RE: Two build questions

2005-08-24 Thread John Hawkins

If you do not specify the lib names
in conf then Axis relies on defaults which should get picked up from lib

Samisa Abeysinghe
24/08/2005 05:34

Please respond to
Apache AXIS C User List

Apache AXIS C User


RE: Two build questions

Hi Kevin,

 -Original Message-
 From: Kevin Rogers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2005 3:20 AM
 To: Apache AXIS C User List
 Subject: Re: Two build questions
 Hey Samisa, thanks for the response. See my notes below:
 Samisa Abeysinghe wrote:
 We seem to have few problems with Xerces 2.6 with some test cases.
 However, I was able to run the samples both on Linux and Windows
 Xerces 2.6
 I am, unfortunately, unable to upgrade to 2.6 at this time because
 dependencies of other tools in my work envirnoment on Xerces. I'll
 trying, or maybe try to set up my environment to fall back to the
 version that Axis 1.5.0 was built against.

Xerces 2.0 doe not seem to have any problems at the moment. Hence you
will have fewer issues with it.

 axisapp.conf file is not pointing to the Xerces parser. Rather
it is
 ponting to the Axis C++ implementation of the Xerces based paser
 abstraction layer lib.
 The libs such as Xerces are infact are picked from the lib path.
 need the axiscpp.conf file to specify the location of the paser,
 transport and cannel abstraction implementations.
 Yes, this is true. However, isn't this why you copy
 (the default parser library) to (or create a
 simlink to accomplish the same thing)? Am I misunderstanding in
 that these two libs are supposed to be exactly the same, only with
 different names?

Well you do not have to have different names. You can use directly in axiscpp.conf file

 If I am understanding correctly, this requires a step (post-build)
 the user's part to make sure that they have either copied or linked
 appropriate XML parser lib so that it is represented by the name
 'axis_xmlparser', which is just an abstraction you have placed on
 it. If this is the case, why not just do the same thing for the
 transport and channel libs? Meaning, why don't you provide generic
 names as an abstraction on top of the libraries, and then rely on
 user to either copy or link them post-build? This would do away with
 need for the conf file, correct?

The only reason that I can think of to have a conf file is to have the
possibility of switching the transport and parser libs.

However, as we build shared libs, as you are suggesting, we would be
able to pick the libs from the lib path and use it.
I have never tried it but you have a valid point here. As of now the
code is written to locate it from conf file and load it - may be this
can be changed, but someone needs to look into the viability.


 Second, for right now, I need to have the axiscpp.conf file
 somewhere other that /etc, and was wondering what needs to
be done
 make that happen?
 You do not need to have the conf file in /etc. All that you have
 is to define the AXISCPP_DEPLOY environment variable. Then both
 server and clients will try to locate the conf file from
 Obviously, if AXISCPP_DEPLOY is not set, it will look in /etc.
 Thanks! That hint just helped me track that down to the
 common/AxisConfig.cpp file. I'll try that out now.
 Kevin Rogers
 PDI / Dreamworks
 ext.29163 | 650.562.9163

RE: Two build questions

2005-08-24 Thread Samisa Abeysinghe

Oh I did not know that. In fact I never
tried without conf file entry.

-Original Message-
From: John Hawkins
Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2005
1:39 PM
To: Apache AXIS C User List
Subject: RE: Two build questions

If you do not specify the lib names in conf then Axis
relies on defaults which should get picked up from lib path. 

  Samisa Abeysinghe
  24/08/2005 05:34 

respond to
Apache AXIS C User List



Apache AXIS C User List 





RE: Two build questions




 -Original Message-
 From: Kevin Rogers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2005 3:20 AM
 To: Apache AXIS C User List
 Subject: Re: Two build questions
 Hey Samisa, thanks for the response. See my
notes below:
 Samisa Abeysinghe wrote:
 We seem to have few problems with Xerces
2.6 with some test cases.
 However, I was able to run the samples
both on Linux and Windows
 Xerces 2.6
 I am, unfortunately, unable to upgrade to 2.6
at this time because of
 dependencies of other tools in my work
envirnoment on Xerces. I'll
 trying, or maybe try to set up my environment
to fall back to the 2.2
 version that Axis 1.5.0 was built against.

Xerces 2.0 doe not seem to have any problems at
the moment. Hence you
will have fewer issues with it.

 axisapp.conf file is not pointing to the
Xerces parser. Rather it is
 ponting to the Axis C++ implementation of
the Xerces based paser
 abstraction layer lib.
 The libs such as Xerces are infact are
picked from the lib path. We
 need the axiscpp.conf file to specify the
location of the paser,
 transport and cannel abstraction
 Yes, this is true. However, isn't this why
you copy
 (the default parser library) to (or create a
 simlink to accomplish the same thing)? Am I
misunderstanding in
 that these two libs are supposed to be
exactly the same, only with
 different names?

Well you do not have to have different names. You
can use directly in axiscpp.conf file

 If I am understanding correctly, this
requires a step (post-build) on
 the user's part to make sure that they have
either copied or linked
 appropriate XML parser lib so that it is
represented by the name
 'axis_xmlparser', which is just an
abstraction you have placed on top
 it. If this is the case, why not just do the
same thing for the
 transport and channel libs? Meaning, why
don't you provide generic lib
 names as an abstraction on top of the
libraries, and then rely on the
 user to either copy or link them post-build?
This would do away with
 need for the conf file, correct?

The only reason that I can think of to have a conf
file is to have the
possibility of switching the transport and parser

However, as we build shared libs, as you are
suggesting, we would be
able to pick the libs from the lib path and use
I have never tried it but you have a valid point
here. As of now the
code is written to locate it from conf file and
load it - may be this
can be changed, but someone needs to look into the


 Second, for right now, I need to have
the axiscpp.conf file located
 somewhere other that /etc, and was
wondering what needs to be done
 make that happen?
 You do not need to have the conf file in
/etc. All that you have to
 is to define the AXISCPP_DEPLOY
environment variable. Then both the
 server and clients will try to locate the
conf file from
 Obviously, if AXISCPP_DEPLOY is not set,
it will look in /etc.
 Thanks! That hint just helped me track that
down to the
 common/AxisConfig.cpp file. I'll try that out
 Kevin Rogers
 PDI / Dreamworks
 ext.29163 | 650.562.9163

Re: [Axis2] Build problem with Maven 1.1-beta-1

2005-08-24 Thread Thilina Gunarathne
I can't run the build still.. I have a commit wating to do

~ThilinaOn 8/24/05, Eran Chinthaka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:



Today I installed maven 1.1-beta-1 and got some errors with the build,
saying can't upload jars. The fix to this was to update to the new
maven artifact plugin 1.6. 
If you also encounter this, just type the following to get the artifact
plugin updated to 1.6.

maven plugin:download -DgroupId=maven
-DartifactId=maven-artifact-plugin -Dversion=1.6

(thanks Dims for the help on this)

-- Chinthaka

-- May the SourcE be with u

Re: soap:headers and explicit service context

2005-08-24 Thread Hans Planting (CWEU-USERS/CWNL)


But it doesn't expose these headers are part of the method signature.

This is what I thought as well, hence my question, but it turns out my 
wsdl was incorrect.

If you want your soap:headers be part of the method signature (explicit 
service context) then as far as I understand it you need to set the part 
attribute of the soap:header to a wsdl:part in the wsdl:message that is 
refered to by the wsdl:input/wsdl:output of the wsdl:operation.

If the part attribute refers to a part in a message not refered to by 
the input or output of the message then the header parts will not be 
part of the method signature and you need to write custom handlers in 
order to deal with headers (implicit service context).

However there are still a couple of strange things I encountered when 
using soap:headers in document/literal style documents:
- the parameters generated from the wsdl:input parts are wrapped in a 
java object, while when not using headers they are not;
- when combining explicit and implicit soap:headers in one wsdl document 
the wrapped java object mentioned above is not generated but is actually 
refered to by the generated stub.


But it doesn't expose these headers are part of the method signature.
You're left to call setHeader yourself (and therefore have to manualy
copy over the element names  namespaces from the WSDL, which is error
prone). I think I logged a bug for this a while back.


-Original Message-
From: Davanum Srinivas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2005 7:35 AM

Subject: Re: soap:headers and explicit service context

If you set up the wsdl correctly, then the generated code has the
addition java objects for the stuff in soap headers.

-- dims

On 8/23/05, Hans Planting (CWEU-USERS/CWNL)

Hi there,

Is there support planned for explicit soap headers as described in 
JAX-RPC 1.1 chapter 11.2.2?
With explicit soap headers I'd expect Axis to append additional 
parameters for soap:headers following the service endpoint defined 
paramers in the remote method signature. Also no custom 
parsing/deserialization would need to be implemented.
Currently in order to process soap:headers you need to implement a 
handler or use the setHeader and getHeader methods in 
org.apache.axis.client.Stub and in both cases implement code to 
parse/deserialize the soap elements; Axis does not deserialize the 
contents of soap:headers to Java objects (correct me if I'm wrong - is


there a way to do this?).




Davanum Srinivas : - Oxygenating The Web Service


[Axis] Serializer for classes which implement

2005-08-24 Thread Denis Schlesinger

Hi all,

I have to use an asset of classes implementing
in my web service. For the WSDL generation of my deployed Web Service I would
like to know which Serializer to use or do I have to write my own one? When
testing the Web Service as .jws, Axis is able to generate the WSDL file with
all types and messages. When deploying the Web Service via a WSDD the types and
messages in the WSDL are missing.

Any hint is highly appreciated!



Download archives for Axis 1.1?

2005-08-24 Thread Guy Rixon
What's happened to the archives of the Axis 1.1 jars? All the download sites
I've tried today claim to have them but the links don't work.

Institute of Astronomy  Tel: +44-1223-337542
Madingley Road, Cambridge, UK, CB3 0HA  Fax: +44-1223-337523

Re: Download archives for Axis 1.1?

2005-08-24 Thread Venkat Reddy

The links on the news page seem to be broken.

- venkat

On 8/24/05, Guy Rixon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What's happened to the archives of the Axis 1.1 jars? All the download sites
 I've tried today claim to have them but the links don't work.
 Institute of Astronomy  Tel: +44-1223-337542
 Madingley Road, Cambridge, UK, CB3 0HA  Fax: +44-1223-337523

RE: SOApMonitor

2005-08-24 Thread Zheng Li
Refer to user guide, it shows how to enable SOAP Monitor

-Original Message-
From: Kirti Bodhmage [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 2005年8月24日 20:02
Subject: SOApMonitor

SOAPMonitor on welcome page of the Axis is not working , it says disabled
by default for security reasons and to enable the disabled features,
uncomment the appropriate declarations in WEB-INF/web.xml in the
webapplication and restart it.

But there is no security entry to in WEB.xml to enable SOAPMonitor. How to
we enable it ?

Re: Handling custom exceptions

2005-08-24 Thread James Wilson
my-opinionAny production service should be sourced from a WSDL!/my-opinion

You will need to define a fault message on your port bindings of the WSDL:
   xsd:import !-- type definition in here--

  wsdl:message name=CustomException
 wsdl:port name=fault1 element=typefromschema:CustomExceptionElement/
  .!-- other messages --
  wsdl:portType name=ThePort
wsdl:operation name=getFoo
wsdl:input name=in message=tns:FooInMsg/
wsdl:output name=out message=tns:FooOutMsg/
wsdl:fault name=CustomEx message=tns:CustomException/

Quoting Yashavanth Prakash [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


 I want to know how to send custom exceptions from
 server side to client other than cathcing custom
 exception and throwing the Axis Fault

 Any related documentation or earlier mails about this
 would be very helpful

 we are building a webservice based component. As the
 webservice interacts with other applications which
 throw  app specific error, we want to pass the same to
 the client for further handling

 Any help/suggestions in this regard would be really

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Consuming web services over SSL using AXIS 1.2.1 -- How to?

2005-08-24 Thread Gary Zhu

Hi all, 

I have a need to 
consume .NET web services over SSL using AXIS 1.2.1. What are the steps involved 
in accomplishing this?

My systems look like 
this: Apache WebServer 2.0.52 together with mod_jk for loadbalancing, tomcat 
5.5.9 cluster where AXIS 1.2.1 and webservices are deployed.

Where should the 
trust certificate go? What code modifications are needed? Is this the same thing 
as making connection to an URL through HTTPS in Java?

Thanks in 


Re: Consuming web services over SSL using AXIS 1.2.1 -- How to?

2005-08-24 Thread Kr
1. import the service provider certificate in ur trust store.

2. set below properties in ur web services client program: 

Security.addProvider(new JSSEProvider());

System.setProperty(, mystorepassword);

// if u behind a firewall proxy then set below
System.setProperty(http.proxyHost, 140.4236.2435.47);
System.setProperty(http.proxyPort, 31248);

Re: SOApMonitor

2005-08-24 Thread Thushantha De Alwis

By refering to UserGuide you can get good idea about how t enable and use
this SOAP Monitor.

Best Regards

 SOAPMonitor on welcome page of the Axis is not working , it says disabled
 by default for security reasons
 and to enable the disabled features, uncomment the appropriate
 in WEB-INF/web.xml in the webapplication and restart it.

 But there is no security entry to in WEB.xml to enable SOAPMonitor. How to
 we enable it ?

Re: [Axis2] Build problem with Maven 1.1-beta-1

2005-08-24 Thread Davanum Srinivas
What's the error message? i tried on 2 different systems. works for me.

-- dims

On 8/24/05, Thilina Gunarathne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I can't run the build still..   I have a commit wating to do
 On 8/24/05, Eran Chinthaka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Today I installed maven 1.1-beta-1 and got some errors with the build,
 saying can't upload jars. The fix to this was to update to the new maven
 artifact plugin 1.6. 
  If you also encounter this, just type the following to get the artifact
 plugin updated to 1.6.
  maven plugin:download -DgroupId=maven
 -DartifactId=maven-artifact-plugin -Dversion=1.6
  (thanks Dims for the help on this)
  -- Chinthaka
 May the SourcE be with u 

Davanum Srinivas : - Oxygenating The Web Service Platform

RE: Consuming web services over SSL using AXIS 1.2.1 -- How to?

2005-08-24 Thread Gary Zhu
Thank you very much.


-Original Message-
From: Kr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: August 24, 2005 8:53 AM
Subject: Re: Consuming web services over SSL using AXIS 1.2.1 -- How to?

1. import the service provider certificate in ur trust store.

2. set below properties in ur web services client program: 

Security.addProvider(new JSSEProvider());


// if u behind a firewall proxy then set below
System.setProperty(http.proxyHost, 140.4236.2435.47);
System.setProperty(http.proxyPort, 31248);

[Axis 1.2] Implementing Serializers for complex types

2005-08-24 Thread Denis Schlesinger

Hi all,

I need to implement some (de)serializers for an asset
of Java classes as these are not implemented in bean style. The Java classes
themselves may contain other complex types (classes) again. I dont know
how to start as I only found examples for Java classes with simple type members.

Please help!


[Axis2] Generating WSDL files from Java classes

2005-08-24 Thread Denis Schlesinger


After I have implemented my web service classes I
wonder how to generate the WSDL files from these with Axis2. In Axis 1.2 it was
possible via Java2WSDL or the dynamic generation when adding ?wsdl
to the web service URL.

Any help appreciated!


1.2.1 autogen WSDL seems to be wrong

2005-08-24 Thread Jarmo Doc
I've written a simple web service (JWS) that includes a method that returns 
a complex type (well hardly complex, just a couple of strings and 
booleans). The auto-generated WSDL (using Axis 1_2_1 final) for this web 
service makes no sense to me. For example, I have two booleans in my complex 
type, something like this:

class Person
public boolean istall;
public boolean isrich;

Yet the WSDL indicates:

element name=istall type=xsd:anyType /
element name=isrich type=tns3:boolean /

Note the two different WSDL types for identical (boolean) Java types. Is 
this likely to be a bug in Axis 1_2_1 final?  Should I be using a different 
version (which?)


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RE: 1.2.1 autogen WSDL seems to be wrong

2005-08-24 Thread Michael Oliver
Your class should be more consistent with the JavaBeans standard with
private members that are 'tall' and 'rich' with getters 'isTall' and
'isRich' and setters 'setTall' and 'setRich' and I wager the Java2WSDL will
be more consistent as well.

Michael Oliver
Alarius Systems LLC
6800 E. Lake Mead Blvd, #1096
Las Vegas, NV 89156
*Note new email changed from [EMAIL PROTECTED]

-Original Message-
From: Jarmo Doc [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2005 7:29 AM
Subject: 1.2.1 autogen WSDL seems to be wrong

I've written a simple web service (JWS) that includes a method that returns 
a complex type (well hardly complex, just a couple of strings and 
booleans). The auto-generated WSDL (using Axis 1_2_1 final) for this web 
service makes no sense to me. For example, I have two booleans in my complex

type, something like this:

class Person
public boolean istall;
public boolean isrich;

Yet the WSDL indicates:

element name=istall type=xsd:anyType /
element name=isrich type=tns3:boolean /

Note the two different WSDL types for identical (boolean) Java types. Is 
this likely to be a bug in Axis 1_2_1 final?  Should I be using a different 
version (which?)


Don't just search. Find. Check out the new MSN Search!

RE: 1.2.1 autogen WSDL seems to be wrong

2005-08-24 Thread Jarmo Doc
Thanks for the quick reply Michael.  I made that change but there is no 
improvement.  Here are the relevant parts of my server-side class:

public class MyMessage implements
 private String uid;
 private String content;

 public MyMessage() {}

 public String getUid() { return uid; }
 public void setUid(String uid) { this.uid = uid; }

 public String getContent() { return content; }
 public void setContent(String content) { this.content = content; }

I updated my JWS source file (and deleted the corresponding class file, just 
to be safe), restarted Tomcat, and requested the WSDL by invoking 
http://localhost:8080/axis/MyWebService.jws?wsdl and here are the 
(unexpected) results:

complexType name=MyMessage
 element name=content nillable=true type=xsd:anyType /
 element name=uid nillable=true type=tns2:String /

Am I still writing my Java class incorrectly?

From: Michael Oliver [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: 1.2.1 autogen WSDL seems to be wrong
Date: Wed, 24 Aug 2005 07:34:23 -0700

Your class should be more consistent with the JavaBeans standard with
private members that are 'tall' and 'rich' with getters 'isTall' and
'isRich' and setters 'setTall' and 'setRich' and I wager the Java2WSDL will
be more consistent as well.

Michael Oliver
Alarius Systems LLC
6800 E. Lake Mead Blvd, #1096
Las Vegas, NV 89156
*Note new email changed from [EMAIL PROTECTED]

-Original Message-
From: Jarmo Doc [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2005 7:29 AM
Subject: 1.2.1 autogen WSDL seems to be wrong

I've written a simple web service (JWS) that includes a method that returns
a complex type (well hardly complex, just a couple of strings and
booleans). The auto-generated WSDL (using Axis 1_2_1 final) for this web
service makes no sense to me. For example, I have two booleans in my 

type, something like this:

class Person
public boolean istall;
public boolean isrich;

Yet the WSDL indicates:

element name=istall type=xsd:anyType /
element name=isrich type=tns3:boolean /

Note the two different WSDL types for identical (boolean) Java types. Is
this likely to be a bug in Axis 1_2_1 final?  Should I be using a different
version (which?)


Don't just search. Find. Check out the new MSN Search!

Don’t just search. Find. Check out the new MSN Search!

Sample calculator cannot deserialize int

2005-08-24 Thread Jarmo Doc
Given the other problems I've been having with Axis 1.2.1 final on Tomcat 
5.5.9, I decided to go back to basics and test the sample calculator 
program.  It fails to run, as follows:

SAXException: Deserializing parameter 'op1':  could not find deserializer 
for type {}int

I note in the calculator client source that it expects 'op1' to be of type 
XMLType.XSD_INT and the WSDL auto-generated by Axis returned the following:

wsdl:message name=addRequest
 wsdl:part name=i1 type=xsd:int /
 wsdl:part name=i2 type=xsd:int /

I followed the instructions at for this.  Why does it fail?

PS I am using JDK 1.4.2_05.

Don’t just search. Find. Check out the new MSN Search!

send a xml document ¿as parameter or attachment?

2005-08-24 Thread Antonio Castillo Peláez


I'm developing a 
webservice, my first webservice :)) . I'm anovice in 
I want to return a xml document. How to do that?. As a string 

Can you help 

mustUnderstand fault even after setProcessed(true)

2005-08-24 Thread Javier Gonzalez

I have deployed a (message) web service with axis 1.1, but the service
is answering http/500, mustUnderstand failed. I find this extremely
weird, since I have marked the header as processed, like this:

SOAPHeaderElement soapHeaderElement;
try {
Iterator it = req.getHeader().getChildElements();
while (it.hasNext()) {
soapHeaderElement = (SOAPHeaderElement);
if (soapHeaderElement.getMustUnderstand()) {
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error(Error al obtener el Header del mensaje recibido);
throw new MM7Exception(MM7Exception.SERVER,
The header from the received message couldn't be get.,
MM7_RES.SC_SERVERROR, e.getMessage());

The code executes (there is no exception raised) but the service
returns that it didn't understand the header with mustUnderstand=1.

This is the incoming message:

?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
env:Envelope xmlns:env=;
  mm7:TransactionID env:mustUnderstand=1
Content href=cid:mms_cid/

And this is what is going back through the wire:

?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
   faultstringDid not understand quot;MustUnderstandquot;

This is Axis 1.1 running on Tomcat 5.5/Linux. Any help is appreciated.

Javier Gonzalez Nicolini

RE: soap:headers and explicit service context

2005-08-24 Thread Simon Fell
I'm not sure I follow, given these fragments, why don't any of the
headers specified in the binding appear in the method signature ? Is
this another JAX-RPC snafu ?


message name=resetPasswordRequest
part element=tns:resetPassword name=parameters/
message name=resetPasswordResponse
part element=tns:resetPasswordResponse name=parameters/
message name=Header
part element=tns:SessionHeader
part element=tns:CallOptions
part element=tns:QueryOptions
part element=tns:AssignmentRuleHeader
part element=tns:MruHeader
part element=tns:ifModifiedBefore
part element=tns:ifModifiedSince


!-- portType --
operation name=resetPassword
documentationReset a user's password/documentation
input  message=tns:resetPasswordRequest/
output message=tns:resetPasswordResponse/
fault  message=tns:InvalidIdFault name=InvalidIdFault/
fault  message=tns:UnexpectedErrorFault

!-- binding --
operation name=resetPassword
soap:operation soapAction=/
soap:header use=literal message=tns:Header
soap:header use=literal message=tns:Header
soap:body parts=parameters use=literal/
soap:body use=literal/
fault name=InvalidIdFault
soap:fault name=InvalidIdFault use=literal/ 
fault name=UnexpectedErrorFault
soap:fault name=UnexpectedErrorFault use=literal/ 

-Original Message-
From: Hans Planting (CWEU-USERS/CWNL)
Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2005 2:25 AM
Subject: Re: soap:headers and explicit service context


 But it doesn't expose these headers are part of the method signature.

This is what I thought as well, hence my question, but it turns out my
wsdl was incorrect.

If you want your soap:headers be part of the method signature (explicit
service context) then as far as I understand it you need to set the part
attribute of the soap:header to a wsdl:part in the wsdl:message that is
refered to by the wsdl:input/wsdl:output of the wsdl:operation.

If the part attribute refers to a part in a message not refered to by
the input or output of the message then the header parts will not be
part of the method signature and you need to write custom handlers in
order to deal with headers (implicit service context).

However there are still a couple of strange things I encountered when
using soap:headers in document/literal style documents:
- the parameters generated from the wsdl:input parts are wrapped in a
java object, while when not using headers they are not;
- when combining explicit and implicit soap:headers in one wsdl document
the wrapped java object mentioned above is not generated but is actually
refered to by the generated stub.


But it doesn't expose these headers are part of the method signature.
You're left to call setHeader yourself (and therefore have to manualy 
copy over the element names  namespaces from the WSDL, which is error 
prone). I think I logged a bug for this a while back.


-Original Message-
From: Davanum Srinivas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2005 7:35 AM
Subject: Re: soap:headers and explicit service context

If you set up the wsdl correctly, then the generated code has the 
addition java objects for the stuff in soap headers.

-- dims

On 8/23/05, Hans Planting (CWEU-USERS/CWNL) 

Hi there,

Is there support planned for explicit soap headers as described in 
JAX-RPC 1.1 chapter 11.2.2?
With explicit soap headers I'd expect Axis to append additional 
parameters for soap:headers following the service endpoint defined 
paramers in the remote method signature. Also no custom 
parsing/deserialization would need to be implemented.
Currently in order to process soap:headers you need to implement a 
handler or use the setHeader and getHeader methods in 
org.apache.axis.client.Stub and in both cases implement code to 
parse/deserialize the soap elements; Axis does not deserialize the 
contents of soap:headers to Java objects (correct me if I'm wrong - is


there a way to do this?).



Davanum Srinivas : - Oxygenating The Web Service 


RE: 1.2.1 autogen WSDL seems to be wrong

2005-08-24 Thread Jarmo Doc
OK, good idea.  I inserted a private String blah member above uid and added 
simple getter/setter methods and the deployed JWS yielded the following 

complexType name=MyMessage
 element name=blah nillable=true type=xsd:anyType /
 element name=content nillable=true type=tns2:String /
 element name=uid nillable=true type=tns2:String /

So, that's obviously wrong and conceivably a significant bug in Axis 1_2_1 

Then I ran java2wsdl manually with --style WRAPPED --use LITERAL options and 
it generated the following:

complexType name=MyMessage
element name=blah nillable=true type=xsd:string/
element name=content nillable=true type=xsd:string/
element name=uid nillable=true type=xsd:string/

And that seems to be correct, given my nascent understanding of WSDL.

So I'll continue to use java2wsdl rather than JWS deployment and see where 
it leads me.  I'm quite sure that the ugly 'cannot deserialize 
java.lang.string' issue will be the next showstopper but we can discuss that 
in a new thread ;-)

Thanks a lot for your help.

From: Michael Oliver [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: 1.2.1 autogen WSDL seems to be wrong
Date: Wed, 24 Aug 2005 09:40:43 -0700

Wow, it looks like a bug.  Make one small change to your class and add a 

member variable

String any and the accessors getAny() and setAny() and see what happens.

My guess is that the first variable no matter what it is, is getting the 

type, but the rest are getting interpreted correctly.

I don't use JWS myself and prefer to use ant and Java2WSDL and WSDL2Java 

the added control and a more persistent implementation.

Michael Oliver
Alarius Systems LLC
6800 E. Lake Mead Blvd, #1096
Las Vegas, NV 89156
*Note new email changed from [EMAIL PROTECTED]

-Original Message-
From: Jarmo Doc [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2005 8:34 AM
Subject: RE: 1.2.1 autogen WSDL seems to be wrong

Thanks for the quick reply Michael.  I made that change but there is no
improvement.  Here are the relevant parts of my server-side class:

public class MyMessage implements
  private String uid;
  private String content;

  public MyMessage() {}

  public String getUid() { return uid; }
  public void setUid(String uid) { this.uid = uid; }

  public String getContent() { return content; }
  public void setContent(String content) { this.content = content; }

I updated my JWS source file (and deleted the corresponding class file, 

to be safe), restarted Tomcat, and requested the WSDL by invoking
http://localhost:8080/axis/MyWebService.jws?wsdl and here are the
(unexpected) results:

complexType name=MyMessage
  element name=content nillable=true type=xsd:anyType /
  element name=uid nillable=true type=tns2:String /

Am I still writing my Java class incorrectly?

From: Michael Oliver [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: 1.2.1 autogen WSDL seems to be wrong
Date: Wed, 24 Aug 2005 07:34:23 -0700

Your class should be more consistent with the JavaBeans standard with
private members that are 'tall' and 'rich' with getters 'isTall' and
'isRich' and setters 'setTall' and 'setRich' and I wager the Java2WSDL 

be more consistent as well.

Michael Oliver
Alarius Systems LLC
6800 E. Lake Mead Blvd, #1096
Las Vegas, NV 89156
*Note new email changed from [EMAIL PROTECTED]

-Original Message-
From: Jarmo Doc [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2005 7:29 AM
Subject: 1.2.1 autogen WSDL seems to be wrong

I've written a simple web service (JWS) that includes a method that 

a complex type (well hardly complex, just a couple of strings and
booleans). The auto-generated WSDL (using Axis 1_2_1 final) for this web
service makes no sense to me. For example, I have two booleans in my

type, something like this:

class Person
public boolean istall;
public boolean isrich;

Yet the WSDL indicates:

element name=istall type=xsd:anyType /
element name=isrich type=tns3:boolean /

Note the two different WSDL types for identical (boolean) Java types. Is
this likely to be a bug in Axis 1_2_1 final?  Should I be using a 

version (which?)


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Re: [Axis2] Generating WSDL files from Java classes

2005-08-24 Thread Ruchith Fernando
Hi Denis,

Java2WSDL support in Axis2 is yet to be implemented.

BTW you can use ?wsdl option to see the wsdl of service IF the
relevant WSDL file was made available within the service.aar as


On 8/24/05, Denis Schlesinger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 After I have implemented my web service classes I wonder how to generate the
 WSDL files from these with Axis2. In Axis 1.2 it was possible via Java2WSDL
 or the dynamic generation when adding ?wsdl to the web service URL. 
 Any help appreciated! 


Schemas for customized serializers

2005-08-24 Thread Anil Arora

I need to return the schema of some of my serialized objects
as part of the soap message. An example of this is below. I am
using a custom serializer to handle the root tag. So, is there an
easy way for me to put the schema inside the message. Is there an object
I can create, set up, and return to do this? Or will I have to create my
own schema object and custom serializer for that.


version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?


xmlns:xsi= xmlns:xsd=


DiscoverResponse xmlns=urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-analysis


root xmlns=urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-analysis:rowset

xsd:schema xmlns:sql=urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-sql 



xsd:element name=root


xsd:sequence minOccurs=0 maxOccurs=unbounded

xsd:element name=row
type=row /






DataSourceNameTest Server/DataSourceName

DataSourceDescriptionTest Provider for OLAP /DataSourceDescription







getting client DN in axis

2005-08-24 Thread Tuan Anh Nguyen
I want to get client DN out of the public key certificate after mutual
authentication with tomcat in axis application.
Please help.

Thanks in advance,
Tuan Anh

RE: Sample calculator cannot deserialize int

2005-08-24 Thread Jarmo Doc

I notice the following logged by Tomcat:

- ConfigurationException:
javax.xml.rpc.JAXRPCException: Null qualified name specified.

javax.xml.rpc.JAXRPCException: Null qualified name specified.


I have no idea if it's related to my calculator test or what it indicates 
(perhaps invalid WSDD file, but what exactly?)

Subject: Sample calculator cannot deserialize int
Date: Wed, 24 Aug 2005 09:16:48 -0700

Given the other problems I've been having with Axis 1.2.1 final on Tomcat 
5.5.9, I decided to go back to basics and test the sample calculator 
program.  It fails to run, as follows:

SAXException: Deserializing parameter 'op1':  could not find deserializer 
for type {}int

I note in the calculator client source that it expects 'op1' to be of type 
XMLType.XSD_INT and the WSDL auto-generated by Axis returned the following:

wsdl:message name=addRequest
 wsdl:part name=i1 type=xsd:int /
 wsdl:part name=i2 type=xsd:int /

I followed the instructions at for this.  Why does it fail?

PS I am using JDK 1.4.2_05.

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Deploy/undeploy Webservices from another Webservice

2005-08-24 Thread Scott Campbell


I have a question for the experts...

I'm trying to find information on how to have one webservice deploy or 
undeploy other web services. My scenario is I want to represent the 
availability of a high speed connection between 2 or more endpoints as a 
web service that someone could potentially use.

One of the port types on this web service will be a partition function 
where the high speed connection could be split into multiple connections 
of smaller bandwidth. So the parent Web service will have to deploy two 
or more new web services to represent the new connection sizes. The 
ports types, etc. for each new service will be identical (except for 
unique name spaces and some details about the connections).  I also want 
the original web service to be able to re-connect the partitioned 
connection resulting in undeploying the child web services.

I'm not sure if what I'm describing falls under deploying web services 
on the fly or not. I know that the ClientAdmin class can be used to 
deploy and undeploy services from within a program but I'm not sure if 
will do what I'm describing.

Any feedback would be much appreciated.

Axis with more than 4GB data transfer.

2005-08-24 Thread Peter
I am new to Axis.I have a questing for the experts.

I am doing a Web Services projects. I am trying to find information
for using Axis to transfer more than 4GB data such like big movie. My
scenario is I want to upload and download big  movies between server
and client using Web Service.

I am not sure if I can solve this using SOAP with attachments .I do
not know if SOAP can solve this kind of problem.

Any ideas and any feedback would be much appreciated
Thank you in advance.

Re: Axis with more than 4GB data transfer.

2005-08-24 Thread Davanum Srinivas
kidding me? :) no, soap is not designed for this. (see other protocols

-- dims

On 8/24/05, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am new to Axis.I have a questing for the experts.
 I am doing a Web Services projects. I am trying to find information
 for using Axis to transfer more than 4GB data such like big movie. My
 scenario is I want to upload and download big  movies between server
 and client using Web Service.
 I am not sure if I can solve this using SOAP with attachments .I do
 not know if SOAP can solve this kind of problem.
 Any ideas and any feedback would be much appreciated
 Thank you in advance.

Davanum Srinivas : - Oxygenating The Web Service Platform

RE: Axis with more than 4GB data transfer.

2005-08-24 Thread Michael Oliver
I would recommend Bit Torrent

Michael Oliver
Alarius Systems LLC
6800 E. Lake Mead Blvd, #1096
Las Vegas, NV 89156
*Note new email changed from [EMAIL PROTECTED]

-Original Message-
From: Davanum Srinivas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2005 4:05 PM
Subject: Re: Axis with more than 4GB data transfer.

kidding me? :) no, soap is not designed for this. (see other protocols

-- dims

On 8/24/05, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am new to Axis.I have a questing for the experts.
 I am doing a Web Services projects. I am trying to find information
 for using Axis to transfer more than 4GB data such like big movie. My
 scenario is I want to upload and download big  movies between server
 and client using Web Service.
 I am not sure if I can solve this using SOAP with attachments .I do
 not know if SOAP can solve this kind of problem.
 Any ideas and any feedback would be much appreciated
 Thank you in advance.

Davanum Srinivas : - Oxygenating The Web Service Platform

Re: SOApMonitor

2005-08-24 Thread Peter
Hi all,I did exact the same with user guide, I can enable the SOAPMontitor, or TCPMonitor. But It did not work.But we can use other SOAP monitorssee it help
On 8/24/05, Thushantha De Alwis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi  By refering to UserGuide you can get good idea about how t enable and use this SOAP Monitor.
  Best Regards Thushantha SOAPMonitor on welcome page of the Axis is not working , it says disabled  by default for security reasons
  and to enable the disabled features, uncomment the appropriate  declarations  in WEB-INF/web.xml in the webapplication and restart it.   But there is no security entry to in 
WEB.xml to enable SOAPMonitor. How to  we enable it ? 

URGENT !!! - Deserializer issue with a web method returning an interface as opposed to POJO

2005-08-24 Thread Arun Jayachandran

Hi !

Iam having problem deserializing a soap response for a
method which returns an interface. What deserializer should I use for a
complexType java interface?



Field with second letter capitalized problem

2005-08-24 Thread Mike Pilone

Hello all,

I am attempting to use Axis 1.2.1 to generate a client stub
to the Systinet UDDI registry. For most of the API I used the OASIS WSDLs and
WSDL2Java. Aside from some minor problems, it appeared to work.

However now that I am using the client stub, I am running
into a problem. UDDI defines the type tModel in the schema. There are many
operations that return tModels. For example, in a Taxonomy object, there is a
tModel. What this means is that Axis is generating a Taxonomy class that looks



public void setTModel() {  }

public TModel getTModel() {  }


The problem comes when a response message comes back from the
UDDI server in which the tModel element is tModel. The
BeanDeserializer on the client side is throwing an exception that the tModel
element was unexpected. After stepping through the code, I found that the
tModel property in Taxonomy is getting returned as TModel by bean
introspection, therefore not matching the element with name
tModel. Looking at the JavaBeans spec, the introspection and
property name are correct.

Is there some way around this with Axis? It seems like a
major problem, since and field with a second capital letter will not match the
XML elements defined in the schema because of bean introspection. Note that
this is the standard UDDI WSDL. Im a bit worried that Axis cant
properly talk to UDDI, one of the leading technologies in web service
registration and discovery.

Thanks for any help,


RE: Sample calculator cannot deserialize int

2005-08-24 Thread Jarmo Doc
I've moved my web services from Tomcat/Windows to Tomcat/Linux and the 
samples now work fine.  I have no idea yet why they didn't work on Windows 
though no doubt someone will helpfully respond with a diatribe about Windows 

Subject: Sample calculator cannot deserialize int
Date: Wed, 24 Aug 2005 09:16:48 -0700

Given the other problems I've been having with Axis 1.2.1 final on Tomcat 
5.5.9, I decided to go back to basics and test the sample calculator 
program.  It fails to run, as follows:

SAXException: Deserializing parameter 'op1':  could not find deserializer 
for type {}int

I note in the calculator client source that it expects 'op1' to be of type 
XMLType.XSD_INT and the WSDL auto-generated by Axis returned the following:

wsdl:message name=addRequest
 wsdl:part name=i1 type=xsd:int /
 wsdl:part name=i2 type=xsd:int /

I followed the instructions at for this.  Why does it fail?

PS I am using JDK 1.4.2_05.

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