Re: ASCII Comment Generator

2011-08-15 Thread Steve Kalkwarf
 The core functionality is about 500 lines of C-like code that I'd be 
 interested in porting to a BBEDIT text handler if there's a reasonable 
 learning curve for doing so.   Can anyone advise me with a sample of what a 
 text-handler or other kind of BBEDIT extension looks like?

How do you envision people using your tool?

For getting the output text generated, the easy solution, which you may already 
have, is compiling your C code as a stdio unix tool.

However, I think the bigger problem is getting input to the tool, as there is 
no built in GUI for building extensions. 

Depending on your areas of comfort, I would suggest a small Cocoa application, 
whose window displays at NSStatusWindowLevel (which would have the appearance 
of being in BBEdit's display layers). When the app is finished running, there 
are a few ways to get the result back to the current document, the easiest 
being an AppleEvent (which can be expressed as an AppleScript).

Which brings me to the next option, which is an AppleScript Studio application 
(or whatever Apple calls them these days). 

I guess it really depends on your goal.


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Re: View ncx and opf files within epubs?

2011-08-15 Thread Steve Kalkwarf
On Aug 13, 2011, at 12:03 PM, Derek wrote:

 I'm really enjoying the ability to view the contents of epub files
 from directly within BBEdit, but it's frustrating that it doesn't also
 open the ncx and opf files. Am I doing something wrong? Is there any
 way I can have BBEdit automatically include those files as well?

Make sure the magnifying glass at the bottom of the file list has Text File 
Only unchecked.


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ASCII Comment Generator

2011-08-15 Thread Bill Spivey
I had posted to this list an inquiry about ways in which my ascii comment 
generator at
could be adapted for inline operation within BBEDIT.  After studying BBEDIT 
manual, I
decided that the Text Filter capability would serve this need.  I recast my 
in C and placed the calling unix shell script into BBEDIT's text filter folder.

Now I can type free-form lines like the first three below:

This function combines the content of graphic, bnr, and com into a single ascii 
and prints it back to BBEDIT.
void assembleComment()
int i;

select those 3 lines, pass them to my litebulb text filter and get back(best 
viewed in mono-spaced font):

//  ___ 
//.'  '. |  
//   /  \   _.  _  _  _  .___  |_  |  _  |   _  .___  .___   _  ._  _|_ 
//   |   jgs|  (_| _ _ (/_ | | | |_) | (/_ |_ (_) | | | | | | (/_ | |  |_ 
//\   ~~   /
// \  ||  /This function combines the content of graphic, bnr, and com 
//  \ || / into a single ascii comment and prints it back to BBEDIT. 
//  {__==} 
//  {__==} 
//   \__/  

void assembleComment()
int i;

If anyone's interested in the methods I've used here, I can provide full 
particulars.  (Now to write a 
text filter that can actually generate code.)

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Re: ASCII Comment Generator

2011-08-15 Thread Bill Spivey
Thanks for the thoughtful reply, Steve.

As you may gather from my followup on this subject, I found a convenient way to 
do what I wanted using BBEdit's Text Filter capability.

On Aug 15, 2011, at 6:25 AM, Steve Kalkwarf wrote:

 The core functionality is about 500 lines of C-like code that I'd be 
 interested in porting to a BBEDIT text handler if there's a reasonable 
 learning curve for doing so.   Can anyone advise me with a sample of what a 
 text-handler or other kind of BBEDIT extension looks like?
 How do you envision people using your tool?
 For getting the output text generated, the easy solution, which you may 
 already have, is compiling your C code as a stdio unix tool.
 However, I think the bigger problem is getting input to the tool, as there is 
 no built in GUI for building extensions. 
 Depending on your areas of comfort, I would suggest a small Cocoa 
 application, whose window displays at NSStatusWindowLevel (which would have 
 the appearance of being in BBEdit's display layers). When the app is finished 
 running, there are a few ways to get the result back to the current document, 
 the easiest being an AppleEvent (which can be expressed as an AppleScript).
 Which brings me to the next option, which is an AppleScript Studio 
 application (or whatever Apple calls them these days). 
 I guess it really depends on your goal.
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[ANN] BBEdit 10.0.2 (3073) pre-release

2011-08-15 Thread Rich Siegel

Good { morning, afternoon, evening },

The announcement of a pre-release version on the list may come 
as a surprise to some of you. :-) When preparing maintenance 
updates (which primarily consist of bug fixes, with few to no 
new features), we're going to post notification of the new 
versions to this list, so that anyone who's interested can take 
the new build for a spin.

Note that these are _pre-release_ versions. The intent is to fix 
bugs and address areas of improvement based on what our 
customers have reported. However, since the software is at this 
point not fully tested, there _may_ be bugs and regressions. If 
this prospect makes you nervous, then sticking with the public 
release versions is your best course of action. Nobody will be 
offended if you choose to do so; you're under no obligation to 
install and use anything but a public release. :-)

Following is a summary of the changes in the software since the 
last public release. The change notes are organized into 
additions, changes, and fixes, and are annotated where 
appropriate with case numbers. So if you recognize a number 
corresponding to a support case that was opened for you, you can 
now verify that it's been fixed correctly.

One final note: If you run into a bug in a pre-release version, 
about whether others have seen the same problem. Instead, please 
send a bug report to and we will deal 
with it there. This will help us keep the list discussion on 
topic and productive for all list members.

version 10.0.2 (3073)   (8/14/2011)


*   A new expert preference is available to control the 
generation of

`img` markup:

`defaults write com.barebones.bbedit 
HTMLImageMarkupUseInlineStyleForImageSize -bool YES`

If `HTMLImageMarkupCreatesSizeAttributes` is turned on, 
then turning on `HTMLImageMarkupUseInlineStyleForImageSize`
will instruct BBEdit to generate the image size as an 
inline style attribute:

`img src=foo.png alt=Some picture style=width: 640px; 
height = 480px; `


o   (none in this build)


*   Fixed bug in which opening a gzip or bz2 compressed file 
would in

some circumstances cause non-wonderful things to happen.

*   [207359, 207509] Eliminated the pause when enumerating a project
for multi-file search/replace or text factory application. (You'd
need close to a million files in the project to notice.)

*   Corrected incorrect key in the Expert Preferences help for report
single-file Replace All results expert preference.

*   Fixed bug in which the Any/All setting for file filters 
was lost

when editing a filter (and got reset to All internally, even
though the editing panel indicated Any).

*   Fixed bug in which the (current criteria) setting and 
terms were

lost when the Multi-File Search window was closed.

*   Fixed bug in which it was not possible to clear keyboard
equivalents for scripts, filters, or clippings.

*   Fixed bug in which project documents would incorrectly check for
self-modification before auto save, and a crash which would
occasionally occur thereafter.

*   [213345, 215651] Fixed bug in which FTP bookmarks weren't correctly
loaded or saved in the Setup UI when certain components 
(such as

user name or password) contained URL-unsafe characters.

*   [215613] Fixed bug in which changing the soft wrap mode 
setting in

language customized options didn't take effect.

*   When using the Markup Panel to apply markup for `p`, `li`,
`th`, and `td` by converting existing unformatted text, the
markup and attributes are applied to all eligible lines of text.

*   If something that looks like a URI is selected when choosing the
Anchor markup command, an href attribute will be 
populated using

the selected text.

*   [215851] Corrected factory default of
`ClippingsIgnoreTrailingReturns` expert preference.

*   When generating image markup using the Markup Panel, `alt`,
`height`, and `width` attributes are now created (or 
updated) when

an image file is selected. The presence of these attributes depends
on the `HTMLImageMarkupUsesFileNameForAlt`,
`HTMLImageMarkupCreatesSizeAttributes`, and
`HTMLImageMarkupUseInlineStyleForImageSize` attributes.


The package can be downloaded from our web server:


Rich Siegel Bare Bones Software, Inc.

Someday I'll look back on all this and laugh... until they 
sedate me.

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Re: FTP/SFTP Browser shows two folders in every directory

2011-08-15 Thread Govinda
John, Robert, Doug,

Thank you guys so much for your replies.  I just started reading the
manual about worksheets for the first time.. and .. wow!  Great.  So
much for me to learn, I am easy to impress here..  I'll have to dig my
way as/when i am able.. lots of real work deadlines here that are much
more superficial than our cool tools.

Yeah, BareBones, a worksheet list/group would be great!  I am sure
there are many flavors of great CL lists already, but I would LOVE the
BBedit flavor! ;-)


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Re: FTP/SFTP Browser shows two folders in every directory

2011-08-15 Thread LuKreme
Govinda squawked out on Sunday 
 WHY does it not work to
 just be in the right directory and type the name of a command

Unix will only execute files that are either in the predefined path or are 
specified by a full path name. This is a security measure.

For example, if you have the command ‘ls’ to list a directory and someone 
writes an executable named ‘ls’ than instead deletes the current directory the 
could be bad.

So, you define a list of folders (called the PATH) that contain all the 
programs that you generally want to run.

For example, my PATH differs from the default in that I added $HOME/bin to the 
end of it so that the scripts that I write are run-able without my typing 
~/bin/myscript, I can just type myscript instead. Since I added it at the END, 
nothing in my ~/bin/ will override a ‘real’ command in on of the default 
directories. I would still have to type ~/bin/myscript (or ./myscript if I was 
already in ~/bin/) to execute my own ls command.

If you are interested in learning about the command line there is a very good 
series named in a Nutshell, and of these, Unix in a nutshell is a great book. 
There is an OS X specific version, but it is for Tiger.

I still have my 1st edition Unix in a Nutshell and it is one of the few print 
books I still reference. I really should buy the Ebook 4th Edition, I just 
haven’t gotten around to it yet.

Bowling scores are way up, minigolf scores are way down, and we have
more excellent waterslides than any other planet we communicate with

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images in newest version

2011-08-15 Thread Ken Lanxner

This is great and thank you:

When generating image markup using the Markup Panel, `alt`,
`height`, and `width` attributes are now created (or 
updated) when

an image file is selected.

Am I correct in noting that height and width are not actually 
updated when applying Edit Markup to an existing img tag? These 
still need to be updated manually if the image dimensions are changed?


Simple Lives Web Design

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grep help needed for spaces in mailto links

2011-08-15 Thread RobS

I need to turn all instances of ...

*“mailto:someone@site**.ca**?subject=Hello John”

... into ...


Basically, find any mailto link with a subject, and then find any space in 
that subject and replace it with %20. I need to do this across a large site 
with many nested directories. There are (I counted) 733 mailto links with a 

As usual, my grepping skills are lacking, probably because I only need some 
new tweak every couple of years or so.

Thanks, as always,


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Help getting a codeless language module working

2011-08-15 Thread oliver
I'm having trouble getting a codeless language module up and running, I was 
hoping you all could help me make it work.

This is the document I'm working with:
And this is what I've got for the module:

As far as I can tell I'm doing this by the book but I'm not getting any 
highlighting or populating the function pop-up.

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Re: grep help needed for spaces in mailto links

2011-08-15 Thread oliver
Finding all mailto:; URIs is pretty easy:


You could then pass the results to something like Ruby's URL encode. But 
I'll let someone else more qualified help you with that.

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Re: grep help needed for spaces in mailto links

2011-08-15 Thread RobS
Ignore me. I recalled that that site had only ever used two different 
subjects in the mailto links. So I used plain old multi-file search and 
replace on them. Job done.

When brains fail, use brute force.


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