Re: [Bacula-users] auto labeling with python

2007-12-03 Thread Rich
On 2007.11.30. 18:10, Jason Joines wrote:
  I'm using Bacula 2.2.5 and have tried auto labeling with 
 LabelFormat but haven't had much luck.  I don't know python but since 
 LabelFormat is deprecated I thought I'd go ahead and give it a try.  My 

well, bad news for you. python seems to be the one who will go away.
labelformat variable expansion also is supposed to disappear at some 
point, but in the end it was suggested to simply use labelformat for now 
and deal with any potential changes in future.

 goal is to get volume names ( and the corresponding file name on disk, 
 I'm backing up to disk ) to be formatted like jobname-date-two digit 
 number of volumes for this job.  I've also set the max volume size to 5 
 GB.  So if I had a job named sivadaily run at 0300 and backup 9 GB I 
 would like the resulting two volumes to be sivadaily-20071130fr0300-01 
 and sivadaily-20071130fr0300-02.

currently i am using the following labelformat value :
Label Format = 

it should be possible to get out of it and bacula manual the desired 
format for you.

  I started with the sample director startup script and the 
 documentation at
 I defined jobname = job.JobName and modified job.VolumeName in 
 NewVolume() to be 'job.VolumeName=%s-%d % (jobname, numvol)'.  Then I 
 ran a test job, cas-testdaily, and got volume autolabeled as 'Labeled 
 new Volume jobname-44'.
  So I guess definition of jobname didn't work.  Also, I'm assuming 
 the %s and %d are for string variable and integer variable although a 
 bit of googling and python manual reading hasn't verified that.
  Any suggestions for how to accomplish what I'm after and 
 recommendations for learning the python basics demonstrated in the 
 sample script?
 Jason Joines

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[Bacula-users] Missing jobs - a bug?

2007-12-03 Thread Mariusz Czulada
Hello again,

I have another problem with bacula, related to finding EOD. 
Configuration: bacula 2.2.4 on CentOS 4.3, TS3310 (two LTO-3 drives) 
attached via FC.

My pools:

bacula= select poolid, name from pool;
 poolid |   name
  4 | Pl:Remote-file
  5 | Pl:Remote-lib
  1 | Pl:Localhost-tape
  2 | Pl:REPfull-lib
  3 | Pl:REPdata-lib
  6 | Scratch
(6 rows)


I defined (among others) four jobs to use REP* pools:

1. J:RepositoryFull-ncx
2. J:RepositoryFull-admin
3. J:RepositoryFull-access

to use Pl:REPfull-lib pool, and

4. J:RepositoryFull-ncxdata

to be stored on Pl:REPdata-lib.

Jobs 1, 2 and 3 run once a week on saturdays (1st - full, rest - diff). 
Job 4 runs daily (sun - full, rest - diff).

Today I noticed, that volume used for Pl:REPdata-lib on previous week 
is marked as error and a new volume was taken from Scratch. I didn't 
have debug output from SD, so all the rest is based on queries.


bacula= select
bacula- mediaid, volumename, poolid, voljobs, volfiles, volblocks, 
bacula- from
bacula- media;
 mediaid | volumename | poolid | voljobs | volfiles | volblocks | volstatus
   2 | file-0002  |  6 |   0 |0 | 0 | Append
   7 | A00020L3   |  6 |   0 |0 | 0 | Append
   8 | A00054L3   |  6 |   0 |0 | 0 | Append
   9 | 16L3   |  6 |   0 |0 | 0 | Append
  10 | 15L3   |  6 |   0 |0 | 0 | Append
  11 | 17L3   |  6 |   0 |0 | 0 | Append
  12 | 18L3   |  6 |   0 |0 | 0 | Append
  13 | 19L3   |  6 |   0 |0 | 0 | Append
  14 | file-0003  |  6 |   0 |0 | 0 | Append
   4 | A00024L3   |  2 |   6 |   80 |   1184664 | Append
   5 | A00022L3   |  3 |   3 |   15 |195403 | Error
   3 | tape-0001  |  1 |   5 |5 |  4502 | Append
   1 | file-0001  |  4 |  19 |1 | 77027 | Append
   6 | A00051L3   |  3 |   3 |   15 |199745 | Append
(14 rows)


Volume A00022L3 is marked with Error, and volume A00051L3 is added to 
the pool 3 (Pl:REPdata-lib). Next, I checked jobs:


bacula= select
bacula- jobid, name, starttime, endtime, poolid
bacula- from
bacula- job
bacula- where
bacula- name like 'J:Repository%';
 jobid |   name   |  starttime  |   endtime   
| poolid
 2 | J:RepositoryFull-ncx | 2007-11-29 11:35:33 | 2007-11-29 11:46:25 
|  2
 3 | J:RepositoryFull-admin   | 2007-11-29 11:49:33 | 2007-11-29 11:53:51 
|  2
 6 | J:RepositoryFull-access  | 2007-11-29 11:54:57 | 2007-11-29 11:57:21 
|  2
 8 | J:RepositoryFull-ncxdata | 2007-11-29 12:02:28 | 2007-11-29 12:09:06 
|  3
21 | J:RepositoryFull-ncxdata | 2007-11-30 00:25:02 | 2007-11-30 
00:30:18 |  3
34 | J:RepositoryFull-ncxdata | 2007-12-01 00:25:02 | 2007-12-01 
00:25:06 |  3
36 | J:RepositoryFull-ncx | 2007-12-01 02:05:03 | 2007-12-01 
02:24:53 |  2
37 | J:RepositoryFull-admin   | 2007-12-01 02:25:01 | 2007-12-01 
02:29:09 |  2
42 | J:RepositoryFull-access  | 2007-12-01 02:45:01 | 2007-12-01 
02:47:13 |  2
51 | J:RepositoryFull-ncxdata | 2007-12-02 00:25:02 | 2007-12-02 
00:36:59 |  3
61 | J:RepositoryFull-ncxdata | 2007-12-03 00:25:02 | 2007-12-03 
00:25:05 |  3
71 | J:RepositoryFull-ncxdata | 2007-12-03 10:27:06 | 2007-12-03 
10:29:46 |  3
(12 rows)


Jobs 8, 21 and 34 were stored correctly. Next, volume A00022L3 was 
unloaded, jobs 36, 37 and 42 were stored on A00051L3, also no problems. 
But then, for job 51 volume A00022L3 should be loaded and used, but for 
some reason it was not, and new A00051L3 was used.


bacula= select
bacula- jobmediaid as jmid, jobid as jid, jm.mediaid as mid, 
bacula- jm.firstindex as fi, jm.lastindex as li, jm.startfile as 
sf, jm.endfile as ef,
bacula- jm.startblock as sb, jm.endblock as eb, jm.volindex
bacula- from
bacula- jobmedia jm, media m
bacula- where
bacula- jm.mediaid=m.mediaid and
bacula- jobid in (select jobid from job where name like '%ncxdata%')
bacula- order by
bacula- 2, 1;
 jmid | jid | mid | volumename | fi  | li  | sf | ef | sb |  eb   | 
   45 |   8 |   5 | A00022L3   |   1 |  55 |  0 |  0 |  1 | 15499 |1
   46 |   8 |   5 | A00022L3   |  55 | 109 |  1 |  1 |  0 | 15499 |2

[Bacula-users] Cannot bind port 9101

2007-12-03 Thread le dahut
I experience a problem on bacula 2.0.3 (Ubuntu) with the error message 
Warning: Cannot bind port 9101: ERR=Address already in use..
This message appear randomly after several days/weeks of good work. Once 
this appears, 'netstat -anpe' shows that for example smbd (it can be 
something else) uses the port 9101. After samba restart, slapd uses it, 
then mysql etc. I have to reboot the server for things returning in order.

What's happening ?


P.S. : I already sent this message this morning but I've just seen I 
hadn't subscribe to the list, sorry if you've received this mail twice.

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Re: [Bacula-users] Cannot bind port 9101

2007-12-03 Thread Christof Klaus
le dahut schrieb:
 I experience a problem on bacula 2.0.3 (Ubuntu) with the error message 
 Warning: Cannot bind port 9101: ERR=Address already in use..
 This message appear randomly after several days/weeks of good work. Once 
 this appears, 'netstat -anpe' shows that for example smbd (it can be 
 something else) uses the port 9101. After samba restart, slapd uses it, 
 then mysql etc. I have to reboot the server for things returning in order.

 What's happening ?


 P.S. : I already sent this message this morning but I've just seen I 
 hadn't subscribe to the list, sorry if you've received this mail twice.

sounds like the process which started bacula died and afterwards bacula
itself died..
ive only seen this phenomenon in correlation to zombie-processes.

you maybe have your own management tool to start / stop daemons ? (cause
init normally shouldnt die ;))
hope this helps.

greets, christof

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[Bacula-users] Instructions for compiling bat on Solars 10 x86

2007-12-03 Thread Shon Stephens
I use Bacula 2.2.5 installed from Blastwave packages. The packages do not
come with bat because the Qt4 dependency is not yet a Blastwave package.
This is how I installed the pre-requisites, compiled Qt4, qtw, and bat.

First, I setup Blastwave and installed Bacula. Those instructions were
provided by someone else and can be found in the list archives.
I then installed many Solaris Freeware packages (SFW) available from the Sun
download site.


I used the gcc from Blastwave, so if it wasn't installed as a dependency
when you installed pkg-get and Bacula, install it now with pkg-get -i
I then made sure to have $PATH and $LD_LIBRARY_PATH set correctly. This
should include both the Solaris lib locations as well as SFW and

echo $PATH


Once these things were done I downloaded the bacula-2.2.5 src, the dep-pkgs
src, and the qt4 src. I first compiled qt4 with the default options to
configure and installing it in /usr/local. This is very straight forward.

Next I compiled qwt from the dep-pkgs. Basically just go into the
qwt-5.0.2directory, edit the
qwtconfig.pri for your options, and run qmake. Then run make and make
install. Again, straight forward.

Finally its time to compile bat. Bat does not compile on its own, and must
be done during the compilation of bacula itself. Use configure with all the
options for a regular compilation of Bacula with the addition of the
following flags

--enable-bat  and --with-qwt=path_to_qwt

In order to get configure to recognize where qwt is installed the Qt*.pc
files located in path_to_qt4/lib/pkgconfig must be copied to
Also when you configure Bacula, specify an alternate installation path than
the one that Blastwave Bacula is installed to. I was using $HOME as the

Now just run make. Bat will compile and be in the bacula-2.2.5/qt-console
directory. I copied bat to /opt/csw/sbin and bat.conf to /opt/csw/etc/bacula
(where Blastwave's files are located)

This is not a very detailed set of instructions, but does cover the hurdles
that I encountered when getting this to work correctly. I hope you find it

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[Bacula-users] Restoring a single file with spaces in file name

2007-12-03 Thread Win Htin
Hi folks,

Wondering how you can restore a single file which contains spaces in the
name. e.g. Expenses for Nov 2007.doc. I tried giving backslashes and
double quotes but the restore command didn't like it. Help is much
appreciated. Thanks in advance.


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Re: [Bacula-users] Cannot bind port 9101

2007-12-03 Thread le dahut
Bacula services (dir, fd, sd) are started at boot time and restarted 
using '/etc/init.d/bacula-X restart'.

I have a preexec job and a postexec job and I've found this
(unfortunately it is a little bit old : 2003)

Christof Klaus a écrit :
 le dahut schrieb:
 I experience a problem on bacula 2.0.3 (Ubuntu) with the error message 
 Warning: Cannot bind port 9101: ERR=Address already in use..
 This message appear randomly after several days/weeks of good work. Once 
 this appears, 'netstat -anpe' shows that for example smbd (it can be 
 something else) uses the port 9101. After samba restart, slapd uses it, 
 then mysql etc. I have to reboot the server for things returning in order.

 What's happening ?


 P.S. : I already sent this message this morning but I've just seen I 
 hadn't subscribe to the list, sorry if you've received this mail twice.

 sounds like the process which started bacula died and afterwards bacula
 itself died..
 ive only seen this phenomenon in correlation to zombie-processes.
 you maybe have your own management tool to start / stop daemons ? (cause
 init normally shouldnt die ;))
 hope this helps.
 greets, christof

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from Novell.  From the desktop to the data center, Linux is going
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[Bacula-users] Feature Request: Testing before reloading...

2007-12-03 Thread Flak Magnet
On Wednesday 21 November 2007 9:49:35 am Shon Stephens wrote:
 I did do something foolish the other day when I edited the jobs and
 ran reload in the console while a job was despooling. The conf wasn't
 correct (still trying to get the Windows Fileset syntax correct). Well
 of course the director puked and this is I suppose expected. What I
 didn't expect is that Bacula wouldn't be able to tell me what happened
 to the job, or that the data that had been spooled to disk would all
 be gone.

I think it would be really cool if we could test a new config from within 

Something like:
* reload test
/etc/bacula/bacula-dir.conf - v 2.2.5   OK
 client1 - FD version 2.2.5 -  OK
 client2 - Unable to connect   ERROR
 client3 - FD version 2.0.3 -  OK
 storage1 - SD v2.2.5 -OK  
@/etc/bacula/otherstorage.conf  OK
 includedclient - FD v 2.2.5   OK
 includedstorage - Unable to connect   ERROR
/etc/bacula/bacula-fd.conf - v 2.2.5OK
/etc/bacula/bacula-sd.conf - v 2.2.5OK

reload test succeded, the configuration will initialize and run!
Clients 4/5 passed tests.
Storage 1/2 passed tests.

There were 2 Errors, and 0 failures.




Of course, this would only support re-reading the configuration files Bacula 
was already using.  If someone wanted to relocate config files, or test 
copies they were editing, then they'd have to drop back to manually testing 
them at the command-line.

Flak Magnet (Tim)

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Re: [Bacula-users] Feature Request: Testing before reloading...

2007-12-03 Thread John Drescher
 Something like:
 * reload test
 /etc/bacula/bacula-dir.conf - v 2.2.5   OK
  client1 - FD version 2.2.5 -  OK
  client2 - Unable to connect   ERROR
  client3 - FD version 2.0.3 -  OK
  storage1 - SD v2.2.5 -OK
 @/etc/bacula/otherstorage.conf  OK
  includedclient - FD v 2.2.5   OK
  includedstorage - Unable to connect   ERROR
 /etc/bacula/bacula-fd.conf - v 2.2.5OK
 /etc/bacula/bacula-sd.conf - v 2.2.5OK

 reload test succeded, the configuration will initialize and run!
 Clients 4/5 passed tests.
 Storage 1/2 passed tests.

 There were 2 Errors, and 0 failures.


I am confused at this. During a reload you are going to every client
and storage and testing their configs instead of just the director?


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Re: [Bacula-users] Feature Request: Testing before reloading...

2007-12-03 Thread Flak Magnet

On Monday 03 December 2007 11:37:46 am you wrote:
  Something like:
  * reload test
  /etc/bacula/bacula-dir.conf - v 2.2.5   OK
   client1 - FD version 2.2.5 -  OK
   client2 - Unable to connect   ERROR
   client3 - FD version 2.0.3 -  OK
   storage1 - SD v2.2.5 -OK
  @/etc/bacula/otherstorage.conf  OK
   includedclient - FD v 2.2.5   OK
   includedstorage - Unable to connect   ERROR
  /etc/bacula/bacula-fd.conf - v 2.2.5OK
  /etc/bacula/bacula-sd.conf - v 2.2.5OK
  reload test succeded, the configuration will initialize and run!
  Clients 4/5 passed tests.
  Storage 1/2 passed tests.
  There were 2 Errors, and 0 failures.

 I am confused at this. During a reload you are going to every client
 and storage and testing their configs instead of just the director?

Oops.  Lost track of the scope of what I was really suggesting.

Ignore the lines about the FD and SD config files.  With that in mind:

No, not testing every client and storage config, just whether the directory 
can contact it as configured in the files that are being tested.

Flak Magnet (Tim)

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from Novell.  From the desktop to the data center, Linux is going
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Re: [Bacula-users] Cannot bind port 9101

2007-12-03 Thread Martin Simmons
 On Mon, 03 Dec 2007 14:06:15 +0100, le dahut said:
 I experience a problem on bacula 2.0.3 (Ubuntu) with the error message 
 Warning: Cannot bind port 9101: ERR=Address already in use..
 This message appear randomly after several days/weeks of good work. Once 
 this appears, 'netstat -anpe' shows that for example smbd (it can be 
 something else) uses the port 9101. After samba restart, slapd uses it, 
 then mysql etc. I have to reboot the server for things returning in order.
 What's happening ?

Maybe you have configured the machine like that?  Try checking

sysctl net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range


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[Bacula-users] job stuck waiting for input

2007-12-03 Thread Ross Boylan
I have a job that runs a script; the script does an sudo and it appears
to be waiting for a password.  Cancelling the job doesn't kill it.

How can I kill the job?  Is it safe to kill the job with the invoked
shell script?

I tested the sudo on the command line and it did not ask for a password;
that was in a terminal in which I did an su.  In contrast, the job is
configured with
  Run Before Job = super cyrus-prep
So I think it runs as bacula, does a super to root, and the offending
line in the script is trying to sudo to cyrus.  I guess the environment
created by su is sufficiently root that sudo doesn't ask for a
password, but the one created by super is not root enough.

I used super because I had problems with su and sudo asking for
passwords; I notice a lot of advice on this list to use sudo.

Can anyone recommend how I can make this work properly in the future?
The big picture is that before the job runs I need to run as root,
mostly, but one of the items needs to be done as user cyrus.

Ross Boylan

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from Novell.  From the desktop to the data center, Linux is going
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Re: [Bacula-users] job stuck waiting for input [clarification]

2007-12-03 Thread Ross Boylan
On Mon, 2007-12-03 at 09:18 -0800, Ross Boylan wrote:
 I have a BACULA job that runs a SHELL script; the script does an sudo and it 
 to be waiting for a password.  Cancelling the BACULA job doesn't kill it.
That is, after the cancel, bconsole status dir shows
Running Jobs:
 JobId Level   Name   Status
   407 Increme  Cyrus.2007-12-03_01.05.04 has been canceled
This is over an hour since I used bconsole to issue a cancel command.
 How can I kill the BACULA job?  Is it safe to kill the UNIX job with the 
 shell script?
That is, the bacula job invoked a script cryus-prep, which I see running
as a Unix job.  What if I kill cyrus-prep using Unix kill?

I'm running on Linux.
 I tested the sudo on the command line and it did not ask for a password;
 that was in a terminal in which I did an su.  In contrast, the job is
 configured with
   Run Before Job = super cyrus-prep
 So I think it runs as bacula, does a super to root, and the offending
 line in the script is trying to sudo to cyrus.  I guess the environment
 created by su is sufficiently root that sudo doesn't ask for a
 password, but the one created by super is not root enough.
 I used super because I had problems with su and sudo asking for
 passwords; I notice a lot of advice on this list to use sudo.
 Can anyone recommend how I can make this work properly in the future?
 The big picture is that before the job runs I need to run as root,
 mostly, but one of the items needs to be done as user cyrus.
 Ross Boylan
 SF.Net email is sponsored by: The Future of Linux Business White Paper
 from Novell.  From the desktop to the data center, Linux is going
 mainstream.  Let it simplify your IT future.
 Bacula-users mailing list

SF.Net email is sponsored by: The Future of Linux Business White Paper
from Novell.  From the desktop to the data center, Linux is going
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[Bacula-users] Two jobs on the same tape....

2007-12-03 Thread Christian Tardif

I need to setup something like this:

Full Daily backups that last two weeks
Saving of the database on the same tape as the backup
Rollover period of two weeks (monday to friday), so I don't want to be able
to rewrite the volume before 14 days (13 days, in fact)

So I setup ten pools, each pool containing one volume. I set the volume
retention period to 13 days. My problem is that when I want to backup the
database with a second job on the same tape, bacula refuses and waits for me
to label a second volume. 

What would be the combination to make this happen? I'm ok with the schedule
(found that using w00 to w53 in the schedules let me to that, even if it's a
little complicated to figure out), but it seems that there's something
missing with my pool / job definition.

Here is the relevant configuration that actually takes place (note that, in
these definitions, that there are a couple of scripts (database backup, and
tape ejection at the end of the second job). The full backup is done first,
and the second job wait for the first one to complete (they are started at 5
minutes interval)):

Pool {
    Name = Lundi_B_Pool
    Pool Type = Backup
    Recycle = yes
    AutoPrune = yes
    VolumeRetention = 13d

Job {
    Name = NightlySave
    Type = Backup
    Client = Megara-File-Daemon
    FileSet = FullSet
    Storage = Tape
    Messages = Standard
    Pool = Default
    Max Start Delay = 2h
    Max Wait Time = 2h
    RunBeforeJob = /usr/local/bin/
    RunAfterJob = /usr/lib/bacula/make_catalog_backup bacula
    RunAfterJob = /etc/bacula/
    Schedule = BiWeeklyCycle
    Write Bootstrap = /var/lib/bacula/NightlySave.bsr

Job {
    Name = BackupCatalog
    Type = Backup
    Client = Megara-File-Daemon
    FileSet = Catalog
    Storage = Tape
    Messages = Standard
    Pool = Default
    Max Start Delay = 2h
    Max Wait Time = 1h
    Schedule = BiWeeklyCycleAfterBackup
    RunAfterJob = /etc/bacula/
    Write Bootstrap = /var/lib/bacula/BackupCatalog.bsr


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from Novell.  From the desktop to the data center, Linux is going
mainstream.  Let it simplify your IT future.
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] job stuck waiting for input [clarification]

2007-12-03 Thread Martin Simmons
 On Mon, 03 Dec 2007 10:51:00 -0800, Ross Boylan said:
 On Mon, 2007-12-03 at 09:18 -0800, Ross Boylan wrote:
  I have a BACULA job that runs a SHELL script; the script does an sudo and 
  it appears
  to be waiting for a password.  Cancelling the BACULA job doesn't kill it.
 That is, after the cancel, bconsole status dir shows
 Running Jobs:
  JobId Level   Name   Status
407 Increme  Cyrus.2007-12-03_01.05.04 has been canceled
 This is over an hour since I used bconsole to issue a cancel command.
  How can I kill the BACULA job?  Is it safe to kill the UNIX job with the 
  shell script?
 That is, the bacula job invoked a script cryus-prep, which I see running
 as a Unix job.  What if I kill cyrus-prep using Unix kill?

Should be safe from the Bacula side.  At worst, it will continue doing the
backup without the useful effects of the script.

 I'm running on Linux.
  I tested the sudo on the command line and it did not ask for a password;
  that was in a terminal in which I did an su.  In contrast, the job is
  configured with
Run Before Job = super cyrus-prep
  So I think it runs as bacula, does a super to root, and the offending
  line in the script is trying to sudo to cyrus.  I guess the environment
  created by su is sufficiently root that sudo doesn't ask for a
  password, but the one created by super is not root enough.
  I used super because I had problems with su and sudo asking for
  passwords; I notice a lot of advice on this list to use sudo.
  Can anyone recommend how I can make this work properly in the future?
  The big picture is that before the job runs I need to run as root,
  mostly, but one of the items needs to be done as user cyrus.

Try configuring sudo to not prompt for a password when invoked by the username
that runs the Bacula Director (probably called bacula).


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from Novell.  From the desktop to the data center, Linux is going
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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] [Bacula-devel] patch for Bacula bug 1016 - Re: DVD data not getting written to DVD

2007-12-03 Thread Kern Sibbald
Hello Richard,

Thanks for the patch.  I've now attached it to the bug report and made it 
an official patch as well.

I appreciate your help on this very much as always.

If there are any additional DVD bugs, I'll let you know by email so that you 
don't have to worry about monitoring the lists ...

Best regards,


On Wednesday 28 November 2007 23:08, Richard Mortimer wrote:
 Hi Kern,

 Please find attached my patch that fixes Bacula bug 1016.  Scott Simpson
 has tested the patch and reports that it fixes the issue for him. I
 haven't been able to test myself at present because I am quite happily
 using 2.2.0 with DVD writing.

 If other DVD writing bugs arise I'll gladly take a look at them although
 currently I am only managing to read the bacula mailing lists once a
 week or less at present.

 Note. Neither Scott or myself can attach the patch to the bug so I am
 sending it directly to you.



 On Wed, 2007-11-28 at 11:54 -0800, Scott Simpson wrote:
  Unfortunately the bug report is closed so I don't think I can attach
  the patch anymore. Perhaps someone should send him the patch

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Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] Problems with my verified jobs!!!

2007-12-03 Thread pedro moreno

   I'm running some verify jobs but exist 1 client that always say:

02-Dec 23:00 bacula-dir JobId 2487: Verifying against JobId=2480
02-Dec 23:00 bacula-dir JobId 2487: Bootstrap records written to
02-Dec 23:00 bacula-dir JobId 2487:
02-Dec 23:00 bacula-dir JobId 2487: The job will require the following
   Volume(s) Storage(s)SD Device(s)
02-Dec 23:00 bacula-dir JobId 2487:
02-Dec 23:00 bacula-dir JobId 2487:FullTape-0004 LTO-1
02-Dec 23:00 bacula-dir JobId 2487:
02-Dec 23:00 bacula-dir JobId 2487: Start Verify JobId=2487
Level=VolumeToCatalog Job=CLIENT1-ver.2007-12-02_23.00.35
02-Dec 23:00 bacula-dir JobId 2487: Using Device StorageWorks-232
02-Dec 23:01 bacula-sd JobId 2487: Ready to read from volume
FullTape-0004 on device StorageWorks-232 (/dev/nsa0).
02-Dec 23:01 bacula-sd JobId 2487: Forward spacing Volume
FullTape-0004 to file:block 25:0.
02-Dec 23:31 bacula-sd JobId 2487: End of file 26 on device
StorageWorks-232 (/dev/nsa0), Volume FullTape-0004
02-Dec 23:32 bacula-sd JobId 2487: End of file 27 on device
StorageWorks-232 (/dev/nsa0), Volume FullTape-0004
02-Dec 23:34 bacula-sd JobId 2487: End of file 28 on device
StorageWorks-232 (/dev/nsa0), Volume FullTape-0004
02-Dec 23:36 bacula-sd JobId 2487: End of file 29 on device
StorageWorks-232 (/dev/nsa0), Volume FullTape-0004
02-Dec 23:38 bacula-sd JobId 2487: End of file 30 on device
StorageWorks-232 (/dev/nsa0), Volume FullTape-0004
02-Dec 23:39 bacula-sd JobId 2487: End of file 31 on device
StorageWorks-232 (/dev/nsa0), Volume FullTape-0004
02-Dec 23:41 bacula-sd JobId 2487: End of file 32 on device
StorageWorks-232 (/dev/nsa0), Volume FullTape-0004
02-Dec 23:42 bacula-sd JobId 2487: End of file 33 on device
StorageWorks-232 (/dev/nsa0), Volume FullTape-0004
02-Dec 23:44 bacula-sd JobId 2487: End of file 34 on device
StorageWorks-232 (/dev/nsa0), Volume FullTape-0004
02-Dec 23:45 bacula-sd JobId 2487: End of file 35 on device
StorageWorks-232 (/dev/nsa0), Volume FullTape-0004
02-Dec 23:47 bacula-sd JobId 2487: End of file 36 on device
StorageWorks-232 (/dev/nsa0), Volume FullTape-0004
02-Dec 23:49 bacula-sd JobId 2487: End of file 37 on device
StorageWorks-232 (/dev/nsa0), Volume FullTape-0004
02-Dec 23:50 bacula-sd JobId 2487: End of file 38 on device
StorageWorks-232 (/dev/nsa0), Volume FullTape-0004
02-Dec 23:52 bacula-sd JobId 2487: End of file 39 on device
StorageWorks-232 (/dev/nsa0), Volume FullTape-0004
02-Dec 23:53 bacula-sd JobId 2487: End of file 40 on device
StorageWorks-232 (/dev/nsa0), Volume FullTape-0004
02-Dec 23:55 bacula-sd JobId 2487: End of file 41 on device
StorageWorks-232 (/dev/nsa0), Volume FullTape-0004
02-Dec 23:56 bacula-sd JobId 2487: End of file 42 on device
StorageWorks-232 (/dev/nsa0), Volume FullTape-0004
02-Dec 23:58 bacula-sd JobId 2487: End of file 43 on device
StorageWorks-232 (/dev/nsa0), Volume FullTape-0004
02-Dec 23:59 bacula-sd JobId 2487: End of file 44 on device
StorageWorks-232 (/dev/nsa0), Volume FullTape-0004
03-Dec 00:01 bacula-sd JobId 2487: End of file 45 on device
StorageWorks-232 (/dev/nsa0), Volume FullTape-0004
03-Dec 00:03 bacula-sd JobId 2487: End of file 46 on device
StorageWorks-232 (/dev/nsa0), Volume FullTape-0004
03-Dec 00:04 bacula-sd JobId 2487: End of file 47 on device
StorageWorks-232 (/dev/nsa0), Volume FullTape-0004
03-Dec 00:06 bacula-sd JobId 2487: End of file 48 on device
StorageWorks-232 (/dev/nsa0), Volume FullTape-0004
03-Dec 00:07 bacula-sd JobId 2487: End of file 49 on device
StorageWorks-232 (/dev/nsa0), Volume FullTape-0004
03-Dec 00:09 bacula-sd JobId 2487: End of file 50 on device
StorageWorks-232 (/dev/nsa0), Volume FullTape-0004
03-Dec 00:10 bacula-sd JobId 2487: End of file 51 on device
StorageWorks-232 (/dev/nsa0), Volume FullTape-0004
03-Dec 00:12 bacula-sd JobId 2487: End of file 52 on device
StorageWorks-232 (/dev/nsa0), Volume FullTape-0004
03-Dec 00:13 bacula-sd JobId 2487: End of file 53 on device
StorageWorks-232 (/dev/nsa0), Volume FullTape-0004
03-Dec 00:15 bacula-sd JobId 2487: End of file 54 on device
StorageWorks-232 (/dev/nsa0), Volume FullTape-0004
03-Dec 00:17 bacula-sd JobId 2487: End of file 55 on device
StorageWorks-232 (/dev/nsa0), Volume FullTape-0004
03-Dec 00:18 bacula-dir JobId 2487: New file:
03-Dec 00:18 bacula-dir JobId 2487:
The following files are in the Catalog but not on the Volume(s):
03-Dec 00:18 bacula-dir JobId 2487:
03-Dec 00:18 bacula-dir JobId 2487:
etc...(long list )

Re: [Bacula-users] Problems with my verified jobs!!!

2007-12-03 Thread pedro moreno
On Dec 3, 2007 1:55 PM, pedro moreno [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm running some verify jobs but exist 1 client that always say:

 02-Dec 23:00 bacula-dir JobId 2487: Verifying against JobId=2480
 02-Dec 23:00 bacula-dir JobId 2487: Bootstrap records written to
 02-Dec 23:00 bacula-dir JobId 2487:
 02-Dec 23:00 bacula-dir JobId 2487: The job will require the following
Volume(s) Storage(s)SD Device(s)
 02-Dec 23:00 bacula-dir JobId 2487:
 02-Dec 23:00 bacula-dir JobId 2487:FullTape-0004 LTO-1
 02-Dec 23:00 bacula-dir JobId 2487:
 02-Dec 23:00 bacula-dir JobId 2487: Start Verify JobId=2487
 Level=VolumeToCatalog Job=CLIENT1-ver.2007-12-02_23.00.35
 02-Dec 23:00 bacula-dir JobId 2487: Using Device StorageWorks-232
 02-Dec 23:01 bacula-sd JobId 2487: Ready to read from volume
 FullTape-0004 on device StorageWorks-232 (/dev/nsa0).
 02-Dec 23:01 bacula-sd JobId 2487: Forward spacing Volume
 FullTape-0004 to file:block 25:0.
 02-Dec 23:31 bacula-sd JobId 2487: End of file 26 on device
 StorageWorks-232 (/dev/nsa0), Volume FullTape-0004
 02-Dec 23:32 bacula-sd JobId 2487: End of file 27 on device
 StorageWorks-232 (/dev/nsa0), Volume FullTape-0004
 02-Dec 23:34 bacula-sd JobId 2487: End of file 28 on device
 StorageWorks-232 (/dev/nsa0), Volume FullTape-0004
 02-Dec 23:36 bacula-sd JobId 2487: End of file 29 on device
 StorageWorks-232 (/dev/nsa0), Volume FullTape-0004
 02-Dec 23:38 bacula-sd JobId 2487: End of file 30 on device
 StorageWorks-232 (/dev/nsa0), Volume FullTape-0004
 02-Dec 23:39 bacula-sd JobId 2487: End of file 31 on device
 StorageWorks-232 (/dev/nsa0), Volume FullTape-0004
 02-Dec 23:41 bacula-sd JobId 2487: End of file 32 on device
 StorageWorks-232 (/dev/nsa0), Volume FullTape-0004
 02-Dec 23:42 bacula-sd JobId 2487: End of file 33 on device
 StorageWorks-232 (/dev/nsa0), Volume FullTape-0004
 02-Dec 23:44 bacula-sd JobId 2487: End of file 34 on device
 StorageWorks-232 (/dev/nsa0), Volume FullTape-0004
 02-Dec 23:45 bacula-sd JobId 2487: End of file 35 on device
 StorageWorks-232 (/dev/nsa0), Volume FullTape-0004
 02-Dec 23:47 bacula-sd JobId 2487: End of file 36 on device
 StorageWorks-232 (/dev/nsa0), Volume FullTape-0004
 02-Dec 23:49 bacula-sd JobId 2487: End of file 37 on device
 StorageWorks-232 (/dev/nsa0), Volume FullTape-0004
 02-Dec 23:50 bacula-sd JobId 2487: End of file 38 on device
 StorageWorks-232 (/dev/nsa0), Volume FullTape-0004
 02-Dec 23:52 bacula-sd JobId 2487: End of file 39 on device
 StorageWorks-232 (/dev/nsa0), Volume FullTape-0004
 02-Dec 23:53 bacula-sd JobId 2487: End of file 40 on device
 StorageWorks-232 (/dev/nsa0), Volume FullTape-0004
 02-Dec 23:55 bacula-sd JobId 2487: End of file 41 on device
 StorageWorks-232 (/dev/nsa0), Volume FullTape-0004
 02-Dec 23:56 bacula-sd JobId 2487: End of file 42 on device
 StorageWorks-232 (/dev/nsa0), Volume FullTape-0004
 02-Dec 23:58 bacula-sd JobId 2487: End of file 43 on device
 StorageWorks-232 (/dev/nsa0), Volume FullTape-0004
 02-Dec 23:59 bacula-sd JobId 2487: End of file 44 on device
 StorageWorks-232 (/dev/nsa0), Volume FullTape-0004
 03-Dec 00:01 bacula-sd JobId 2487: End of file 45 on device
 StorageWorks-232 (/dev/nsa0), Volume FullTape-0004
 03-Dec 00:03 bacula-sd JobId 2487: End of file 46 on device
 StorageWorks-232 (/dev/nsa0), Volume FullTape-0004
 03-Dec 00:04 bacula-sd JobId 2487: End of file 47 on device
 StorageWorks-232 (/dev/nsa0), Volume FullTape-0004
 03-Dec 00:06 bacula-sd JobId 2487: End of file 48 on device
 StorageWorks-232 (/dev/nsa0), Volume FullTape-0004
 03-Dec 00:07 bacula-sd JobId 2487: End of file 49 on device
 StorageWorks-232 (/dev/nsa0), Volume FullTape-0004
 03-Dec 00:09 bacula-sd JobId 2487: End of file 50 on device
 StorageWorks-232 (/dev/nsa0), Volume FullTape-0004
 03-Dec 00:10 bacula-sd JobId 2487: End of file 51 on device
 StorageWorks-232 (/dev/nsa0), Volume FullTape-0004
 03-Dec 00:12 bacula-sd JobId 2487: End of file 52 on device
 StorageWorks-232 (/dev/nsa0), Volume FullTape-0004
 03-Dec 00:13 bacula-sd JobId 2487: End of file 53 on device
 StorageWorks-232 (/dev/nsa0), Volume FullTape-0004
 03-Dec 00:15 bacula-sd JobId 2487: End of file 54 on device
 StorageWorks-232 (/dev/nsa0), Volume FullTape-0004
 03-Dec 00:17 bacula-sd JobId 2487: End of file 55 on device
 StorageWorks-232 (/dev/nsa0), Volume FullTape-0004
 03-Dec 00:18 bacula-dir JobId 2487: New file:
 03-Dec 00:18 bacula-dir JobId 2487:
 The following files are in the Catalog but not on the Volume(s):
 03-Dec 00:18 bacula-dir JobId 2487: