Re: See SOAP message more readable.

2006-06-20 Thread Daniel Destro
I think u must use the -u option when creating the WSDL file.On 6/20/06, Juan Alvarez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 wrote:Hello again. How to do that? I imagine that when I generate the wsdl
from java there is an option to do that but I unsure about of that.

thanks in advance.

Re: SOAP Literal style and nillable fields

2006-06-04 Thread Daniel Destro
Because I was expecting to use the automatic code generation to do so. It makes noe sense if I have to edit by hand.I adopted Axis to avoid my developers to hand code something and, thus avoid mistakes and more hard work.
ThanksOn 6/3/06, Martin Gainty [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Good Morning Dan-
One must havesome semblance of aschema 
a way to define (in other words what your sending and what you expect to 
receive) to generate the Java Classes
So I am puzzled why does this process sound 

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  - Original Message - 
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  Subject: Re: SOAP Literal style and 
  nillable fields
  This sounds stupid.Thanks
  On 6/2/06, Davanum 
hand edit the wsdl after you generate it.thanks,dimsOn 
6/1/06, Daniel Destro [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
wrote: Hi all, Since I started using LITERAL 
style to generate my WSDL and then Skeleton classes, I can not use 
nillable fields. Instead of Long, Integer (classes) I get 
long and integer (primitive types). How can I use LITERAL 
and also have the option to have nillable fields? 
tks Daniel--Davanum Srinivas :
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Re: SOAP Literal style and nillable fields

2006-06-02 Thread Daniel Destro
This sounds stupid.ThanksOn 6/2/06, Davanum Srinivas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Please hand edit the wsdl after you generate it.thanks,dimsOn 6/1/06, Daniel Destro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi all,
 Since I started using LITERAL style to generate my WSDL and then Skeleton classes, I can not use nillable fields. Instead of Long, Integer (classes) I get long and integer (primitive types).
 How can I use LITERAL and also have the option to have nillable fields? tks Daniel--Davanum Srinivas :
-To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]For additional commands, e-mail: 

Problems with Date - Axis

2006-06-01 Thread Daniel Destro
I have a Apache Axis Web Service working on JBoss 3.2.3 on Unix.The client app (running on Windows) makes a request to a WS and sends a Date, but the WS transforms this Date into a Date one day earlier.
Let me explain: The request SOAP sends 2006-06-05T00:00:00.
For testing purpose, the WS sends back the same Date it received as Date and String (using toString and also SimpleDateFormat).
As Date, the value comes DAY_OF_MONTH=5. As String it comes as Sun Jun 04 21:00:00 BRT 2006 and 04/06/2006 (for dd/MM/).What should I do to avoid such problem?Looks like it is having problems with daylight configuration or timezones or local settings.

Re: OracleAS

2006-05-03 Thread Daniel Destro
What´s up, Brazuca?We are also using Axis running on OracleAS. No big deal!On 5/3/06, Marco Aurélio Seraphim da Silva 

Hi folks,

Have someone here use Axis with Oracle Application 

It's possible to do? And how can I do 


Re: SOAP - literal x encoded

2006-04-20 Thread Daniel Destro
Hi Dies,I did my testing following your hints and I did not get the point.I generated my WSLD using the 3 different options for -s (style) - DOCUMENT, RPC and WRAPPED, and also -u (use) - LITERAL.All this combination ignored the fact that I am using Integer and Double. Instead, the server binding classes were generated using int and double.
This is because I am not using ENCODED anynore?ThanksDanielOn 4/13/06, Dies Koper [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 wrote:Hello Daniel,When you use DOCUMENT/LITERAL with the wrapped convention, the SOAP
message will still contain a wrapper element under the body, but thiselement will not be mapped to a Java class (the corresponding JavaBeanwill not be generated).If you do not use the wrapped convention, a wrapper class is generated
and used.If you start with a Java interface, specify WRAPPED instead of DOCUMENTin the option to Java2WSDL to get a WSDL with the wrapped convention.If you work from the WSDL, follow the criteria in the JAX-RPC 
1.1 specand change your WSDL. I believe WSDL2Java also has an option to ignorethe criteria and generate and use the wrapper beans anyway.Note that for arrays (complexType with one element with maxOccurs 1)
wrapper classes are not generated by default. Use WSDL2Java's--wrapArrays option to use wrapper classes for arrays (again, thisshould not affect the SOAP message).Regards,DiesDaniel Destro wrote:
 Someone told me here to use DOCUMENT/LITERAL instead of ENCODED SOAP, because I wanted a more simple SOAP response message. Well, it does work, BUT the problem is, it no longer uses Wrapper Types,
 instead it uses primitives. Is it possible to use wrappers using literal soap style? thanks Daniel

namespace different

2006-04-19 Thread Daniel Destro
What is the difference between the two namespacesxmlns=urn:SacSilogandxmlns:ns1=urn:SacSilogWhy one or other?thanks

Re: namespace different

2006-04-19 Thread Daniel Destro
I understand.This must be because I started to use LITERAL style instead of ENCODED, right?My Web Service consumer is complaining about the lack of ns1. They did a SOAP parser themselves, which is not good. I told them to follow the SOAP standard, otherwise they are going to have millions of problems. Do you agree?
ThanksDanielOn 4/19/06, Anne Thomas Manes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
A namespace declaration that specifies a prefix (e.g., allows you to refer to that namespace by its declared prefix (foo). A namespace declaration that does not specify a prefix (
e.g. establishes a default namespace. Any element within the scope of such a declaration that does not specify a prefix is assumed to be in the default namespace. If you have an element that does not have a qualified name, then you must override the default namespace. 
For example, lets assume that we have an element called foo that is in the namespace, and it has a child element called bar, which is a local element to foo and therefore is in no namespace. You could represent it like so:
tns:foo barfoobar/bar/tns:fooor foo
 bar xmlns=foobar/bar
/foobut this would not be valid:foo


/fooAnneOn 4/19/06, 
Daniel Destro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

What is the difference between the two namespacesxmlns=urn:SacSilogandxmlns:ns1=urn:SacSilogWhy one or other?thanks

Re: Axis - standalone application

2006-04-17 Thread Daniel Destro
Sure it is.
Just need to make all the libs (jars) available.

Hi there,I have built my client application as a standalone, but I was wondering isit possible to use Axis with a browser_based applet?

SOAP - literal x encoded

2006-04-12 Thread Daniel Destro
Someone told me here to use DOCUMENT/LITERAL instead of ENCODED SOAP, because I wanted a more simple SOAP response message.
Well, it does work, BUT the problem is, it no longer uses Wrapper Types, instead it uses primitives.

Is it possible to use wrappers using literal soap style?


Re: Avoid multiRef in SOAP response (make it simple)

2006-04-11 Thread Daniel Destro
Perfect!I used the flag -u LITERAL when generating the WSDL and it works.On 4/11/06, Anne Thomas Manes 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Don't use SOAP encoding. Use document/literal with the wrapped convention instead.
(You'll get better performance, too.)AnneOn 4/10/06, 
Daniel Destro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi all,

I was wondering why Axis 1.3 generates a very complicated and verbose SOAP response, including all this multiRef tags.

For my service, that has a method that returns a data structre (object), it generates the following SOAP response:

?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv= xmlns:xsd=
soapenv:Body ns1:myMethodResponse soapenv:encodingStyle=
  xmlns:ns1=urn:MyService myMethodReturn href=""> /ns1:myMethodResponse multiRef id=id0 soapenc:root=0 
 xsi:type=ns2:MyMethodResult  xmlns:soapenc=
 xmlns:ns2=urn:MyService id xsi:type=soapenc:long0/id name xsi:type=soapenc:stringPOSTAL/name birthDate xsi:type=xsd:dateTime xsi:nil=true/

Insteadm I would like something similar to:

?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv= xmlns:xsd=
soapenv:Body ns1:myMethodResponse soapenv:encodingStyle=
  xmlns:ns1=urn:MyService myMethodReturn xsi:type=ns2:MyMethodResult id xsi:type=soapenc:long0/id
 name xsi:type=soapenc:stringPOSTAL/name birthDate xsi:type=xsd:dateTime xsi:nil=true/ /myMethodReturn /ns1:myMethodResponse


Is there any way to make it more simple? More straight forward and avoid this more complex SOAP?

SOAP request formated by Axis

2006-04-10 Thread Daniel Destro
Hi All,

I used SOAP monitor to investigate the SOAP that travel by the wire.

For a simple Web Service, Axis client sends this:

?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv= xmlns:xsd=
soapenv:Body ns1:myMethod soapenv:encodingStyle= xmlns:ns1=urn:MyService name xsi:type=soapenc:string  xmlns:soapenc= Name Here/name
 salary href=""> /ns1:myMethod multiRef id=id0 soapenc:root=0  soapenv:encodingStyle= 

But if I simply send this (bellow), it works as well:

?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=
ns1:myMethod soapenv:encodingStyle= xmlns:ns1=urn:MyService

 name xsi:type=soapenc:stringCiclana/name
 salary xsi:type=xsd:double333.33/salary

My question: I see no big difference between this two SOAP requests. Why Axis is so verbose like that? Spacially concerning about that multiRef thing.


Avoid multiRef in SOAP response (make it simple)

2006-04-10 Thread Daniel Destro
Hi all,

I was wondering why Axis 1.3 generates a very complicated and verbose SOAP response, including all this multiRef tags.

For my service, that has a method that returns a data structre (object), it generates the following SOAP response:

?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv= xmlns:xsd=
soapenv:Body ns1:myMethodResponse soapenv:encodingStyle=
  xmlns:ns1=urn:MyService myMethodReturn href=""> /ns1:myMethodResponse multiRef id=id0 soapenc:root=0 
 xsi:type=ns2:MyMethodResult  xmlns:soapenc=
 xmlns:ns2=urn:MyService id xsi:type=soapenc:long0/id name xsi:type=soapenc:stringPOSTAL/name birthDate xsi:type=xsd:dateTime xsi:nil=true/

Insteadm I would like something similar to:

?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv= xmlns:xsd=
soapenv:Body ns1:myMethodResponse soapenv:encodingStyle=
  xmlns:ns1=urn:MyService myMethodReturn xsi:type=ns2:MyMethodResult id xsi:type=soapenc:long0/id
 name xsi:type=soapenc:stringPOSTAL/name birthDate xsi:type=xsd:dateTime xsi:nil=true/ /myMethodReturn /ns1:myMethodResponse


Is there any way to make it more simple? More straight forward and avoid this more complex SOAP?

Re: Order of SOAPHeader and SOAPBody

2006-04-07 Thread Daniel Destro
Thanks again, Xinjun.

Very valuable hint.

I used the WSS4J tutorial ( ) and example page (
), but I could not get the client working.

After I configured the WSDoAllReceiver, it requires the credentials. OK!

But I changed my client to add the UsernameToken, but it does not add it to the SOAP request.

My code is like this:

MyServiceLocator serv = new MyServiceLocator();
MyService port = serv.getMyService();

Stub stub = (Stub) port;
stub._setProperty(UsernameToken.PASSWORD_TYPE, WSConstants.PASSWORD_TEXT);
stub._setProperty(WSHandlerConstants.USER, werner);
stub._setProperty(WSHandlerConstants.PW_CALLBACK_REF, new PWCallback());

port.myMethod( someParam );

The SOAP is still the same, with no UsernameToken. What I am doing worng??

On 4/6/06, Xinjun Chen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi Daniel,To be specific, I tried wss4j using the Axis 1.3 library. Thefollowing article may be useful to you. author uses Axis 1.x library.Regards,Xinjun

Re: Order of SOAPHeader and SOAPBody

2006-04-07 Thread Daniel Destro
But if Iconfigure the client_deploy.wsdd and use it like this:

EngineConfiguration config = new FileProvider(client_deploy.wsdd);StockQuoteServiceService locator = new StockQuoteServiceServiceLocator(config);

It works!

Programmatically it does NOT work... very strange!

My Web Service client runs in Oracle (PL/SQL) or other technology other than Java, so encoding the password will a problem for them, right?

What should I do (adopt) to easy my client´s usage?

ps: using Axis 1.3.

On 4/7/06, Daniel Destro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Thanks again, Xinjun.

Very valuable hint.

I used the WSS4J tutorial ( ) and example page ( ), but I could not get the client working.

After I configured the WSDoAllReceiver, it requires the credentials. OK!

But I changed my client to add the UsernameToken, but it does not add it to the SOAP request.

My code is like this:

MyServiceLocator serv = new MyServiceLocator();
MyService port = serv.getMyService();

Stub stub = (Stub) port;
stub._setProperty(UsernameToken.PASSWORD_TYPE, WSConstants.PASSWORD_TEXT);
stub._setProperty(WSHandlerConstants.USER, werner);
stub._setProperty(WSHandlerConstants.PW_CALLBACK_REF, new PWCallback());

port.myMethod( someParam );

The SOAP is still the same, with no UsernameToken. What I am doing worng??


On 4/6/06, Xinjun Chen 

Hi Daniel,
To be specific, I tried wss4j using the Axis 1.3 library. Thefollowing article may be useful to you. author uses Axis 1.x library.Regards,Xinjun

Re: Order of SOAPHeader and SOAPBody

2006-04-06 Thread Daniel Destro
Hi Xinjun,Thanks.I've just realized that u're using Axis2. I am using Axis 1.3 yet.Can I use wss4j with Axis 1.3?Where are u from?Thanks againDaniel - Brasil
On 4/5/06, Xinjun Chen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi Daniel,I take advantage of WSS4J to add UsernameToken to the SOAPEnvelope.Some sample codes:Document domDoc = Axis2Util.getDocumentFromSOAPEnvelope(envelope);// Add the UserNameToken.WSSAddUsernameToken builder = new WSSAddUsernameToken(, false);
if (token.isDigested()) {builder.setPasswordType(WSConstants.PASSWORD_DIGEST);} else {builder.setPasswordType(WSConstants.PASSWORD_TEXT);}, token.getUsername
(), token.getPassword());Element header = (Element)(domDoc.getElementsByTagName(SOAP-ENV:Header).item(0));//SOAPHeader header = Axis2Util.getSOAPFactory(envelope);//SOAPFactory factory = Axis2Util.getSOAPFactory
(envelope);OMElement headerElm = (OMElement) (Axis2Util.toOM(header));envelope.getBody().insertSiblingBefore(headerElm);These are only some experimental codes.I assume the SOAPEnvelope has been constructed. What these code
snippet is more of a handler. There may be other ways to do it. AsRuchith said, you can also take advantage of Axis2 security module.Regards,XinjunOn 4/6/06, Daniel Destro 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi Xinjun, As I can see you are trying to add some Security to your Web Services, right? Are you doing a User Authentication / Authorization using this
 UsernameToken? I need to do that! How do add UsernameToken into to the SOAP request and how do u read / validate UsernameToken from the SOAP request (server-side) ???
 Thanks Daniel

Generating Web Service with Axis 1.3

2006-04-05 Thread Daniel Destro
Hi all,Using the option -s and -S true with WSDL2Java tool, it creates the server-side and Skeleton classes. A XXXImpl class is created and I always have to modify it to add code to delegate the calls to my original business class.
I have not tested yet, but as I can see, if I omit -S true (skeleton), Axis call directly the XXXImpl class. Is that right? What is the difference between this option and the skeleton option?Axis code generation process seems to be a little bit cumbersome, because, first of all, I have to create the WSDL, then the server-side classes are generated from the WSDL. It would be much easier if we could do it with only one single step and it could also use my original business class instead of make me add code to delegate the calls from the XXXImpl class to the business class.
Another point, when my method returns a custom type (i.e.: ProductInfo), it creates a new similiar class (same name), just to add some code related to SOAP into it. But if this ProductInfo class is not in the same directory as my business class is, Axis overwrites it. Why is that?
Axis is cool, but sometimes are confusing or make me work more. I´d expect this kind of tool do the whole code generation, ready to be deployed, the same way Oracle JDeveloper works.ThanksDaniel

Re: Generating Web Service with Axis 1.3

2006-04-05 Thread Daniel Destro
Hi Chris,Thanks for your answer.But, IMO, tools should work for us as much as possible. I don´t want to write WSDD files myself, I want some tool to make that for me. Axis can do that, but still there is some job to be done.
RegardsDanielOn 4/5/06, Chris Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Daniel Destro wrote: Axis code generation process seems to be a little bit cumbersome, because, first of all, I have to create the WSDL, then the server-side classes are generated from the WSDL. It would be much
 easier if we could do it with only one single step and it could also use my original business class instead of make me add code to delegate the calls from the XXXImpl class to the business class.
If you already have both the WSDL and the implementation classes, then youdon't need to use WSDL2Java at all.Instead, you would just write a WSDDfile pointing to your existing WSDL and Java code.You would need to
include type mappings in that file, potentially using bean serializers oreven custom serializers if your data classes are not beans.This will notbe a trivial process, since you need to match your existing code to the
existing WSDL interface, and there may be problems on either side.WSDL2Java is meant to generate Java code, if it doesn't already exist... forexample, if you've built the interface specification first as a WSDL file
and a set of related XSDs, and then you want to build an implementation fromthere.--www.designacourse.comThe Easiest Way To Train Anyone... Anywhere.
Chris Smith - Lead Software Developer/Technical TrainerMindIQ Corporation

Re: Order of SOAPHeader and SOAPBody

2006-04-05 Thread Daniel Destro
Hi Xinjun,As I can see you are trying to add some Security to your Web Services, right?Are you doing a User Authentication / Authorization using this UsernameToken?I need to do that!How do add UsernameToken into to the SOAP request and how do u read / validate UsernameToken from the SOAP request (server-side) ???

AdminClient does register two WSDD

2006-04-03 Thread Daniel Destro
Hi all,As far as I know, every time I need to redeploy my JEE app with Axis Web Services, the WS have to be registered again. I use Axis 1.3.So, to solve this issue, I created a ServletContextListener that register the WSDD when my app's context is created.
I do this in a new thread, otherwise it stuck and take a long time to process it. May be due to a lock ou wait to complete context load.Well, but my real problem is: AdminClient does register two or more WSDD in a row, which means, I loop as many times as the number os WSDD I have to register, but, only the first WSDD is registered, then the following cause a Connection refused: connect error message (faultString).My code if like that://for each WSDD...
for( int i=0; iwsdd_file.length; i++ ) { try {
 URL urlWsdd = this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResource(wsdd_file[i]);
 if( urlWsdd == null ) { throw new Exception(WSDD +urlWsdd+ not found!);
 } args[3] = urlWsdd.getFile();
  AdminClient adminClient = new AdminClient();
 String ret = adminClient.process(args); } catch (Exception e) {
 log.error(ERROR WSDD: +e.getMessage());
 }} //for()How can I solve this?Thanks

Re: AdminClient does register two WSDD

2006-04-03 Thread Daniel Destro
Hi Greg,I, kinda knew about it, but my wep app is packed in a EAR file and this is mandatory. So, every time I redeploy it, the server-config.wsdd is empty or does not exist.Also, I'd like to have something more automatic.
I am searching for how to generate the WSDD of all my Web Services using a single wsdd file, but I did not find anything about it, so I would have to deploy only one WSDD at a time.Ayway,I think when I use AdminClient from Java code it, somehow, keeps the AxisServlet busy.
Any ideas?On 4/3/06, Greg Pelly [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


When you stop the server, AXIS stores a list of all 
currently-active services in a file, /WEB-INF/server-config.wsdd. When you 
start the server, AXIS looks for this file and if it exists, it will redeploy 
the services. In short, you don't need the code below, unless you're planning on 
deleting the server-config.wsdd when the server stops.


From: Daniel Destro 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Monday, April 03, 2006 8:57 
AMTo: axis-user@ws.apache.orgSubject: AdminClient does 
register two WSDD
Hi all,As far as I know, every time I need to redeploy my JEE 
app with Axis Web Services, the WS have to be registered again. I use Axis 
1.3.So, to solve this issue, I created a ServletContextListener that 
register the WSDD when my app's context is created. I do this in a new 
thread, otherwise it stuck and take a long time to process it. May be due to a 
lock ou wait to complete context load.Well, but my real problem is: 
AdminClient does register two or more WSDD in a row, which means, I loop as many 
times as the number os WSDD I have to register, but, only the first WSDD is 
registered, then the following cause a Connection 
refused: connect error message (faultString).My code if like 
that://for each 
WSDD...for( int i=0; iwsdd_file.length; 
i++ ) { try {
 URL urlWsdd = 
this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResource(wsdd_file[i]); if( urlWsdd == 
null ) { throw 
new Exception(WSDD +urlWsdd+ not found!); }
 args[3] = 
adminClient = new AdminClient(); String ret = 
adminClient.process(args); } catch (Exception e) { 
WSDD: +e.getMessage()); }
} //for()How can I 
solve this?Thanks