Re: [BackupPC-users] FEATURE REQUEST: $Conf{BackupFilesFilter}

2022-01-04 Thread backuppc
Ignore my comment about commuting - I think --include and --exclude
may actually commute, not true for more complicated filters though.

"" wrote at about 15:44:40 -0500 on Tuesday, January 4, 2022:
 > Creating a $Conf{BackupFilesFilter} hash analogous to
 > $Conf{BackupFilesExclude} and $Conf{BackupFilesOnly} would allow for
 > more general --filter= rules for the popular rsync transport method.
 > The general --filter= methodoolgy is very powerful and allows for much
 > more granular and powerful include/exclude rules than the simple
 > concatenation of all the --include elements followed by all the
 > --exclude elements (and to respond to the code in, they don't
 > always commute).
 > For example, I would like to *exclude* '/var/cache/*/*' but *include*
 > '/var/cache/apt'.
 > Without a filter, one would need to add a separate share just to
 > capture '/var/cache/apt'
 > The feature addition should be pretty trivial as you would just need to add a
 > stanza like the following to after the foreach loop for
 > BackupFilesExlude:
 > if ( defined($conf->{BackupFilesFilter}{$t->{shareName}}) ) {
 > foreach my $file2 ( @{$conf->{BackupFilesFilter}{$t->{shareName}}} ) {
 > #
 > # just append additional filter lists onto the end
 > #
 > my $file = $file2;
 > $file = encode($conf->{ClientCharset}, $file)
 > if ( $conf->{ClientCharset} ne "" );
 > push(@fileList, "--filter=$file");
 > Corresponding minor changes to the following files would be required:
 > -
 > -
 > -
 > -
 > -
 > -

BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] FEATURE REQUEST: More robust error reporting/emailing

2020-06-25 Thread Daniel Berteaud
- Le 25 Juin 20, à 15:42, a écrit :

> Helpful configurable options would include:
> - *Days* since last successful backup - *per host* configurable - as you
>  may want to be more paranoid about certain hosts versus others while
>  others you may not care if it gets backed up regularly and you want
>  to avoid the "nag" emails
> - *Number* of errors in last backup - *per host/per share*
>  configurable - Idea being that some hosts may naturally have more
>  errors due to locked files or fleeting files while other shares may
>  be rock stable. (Potentially, one could even trigger on types of errors
>  or you could exclude certain types of errors from the count)
> - *Percent* of files changed/added/deleted in last backup relative to
>  prior backup - *per host/per share* configurable - idea here being
>  that you want to be alerted if something unexpected has changed on
>  the host which could even be dramatic if a share has been damaged or
>  deleted or not mounted etc.
> Just a thought starter... I'm sure others may have other ideas to add...

I do all of this with Zabbix and some custom scripts :

  * Alert if no backup since $Conf{EMailNotifyOldBackupDays}
  * Alert if Xfer error > threshold
  * Alert if new file size seems abnormal (too small or too big)
  * Graph some data about space consumption/compression efficiency

Maybe it can help ;-)


[ ]  
Daniel Berteaud 
FIREWALL-SERVICES SAS, La sécurité des réseaux 
Société de Services en Logiciels Libres 
Tél : +33.5 56 64 15 32 
[ | ]

BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] FEATURE REQUEST: More robust error reporting/emailing

2020-06-25 Thread Mike Hughes
Daily report:

Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2020 8:42 AM
To: General list for user discussion 
Subject: [BackupPC-users] FEATURE REQUEST: More robust error reporting/emailing

It would be great if there could be a way to have a host/share
configurable way to trigger emails based on certain types of errors or

The goal being to avoid the "complacency" of backups continuing to run
but not being aware of either continuing backup errors or unexpected
changes to the underlying system.

Otherwise, one must rely on regular and pretty detailed review of logs
and stats.

Helpful configurable options would include:
- *Days* since last successful backup - *per host* configurable - as you
  may want to be more paranoid about certain hosts versus others while
  others you may not care if it gets backed up regularly and you want
  to avoid the "nag" emails

- *Number* of errors in last backup - *per host/per share*
  configurable - Idea being that some hosts may naturally have more
  errors due to locked files or fleeting files while other shares may
  be rock stable. (Potentially, one could even trigger on types of errors
  or you could exclude certain types of errors from the count)

- *Percent* of files changed/added/deleted in last backup relative to
  prior backup - *per host/per share* configurable - idea here being
  that you want to be alerted if something unexpected has changed on
  the host which could even be dramatic if a share has been damaged or
  deleted or not mounted etc.

Just a thought starter... I'm sure others may have other ideas to add...

BackupPC-users mailing list
BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] FEATURE REQUEST - "lock" designated backups from being deleted...

2019-04-29 Thread backuppc
Matthias Meyer wrote at about 06:41:49 +0200 on Tuesday, April 9, 2019:
 > Am Sonntag 07 April 2019, 17:11:47 schrieb
 > > Sometimes you want to save a special backup that for example
 > > corresponds to a specific change (pre/post) on your system. The
 > > trouble is that with exponential deleting there is no way to
 > > guarantee that your specific designated backup won't be deleted
 > > automatically later on.
 > > 
 > > In the past, I have simply renamed the backup number to say -save
 > > which prevents it from being deleted.
 > > But it also prevents the backup from being part of /backups
 > > and thus being browsable from the web interface.
 > > 
 > > Ideally, it would be nice if one could prevent a specific backup from
 > > being deleted (or even being part of the exponential schema) by
 > > either:
 > > 1. Adding a designated "LOCK" file to the top director (just under the
 > > backun number)
 > > 2. Prefixing the entry in the /backups file with a
 > > character that says essentially, skip over me for deleting purposes
 > > but otherwise I am still here.
 > > 
 > > Any suggestions better than my renaming of the backup tree itself?
 > > 
 > > Jeff
 > > 
 > > 
 > > ___
 > > BackupPC-users mailing list
 > >
 > > List:
 > > Wiki:
 > > Project:
 > You could use my patch 
 > and rewrite it to 
 > skip directories containing such a file instead or in addition to the first 
 > full of a year.
 > Br
 > Matthias
 > PS: user/password = ftpuser/Backup4U4FTP

The following simple patch worked for me:

--- BackupPC_dump.jnew.~1~  2019-04-29 23:07:13.903654687 -0400
+++ BackupPC_dump.jnew  2019-04-30 01:36:15.788988030 -0400
@@ -1842,6 +1842,9 @@
 my $noDelete = $i + 1 < @$Backups ? $Backups->[$i+1]{noFill} : 0;
 $noDelete = 0 if ( !$Backups[$i]{preV4} );

+   #Don't delete full backups that have 'JJKSave' in their root directory
+   $noDelete = 1 if -e $Dir . "/" . $Backups[$i]{num} . "/JJKSave";
 if ( !$noDelete &&
   ($fullKeepIdx >= @$fullKeepCnt
   || $k > 0

BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] FEATURE REQUEST - "lock" designated backups from being deleted...

2019-04-08 Thread Matthias Meyer
Am Sonntag 07 April 2019, 17:11:47 schrieb
> Sometimes you want to save a special backup that for example
> corresponds to a specific change (pre/post) on your system. The
> trouble is that with exponential deleting there is no way to
> guarantee that your specific designated backup won't be deleted
> automatically later on.
> In the past, I have simply renamed the backup number to say -save
> which prevents it from being deleted.
> But it also prevents the backup from being part of /backups
> and thus being browsable from the web interface.
> Ideally, it would be nice if one could prevent a specific backup from
> being deleted (or even being part of the exponential schema) by
> either:
> 1. Adding a designated "LOCK" file to the top director (just under the
> backun number)
> 2. Prefixing the entry in the /backups file with a
> character that says essentially, skip over me for deleting purposes
> but otherwise I am still here.
> Any suggestions better than my renaming of the backup tree itself?
> Jeff
> ___
> BackupPC-users mailing list
> List:
> Wiki:
> Project:

You could use my patch and rewrite it to 
skip directories containing such a file instead or in addition to the first 
full of a year.


PS: user/password = ftpuser/Backup4U4FTP

BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Feature request: Restore Search across all shares/backups

2017-06-15 Thread Craig Barratt via BackupPC-users
> [backuppc@localhost bin]$ ./BackupPC_zcat /Bobby/pc/*/XferLOG.*.z | egrep
> *headphone*
> The output of this command is instantaneous! So the search from the CLI
> is very powerful and VERY fast. The problem is that the results do not
> tell which backup has the resulting file, the backup number or the
> modification date.

BackupPC_zcat behaves like cat, simply concatenating multiple arguments.
You should write a short shell script that iterates through each file, eg
in bash:

for file in /Bobby/pc/*/XferLOG.*.z ; do echo $file ; BackupPC_zcat $file |
egrep "*headphone*" ; done

As well as the last modified date?

Typically mtimes don't appear in the XferLOG file, so you'll need to use
the BackupPC_ls approach instead (which will produce an accurate list of
files, whereas the XferLOG file might not show unchanged files depending on
the Xfer method and log level etc).

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Re: [BackupPC-users] Feature request: Restore Search across all shares/backups

2017-06-15 Thread Bob Katz
On Wed, 2017-06-14 at 21:27 -0700, Craig Barratt wrote:

> Les is right for 3.x.
> For 4.x the files are not stored in the backup tree.  So you'll need
> to use BackupPC_ls -R, or you could also grep the XferLOG.nnn.z files
> (although the format and what appears or not depends on the
> XferMethod).
> Examples:
> BackupPC_ls -R -h HOST -n NUM -s SHARE / | egrep FILENAME
> BackupPC_zcat TOPDIR/pc/HOST/XferLOG.NUM.z | egrep FILENAME
> For BackupPC_ls you'll need to write a script to iterate over every
> HOST, backup NUM and SHARE.  Or you could use wildcards with
> BackupPC_zcat for HOST and/or NUM.
> I'd rather not build this into the CGI interface, since the running
> times could be very long.

Thanks, Craig for the syntax. I would not have been able to come up
with that command line on my own without your example! So I'm
experimenting with zcat and grep search as I think this search
mechanism is very important to ensure restore success. 

Here was my first search, for the occurrence of the word "headphone" in
any file from any backup from any host:

[backuppc@localhost bin]$ ./BackupPC_zcat /Bobby/pc/*/XferLOG.*.z |
egrep *headphone*

The output of this command is instantaneous! So the search from the CLI
is very powerful and VERY fast. The problem is that the results do not
tell which backup has the resulting file, the backup number or the 
modification date. 

Here is some of the output result:

newrecv >f+ rw-r--r--  400, 401165508 Program
Files (x86)/Common Files/Digidesign/DAE/Plug-In Settings/Speakerphone/-
top 5 tiny speakers/leaking headphone.tfx
newrecv >f+ rw-r--r--  400, 401166501
Program Files (x86)/Common Files/Digidesign/DAE/Plug-In
Settings/Speakerphone/tiny stuff/occasional headphone leak.tfx
newrecv >f+ rwxr-xr-x  400, 401 29632
Program Files
newrecv >f+ rw-r--r--  400, 401  5263
newrecv >f+ rw-r--r--  400, 401 57931
ProgramData/Audio Ease/Speakerphone/Main Presets/-top 5 tiny
speakers/leaking headphone.spp

Do you think you or anyone could come up with a command line or script
that tells us which host the file came from and possibly which backup
number if that is necessary? As well as the last modified date? I know
I may be asking for too much, but backuppc is so powerful I dream of a
comprehensive search facility to make restoration easier considering
years and years of backups and many hosts, if you get my drift. 

I am puzzled how the master command could be concatenated with "zcat"?
Is that a feature of perl? Forgive my programming ignorance!

I think we could live with a command line result as we could then go to
the gui to do the restore. 



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BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Feature request: Restore Search across all shares/backups

2017-06-14 Thread Craig Barratt via BackupPC-users
Les is right for 3.x.

For 4.x the files are not stored in the backup tree.  So you'll need to use
BackupPC_ls -R, or you could also grep the XferLOG.nnn.z files (although
the format and what appears or not depends on the XferMethod).


BackupPC_ls -R -h HOST -n NUM -s SHARE / | egrep FILENAME

BackupPC_zcat TOPDIR/pc/HOST/XferLOG.NUM.z | egrep FILENAME

For BackupPC_ls you'll need to write a script to iterate over every HOST,
backup NUM and SHARE.  Or you could use wildcards with BackupPC_zcat for
HOST and/or NUM.

I'd rather not build this into the CGI interface, since the running times
could be very long.


On Wed, Jun 14, 2017 at 10:46 AM, Les Mikesell 

> On Wed, Jun 14, 2017 at 8:59 AM, Bob Katz  wrote:
> > Is it possible to design a search tool that will look for the occurrence
> of
> > a string in the file name across all shares/backups?
> >
> > It should come up with any versions of the file, last modified date, etc.
> > and what backup it is stored in. Ideally it should allow the user to
> > navigate to the file in the backup and then use the normal restore
> choices
> > to restore it.
> >
> >
> > Wouldn't that be nice? Sometimes we don't know which computer/host might
> > have had the file we're looking for and/or we want to go back to an old
> > version of that file.
> >
> You can sort-of accomplish that using 'find' on the command line at
> the top of the backup tree with a pattern that may need to allow for
> the filename changes used in the archive.But, I agree that having
> it as an option in the web interface would be great - and there it
> could even be aware of what host(s) the user is allowed to access.
> --
>Les Mikesell
> --
> Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
> engaging tech sites,!
> ___
> BackupPC-users mailing list
> List:
> Wiki:
> Project:
Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
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Re: [BackupPC-users] Feature request: Restore Search across all shares/backups

2017-06-14 Thread Les Mikesell
On Wed, Jun 14, 2017 at 8:59 AM, Bob Katz  wrote:
> Is it possible to design a search tool that will look for the occurrence of
> a string in the file name across all shares/backups?
> It should come up with any versions of the file, last modified date, etc.
> and what backup it is stored in. Ideally it should allow the user to
> navigate to the file in the backup and then use the normal restore choices
> to restore it.
> Wouldn't that be nice? Sometimes we don't know which computer/host might
> have had the file we're looking for and/or we want to go back to an old
> version of that file.

You can sort-of accomplish that using 'find' on the command line at
the top of the backup tree with a pattern that may need to allow for
the filename changes used in the archive.But, I agree that having
it as an option in the web interface would be great - and there it
could even be aware of what host(s) the user is allowed to access.

   Les Mikesell

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Re: [BackupPC-users] Feature request: remote pools (was: Is it possible to split a large pool?)

2015-11-13 Thread Micha Kersloot

- Original Message -
> From: "higuita" 
> To: "Russell Poyner" 
> Cc:
> Sent: Friday, November 13, 2015 1:03:11 AM
> Subject: [BackupPC-users] Feature request: remote pools (was: Is it possible 
> to split a large pool?)

>   One can make backups of different kind of machines or remote
> branches or expand the backup pool to several machines. This also
> allow one to "migrate" backups by reconfiguring a host from one pool to
> another and wait some days to have new backups on the new pool and expire
> old backups on the old pool. Yes, this would require a new full total
> backup on the new pool, but any server migration always require a full
> read of the data, one way or another.

This is more or less the way we move machines to another backup server. If a 
server is getting somewhat full, we buy a new server, backup some of the client 
servers to this new backup server and after a while remove the backups from the 
old server. So that is already possible with the current version of BackupPC. 
The only thing that seems to be solved in your proposal is that the management 
can be done from one server instead of managing multiple servers. I think that 
is not the biggest problem. Our problem is that we lose the history when moving 
a client backup to another backup server. The only thing we could come up with 
to solve this a little bit is to implement a new server long before the old one 
is really full and then let the backup run on this new server for a longer time 
to create a new history before deleting it from the old server. If it can help 
anyone, here is our procedure.

1. If backup server is > 70% full, request new server.
2. Backup some of the clients on new server, hold backup on the old server.
3. Let the backup on the new server run for > 3 months
4. Delete backup from old server and hope there are no restore request for data 
older than 3 months.

It's a bit of a hassle, but BackupPC is totally worth it!


Micha Kersloot

__ | | 
T +31 (0)345 - 53 29 27 
A Bellweg 36 | 4104 BJ Culemborg 

KvK Tiel 1104 


BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Feature Request

2014-08-28 Thread backuppc
Andreas Schnederle-Wagner - wrote at about 14:31:49 + on 
Thursday, August 28, 2014:
 is it possible to have variable substitution at run-time for
 Following Scenario:
 -  Server Directory Structure
 o   /ctDIR1
 o   /ctDIR2
 o   /ctDIR3
 o   …
 -  Within /etc/hosts we have:
 o   *IP-1*  ctdir1
 o   *IP-1*  ctdir2
 o   *IP-1*  ctdir3
 o   *IP-2*  ctdir4
 o   *IP-2*  ctdir5
 o   *IP-3*  ctdir6
 Hosts within BackupPC: ctDIR1, ctDIR2, ctDIR3, …

It's not clear to me what are you trying to do?
 Since no variable substitution is possible at the Moment (and Hosts
 within BackupPC ignore Case Sensitivity …) this was only possible by
 patching the File …

While it's not clear to me what you are actually trying to do, there
is a *lot* that you can do short of patching the file.

- You can have separate config files per host
- You can put arbitrary executable Perl code within any host config file that
  is evaluated at run time which can be used to conditionally set
  variables like RsyncShareName at run time.
- Several of the variables (e.g., DumpPreUserCmd) can even take raw perl
  code as an argument that is executed when the corresponding routine
  is run.

In all I have been able to do some really funky things in my config
files by inserting my own Perl code to make the configuration do what
I want...

So long as version 4.x still uses a similar structure for the
config file, I would imagine that one will still have plenty of
flexibility and power to allow for run-time type configuration

 As BackupPC 4 will use C-compiled Rsync it’s not that easy anymore to
 get this Patch into …

I would try to avoid a patch or even in 3.x

 So I hope it will be possible to have Variables within “RsyncShareName“
 (and have $HOST be Case-Sensitive for this Case ;-))
 Thank you
 Andreas Schnederle-Wagner
 Andreas Schnederle-Wagner
 Futureweb OG
 Innsbrucker Str. 4
 6380 St. Johann
 Fon: +43 (0) 5352 65335-0
 Fax: +43 (0) 5352 65335-777
 Gratis über Skype anrufen | Skype-ID: futureweb
  Slashdot TV.  
  Video for Nerds.  Stuff that matters.
  BackupPC-users mailing list

Slashdot TV.  
Video for Nerds.  Stuff that matters.
BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Feature Request

2014-08-28 Thread Les Mikesell
On Thu, Aug 28, 2014 at 9:59 AM, wrote:

 While it's not clear to me what you are actually trying to do, there
 is a *lot* that you can do short of patching the file.

 - You can have separate config files per host
 - You can put arbitrary executable Perl code within any host config file that
   is evaluated at run time which can be used to conditionally set
   variables like RsyncShareName at run time.

Note that if you do add run-time perl code in the configs you'll
probably lose the ability to use the web 'edit config' interface.
Also, you can set the IP targets independently from the hostname by
using ClientNameAlias in the per-host configs - you don't really need
the settings in the system /etc/hosts file.   If I needed to do
something like that I would probably set up one configuration using
the web interface's per-host 'Edit Confilg', then for a small number
of variations add the others using the 'newhost=oldhost' syntax in
'Edit Hosts' followed by changing just the ClientNameAlias and the
RsyncShareName settings, or for a large number of targets, write
something to generate the appropriate per-host config files using the
first as a template.

   Les Mikesell

Slashdot TV.  
Video for Nerds.  Stuff that matters.
BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Feature Request

2014-08-28 Thread Andreas Schnederle-Wagner - Futureweb . at
The Reason we did this ist o avoid custom Config Files for each Host.
We only need to create the Host with name 'ctDIR8' and everything works like a 
charm ... so only thehosts file needs tob e changed when adding/removing 
Hosts ...

Andreas Schnederle-Wagner
Futureweb OG
Innsbrucker Str. 4
6380 St. Johann

Fon: +43 (0) 5352 65335-0
Fax: +43 (0) 5352 65335-777
Gratis über Skype anrufen | Skype-ID: futureweb

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: [] 
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 28. August 2014 17:00
An: General list for user discussion, questions and support
Betreff: Re: [BackupPC-users] Feature Request

Andreas Schnederle-Wagner - wrote at about 14:31:49 + on 
Thursday, August 28, 2014:
 is it possible to have variable substitution at run-time for
 Following Scenario:
 -  Server Directory Structure
 o   /ctDIR1
 o   /ctDIR2
 o   /ctDIR3
 o   …
 -  Within /etc/hosts we have:
 o   *IP-1*  ctdir1
 o   *IP-1*  ctdir2
 o   *IP-1*  ctdir3
 o   *IP-2*  ctdir4
 o   *IP-2*  ctdir5
 o   *IP-3*  ctdir6
 Hosts within BackupPC: ctDIR1, ctDIR2, ctDIR3, …

It's not clear to me what are you trying to do?
 Since no variable substitution is possible at the Moment (and Hosts
 within BackupPC ignore Case Sensitivity …) this was only possible by
 patching the File …

While it's not clear to me what you are actually trying to do, there is a *lot* 
that you can do short of patching the file.

- You can have separate config files per host
- You can put arbitrary executable Perl code within any host config file that
  is evaluated at run time which can be used to conditionally set
  variables like RsyncShareName at run time.
- Several of the variables (e.g., DumpPreUserCmd) can even take raw perl
  code as an argument that is executed when the corresponding routine
  is run.

In all I have been able to do some really funky things in my config files by 
inserting my own Perl code to make the configuration do what I want...

So long as version 4.x still uses a similar structure for the config file, I 
would imagine that one will still have plenty of flexibility and power to allow 
for run-time type configuration capabilities.

 As BackupPC 4 will use C-compiled Rsync it’s not that easy anymore to
 get this Patch into …

I would try to avoid a patch or even in 3.x

 So I hope it will be possible to have Variables within “RsyncShareName“
 (and have $HOST be Case-Sensitive for this Case ;-))
 Thank you
 Andreas Schnederle-Wagner
 Andreas Schnederle-Wagner
 Futureweb OG
 Innsbrucker Str. 4
 6380 St. Johann
 Fon: +43 (0) 5352 65335-0
 Fax: +43 (0) 5352 65335-777
 Gratis über Skype anrufen | Skype-ID: futureweb
  Slashdot TV.  
  Video for Nerds.  Stuff that matters.
  BackupPC-users mailing list

Slashdot TV.  
Video for Nerds.  Stuff that matters.
BackupPC-users mailing list
Slashdot TV.  
Video for Nerds.  Stuff that matters.
BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Feature Request

2014-08-28 Thread Les Mikesell
On Thu, Aug 28, 2014 at 10:41 AM, Andreas Schnederle-Wagner - wrote:
 The Reason we did this ist o avoid custom Config Files for each Host.
 We only need to create the Host with name 'ctDIR8' and everything works like 
 a charm ... so only thehosts file needs tob e changed when adding/removing 
 Hosts ...

I guess I don't see why a per-host config file would be a problem - if
you automate its creation with the appropriate contents, which would
just be a couple of lines different for each.

   Les Mikesell

Slashdot TV.  
Video for Nerds.  Stuff that matters.
BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Feature Request

2014-08-28 Thread backuppc
Andreas Schnederle-Wagner - wrote at about 15:41:11 + on 
Thursday, August 28, 2014:
  The Reason we did this ist o avoid custom Config Files for each Host.
  We only need to create the Host with name 'ctDIR8' and everything works like 
  a charm ... so only thehosts file needs tob e changed when adding/removing 
  Hosts ...
Please DO NOT top-post -- it makes reading threads very difficult.

You do not need custom Config Files for each host. You could put Perl
code in if you want... and putting custom code in a config
file is IMHO a much better option than patching a perl module.

  Andreas Schnederle-Wagner
  Futureweb OG
  Innsbrucker Str. 4
  6380 St. Johann
  Fon: +43 (0) 5352 65335-0
  Fax: +43 (0) 5352 65335-777
  Gratis über Skype anrufen | Skype-ID: futureweb
  -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
  Von: [] 
  Gesendet: Donnerstag, 28. August 2014 17:00
  An: General list for user discussion, questions and support
  Betreff: Re: [BackupPC-users] Feature Request
  Andreas Schnederle-Wagner - wrote at about 14:31:49 + on 
  Thursday, August 28, 2014:

   is it possible to have variable substitution at run-time for

   Following Scenario:

   -  Server Directory Structure

   o   /ctDIR1

   o   /ctDIR2

   o   /ctDIR3

   o   …

   -  Within /etc/hosts we have:

   o   *IP-1*  ctdir1

   o   *IP-1*  ctdir2

   o   *IP-1*  ctdir3

   o   *IP-2*  ctdir4

   o   *IP-2*  ctdir5

   o   *IP-3*  ctdir6

   Hosts within BackupPC: ctDIR1, ctDIR2, ctDIR3, …
  It's not clear to me what are you trying to do?

   Since no variable substitution is possible at the Moment (and Hosts
   within BackupPC ignore Case Sensitivity …) this was only possible by
   patching the File …
  While it's not clear to me what you are actually trying to do, there is a 
  *lot* that you can do short of patching the file.
  - You can have separate config files per host
  - You can put arbitrary executable Perl code within any host config file that
is evaluated at run time which can be used to conditionally set
variables like RsyncShareName at run time.
  - Several of the variables (e.g., DumpPreUserCmd) can even take raw perl
code as an argument that is executed when the corresponding routine
is run.
  In all I have been able to do some really funky things in my config files by 
  inserting my own Perl code to make the configuration do what I want...
  So long as version 4.x still uses a similar structure for the config file, I 
  would imagine that one will still have plenty of flexibility and power to 
  allow for run-time type configuration capabilities.
   As BackupPC 4 will use C-compiled Rsync it’s not that easy anymore to
   get this Patch into …
  I would try to avoid a patch or even in 3.x

   So I hope it will be possible to have Variables within “RsyncShareName“
   (and have $HOST be Case-Sensitive for this Case ;-))

   Thank you

   Andreas Schnederle-Wagner

   Andreas Schnederle-Wagner

   Futureweb OG

   Innsbrucker Str. 4

   6380 St. Johann




   Fon: +43 (0) 5352 65335-0

   Fax: +43 (0) 5352 65335-777

   Gratis über Skype anrufen | Skype-ID: futureweb


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Re: [BackupPC-users] Feature Request

2014-08-28 Thread Andreas Schnederle-Wagner - Futureweb . at

 Andreas Schnederle-Wagner - wrote at about 15:41:11 + on 
 Thursday, August 28, 2014:
   The Reason we did this ist o avoid custom Config Files for each Host.
   We only need to create the Host with name 'ctDIR8' and everything works 
 like a charm ... so only thehosts file needs tob e changed when 
 adding/removing Hosts ...
 You do not need custom Config Files for each host. You could put Perl code in if you want... and putting custom code in a config file is IMHO a 
 much better option than patching a perl module.

But as far as I see I cannot access the $HOST Variable within to be 
used in RsyncShareName - or do I overlook something?

$Conf{RsyncShareName} = [
  '/tmp'//this should be $HOST (Case-Sensitive)

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Re: [BackupPC-users] Feature Request

2014-08-28 Thread Les Mikesell
On Thu, Aug 28, 2014 at 12:18 PM, Andreas Schnederle-Wagner - wrote:

 Andreas Schnederle-Wagner - wrote at about 15:41:11 + on 
 Thursday, August 28, 2014:
   The Reason we did this ist o avoid custom Config Files for each Host.
   We only need to create the Host with name 'ctDIR8' and everything works 
 like a charm ... so only thehosts file needs tob e changed when 
 adding/removing Hosts ...
 You do not need custom Config Files for each host. You could put Perl code 
 in if you want... and putting custom code in a config file is IMHO 
 a much better option than patching a perl module.

 But as far as I see I cannot access the $HOST Variable within to be 
 used in RsyncShareName - or do I overlook something?

 $Conf{RsyncShareName} = [
   '/tmp'//this should be $HOST 

Aren't $client and $host set by the time you need them (as documented
to be used in $Conf(RsyncArgs}, $conf{DumpPreUserCmd}, etc.)?

   Les Mikesell

Slashdot TV.  
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Re: [BackupPC-users] Feature Request

2014-08-28 Thread backuppc
Les Mikesell wrote at about 13:53:04 -0500 on Thursday, August 28, 2014:
  On Thu, Aug 28, 2014 at 12:18 PM, Andreas Schnederle-Wagner - wrote:
   Andreas Schnederle-Wagner - wrote at about 15:41:11 + on 
   Thursday, August 28, 2014:
 The Reason we did this ist o avoid custom Config Files for each Host.
 We only need to create the Host with name 'ctDIR8' and everything 
   works like a charm ... so only thehosts file needs tob e changed when 
   adding/removing Hosts ...

   You do not need custom Config Files for each host. You could put Perl 
   code in if you want... and putting custom code in a config file 
   is IMHO a much better option than patching a perl module.
   But as far as I see I cannot access the $HOST Variable within to 
   be used in RsyncShareName - or do I overlook something?
   $Conf{RsyncShareName} = [
 '/tmp'//this should be $HOST 
  Aren't $client and $host set by the time you need them (as documented
  to be used in $Conf(RsyncArgs}, $conf{DumpPreUserCmd}, etc.)?
You are correct that at the time the config file is sourced, the
variable $host (not $HOST) has not yet been set.
I get around this by linking all my config files for the same type of
system to a single master version in the /etc/BackupPC/pc directory.
Then I can recover the host name since it is the name of the file
sourced by 'do' when the config file is read.

For example, I set:
$jhost = $_[1];

This allows me to use a single master config file (with links to it by
host name) that operates differently on different hostnames. 

For example:
if($jhost eq 'machine1') {} else {...}

This allows me to maintain only a single config file with many
customizations applied to all the systems linked to the file but certain
customizations can be further customized for specific machines using
the above.

To get around other limitations, several of the 'cmd' variables allow
the passing of Perl code which is executed at runtime when all such
variables are set. You have to be careful though, because then you
can't use the $Conf{} construct, but must use \$bpc-{Conf}{}.
Other variables similarly may have different names.

For example, when I use rsyncd on a Windows machine, I use code like
this to set RsyncdPasswd by first ssh'ing into the remote host to read
the rsyncd.secrets file rather than having to store it in my config
file which could be a security issue.

$Conf{DumpPreUserCmd} = [{sub { chomp(\$bpc-{Conf}{RsyncdPasswd} = 
`$Conf{SshPath} -q -x -i $BackupPCsshID -l $Conf{RsyncdUserName} 
\$args[0]-{hostIP} cat /etc/rsyncd.secrets`); return(\$? . '\n'); }}];

Yeah its a hairy hack (and the code I actually use is even hairier
since I do multiple things via DumpPreUserCmd) and of course it may
break under new versions, but it does what I need and it was fun
though painful to figure out...

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Re: [BackupPC-users] Feature Request

2014-08-28 Thread Les Mikesell
On Thu, Aug 28, 2014 at 3:49 PM, wrote:
   Aren't $client and $host set by the time you need them (as documented
   to be used in $Conf(RsyncArgs}, $conf{DumpPreUserCmd}, etc.)?
 You are correct that at the time the config file is sourced, the
 variable $host (not $HOST) has not yet been set.

$host wouldn't be set until after $ClientNameAlias has been processed,
but $client might be.

  Les Mikesell

Slashdot TV.  
Video for Nerds.  Stuff that matters.
BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Feature request

2011-08-29 Thread Carl Wilhelm Soderstrom
On 08/26 03:40 , Holger Parplies wrote:
 Carl Wilhelm Soderstrom wrote on 2011-08-25 13:40:47 -0500 [Re: 
 [BackupPC-users] Feature request]:
  I might suggest 'root' instead of 'full' or '/'; because a restore starting
 (I'm always confused by your usage of ; ...)

Heh. Sometimes I overemphasize the pauses  junctures in my train of
thought. I realize it's mediocre grammar when I go back and re-read it, but
I don't usually proofread and edit my mails heavily. ;)

 well, let's consider where we are. We're in the CGI interface, where someone
 marks a list of files or directories and selects to download them. So we not
 only *definitely* have arbitrarily long paths (depending on where within the
 backup the file(s) is/are that are requested), we have an arbitrary amount of
 them. This can *easily* exceed maximum path lengths and test browsers for
 buffer overflow vulnerabilities ;-).

This is a good point.

 Moreover, what is being suggested is merely a *convenience* for the person
 downloading the tar/zip. Let's not turn it into an *inconvenience* for him.

True. I agree that it should be a sensible default for most people. This
isn't something that *needs* a lot of customization capability (especially
considering how long we've gone before anyone was inconvenienced enough to
write an e-mail about it).

 Personally, I use the download function for retrieving files from backups
 that I need immediately (rather than restoring them in-place which seems
 rather error-prone). restore.tar is just fine for me, it's the tar of the
 files I just retrieved. 

This is indeed a sensible default. I have had situations where I needed to
retrieve several files tho (possibly from different machines), and I sometimes
forget to delete a file after using it, and so I rename files to something
that describes what is in them so I can avoid confusion with a glance.

 In my experience, deleting or
 rearranging parts of overly long filename suggestions can be just as
 annoying as having to fill out obvious information. 


 As a simpler solution, I'd suggest restore-%h-%n (where %h is the
 host name and %n the backup number) (and the .tar/.zip suffix, of course). If
 the date of the backup is easily available to the code in question, I'd prefer
 the date over the backup number, though there are bound to be people who have
 more than one backup on the same date (happens to me if one backup is delayed
 past midnight and the next one isn't). Maybe date + backup number. Remember
 that even though you might only have 9 backups the backup numbers aren't
 intended to wrap around, so they would still be unique for one host unless
 you start over with a fresh pool.

On 08/26 12:03 , Adam Goryachev wrote:
 Thus, a filename of bpc_restore_$host_$number_$share.(tar|zip)

 IMHO, if you selected one or more files from a single share (most cases
 I suspect), then you show that specific share name.
 If you select one or more files from multiple shares then use the share
 name of multiple or exclude the share name.

I agree that backup numbers are nicely shorter than date numbers (even
'20110829' is longer than '1036'); but OTOH I don't have a miserable clue
what that backup sequence number means, whereas I do know what a date is,
and that's what the end-user cares about anyway. So rather than have me do
the translation between backup number and date in my head (and get it
wrong), I believe it would be far superior to include the date in the

As a simple improvement and compromise, I would support something like
bpc_restore-date-host.ext. For example I do however realize that this is
unpleasantly long already for some applications.

Carl Soderstrom
Systems Administrator
Real-Time Enterprises

EMC VNX: the world's simplest storage, starting under $10K
The only unified storage solution that offers unified management 
Up to 160% more powerful than alternatives and 25% more efficient. 
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Re: [BackupPC-users] Feature request

2011-08-29 Thread Richard Shaw
Ok, jumping in here a bit late :)

Would it be easy to add a field in the GUI for this?

Something like:

Archive Name $host-$backup-date...

I'm making up the variable names but use the ones already available
and set the default to the current default. That way people could use
whatever combination of perl (and perhaps shell?) variables they have
available or wish to define?


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Re: [BackupPC-users] Feature request

2011-08-26 Thread Brad Alexander
On Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 2:40 PM, Carl Wilhelm Soderstrom wrote:

 The suggestion of not using a sharename for restores starting from the
 perhaps could be restated as something like  '/' characters shall be
 converted to '_' characters except for the leftmost one, which shall be
 omitted. this would end up omitting the sharename (or path or whatever it
 ends up being) if it's just '/'.

  hostname_20110824_Full.tar or (assuming
  restore is /etc and /home)...The only problem with that is the name can
  long and tedious. Suggestions on that?

 This may be a case where empirical testing serves better than theoretical
 wrangling. Let's see if long filenames actually occur and cause problems;
 and how drastic the solutions to them need to be.

Good point. I was thinking about a box I rebuilt this week. Before I rebuilt
it, I saved /root, /home and /etc. So my potential filename would have been
akagi_20110823_etc_home_root.tar, which would be manageable, but you could
see how it could get out of hand rather quickly...especially if you are
preserving, say, /usr/local/bin versus /usr/bin...

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Re: [BackupPC-users] Feature request

2011-08-25 Thread Carl Wilhelm Soderstrom
On 08/25 07:50 , Brad Alexander wrote:
 Really a small thing, but when doing a restore, and you save as a .zip or
 .tar, instead of defaulting to a generic and non-descriptive filename of
 restore.{tar|zip}, how about something more descriptive, such as

I second this request!
I believe filenames should always be as descriptive as is reasonable.
Unfortunately my perl-fu is pretty weak as well.

Carl Soderstrom
Systems Administrator
Real-Time Enterprises

EMC VNX: the world's simplest storage, starting under $10K
The only unified storage solution that offers unified management 
Up to 160% more powerful than alternatives and 25% more efficient. 
BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Feature request

2011-08-25 Thread Jeffrey J. Kosowsky
Carl Wilhelm Soderstrom wrote at about 07:51:10 -0500 on Thursday, August 25, 
  On 08/25 07:50 , Brad Alexander wrote:
   Really a small thing, but when doing a restore, and you save as a .zip or
   .tar, instead of defaulting to a generic and non-descriptive filename of
   restore.{tar|zip}, how about something more descriptive, such as
  I second this request!
  I believe filenames should always be as descriptive as is reasonable.
  Unfortunately my perl-fu is pretty weak as well.

I would make it consistent with the heirarchy:
I'm not sure what date adds since the date is irrelevant unless you
are referring to the date of the snapshot in which case it would be an
alternative to backup#.
Also, share should be optional in case the restore is done at the
host level.

EMC VNX: the world's simplest storage, starting under $10K
The only unified storage solution that offers unified management 
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BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Feature request

2011-08-25 Thread Carl Wilhelm Soderstrom
On 08/25 09:23 , Jeffrey J. Kosowsky wrote:
 I would make it consistent with the heirarchy:
 I'm not sure what date adds since the date is irrelevant unless you
 are referring to the date of the snapshot in which case it would be an
 alternative to backup#.

I would prefer date, since the 'backup number' is only relevant within
BackupPC's universe; whereas the date is relevant to the rest of the world.

 Also, share should be optional in case the restore is done at the
 host level.

Even when restoring an entire host, the share must be specified, correct?
One problem is that '/' is a character with special meaning on the command
line; and so we should avoid putting it in filenames. Suggestions?

Carl Soderstrom
Systems Administrator
Real-Time Enterprises

EMC VNX: the world's simplest storage, starting under $10K
The only unified storage solution that offers unified management 
Up to 160% more powerful than alternatives and 25% more efficient. 
BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Feature request

2011-08-25 Thread Jeffrey J. Kosowsky
Carl Wilhelm Soderstrom wrote at about 08:31:01 -0500 on Thursday, August 25, 
  On 08/25 09:23 , Jeffrey J. Kosowsky wrote:
   I would make it consistent with the heirarchy:
   I'm not sure what date adds since the date is irrelevant unless you
   are referring to the date of the snapshot in which case it would be an
   alternative to backup#.
  I would prefer date, since the 'backup number' is only relevant within
  BackupPC's universe; whereas the date is relevant to the rest of the world.

My point was more that the date should refer to the time of the backup
not of the restore.

   Also, share should be optional in case the restore is done at the
   host level.
  Even when restoring an entire host, the share must be specified, correct?
  One problem is that '/' is a character with special meaning on the command
  line; and so we should avoid putting it in filenames. Suggestions?

I think one should use the encoding used for the share name in the pc
tree. There are characters other than '/' that could cause problems
such as special or foreign characters on one client that might not be
allowed or present on the server.

EMC VNX: the world's simplest storage, starting under $10K
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BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Feature request

2011-08-25 Thread Carl Wilhelm Soderstrom
On 08/25 10:45 , Jeffrey J. Kosowsky wrote:
 Carl Wilhelm Soderstrom wrote at about 08:31:01 -0500 on Thursday, August 25, 
   On 08/25 09:23 , Jeffrey J. Kosowsky wrote:
I would make it consistent with the heirarchy:
I'm not sure what date adds since the date is irrelevant unless you
are referring to the date of the snapshot in which case it would be an
alternative to backup#.
   I would prefer date, since the 'backup number' is only relevant within
   BackupPC's universe; whereas the date is relevant to the rest of the world.
 My point was more that the date should refer to the time of the backup
 not of the restore.


 I think one should use the encoding used for the share name in the pc
 tree. There are characters other than '/' that could cause problems
 such as special or foreign characters on one client that might not be
 allowed or present on the server.


Carl Soderstrom
Systems Administrator
Real-Time Enterprises

EMC VNX: the world's simplest storage, starting under $10K
The only unified storage solution that offers unified management 
Up to 160% more powerful than alternatives and 25% more efficient. 
BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Feature request

2011-08-25 Thread Bowie Bailey
On 8/25/2011 2:22 PM, Brad Alexander wrote:

 You could substitute Full for a root-level restore... So it could be

 hostname_20110824_Full.tar or (assuming
 the restore is /etc and /home)...The only problem with that is the
 name can get long and tedious. Suggestions on that?

I don't think the filename needs to be overly specific.  I would suggest
using hostname, date, and either Full or Partial.  Anyone that needs
to get more specific can rename the file later.


EMC VNX: the world's simplest storage, starting under $10K
The only unified storage solution that offers unified management 
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Re: [BackupPC-users] Feature request

2011-08-25 Thread Carl Wilhelm Soderstrom
On 08/25 02:22 , Brad Alexander wrote:
 You could substitute Full for a root-level restore... So it could be

sounds reasonable.
I might suggest 'root' instead of 'full' or '/'; because a restore starting
at / is not necessarily a restore of everything. However, 'root' has its own
problems in that the word also describes a user on almost every *nix

The suggestion of not using a sharename for restores starting from the root;
perhaps could be restated as something like  '/' characters shall be
converted to '_' characters except for the leftmost one, which shall be
omitted. this would end up omitting the sharename (or path or whatever it
ends up being) if it's just '/'.

 hostname_20110824_Full.tar or (assuming the
 restore is /etc and /home)...The only problem with that is the name can get
 long and tedious. Suggestions on that?

This may be a case where empirical testing serves better than theoretical
wrangling. Let's see if long filenames actually occur and cause problems;
and how drastic the solutions to them need to be.

Carl Soderstrom
Systems Administrator
Real-Time Enterprises

EMC VNX: the world's simplest storage, starting under $10K
The only unified storage solution that offers unified management 
Up to 160% more powerful than alternatives and 25% more efficient. 
BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Feature request

2011-08-25 Thread Holger Parplies

first of all, it seems to be *possible* to implement [without major code
changes], in case anyone except me was wondering ;-).

Carl Wilhelm Soderstrom wrote on 2011-08-25 13:40:47 -0500 [Re: 
[BackupPC-users] Feature request]:
 On 08/25 02:22 , Brad Alexander wrote:
  You could substitute Full for a root-level restore... So it could be
 sounds reasonable.
 I might suggest 'root' instead of 'full' or '/'; because a restore starting

(I'm always confused by your usage of ; ...)

 at / is not necessarily a restore of everything. [...]
 The suggestion of not using a sharename for restores starting from the root;
 perhaps could be restated as something like  '/' characters shall be
 converted to '_' characters except for the leftmost one, which shall be
 omitted. this would end up omitting the sharename (or path or whatever it
 ends up being) if it's just '/'.
 This may be a case where empirical testing serves better than theoretical
 wrangling. Let's see if long filenames actually occur and cause problems;
 and how drastic the solutions to them need to be.

well, let's consider where we are. We're in the CGI interface, where someone
marks a list of files or directories and selects to download them. So we not
only *definitely* have arbitrarily long paths (depending on where within the
backup the file(s) is/are that are requested), we have an arbitrary amount of
them. This can *easily* exceed maximum path lengths and test browsers for
buffer overflow vulnerabilities ;-).

Moreover, what is being suggested is merely a *convenience* for the person
downloading the tar/zip. Let's not turn it into an *inconvenience* for him.

Personally, I use the download function for retrieving files from backups
that I need immediately (rather than restoring them in-place which seems
rather error-prone). restore.tar is just fine for me, it's the tar of the
files I just retrieved. I untar it and remove the tar file. In the unlikely
event that I should need it again, I can always re-download it (well,
presuming the backup hasn't expired, but I'm thinking about a time frame of
minutes, here). Actually, I might even make a point of *excluding* files named
restore.tar or from my backups, though for that, names like
BPC_restore.{tar,zip} might be better.

For what I think you have in mind I would always use a BackupPC_tarCreate

Of course, your preferences may vary. There might be situations where
downloading an archive type tar file via HTTP is both practical and the
most simple solution. In this case, you won't want a name like restore.tar,
but you might just as well have different preferences/requirements than
whatever BackupPC is going to suggest. In my experience, deleting or
rearranging parts of overly long filename suggestions can be just as
annoying as having to fill out obvious information. The best solution
would be to have the suggestion customizable (as in %h-%n-%s), but that's
probably a lot of work for little effect (and it should strictly be a per-host
setting). As a simpler solution, I'd suggest restore-%h-%n (where %h is the
host name and %n the backup number) (and the .tar/.zip suffix, of course). If
the date of the backup is easily available to the code in question, I'd prefer
the date over the backup number, though there are bound to be people who have
more than one backup on the same date (happens to me if one backup is delayed
past midnight and the next one isn't). Maybe date + backup number. Remember
that even though you might only have 9 backups the backup numbers aren't
intended to wrap around, so they would still be unique for one host unless
you start over with a fresh pool.


EMC VNX: the world's simplest storage, starting under $10K
The only unified storage solution that offers unified management 
Up to 160% more powerful than alternatives and 25% more efficient. 
BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Feature request

2011-08-25 Thread Adam Goryachev
Hash: SHA1

On 26/08/11 11:40, Holger Parplies wrote:
 For what I think you have in mind I would always use a BackupPC_tarCreate
 Of course, your preferences may vary. There might be situations where
 downloading an archive type tar file via HTTP is both practical and the
 most simple solution. In this case, you won't want a name like restore.tar,
 but you might just as well have different preferences/requirements than
 whatever BackupPC is going to suggest. In my experience, deleting or
 rearranging parts of overly long filename suggestions can be just as
 annoying as having to fill out obvious information. The best solution
 would be to have the suggestion customizable (as in %h-%n-%s), but that's
 probably a lot of work for little effect (and it should strictly be a per-host
 setting). As a simpler solution, I'd suggest restore-%h-%n (where %h is the
 host name and %n the backup number) (and the .tar/.zip suffix, of course). If
 the date of the backup is easily available to the code in question, I'd prefer
 the date over the backup number, though there are bound to be people who have
 more than one backup on the same date (happens to me if one backup is delayed
 past midnight and the next one isn't). Maybe date + backup number. Remember
 that even though you might only have 9 backups the backup numbers aren't
 intended to wrap around, so they would still be unique for one host unless
 you start over with a fresh pool.

Just a small note, I've kept quiet so far, but anyway.. I agree with
most of what you say, and personally, I'd suggest the simplest change
which gets the greatest benefit it the best solution here. ie, don't try
to make everyone happy, just most of people :).

Thus, a filename of bpc_restore_$host_$number_$share.(tar|zip)

IMHO, if you selected one or more files from a single share (most cases
I suspect), then you show that specific share name.
If you select one or more files from multiple shares then use the share
name of multiple or exclude the share name.

Personally, I don't want the date/time of when the backup was started,
completed, nor the date/time of the files/etc... all that is just a
nuisance and asking for trouble with different date formats, timezones,

The backup number will provide enough info to go and lookup the
date/time if you really need it, and/or give you a rough idea of how old
the file is even if you have purged that old backup (ie, 100 backups ago
is about 100 days if you do backups daily).

If any date/time is really desirable, how about the date/time the
restore was done (purely to keep multiple restores of the same host/etc
sorted. The restore you did two hours ago compared to the restore you
did 30 minutes ago... Again, though, I don't see this as all that
sensible because you can always check the mtime or ctime of the file

Just my 0.02c...


- -- 
Adam Goryachev
Website Managers
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


EMC VNX: the world's simplest storage, starting under $10K
The only unified storage solution that offers unified management 
Up to 160% more powerful than alternatives and 25% more efficient. 
BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] feature request: description for machines, searchable

2011-03-22 Thread Les Mikesell
On 3/22/11 7:10 AM, Scott wrote:
 If there is a different place to submit features, I apologize.

 It would be great if there were a field for machine description - for example
 for location or similar.

 Most of the machines I deal with are 'tagged' with a number.   We usually name
 the machine with this number, so in backuppc I see a list of machine numbers.
   But I have no way in backuppc to know who's machine it is - no description.

You can make up a meaningful hostname and put the real name or IP in 
ClientAlias - but for existing entries you would have to rename the old 
directory under pc.

 Beyond this, it might be nice to have the concept of 'groups' and searching
 capability - I could see the number of machines going in to to several 
 at some point...

I don't think there is a way to do that - but if your names are all made up you 
might use a prefix of some sort.

   Les Mikesell

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BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Feature request: finish what you're doing and then stop

2010-12-06 Thread Pavel Hofma
Dne 6.12.2010 20:02, Robin Lee Powell napsal(a):

 It would be really nice to be able to tell the backuppc server to
 finish all current backups without queuing any others, and then
 stop/exit completely.

 I know I can sort-of do this by disabling backups for each host, but
 that's a really big pain, and from the reading of the queuing system
 I did a couple of weeks ago, I think this would be pretty easy to



I opened a similar topic a few weeks ago here 
. The proposed solution - BackupsDisable to 2 on the main config level 
in and

BackupPC_serverMesg server reload

has been a complete success for my needs. Of course a built-in solution 
would be certainly welcome :)



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BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Feature request: preserve (from deletion) individual backups by number

2009-08-29 Thread Jon Craig
On Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 2:39 PM, Jeffrey J. wrote:
 Craig Barratt wrote at about 10:48:25 -0700 on Friday, August 28, 2009:

 Perhaps an interesting alternative way to do this without having to go
 into the config file (and in a way similar to what a previous
 responder mentioned) would be to set up logic so that any backup that
 has a 'minus' sign on it would be preserved (along with it's

Excellent idea, but may with to choose something other than - as it
can cause command line issues with various commands if interpreted as
an option rather than a file name.  Appending a .preserve would
achieve the same thing and leave the backups in sequential order.

Jonathan Craig

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trial. Simplify your report design, integration and deployment - and focus on 
what you do best, core application coding. Discover what's new with 
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BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Feature request: preserve (from deletion) individual backups by number

2009-08-29 Thread Jeffrey J. Kosowsky
Jon Craig wrote at about 18:36:01 -0400 on Saturday, August 29, 2009:
  On Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 2:39 PM, Jeffrey J. wrote:
   Craig Barratt wrote at about 10:48:25 -0700 on Friday, August 28, 2009:
   Perhaps an interesting alternative way to do this without having to go
   into the config file (and in a way similar to what a previous
   responder mentioned) would be to set up logic so that any backup that
   has a 'minus' sign on it would be preserved (along with it's
  Excellent idea, but may with to choose something other than - as it
  can cause command line issues with various commands if interpreted as
  an option rather than a file name.  Appending a .preserve would
  achieve the same thing and leave the backups in sequential order.

Good idea - I think a suffix would be better. But I would go for a
single character suffix rather than something as long as .preserve
since otherwise listing gets messy and the suffix tends to take up
more space (and eyeball attention) than the backup number. Perhaps a
trailing '-' or '+' would work.

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BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Feature request: preserve (from deletion) individual backups by number

2009-08-28 Thread Steve
I like it...

On Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 11:47 AM, Jeffrey J. wrote:
 In general, using FullKeepCnt and IncrKeepCnt (and associated
 variables) works well to prune older backups.

 But sometimes there is a *specific* older backup that you want to hang
 onto because it has some crucial data (or is a 'better' snapshot). It
 would be great if you could tell BackupPC to keep an arbitrary list of
 numbered backups for each different host. (If any of the listed backups
 are incrementals, then BackupPC would of course be smart enough to
 save the relevant precedent incrementals and full backups).

 For example I could imagine, a perl hash of arrays of the following

 $Conf{PreserveBackups} = {
                hostA = [ '23', '354', '798' ],
                hostB = [ '3', '25', '37', '101' ],
                hostC = [ '9', '11', '33', '434' ],

 Does this make sense?

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 BackupPC-users mailing list

It turns out there is considerable overlap between the smartest bears
and the dumbest tourists.

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BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Feature request: preserve (from deletion) individual backups by number

2009-08-28 Thread Daniel Berteaud
Le vendredi 28 août 2009 à 11:47 -0400, Jeffrey J. Kosowsky a écrit :
 In general, using FullKeepCnt and IncrKeepCnt (and associated
 variables) works well to prune older backups.
 But sometimes there is a *specific* older backup that you want to hang
 onto because it has some crucial data (or is a 'better' snapshot). It
 would be great if you could tell BackupPC to keep an arbitrary list of
 numbered backups for each different host. (If any of the listed backups
 are incrementals, then BackupPC would of course be smart enough to
 save the relevant precedent incrementals and full backups).
 For example I could imagine, a perl hash of arrays of the following
 $Conf{PreserveBackups} = {
   hostA = [ '23', '354', '798' ],
   hostB = [ '3', '25', '37', '101' ],
   hostC = [ '9', '11', '33', '434' ],
 Does this make sense?

I've already posted an idea like this on the list, but had no response.
Anyway, yes (for me at least), it'd be a quite useful option.

Cheers, Daniel

 Let Crystal Reports handle the reporting - Free Crystal Reports 2008 30-Day 
 trial. Simplify your report design, integration and deployment - and focus on 
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Daniel Berteaud
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BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Feature request: preserve (from deletion) individual backups by number

2009-08-28 Thread sipa
On Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 11:47:41AM -0400, Jeffrey J. Kosowsky wrote:
 In general, using FullKeepCnt and IncrKeepCnt (and associated
 variables) works well to prune older backups.
 But sometimes there is a *specific* older backup that you want to hang
 onto because it has some crucial data (or is a 'better' snapshot). It
 would be great if you could tell BackupPC to keep an arbitrary list of
 numbered backups for each different host. (If any of the listed backups
 are incrementals, then BackupPC would of course be smart enough to
 save the relevant precedent incrementals and full backups).
 For example I could imagine, a perl hash of arrays of the following
 $Conf{PreserveBackups} = {
   hostA = [ '23', '354', '798' ],
   hostB = [ '3', '25', '37', '101' ],
   hostC = [ '9', '11', '33', '434' ],
 Does this make sense?

I would rather simply have a $Conf{PreserveBackups} = [ 23, 354, 798 ];
setting. Settings are already evaluated per-host, so this would allow you
to override it in the host-specific configuration, like many other settings.

Furthermore, this is already possible, albeit in a more manual way; eg. do
cp -rl /var/lib/backuppc/pc/hostA/23 /var/lib/backuppc/pc/hostA/kept-23
(i believe backuppc will not touch any directories there that aren't
completely numeric and/or listed in the backups files, if not, you should 
copy it to someplace outside of the pc/ directory).

The kept-23 directory will survive the removal of the 23 directory, and as a
consequence, the files won't be removed from the pool either.


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BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Feature request: preserve (from deletion) individual backups by number

2009-08-28 Thread Jeffrey J. Kosowsky wrote at about 18:27:31 +0200 on Friday, August 28, 
  On Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 11:47:41AM -0400, Jeffrey J. Kosowsky wrote:
   In general, using FullKeepCnt and IncrKeepCnt (and associated
   variables) works well to prune older backups.
   But sometimes there is a *specific* older backup that you want to hang
   onto because it has some crucial data (or is a 'better' snapshot). It
   would be great if you could tell BackupPC to keep an arbitrary list of
   numbered backups for each different host. (If any of the listed backups
   are incrementals, then BackupPC would of course be smart enough to
   save the relevant precedent incrementals and full backups).
   For example I could imagine, a perl hash of arrays of the following
   $Conf{PreserveBackups} = {
  hostA = [ '23', '354', '798' ],
  hostB = [ '3', '25', '37', '101' ],
  hostC = [ '9', '11', '33', '434' ],
   Does this make sense?
  I would rather simply have a $Conf{PreserveBackups} = [ 23, 354, 798 ];
  setting. Settings are already evaluated per-host, so this would allow you
  to override it in the host-specific configuration, like many other settings.

This would be potentially dangerous and confusing since generally
backup numbers are not related across hosts -- and hence the variable
would be in a sense meaningless if used in a standard config file. I
would be worried about the side effects of someone not realizing
that. If for some reason you wanted to literally keep the same backups
on all hosts then you could use the * notation.
  Furthermore, this is already possible, albeit in a more manual way; eg. do
  cp -rl /var/lib/backuppc/pc/hostA/23 /var/lib/backuppc/pc/hostA/kept-23
  (i believe backuppc will not touch any directories there that aren't
  completely numeric and/or listed in the backups files, if not, you should 
  copy it to someplace outside of the pc/ directory).
  The kept-23 directory will survive the removal of the 23 directory, and as a
  consequence, the files won't be removed from the pool either.

True - but then you are doing a kludge outside of backuppc. Also,
this would not work for incrementals, unless you were careful to do
the same copy operation for each of its antecedents. Finally, these
backups would not show up in the web interface and would require
manual fiddling in order to restore. So yes, technically, it would
prevent the files from being deleted, but it is at best a poor

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trial. Simplify your report design, integration and deployment - and focus on 
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BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Feature request: preserve (from deletion) individual backups by number

2009-08-28 Thread Craig Barratt
Jeffrey writes:

 In general, using FullKeepCnt and IncrKeepCnt (and associated
 variables) works well to prune older backups.
 But sometimes there is a *specific* older backup that you want to hang
 onto because it has some crucial data (or is a 'better' snapshot). It
 would be great if you could tell BackupPC to keep an arbitrary list of
 numbered backups for each different host. (If any of the listed backups
 are incrementals, then BackupPC would of course be smart enough to
 save the relevant precedent incrementals and full backups).
 For example I could imagine, a perl hash of arrays of the following
 $Conf{PreserveBackups} = {
 hostA = [ '23', '354', '798' ],
 hostB = [ '3', '25', '37', '101' ],
 hostC = [ '9', '11', '33', '434' ],
 Does this make sense?

I'll add it to the todo list.  It's much better to put in
the backups file, rather than config file.


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BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Feature request: preserve (from deletion) individual backups by number

2009-08-28 Thread Jeffrey J. Kosowsky
Craig Barratt wrote at about 10:48:25 -0700 on Friday, August 28, 2009:
  Jeffrey writes:
   In general, using FullKeepCnt and IncrKeepCnt (and associated
   variables) works well to prune older backups.
   But sometimes there is a *specific* older backup that you want to hang
   onto because it has some crucial data (or is a 'better' snapshot). It
   would be great if you could tell BackupPC to keep an arbitrary list of
   numbered backups for each different host. (If any of the listed backups
   are incrementals, then BackupPC would of course be smart enough to
   save the relevant precedent incrementals and full backups).
   For example I could imagine, a perl hash of arrays of the following
   $Conf{PreserveBackups} = {
   hostA = [ '23', '354', '798' ],
   hostB = [ '3', '25', '37', '101' ],
   hostC = [ '9', '11', '33', '434' ],
   Does this make sense?
  I'll add it to the todo list.  It's much better to put in
  the backups file, rather than config file.

Perhaps an interesting alternative way to do this without having to go
into the config file (and in a way similar to what a previous
responder mentioned) would be to set up logic so that any backup that
has a 'minus' sign on it would be preserved (along with it's

Then you could 'toggle the persistence of a backup either manually by
renaming the backup (i.e. mv  -) or by perhaps clicking a
button in the web interface that would execute the same toggle by
renaming the backup to add/remove a preceding minus sign.

This would be nice in that it would avoid fiddling with the config
files and in that it would be very obvious by just listing the files
to see which ones are persistent.

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BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Feature request for 3.2: wait for children to remove zombies

2009-04-09 Thread Craig Barratt

It's still on my todo list - I didn't get around to it for 3.2.0beta0.
I'll see if I can get it in before the final 3.2.0 release.


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BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Feature request for 3.2: wait for children to remove zombies

2009-04-09 Thread John Rouillard
On Thu, Apr 09, 2009 at 01:57:18PM -0700, Craig Barratt wrote:
 It's still on my todo list - I didn't get around to it for 3.2.0beta0.
 I'll see if I can get it in before the final 3.2.0 release.


I would really appreciate it.

-- rouilj

John Rouillard   System Administrator
Renesys Corporation  603-244-9084 (cell)  603-643-9300 x 111

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BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Feature Request: Link to latest Full

2008-11-07 Thread Rich Rauenzahn

Nils Breunese (Lemonbit) wrote:
 If you want to send an archive of a backup to tape that you can  
 restore (without BackupPC), check out 'Archive Functions' in the  
 BackupPC documentation:

 Nils Breunese.

I've always wished the BackupPC_archiveHost command had an option for 
the latest backup.


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BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Feature Request: Link to latest Full

2008-11-07 Thread Tino Schwarze
On Fri, Nov 07, 2008 at 03:16:23PM -0800, Rich Rauenzahn wrote:

  If you want to send an archive of a backup to tape that you can  
  restore (without BackupPC), check out 'Archive Functions' in the  
  BackupPC documentation:

 I've always wished the BackupPC_archiveHost command had an option for 
 the latest backup.

It has, just specify -1 as the backup number. (-2 is the second most
recent backup.) The -1 will become part of the file name though, so some
special support would be useful.



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BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Feature Request: Link to latest Full

2008-10-28 Thread Adam Goryachev
Hash: SHA1

Yazz D. Atlas wrote:
 How difficult would it be to have BackupPC create a link to the last
 Full backup. The reason this would be handy to me is I'm required to
 backup to tape to a system I don't have much control over. I just want
 to tell the backup service a simple directorie to grab. I would like to
 be able to tell them to backup
 Which would link to $Conf{TopDir}/pc/ if that was the last
 Full backup.
 I hope to never uses there backup service to do a restore but for off
 site backup compliance I need to. I'm trying to save some bandwidth by
 not backing up everything I don't need. (I have over 240 clients and
 about 7T used under $Conf{TopDir} getting that off site has been a huge

Is that a off-site backup that uses any sort of rsync like algorithm to
minimise the bandwidth used?

If it is, you might like to get it to backup the cpool/pool and then use
the pctar utility (forget it's name) which AFAIK creates a tar file full
of the links. So your offsite backs up the pool + the small tar file.
That way you could restore *ALL* your backup data

PS, I don't know how truly practical the above is, but it may be an
option? Can anyone comment on whether that might be a useful way to get
an off-site copy of your backuppc server?


- --
Adam Goryachev
Website Managers
Ph: +61 2 8304 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Fax: +61 2 8304
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BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Feature Request: Link to latest Full

2008-10-16 Thread Craig Barratt
Yazz writes:

 I may be able to just do it with $DumpPostUserCmd but I haven't tested
 that yet. I just think it would be nicer to have it as a built in option.
 /bin/ln -sf $topDir/pc/$host/$(/bin/cat $topDir/pc/$host/backups \
 | /bin/grep full | /bin/sort -n | /usr/bin/tail -1 \
 | /bin/awk '{ print $1 }') $topDir/pc/$host/last-full

It's an interesting idea and I'll add it to the todo list for


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BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Feature Request: Link to latest Full

2008-10-16 Thread Yazz D. Atlas
My solution for the moment is to do the following:

--- DumpPostUserCmd ---

/usr/local/bin/ $host

--- end ---

--- file named ---

if [ -d ${TOPDIR}/${HOST} ] ; then
  cd ${TOPDIR}/${HOST}
  ln -sfT $(cat backups | grep full \
| tail -1 | awk '{ print $1 }') last-full

--- end ---

Curious what is the largest installation of BackupPC, anyone know?

-Yazz Atlas

Craig Barratt wrote:
 Yazz writes:
 I may be able to just do it with $DumpPostUserCmd but I haven't tested
 that yet. I just think it would be nicer to have it as a built in option.

 /bin/ln -sf $topDir/pc/$host/$(/bin/cat $topDir/pc/$host/backups \
 | /bin/grep full | /bin/sort -n | /usr/bin/tail -1 \
 | /bin/awk '{ print $1 }') $topDir/pc/$host/last-full
 It's an interesting idea and I'll add it to the todo list for

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BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Feature Request - longer path name support

2008-10-15 Thread Craig Barratt
Ski writes:

 Running Backuppc 2.1.2 on a debian linux server and backing up a linux
 machine, I ran into a problem backing up a file where the entire path
 length was 318 characters.  Once I shrunk the path length it worked
 perfectly.  Has this been fixed in version 3.1?  If not, could you add
 this to the feature request queue.  Thanks.

No, it hasn't been fixed in 3.x.  There are several areas where the
file name paths can be limited in length (none of them in BackupPC).
I'll add this to the todo list.


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BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Feature Request: Link to latest Full

2008-10-14 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
Yazz D. Atlas wrote:

 How difficult would it be to have BackupPC create a link to the last
 Full backup. The reason this would be handy to me is I'm required to
 backup to tape to a system I don't have much control over. I just want
 to tell the backup service a simple directorie to grab. I would like  
 be able to tell them to backup


 Which would link to $Conf{TopDir}/pc/ if that was the  
 Full backup.

 I hope to never uses there backup service to do a restore but for off
 site backup compliance I need to. I'm trying to save some bandwidth by
 not backing up everything I don't need. (I have over 240 clients and
 about 7T used under $Conf{TopDir} getting that off site has been a  

 I may be able to just do it with $DumpPostUserCmd but I haven't tested
 that yet. I just think it would be nicer to have it as a built in  

 /bin/ln -sf $topDir/pc/$host/$(/bin/cat $topDir/pc/$host/backups \
 | /bin/grep full | /bin/sort -n | /usr/bin/tail -1 \
 | /bin/awk '{ print $1 }') $topDir/pc/$host/last-full

If you want to send an archive of a backup to tape that you can  
restore (without BackupPC), check out 'Archive Functions' in the  
BackupPC documentation:

Nils Breunese.

This SF.Net email is sponsored by the Moblin Your Move Developer's challenge
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BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Feature Request: Link to latest Full

2008-10-13 Thread Adam Goryachev
Hash: SHA1

Yazz D. Atlas wrote:
 How difficult would it be to have BackupPC create a link to the last
 Full backup. The reason this would be handy to me is I'm required to
 backup to tape to a system I don't have much control over. I just want
 to tell the backup service a simple directorie to grab. I would like to
 be able to tell them to backup


 Which would link to $Conf{TopDir}/pc/ if that was the last
 Full backup.

 I hope to never uses there backup service to do a restore but for off
 site backup compliance I need to. I'm trying to save some bandwidth by
 not backing up everything I don't need. (I have over 240 clients and
 about 7T used under $Conf{TopDir} getting that off site has been a huge

Is that a off-site backup that uses any sort of rsync like algorithm to
minimise the bandwidth used?

If it is, you might like to get it to backup the cpool/pool and then use
the pctar utility (forget it's name) which AFAIK creates a tar file full
of the links. So your offsite backs up the pool + the small tar file.
That way you could restore *ALL* your backup data

PS, I don't know how truly practical the above is, but it may be an
option? Can anyone comment on whether that might be a useful way to get
an off-site copy of your backuppc server?


- --
Adam Goryachev
Website Managers
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


This SF.Net email is sponsored by the Moblin Your Move Developer's challenge
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BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Feature request: user-configurable directory exclusion

2007-08-21 Thread Rob Owens
For my backups of /home I always exclude '/*/tmp/' and tell my users
that anything they don't want backed up should go in /home/username/tmp

Rsync will exclude /home/username/tmp and any files or directories
contained in /home/username/tmp


Robin Lee Powell wrote:
 A feature I'd really like, and would be willing to give gifts in
 return for, would be something like this:

 User touches a file named .donotbackup in a directory.  Backuppc
 notices this and does not backup that directory.  The sysadmin
 doesn't have to alter the system include list.



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BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Feature request: user-configurable directory exclusion

2007-08-18 Thread Jacob
On Sat, 18 Aug 2007 04:38:42 +0200
Nils Breunese (Lemonbit) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Jacob wrote:
  On Fri, 17 Aug 2007 11:12:55 -0700
  Robin Lee Powell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  A feature I'd really like, and would be willing to give gifts in
  return for, would be something like this:
  User touches a file named .donotbackup in a directory.  Backuppc
  notices this and does not backup that directory.  The sysadmin
  doesn't have to alter the system include list.
  This is good for users who aren't administrators. Cache  
  directories, or other GBs of data that is temporary, etc...
 It sounds nice, but I wonder if it's feasible. It has to work with  
 all backends (tar, rsync, samba) and I don't think all these backends  
 have built-in features to do this (I think none of them do), so  
 BackupPC would have to look through the whole filesystem first for  
 those files somehow. And do this every backup!
 Nils Breunese.

It would probably require a change in the way BackupPC runs those commands. 
Maybe it would have to collect the files and send them to rsync or whatever 

I haven't touched BackupPC's code, so I'm blind to the current situation. You 
guys are the developers, so if it won't work on your end, it won't work at all. 


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Re: [BackupPC-users] Feature request: user-configurable directory exclusion

2007-08-18 Thread Tomas Florian
Sending the files or directories individually would be a great feature
in itself.  I have had so many problems with rsync and tar running out
of resources because of the cumulative share size being too large.
Sending the sub-directories individually would solve that headache ... +
having the option to exclude with the .donobackup would be just that
much better.

I was looking at a way to patch backuppc to do something like this, I
think I'll have another look - although I still don't fully understand
the whole process.


 It would probably require a change in the way BackupPC runs those commands. 
 Maybe it would have to collect the files and send them to rsync or whatever 
 I haven't touched BackupPC's code, so I'm blind to the current situation. You 
 guys are the developers, so if it won't work on your end, it won't work at 
 all. :)

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BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Feature request: user-configurable directory exclusion

2007-08-17 Thread Jacob
On Fri, 17 Aug 2007 11:12:55 -0700
Robin Lee Powell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 A feature I'd really like, and would be willing to give gifts in
 return for, would be something like this:
 User touches a file named .donotbackup in a directory.  Backuppc
 notices this and does not backup that directory.  The sysadmin
 doesn't have to alter the system include list.


This is good for users who aren't administrators. Cache directories, or other 
GBs of data that is temporary, etc...


For then there will be great distress, unequaled
from the beginning of the world until now—and never
to be equaled again. If those days had not been cut
short, no one would survive, but for the sake of the
elect those days will be shortened.

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BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Feature request: user-configurable directory exclusion

2007-08-17 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)

Jacob wrote:

On Fri, 17 Aug 2007 11:12:55 -0700
Robin Lee Powell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

A feature I'd really like, and would be willing to give gifts in
return for, would be something like this:

User touches a file named .donotbackup in a directory.  Backuppc
notices this and does not backup that directory.  The sysadmin
doesn't have to alter the system include list.



This is good for users who aren't administrators. Cache  
directories, or other GBs of data that is temporary, etc...

It sounds nice, but I wonder if it's feasible. It has to work with  
all backends (tar, rsync, samba) and I don't think all these backends  
have built-in features to do this (I think none of them do), so  
BackupPC would have to look through the whole filesystem first for  
those files somehow. And do this every backup!

Nils Breunese.

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BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Feature request for BackupPC: Search backups

2007-03-26 Thread John Buttery
* On Sunday 25 March 2007 15:18, Krsnendu dasa [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
It is hard to find files in the backups by browsing. If there were a
search feature that allowed you to search one or more computers
backups that would be great.

  I know this isn't a real solution per se, but if you're in a current 
situation that you need a quick solution to...there is the possibility 
of doing something like this (at the shell prompt on the BackupPC 

cd /var/lib/backuppc/pc (or wherever you keep your backups)
find -name '*somename*' -print

  You may also want to play with '-mindepth', '-maxdepth', '-prune', 
and '-iname'...but in general I'm just saying you can use the search 
utilities of the underlying OS as a workaround.

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