Re: FW: [globalnews] How Farmers Stopped Mexico's New InternationalAirport From Being Built

2002-08-20 Thread Merla Barberie

Allan:  I want to read this.  Can you put it in an email?

Jane Sherry wrote:


Re: Me Too! Re: STRIPPED ATTACHMENT Re: : Koliskos on 'SmallestEntities In Agriculture'and The Calcium Process in Nature (long 6 pages)

2002-08-20 Thread Vere Scott


I'd say it started about one week ago, less than two weeks.  I got
concerned enough to contact you last Friday or Saturday.  Certainly it was
on a minority of bdnow posts and I neglected to notice if it was happening
to a certain type of post.  I think whoever said it was on the subject of


Allan Balliett wrote:
> >Me too!  Regularly.
> >
> >Vere Scott
> Regularly since when? -Allan

Re: STRIPPED ATTACHMENT Re: : Koliskos on 'Smallest Entities InAgriculture' and The Calcium Process in Nature (long 6 pages)

2002-08-20 Thread Roger Pye

Lloyd Charles wrote:

>>From : Allan Balliett )
>>How many others are getting this ATTACHMENT ... REMOVED message?
>Hi Allan
>Not me.  Robin's message did not come through at all . I have had one with
>attachment on 16th from SRC ? and one HaHaHa Snow white on 18th . There has
>been a few empty messages over the last couple weeks from regular posters.
>Maybe this message comes with a particular brand of virus software?
>Lloyd Charles
I have just checked all messages since I joined the list. All messages 
with attachments stripped from them  (that I have kept) since the Moen 
Creek on on 17 Aug include these lines:

> This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not understand
this format, some or all of this message may not be legible.

No messages with attachments received before that date included these 
lines. For the most part they say "This message is in MME multi-part 
format" which is standard.  

Actually my 'reader' (browser, Netscape 6) does understand MIME format - 
perhaps the list software doesn't!


Re: Me Too! Re: STRIPPED ATTACHMENT Re: : Koliskos on 'Smallest Entities In Agriculture'and The Calcium Process in Nature (long 6 pages)

2002-08-20 Thread Roger Pye

Roger Pye wrote:

> Following messages have had attachments stripped:
> Moen Creek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 17 Aug  FW: [helpinghands] Cool Links 
> and Books
> Moen Creek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 18 Aug  Re: Kolisko's Work was
> Robin Duchesneau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 19 Aug Re: Koliskos on 
> 'Smallest Entities
> Jane Sherry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 20 Aug FW [globalnews] World 
> Healing Day
> Jane Sherry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 21 Aug FW [globalnews] Cash for 
> Oxygen
> Jane Sherry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 21 Aug FW [globalnews] How Farmers 
> Stopped
> Robin Duchesneau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 21 Aug Re: Koliskos: The 
> Calcium Process
Further to the above. Going on what Sharon said I have checked the 
Message Source for the above messages (hit the VIEW menu in Netscape, 
the equivalenet in MIE, to find the message source). In every case the 
email message from the originator and the attachment is there in plain 
english (not in code as it usually would be) and is followed immediately 
by two lines of html and then ATTACHMENT AUTOMATICALLY STRIPPED. As far 
as the message on screen is concerned, all that shows is the capitalised 
text, there is nothing else other than the sender's details.

Allan, I would say this is an anti-virus program/firewall routine in the 
list software working overtime.



Re: STRIPPED ATTACHMENT Re: : Koliskos on 'Smallest Entities InAgriculture' and The Calcium Process in Nature (long 6 pages)

2002-08-20 Thread Lloyd Charles

>From : Allan Balliett )

> How many others are getting this ATTACHMENT ... REMOVED message?
> -Allan

Hi Allan
Not me.  Robin's message did not come through at all . I have had one with
attachment on 16th from SRC ? and one HaHaHa Snow white on 18th . There has
been a few empty messages over the last couple weeks from regular posters.
Maybe this message comes with a particular brand of virus software?
Lloyd Charles

Re: Me Too! Re: STRIPPED ATTACHMENT Re: : Koliskos on 'Smallest Entities In Agriculture'and The Calcium Process in Nature (long 6 pages)

2002-08-20 Thread Roger Pye

Allan Balliett wrote:

>> I've sent you an email on this, Allan, have you received it? 
>> Regularly since 17 August. The last attachment I received was 12 August.
>> roger
> Roger What does 'regularly' mean in this case? Every message or some 
> messages on a regular basis? -Allan
Following messages have had attachments stripped:

Moen Creek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 17 Aug  FW: [helpinghands] Cool Links and 
Moen Creek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 18 Aug  Re: Kolisko's Work was
Robin Duchesneau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 19 Aug Re: Koliskos on 
'Smallest Entities
Jane Sherry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 20 Aug FW [globalnews] World Healing Day
Jane Sherry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 21 Aug FW [globalnews] Cash for Oxygen
Jane Sherry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 21 Aug FW [globalnews] How Farmers 
Robin Duchesneau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 21 Aug Re: Koliskos: The 
Calcium Process

Note that Oz is a day ahead of most of you and the date shown is that of 
receipt. Also I've truncated the subjects. There have been others 
stripped of attachments but I deleted them a day or so ago.

hope this helps


Re: Koliskos: The Calcium Process in Nature

2002-08-20 Thread kentjamescarson

 hi all , this relates as well to the deleted attachments  subject,  i
checked my deleted items and did get the complete file from robin and did
save it as well for later reference. so much to learn. ;)sharon
- Original Message -
From: "Robin Duchesneau" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, August 20, 2002 11:30 PM
Subject: Koliskos: The Calcium Process in Nature


<<<  In reply to L. Charles's past message about Chapter X. >>>

I'm re-sending this post because it is possible that the last time it got
<> from the thread.  This time I'm sending the 'smallest entity'


I  like the concept of going back in earth's geohistories for gaining a
deeper understanding of minerals and how they interact with life organisms.

Kolisko plunges all the way back to the "archaic" ; a geological term where
old layers are void of any fossils.  His statement that the whole of earthly
matter was living substance, reminds me of the Gaia hypothesis; that earth
is a living organism.  The slight difference being that back then it was in
a liquid state.

We can go even further back into time!  Anthroposophy teaches us that in
ancient times the sun, earth, and the moon were united into one single
cosmic body.  The moon being inside the earth, and earth being inside the
sun.  At the time earth's atmosphere contained prussic acid and carbonic
acid.  What's also interesting is that humans lived there, not corporeally,
rather as spirits.  When the earth separated from the sun we received
nitrogen from prussic acid, and oxygen from carbonic acid.   This is way
nitrogen is a sun element, and oxygen belongs to the moon.  As for the
origin of carbon, it also comes from the sun and moon.  She left us coal
inside the soil (formed from carbonic acid) and carbon in the exterior, and
he left us small quantities of carbon that lives in plants.  Calcium was
excreted from the sun and gave us lime.

Kolisko also mentions that:  "... If we want to understand calcium as a
substance,then we must observe, for instance, how it slowly crystallizes out
of the water...".   My feeling is that we should perhaps try this experiment
in January and February, when earth's crystallization forces are in full

I agree with the statement that: "... We must grasp the whole process: the
silica-process, the calcium-process, the sulphur-process, the
nitrogen-process, etc.; a "process" embraces much more than substance
alone.".  For me, this is the essence of Anthroposophy, BD farming, and
gaining spiritual knowledge.

Your turn,


Re: Taking another step.

2002-08-20 Thread Patti Berg

Allan Balliett wrote:

> And, hell, Patti, you oughta come up here on Sept 4 and catch JOEL
> SALATIN's presentation. Joel's "layering" concepts, coupled with
> local 'relationship marketing," allow a farmer to make a lot of money
> off from his acres without ever planting a vegetable...
> -Allan

Now this sounds great.  I've been doing some research on Joel Salatin and
Polyface Farm.  I like his concepts.  Thanks for the tip Allan.

p.s. below is an excerpt from an interview done with Joel Salatin that I
found particularly interesting.
Joel: Well, our successes have been based upon synergistic, symbiotic
enterprises, coupled with a marketing
mechanism that allows us to capture premium retail dollars. For example,
right now we produce about 100
dozen eggs a day from 2000 layers, and these are pasture-fed within feather
nets (which are electrified poultry
netting). A moveable shelter within the netting is moved every three days,
involving 1000 birds on a quarter acre
(one tenth of a hectare). This model allows one person, working seven hours
a week, on three acres, to net
$15,000 a year. Another example is called the "Biniary". This is bunnies,
vineyard and aviary all in one. This is a
quarter acre, totally enclosed with poultry netting. The vineyard trellis
poles hold up the netting. The bird netting
keeps predators away from the rabbits and keeps birds out of the grapes when
the fruit ripens, and it keeps the
pheasants in. The jumbo pheasants debug the vineyard, the rabbits mow the
vineyard - both of these fertilize the
vineyard. The grapes shade the rabbits, and the vine trellises are roosts
for the pheasants at night. The
pheasants are diurnal and the rabbits are nocturnal, so they are not even
competing for the same square
footage in any 24-hour period. The big cost of a vineyard is bug control,
dropped fruit (which overseasons the
pathogens) and ground cover maintenance. They are always mowing, mowing,
mowing. The rabbits take care
of that, the pheasants take care of the bugs and dropped fruit, and you get
this wonderful synergistic effect of
the three enterprises together. This model generates about $5000 net profit
per year from a quarter acre. The
rabbit house, where Daniel keeps his breeding stock, is two tiers of
production; breeding does (rabbits) at eye
level and chickens underneath. If you go to any commercial rabbitry, you’ll
find that you can’t walk in for the
smell. The beauty of this is that you have a standard two-car garage - a 700
square foot facility, and the rabbits
at eye level are dropping hay, urine and manure down into the bedding. Every
three weeks we add a carbon
source like woodchips, sawdust, leaves, straw, corn fodder, cotton trash,
rice hulls – whatever organic matter is
available to put in there. The chickens then incorporate it, scratch it and
fluff it with the rabbit urine and manure
and create a very low temperature decomposition. Very slow and gentle, it
gradually builds up during the year to
2 ½ to 3 ft deep. There is no smell, you get two tiers of production in the
same facility - rabbits and eggs. We’re
talking about grossing $9000, netting $4000 a year in a two-car garage. The
other thing is that neither species
is at a density that kicks in pathogen problems and smells - all of the
normal problems with factory-type farming.

The "eggmobile" is another example. The eggmobiles are two portable chicken
houses, which have 800 layers
in them. They follow the cows in the pasture rotation. The cows of course
are dropping manure, which is the
incubator for pathogens and parasitic organisms, so we run the eggmobile
behind the cows three days later.
The flies lay eggs in the manure and larvae hatch. The chickens scratch
through the cow patties hunting larvae.
This spreading process actually triples the land area covered by the animal
manure, and it is balanced on the
soil - you don’t have an over-fertilized repugnancy spot. The chickens
effectively eat out the parasitic worms, so
there is no spending on systemic wormers and grubicides to kill the bugs in
the cows. We are harvesting
$15,000 per year on eggs as a byproduct of this pasture sanitation program.

These are the type of symbiotic, synergistic models we can create. The point
is that we need to think holistically.
We need to think about interrelationships and interconnections, as opposed
to the linear, reductionist,
straight-line thinking that dogs modern agriculture.

ADMIN: Are there attachments?

2002-08-20 Thread Allan Balliett

So, Jane, is there any chance that you actually sent an attachment?

I've forwarded this problem to envirolink. They recently upgraded 
their software. We can rest assured that this new glitch is a feature 
and not a bug. Let's hope we can just drop this swell option.


>This has never happened to me, I usually get the attachments which usually,
>not always, is followed by a reminder from Allan not to do it. Sounds like a
>local ISP thing. Whoops!! I just checked my folders I don't seem to have
>received that E-mail.
>David C
>PS I have just found a attachment to Janes post on "World Healing day"
>saying that an attachment had been stripped. Is there a virus at work?

Re: Me Too! Re: STRIPPED ATTACHMENT Re: : Koliskos on 'SmallestEntities In Agriculture'and The Calcium Process in Nature (long 6 pages)

2002-08-20 Thread Allan Balliett

>I've sent you an email on this, Allan, have you received it? 
>Regularly since 17 August. The last attachment I received was 12 

Roger What does 'regularly' mean in this case? Every message or some 
messages on a regular basis? -Allan

Re: STRIPPED ATTACHMENT Re: : Koliskos on 'Smallest Entities InAgriculture' and The Calcium Process in Nature (long 6 pages)

2002-08-20 Thread Patti Berg

I am getting the same thing. ATTACHMENT REMOVED.

Allan Balliett wrote:

> First off, tech questions are best sent directly to me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Next, the message you refer to was 19k in size and I received the full thing.
> How many others are getting this ATTACHMENT ... REMOVED message?
> -Allan
> >How do we get all these emails that are being stripped?
> >
> >Gil
> >
> >Robin Duchesneau wrote:
> >

Re: Storing Preps

2002-08-20 Thread Jane Sherry

> Word of advice to you city people: do not carry JPI bagged 501 in
> your shirt pocket and absentmindedly lay it on the sales counter at
> the WalMart while searching your pocket for that blank check you
> folded and shoved in their earlier in the morning...

Glad you haven't lost your sense of humor, Allan. I guess you can tell I
haven't quite made it past the plastic bags this season. Good thing I have
some of Glen's all-in-one homeopathic preps (which are stored in plastic
btw...Glen, should I have transferred it to glass?).


Re: Me Too! Re: STRIPPED ATTACHMENT Re: : Koliskos on 'Smallest Entities In Agriculture'and The Calcium Process in Nature (long 6 pages)

2002-08-20 Thread Roger Pye

Allan Balliett wrote:

>> Me too!  Regularly.
>> Vere Scott
> Regularly since when? -Allan
I've sent you an email on this, Allan, have you received it? Regularly 
since 17 August. The last attachment I received was 12 August.


Koliskos: The Calcium Process in Nature

2002-08-20 Thread Robin Duchesneau


Re: Me Too! Re: STRIPPED ATTACHMENT Re: : Koliskos on 'SmallestEntities In Agriculture'and The Calcium Process in Nature (long 6 pages)

2002-08-20 Thread Gil Robertson

In my case, maybe a week.

No other lists are involved in my case.


Allan Balliett wrote:

> >Me too!  Regularly.
> >
> >Vere Scott
> Regularly since when? -Allan

Re: FW: [globalnews] How Farmers Stopped Mexico's New InternationalAirport From Being Built

2002-08-20 Thread Gil Robertson

Here is yet another stripped email. (In this weather too!)


Jane Sherry wrote:


Re: STRIPPED ATTACHMENT Re: : Koliskos on 'Smallest Entities In Agriculture' and The Calcium Process in Nature (long 6 pages)

2002-08-20 Thread Gil Robertson

>  Is there a virus at work?

Dunno, but have had about a dozen empty emails from BD Now, but none from anyone
else. Anyone see some chemical stained finger prints on the blank email?


> - Original Message -
> From: "Allan Balliett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Wednesday, 21 August 2002 1:52 AM
> Subject: STRIPPED ATTACHMENT Re: : Koliskos on 'Smallest Entities In
> Agriculture' and The Calcium Process in Nature (long 6 pages)
> > First off, tech questions are best sent directly to me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> > Next, the message you refer to was 19k in size and I received the full
> thing.
> >
> > How many others are getting this ATTACHMENT ... REMOVED message?
> >
> > -Allan
> >
> > >How do we get all these emails that are being stripped?
> > >
> > >Gil
> > >
> > >Robin Duchesneau wrote:
> > >
> >
> >

Re: Me Too! Re: STRIPPED ATTACHMENT Re: : Koliskos on 'SmallestEntities In Agriculture'and The Calcium Process in Nature (long 6 pages)

2002-08-20 Thread Allan Balliett

>Me too!  Regularly.
>Vere Scott

Regularly since when? -Allan

Re: STRIPPED ATTACHMENT Re: : Koliskos on 'Smallest Entities In Agriculture' and The Calcium Process in Nature (long 6 pages)

2002-08-20 Thread D & S Chamberlain

This has never happened to me, I usually get the attachments which usually,
not always, is followed by a reminder from Allan not to do it. Sounds like a
local ISP thing. Whoops!! I just checked my folders I don't seem to have
received that E-mail.
David C
PS I have just found a attachment to Janes post on "World Healing day"
saying that an attachment had been stripped. Is there a virus at work?

- Original Message -
From: "Allan Balliett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, 21 August 2002 1:52 AM
Subject: STRIPPED ATTACHMENT Re: : Koliskos on 'Smallest Entities In
Agriculture' and The Calcium Process in Nature (long 6 pages)

> First off, tech questions are best sent directly to me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Next, the message you refer to was 19k in size and I received the full
> How many others are getting this ATTACHMENT ... REMOVED message?
> -Allan
> >How do we get all these emails that are being stripped?
> >
> >Gil
> >
> >Robin Duchesneau wrote:
> >

FW: [globalnews] How Farmers Stopped Mexico's New InternationalAirport From Being Built

2002-08-20 Thread Jane Sherry


Me Too! Re: STRIPPED ATTACHMENT Re: : Koliskos on 'Smallest Entities In Agriculture'and The Calcium Process in Nature (long 6 pages)

2002-08-20 Thread Vere Scott

Me too!  Regularly.

Vere Scott

Teresa Seed wrote:
> Me for one.
> Teresa
> >From: Allan Balliett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: STRIPPED ATTACHMENT Re: : Koliskos on 'Smallest Entities In
> >Agriculture'  and  The Calcium   Process in Nature (long 6 pages)
> >Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2002 11:52:40 -0400
> >
> >First off, tech questions are best sent directly to me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> >Next, the message you refer to was 19k in size and I received the full
> >thing.
> >
> >How many others are getting this ATTACHMENT ... REMOVED message?
> >
> >-Allan
> >
> >>How do we get all these emails that are being stripped?
> >>
> >>Gil
> >>
> >>Robin Duchesneau wrote:
> >>
> >
> _
> MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos:

Re: STRIPPED ATTACHMENT Re: : Koliskos on 'Smallest Entities In Agriculture'and The Calcium Process in Nature (long 6 pages)

2002-08-20 Thread Teresa Seed

Me for one.


>From: Allan Balliett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: STRIPPED ATTACHMENT Re: : Koliskos on 'Smallest Entities In 
>Agriculture'  and  The Calcium   Process in Nature (long 6 pages)
>Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2002 11:52:40 -0400
>First off, tech questions are best sent directly to me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Next, the message you refer to was 19k in size and I received the full 
>How many others are getting this ATTACHMENT ... REMOVED message?
>>How do we get all these emails that are being stripped?
>>Robin Duchesneau wrote:

MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos:

OT: FW: [globalnews] Cash-For-Oxygen Catching on in PollutedCalcutta

2002-08-20 Thread Jane Sherry


Re: Storing Preps

2002-08-20 Thread Allan Balliett

>  > I keep my preps in old timey hinge-topped mason jars, with the rubber
>>  removed. I keep the jars closed but not latched. The idea is that,
>>  without the rubber, the jars provide 'just the right amount of
>>  aeration..'
>>  -Allan
>Does that mean you take them out of the little plastic bags & put them loose
>into the mason jars or just stick the plastic bags themselves into the jars?

Jane - I take them out of the little plastic bags. Plastic is not a 
stable material. It bleeds nasty molecules continually. I do collect 
the empty bags, however.

Word of advice to you city people: do not carry JPI bagged 501 in 
your shirt pocket and absentmindedly lay it on the sales counter at 
the WalMart while searching your pocket for that blank check you 
folded and shoved in their earlier in the morning...

STRIPPED ATTACHMENT Re: : Koliskos on 'Smallest Entities InAgriculture' and The Calcium Process in Nature (long 6 pages)

2002-08-20 Thread Allan Balliett

First off, tech questions are best sent directly to me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Next, the message you refer to was 19k in size and I received the full thing.

How many others are getting this ATTACHMENT ... REMOVED message?


>How do we get all these emails that are being stripped?
>Robin Duchesneau wrote:

Re: Storing Preps

2002-08-20 Thread SBruno75

In a message dated 8/20/02 3:52:35 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< Peat gets woven into blankets to be used as protection against UV radiation

and electromagnetic contamination. The Barrel Compost equivalent we

sometimes get from some BD bigwig in Germany is completely dry.

Do forces prefer wet of dry media ??

Gideon. >>

Good question.  I have been working with slowly drying out 
preparations/remedies.  Seems to me that wet or moist remedies continue to 
evolve biologically and that drying is a good way to arrest this process.  
They seem to work just the same and are easier to measure.  It is after all 
the forces we are looking for in these remedies, the available biology is a 
side bonus on application...sstorch

FW: [globalnews] World Healing Day: August 22 Global Meditation

2002-08-20 Thread Jane Sherry


Re: Storing Preps

2002-08-20 Thread Jane Sherry

> I keep my preps in old timey hinge-topped mason jars, with the rubber
> removed. I keep the jars closed but not latched. The idea is that,
> without the rubber, the jars provide 'just the right amount of
> aeration..'
> -Allan

Does that mean you take them out of the little plastic bags & put them loose
into the mason jars or just stick the plastic bags themselves into the jars?


Re: : Koliskos on 'Smallest Entities In Agriculture' and The Calcium Process in Nature (long 6 pages)

2002-08-20 Thread Gil Robertson

How do we get all these emails that are being stripped?


Robin Duchesneau wrote:


Re: Storing Preps

2002-08-20 Thread gideon cowen

Peat gets woven into blankets to be used as protection against UV radiation
and electromagnetic contamination. The Barrel Compost equivalent we
sometimes get from some BD bigwig in Germany is completely dry.
Do forces prefer wet of dry media ??
- Original Message -
From: "Allan Balliett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, August 20, 2002 3:23 AM
Subject: Re: Storing Preps

> Thanks, David.
> I've heard that the peat moss protects from wave contamination, such
> as electromagnetic (e.g. wall current) contamination. -Allan