Re: Intent

2002-08-11 Thread SBruno75

fascinating, similar experiences...How is this community set up???  SStorch

Re: mid- summer dullness

2002-08-11 Thread SBruno75

In a message dated 8/10/02 11:42:14 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 we can

sow it here in the fall and it will come up like mad in the spring ,very

vital .  ..cheer up i smell fall in the hot mid-summer air. let me know


would love some seed, Maybe at the mid-Atlantic conference I'ii see you,  
I'll trade you some of my bc with 500-508 in it...SStorch:~}

Re: Kolisko's Work was Re: Viability of Homeopathic Potencies

2002-08-11 Thread D S Chamberlain

Allan: I would like to do both things, I feel to discuss a book one needs to
read the book, I repeat the question. Does anyone know who to approach to
have it reprinted? If you have a copy who printed it?
I appreciate you going to the trouble of sending excerpts but I would really
like to be able to study the whole book, I feel it would be of great use to
those of us using potentised preps.
I believe in going to the source if you want something to happen.
David C

 David - Do you need to 'own it,' or would you like to discuss it? If
 there are people interested in discussing it, I don't mind posting
 exerpts of it to the list. No point, though, if no one is interested.


Re: Kolisko's Work was Re: Viability of Homeopathic Potencies

2002-08-11 Thread Allan Balliett

Allan: I would like to do both things, I feel to discuss a book one needs to
read the book, I repeat the question. Does anyone know who to approach to
have it reprinted? If you have a copy who printed it?
I appreciate you going to the trouble of sending excerpts but I would really
like to be able to study the whole book, I feel it would be of great use to
those of us using potentised preps.
I believe in going to the source if you want something to happen.
David C

The copyright of the book is owned by 'Kolisko Archive Publications' 
which is an English organization.

Perhaps someone could tell the history of Kolisko's work and the 
history of this book's publication for David.

ACRES USA would reprint this book in a moment...if they could get permission

Re: : Koliskos on 'Smallest Entities In Agriculture' and The Calcium Process in Nature (long 6 pages)

2002-08-11 Thread Lloyd Charles

Hi Allan and all .I have added on chapter ten and a few comments at the very
bottom for any interested in reading that far

 Koliskos on 'Smallest Entities In Agriculture'

 The following is from Agriculture of Tomorrow by Eugen and Lily
 Kolisko. This title is out of print and is reproduced here for
 purposes of education.

 Today, people in general are little inclined to detach themselves
 from the claims of the material world and to seek the spiritual
 directly in the physical world around them . . .

 It is, however, precisely from observing directly the
 sense-perceptible that a right path will open out for those who wish
 now to work entirely within the fild of present-day science, if they
 really seek to discover the spritual there. It can be done  . .

 Chapter 1

 It may seem strange to speak about smallest entities in
 agriculture, but it is absolutely necessary that farmers and
 gardeners learn to understand this important phenomenon.

 The problem of minutest quantities, or better smallest entities,
 was studied from 1920 in the Biological Institute at the Goetheanum
 (Stuttgart) and later on in the Biological Institute at Bray, Berks.
 The attempt to find a remedy for Footand-Mouth Disease led us to
 the question of smallest entities. What is the right concentration
 of the specific remedy to be injected? Rudolf Steiner suggested that
 the effect of different dilutions on germinating plants should be
 studied. From 1920 until today we have been studying this interesting
 subject. One might think that this is a medical problem rather than
 an agricultural one. Of course it is a medical problem in that we are
 looking for a certain remedy, but it becomes an agricultural problem
 as well if we study how the growth of plants is affected by
 substances which are diluted, or rather potentised.

 What does potentise mean? Exactly what the word itself expresses.
 In potentising a substance, we increase its effectiveness. We make
 the substance more potent. The strange thing about potentising is,
 that we have to reduce the amount of the substance which we want to
 make more potent. In everyday life we are accustomed to think: if we
 want to make something more effective, we have to take a bigger
 quantity. For  instance, if we want to make coffee sweeter, we take a
 second teaspoonful of sugar. In homeopathy we are told just the
 opposite thing. If we want a stronger action from a certain remedy,
 we have to potentise it, that means dilute it with water or alcohol,
 again and again, in a rhythmical way.

 This is the first and most important thing we have to learn: to
 discriminate between matter and force. Matter can act in two
 different ways: as matter, or as the specific force behind the
 matter. In everyday life we ask only for matter, for quantity, and we
 do not even stop to think, that there is something like a force which
 is active in every kind of matter. Sugar for instance is not only
 sweet  that is one quality we discover with our sense of taste.
 Besides being sweet, sugar has many other qualities which we are
 unable to taste but none-the-less have definite reactions within our

 Now we must raise another important question: What do we want in
 reality? The substance itself, or the inner quality of the substance?

 For instance, a farmer may be convinced that his soil needs lime. How
 does he solve the problem? Usually he digs a large amount of lime
 into the soil. Again and again he will dig in lime.

 Let us now study the influence of smallest entities of lime on the
 germination of wheat. We put a certain number of seeds in a control
 dish with water. Then we dissolve one gram of calcium hydroxide in
 ten parts of water and shake the mixture for some minutes; then we
 have the first potency or a dilution of 1: 10.

 We take I part of the first potency; mix it with 9 parts of water;
 shake for the same time, and we have the second potency, or a
 dilution of 1:100. We may continue this process of diluting as long
 as we like. Usually we make our experiments up to the 60th potency.
 Having finished all the potencies, we insert the carefully selected
 seeds, and, a few days later we compare the results.

 The seeds inserted in he first potency of lime scarcely start to
 germinate. The effect of lime in such a high concentration  is thus
 proven unfavorable. The seeds in the 2nd potency start to sprout,
 while while those in the water control are much more advanced in

 The 3rd potency is more advanced than the 2nd, the 4th is of about
 the same value as the water control, the 5th already surpasses the
 water control and has definitely better developed roots.

 The 6th potency is more advanced than the 5th, and the 7th and 8th
 potencies show still more increase in growth. That means, if we
 observe these few potencies, that a dilution of 1: 100,000,000 of
 lime produces a much better growth than a lower potency. The lime
 works much more powerfully 

Re: Kolisko's Work was Re: Viability of Homeopathic Potencies

2002-08-11 Thread Lloyd Charles

 The copyright of the book is owned by 'Kolisko Archive Publications'
 which is an English organization.

 Perhaps someone could tell the history of Kolisko's work and the
 history of this book's publication for David.

Allan I have sent David directions where he can borrow a copy of Agriculture
of Tomorrow
Lloyd Charles

 ACRES USA would reprint this book in a moment...if they could get

Should be a sunset clause on copyright - if they have not recouped expenses
from 1978 to now its not our fault!

Re: Lime and Humus

2002-08-11 Thread Hugh Lovel

James, et. al.,

There's nothing like silica for making lime available. Read pages 30
through 33 of Steiner's AGRICULTURE (Lecture Two). Many, many low pH soils
have limestone beneath them. The previous post (below) seems an inspired
method for bringing up the lime. Horn clay should also be able to play a
role in this. It might be a big help, particularly in sandy soils.

I Florida where most of the soils lack clay there commonly is 60 or more
feet (20 meters or so) of sand at the surface and beneath that are
limestone and phosphate deposits. This is the result of lime and phosphate
filtering down through the sand over the eons in this high rainfall
climate. This happens particularly in winter when minerals have the
greatest tendency to crystalize and precipitate. In Steiner's words, . . .
if we are dealing with a soil that does not carry these influences upward
during the winter as it should, it is good to furnish the soil with some
clay, the dosage of which I will indicate later.

As many of us know, Steiner did not later indicate this dosage, nor any
more than barely hint at how it might be prepared or administered. There is
a brief mention in Lecture Four, page 74 of using orthoclase or feldspar,
which are parent materials for clay, to make the horn silica remedy, and (I
haven't found it now, it may have been in one of the discussions) he also
mentioned capping off the open end of the horn with clay. Presumably had
Steiner lived longer this would have come out.

Now, however, we are faced with progressive farmers experimenting with horn
clay while stricter Steiner preservationists cry, Steiner didn't say
that. and That's not BD! Personally I don't care what we call it as long
as we elucidate the scientific principles Steiner tried to open our eyes to.

On one very well run Australian farm in New South Wales the farmer was
showing me a stratum of sandy limestone an inch or two thick that was
exposed in a gully and was a meter or a little less below the surface of
the field. That didn't used to be there when I was a kid. he said. Well,
you may imagine NSW, with its occasional heavy rains, could leach the lime
out of the topsoil and carry it down that far before it hardened into
stone. If this happened repeatedly just such a layer might form, and do so
within one person's lifetime. If this can happen, who is to say it cannot
be reversed, given the right application of dynamic patterns of force? It
is not unheard of for soils to lose a point in pH in a year through
leaching. So why not gain a point in a year from the opposite application
of forces?

Also keep in mind what Robin was saying about not withholding expertise for
personal gain. As some know and others are realizing, we can apply dynamic
patterns over large acreages with radionic instruments and field
broadcasters, to say nothing of Glen Atkinson's method of using low potency
homeopathic combos in high volume spraying. Such progressive methods are
relatively cheap and easy and the more we do them and succeed the more we
learn about how best to do. If all applications of Steiner's remedies are
limited to stirring and spraying we will have quite a struggle trying to
stay afloat on tiny islands of healthy agriculture in a civilization that
is going down the tubes all around us.

Hugh Lovel


Dear Daniel,
Some time ago I wrote of how one of our members had increased the pH of his
soil by using quartz crystals in his flow forms used for stirring the preps.
He was able to increase pH from 5.5 to 6.5 in one year.
The secret apparently was that the preps were stirred [running through the
quartz] intermittently for a month before spraying out. this is one way.
Radiasesthesia and Radionic Analysis
Radionic Insect and Parasite control
Bioethical Agriculture Consultant

- Original Message -
From: Daniel Cohen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 07, 2002 12:00 AM
Subject: Re: Lime and Humus

 Are there other ways to make acidic soil more neutral?  Is that something
 even to worr about?

 - Original Message -
 Sent: Tuesday, August 06, 2002 1:50 AM
 Subject: Re: Lime and Humus

  In a message dated 8/6/02 2:36:19 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   How does lime do this?  Why would destroying the humus-building
  problem in forest soils but not agricultural soils?  Any ideas?
  You must be judicious with lime.  Lime applied to corpses causes more
  decomposition.  Likewise it causes quick release of organic matter
  the humus structure of the soil.  SStorchLime makes the father rich and
  son poor.  That is an old saying that rings true...

Visit our website at:

Re: Kolisko's Work was Re: Viability of Homeopathic Potencies

2002-08-11 Thread Allan Balliett

Should be a sunset clause on copyright - if they have not recouped expenses
from 1978 to now its not our fault!

how can we find out about this?

Let's Get On With It! [was: Kolisko's Work was Re: Viability of Homeopathic Potencies

2002-08-11 Thread Aurora Farm

You guys...why are you worrying about this.  A bunch of BD freaks on an
email list share a long out of date, obscure, long out of print
book...Fragments of it at a time.  Big deal!  Information wants to be
free...the slogan rings true here.  Let's get on with it and discuss it.
I've been curious about Koliskos' work for many years, with no way to find
out about it.  Hooray to Lloyd for having the guts to put it out there for

Aurora Farm. the only
unsubsidized, family-run seed farm
in North America offering garden seeds
grown using Rudolf Steiner's methods
of spiritual agriculture.

-Original Message-
From: Allan Balliett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sunday, August 11, 2002 10:53 AM
Subject: Re: Kolisko's Work was Re: Viability of Homeopathic Potencies

Should be a sunset clause on copyright - if they have not recouped
from 1978 to now its not our fault!

how can we find out about this?

Re: Kolisko's Work was Re: Viability of Homeopathic Potencies

2002-08-11 Thread Robin Duchesneau

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: August 11, 2002 5:28 AM
  Subject: Re: Kolisko's Work was Re: 
  Viability of Homeopathic Potencies
   The copyright of the book is owned by 'Kolisko 
  Archive Publications' which is an English 
  organization. Perhaps someone could tell the history of 
  Kolisko's work and the history of this book's publication for 
  David.Allan I have sent David directions where he can borrow a copy of 
  Agricultureof TomorrowLloyd Charles ACRES USA would 
  reprint this book in a moment...if they could 
  getpermissionShould be a sunset clause on copyright - if they 
  have not recouped expensesfrom 1978 to now its not our 

Kolisko's work

2002-08-11 Thread Deborah Byron

James Stewart, who heads up the Rudolf Steiner Archives, has kindly said
he's willing to post the Kolisko book on his website for everyone's
benefit if someone will scan the book or copy it.  In either case, he
will need a copy of the book for proofing.  If anyone is willing to help
with this, his contact information is:

 the URL:

and James' email address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


FW: (Solara's ) August cosmic surf report

2002-08-11 Thread Jane Sherry
Title: FW: (Solara's ) August cosmic surf report

AUGUST 2002: Swept Away

About the Surf Reports:
Each month I receive anxious emails wondering where the Surf Report is or why it is late? The Surf Reports are based on my intuitive feelings of the energies of the month, not on astrology or numerology. Sometimes, it takes me a few days to tune into the energies of the month especially if I am busy, undergoing a personal crisis, or in a deep quiet place where words don't come easily. 


The Surf has been rising steadily for months now. In July, the current became almost impossibly strong, unhinging us from our old moorings, propelling us into New Directions. Now, in the very exciting month of August, new swirling motions has been added to the Surf, making us feel like we are inside a giant whirlpool. Most whirlpools spin around and pull us down. The swirling whirlpools of August are spiraling us around and around, spiraling both inside us and outside us, pushing us into our new levels of being.

It's easy to see ourselves as small boats which have broken loose from our old anchorages and been pulled out to sea by an extremely strong current. Now a mighty storm is brewing, tossing us this way and that, moving us into unexpected directions. We are surrounded by torrents of rain and crashing thunder and bolts of flashing lightning. The Winds of Change are howling, drowning out all other sounds. There is so much to do: tying down the sails in the billowing wind, bailing the boat which is being pelted with sheets of water, just trying not to capsize or fall overboard as our boat gyrates wildly in the surging seas. 

In the tumult of change all around us, in the pressing urgency of each moment, we have released our comfortable, established routines. Did we eat anything today? Did we remember to get the mail? Did we remember to pay our bills? Did we send a birthday card to our mother? WHERE are we going? None of that matters anymore. There is something far more urgent which we are dealing with. CHANGE. MASSIVE CHANGE. Change so huge that it supersedes everything. The Winds of Change howl and blow Our little boat is pushed deeper out to sea 

Occasionally, we get a glimpse of something blowing away from our boat--- something not tied down, or maybe it was and now it's just time for it to be released. So in spite of our efforts at securing it, off it goes in a blur, absolutely gone from our lives. Forever. We might perhaps be sad at our seeming loss, but we no longer have the luxury of reflection. The Winds of Change are blowing more ferociously with each passing moment and we have too much to deal with. 

We are in the midst of tremendous intensity, yet there is also a sense of exhilaration and excitement that we feel. We don't have a clue where we are going or how the details will play themselves out, but underlying everything is a deep knowing that it's going to be all right. IT'S GOING TO BE BETTER THAN All RIGHT; IT'S GOING TO BE PERFECT. We are being propelled into the lives that we really want. And this raging storm of Change is getting us there.

We are dealing with many seemingly diverse elements in August:

 The relentlessly powerful current pushing us along.

No way to escape it, so we might as well allow it to propel us into the Unknown. It's one of the strongest currents we've ever felt, but it's getting us to where we need to be.

 The swirling, whirling whirlpool energies all around us which make it difficult to focus on specifics or concentrate or plan anything out in our usual fashion. 

These spiraling energies make it utterly impossible to carry on with our old patterns and force us to do things in new ways. We don't have the time and space to think things out; instead we find ourselves in the midst of a flurry of activities with too much to do, doing what we can and letting go of the rest.

 The sometimes forceful shucking off of the old elements of our lives which can't be taken into the New with us.

Most of the time this feels like being caught in a tornado; in the midst of all our activity, we can only observe the blur of change around us. Oops, there goes our roof; there goes our car; there go our old friends; there goes our jobs; there goes our old lives. Whatever no longer belongs to our New Directions is being pulled away from us. This is both tremendously exciting and a bit shocking. If there wasn't so much going on, perhaps, we could stop and think about it.

 The effortless, clicking into place of new locations or residences.

Many of us are moving from July to October. When we find a new place, it will be absolutely perfect for us. These new residences will recalibrate us so we can move into our new levels of creativity. And for those of us who are being relocated, we must move into our new locations before the next phase of our New Lives can begin. If you feel a move coming, know that it will happen surprisingly easily.



2002-08-11 Thread SBruno75

Our pathetic New York leaders want to honor the 9-11 dead by reading the 
''Gettysberg Address'' written and spoken by Abe Lincoln on the hallowed 
battlefields of Gettysberg.
They want to read the ''Four Freedoms'' that was written and spoken by 
Roosevelt after WWII.  What a dishonour to those who died in these battles.  
What a symbol of our times that our catatonic leaders cannot come up with 
some original prose to honour those who died at the WTC on 9-11.  They should 
crawl back under the rock they came out from under to [dis]serve the people 
of the state of NY and these united states...SStorch

Re: Kolisko's Work was Re: Viability of Homeopathic Potencies

2002-08-11 Thread Gil Robertson

Hi! Allan,
I emailed the copy right holder asking what plans there are for reprinting,
saying that there would be a number on this list interested. Yet to hear back.
If they say they have no plans to print it, may be it could be placed on the
'Net as an Ebook for single down load for personal use?


Allan Balliett wrote:

 Should be a sunset clause on copyright - if they have not recouped expenses
 from 1978 to now its not our fault!

 how can we find out about this?

Re: : Koliskos on 'Smallest Entities In Agriculture' and The Calcium Process in Nature (long 6 pages)

2002-08-11 Thread Robin Duchesneau

Hi all,

I'm up for the sharing, reading, and exchanging ideas on Kolisco's 
work. I've read the book about 4 years ago. The book was not mine so 
I don't have a copy.Yes I enjoyed 
readingit.I'll participateaccording 
tothe bits and piecesdelivered on this list.

My comments for are for Chapter 1:

Steiner comments on this part of Kolisko's research in "Mensch und 
Welt: Das Wirken des Geistes in der Natur (1923)":

- "...We have demonstrated with this method the action of smallest 
entities of substances. You see, the effect of very small quantities is 
curiously rhythmic. If we dilute, we obtain at a the end, at a given 
dilution, the best growth. Growth increases and decreases with each 
dilution; this evolution occurs rhythmically. By giving these substances 
to plants, we thus demonstrate that their growth depends on something that acts 
on them from the outside, and what acts on them isrelated to what is 
rhythmic in its environment...".

So... how does this relationship function? What is the outside 
rhythm? I'll venture an opinion. Perhaps the relation is 
that of 'material elements' to 'cosmic rhythms (the motion of the sun, moon, 
planets and constellations). Linking Koliscos'potency' research to 
Maria Thun's ideas about cosmic influence, tells us that the cosmos acts on BOTH 
plants and soil elements.Maria T. showed that, at the time of 
germination,the cosmos influencedeither roots,fruits, leaves, 
or shoots.Kolisko showed that the cosmos 
influenceselementsaccording to dilution in 
water.Perhapsaweb of interactions here? How 
can we formulate this web.?

Second, I wonder about his treatment variable; germination. If 
a potency of 9 is best for lime on germination of seeds, what would be the 
substance and its dilution for, say, leaf growth? Is it possible 
that each plant part has a 'smallest entity' given by 
aspecificsubstance. Couldn't we look at the Maria 
Thun's cosmic conditions to get an answer? For example, leaf signs 
(e.g.Aquarius, Libra, andGemini)would not only 
influenceleave, but specific minerals.What minerals are under 
these cosmic conditions? Couldn't potency be linked tothe chaos that 
a seed encounters under cosmic influence?If this is the case, 
then it should not be to difficult to elaborate.

What say you?

Hmmm... I need more meditation before I turn my attention to Chapter 


  - Original Message - 
  Sent: August 11, 2002 5:05 AM
  Subject: Re: : Koliskos on 'Smallest 
  Entities In Agriculture' and The Calcium Process in Nature (long 6 
  Hi Allan and all .I have added on chapter ten and a few 
  comments at the verybottom for any interested in reading that 
  farKoliskos on 'Smallest Entities In 
  Agriculture' The following is from "Agriculture of Tomorrow" 
  by Eugen and Lily Kolisko. This title is out of print and is 
  reproduced here for purposes of education. "Today, 
  people in general are little inclined to detach themselves from the 
  claims of the material world and to seek the spiritual directly in the 
  physical world around them . . . It is, however, precisely 
  from observing directly the sense-perceptible that a right path will 
  open out for those who wish now to work entirely within the fild of 
  present-day science, if they really seek to discover the spritual 
  there. It can be done . . Chapter 1 
  INTRODUCTION It may seem strange to speak about "smallest 
  entities" in agriculture, but it is absolutely necessary that farmers 
  and gardeners learn to understand this important 
  phenomenon. The problem of minutest quantities, or better 
  "smallest entities," was studied from 1920 in the Biological Institute 
  at the Goetheanum (Stuttgart) and later on in the Biological Institute 
  at Bray, Berks. The attempt to find a remedy for "Footand-Mouth 
  Disease" led us to the question of "smallest entities." What is the 
  right concentration of the specific remedy to be injected? Rudolf 
  Steiner suggested that the effect of different dilutions on 
  germinating plants should be studied. From 1920 until today we have 
  been studying this interesting subject. One might think that this is a 
  medical problem rather than an agricultural one. Of course it is a 
  medical problem in that we are looking for a certain remedy, but it 
  becomes an agricultural problem as well if we study how the growth of 
  plants is affected by substances which are diluted, or rather 
  potentised. What does "potentise" mean? Exactly what the word 
  itself expresses. In potentising a substance, we increase its 
  effectiveness. We make the substance more potent. The strange thing 
  about potentising is, that we have to reduce the amount of the 
  substance which we want to make more potent. In everyday life we are 
  accustomed to think: if we want to make something more effective, we 
  have to take a bigger quantity. For instance, if we want to make 
  coffee sweeter, we 

Re: Kolisko's Work was Re: Viability of Homeopathic Potencies

2002-08-11 Thread James Hedley

Dear Alan,
Could the publisher put it on the web as an eBook.
- Original Message -
From: Gil Robertson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, August 11, 2002 11:16 AM
Subject: Re: Kolisko's Work was Re: Viability of Homeopathic Potencies

 Hi! Allan,
 From what you say and from my look around the 'Net, it would seem that
 Agriclture of Tomorrow, is a work that would be good for us to work
through as a
 group. It would seem that it is out of print, with the last publisher list
it out
 of print. (At forty seven Pound fifty!!!).

 Could it be scanned and put on a Site, in whole or in part? And then at a
 convenient to the leaders on the list, have some sort of protracted
examination of
 the potency part at least. I think it would be good if as many as possible
 the same potencies of our stock Preps and Cures and then posted our
results  so
 that as a group, we can build up a greater understanding of this very
 aspect of homoeopathy and in our case, those potenising sprays and Preps


 Allan Balliett wrote:

  I posted the comment below in the hopes of stimulating some interest
  in posting and discussing the work of the Kolisko's through their
  monumental book, Agriclture of Tomorrow.
  Gosh, it didn't provoke a single rise.
  Is there really no interest on BD Now! in this most important work,
  which was initially directed by RS himself?

Re: Kolisko's Work was Re: Viability of Homeopathic Potencies

2002-08-11 Thread James Hedley

Dear list,
The problems with the work of Lili and Eugen Kolisko is that all the work
that I have seen never resolved an optimum potency which was common to all
plant or agricultural work. Potentisation rates of homoeopathic remedies is
not an exact science that says that if you use this potency you will get
this result. even amongst homoeopathic chat lists there is no common
acceptance that this , or that potency is better than another, it just that
this person used this remedy at this potency and achieved this result. As a
general rule the greater the similarity to the drug picture the higher
potency that you will use, the smaller the dose the more beneficial the
The potencies for agricultural elimination use will  be far different to
those potencies used  for enhancing life force. Even potencies are only
really applicable for that particular time in that particular situation..
The question is what potency will achieve the result that i am looking for
with the minimum amount of substance.
Peter Rheumkoff has removed white ants from a house by broadcasting a pepper
at LMM potency.
The use of homoeopathic dose in large scale agricultural applications has
only really become possible with the development of modern radionic
instruments. It is one thing to do pot trials, another to work over the
vastness of some of Australia's cattle and sheep country. Just try the
logistics of stirring and applying preps over 500,000 acres as some BD
practitioners do in Australia.
When you are using spiritual forces to counteract something, the greatest
source of knowledge of the effects of your work will come from the spiritual
realms. Follow your guidance as to what the optimum potency would be.
I have tried at other times to get people on the list to discuss what they
are doing potency wise with their preps. I have used BD preps at potencies
of up to CM [a dilution of 1/1000 done 100 times] with great results.
There are three effective methods of checking potencies:

1.] The use of a radionic analysis instrument such as a Don Mattioda or
Malcolm Rae instrument, a Bio Photon instrument,  a Bruce Copen or an SE-7
will all give an automatic reading of potencies.Use of a radionic instrument
will give you an exact potency reading. They will give you a reading of
vitality which you can use to compare the effects of different potencies or
treatment options.
2.] The use of a refractometer to test the effects of what you are doing.
This method is promoted by people such as Arden Andersen and Phillip Wheeler
3.] The use of dowsing. As accurate as any radionic instrument. Any one in
Australia who is interested in Agricultural radionics  can come to one of my
courses, where I cover techniques of dowsing and radionics suitable for
agricultural appplications.
The use of any one of these techiques have been discussed at length in the
list over a period of time.
In many cases the correct rate, or alternatively potency rate could be the
subject of intellectual property which someone may not want to give out.
Just write to Glen and ask for how he makes his remedies. Even if he did
tell you everything that he has learnt from his experience you would still
not have that innate grasp of homoeopathy that comes from experience.
Potentisation can never be a cook book science. You will develop a feel for
the  essence of what you are trying to do,  the next thing is to experiment
in the same way as the Kolisko's did. There is never an easy way of gaining
knowledge. Second hand knowledge without a feel for the subject can lead
many a person into strife because the experimenter can affect the outcome of
the experiment.
I hope that this post will stimulate some discussion of methods and
techniques of agricultural radionics.
Sincere regards from the Land of the Wizards of Oz
James Hedley.

Radiasesthesia and Radionic Analysis
Radionic Insect and Parasite control
Bioethical Agriculture Consultant

- Original Message -
From: Allan Balliett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, August 10, 2002 8:40 PM
Subject: Kolisko's Work was Re: Viability of Homeopathic Potencies

 I posted the comment below in the hopes of stimulating some interest
 in posting and discussing the work of the Kolisko's through their
 monumental book, Agriclture of Tomorrow.

 Gosh, it didn't provoke a single rise.

 Is there really no interest on BD Now! in this most important work,
 which was initially directed by RS himself?


 About eight or ten years ago, I heard a talk by an agricultural
 homoeopath, who
 stated some potencies sedated,  while others stimulated, some are life
 supporting and some are life suppressing. I can't find my notes at the
 and I wondered if you had come across this or found it in the work you
 done. I am concerned that some of us armed with only part knowledge, may
 using potencies that have an effect other than the one we are aiming to
 Gil - The Kolisko's tracked this information and 

Re: Viability of Homeopathic Potencies

2002-08-11 Thread James Hedley

Dear Gil,
Nice to hear from you again. You ask about the likely effect of different
potencies in agricultural applications.
This subject has fascinated me for ages, unfortunately I have to report that
I am really no closer to answering that question than when the quest
started. Each time that that the answer seems to be in reach there seems to
come along another explanation that might help illumine my path. It seems to
be like Einstein's search for a unified field. If only I first knew all the
physics of why homoeopathy works as it does it would be a good start.
At present I am studying wave theory and frequency, as something that I read
in one of Phillip Callahans books may help. He was talking about a spring
tyne cultivator made in Australia that thad a reputation as being very good
for weed control. Callahan tested it and found that it resonated at 700 hz,
close enough to the frequency of Indigo [698 hz]. Further research into the
effect of colour indicates that Indigo has the effect of sedation. Maybe
there could be a use for colour therapy in soil amellioration.
If there is a correlation between potentisation and frequency it should be
possible to design experiments to test this theory. Does anyone have any
ideas how this might be done or any ideas about the relationship of
potentisation to frequency.

Yours sincerely
James Hedley

- Original Message -
From: Gil Robertson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 07, 2002 11:42 AM
Subject: Re: Viability of Homeopathic Potencies

 Hi! James,
 Would you like to post on your take on the likely effect of different

 About eight or ten years ago, I heard a talk by an agricultural
homoeopath, who
 stated some potencies sedated,  while others stimulated, some are life
 supporting and some are life suppressing. I can't find my notes at the
 and I wondered if you had come across this or found it in the work you
 done. I am concerned that some of us armed with only part knowledge, may
 using potencies that have an effect other than the one we are aiming to


 James Hedley wrote:

  Dear Lloyd, Alan and everyone,
  Greetings from the Land of the Wizards of Oz. I have potencies in water
  are up to 10 years old and they are still effective.
  Alcohol in the water is a good preserving medium. I use about 20%, but
  the remedy is to be used immediately straight water will do. I use
  off the roof, however when the water supply runs low in the tank we pump
  spring water so there is always a plentiful supply of minerals in the
  When potentising large quantities of water into a spray tank for a boom
  spray etc a bit of molasses [around 2litres per 1000 litres is enough.]
  gives enough carbon to improve the potentisation. There is no scientific
  proof that this is more effective, but energetically it seems to take
  less time than potentising into straight water.With a Rae 2 Pot
potentiser I
  can potentise 5000 litres in around 30 minutes.-
  As for the use of D6 Equisetumthis is fine if you are hand dynamising
  with a two pot potentiser I would look at 60C as being more efective.
  more dilute the substance the more efficaceous it becomes, particularly
  soil amellioration work.
  Kind regards
  James Original Message -
  From: Lloyd Charles [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Saturday, June 01, 2002 8:06 AM
  Subject: Re: Viability of Homeopathic Potencies
   - Original Message -
   From: Allan Balliett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Friday, May 31, 2002 8:10 PM
   Subject: Re: Viability of Homeopathic Potencies
Dear Lloyd, et al,
I was looking at the Kolisko preferred receipe for 508 in Peter
Proctor's book the other day. It's a D6 potentization of equesitum
tea. Proctor asks for distilled water but I wouldn't think that that
would be economically practical for us as the potentization was
carried into gallons. Am I safe to assume that I can make a
soon-to-be-used dilution with regular spring water? -allan
   I can't see a problem - we use clean rainwater - if I lived in the
   had a nice clean potable spring I would use that
   Instrument potentised or dilution and sucussion ? (just curious)
   Llolyd Charles

Re: Insect peppers.

2002-08-11 Thread James Hedley

Dear Gil, 
Apologies for the delay in answering, the weather has been 
so unseasonably warm thatI have been busy doing work that normally would 
not need doing until spring.
I dont know why your experiment has not worked. If divine 
inspiration gives me an answer I will contact you.
There is just so much to learn about agricultural 
radionics that it is important to know what has not worked as well as what has. 
The only thing that I can think of is that it could have been burnt in Mercury 
in retrograde which appears to nullify the effects of burning 
James Hedley

  - Original Message - 
  Gil Robertson 
  Sent: Thursday, August 08, 2002 3:56 
  Subject: Re: Insect peppers.
  Hi! James, the tin cans were used to contain the material being 
  burnt. I use the tin only once to avoid pollution. I used fruit wood, so that 
  there was little chance of resin, essential oil or other material from the 
  wood getting into pepper. 
  The burning fruit wood is the heat source and the tin is the containment. 
  James Hedley wrote: 

Dear Gil, I have difficulty 
follwing the part of your post " the burning was at the right time by the Llewellyn's Moon Guide you  recommended. I remember clearly it in the small hours of a 
particularly cold  night. I used fruit wood from pruning my fruit trees and a 
new tin can for each  Prep. I did ten or so that time." Could you please clarify 
what you were doing again as I can't see what 
pruning fruit trees, tin cans and preps have to 
do with each other. Regards James 

Re: : Koliskos on 'Smallest Entities In Agriculture' and TheCalcium Process in Nature (long 6 pages)

2002-08-11 Thread Allan Balliett

Hi all,

I'm up for the sharing, reading, and exchanging ideas on Kolisco's 
work.  I've read the book about 4 years ago.  The book was not mine 
so I don't have a copy.  Yes I enjoyed reading it.I'll 
participate according to the bits and pieces delivered on this list.

My comments for are for Chapter 1:

Steiner comments on this part of Kolisko's research in Mensch und 
Welt: Das Wirken des Geistes in der Natur (1923):

Thanks very much for your contribution to this discussion, Robin. And 
thanks for twisting the thread off from the finger and back to the 
moon. -Allan

ADMIN: Re: : Koliskos on 'Smallest Entities In Agriculture' and The Calcium Process in Nature (long 6 pages)

2002-08-11 Thread Allan Balliett

Folks - Let's try to minimize the quote material posted to the list. 
Please quote only enough lines suffecient unto the meaning of the 
day, ok?



Re: 9-11

2002-08-11 Thread Allan Balliett

Our pathetic New York leaders want to honor the 9-11 dead

Steve - I understood you to say a few weeks ago that the 9/11 
holocaust was setup by corporation that needed government funding to 
move out of NYC.

You last couple of posts do not seem consistant with the theory.

Where are you at now on this?


Re: 9-11

2002-08-11 Thread SBruno75

are you starting with me???  I relayed a piece of info from an aquaintance in 
regrds to the events in Manhattan and the deteriorating infrastructure...the 
9-11 message is about the potato[e] heads that lead our state...where is the 

Re: Let's Get On With It! [was: Kolisko's Work was Re: Viability of Homeopathic Potencies

2002-08-11 Thread Lloyd Charles

- Original Message -
From: Aurora Farm
 You guys...why are you worrying about this.  A bunch of BD freaks on an
 email list share a long out of date, obscure, long out of print
 book...Fragments of it at a time.  Big deal!  Information wants to be
 free...the slogan rings true here.  Let's get on with it and discuss it.
 I've been curious about Koliskos' work for many years, with no way to find
 out about it.  Hooray to Lloyd for having the guts to put it out there for
Thanks Woody but Allan should get all the credit for this - he started it
many months ago

Re: : Koliskos on 'Smallest Entities In Agriculture' and The Calcium Process in Nature (long 6 pages)

2002-08-11 Thread Robin Duchesneau

Dear Allan,

You said: -"...thanks for twisting the thread off from the finger and 
back to the moon. -Allan".

Bienvenue mon ami! Thanks.

I agree. People should not only focus on who is pointing the finger, 
but consider thedirection of the finger . Yes details are important, 
butonly on a relative scale. I say --- be humble, share 
information, cautious, proud,and learn... ---.

Thank you for pointing the finger.


  - Original Message - 
  Allan Balliett 
  Sent: August 11, 2002 5:54 PM
  Subject: Re: : Koliskos on 'Smallest 
  Entities In Agriculture' and The Calcium Process in Nature (long 6 
  Hi all,I'm up for the sharing, reading, and 
  exchanging ideas on Kolisco's work. I've read the book about 4 
  years ago. The book was not mine so I don't have a copy. 
  Yes I enjoyed reading it. I'll participate according 
  to the bits and pieces delivered on this list.My comments for 
  are for Chapter 1:Steiner comments on this part of Kolisko's 
  research in "Mensch und Welt: Das Wirken des Geistes in der Natur 
  (1923)":Thanks very much for your contribution to this discussion, 
  Robin. And thanks for twisting the thread off from the finger and back to 
  the moon. -Allan

Re: 9-11

2002-08-11 Thread Allan Balliett

are you starting with me???  I relayed a piece of info from an aquaintance in
regrds to the events in Manhattan and the deteriorating infrastructure...the
9-11 message is about the potato[e] heads that lead our state...where is the

To me there is a huge gulf between the two and I was trying to 
account for your sentiments, or to try to re-adjust my perceptions.

Count me in Mr. Roboz' court on this one.

It's the kind of country where a guy can be caught with his pants 
down and beat impeachment by bombing Iraq.

Who knows what else is possible? (Or just how long before we will F 
the ineffible?

Re: Kolisko's Work was Re: Viability of Homeopathic Potencies

2002-08-11 Thread Peter Michael Bacchus

 ACRES USA would reprint this book in a moment...if they could get
I'm quite sure this could be negotiated  with the Kolisko's trust. It may
cost a few U.S.$ but that would be recouped after printing.

Re: Kolisko's Work was Re: Viability of Homeopathic Potencies

2002-08-11 Thread Peter Michael Bacchus

 Ironically, here in the US, a homeopathic pharmacy cannot potentize a 
 substance for me without a doctor's prescription (!)
Is it legal for you to import homeopthically prepared substances?

Re: Kolisko's Work was

2002-08-11 Thread Allan Balliett

Please keep me posted ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) on the avail. of this title from 
these folk. My biggest question: do they have 1 copy each or do they 
have stock? -Allan

Agriculture of Tomorrow is available in paperback 1982 ed  for 8 
pounds 50 (uk)  and original hardback ed 1978 for 35 pounds (uk) 
from from the Country Bookshop online bookstore. To access the 
bookstore go to

the country bookstore link is near the bottom of the page.
