Re: 2000 Years of suffering (Was Baha'is in Nazi Germany)

2005-08-29 Thread Gilberto Simpson

On 8/28/05, Scott Saylors [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

Gilberto Simpson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

[on the appropriateness of anti-Bahai websites]

Dear Gilberto,

Six blocks from my house is a mainstream church whose pastor has taken up an anti-Islamic rhetoric. This rhetoric is posted on their immense signboard in fromt of the church and I might go past it half a dozen times a day. It is constantly covered with misquotes, and out of context quotes from Muhammed and language which incites vilence against Islam. 


I know, because I have studied Islam, that these misquotes and anti-context statements are untrue and the polemic is vile and evil. I have without much luck talked with this pastor about it.

I appreciate it.

I know that if I want information that is turtuhfully based on Islam, I should look elsewhere than this bigoted moron's polemic.


Surely you can take the same attitude toward anti-Baha`i polemic. 

I think we probably have different notions of where one should draw the line between reasonably critical on the one hand, and hateful and bigoted on the other. Any orthodox Muslim site lookingcomprehensively atthe Bahai faith is going to be critical. It would disagree with the Bahai understanding of seal of the prophets will disagree with how the Bahai faith understands Islamic law, the nature of the mahdi, and other topics. It will view Bahaullah and the Bab, not as Manifestations of God but as ordinary human beings who taught certain principles which simply aren't true. The Muslim sites on the Bahai faith which I've seen don't go much further than that. They don't call on Muslims to fight against Bahais or deny them education or discriminate against them when it comes to jobs or housing. 

It has to be a trustworthy source of information to be taken seriously. That particular, peculiar website is not a trustworthy source of information on the Baha`iFaith. 

I think what you are saying is a good reason to look for better sources of information about the Babi/Bahai faith if they are available. But they are not a good enough reason to ignore such sites entirely without even stopping to consider their claims. 

When I've seen anti-Muslim sites, I would want to argue against them and refute their claims. And when feasable, I've actually spent alot of time doing that. Jochen Katz is this big anti-Muslim Christian missionary and in several electronic forums I've engaged in a long series of debates with him on a number of Muslim-Christian related topics. I didn't ignore him. I didn't tell people not to listen to him. I took his arguments seriously andwrestledwith them.That's how you get to the truth. You kick the tires. You look under the hood. When Bahais tell me to not look at certain sources of information it sounds way too much like Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. I have no problem taking things I hear and read with a grain of salt. But its weird to hear from someone that I should just ignore arguments which are critical of the Bahai faith. If Bahais don't like certain arguments they should be able to refute them, no?

I can point out a dozen folk-lore claims against the Bab and Baha`u'llah that have no more creidibility than the claim that Allah is actually a moon god. A frequently claimed folk-lore calumny against Islam. 

Yes, that's one of my favorite theories. some people have made that claim. By all means, hear them out if you want and check out what they have to say. But then here is an entire paper backed up with evidence on why that argument isn't valid.

But the simplest response (at the beginning of that paper) is from the Quran itself:

And from among His Signs are the night and the day, and the sun and the moon. Prostrate not to the sun nor to the moon, but prostrate to Allah Who created them, if you (really) worship Him. (41:37)

I mean really, theQuran specifically tells people not to prostrate to the moon but to the God that made it.



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Re: 2000 Years of suffering (Was Baha'is in Nazi Germany)

2005-08-29 Thread Hajir Moghaddam

Gilberto on 8/28 writes:

 Any orthodox Muslim site lookingcomprehensively atthe Bahai faith is going to be critical. It
would disagree with the Bahai understanding of "seal of the prophets" will disagree with how
the Bahai faith understands Islamic law, the nature of the mahdi, and other topics. It will view
Bahaullah and the Bab, not as Manifestations of God but as ordinary human beings who
taught certain principles which simply aren't true.


You state that an orthodox Muslim will likely believe thatBaha'u'llah "taughtcertain principles which simply aren't true". Do you actually believe this yourself? Do you believe that the Baha'i views on the nature of the Mahdi, the meanings of the "seal ofthe prophets", and the notion thatGod continues to send Messengers"simply aren't true"?

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Re: 2000 Years of suffering (Was Baha'is in Nazi Germany)

2005-08-29 Thread Iskandar Hai
I didn't say the early Babis were Muslims. I said they had Shi`ah
*expectations*. Everyone now recognizes that the Babi Faith is an
independent religion, different from the Baha'i Faith and different from
Islam. But this is now. Back then, the early Babis had a different
self-perception and self-understanding. That's what matters and it's not
pointless. They observed the fast during Ramadan, performed the Islamic
salAt five times daily, etc., etc. They believed that the Prophet
Muhammad was the Messenger of God, that `Ali, Hasan, Husayn, etc., etc.
were the Prohet's successors, that the Bab and Babis performed the hajj
pilgrimage to K`abah in Mecca, etc., etc. Shi`ah and Shaykhi thoughy was
pre-eminent in their minds. They thought of the the Bab as the Shi`ah
QA'im Mahdi who would fill the world with justice and with the reign of
Islam with His sword, etc., etc. These are all Shi`ah things. Most of
the early Babis believed in taqiyyah, just like the Shi`ah. Etc., etc.,

We are talking about what the self-perception of the early Babis was at
that time. Now, keep repeating to me that they misunderstood. As if it
will change their self-conception some 150+ years later. 

It is simply astounding that the Bab was able to contain the zealots,
while He Himslef was being very heavily and viciously peresecuted,
incarcerated, barred from freely and directly communicating with people,
and finally martyred while completely innocent, and His supporters 
followers mercilessly persecuted, harrassed, initimated, and killed. 


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Re: 2000 Years of suffering (Was Baha'is in Nazi Germany)

2005-08-29 Thread Gilberto Simpson

On 8/29/05, Iskandar Hai [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I didn't say the early Babis were Muslims. I said they had Shi`ah*expectations*. 

Ok, this is what you said that made me think you were saying Babis were Muslims:

Regarding Babis and their actions: one needs to remember who the Babiswere. They were Shi`ah Muslims, millenialsts, expecting that thePromised One would kill so much of the unbelivers as to cause rivers of
blood to flow in cities; this, they based upon Shi`ah hadith traditions.
If you had something else in mind, or didn't mean that Babis were Muslims, fine. I'll accept that (about your intentions). The reason why it bothered me is that it seemed like there were Babis who were clearly commiting acts of violence, even to the point of trying to kill the Shah and you still seemed to want to attribute it to Islam even though they had (as I understand it) left Islam. 

Everyone now recognizes that the Babi Faith is anindependent religion, different from the Baha'i Faith and different from
Islam. But this is now. Back then, the early Babis had a differentself-perception and self-understanding. That's what matters and it's notpointless. 

WhatI was calling pointless was our discussion. If we are arguing back and forth about whether a group of people are Muslim or not, it seemed pointless *without a definition*.

They observed the fast during Ramadan, performed the IslamicsalAt five times daily, etc., etc. They believed that the Prophet
Muhammad was the Messenger of God, that `Ali, Hasan, Husayn, etc., etc.were the Prohet's successors, that the Bab and Babis performed the hajjpilgrimage to K`abah in Mecca, etc., etc.

In the beginning yes. But at some point, the Bab declared that Islamic law was abrogated and that his followers no longer had to do those things. At that point, they were no longer Muslim. 

The Bab's followers were called People of the Bayan and *in* the Bayan, it refers to Muslims, by contrast, as the People of the Quran and then instructs the Babis:

In the Persian Bayan, II, 7, the Bab says, `O people of the Bayan! Act not as the people of the Qur'an have acted, for if you do so the fruits of your night will come to naught'. 

(if it matters, I'm getting this from a Bahai site... so its not a Babi site but you do what you can)
And then elsewhere the Bab says to the Muslims:

O PEOPLE of the Qur'n! Ye are as nothing unless ye submit unto the Remembrance of God and unto this Book. If ye follow the Cause of God, We will forgive you your sins, and if ye turn aside from Our command, We will, in truth, condemn your souls in Our Book, unto the Most Great Fire. We, verily, do not deal unjustly with men, even to the extent of a speck on a date-stone. 
Chapter LXII. 

Iskander:We are talking about what the self-perception of the early Babis was atthat time. Now, keep repeating to me that they misunderstood. 

If the Babis in question just had no idea that the Bab said the above, then yes, they misunderstood. (and/or were just misinformed)



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Re: 2000 Years of suffering (Was Baha'is in Nazi Germany)

2005-08-29 Thread Scott Saylors

Gilberto Simpson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

If the Babis in question just had no idea that the Bab said the above, then yes, they misunderstood. (and/or were just misinformed)



Dear Gilberto,

The simple fact is that the Babi's of the period WERE largely ignorant of the Bayan. It was not distributed at all well, considering that the Bab was incarcerated while it was written.

Babis were much more likely to be versed in the Qayyum'ul Isma, than the Bayan. 

That a handful of follwoers of the Bab in gross error attempted the life the Shah without the knowledge of the community at large is an individual crime, not a communal one.

Perhaps the outcome of that act being visited upon the Babis was God's chastisement for the act? Who knows? If so it was a bitter chastisement and we have learned from it.



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RE: 2000 Years of suffering (Was Baha'is in Nazi Germany)

2005-08-29 Thread Mark Foster
I think this discussion is generating more heat than light. Why don't we 
cut this thread off at this point?

I second that. 

However, Iskandar, although I have never seen the point of this entire 
discussion, I don't think that Gilberto was attacking you. As I read it, 
he was saying that, as a Muslim, his concerns would be different than 

Mark A. Foster, Ph.D. * Prof. of Sociology * [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: 2000 Years of suffering (Was Baha'is in Nazi Germany)

2005-08-29 Thread Gilberto Simpson

On 8/29/05, Hajir Moghaddam [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Gilberto on 8/28 writes:

 Any orthodox Muslim site lookingcomprehensively atthe Bahai faith is going to be critical. It
would disagree with the Bahai understanding of seal of the prophets will disagree with how
the Bahai faith understands Islamic law, the nature of the mahdi, and other topics. It will view
Bahaullah and the Bab, not as Manifestations of God but as ordinary human beings who
taught certain principles which simply aren't true.


You state that an orthodox Muslim will likely believe thatBaha'u'llah taughtcertain principles which simply aren't true. Do you actually believe this yourself? Do you believe that the Baha'i views on the nature of the Mahdi, the meanings of the seal ofthe prophets, and the notion thatGod continues to send Messengerssimply aren't true?

I accept that Muhammad (saaws) was the last prophet. And I do not believe that the Bab was actually the mahdi.



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Re: 2000 Years of suffering (Was Baha'is in Nazi Germany)

2005-08-29 Thread Iskandar Hai
I have to repeat and re-repeat: the fact that the early Babis perhaps 
misunderstood the nature of their religion exactly and clearly does 
*NOT* change their own self-understanding 150-160 years ago. Got that? 


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RE: 2000 Years of suffering (Was Baha'is in Nazi Germany)

2005-08-29 Thread Iskandar Hai
Dear Mark: 

He was attacking Susan, not me. His comment to Susan was that she didn't 
care about his concerns. That's ad hominem. 

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Re: 2000 Years of suffering (Was Baha'is in Nazi Germany)

2005-08-29 Thread Gilberto Simpson

You don't have to repeat and re-repeat. I think we are talking past one another and will not convince one another of anything on this point. I'm willing to accept that they very earliest Babis who continued to accept the validity of Islamic law and basically saw the Bab as the bab and a Muslim leader were still Muslim. But at some point the Bab abrogated Islamic law, instituted a new calendar, claimed to start a new dispensation, refered to the people of the Quran as a group different from the people of the Bayan etc. and going along with those changes would make a person non-Muslim.



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Re: 2000 Years of suffering (Was Baha'is in Nazi Germany)

2005-08-29 Thread Iskandar Hai
And I have to repeat and re-repeat again that you are mistaken. And your 
point about the religion of the Bab abrogating the Quran is totally 
irrelevant to this discussion.  

Quoting Gilberto Simpson [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 You don't have to repeat and re-repeat. I think we are talking past
 another and will not convince one another of anything on this point.
 willing to accept that they very earliest Babis who continued to
 accept  the 
 validity of Islamic law and basically saw the Bab as the bab and a
 leader were still Muslim. But at some point the Bab abrogated Islamic
 instituted a new calendar, claimed to start a new dispensation,
 refered  to 
 the people of the Quran as a group different from the people of
 Bayan etc. and going along with those changes would make a

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is sent by the Johnson County Community College (JCCC) and is intended to be 
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RE: 2000 Years of suffering (Was Baha'is in Nazi Germany)

2005-08-29 Thread Hasan Elias

Mark Foster [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribi:

I think this discussion is generating more heat than light. Why don't we cut this thread off at this point?I second that. 
I also second that :-)
"...religious truth is not absolute but relative..."
Shoghi Effendi

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Re: 2000 Years of suffering (Was Baha'is in Nazi Germany)

2005-08-29 Thread Gilberto Simpson

I'm fine. I've said my peace. But... as the kids say these days don't start none, it won't be none ... lol...



On 8/29/05, Hasan Elias [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Mark Foster [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribi: 

I think this discussion is generating more heat than light. Why don't we cut this thread off at this point?I second that. 
I also second that :-)

...religious truth is not absolute but relative...
Shoghi Effendi

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Re: 2000 Years of suffering (Was Baha'is in Nazi Germany)

2005-08-28 Thread Scott Saylors

Gilberto Simpson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 8/27/05, Iskandar Hai, M.D. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

So you are saying that the quotes in question are just straight up absolute falsifications and are in no way shape or form found in the Bayan??!?!?!?
Second, you still don't get my point. Or maybe you just don't want to.Anyhow, the early Babis had Shi`ah Muslim expectations. 

I got your point. You don't seem to get my point. I don't have any difficulty or problem in accepting that Babis came from Muslim backgrounds and may have attitudes similar to the Shii communities they came from. The ONLY thing I was objecting to was how you refered to the Babis AS Shii Muslims. Do you realize that once they became Babis they were no longer Muslims? Yes or no? 

Thirdly, althoughthe Babi religion is now recognized as an independent religion differentfrom Islam and Christianity, the early Babis did not have that self-understanding. At least, an overwhelming Majority of them didn't. 

Then that's a misunderstanding on their part.
That the Babi's of the period considered themselves good muslims - at least in the early stages - is quite understandable. They believed they were following the legitimate Mihdi (Redeemer) of Islam. From that point of view, it was somewhat natural to assume that those who did not follow the Mihdi were the apostates.



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Re: 2000 Years of suffering (Was Baha'is in Nazi Germany)

2005-08-28 Thread Scott Saylors
Gilberto Simpson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 8/26/05, Susan Maneck [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
" That may be true. But I was responding more to how the quote was actuallyused. I'm not necessarily claiming that Shoghi Effendi or Abdul-Bahai or any other official Bahai spokesperson is necessarily guilty of what I'm talkingabout. But it is pretty clear that some Bahais do actually have thisattitude"Dear Gilberto,Fortunately, no individual Baha'i, whatever their attitude, would be in the position to make such a decision.

I feel like what I'm saying is just too unpleasant for people to consider and so they seem to be misinterpreting the content of what I am saying in order to reject it. Firstly, some problematic statements which are easy to interpret as anti-Muslim are *already* in the Babi/Bahai writings. So from that perspective authority isn't an issue. The problematic content is *already* backed up by textual authority. 

Secondly, even if the texts didn't have anti-Muslim statements, I'm not necessarily claiming that the some official declaration of a future UHJ will approve of rounding up Muslims and putting them in ovens. But I'm mainly thinking of the words and deeds of rank-and-file Bahai whether approved by the UHJ or not. 




The words and deeds of muslim clergy are justified by the clergy. It has been the clergy who cheered on the mobs.

There is no Baha`i Clergy, therefore no one to egg on the mob.

Authority in Islam rests upon the interpretations ofthe clergy who use those interpretations to garner support among the followers. Authority in the Baha`i Faith rests upon the elected institutions.

I would suggest this is a far greater safeguard against the persecution you fear than anything else.

A Local assembly would have to issue a ruling against muslims - ANY believer in the community would be able to challenge that with the National Assembly. So the fail-safe would have to fail at the national level for that ruling to be upheld. This is a second firewall.

Then any believer in that nation could take the issue up with the Universal House of Justice - which is elected from all the believers in the world. Here is your third level of safeguard. 

In the faith NO ONE has the right to interpret for anyone else. In Islam the clergy has the right to insist that the followers interpret as he does individually. How is a mob possible inthe first case?



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Re: 2000 Years of suffering (Was Baha'is in Nazi Germany)

2005-08-28 Thread Scott Saylors

Gilberto Simpson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

be totally sympathetic with that position if we were talking about simplistically parroting general fuzzy subjective claims made by such a website, but instead what we are talking about are specific quotes from the Babi scriptures. 

If you can tell me that the website is just objectively lying and those quotes really aren't in the Babi writings I am willing to hear whatever evidence you have in that direction.

Or if you can provide me with context for those quotes which helps me to understand why the Bab would say such harsh things about Muslims I would also be willing to hear whatever you had to say as well. 

But just because a website might be generally critical of the Bahai/Babi faith doesn't make it a bad source of information. It just means one should be aware of where they are coming from. Just as pro-Bahai webpages shouldn't automatically be ignored. I read them, but then just try to be aware about where they are coming from. In both cases there will be a bias of some kind. Certain things will be emphasized. Certain things de-emphasized. Certain things put in. Certain things left out. 



Dear Gilberto,

Six blocks from my house is a mainstream church whose pastor has taken up an anti-Islamic rhetoric. This rhetoric is posted on their immense signboard in fromt of the church and I might go past it half a dozen times a day. It is constantly covered with misquotes, and out of context quotes from Muhammed and language which incites vilence against Islam.

I know, because I have studied Islam, that these misquotes and anti-context statements are untrue and the polemic is vile and evil. I have without much luck talked with this pastor about it.

I know that if I want information that is turtuhfully based on Islam, I should look elsewhere than this bigoted moron's polemic.

Surely you can take the same attitude toward anti-Baha`i polemic. It has to be a trustworthy source of information to be taken seriously. That particular, peculiar website is not a trustworthy source of information on the Baha`iFaith. I can point out a dozen folk-lore claims against the Bab and Baha`u'llah that have no more creidibility than the claim that "Allah" is actually a "moon god." A frequently claimed folk-lore calumny against Islam.



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Re: 2000 Years of suffering (Was Baha'is in Nazi Germany)

2005-08-28 Thread Iskandar Hai, M.D.
It seems that you are arguing and contending with facts. I'm not sure if
there is much point then in continuing the dialog. But, anyhow, you quoted
two excerpts from that anti-Babi and anti-Baha'i website and
the excerpts pointed to specific teachings purportedly in the Arabic
Bayan, Chapter one and Chapter four. I posted to you the actual Arabic
text of Chapter One of the Arabic Bayan and I asked you if you could find
the specific passages in that Chapter. No, I couldn't find such passages
in that Chapter, nor in Chapter 4. I also explained to you Babi teachings
regarding non-Babis and the Bab's stipulations, etc. 

It's a fact that the early Babis, or at lease an overwhelming majority of
them, did not consider themselves non-Muslims. Remember, when you say they
simply misunderstood, the fact that the early Babis had a Shi`ah Muslim
self-pereception and self-understanding is not changed. That's what
matters. Facts. Don't contend with facts. 

Anyway, I had thought that your main concern was with the future. And
enough arguments were presented by Tim, Susan, Brent, and others as to the
nature and character of the Baha'i teachings towards Muslims and what
Bah'is of Muslim or non-Muslim background are already doing, etc., etc.
But now we are discussing Babi teachings (already annulled by Baha'u'llah)
from a spurious anti-Babi website. Oh well. 

Also, for your information, Baha'is are persecuted in Sunni countries as
well. Egypt, and Saudi Arabia specifically. 

Warm regards, 

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RE: 2000 Years of suffering (Was Baha'is in Nazi Germany)

2005-08-28 Thread Susan Maneck
 The writings seem to say that each nation will maintain a para-military
sufficient to maintain its own borders and police function.

Dear Scott,

Why do you assume the Writings are talking about a paramilitary as opposed
to a military?

 I see no reason to presume that there will be an international army, nor
an international police force, at least they are not demanded by the

Shoghi Effendi talked about a world executive back-up by a world police
force of some kind. Brent argues that this applies to the secular phase, but
I think it is hopelessly idealistic to imagine the need for such would
magically disappear once most people become Baha'i. I don't see any place in
the Writings which forsees a 'withering of the state.' Why would the Aqdas
call for the death penalty under certain circumstances if there was to be no
force whatsoever?

However, I do not think such forces would be under the direct control of the
House of Justice as Abdu'l-Baha was pretty emphatic that they not hold
executive power as far as affairs of state go.

warmest, Susan

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RE: 2000 Years of suffering (Was Baha'is in Nazi Germany)

2005-08-28 Thread Scott Saylors
Susan Maneck [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

" The writings seem to say that each nation will maintain a para-militarysufficient to maintain its own borders and police function."Dear Scott,Why do you assume the Writings are talking about a paramilitary as opposedto a military?

Because both police and armed forces duties are explicit. In this day and time when we speak of police units specialized to perform military operations as "para-military"."I see no reason to presume that there will be an international army, noran international police force, at least they are not demanded by thewritings."Shoghi Effendi talked about a world executive back-up by a world policeforce of some kind. Brent argues that this applies to the secular phase, butI think it is hopelessly idealistic to imagine the need for such wouldmagically disappear once most people become Baha'i. I don't see any place inthe Writings which forsees a 'withering of the state.' Why would the Aqdascall for the death penalty under certain circumstances if there was to be noforce whatsoever?
The "Lesser" Peace is arrived at by non-Baha`i means, and would imply political cooperation to create some kind of world executive authority. I bet this includes military capability to enforce collective security.

However, the "Greater" Peace is supposed to be a peace ensured by the world's spiritual commitment to peace. That, I doubt requires executive force.However, I do not think such forces would be under the direct control of theHouse of Justice as Abdu'l-Baha was pretty emphatic that they not holdexecutive power as far as affairs of state go.

I don't think it would either. The UHJ is pretty obviously a judicial body and judicial bodies do not command armies.warmest, Susan


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Re: 2000 Years of suffering (Was Baha'is in Nazi Germany)

2005-08-28 Thread Gilberto Simpson

On 8/28/05, Iskandar Hai, M.D. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
It seems that you are arguing and contending with facts. I'm not sure ifthere is much point then in continuing the dialog. 

Yes, I agree that our particular exchanges have not been useful or productive. We should agree to disagree.
Hai:It's a fact that the early Babis, or at lease an overwhelming majority ofthem, did not consider themselves non-Muslims. 

This is pointless unless you have a particular definition of Islam in mind. Or at least we should have some criteria or conditions in mind for when people are Muslim or not. From my understanding, a major requirement for being Muslim is to accept the validity of the basic Islamic commandments. Since the Bab at some point announced that Islamic law was actually abrogated and that he came with a new revelation, it seems pretty clear that Babis who accept this claim are not Muslims.

Sometimes Babis/Bahais use a certain amount of hikmat and explaining what their various claims were and that might have lead to some misunderstanding. I was reading that one Bahai pioneer was teaching the faith in Southeast Asia but gave the impression that Bahaullah was a Muslim Sufi shaikh. And alot of Muslims became followers of Bahaullah that way. But when they were ultimately told that according to Bahaullah Islamic law had been abrogated they were very upset and were no longer followers. They were misled as to the nature of what was presented to them.

Maybe something like that went on with the Babis?

Also, for your information, Baha'is are persecuted in Sunni countries aswell. Egypt, and Saudi Arabia specifically.
Yes, even mainstream Muslims are persecuted in Saudi Arabia. That regime has alot of problems even from a Muslim perspective. Religious sites being destroyed. Tombs, etc.


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RE: 2000 Years of suffering (Was Baha'is in Nazi Germany)

2005-08-28 Thread Susan Maneck
 Because both police and armed forces duties are explicit. In this day and
time when we speak of police units specialized to perform military
operations as para-military.

Dear Scott,

When I think of paramilitary, I think of citizen militias.

However, the Greater Peace is supposed to be a peace ensured by the
world's spiritual commitment to peace.

I thought it had as much to do with the world's commitment to the Baha'i

 That, I doubt requires executive force.

Then why a death penalty in the Aqdas? Doesn't that imply coercive force?

I don't think it would either. The UHJ is pretty obviously a judicial body
and judicial bodies do not command armies.

It is primarily a legislative body, though judicial functions appear to be
under their authority as well.

warmest, Susan

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RE: 2000 Years of suffering (Was Baha'is in Nazi Germany)

2005-08-28 Thread Susan Maneck
Think rather of police units trained to deal with terrorist acts and hostage
situations. SWAT teams, Hostage Rescue, etc.

Dear Scott,

Well, here's the dictionary defintion:

Of, relating to, or being a group of civilians organized in a military
fashion, especially to operate in place of or assist regular army troops.

In most countries legislative bodies do not control the military either, it
generally does not work well.

I agree and apparently so does Abdu'l-Baha. ;-}

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RE: 2000 Years of suffering (Was Baha'is in Nazi Germany)

2005-08-27 Thread Brent Poirier
The institutions the Guardian and the Master write about, the International 
Executive, the International Executive, the International Force -- none of 
these are Baha'i institutions, none of these are under the governance of the 
Universal House of Justice.

This is the secular stage of the internationalization of human society 
envisioned by Shoghi Effendi.

I have never read a statement anywhere in the Baha'i Writings that the 
Universal House of Justice will control an international police or military 

It is my understanding that by the time of the universal recognition of 
Baha'u'llah, by the time the peoples and nations of the world want the 
leadership of the Universal House of Justice, war, prejudice and sectarian 
hatred will have been voluntarily spiritually given up, and involuntarily 
purged, from the face of the earth.

In the as yet untranslated portion of the Dawn-Breakers, the portion dealing 
with the Revelation of Baha'u'llah, Nabil has recorded a statement of 
Baha'u'llah to some princes.  Mr. Taherzadeh has translated some of it:

To the same enquirer Bah'u'llh further said, 'My purpose
in coming to this corrupt world where the tyrants and traitors,
by their acts of cruelty and oppression, have closed the
doors of peace and tranquillity to all mankind, is to establish,
through the power of God and His might, the forces of
justice, trust, security and faith. For instance [in the future]
should a woman ..., who is unsurpassed in her beauty and
adorned with the most exquisite and priceless jewels, travel
unveiled and alone, from the east of the world to the west
thereof, passing through every land and journeying in all
countries, there would be such a standard of justice, trustworthiness and faith 
on the one hand, and lack of treachery
and degradation on the other, that no one would be found
who would wish to rob her of her possessions or to cast a
treacherous and lustful eye upon her beauteous chastity!...'
Then Bah'u'llh affirmed, 'Through the power of God I
shall transform the peoples of the world into this exalted
state and shall open this most great door to the face of all
(Quoted in Adib Taherzadeh, The Revelation of Baha'u'llah, Volume 2, p. 141)

That gives a glimpse of the world Baha'u'llah has in mind, the world the 
Universal House of Justice will govern.


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Re: 2000 Years of suffering (Was Baha'is in Nazi Germany)

2005-08-27 Thread Gilberto Simpson

On 8/26/05, Susan Maneck [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 That may be true. But I was responding more to how the quote was actuallyused. I'm not necessarily claiming that Shoghi Effendi or Abdul-Bahai or any
other official Bahai spokesperson is necessarily guilty of what I'm talkingabout. But it is pretty clear that some Bahais do actually have thisattitudeDear Gilberto,Fortunately, no individual Baha'i, whatever their attitude, would be in the
position to make such a decision.

I feel like what I'm saying is just too unpleasant for people to consider and so they seem to be misinterpreting the content of what I am saying in order to reject it. Firstly, some problematic statements which are easy to interpret as anti-Muslim are *already* in the Babi/Bahai writings. So from that perspective authority isn't an issue. The problematic content is *already* backed up by textual authority. 

Secondly, even if the texts didn't have anti-Muslim statements, I'm not necessarily claiming that the some official declaration of a future UHJ will approve of rounding up Muslims and putting them in ovens. But I'm mainly thinking of the words and deeds of rank-and-file Bahai whether approved by the UHJ or not. 



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RE: 2000 Years of suffering (Was Baha'is in Nazi Germany)

2005-08-27 Thread Mark Foster
Title: RE: 2000 Years of suffering (Was Baha'is in Nazi Germany)

The Universal Court of Arbitration and the International Tribunal are the same. When the Bah' State will be established they will be merged in the Universal House of Justice.
-- From a letter, dated June 17, 1933, written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi

It appears to me as though the Guardian believed that the International (or Supreme) Tribunal, which he elsewhere connected with the Lesser Peace, would, in a Baha'i State, become an agency of the Universal House of Justice. Although I see this as the most likely reading, there are other possibilities, too.

The above sentences may reflect Shoghi Effendi's expections at the time, but, as we have recently seen with the Lesser Peace, I don't think anyone will know until the time has come.

Via moderna, Mark A. Foster
... since [a] word is said to be common, it can be called
a universal. - Wm. of Ockham, Summa Logicae, part I
Structurization Tech:

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RE: 2000 Years of suffering (Was Baha'is in Nazi Germany)

2005-08-27 Thread Susan Maneck
The Will and Testament states that the House of Justice makes the laws and the 
government enforces them. Presumably the army and the police force would be the 
government, which I take to be the executive functions. 

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Re: 2000 Years of suffering (Was Baha'is in Nazi Germany)

2005-08-27 Thread Iskandar Hai, M.D.
You don't understand. The Babis were not born into Babi families. They
were born into Shi`ah Muslim families for generations. They expected,
according to their own Shi`ah hadith traditions, that the Promised One
would cause rivers of blood to flow. The Shi`ah still have very militant
expectations. The Bab had to contain them. And He did quite well, given
the background circumstances. 

If a Baha'i fornicates or uses drugs and manages to successfuly hide it
from Baha'i institutions, obviuosly s/he can't be punished. But this is
quite different from what Tim, Susan, Brent, and I have been saying about
the function and responsibilities of the Baha'i Universal House of Justice
as being responsible for safeguarding and promoting world peace 
tranquillity, protecting human dignity, etc., etc. Issues of governance
are not in the hands of indidual Baha'is, they are the prerogative of the
Universal House of Justice. But Baha'i administrative institutions are not
supposed to pry into the private lives of individuals in their bedrooms,
etc. Except, when it becomes public and Baha'i administrative institutions
then have to deal with it. Baha'i Writings and the constitution of the
Universal House of Justice call on Baha'i to love their fellow human
beings, to be long-suffering, patient, forbearing, and tolerant; not to
persecute any one.

Regarding rude and offensive language: with all due respect, quite
frankly, I found your comment about Baha'is putting people in ovens quite
distasteful, unwarranted, and offensive too. 

Warm regards, 

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Re: 2000 Years of suffering (Was Baha'is in Nazi Germany)

2005-08-27 Thread Gilberto Simpson

On 8/27/05, Iskandar Hai, M.D. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
You don't understand. The Babis were not born into Babi families. Theywere born into Shi`ah Muslim families for generations. 

No, I understood that part. But once they became Babis they were no longer Muslims. That is why I objected to you calling them Muslims.

They expected,according to their own Shi`ah hadith traditions, that the Promised Onewould cause rivers of blood to flow. The Shi`ah still have very militant
expectations. The Bab had to contain them. And He did quite well, giventhe background circumstances.

From things I've read, that seems a little too simple. 

On the migration of the Russian ambassador, to create an atmosphere of chaos and strife in Iran, Bab wrote the following sentences in Bayan, 

O my followers! Surely Allah has made fighting obligatory for you. You must conquer the cities and the people for Babism and don't be at peace with those who reject Babism. (Bayan, Arabic Chapter 1) 

Allah has made obligatory on every Babi king that he should not let a single person remain alive in his kingdom who does not accept Babism. (Bayan, Arabic Chapter1 ) 3. Loot and plunder the properties of those who do not accept Babism. (Bayan, Arabic Chapter 1) 4. Erase all the books from the face of the earth except those written about Babism (Bayan, Arabic Chapter 1) 5. O enemies of Bab!! Even if you bathe 1000 times, you will never become clean, (Bayan, Persian Chapter 2 ) 6. If a Babi acquires a thing from a non-Babi, then by the transfer of the thing, it becomes lawful for him. (Bayan, Chapter 4)

Those aren't Muslim hadith. Those are apparently Babi teachings.


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Re: 2000 Years of suffering (Was Baha'is in Nazi Germany)

2005-08-27 Thread Hasan Elias

Gilberto Simpson [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribi:

Those aren't Muslim hadith. Those are apparently Babi teachings.

Gilberto, it is not impartial for the study to mention a Web Site where there are a lot of misrepresentations and antagonistic spirit towards the Bah' Faith.
"...religious truth is not absolute but relative..."
Shoghi Effendi

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Re: 2000 Years of suffering (Was Baha'is in Nazi Germany)

2005-08-27 Thread Gilberto Simpson

On 8/27/05, Hasan Elias [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Gilberto Simpson [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribi:

Those aren't Muslim hadith. Those are apparently Babi teachings.

Gilberto, it is not impartial for the study to mention a Web Site where there are a lot of misrepresentations and antagonistic spirit towards the Bah' Faith.

And I would be totally sympathetic with that position if we were talking about simplistically parroting general fuzzy subjective claims made by such a website, but instead what we are talking about are specific quotes from the Babi scriptures. 

If you can tell me that the website is just objectively lying and those quotes really aren't in the Babi writings I am willing to hear whatever evidence you have in that direction.

Or if you can provide me with context for those quotes which helps me to understand why the Bab would say such harsh things about Muslims I would also be willing to hear whatever you had to say as well. 

But just because a website might be generally critical of the Bahai/Babi faith doesn't make it a bad source of information. It just means one should be aware of where they are coming from. Just as pro-Bahai webpages shouldn't automatically be ignored. I read them, but then just try to be aware about where they are coming from. In both cases there will be a bias of some kind. Certain things will be emphasized. Certain things de-emphasized. Certain things put in. Certain things left out.



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Re: 2000 Years of suffering (Was Baha'is in Nazi Germany)

2005-08-27 Thread Iskandar Hai, M.D.
First of all, that website is an unscholarly polemical attack on the Babi
and Baha'i religions; it's full of misrepresentations, distortions,
mistranslations, false claims and outright errors. If you read Arabic, you
can see and read the Arabic Bayan for yourself on the web. For instance,
here is Chapter 1 of the Arabic Bayan: 
So, please find those quotes for me in the Arabic Bayan and we can then
have a discussion. 

Second, you still don't get my point. Or maybe you just don't want to.
Anyhow, the early Babis had Shi`ah Muslim expectations. Thirdly, although
the Babi religion is now recognized as an independent religion different
from Islam and Christianity, the early Babis did not have that
self-understanding. At least, an overwhelming Majority of them didn't. The
fact the Bab managed to contain the zealots is simply astounding.

Fourthly, the Bab teaches that sovereignty and dominion, *in principle*,
belongs to the Manifestation of God; but, in actual practice, He lays out
certain stipulations and conditions that have to be fulfilled before any
Babi can seize anthing. For example, He says that if such an act causes
grief (or sadness) (i.e., huzn in Arabic), then it can't be done. On a
concrete level and in actual practice, He makes it impossible. 

Warmest regards, 

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Re: 2000 Years of suffering (Was Baha'is in Nazi Germany)

2005-08-27 Thread Scott Saylors

Gilberto Simpson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On the migration of the Russian ambassador, to create an atmosphere of chaos and strife in Iran, Bab wrote the following sentences in Bayan, 

"O my followers! Surely Allah has made fighting obligatory for you. You must conquer the cities and the people for Babism and don't be at peace with those who reject Babism". (Bayan, Arabic Chapter 1) 
"Allah has made obligatory on every Babi king that he should not let a single person remain alive in his kingdom who does not accept Babism. (Bayan, Arabic Chapter1 ) 3. "Loot and plunder the properties of those who do not accept Babism. (Bayan, Arabic Chapter 1) 4. "Erase all the books from the face of the earth except those written about Babism" (Bayan, Arabic Chapter 1) 5. "O enemies of Bab!! Even if you bathe 1000 times, you will never become clean", (Bayan, Persian Chapter 2 ) 6. "If a Babi acquires a thing from a non-Babi, then by the transfer of the thing, it becomes lawful for him". (Bayan, Chapter 4)

Those aren't Muslim hadith. Those are apparently Babi teachings.


Dear Gilberto,

You can find a reputable translation of the Bayan into English at: This is Dennis McEoin's translation, and may have some problems, but its bound to be better than what you are getting from that particular website. At least you can get it in context. How many times has the Qur'an and Muhammed been defamed by people screaming bad translations of verses out of context?



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Re: 2000 Years of suffering (Was Baha'is in Nazi Germany)

2005-08-27 Thread Gilberto Simpson

On 8/27/05, Scott Saylors [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Gilberto Simpson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

On the migration of the Russian ambassador, to create an atmosphere of chaos and strife in Iran, Bab wrote the following sentences in Bayan, 

O my followers! Surely Allah has made fighting obligatory for you. You must conquer the cities and the people for Babism and don't be at peace with those who reject Babism. (Bayan, Arabic Chapter 1) 

Allah has made obligatory on every Babi king that he should not let a single person remain alive in his kingdom who does not accept Babism. (Bayan, Arabic Chapter1 ) 3. Loot and plunder the properties of those who do not accept Babism. (Bayan, Arabic Chapter 1) 4. Erase all the books from the face of the earth except those written about Babism (Bayan, Arabic Chapter 1) 5. O enemies of Bab!! Even if you bathe 1000 times, you will never become clean, (Bayan, Persian Chapter 2 ) 6. If a Babi acquires a thing from a non-Babi, then by the transfer of the thing, it becomes lawful for him. (Bayan, Chapter 4)

Those aren't Muslim hadith. Those are apparently Babi teachings.


Dear Gilberto,

You can find a reputable translation of the Bayan into English at:
. This is Dennis McEoin's translation, and may have some problems, but its bound to be better than what you are getting from that particular website. At least you can get it in context. How many times has the Qur'an and Muhammed been defamed by people screaming bad translations of verses out of context.

Thank you for the website. I'll look at them when I have time. I've already borrowed a paper copy of the Bab's writings some time ago and read through most of it. (But the book itself wasn't complete). This will hopefully expand my exposure.

I totally agree that sometimes things can be taken out of context. At least personally when I've seen people do that to Muslim texts, it has been pretty straightforward for me to find the context and at least say *something* to those people to better explain what is going on. In the Bahai case I haven't often seen that. More often, I've heard people criticize, dismiss and ignore the content of anti-Bahai websites on the grounds that they are anti-Bahai websites.

But thanks again for the info about the Bayan, I'll look through it.



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Re: 2000 Years of suffering (Was Baha'is in Nazi Germany)

2005-08-27 Thread Gilberto Simpson

On 8/27/05, Iskandar Hai, M.D. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

So you are saying that the quotes in question are just straight up absolute falsifications and are in no way shape or form found in the Bayan??!?!?!?
Second, you still don't get my point. Or maybe you just don't want to.Anyhow, the early Babis had Shi`ah Muslim expectations.

I got your point. You don't seem to get my point. I don't have any difficulty or problem in accepting that Babis came from Muslim backgrounds and may have attitudes similar to the Shii communities they came from. The ONLY thing I was objecting to was how you refered to the Babis AS Shii Muslims. Do you realize that once they became Babis they were no longer Muslims? Yes or no?

 Thirdly, althoughthe Babi religion is now recognized as an independent religion differentfrom Islam and Christianity, the early Babis did not have that
self-understanding. At least, an overwhelming Majority of them didn't. 

Then that's a misunderstanding on their part.



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Re: 2000 Years of suffering (Was Baha'is in Nazi Germany)

2005-08-26 Thread Iskandar Hai
The fact is that Baha'is have not been unkind to Muslims. In fact, the 
surviving Baha'i family of a Baha'i martyr even interceded with the 
Russian judge to forgive the pepetrators. What else would one want? 

Regarding Babis and their actions: one needs to remember who the Babis 
were. They were Shi`ah Muslims, millenialsts, expecting that the 
Promised One would kill so much of the unbelivers as to cause rivers of 
blood to flow in cities; this, they based upon Shi`ah hadith traditions. 
In this context, the Bab's leadership in containing His followers is 
nothing but exemplary. And within a decade or two, Baha'u'llah was able 
to radically transform the nascent Faith community with the counsel: It 
is better for you to be killed than to kill. 

Baha'is of Muslim or non-Muslim extraction, in every land, have always 
defended Islam and Muslims when needed and will continue to do so. 
Baha'is have read Baha'u'llah's Writings and they have understood Him to 
say that they should be kind and loving to all, Muslims or non-Muslims. 

Look, I'm a Baha'i of Shi`ah Muslim background. I have no ill will 
against any Muslim even though I'm living in the West, away from my 
homeland, as a religious refugee. I'd love to go back to my home country 
and serve my fellow countrymen in any which way I can if only I'm given 
freedom of conscience and freedom to practice my Faith. I have no hate 
nor malice towards anyone. 

Warm regards, 

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Re: 2000 Years of suffering (Was Baha'is in Nazi Germany)

2005-08-26 Thread Tim Nolan
No harm done; don't worry about it.

TimHasan Elias [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Tim Nolan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
Dear Hasan, When you were reading my post, did you notice the little word "not" in what I wrote? 
Hi Tim

Sorry, I didn’t notice. No harm done? :-) 

"...religious truth is not absolute but relative..."
Shoghi Effendi

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Re: 2000 Years of suffering (Was Baha'is in Nazi Germany)

2005-08-26 Thread Iskandar Hai
No one expects a non-Baha'i to believe in the infallibility of the 
Baha'i Universal House of Justice. But the Universal House of Justice is 
charged with certain responsibilities in the Baha'i Sacred Writings and 
they are all enshrined in it constitution. There is no mention anywhere 
in any Bah'i Writing (nor in the consitution of the Universal House of 
Justice) that chastising any non-Baha'i(s) is part of the job of the 
Universal House of Justice. 

Let me add this to what Brent, Steve and others have already said on 
this thread: 
Baha'u'llah and His family were wrongfully, heavily, and unjustly 
peresecuted by the Shi`ah Muslim clegry of His homeland; the government 
of His homeland joined forces with the government of the Sunni Muslim 
Ottoman Calif to exile and banish Him and `Abdu'l-Baha (when He wasn't 
even 9 years old) successively further and farther away from Their 
homeland to Baghdad, to Constantinople, to the remote Adrianople, and 
finally to the prison city penal colony of `Akka. Baha'u'llah's 
followers continue to be heavily persecuted in the land of His birth (a 
Muslim country) up this minute. You would expect `Abdu'l-Baha to be 
angry, vengeful, bitter, and hateful about Muslims; or you would expect 
Him to call on His followers to retaliate against, or harrass Muslims 
whenever/wherever they can. After all, neither `Abdu'l-Baha nor His 
Father had ever done anything wrong. Never.

But `Abdu'l-Baha never ever wavered in His unbounded kindness and 
magnanimity towards His enemies, towards those who were bent on 
destroying Baha'is and the Baha'i Faith. Baha'u'llah and `Abdu'l-Baha 
continually instructed Their long-suffering followers to be firmly 
steadfast in the faith, not to ever retaliate against anyone or any 
government, to be patient and forbearing, and to continue to be 
genuinely kind to their enemies. When He was finally freed from almost 
seven decades of persecution, `Abdu'l-Baha travelled to the West 
approximately 95 years ago. In churches and Jewish synagogues He openly 
and fearlessly proclaimed the truth of the Prophet Muhammad Meesenger of 
God (PBUH) and the sanctity of Qur'An as the Holy Word of God even while 
news of Persecution of Baha'is in His homeland, at the hands of Muslim 
clerics  rulers, would reach Him almost on a daily basis. When He 
passed away, just about all the inhabitants of Haifa and `Akka area 
(Muslim and non-Muslim) mourned His death because He always loved them 
and was kind to them and because He instructed His followers to always 
be kind to all. Baha'is of Muslim or non-Muslim background in Western 
countries have always been and will always continue to be defending 
Islam and Muslims wherever and whenever necessary even when they did not 
have to.

For us Baha'is, `Abdu'l-Baha is our Perfect Exemplar. We emulate Him and 
His magnanimity. I see nor read no evidence whatsoever that can be used 
to justify peresecution of Muslims at the hands of Baha'is. Never, none.

Warm regards, 

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RE: 2000 Years of suffering (Was Baha'is in Nazi Germany)

2005-08-26 Thread Steve Cooney
 There will be no international army, and nations will control their 
 own police. The only guarantee will be the solemn promise of all 
 nations to come to the assistance of any nation that is invaded, 
 thereby making aggression pointless 

Not so sure that one can say there will be no international army. The Baha'i
Faith envisages a number of stages of the evolution of peace. The  Lesser
Peace, especially the late configuration of it, is described by Shoghi
Effendi in his World Order letter the Unfoldment of World Civilization, and
he envisages this:

A world executive, backed by an international Force, will carry out the
decisions arrived at, and apply the laws enacted by, this world legislature,
and will safeguard the organic unity of the whole commonwealth. (Shoghi
Effendi, The World Order of Baha'u'llah, p. 203)

The Most Great Peace, on the other hand, which is a consequence of the
allegiance of the bulk of mankind to the Revelation of Baha'u'llah as
Redemmer and Unifier of Mankind, is envisaged as a state of
perpetual/eternal peace in which the fetish of war, even as a means of
maintaining or  establishing peace, is finally abandoned in the process of
the achievement of mankinds collective coming of age. The Most Great Peace
itself may extend across future Manifestations.

Collective security of the form you describe would be an early configuration
of the Lesser Peace, not too dissmilar as to what has evolved since World
War II. But this configuration does not prevent large or aggressive member
nation states flexing military muscles unilaterally, if it suits them, as
recent history shows.

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RE: 2000 Years of suffering (Was Baha'is in Nazi Germany)

2005-08-26 Thread Susan Maneck
 So when Bahai children are told the story of the Bab and Bahaullah,
Muslims are the villans of the piece.

Dear Gilberto,

In practice it is not Muslims who are presented as the villians so much as
the 'ulama. And if there has been any fall-out from the prejudice that might
be created by this, I'd say it mostly falls on the heads of academic
scholars which the Baha'i community sometimes looks at suspiciously thinking
we are out to set ourselves up as some kind of clergy.

But if you are concerned that Muslim persecution of Baha'is might make our
children hate Muslims, then the best thing you can do is whatever you can to
stop the persecution itself, rather than speculate what Baha'is might do if
they were the ones on top, instead of the ones being killed.

warmest, Susan

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Re: 2000 Years of suffering (Was Baha'is in Nazi Germany)

2005-08-25 Thread Scott Saylors

Gilberto Simpson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 8/24/05, Scott Saylors [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

Gilberto Simpson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

So when Bahai children are told the story of the Bab and Bahaullah, Muslims are the villans of the piece. The Bahai faith claims to replace Islam, just as Christianity claims to replace Judaism. Muslims are seen as perversely and stubbornly clinging to the "old way" just as Jews are seen as perversely and stubbornly clinging to the "old way". etc. 

The stories of the martyrdom of the Bab and the persecutions and exile of Baha`u'llah do not have "Muslims" as the villains of the tale. Neither does the Gospel of John have the "Jews" as the villain of the piece. Rather it is particular Muslims and Jews who are the relative villains - those in temporal and spiritual authority - who are the "villains". 
I think this is where some of the ambiguity comes in. I think that when Bahais and Christians are careful and concerned about prejudice, they will be careful (just as you are). I think that is a good thing. You are looking at this in the right way. 

But not all Christians (nor Bahais) are as careful as you are. 


Dear Gilberto,

I think that much of the persecution of Jews by Christians was inspired by the clergy. The local priests and abbots who decided that an ax needed grinding. Jews lived in Europe relatively trouble-free, acting as middle-men in the trade between Islam and Europe up until the beginning of the first crusade. As the "Christian" knights gathered and moved to Rome to embark on the crusade, they were commonly guided by monks and priests, and it was these groups of knights that performed the first recorded pogroms against Jewish communities as they travelled from the heart of the German and French states to the Mediterranean ports. The Jewish communities were prospering and offered good opportunity to these groups to make "war pay for war" and not disturb their Christian brethren.

This is yet another recorded instance of the clergy being the cause of prejudice.

Baha`i's have no clergy, therefore, your fear is largely groundless.



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As human beings, we are endowed with freedom of choice, and we cannot shuffle off our responsibility upon the shoulders of God or nature. We must shoulder it ourselves. It is our responsibility. Arnold J. Toynbee 

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Re: 2000 Years of suffering (Was Baha'is in Nazi Germany)

2005-08-25 Thread Hasan Elias

First,Brent to Gilberto wrote:

And you continue to fail to acknowledge that Bahs would have far more reason to be concerned about Muslims.I don't think that is being fair-minded. 

Gilberto respond:

I didn't think anyone needed to be reminded of it. It's brought up all the time by other people on this forum.


Dear Gilberto, to see a wider panorama about "Islam's suffering", pleasesee the course of Islam in this Dispensation, inthe chapter "The Collapse of Islam" in the The Unfoldment of World Civilization:

You can be sure that any Bah' Institutionwouldever injure Muslims, and the suffering is possibly a part of that God's Major Plan which works "in a mysterious way", and be sure that the Bah' Community not take part in it. In this respect, see "Difference Between Bah' Faith and Ecclesiastical Organizations"

For example, there is it:

"...the followers of Bah'u'llh can summon to their aid such irrefutable evidences of Divine Guidance that none can resist, that none can belittle or ignore. Therein lies the distinguishing feature of the Bah' Revelation. Therein lies the strength of the unity of the Faith, of the validity of a Revelation that claims not to destroy or belittle previous Revelations, but to connect, unify, and fulfill them."

"...religious truth is not absolute but relative..."
Shoghi Effendi

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Re: 2000 Years of suffering (Was Baha'is in Nazi Germany)

2005-08-25 Thread Gilberto Simpson

I'm sorry, I think we are just talking past one another and very few people seem to be addressing or acknowledging what I'm actually saying. The similarities between Christianity and the Bahai faith just seems really obvious to me. And I hope that Bahais will behave differently (better) from Christians on this point, but I wouldn't take for granted that they will. I think in order to behave better Bahaisin the future should acknowledge the possibility thatsuch atrocities can happen and thenneed to consciously and deliberately avoid the same mistakes. As I've said earlier, maybe this period in time is too premature for such warnings to be useful. But I have any doubt that at some point down the line such warnings will be incredibly timely.



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Re: 2000 Years of suffering (Was Baha'is in Nazi Germany)

2005-08-25 Thread Scott Saylors

Gilberto Simpson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm sorry, I think we are just talking past one another and very few people seem to be addressing or acknowledging what I'm actually saying. The similarities between Christianity and the Bahai faith just seems really obvious to me. And I hope that Bahais will behave differently (better) from Christians on this point, but I wouldn't take for granted that they will. I think in order to behave better Bahaisin the future should acknowledge the possibility thatsuch atrocities can happen and thenneed to consciously and deliberately avoid the same mistakes. As I've said earlier, maybe this period in time is too premature for such warnings to be useful. But I have any doubt that at some point down the line such warnings will be incredibly timely. 




I think that any tendency Baha`i's might have to persecute muslims, should be warned about early, rather than late, and watched carefully that it does not happen.

However, the warnings of Shoghi Effendi have nothing to do with how the Baha`i's will treat Islam in the future, it was that God would tend to any retribution. Retribution from God is something Islam is well aware of.

I have seen references to something in the writings saying that naught will eventually be left of Islam but the Qur'an and the Holy State of Muhammed - it was offered in interpretation that it means that Islam would be so discredited that it would eclipse itself.

I don't know, and do not know where to find that particular warning in anything other than "The Kitab'i Hearsay". I do know with fair certainty that the Baha`i Faith will never be an instrument of punishment to Islam or any other faith, It has no instrumentality to inflict such punishment in the first place.



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As human beings, we are endowed with freedom of choice, and we cannot shuffle off our responsibility upon the shoulders of God or nature. We must shoulder it ourselves. It is our responsibility. Arnold J. Toynbee 

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Re: 2000 Years of suffering (Was Baha'is in Nazi Germany)

2005-08-25 Thread Gilberto Simpson

On 8/25/05, Scott Saylors [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I do know with fair certainty that the Baha`i Faith will never be an instrument of punishment to Islam or any other faith, It has no instrumentality to inflict such punishment in the first place.

Doesn't the Bahai faith envision itself as the foundation of a future one-world government? With armies and police forces?



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Re: 2000 Years of suffering (Was Baha'is in Nazi Germany)

2005-08-25 Thread Scott Saylors
Gilberto Simpson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 8/25/05, Scott Saylors [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I do know with fair certainty that the Baha`i Faith will never be an instrument of punishment to Islam or any other faith, It has no instrumentality to inflict such punishment in the first place.
Doesn't the Bahai faith envision itself as the foundation of a future one-world government? With armies and police forces?



Dear Gilberto,

No.The most that the UHJ will develop into is an international court of appeal. There will be no international army, and nations will control their own police. The only guarantee will be the solemn promise of all nations to come to the assistance of any nation that is invaded, thereby making aggression pointless.



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As human beings, we are endowed with freedom of choice, and we cannot shuffle off our responsibility upon the shoulders of God or nature. We must shoulder it ourselves. It is our responsibility. Arnold J. Toynbee 

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Re: 2000 Years of suffering (Was Baha'is in Nazi Germany)

2005-08-25 Thread Mark Foster
Title: Re: 2000 Years of suffering (Was Baha'is in Nazi Germany)


At 09:50 PM 8/25/2005, you wrote:
But I also think that you can appreciate the fact that for me it is not an article of faith and so it isn't necessarily true.

I suppose I am unclear in what you are asking. Although, purely as a matter of faith, I highly doubt whether such persecutions of Muslims would ever occur in a hypothetical Baha'i society, as a sociologist, I do not see how there can be any basis for even speculating on it.

Responding to your question would require a detailed understanding of the social conditions in a future society. However, futurists, including those who have published for the World Future Society, have a less than impressive (actually pretty miserable) record in such forecasting. For that reason, futurism has always remained on the peripheries of American academia.

Via moderna, Mark A. Foster
... since [a] word is said to be common, it can be called
a universal. - Wm. of Ockham, Summa Logicae, part I
Structurization Tech:

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Re: 2000 Years of suffering (Was Baha'is in Nazi Germany)

2005-08-24 Thread Brent Poirier
Fear is a hard thing to let go of, and you continue to express fear that the 
Muslims will suffer at the hands of the Baha'is, as the Jews suffered at the 
hands of Nazis who claimed to be Christians.  Such fear causes such 
intellectual leaps, and enables oneself to perceive them as logical.

Look at the typical American today, wholly uninformed of the truth of Islam.  
He hears Muhammad Atta say Allah'u'Akbar and hears the local Muslims say it 
during prayer, and unfounded fear is generated.  He hears the local Muslims say 
that Muhammad is the Last Prophet, that the West is corrupt, and concludes that 
since al-Qaida links the Message of Muhammad to destruction of the West through 
terrorist means, there is reason to fear the neighborhood masjid.  These 
Americans conclude there are a lot of ways in which the message of Islamic 
terrorists is closely related to the core of the Message of Muhammad, as you 
say But on the other hand, there are ALOT of ways in which Christian 
anti-semitism is still closely related to the core of the Christian message.

Yes, there are counterfeits, and the Nazi terrorists and the Muslim terrorists 
do try to relate themselves to the core of the Message of Truth.  Timothy 
McVeigh perceived himself as a true American, loyal to the Constitution, 
striking out at a nation veering from the path set by the Founding Fathers.  
Does that mean that every person who expresses love for his country should be 
feared, because there are similarities between his expressions, and McVeigh's?

I think you may be unaware of just how good a friend the Baha'is in the West 
are, to the Muslims. I constantly hear Baha'is speaking to inquirers, and 
providing proofs from the Baha'i Writings of the truth of Muhammad's mission 
and of the sanctity of the Qur'an.  We have a legitimacy because we have 
suffered at the hands of the clergy and people of Iran, and elsewhere in the 
Muslim world, and people are affected when we rise to Islam's defense.

I am far from an unusual case.  Last year I spoke to the Rotary Club twice 
about the unity of Judaism, Christianity and Islam.  Once I showed my Holy Land 
slides and integrated the three Faiths.  The other time I spoke about 
international law, and said that a contribution the average American could 
make, would be to learn something about Islam from unbiased sources (a 
recommendation based on the very language of Shoghi Effendi) and that this 
increased understanding on the part of the average American would contribute to 
a more stable world.  I wrote a letter to the editor of my local paper in 
response to another letter to the editor written by a local person who said 
that Muslims don't pray to the one true God, they pray to Allah; and in my 
letter I pointed out that in Christian churches in the Holy Land, in Nazareth 
itself, during Mass the Catholic priest prays to Allah, and refers to Jesus 
Christ as ibn Allah, that Allah is simply the Arabic word for God.

I am an immigration lawyer.  A significant part of my clientele are from the 
Arab world -- Yemen, Palestine, Iraq, Saudi Arabia -- as well as the occasional 
American converted to Islam.  I got a visa for a Qur'an teacher, who moved here 
from Mecca, to teach at the local masjid.

Defense of Islam is a commonplace act for an American Baha'i.  It is built into 
the biology of our Faith.  Our books are replete with explanations of the truth 
of Islam: That Muhammad was prophecied in the Old and New Testaments (Some 
Answered Questions; Letters of Shoghi Effendi to India); that Muhammad, Christ 
and Moses all speak with the same voice, and all are seated on the same throne 
(Book of Certitude); that the Qur'an is, word for word, divinely revealed Truth 
(Baha'i books expressing this include letters of Shoghi Effendi in Lights of 
Guidance; the Book of Certitude; Memorials of the Faithful; Muhammad and the 
Course of Islam; Islamic Contributions to Civilization; The Baha'i Faith and 
Islam; Islam and the Baha'i Faith; Muhammad, Defender of Christians; 
Introduction to Shiih Islam: History and Doctrines of Twelver Shiism; the US 
Baha'i Publishing Trust sells Professor Michael Sells' book Approaching the 
Qur'an: The Early Revelations); Abdu'l-Baha made an often-quoted brilliant 
proof of the truth of Muhammad to a synagogue filled with 2000 Jews in San 
Francisco in 1912.

My familiarity with Muslims, my personal study of the Qur'an and of Muslim 
history and jurisprudence, my frequent explanations to Americans about the 
divine origin of Islam and that the local masjid is a benevolent force in our 
community -- all typical acts of American Baha'is -- all regardless of the 
almost universal prohibition of us Baha'is practicing our religion in the 
Muslim world; lead me to be no less flabbergasted when you say you as a Muslim 
have something to fear from us Baha'is, than you are when the average American 
draws a line between your devoted recitation of the Fatihah, and Muhammad 

Re: 2000 Years of suffering (Was Baha'is in Nazi Germany)

2005-08-24 Thread Scott Saylors
Gilberto Simpson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

So when Bahai children are told the story of the Bab and Bahaullah, Muslims are the villans of the piece. The Bahai faith claims to replace Islam, just as Christianity claims to replace Judaism. Muslims are seen as perversely and stubbornly clinging to the "old way" just as Jews are seen as perversely and stubbornly clinging to the "old way". etc. 

The stories of the martyrdom of the Bab and the persecutions and exile of Baha`u'llah do not have "Muslims" as the villains of the tale. Neither does the Gospel of John have the "Jews" as the villain of the piece. Rather it is particular Muslims and Jews who are the relative villains - those in temporal and spiritual authority - who are the "villains". Just as Caiaphus, and Ananais had their particular roles in the trial and death of Jesus, so did Nasir'i d'in Shah and the "Son of the Wolf" have their particular attributed roles in the persecutions of the Bab and Baha`u'llah. As you noted - "some", not all.

Second, historically it was not the Christians who caused the fall of the Jewish state after their rejection of Jesus.


But Christians certainly mistreated Jews in their midst for centuries after the diaspora.

I think largely because it was the Church of ROME. In the sense that it was the Jews who were the subject of ROMAN power as being "other" rather than "part" in the Roman Empire. Later schisms of the church largely picked up this anti-Jewish attitude from their Imperial predecessors.





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As human beings, we are endowed with freedom of choice, and we cannot shuffle off our responsibility upon the shoulders of God or nature. We must shoulder it ourselves. It is our responsibility. Arnold J. Toynbee 

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Re: 2000 Years of suffering (Was Baha'is in Nazi Germany)

2005-08-24 Thread Gilberto Simpson

On 8/24/05, Brent Poirier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Fear is a hard thing to let go of, and you continue to express fear that the Muslims will suffer at the hands of the Baha'is, as the Jews suffered at the hands of Nazis who claimed to be Christians.Such fear causes such intellectual leaps, and enables oneself to perceive them as logical.

On the Christian side its not just the Nazis (who in certain ways were actually pagan and anti-Christian). I'm mainly thinking of Christian anti-semitism during the Middle Ages. Things like the Inquisition or the expulsion of Jews from Spain. 

And I don't think you should dismiss my remarks as just being emotional. They are based on reasonable historical similarities.

Look at the typical American today, wholly uninformed of the truth of Islam.He hears Muhammad Atta say Allah'u'Akbar and hears the local Muslims say it during prayer, and unfounded fear is generated.He hears the local Muslims say that Muhammad is the Last Prophet, that the West is corrupt, and concludes that since al-Qaida links the Message of Muhammad to destruction of the West through terrorist means, there is reason to fear the neighborhood masjid.These Americans conclude there are a lot of ways in which the message of Islamic terrorists is closely related to the core of the Message of Muhammad, as you say But on the other hand, there are ALOT of ways in which Christian anti-semitism is still closely related to the core of the Christian message.

I hear what you are saying. But I don't feel like you are getting what I'm saying. I'm not saying that you are going to be guilty of putting Muslims in ovens. I'm not even saying that if you have Bahai children, they will be putting Muslims in ovens. And I'm also not saying that such behavior is consistent with a proper understanding of Bahai teaching. 

Yes, there are counterfeits, and the Nazi terrorists and the Muslim terrorists do try to relate themselves to the core of the Message of Truth.Timothy McVeigh perceived himself as a true American, loyal to the Constitution, striking out at a nation veering from the path set by the Founding Fathers.Does that mean that every person who expresses love for his country should be feared, because there are similarities between his expressions, and McVeigh's?

I think you are making a straw dog argument. Anti-semitism is a much bigger part of Christian history than you realize. I'm not just basing what I'm saying on one or two people, some isolated wackos, or a brief period of recent history like Nazi Germany. The ground for the Nazis was laid down by a whole series of people in the Christian West. For example, Martin Luther was a *rabid* anti-semite, and a big part of the motivation for his beliefs was related to his understanding of theology.

I think you may be unaware of just how good a friend the Baha'is in the West are, to the Muslims. I constantly hear Baha'is speaking to inquirers, and providing proofs from the Baha'i Writings of the truth of Muhammad's mission and of the sanctity of the Qur'an.We have a legitimacy because we have suffered at the hands of the clergy and people of Iran, and elsewhere in the Muslim world, and people are affected when we rise to Islam's defense.
I am far from an unusual case.Last year I spoke to the Rotary Club twice about the unity of Judaism, Christianity and Islam.Once I showed my Holy Land slides and integrated the three Faiths.The other time I spoke about international law, and said that a contribution the average American could make, would be to learn something about Islam from unbiased sources (a recommendation based on the very language of Shoghi Effendi) and that this increased understanding on the part of the average American would contribute to a more stable world.I wrote a letter to the editor of my local paper in response to another letter to the editor written by a local person who said that Muslims don't pray to the one true God, they pray to Allah; and in my letter I pointed out that in Christian churches in the Holy Land, in Nazareth itself, during Mass the Catholic priest prays to Allah, and refers to Jesus Christ as ibn Allah, that Allah is simply the Arabic word for God.

I'm glad to hear about the above. And I hope that Bahais continue to defend Islam. I don't mean to discredit or discount the things you have done. I really think that is great. But I would still stand by my comments. Although perhaps they are way too premature to be particularly useful.



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2000 Years of suffering (Was Baha'is in Nazi Germany)

2005-08-23 Thread Patti Goebel

Gilberto Wrote: 

"I'm refering to the idea that 
Jewish suffering for the past 2000 years or so was somehow due to the things 
which *some* Jews might have tried to do to Jesus. Or the idea that Muslims 
might be suffering due to what *some* Muslims might have done to Bahais." 

Patti's Comments:

Hi Gilberto,

I am going to jump in to this string. 

First, I think that the quote from Shoghi 
Effendi that disturbed you has a limited context. Certainly, I won't deny 
that at some point in the future some so-called "Baha'is" might feel it would be 
OK to persecute Muslims because of the initial persecutions of the Bab'is and 
Baha'is by both the Shia and Sunni states (I think that you understate the case 
by saying it was only "some" Muslims when both the Shah and Sultan ordered 
persecutions). However, that does not mean that any "Bahai's" who might 
indulge in persecution would be following the teachings of Baha'u'llah. 
Nor, I might add, have Christian's who persecuted Jews been following the 
teachings of Jesus.

Second, historically it was not the 
Christians who caused the fall of the Jewish state after their rejection of 
Jesus. During that time frame I think that the status of the Christians 
was lower than Jews and they were widely persecuted by Rome (it was a few 
hundred years later that they achieved the power of a Christian state). 
Rather, the destruction of the Temple  downfall of the Jewish state 
after their rejection of Christ (with the trials of 2000 years of 
tribulationto follow)was due to actions of Rome and to their own 
internal problems within the Jewish community. Similarly, just as the 
Temple was destroyed around 70 AD, and in a similar time frame, the Sultanate 
 Caliphate (the mainstays of the Islamic state just as the Temple was to 
the Jews) were dissolved after the Muslim rejection of the Bab and 

If you have not read Abdu'l-Baha's "The 
Secret of Divine Civilization", I would suggest you check it out. In my 
opinion, it provides a much wider context for the previous quote that you did 
not like.



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