RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Re: More Family Finder DNA results are in

2011-05-20 Thread Sam Koester
Cheri;  Thanks for the info.  I will await the FTDNA sale and keep my
fingers crossed.  Thanks again, Sam

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Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Re: More Family Finder DNA results are in

2011-05-20 Thread Cheri Mello
Hi Susan,

I haven't checked everyone's Population Finder with the ethnicity
percentages.  I know that DNA studies are coming out of Portugal.  I think
that overall, the Portuguese population is about 20% Jewish according to
those studies.

My dad (who is half Portuguese) tested out something like 99.95% European.
They gave no stat for the 0.05%.  These are different studies that FTDNA is
using for the Population Finder.

Cheri Mello
Listowner, Azores-Gen
Researching: Vila Franca, Ponta Garca, Ribeira Quente, Ribeira das Tainhas,

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[AZORES-Genealogy] Re: More Family Finder DNA results are in

2011-05-19 Thread Lori Pacheco
Do you mind if I ask which exact test you took? I am trying to
determine if/where the jewish connection to the azores is but it would
be on my father's side of the family and I understood that only a male
from that side could take the test. Could I take a DNA test that would
indicate Midlle Aastern DNA being a  female ?

On May 18, 6:07 am, Katherine wrote:
 Hi Cheri,

 I asked Bennett (FTDNA President for those reading who don't know who
 he is) about the Middle Eastern DNA and he replied that it means its
 Jewish DNA.  So that would fit with the history of Sephardic Jews
 settling the Azores.

 My son, husband, and myself all have varying degrees of Middle
 Eastern DNA results.

 I also tested my father-in-law and he has two small segment matches to
 two men who ONLY have Continental Portuguese ancestry.  Interesting...

 Kind regards,

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Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Re: More Family Finder DNA results are in

2011-05-19 Thread Cheri Mello

I'm not Katherine and I'm not sure how closely she's following this thread.

Family Tree DNA (FTDNA) has their Family Finder (autosomal DNA) test.  This
test is one way to get the percent testing for the ethnicity.  It is under
beta testing and states so.  They have been able to sample only a few
populations from each continent, so it's no where near comprehensive yet.
Here are the reference populations that they are currently comparing the DNA
against.  Note:  They haven't sampled the Portuguese population yet.

Here is the whole list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about the
Population Finder (the ethnicity portion of the Family Finder test):

To be clear, this test will NOT tell you where the Jewish connection is.  It
will only tell you that it appears that there was some Middle Eastern in
there.  I'd have to check to see how many generations ago.  If your Jewish
ancestor was 10 generations ago and you have that on paper, it very well may
NOT show up in this DNA test, as too much time has passed and the DNA became
too diluted with each generation.

Because this is an autosomal DNA test (a mixture of your 22 pairs of your
autosomal chromosomes (your 23rd pair is the sex chromosomes - making you
male or female), either men or women can take this type of DNA test.

Now, if you KNOW that a certain ancestor was Jewish and you found the son of
the son of the son of that male descendant, you could have his Y chromosome
tested via one of the Y DNA tests.  That's looking at the sex chromosome
only which does NOT recombine (or shuffle).  So you would know exactly where
that DNA is coming from.

Cheri Mello
Family Tree DNA Admin
Azores DNA

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Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Re: More Family Finder DNA results are in

2011-05-19 Thread Cheri Mello
Hi Sam,

FTDNA's Family Finder test gives the ethnicity percentages and showed
Shirley as part Middle Eastern.  Since Shirley was the DNA participant, it
shows that she's part Middle Eastern.  In order for her to find out if it
was her father's or mother's line, she would have to test each one of them
if they were alive, or have a paper trail to the Sephardic  line.


On Wed, May 18, 2011 at 10:44 AM, Sam Koester wrote:

 Oh shoot, I didn't read Cheri's email carefully enough and now I really
 to know what the dna test was that showed the Middle Eastern dna and did
 it indicate if it was from the mothers or fathers line??  Thanks and
 apologies, Sam (back in CA)

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Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Re: More Family Finder DNA results are in

2011-05-19 Thread Cheri Mello
Hi Mike G,

I don't know if it's your page or an FTDNA problem, but it won't let me
match you to the entire database.  I'll report it to FTDNA tomorrow, when
they are open.

Anyways, you tested your Y-DNA.  This is your strict paternal line: your
father's father's father's line, all men all the way back.

Family Finder is a new test (been out a year now).  It doesn't look at your
Y-DNA.  It looks at the other 22 pairs of chromosomes.  I waited about 6
months to see how it worked.  That's why nothing's been said until recently.

Your Y-DNA is a straight shot.  You know EXACTLY where that DNA came from -
your father's father's father's father.  FamilyFinder is a mixture (card
shuffle) of your 22 autosomes.  You can't tell exactly where the match is
coming from.  It's a puzzle that you have to work.

So no, you didn't take the wrong test.  We know where your Y-chromosome came
from (your dad).  I think that it's still the best DNA test on the marker
because the line can be directly traced.  However, with so many families
intermarrying in the Azores, I think that we'll start to make matches more
quickly with the Family Finder test - if one has the patience to figure it


On Wed, May 18, 2011 at 11:35 AM, mikeg wrote:

 Cheri, et. al,
 I'm fascinated by the Azores DNA project but puzzled too. A few years
 back, I tested, and then followed up again with a broader count. There
 was a flurry of early results, then nothing. No report. Nothing. No
 changes, same old list of possible matches. Maybe I took the wrong
 tests because your results are intriguing, and curious.



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Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Re: More Family Finder DNA results are in

2011-05-19 Thread rcapodc
My PAF program says Susan  Ken are 5th cousins 1 removed. I know that
Susan and I are 6th cousins straight down the line from Jose Mathias and
Maria de Sao Joao and Ken's is from the same couple.



 Your brother's DNA (Family Finder test) is now in.  It shows your brother
 a 4th to distant cousin with Rosemarie Capodicci's 1st cousin.  What does
 your genealogy program say the relationship is between you or your brother
 and Rosemarie's first cousin?


 On Wed, May 18, 2011 at 12:31 PM, Susan Vargas Murphy

 I was excited to see that Rosemarie did this as it will be very
 interesting to see if it shows if we are related (which we know we
 are) once mine comes in!

 Susan Vargas Murphy

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[AZORES-Genealogy] Re: More Family Finder DNA results are in

2011-05-18 Thread Katherine
Hi Cheri,

I asked Bennett (FTDNA President for those reading who don't know who
he is) about the Middle Eastern DNA and he replied that it means its
Jewish DNA.  So that would fit with the history of Sephardic Jews
settling the Azores.

My son, husband, and myself all have varying degrees of Middle
Eastern DNA results.

I also tested my father-in-law and he has two small segment matches to
two men who ONLY have Continental Portuguese ancestry.  Interesting...

Kind regards,

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[AZORES-Genealogy] Re: More Family Finder DNA results are in

2011-05-18 Thread Susan Vargas Murphy
I was excited to see that Rosemarie did this as it will be very
interesting to see if it shows if we are related (which we know we
are) once mine comes in!

Susan Vargas Murphy

On May 17, 9:34 pm, Cheri Mello wrote:
 A few people ordered the Family Finder (autosomal DNA) test from Family Tree
 DNA when it was on sale last time.  Those results are trickling in.

 Family Finder is a mixture (card shuffle) of all your lines.  They
 definitely go back to your 2 greats.  It slowly begins to fall apart going
 further back in time.  Less genetic material exists.  However, with so much
 intermarriage, us Azoreans have more of a chance of preserving the genetic
 material from some of our intermarried lines.

 To preserve more genetic material, I tested my dad.  He's 50% Portuguese and
 I'm only 25%.  So my dad should get more matches than I would.  Shirley
 Allegre tested at the last sale too.  Her results just came in.

 Shirley and my dad are:
 4th cousins once removed
 5th cousins
 6th cousins
 6th cousins once removed
 8th cousins
 9th cousins once removed
 And probably other things that I still have to enter into my computer.

 Family Finder says that Shirley and my dad are probably 2nd to 4th cousins,
 and most likely 3rd cousins.  I'm guessing that the genetic material from
 the 4th cousin and 5th cousin level still exists in both of them, and maybe
 some at the 6th cousin level.  Because of the multiple lines, the prediction
 is a little closer than what the proven paper trail shows.  They share a
 total of 105.71 cM.  cM is the abbreviation of centoMorgans.  It's a unit of
 measure, like inches or centimeters, but this is a microscopic unit of
 measure.  The longest block that Shirley and my dad share is 16.76 cM.  It's
 on chromosome 2.

 What's interesting is that my dad also had a match with Marge Perry's
 brother.  It was more distant, like 5th cousins and beyond.  I emailed Marge
 and we couldn't figure it out.  Shirley also matches Marge's brother too.
 Since Shirley and I know where we match, Marge may be matching on those
 lines too.  One of those lines is a brick wall.  The marriage pages are
 missing.  Could it be there?  We'll have to do some sleuthing to figure it

 Rosemarie Cappodicci's cousin's Family Finder came in too.  Rosemarie is
 going to be contacting her matches.  Al Rose, a member of this genealogy
 lgroup, is listed as a 5th to distant cousin.  Rosemarie's cousin is also
 matching with some of Vivian Christy's relatives.  Shirley also matches some
 of Vivian's relatives.  My dad does not match Vivian.  So we know to
 eliminate Shirley and my dad's common lines and look at the other ones to
 match Vivian.  This is like a big puzzle.

 Shirley's Population Finder results came back at 88.23% European (Western
 European) with a margin of error of +/- 0.02%.  The rest?  She's 11.77%
 (0.00% margin of error) Middle Eastern!  This is in beta testing and they
 don't have a whole lot of populations sampled, but Shirley is 12% of
 something else.  An amusing topic for her to talk about at her next family

 Family Tree DNA has held their Sizzling Summer Sale for the past couple of
 years during the latter half of June.  They don't announce what they'll put
 on sale (although they always seem to have Y-DNA on sale - that's a man's
 father's father's father's line straight back.  No wondering and figuring
 out how that DNA matches with someone else).  Family Tree DNA will also be
 present at the Southern California Genealogy Jamboree the 2nd weekend in
 June.  Again, I'll have to see what they are putting on sale when I show up
 that Friday.  There will be Internet access so I'll check and post to the

 I think there are still 2 or 3 Family Finder tests at the lab waiting for
 results to come in.  I'll post when then come in.

 Cheri Mello
 Azores DNA Project
 Family Tree DNA Administrator along with Rick Pimentel

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Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Re: More Family Finder DNA results are in

2011-05-18 Thread rcapodc
Susan, I can hardly wait!!  I had my cousin Ken Silva do the FamilyFinder
Dna because he's related to me on both my Souza side and my Silveira de
Azevedo's (the one I'm having a hard time with!!). It already shows some
connections so I'm just so excited about the finds.


I was excited to see that Rosemarie did this as it will be very
 interesting to see if it shows if we are related (which we know we
 are) once mine comes in!

 Susan Vargas Murphy

 On May 17, 9:34 pm, Cheri Mello wrote:
 A few people ordered the Family Finder (autosomal DNA) test from Family
 DNA when it was on sale last time.  Those results are trickling in.

 Family Finder is a mixture (card shuffle) of all your lines.  They
 definitely go back to your 2 greats.  It slowly begins to fall apart
 further back in time.  Less genetic material exists.  However, with so
 intermarriage, us Azoreans have more of a chance of preserving the
 material from some of our intermarried lines.

 To preserve more genetic material, I tested my dad.  He's 50% Portuguese
 I'm only 25%.  So my dad should get more matches than I would.  Shirley
 Allegre tested at the last sale too.  Her results just came in.

 Shirley and my dad are:
 4th cousins once removed
 5th cousins
 6th cousins
 6th cousins once removed
 8th cousins
 9th cousins once removed
 And probably other things that I still have to enter into my computer.

 Family Finder says that Shirley and my dad are probably 2nd to 4th
 and most likely 3rd cousins.  I'm guessing that the genetic material
 the 4th cousin and 5th cousin level still exists in both of them, and
 some at the 6th cousin level.  Because of the multiple lines, the
 is a little closer than what the proven paper trail shows.  They share a
 total of 105.71 cM.  cM is the abbreviation of centoMorgans.  It's a
 unit of
 measure, like inches or centimeters, but this is a microscopic unit of
 measure.  The longest block that Shirley and my dad share is 16.76 cM.
 on chromosome 2.

 What's interesting is that my dad also had a match with Marge Perry's
 brother.  It was more distant, like 5th cousins and beyond.  I emailed
 and we couldn't figure it out.  Shirley also matches Marge's brother
 Since Shirley and I know where we match, Marge may be matching on those
 lines too.  One of those lines is a brick wall.  The marriage pages are
 missing.  Could it be there?  We'll have to do some sleuthing to figure

 Rosemarie Cappodicci's cousin's Family Finder came in too.  Rosemarie is
 going to be contacting her matches.  Al Rose, a member of this genealogy
 lgroup, is listed as a 5th to distant cousin.  Rosemarie's cousin is
 matching with some of Vivian Christy's relatives.  Shirley also matches
 of Vivian's relatives.  My dad does not match Vivian.  So we know to
 eliminate Shirley and my dad's common lines and look at the other ones
 match Vivian.  This is like a big puzzle.

 Shirley's Population Finder results came back at 88.23% European
 European) with a margin of error of +/- 0.02%.  The rest?  She's 11.77%
 (0.00% margin of error) Middle Eastern!  This is in beta testing and
 don't have a whole lot of populations sampled, but Shirley is 12% of
 something else.  An amusing topic for her to talk about at her next

 Family Tree DNA has held their Sizzling Summer Sale for the past
 couple of
 years during the latter half of June.  They don't announce what they'll
 on sale (although they always seem to have Y-DNA on sale - that's a
 father's father's father's line straight back.  No wondering and
 out how that DNA matches with someone else).  Family Tree DNA will also
 present at the Southern California Genealogy Jamboree the 2nd weekend in
 June.  Again, I'll have to see what they are putting on sale when I show
 that Friday.  There will be Internet access so I'll check and post to

 I think there are still 2 or 3 Family Finder tests at the lab waiting
 results to come in.  I'll post when then come in.

 Cheri Mello
 Azores DNA Project
 Family Tree DNA Administrator along with Rick Pimentel

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[AZORES-Genealogy] Re: More Family Finder DNA results are in

2011-05-18 Thread mikeg
Cheri, et. al,
I'm fascinated by the Azores DNA project but puzzled too. A few years
back, I tested, and then followed up again with a broader count. There
was a flurry of early results, then nothing. No report. Nothing. No
changes, same old list of possible matches. Maybe I took the wrong
tests because your results are intriguing, and curious.



On May 18, 10:44 am, Sam Koester wrote:
 Oh shoot, I didn't read Cheri's email carefully enough and now I really want
 to know what the dna test was that showed the Middle Eastern dna and did
 it indicate if it was from the mothers or fathers line??  Thanks and
 apologies, Sam (back in CA)

 -Original Message-
 From: [] On Behalf Of

 Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2011 6:08 AM
 To: Azores Genealogy
 Subject: [AZORES-Genealogy] Re: More Family Finder DNA results are in

 Hi Cheri,

 I asked Bennett (FTDNA President for those reading who don't know who
 he is) about the Middle Eastern DNA and he replied that it means its
 Jewish DNA.  So that would fit with the history of Sephardic Jews
 settling the Azores.

 My son, husband, and myself all have varying degrees of Middle
 Eastern DNA results.

 I also tested my father-in-law and he has two small segment matches to
 two men who ONLY have Continental Portuguese ancestry.  Interesting...

 Kind regards,

 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to  Follow the confirmation directions
 when they arrive.
 For more options, such as changing to List, Digest, Abridged, or No Mail
 (vacation) mode, log into your Google account and visit this group 
 at  Click in the blue area on the right
 that says Join this group and it will take you to Edit my membership.

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Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Re: More Family Finder DNA results are in

2011-05-18 Thread Cheri Mello
The FTDNA site is down for maintenance right now.  Susan Vargas Murphy's
person (cousin?) also came in.  I'll answer everything tomorrow.

Cheri Mello
Listowner, Azores-Gen
Researching: Vila Franca, Ponta Garca, Ribeira Quente, Ribeira das Tainhas,

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[AZORES-Genealogy] Re: More Family Finder DNA results are in

2011-05-17 Thread Cheri Mello
Maybe I should click all the buttons on my genealogy program before typing

Yes, my dad and Shirley are 4th, 5th, 6th, etc. cousins.  But when I click
the progenitors button, it shows me more than the 6 ways I wrote.  My dad
and I are cousins to Shirley Allegre 11 different ways.

My dad and Shirley are:
4th cousins once removed (one couple)
5th cousins (2 different couples for this connection)
6th cousins (3 different couples for this connection)
6th cousins once removed (one couple)
8th cousins (3 different couples)
9th cousins once removed (one couple)

Cheri Mello
Listowner, Azores-Gen
Researching: Vila Franca, Ponta Garca, Ribeira Quente, Ribeira das Tainhas,

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