[BackupPC-users] Dequeu a backup for unknown time

2007-06-12 Thread Klaas Vantournhout

I was wondering if you can dequeu a backup for an unknown time?

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Re: [BackupPC-users] Non-pingable host

2007-06-01 Thread Klaas Vantournhout
I think it would be better to change the ping command to the arpping
command.  This way you can block ping requests on the clients (which is
safer), and backuppc is still able to check if the pc is alive or not.

It must be said then that backuppc must have access to the arpping
command which is generally only executable by root.

Nonetheless, I raised this suggestion already a couple of years ago, and
they mentioned that arpping works different then ping, and hence it
would need some reprogramming.

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[BackupPC-users] Another pool question

2007-04-14 Thread Klaas Vantournhout
Hi All,

Sorry to bother you all with this question, I am quite sure that it has 
been asked already a thousand times, but the mailinglist is so big, I 
could not find it back.

As some of you know from my previous questions, our backupserver gave up 
life.  So the decent thing to do is buy a new one.

Copying the pool was just out of the question, the thing was to big.  So 
we just copied the last full backups we made.

My impression was that all new backups will be added to the pool, and 
then after some time the old backup is just deleted.
But this does not seem to be the case.  After backing up all the pc's, 
our pool only grew 3GB and not the expected 200GB.  So how does this go 
then?  What happens when the old backup just is removed by the backup 
system?  What happens to all newer backups that are based on this backup?

Several billion trillion tons of superhot
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Re: [BackupPC-users] BackupPC-users Digest, Vol 12, Issue 3

2007-04-03 Thread Klaas Vantournhout
 Date: Mon, 2 Apr 2007 08:47:16 -0500
 From: Carl Wilhelm Soderstrom [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [BackupPC-users] Server hangs after power outage
 To: backuppc-users@lists.sourceforge.net
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
 On 03/30 06:52 , Klaas Vantournhout wrote:
 Two days ago, we had a power outage in our department which caused a 
 rather brutal shutdown of the computers.  All of the computers survived, 
 which is a good thing.  But only one gained a peculiar character, and of 
 course it had to be the backup server.
 I would suggest that you try running memtest86 first of all, to see if you
 have any bad RAM.
 if that comes back fine, then try running bonnie++ on your disks to see if
 there's something on the disk subsystem that is flaky now.

Dear Carl,

Thanks for the response, those tools are really handy.

I ran memtest86+, and guess what.  No memory faults, but the system 
hanged also after some time in the tests.  AFAIK this can only mean one 
thing, some capacitors or transistors got fried during the process of 
unclean shut-down.

Thanks for the help!
To the rest, sorry for being a little bit off topic!


Several billion trillion tons of superhot
exploding hydrogen nuclei rose slowly above
the horizon and managed to look small, cold
and slightly damp.
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[BackupPC-users] Server hangs after power outage

2007-03-30 Thread Klaas Vantournhout
Dear all,

The real questions are at the bottom, the rest is just a nice intro 
which introduces you to the nature of the questions.

Two days ago, we had a power outage in our department which caused a 
rather brutal shutdown of the computers.  All of the computers survived, 
which is a good thing.  But only one gained a peculiar character, and of 
course it had to be the backup server.

At the current point I am not blaming BackupPC at all, I'm just trying 
to isolate the problem, and that is why I would need your help in this.

Okay so what does the bastard (read server) do now.  Well not much, it 
just hangs or reboots from time to time.  Rather in a random way.

The first thing we noticed was in /var/log/messages that after the 
poweroutage, the ntpd deamon could not set its clock right anymore.

snip /var/log/messages
# cat /var/log/messages | grep ntpd
Mar 29 10:39:43 inwtheo1 ntpd: ntpd startup succeeded
Mar 29 10:39:43 inwtheo1 ntpd[5689]: ntp engine ready
Mar 29 08:40:06 inwtheo1 ntpd[5689]: peer now valid
Mar 29 10:40:57 inwtheo1 ntpd[5688]: adjusting local clock by 166.241134s
Mar 29 10:41:59 inwtheo1 ntpd[5688]: adjusting local clock by 166.240065s
Mar 29 10:44:13 inwtheo1 ntpd[5688]: adjusting local clock by 166.238681s
Mar 29 10:45:13 inwtheo1 ntpd[5688]: adjusting local clock by 166.174413s
Mar 29 10:46:15 inwtheo1 ntpd[5688]: adjusting local clock by 187.903248s
Mar 29 10:55:11 inwtheo1 ntpd: ntpd startup succeeded
Mar 29 10:55:11 inwtheo1 ntpd[5607]: ntp engine ready
Mar 29 08:55:32 inwtheo1 ntpd[5607]: peer now valid
end snip

Although trying to understand this problem, I noticed that changing from 
openntpd to ntp did the trick to get the time correct.  Although unsure 
about this solution, we switched off the deamon to be 100% sure this was 
not the cause of the reboots and or crashes.

init 1 and 2 ran stable (backuppc is not running in init 2).
init 3 didn't (backuppc runs there)
starting all services by hand to go from 2 to 3, also did not give any 
problem.  But using the command #init 3, it does.  If we remove backuppc 
from init 3, the server is stable.

So at this point we started to suspect something is going on when 
backuppc is running, but we also noticed that sometimes something was 
going on when backuppc was not running.  So no conclusion yet.

Although it frequently happens that backuppc initiates the crashes, we 
are wondering why this could be, that is why i write here.

Our server is very basic.  We are running version 3.0.0, the whole 
system is located on /dev/hda in several partitions, and the backup 
config files and data is in raid 5 on 3 separate disks

FilesystemSize  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda7 9.9G  1.4G  8.1G  15% /
/dev/hda1 479M   12M  443M   3% /boot
/dev/hda8  44G  172M   44G   1% /home
/dev/hda6  20G  729M   18G   4% /var
/dev/md0  461G  194G  243G  45% /var/backups
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ cat /proc/mdstat
Personalities : [raid5]
md0 : active raid5 hdb1[0] hdg1[2] hde1[1]
   490223232 blocks level 5, 64k chunk, algorithm 2 [3/3] [UUU]

unused devices: none

A test also showed that init 3 without backuppc and without /dev/md0 
mounted, was very stable.

I also have to mention that one time when the system rebooted 
unexpectedly, the raid system lost 2 of its drives, without a reason. 
The next bootup just repaired the raid system.  Hence we start thinking 
something is wrong with the raid.  fsck gives no problems whatsoever.

** If you skipped the top, here are the questions **

What we are wondering now is, does backuppc initiate some other system
commands which could enable the hang?

The poweroutage was in the middle of some full backups, is it possible 
that this gives problems? We have for example in couple client directory 
a directory new/, even without a backup going on.  Can i safely delete 
this directory?

Is there more going on that I am not aware of, and how can i see it.

Did anybody had the same?  And if so, how did you solve it?


Several billion trillion tons of superhot
exploding hydrogen nuclei rose slowly above
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Re: [BackupPC-users] owner not shown after changing owner

2007-01-29 Thread Klaas Vantournhout
Hi, just some more info about this.

I noticed that when a host had one user in BackupPC 2.1.2, and I add 
more users after upgrade to version 3.0.0beta3, the line
This PC is used by username
vanishes!  Altering the line back to only one user, shows the line again.

This is not the case when a PC original had multiple users in 2.1.2. 
Adding or removing users in such a host, always shows the line!

To my opinion this is a bug, but a tiny unimportant one ;-)


 I have checked the hosts file, and it looks clean.  I'm running 
 backupPC3.0.0-beta3.  The strange thing is that, the user himself can 
 login into the system, and sees his host.  There the host file 
 determines who gets access to which host, it must run correct, there 
 this works.  Is there an other place where host names are stored or host 
 names are determined?
 Craig Barratt wrote:
 Klaas writes:

 Here I am again with another tiny problem.

 Lately I changed a host its owner by altering the host file.  What I 
 noticed now is that, when I look at the host itself, it does not show 
 the line
 This PC is used by ownername

 Is there a way this can be explained?  I'm using 3.0.0beta3
 Can't explain this.  Most likely a typo in the new hosts file?


Several billion trillion tons of superhot
exploding hydrogen nuclei rose slowly above
the horizon and managed to look small, cold
and slightly damp.
Douglas Adams - The Hitch Hickers
Guide to the Galaxy

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Re: [BackupPC-users] Update to 3.0

2007-01-29 Thread Klaas Vantournhout
Hi Christophe,

I would not really worry about an update.  I have always updated without 
a single problem and this since version 1 of BackupPC.

If you install BackupPC, untar the file in a new directory (for 
backupreaasons if things go wrong, you should still have the old install 
dir of your previous version)

then do
/etc/init.d/backuppc stop
perl configure.pl

and answer all the questions!

The most important is that you point to the config.pl file correctly! 
If you don't do this, then things go wrong.

Your old config file will be copied to config.pl.pre-3.0.0

Again for backupreasons, install the program itself in a different 
directory then the old one!  (It is also one of the questions)

Then just copy the init.d file (maybe copy the old one somewhere if 
things go wrong)

And then just test.

If you see it goes wrong, copy the old config file back, replace the 
init file and everything should be fine!  Maybe the cgi could be 
corrupted, but that is just a matter of copiing it back!

I never had problems, the script is written well.  I must say I use 
rsync, but I dont think lots changes with samba!

Several billion trillion tons of superhot
exploding hydrogen nuclei rose slowly above
the horizon and managed to look small, cold
and slightly damp.
Douglas Adams - The Hitch Hickers
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[BackupPC-users] owner not shown after changing owner

2007-01-25 Thread Klaas Vantournhout

Here I am again with another tiny problem.

Lately I changed a host its owner by altering the host file.  What I 
noticed now is that, when I look at the host itself, it does not show 
the line
This PC is used by ownername

Is there a way this can be explained?  I'm using 3.0.0beta3

Thanks again for the help

Several billion trillion tons of superhot
exploding hydrogen nuclei rose slowly above
the horizon and managed to look small, cold
and slightly damp.
Douglas Adams - The Hitch Hickers
Guide to the Galaxy

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[BackupPC-users] how to include certain files

2007-01-24 Thread Klaas Vantournhout
Hi,  I'm posting a lot these days to the list.  It is just that I am 
finetuning my backup server, and want to do it in a nice way.

I was wondering about the following.

In my general conf.pl file I have stated that no hidden files should be 
backuped, hence I have

$Conf{BackupFilesExclude} = { '*' = {'.*','*/.*']}

But in version 3.0.0beta3, the user is able to change those variables to 
his likeing, unless the admin changes this.

So I turn this off and all is safe.

But assume now that user A wants to add the directory .thunderbird to 
his backup.  He should be able to include this in some way.
Any idea how this could be done.

I thought that next to
there also excists an
which does the oposite, and that would make it possible if I let users 
edit this variable.  Unfortunately this does not excist.

something else I noticed that after switching from version 2.1.0 to 
3.0.0, is that the exludefiles are not appended anymore to the rsync 

in /var/log/messages/ I only get the rudimentary command without the 
include and exclude's while this was the case in the previous version.

Thanks in advance for helping
Several billion trillion tons of superhot
exploding hydrogen nuclei rose slowly above
the horizon and managed to look small, cold
and slightly damp.
Douglas Adams - The Hitch Hickers
Guide to the Galaxy

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Re: [BackupPC-users] Email question

2007-01-23 Thread Klaas Vantournhout
Okay I found the test program,
but I get the following output

./BackupPC_sendEmail -u backuppc
Sending test email using /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -f BackupAdmin 
sh: -c: line 0: syntax error near unexpected token `newline'
sh: -c: line 0: `/usr/sbin/sendmail -t -f BackupAdmin 
Broken pipe

I am quiete sure this is not what should be happening?

Any clue?


Klaas Vantournhout wrote:
 There is something which I was wondering about.
 Is there a way to set full email addresses instead of only the partial 
 Assume I have a user john, and his email is [EMAIL PROTECTED], how do I 
 set this email?
 I can not set $Conf{EMailUserDestDomain} there it is not [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 or Can I do something like $Conf{EmailUserDestDomain} = ' 
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]' and then he will get a mail with
 Is this correct, what I am saying here?
 And is there a way how I can test the email scripts?

Several billion trillion tons of superhot
exploding hydrogen nuclei rose slowly above
the horizon and managed to look small, cold
and slightly damp.
Douglas Adams - The Hitch Hickers
Guide to the Galaxy

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[BackupPC-users] BackupPC_serverMesg

2007-01-23 Thread Klaas Vantournhout

I don't know if I overlooked or something, but I was wondering what the 
options for BackupPC_serverMesg are?

I know you can do backup all, status and much more ... but I don't know 
what more.  I can't find documentation on this.  From time to time you 
can read in this list an other command, but what are all of them?


Several billion trillion tons of superhot
exploding hydrogen nuclei rose slowly above
the horizon and managed to look small, cold
and slightly damp.
Douglas Adams - The Hitch Hickers
Guide to the Galaxy

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Re: [BackupPC-users] backup of backup machine

2007-01-23 Thread Klaas Vantournhout
The command you use for copying the pool from A to B, does not preserve 
hardlinks.  That is the reason why the pool gets larger and larger.

You should use rsync -avz -H, but this will go tremendously slow and 
eats a lot of memory.  But it works!

You should also know that, when working on an unsynced raid system, the 
process will even go slower.


Several billion trillion tons of superhot
exploding hydrogen nuclei rose slowly above
the horizon and managed to look small, cold
and slightly damp.
Douglas Adams - The Hitch Hickers
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[BackupPC-users] Two servers into one server

2006-12-21 Thread Klaas Vantournhout
Hi all,

Some time ago I raised a question if it was possible to merge two 
servers together into one server, but no response came on that 
questions, therefore I would like to ask it again.

I have two backup servers which were running fine, until we had a power 
outage and one of the servers found it cool to give up life.  The server 
that is still working has enough space to contain also the backups of 
the dead server.  I was wondering now if it is possible to join both 
servers into one big one?  I can imagine that just copying the pc 
directory into the other one, will not work, because of the cpool right?

Any help would be enormously appreciated.

Several billion trillion tons of superhot
exploding hydrogen nuclei rose slowly above
the horizon and managed to look small, cold
and slightly damp.
Douglas Adams - The Hitch Hickers
Guide to the Galaxy

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[BackupPC-users] merging two servers

2006-11-29 Thread Klaas Vantournhout

In our department, we might combine several backup servers to one big one.

The question is of course, how do you start with that. Can you just copy
all the stuff?


Several billion trillion tons of superhot
exploding hydrogen nuclei rose slowly above
the horizon and managed to look small, cold
and slightly damp.
Douglas Adams - The Hitch Hickers
Guide to the Galaxy

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[BackupPC-users] Putting a backup in the attic

2006-11-14 Thread Klaas Vantournhout
Dear users and developers of the mighty backup program,

I was wondering if it is possible to put a certain full backup or
incremental in the attic.  It is can we save a certain backup
permanently disregarding changes in the config file and so on?



Several billion trillion tons of superhot
exploding hydrogen nuclei rose slowly above
the horizon and managed to look small, cold
and slightly damp.
Douglas Adams - The Hitch Hickers
Guide to the Galaxy

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[BackupPC-users] Upgrade to 3.0.0 beta

2006-11-07 Thread Klaas Vantournhout

At the current moment we are running BackupPC 2.1.2 and we are very
pleased with it.

Pool is 161.69GB comprising 633721 files and 4369 directories
144 full backups of total size 3499.96GB (prior to pooling and compression),
262 incr backups of total size 200.43GB (prior to pooling and compression).

which means we have full backups of 3 months ago.

Now I was wondering how stable is the 3.0.0 and is it worth upgrading
already?  I have full confidence in the programming skills of Craig
Barratt and his accomplices in aid.  I know that each version they
bring even in beta stage, are full worthy versions.  Mostly I never had
a problem with them.  But I was just wondering if it was worth it to do
the switch already, what are pros and cons so far.



Several billion trillion tons of superhot
exploding hydrogen nuclei rose slowly above
the horizon and managed to look small, cold
and slightly damp.
Douglas Adams - The Hitch Hickers
Guide to the Galaxy

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