But indeed, this is not the design philosophy of axis. I'm now on 
the road of using thread local storage (TLS) to store the thread-specific 
structures, so I don't have to allocate / free them for each thread (my threads 
are worker threads that can do anything. Not just soap calls. So I can't (don't 
want) to design them for a set of specific soap calls).

With the fd_set in winsock and the select() function, you can wait
at a maximum of 64 (current implementation) sockets at once.
With I/O Completion Ports you can use one thread for an infinite
number of ports... But I think they don't fit well in the modular
(transportation) design of axis

That's very interesting.  I'm curious as to more of the details of how
this functions... If you have one thread waiting on 12 sockets and want
to make a new call, can this thread begin the next call, or does a
second thread open the socket and pass the job of waiting on it to the
first thread? 

The 'problem' is that the waiting thread can only wait on sockets. Not also on, 
for example, a job queue. So the waiting thread is mostly implemented as some 
round-robin algorithm: Wait on the sockets with a time-out of a few 
milliseconds, check a job queue and optionally perform a few tasks (open more 
sockets, accept a socket another thread opened, ...) and start waiting again on 
the new set of sockets. So this uses slightly more CPU then strictly necessary. 
The IO completion ports use a call-back strategy when IO on a socket is 
completed. This is a much nicer concept. If you're programming C++, you might 
be interested in the asio classes of the boost project, where the used IO 
completion for their windows implementation of the asio (asynchronous IO). But 
we're running out of context :-)


I think we would all agree that your use case would benefit from adding
this capability to Axis2/C.  You mention a potential conflict with the
modular design of Axis; there is also the idea that making such a
powerful feature accessible to the average programmer using Axis could
be a challenge.  Maybe the solution would be to add a new communication
mode instead of changing all asynchronous communication to
one-thread-multi-socket.  I wish I understood the Axis2/C architecture
more fully because this would be an interesting area to contribute.  

I'm not 'deep' into the details of axis too (the idea was to use an existing 
toolkit to save on development time for soap, so I'm not planning to go into 
much detail for now either). But one implementation might be to add another 
'configuration structure' (like the allocator and thread pool) for socket IO 
and make that responsible for all IO. That implementation can then decide to 
use one or multiple threads for IO. It can use call-backs to signal the 
completion (or failure or timeout) of the IO. The async calls can then be 
implemented as writing data (by the new io struct) and exiting that start-call. 
Finished. Nothing more to do. No extra thread, nothing. Then, when finished, 
the call-back can be used to parse the result and call the user call-back for 
the result. The io struct (module) should probably use a (real!) thread pool 
for this to prevent one time-consuming call to block other calls. But a simple 
implementation might to for the 'average' user. This pattern mimics the io 
completion port / boost interface, so users of axis can easily use these for 
their async IO.
May be implementing a new transport using Proactor pattern(1) possibly 
using boost library is a good solution. This is possible since new 
transports could be plugged into Axis2/C by design. However this will 
need some changes in op_client implementation because currently for 
async calls it execute on new threads.
However adding this functionality through environment structure seems 
inappropriate. Also it is not clear to me how to implement it in that 
way. WDYT?.

Re: Multi-threading

2009-01-03 Thread Damitha Kumarage

Patrick van Beem wrote:

Hello Bill

Patrick, when building a multi-threaded Axis2C client I too was 
concerned about the multiple environments.  Although your 
statement is correct in a sense that each thread needs its own 
environment/stub, these environments can in fact share much of 
the underlying structures.  In practice, each thread needs its 
own error stack, but it can certainly share the allocator and 
logger.  And the configuration information is associated with 
the allocator.  There is a primitive function 
axutil_env_create_with_error_log_thread_pool() that lets you 
share the substructures already created for the global environment 
created once for the application.  This way the configuration 
information is read only once.  Axutil_env_free_masked() lets 
each thread free just its error stack upon termination, leaving 
the allocator intact.  

Correct. I already use these. But afaik the configuration file is read when 
creating the stub. And that should be done for each thread / call. So while 
many resources can indeed be shared, the one needing the most (time-consuming) 
initialization (I think), can't. I think this would be a great improvement for 
the future.
I think adding this functionality to the stub creation is straight 
forward. Just add the stub creation function
axutil_env_t * env, axis2_conf_ctx_t *con_ctx, axis2_endpoint_ref_t * 
endpoint_ref, const axis2_char_t * client_home));

which in turn call already available api function

   const axutil_env_t * env,
   const axis2_char_t * client_home,
   axis2_conf_ctx_t * conf_ctx,
   axis2_svc_t * svc);

I was not dealing with asynchronous operation in my application, 
so I don't know if you might need a separate thread-pool for 
each created environment.  

The current implementation of a thread pool in axis is no thread pool but a 
collection of thread creation and deletion methods... So no...
But when creating environment you can pass your own thread pool. Would 
that not help?



Thank you for your input.



Damitha Kumarage

Re: RE : Multi-threading

2009-01-03 Thread Damitha Kumarage

Patrick van Beem wrote:

Hello Carl,


What Axis does well is freeing resources (once we figure out how to set
everything up right!) so I am a little confused as to where exactly the
limitations are.  You say the callback system provided is not good in
terms of freeing resources, but have you tried freeing your resources
from another function which itself waits for the callback to occur?
(either error callback or success callback)  I think this is the way
Axis was designed with as implied by Dimuthu: wait in a loop in your
main thread while the callbacks are outstanding, do no cleanup in the
callback itself, let that thread exit completely and after it is done,
then from your main thread detect that the callback ocurred and do the
cleanup there.  

Correct. But I think the design is missing one thing. If I allocate the stub and env and then do an async call, I'm not allowed to free those two resources in the callback, because they're used by the axis framework. But if I signal the main thread from the callback, to free the resources, the callback might be switched out directly after this signal, and the main thread might free the resources before the callback ended and the axis framework used them. As you indicate, the only safe way is to wait until the thread is finished. But the axis framework does not provide an api to find out which thread is processing you request. And it shouldn't, because the thread mechanism is an implementation detail of the axis framework. Future versions might re-use the thread or even use no threading at all for asynchronous calls. So the only safe way to free resources is for the axis framework to signal the caller that the resources are no longer needed. A (second?) callback is the most used (elegant) way to do this. 
Yes, this problem exists in the current implementation. A second 
callback as you said is the ideal solution.


Right now, the framework does not provide a safe way of freeing resources in 
async calls.


My reason for responding though is really to comment on this phrase:
Threads are a rather expensive resource to use for just waiting on an
IO completion.  It may be my lack of understanding, but I am pretty
sure that -- at least in the win32 tcp/ip stack -- once your thread goes
into asynchronous communication on a socket, you do not see it again
until there is some result.  This means if there is a timeout your
thread is inactive for a long time.  

Correct. So if I've got a couple of hundred outstanding calls, they all consume 
precious memory. In our case, this is a lot of memory, since we have a heavy 
server applications with a greedy memory allocation strategy per thread (for 
performance) and a rather large default stacks. Of course, both can be 
optimized for the 'just waiting on io-completion'-threads...
CPU-wise, it's no problem.


How can one thread wait on more
than one asychronous communication?  I admit this would be a far better
solution, however from my understanding of winsock2 it is not possible.

With the fd_set in winsock and the select() function, you can wait at a maximum 
of 64 (current implementation) sockets at once. With I/O Completion Ports you 
can use one thread for an infinite number of ports (though a pool of threads 
might be a good idea if the number of sockets grows large). This is also used 
by the well known boost (C++) library. Mechanisms like these would be a much 
better implementation. But I think they don't fit well in the modular 
(transportation) design of axis, since they require knowledge about the lower 
level transportation on a higher level.

Seen this way, one thread per socket communication is maybe expensive in
resources, but it is the only way to ensure your main thread continues
to operate in a timely fashion.

But prone to explode with a log of async calls. As a 'workaround' I've now my 
own static-sized thread pool that perform synchronous calls. If there are more 
async calls then threads in the pool, they're queued.
Thank you for your input.



Damitha Kumarage

Re: RE : RE : Multi-threading

2008-12-17 Thread Uthaiyashankar

Hello Patrick,

  But if I signal the main thread from the callback, to free the
  resources, the callback might be switched out directly after this
  signal, and the main thread might free the resources before the
  callback ended and the axis framework used them.

 Yes, this is a pretty serious limitation.  I have been trying to find
 out if Axis2/C provides a way to either know the thread id of the
 communication threads created internally or to be notified exactly when
 the threads exit.  As you suggest, this is treated as an implementation
 detail and we are expected to code without a precise notification of
 when these threads finishes their tasks.

 It sounds like you would like to free resources on a per-call basis.  Is
 that right?  I'm quite new to the Axis2/C architecture so perhaps a more
 experienced person could suggest a mechanism that would fit into the
 existing methodology and provide this extra feature.  My impression is
 that the design philosophy so far is to free resources after all calls
 are completed.

Current implementation does not provide a way to free resources on a
per-call basis. I agree with Patrick, we should provide a callback to free
the resources.


  With the fd_set in winsock and the select() function, you can wait
  at a maximum of 64 (current implementation) sockets at once.
  With I/O Completion Ports you can use one thread for an infinite
  number of ports... But I think they don't fit well in the modular
  (transportation) design of axis

 That's very interesting.  I'm curious as to more of the details of how
 this functions... If you have one thread waiting on 12 sockets and want
 to make a new call, can this thread begin the next call, or does a
 second thread open the socket and pass the job of waiting on it to the
 first thread?

 I think we would all agree that your use case would benefit from adding
 this capability to Axis2/C.  You mention a potential conflict with the
 modular design of Axis; there is also the idea that making such a
 powerful feature accessible to the average programmer using Axis could
 be a challenge.  Maybe the solution would be to add a new communication
 mode instead of changing all asynchronous communication to
 one-thread-multi-socket.  I wish I understood the Axis2/C architecture
 more fully because this would be an interesting area to contribute.

 The pleasure is all mine in this conversation.  So far I am learning
 more about winsock :)

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Re: Multi-threading

2008-12-16 Thread Patrick van Beem
Hello Supun,

 First we need to think why
 we need to execute Axis2/C clients in multiple threads instead of using
 separate clients in different threads. 

I had to read that sentence at least three times before I understood it :-)
You mail does shine some light on the subject for me. Both the overhead and 
performance are an issue for us. And since IO is involved when initializing a 
stub, performance might be more important.
We selected axis for our soap interface because of the adb code generation 
(ease of use while adding more and more soap clients). So writing a lot of code 
for the mep instead of 'just using the framework' is not really an option for 
us. I think we stay with the 'use our own thread pool and do sync calls from 
there' implementation of 'async' calls for now.

Thanks for the input.

 One advantage of using a single
 client is the overhead associated with multiple clients. A single
 axis2_svc_client requires multiple axis2 configurations and multiple
 environments. This is the only reasong comes to my mind right now for not
 using different axis2_svc_clients in different threads. If you have any
 other requirements please share with us.
 If performance is the concern associated with creating multiple clients,
 there is a solution to the problem. The real entity that do the most
 important work in the client side is axis2_mep_client. axis2_svc_client is a
 wrapper around the mep client for make the job easier for the client
 programmer. But axis2_svc_client is not designed for a multithreaded
 environment. The problems with axis2_svc_client running in multiple threads
 is it keep tracks of the various objects from previous invokations. This
 leads to double free this resources in multiple threading environments.
 But if we can use the mep client these problems won't be there. The only
 problem with mep client is it requires quite a bit of coding to make it
 work. If we can provide a simple thread safe method set for directly
 accessing the mep client it will be really useful. So devs what do you


Patrick van Beem
Sr. Software engineer
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RE : RE : Multi-threading

2008-12-16 Thread Lefrancois, Carl
Hello Patrick,

 But if I signal the main thread from the callback, to free the 
 resources, the callback might be switched out directly after this
 signal, and the main thread might free the resources before the
 callback ended and the axis framework used them.

Yes, this is a pretty serious limitation.  I have been trying to find
out if Axis2/C provides a way to either know the thread id of the
communication threads created internally or to be notified exactly when
the threads exit.  As you suggest, this is treated as an implementation
detail and we are expected to code without a precise notification of
when these threads finishes their tasks.  

It sounds like you would like to free resources on a per-call basis.  Is
that right?  I'm quite new to the Axis2/C architecture so perhaps a more
experienced person could suggest a mechanism that would fit into the
existing methodology and provide this extra feature.  My impression is
that the design philosophy so far is to free resources after all calls
are completed.

 With the fd_set in winsock and the select() function, you can wait
 at a maximum of 64 (current implementation) sockets at once.
 With I/O Completion Ports you can use one thread for an infinite
 number of ports... But I think they don't fit well in the modular
 (transportation) design of axis

That's very interesting.  I'm curious as to more of the details of how
this functions... If you have one thread waiting on 12 sockets and want
to make a new call, can this thread begin the next call, or does a
second thread open the socket and pass the job of waiting on it to the
first thread? 

I think we would all agree that your use case would benefit from adding
this capability to Axis2/C.  You mention a potential conflict with the
modular design of Axis; there is also the idea that making such a
powerful feature accessible to the average programmer using Axis could
be a challenge.  Maybe the solution would be to add a new communication
mode instead of changing all asynchronous communication to
one-thread-multi-socket.  I wish I understood the Axis2/C architecture
more fully because this would be an interesting area to contribute.  

The pleasure is all mine in this conversation.  So far I am learning
more about winsock :)

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Re: RE : Multi-threading

2008-12-16 Thread Patrick van Beem
Hello Carl,

 What Axis does well is freeing resources (once we figure out how to set
 everything up right!) so I am a little confused as to where exactly the
 limitations are.  You say the callback system provided is not good in
 terms of freeing resources, but have you tried freeing your resources
 from another function which itself waits for the callback to occur?
 (either error callback or success callback)  I think this is the way
 Axis was designed with as implied by Dimuthu: wait in a loop in your
 main thread while the callbacks are outstanding, do no cleanup in the
 callback itself, let that thread exit completely and after it is done,
 then from your main thread detect that the callback ocurred and do the
 cleanup there.  

Correct. But I think the design is missing one thing. If I allocate the stub 
and env and then do an async call, I'm not allowed to free those two resources 
in the callback, because they're used by the axis framework. But if I signal 
the main thread from the callback, to free the resources, the callback might be 
switched out directly after this signal, and the main thread might free the 
resources before the callback ended and the axis framework used them. As you 
indicate, the only safe way is to wait until the thread is finished. But the 
axis framework does not provide an api to find out which thread is processing 
you request. And it shouldn't, because the thread mechanism is an 
implementation detail of the axis framework. Future versions might re-use the 
thread or even use no threading at all for asynchronous calls. So the only safe 
way to free resources is for the axis framework to signal the caller that the 
resources are no longer needed. A (second?) callback is the most used (elegant) 
way to do this. Right now, the framework does not provide a safe way of freeing 
resources in async calls.

 My reason for responding though is really to comment on this phrase:
 Threads are a rather expensive resource to use for just waiting on an
 IO completion.  It may be my lack of understanding, but I am pretty
 sure that -- at least in the win32 tcp/ip stack -- once your thread goes
 into asynchronous communication on a socket, you do not see it again
 until there is some result.  This means if there is a timeout your
 thread is inactive for a long time.  

Correct. So if I've got a couple of hundred outstanding calls, they all consume 
precious memory. In our case, this is a lot of memory, since we have a heavy 
server applications with a greedy memory allocation strategy per thread (for 
performance) and a rather large default stacks. Of course, both can be 
optimized for the 'just waiting on io-completion'-threads...
CPU-wise, it's no problem.

 How can one thread wait on more
 than one asychronous communication?  I admit this would be a far better
 solution, however from my understanding of winsock2 it is not possible.

With the fd_set in winsock and the select() function, you can wait at a maximum 
of 64 (current implementation) sockets at once. With I/O Completion Ports you 
can use one thread for an infinite number of ports (though a pool of threads 
might be a good idea if the number of sockets grows large). This is also used 
by the well known boost (C++) library. Mechanisms like these would be a much 
better implementation. But I think they don't fit well in the modular 
(transportation) design of axis, since they require knowledge about the lower 
level transportation on a higher level.
 Seen this way, one thread per socket communication is maybe expensive in
 resources, but it is the only way to ensure your main thread continues
 to operate in a timely fashion.

But prone to explode with a log of async calls. As a 'workaround' I've now my 
own static-sized thread pool that perform synchronous calls. If there are more 
async calls then threads in the pool, they're queued.

Thank you for your input.


Patrick van Beem
Sr. Software engineer
T +31 (0) 73 691 07 39
F +31 (0) 73 691 07 54
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RE: Multi-threading

2008-12-16 Thread Patrick van Beem
Hello Bill

 Patrick, when building a multi-threaded Axis2C client I too was 
 concerned about the multiple environments.  Although your 
 statement is correct in a sense that each thread needs its own 
 environment/stub, these environments can in fact share much of 
 the underlying structures.  In practice, each thread needs its 
 own error stack, but it can certainly share the allocator and 
 logger.  And the configuration information is associated with 
 the allocator.  There is a primitive function 
 axutil_env_create_with_error_log_thread_pool() that lets you 
 share the substructures already created for the global environment 
 created once for the application.  This way the configuration 
 information is read only once.  Axutil_env_free_masked() lets 
 each thread free just its error stack upon termination, leaving 
 the allocator intact.  

Correct. I already use these. But afaik the configuration file is read when 
creating the stub. And that should be done for each thread / call. So while 
many resources can indeed be shared, the one needing the most (time-consuming) 
initialization (I think), can't. I think this would be a great improvement for 
the future.

 I was not dealing with asynchronous operation in my application, 
 so I don't know if you might need a separate thread-pool for 
 each created environment.  

The current implementation of a thread pool in axis is no thread pool but a 
collection of thread creation and deletion methods... So no...

Thank you for your input.


Patrick van Beem
Sr. Software engineer
T +31 (0) 73 691 07 39
F +31 (0) 73 691 07 54
M +31 (0) 06 15 01 65 83

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RE: Multi-threading

2008-12-16 Thread Bill Mitchell
Patrick, thanks for your other note addressing Supun.  I, too, was a little
puzzled trying to understand his response, as I had not experienced any
instances of crashes/failures from double frees in Axis2c (provided I
avoided libxml).  Thinking about Supun's comments, I concluded that this
must be a difference between sync and async I/O.  From your description, the
implementation architecture I chose matches yours: a pool of threads
performing synchronous I/O.  Thus I fortuitously avoided the problem that
Carl and you ran into with asynchronous calls, and that you worked around
when you went to synchronous calls.  

Best regards,
Bill Mitchell

-Original Message-
From: Patrick van Beem [] 
Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2008 6:20 AM
To: Apache AXIS C Developers List
Subject: Re: RE : Multi-threading

Hello Carl,

 What Axis does well is freeing resources (once we figure out how to set
 everything up right!) so I am a little confused as to where exactly the
 limitations are.  You say the callback system provided is not good in
 terms of freeing resources, but have you tried freeing your resources
 from another function which itself waits for the callback to occur?
 (either error callback or success callback)  I think this is the way
 Axis was designed with as implied by Dimuthu: wait in a loop in your
 main thread while the callbacks are outstanding, do no cleanup in the
 callback itself, let that thread exit completely and after it is done,
 then from your main thread detect that the callback ocurred and do the
 cleanup there.  

Correct. But I think the design is missing one thing. If I allocate the stub
and env and then do an async call, I'm not allowed to free those two
resources in the callback, because they're used by the axis framework. But
if I signal the main thread from the callback, to free the resources, the
callback might be switched out directly after this signal, and the main
thread might free the resources before the callback ended and the axis
framework used them. As you indicate, the only safe way is to wait until the
thread is finished. But the axis framework does not provide an api to find
out which thread is processing you request. And it shouldn't, because the
thread mechanism is an implementation detail of the axis framework. Future
versions might re-use the thread or even use no threading at all for
asynchronous calls. So the only safe way to free resources is for the axis
framework to signal the caller that the resources are no longer needed. A
(second?) callback is the most used (elegant) way to do this. Right now, the
framework does not provide a safe way of freeing resources in async calls.

 My reason for responding though is really to comment on this phrase:
 Threads are a rather expensive resource to use for just waiting on an
 IO completion.  It may be my lack of understanding, but I am pretty
 sure that -- at least in the win32 tcp/ip stack -- once your thread goes
 into asynchronous communication on a socket, you do not see it again
 until there is some result.  This means if there is a timeout your
 thread is inactive for a long time.  

Correct. So if I've got a couple of hundred outstanding calls, they all
consume precious memory. In our case, this is a lot of memory, since we have
a heavy server applications with a greedy memory allocation strategy per
thread (for performance) and a rather large default stacks. Of course, both
can be optimized for the 'just waiting on io-completion'-threads...
CPU-wise, it's no problem.

 How can one thread wait on more
 than one asychronous communication?  I admit this would be a far better
 solution, however from my understanding of winsock2 it is not possible.

With the fd_set in winsock and the select() function, you can wait at a
maximum of 64 (current implementation) sockets at once. With I/O Completion
Ports you can use one thread for an infinite number of ports (though a pool
of threads might be a good idea if the number of sockets grows large). This
is also used by the well known boost (C++) library. Mechanisms like these
would be a much better implementation. But I think they don't fit well in
the modular (transportation) design of axis, since they require knowledge
about the lower level transportation on a higher level.
 Seen this way, one thread per socket communication is maybe expensive in
 resources, but it is the only way to ensure your main thread continues
 to operate in a timely fashion.

But prone to explode with a log of async calls. As a 'workaround' I've now
my own static-sized thread pool that perform synchronous calls. If there are
more async calls then threads in the pool, they're queued.

Thank you for your input.


Patrick van Beem
Sr. Software engineer
T +31 (0) 73 691 07 39
F +31 (0) 73 691 07 54
M +31 (0) 06 15 01 65 83

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Re: Multi-threading

2008-12-13 Thread Supun Kamburugamuva
Hi all,

This question has being popping up time to time. First we need to think why
we need to execute Axis2/C clients in multiple threads instead of using
separate clients in different threads. One advantage of using a single
client is the overhead associated with multiple clients. A single
axis2_svc_client requires multiple axis2 configurations and multiple
environments. This is the only reasong comes to my mind right now for not
using different axis2_svc_clients in different threads. If you have any
other requirements please share with us.

If performance is the concern associated with creating multiple clients,
there is a solution to the problem. The real entity that do the most
important work in the client side is axis2_mep_client. axis2_svc_client is a
wrapper around the mep client for make the job easier for the client
programmer. But axis2_svc_client is not designed for a multithreaded
environment. The problems with axis2_svc_client running in multiple threads
is it keep tracks of the various objects from previous invokations. This
leads to double free this resources in multiple threading environments.

But if we can use the mep client these problems won't be there. The only
problem with mep client is it requires quite a bit of coding to make it
work. If we can provide a simple thread safe method set for directly
accessing the mep client it will be really useful. So devs what do you


On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 10:37 PM, Bill Mitchell bmitch...@austin.rr.comwrote:

 Patrick, when building a multi-threaded Axis2C client I too was
 concerned about the multiple environments.  Although your
 statement is correct in a sense that each thread needs its own
 environment/stub, these environments can in fact share much of
 the underlying structures.  In practice, each thread needs its
 own error stack, but it can certainly share the allocator and
 logger.  And the configuration information is associated with
 the allocator.  There is a primitive function
 axutil_env_create_with_error_log_thread_pool() that lets you
 share the substructures already created for the global environment
 created once for the application.  This way the configuration
 information is read only once.  Axutil_env_free_masked() lets
 each thread free just its error stack upon termination, leaving
 the allocator intact.

 I was not dealing with asynchronous operation in my application,
 so I don't know if you might need a separate thread-pool for
 each created environment.

 Good luck,
 Bill Mitchell

 -Original Message-
 From: Lefrancois, Carl []
 Sent: Thursday, December 11, 2008 9:56 AM
 To: Apache AXIS C Developers List
 Subject: RE : Multi-threading

 Hello Patrick,

 Manjula kindly provided a best-practice example for how to do
 multi-threading with Axis2/C [1] (at least on the client side)  if I
 remember correctly, it was one environment per thread, and the stubs
 were per call?  Well in his example it is svc_client and not stub, but
 if I understand correctly, those two concepts are one-to-one, meaning
 one stub has one svc_client.

 From my point of view it seems the troubles you are encountering are
 based in areas where Axis does little or nothing to help the programmer.
 I have not seen any code to manage thread creation and resources acces
 in the Axis2/C project.  Problems like resource deadlock on the
 configuration file are outside the scope of what Axis2/C has to offer.

 What Axis does well is freeing resources (once we figure out how to set
 everything up right!) so I am a little confused as to where exactly the
 limitations are.  You say the callback system provided is not good in
 terms of freeing resources, but have you tried freeing your resources
 from another function which itself waits for the callback to occur?
 (either error callback or success callback)  I think this is the way
 Axis was designed with as implied by Dimuthu: wait in a loop in your
 main thread while the callbacks are outstanding, do no cleanup in the
 callback itself, let that thread exit completely and after it is done,
 then from your main thread detect that the callback ocurred and do the
 cleanup there.

 For environment vs stub issues, there is no alternative but to take
 ownership of this problem directly and implement some synchronisation
 outside the scope of Axis2/C.  Your code synchronises creation of
 threads and initialisation to avoid having deadlock problems.  Maybe
 there is some improvement to be made to Axis here?

 My reason for responding though is really to comment on this phrase:
 Threads are a rather expensive resource to use for just waiting on an
 IO completion.  It may be my lack of understanding, but I am pretty
 sure that -- at least in the win32 tcp/ip stack -- once your thread goes
 into asynchronous communication on a socket, you do not see it again
 until there is some result.  This means if there is a timeout your
 thread is inactive for a long

Re: Multi-threading

2008-12-13 Thread Manjula Peiris

On Sat, 2008-12-13 at 13:02 +0500, Supun Kamburugamuva wrote:
 Hi all,
 This question has being popping up time to time. First we need to
 think why we need to execute Axis2/C clients in multiple threads
 instead of using separate clients in different threads. One advantage
 of using a single client is the overhead associated with multiple
 clients. A single axis2_svc_client requires multiple axis2
 configurations and multiple environments. This is the only reasong
 comes to my mind right now for not using different axis2_svc_clients
 in different threads. If you have any other requirements please share
 with us.
 If performance is the concern associated with creating multiple
 clients, there is a solution to the problem. The real entity that do
 the most important work in the client side is axis2_mep_client.

Not mep_client it is op_client.

  axis2_svc_client is a wrapper around the mep client for make the job
 easier for the client programmer. But axis2_svc_client is not designed
 for a multithreaded environment. The problems with axis2_svc_client
 running in multiple threads is it keep tracks of the various objects
 from previous invokations. This leads to double free this resources in
 multiple threading environments.
 But if we can use the mep client these problems won't be there. The
 only problem with mep client is it requires quite a bit of coding to
 make it work. If we can provide a simple thread safe method set for
 directly accessing the mep client it will be really useful. So devs
 what do you think?

Actually AFAIK, even each svc_client_send_receive creates a new
op_client and this op_client uses the configurations created from
svc_client. So svc_client is like a container which keeps the
configurations for the use of op_clients. What we need to do is we
should provide methods to application clients to create configurations
of their own. So they can pass these to op_client and do the work. 

 On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 10:37 PM, Bill Mitchell wrote:
 Patrick, when building a multi-threaded Axis2C client I too
 concerned about the multiple environments.  Although your
 statement is correct in a sense that each thread needs its own
 environment/stub, these environments can in fact share much of
 the underlying structures.  In practice, each thread needs its
 own error stack, but it can certainly share the allocator and
 logger.  And the configuration information is associated with
 the allocator.  There is a primitive function
 axutil_env_create_with_error_log_thread_pool() that lets you
 share the substructures already created for the global
 created once for the application.  This way the configuration
 information is read only once.  Axutil_env_free_masked() lets
 each thread free just its error stack upon termination,
 the allocator intact.
 I was not dealing with asynchronous operation in my
 so I don't know if you might need a separate thread-pool for
 each created environment.
 Good luck,
 Bill Mitchell
 -Original Message-
 From: Lefrancois, Carl []
 Sent: Thursday, December 11, 2008 9:56 AM
 To: Apache AXIS C Developers List
 Subject: RE : Multi-threading
 Hello Patrick,
 Manjula kindly provided a best-practice example for how to do
 multi-threading with Axis2/C [1] (at least on the client
 side)  if I
 remember correctly, it was one environment per thread, and the
 were per call?  Well in his example it is svc_client and not
 stub, but
 if I understand correctly, those two concepts are one-to-one,
 one stub has one svc_client.
 From my point of view it seems the troubles you are
 encountering are
 based in areas where Axis does little or nothing to help the
 I have not seen any code to manage thread creation and
 resources acces
 in the Axis2/C project.  Problems like resource deadlock on
 configuration file are outside the scope of what Axis2/C has
 to offer.
 What Axis does well is freeing resources (once we figure out
 how to set
 everything up right!) so I am a little confused as to where
 exactly the
 limitations are.  You say the callback system provided is not
 good in
 terms of freeing resources, but have you tried freeing your
 from another function which itself waits for the callback to
 (either error callback or success callback)  I think

RE: Multi-threading

2008-12-11 Thread Bill Mitchell
Patrick, when building a multi-threaded Axis2C client I too was 
concerned about the multiple environments.  Although your 
statement is correct in a sense that each thread needs its own 
environment/stub, these environments can in fact share much of 
the underlying structures.  In practice, each thread needs its 
own error stack, but it can certainly share the allocator and 
logger.  And the configuration information is associated with 
the allocator.  There is a primitive function 
axutil_env_create_with_error_log_thread_pool() that lets you 
share the substructures already created for the global environment 
created once for the application.  This way the configuration 
information is read only once.  Axutil_env_free_masked() lets 
each thread free just its error stack upon termination, leaving 
the allocator intact.  

I was not dealing with asynchronous operation in my application, 
so I don't know if you might need a separate thread-pool for 
each created environment.  

Good luck,
Bill Mitchell   

-Original Message-
From: Lefrancois, Carl [] 
Sent: Thursday, December 11, 2008 9:56 AM
To: Apache AXIS C Developers List
Subject: RE : Multi-threading

Hello Patrick,

Manjula kindly provided a best-practice example for how to do
multi-threading with Axis2/C [1] (at least on the client side)  if I
remember correctly, it was one environment per thread, and the stubs
were per call?  Well in his example it is svc_client and not stub, but
if I understand correctly, those two concepts are one-to-one, meaning
one stub has one svc_client.

From my point of view it seems the troubles you are encountering are
based in areas where Axis does little or nothing to help the programmer.
I have not seen any code to manage thread creation and resources acces
in the Axis2/C project.  Problems like resource deadlock on the
configuration file are outside the scope of what Axis2/C has to offer.

What Axis does well is freeing resources (once we figure out how to set
everything up right!) so I am a little confused as to where exactly the
limitations are.  You say the callback system provided is not good in
terms of freeing resources, but have you tried freeing your resources
from another function which itself waits for the callback to occur?
(either error callback or success callback)  I think this is the way
Axis was designed with as implied by Dimuthu: wait in a loop in your
main thread while the callbacks are outstanding, do no cleanup in the
callback itself, let that thread exit completely and after it is done,
then from your main thread detect that the callback ocurred and do the
cleanup there.  

For environment vs stub issues, there is no alternative but to take
ownership of this problem directly and implement some synchronisation
outside the scope of Axis2/C.  Your code synchronises creation of
threads and initialisation to avoid having deadlock problems.  Maybe
there is some improvement to be made to Axis here?  

My reason for responding though is really to comment on this phrase:
Threads are a rather expensive resource to use for just waiting on an
IO completion.  It may be my lack of understanding, but I am pretty
sure that -- at least in the win32 tcp/ip stack -- once your thread goes
into asynchronous communication on a socket, you do not see it again
until there is some result.  This means if there is a timeout your
thread is inactive for a long time.  How can one thread wait on more
than one asychronous communication?  I admit this would be a far better
solution, however from my understanding of winsock2 it is not possible.

Seen this way, one thread per socket communication is maybe expensive in
resources, but it is the only way to ensure your main thread continues
to operate in a timely fashion.




-Message d'origine-
De : Patrick van Beem [] 
Envoyé : jeudi, décembre 11, 2008 05:46
À :
Objet : Multi-threading


I'm experiencing serious limitations while using axis in a
multi-threading environment. I know axis is not fully designed (yet?)
for multi-threading, but I think some 'small' changes might make it more
usable. One can't deny multi-threading. Here my 2 cents:

* Callback and resources
In a multi-threading environment, an asynchronous job is often
responsible for freeing it's own resources (in this case, the
environment, the stub and possible extra application dependent data). In
the axis framework, this can't be done in the callback, since the
framework will use the stub after the callback is finished. This makes
it impossible for an application to free resources after a call has
finished (because you never know exactly when the call (including the
framework part of it) is finished. This makes the asynchronous
implementation of axis useless in a job-oriented multi-threading
environment. Improvements

Re: Multi threading in Axis2/C

2008-05-16 Thread Dinesh Premalal
Baxi, Rinilkumar (TCS) [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


 I have been looking at the Axis2/C code. Axis configuration files
 indicate that Axis supports multi threading. It appears at first
 glance that it is the HTTP listener (in transport phase) which
 provides multi threading support. And the rest of Axis(Axis engine,
 message receiver) is single threaded. Kindly let me know whether my
 understanding is correct.

AFAIK, your understanding is correct. Axis2/C engine is designed to be
operated single threaded in multi threading environment, that is why
we could see using mutexes in op_ctx and conf_ctx.


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RE: Multi threading in Axis2/C

2008-05-16 Thread Bill Mitchell
Hello Rinil,

I see two aspects to the multi-threading question, whether Axis2C runs in a
multi-threaded environment, and whether Axis2C itself takes advantage of a
multi-threading.  My experience has been on the client side; it seems your
question may be on the server side, with which I am much less familiar.  

What I can tell you is that Axis2C can be used successfully in a
multithreaded client.  The key is that the processing is done in the context
of an axutil environment structure.  What I found is that I can share one
axis configuration across multiple threads by creating multiple environments
that share the same allocator and logger while each use their own axutil
error handler.  The separate error handler is needed so that each thread
sees only its own errors, not errors that appear in another thread.  Sharing
the allocator allows the configuration to be processed only once for the
client app, instead of being processed as each thread is initialized.  So,
in this case, Axis2C client is running in a multithreaded environment,
without taking any particular advantage of multithreading itself.  

Perhaps someone else can shed some light your question about the message


-Original Message-
From: Baxi, Rinilkumar (TCS) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, May 16, 2008 6:19 AM
To: Apache AXIS C Developers List
Subject: Multi threading in Axis2/C


I have been looking at the Axis2/C code. Axis configuration files indicate
that Axis supports multi threading. It appears at first glance that it is
the HTTP listener (in transport phase) which provides multi threading
support. And the rest of Axis(Axis engine, message receiver) is single
threaded. Kindly let me know whether my understanding is correct.

Also I'd like to know if its feasible to introduce multi threading in the
message receiver.

Thanks and Regards,

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Re: Multi threading in Axis2/C

2008-05-16 Thread Manjula Peiris
On Fri, 2008-05-16 at 11:19 +, Baxi, Rinilkumar (TCS) wrote:
 I have been looking at the Axis2/C code. Axis configuration files indicate 
 that Axis supports multi threading. It appears at first glance that it is the 
 HTTP listener (in transport phase) which provides multi threading support. 
 And the rest of Axis(Axis engine, message receiver) is single threaded. 
 Kindly let me know whether my understanding is correct.
 Also I'd like to know if its feasible to introduce multi threading in the 
 message receiver.

You may need to write your own message_receiver in the case. [1] is an
example of a custom message receiver. 



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